Entries for August 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 |
August 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 5186 Views
- HSTA responds to Perreira: We won’t allow others to ignore, take advantage of, or disrespect our Sacrifice
- NY Judge orders Waikiki Edition Returned to Marriott by 2:30PM Today
- Mufi’s Losing Ways
- CB: People call Hannemann a Bully
- Mufi: My experience with Rail prepares me to deal with Federal Deficit
- SA Touts Cheating as Key to DoE Success
- HSTA Lawyer Grills Former HSTA President over his Role in Negotiations
- Hawaii Hurricane Fund raided, FEMA funds nearly gone
- Poll: Only 39% have Favorable Opinion of The Abercrombie
- CD2: Three Democrats, no Republican yet
- Gabbard's Six Unions backed Abercrombie Last Time
- Suit targets police chief for denying gun permit
- Push Back against Laupahoehoe Charter Conversion
- Crisis? Abercrombie begins Creating Positions with 50 Hires at DoT
- Lack of Computers, Failure to Outsource causes 75% of Elevators to lack inspection
- WaPo: Federal lawsuit against American Samoa’s government claims age discrimination of workers
- Desperate for Wind Scam, Murdock Threatens to Sell Lanai
- AKP Claims Giant Microwave Biofuel processor is not Pie in the Sky
- FARCE: Mililani Trask squabbles with 9-11 Trooother over Profits from Geothermal
- Big Island Dope Dealer Founded Dope Church in Back of Police Car
- Evicted by UH Manoa, PBS Hawaii gets $5m grant, moving to new digs
- Hawaii AG Joins Newspaper war against Free Online Classifieds
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011 |
August 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:37 PM :: 7462 Views
- Djou Endorses Mitt Romney for President
- Mufi Hannemann announces Congressional Campaign
- Mufi’s Republican Army: The Bush Family Connection
- Lawyer: US Supreme Court needs to Hear Hokulia Bypass Case
- Time Has Come for States to Take Strong Action on Iran
- Nominees Sought for UH Board of Regents
- National Journal: Case against the Base, Hirono against the Voters, Lingle Wins
- Hawaii Politicos: Hirono can’t beat Lingle, Campaign will be Expensive and Brutal
- Building Trades endorse Gabbard for CD2
- HSTA to Supreme Court: Force HLRB to Issue Ruling
- Activists: Ethics Rules shouldn’t apply to us
- 2 a.m. takeover challenged: Marriott says it will fight the "illegal" ousting of the hotel's management team
- Aulani Ribbon Cutting
- Feds Allege Violence, Extortion At Waikiki Nightspot
- 50 soldiers in Hilo-based National Guard helicopter unit to deploy to Iraq
- Rail Opponents: DLNR Statement on Burials 'Patently False'
- Straney: California Justifies UH Tuition Hike
- Lanai at risk of losing what makes it special
- Lege Asks School Bus Contractors For Answers
- Maui Lawmakers Want Answers On Vacant Housing
- State Seeks Executive Director to Spearhead Public Land Development
- Profitable non-profits hand out $10K Bonuses to top Execs
- City to install 34 security cameras for APEC meeting
- Former Campbell Estate trustee Fred Trotter dies
- Big Island fish farm says experiment going well
- Establishing a County-Run Religion: Maui County seeks Department of Sustainability
- Federal Agents Raid Maui Animal Sanctuary because it doesn’t Kill Endangered Birds
- Mexican Salmonella Sends Papaya King Running to Hawaii for help
- Agent Orange Deadline Tomorrow
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Monday, August 29, 2011 |
August 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 14120 Views
- 2AM Raid: Hotel owners Boot Marriott from Waikiki Edition, strip signs, change locks
- TheBus is going to be faster than TheTrain?
- Battleship Missouri to Commemorate 66th Anniversary of Japanese Surrender
- Inouye: “People may resent” Abercrombie -- Gives Nod to Hirono, Mufi
- Many Democrats Doubt Hirono can beat Lingle -- Mufi could enter Senate race
- Transparency needed as UH Prof Squabble over Free Trips
- Activists and Profitable non-profits panic over Task Force Lobbying Restrictions
- Volunteers take over Kauai County Bridge Project, cost suddenly drops from $4M to $25K
- Abercrombie says he's ready to negotiate with teachers union
- The Negotiators Behind Hawaii Teachers Contract
- Inouye: Appropriations, not Super Committee will decide how much will be cut from Defense
- OHA Takes Second Shot at Claiming Its Employees Aren't Public
- High Overtime at Hawaii's Juvenile Detention Home
- Micronesians wonder Where did our Real Friends Go?
- Volcanoes park scores poorly in national review
- Mega Solar Project Proposed for O`ahu
- KPD Blue no more: Ready to start accreditation process
- Hawaii No. 1 — in ratio of widows
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Monday, August 29, 2011 |
Letters to the Editor, August, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:17 AM :: 6184 Views
- Hirono Supporter: “9-11 was an inside job”
- Horizon Lines Troubles Show Need for Reform of US Build Requirements
- Kenoi Should Veto Building Code
- Honolulu Hale Should Fix Its Toilet, Before It Buys a New Rail Car
- Aina Koa Pono based on Flawed Assumption
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Sunday, August 28, 2011 |
August 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 PM :: 12113 Views
- DoE Boosts Test Scores by Giving Answers to Students
- Video: Abercrombie Faces off with Teachers on Kauai
- Kalapa: Reason Seems Absent in Call for Continued Employment Tax Holiday
- Star Advertiser, Newspaper Guild Reach Tentative Agreement
- Waihee Elem Passes by kicking students off Testing Roster
- ‘High stakes’: Failing to meet federal benchmarks could result in sanctions or outside intervention
- Giving tests over and over again until Students Test Right
- Hawaii GE Tax take up 17%, TAT jumps 79%
- Drama Queen Clayton Hee may run as Anti-Rail Candidate for Mayor
- Carlisle, Dods, etc: Rail Opponents Spin Conspiracy Theories
- Profitable Non-Profit Clinics may see Cash Flowing from Abercrombie’s Medical Homes
- Timeshare Lockoff: Turtle Bay, Aulani, KoOlina Falsified EIS unit counts
- Broadband Task Force Chair contradicts Abercrombie
- ACLU Pushes to Release Hawaii Illegal Aliens
- SA: Tuition hike at UH risks deterring enrollment
- Kawaihae: 200 sq ft of Coral holds up $4.7M project for three years
- UH Maui offers Degree in Environmental Priest-craft
- Alleged Criminal Politician from Buffalo arrested in Hawaii, Extradition Hearing Set
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Saturday, August 27, 2011 |
August 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 16059 Views
- Report: Abercrombie’s effort to dump Prepaid Health Care Act will drive Debts to 90% of GDP
- Conservative? Inouye, Akaka are Zeroes, but Hirono, Hanabusa score 10%
- Conservation Plan: Mafia connected Oahu Windfarm to kill Cats and Endangered Birds
- Case: Hirono “Blames the Republicans for Everything”
- PBN Switches Sides: Rail to Nowhere Cannot be Fixed
- Rail Project Takes Some Hits
- Error in UH News Release exposes Entire State of Stenography Journalism
- CD2 Candidate Kia’aina Upset because she didn’t get Bush Administration Job
- SA: Officials right to put heat on the homeless
- New Catholic leadership to build up schools
- Gary Rodrigues to serve one more year
- Calvin Say’s Musubi-Gate Coconspirators Hit with Ethics Fine
- Inquiry targets women's prison warden
- Video details Dopers’ dismemberment of victim
- APEC Plans Call For Added Surveillance Cameras
- Obama’s Code for America to upgrade 311 system for Honolulu
- Delays in military buildup on Guam cost contractors
- Disney Aulani expected to generate $300 million in revenue
- Charter School sues Kondo, CSRP
- Maui Charter Amendments: 4-year council terms, 2-year budgets urged by Arakawa
- Another round of new Building Code workshops scheduled
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Friday, August 26, 2011 |
August 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:44 PM :: 17371 Views
- New Day: UH Regents Propose Tuition Hikes
- Abercrombie to make You Proud of Your Home
- Gallup: 60% say Hawaii Economy Getting Worse
- Expensive, Unnecessary Hawaii County Building Code Changes to be Debated
- Video Shows Hypersonic Plane Which Crashed Half-Way to Hawaii
- Biden 9-11 Generation, “Greatest Generation”
- Inouye Cannot Guarantee Rail Funding, Lectures HART on Transparency
- Ansaldo Honolulu's "ability to complete the project" is suddenly called "an area of concern" by HART
- Rail Opponents Ask For Investigation
- Cronies Seeking Contracts give Abercrombie $850,000 for 2014
- DoE Asks Feds for More Time to Fail
- HSTA blunders endanger Organized Labor Rights
- New Day: UHPA Contract forces UH Manoa tuition to increase 32 percent under five year plan
- Stimulus Creates Jobs in Hawaii at cost of $650K Each
- Hawaii Labor makes Top and Bottom Wages
- Chinese Visitors Alarmed by Homeless in Chinatown
- Homeless Drug Dealers accused of deliberately setting fires in protest of airport viaduct sweep
- Lingle’s Public-Private Palolo housing Partnership hailed as model for the nation
- Kauai to let more Criminals Avoid Jail
- Lawsuit Challenges Hawaii Gun Laws
- Hawaii Regulators Shoot Down HECO Request to Reconsider ‘Big Wind’
- Hawaii Biofuels Plant Passes Hurdle
- Just in Time for Winter, Michigan Accountant gets idea to build ethanol plant on Big Island, NELHA Humors him
- Ron Paul Appoints Senior Advisor with Hawaii Expertise
- Spot the $50M Fib: Lesbian “recently married in Hawaii” sues after Indiana Stage Collapse
- Rosanne Gets medicated Marijuana License in Hawaii, Complains State is too slow in Mailing Forms
- 3 Hawaii Marines accused of hazing Marine
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Thursday, August 25, 2011 |
August 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:55 PM :: 15520 Views
- Full Text: Hanabusa Campaign Announcement, Djou Response
- Full Text: Star-Adv Suit hits Abercrombie Secrecy on Judicial Nominees
- City, State sued over restrictive "License to Carry" Firearms
- First Felony Prosecutions under new Elder Abuse Law
- 9/11 remembrance ceremony scheduled at Tamarind Park
- SA: Governor flouts our right to know
- HSTA Demands Abercrombie “Split the Difference”
- Boylan: This Could Be Djou’s Best Chance
- Lockstep: Hirono votes 98% with Democrats, Hanabusa votes 95%
- Hirono tagged as Atheist Longshot
- Kondo, backed by Ethics Commission: “We’re not here to trap anybody”
- Aulani a Mickey Mouse Operation?
- Mufi: Disney Did Not Scrimp on Aulani
- Mayor to HUD: Tell Us What To Do And We'll Do It
- Hawaii Consumer Advocate Tilts Testimony to help Aina Koa Pono Biofool Scam
- AC Fails: Still out after 36 Hours at Honolulu Airport
- Rail Supporter Switches Sides
- Tenant Businesses seek Compensation for rail property takeover
- With Subpoenas Pending, Kauai Food Bank finally Responds to Bob Jones
- OHA Cronies scramble for $1.4M Pinata at CNHA Convention
- State Predicts 1.3% Growth and 3% Inflation
- Votes fall short on vacation rental statute
- After Censorship fails, Grove Farm decides to Build a Fence
- Following State's Lead, Honolulu Counts Military
- Commission vetting Hawaii Co Council redistricting maps
- High Oahu Rents drive thousands to Foodbank
- Foreclosures accounted for 21% of Hawaii home sales in Q2
- Hawaii County Bus Ridership Drops 7.7% after Free Ride Ends
- Hawaii Unveils New Master Plans For Pedestrians
- AG's office to hold auction of forfeited property
- Free Speech? Hawaii Legislators praised for attempting to ban N-Word at NCSL Conference
- SF Examiner: Hawaiian news source says Leland Yee unfit for San Francisco mayor
- KHON Duped by Counterfeit Female: Transsexual with 36 Felony Conviction has been Forging Checks drawn on Oahu Correctional Center Account
- “Seriously Tainted” Jury seated for “Religious” Doper’s Trial
- Chinese find Manganese Nodules at Bottom of Ocean East of Hilo
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011 |
August 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:36 PM :: 7455 Views
- Rail: Sumitomo will not Appeal, Stands Ready to take Ansaldo's place
- Chancellor Hinshaw to leave UH Manoa
- Gallup: Hawaii ranks 34th in Job Creation
- State Announces Broadband Initiative
- Horizon Lines Misses Aug. 15 Payment on $330 Million in Convertible Notes
- NYT Slams "Green Jobs" Pipe Dream
- Perreira: HSTA has Run Amok, HGEA not involved in Bizarre Plot against teachers
- Hanabusa Chickens Out, decides to run for Congress, pledges to keep failing the East-West Center
- CB: It’s a Fact, Djou less Partisan than Hirono, Hanabusa
- Ko Olina Exec backs re-drawn CD1 so Hanabusa Doesn’t have to Move
- Homeless Say Abercrombie not tough Enough
- Abercrombie’s hot air alone won’t help ship of state’s sails
- ILind: Where are the details on Abercrombie’s Broadband Show?
- Abercrombie Energy Panel Larded with Kuokoa Board Members
- Abercrombie’s Kate Stanley: Conflict of Interest?
- Back from Japan and Dumber than an Earlobe, Carlisle has no answer on Jamila, Sludge, ORI
- Prison Probe Underway At Kailua Women's Facility, Warden Suspended
- OHA Cronies to hear “special message” from The Obama
- Group Questions Cost of Rail Realignment
- Regents explore raising UH tuition up to 46 percent
- Star-Advertiser sues governor over disclosure of names of judicial candidates
- Act 221 Scammers Renew Push for Hawaii Stock Exchange
- Turtle Bay: Supreme Court Making EIS Rules up as they go along
- Taxpayers give Honeywell $25M to build pilot-scale biomass refinery in Kapolei
- Landfill Gas to Energy Proposals Requested for Maui
- Hawaii County Water Rates up 3.5%
- Former Senator Biden to Speak at Kaneohe base Tomorrow
- San Francisco Mayoral Candidate Shoplifts in Kona, Cruises for Hookers in SF
- Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011 |
August 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:26 PM :: 9947 Views
- School-by-School Hawaii State Assessment— How did your school do?
- Is Disney Lost in Hawaii?
- Gallup: Hawaii Leads Nation in Well-Being
- US Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear Hokulia Bypass Case
- Is Video First Sarah Palin 2012 Campaign Commercial?
- Selecting from Secret List of Nominees, Abercrombie appoints Mizuno UH Regent
- Stimulus? Abercrombie CIP Contract Awards Drop by 86% from Lingle
- Subpoenas: Abercrombie, UHPA battle HSTA in Court
- Abercrombie seeking Self-Discipline, More Fake News conferences
- Ratepayers push back, Water Board postpones vote on rate hike
- Ansaldo could face $560M fine over Lack of Contractor’s License
- Rail Project Has Honolulu in a Tizzy
- Maui Affordable Housing Project half empty, residents terrorized by Felons on Management Team
- Substitute Teachers' pay delay will cost state more
- Autism Lawsuit Against DOE Could Cost State "Millions"
- Secret Report Criticizes Hawaii Juvenile Detention Home
- Judge suspends restitution in Aloun Farms case
- Honolulu Deputy Medical Examiner leaves State, won’t return calls
- Abercrombie to announce broadband Internet initiative today
- Is Hawaii Ready For a Stock Exchange?
- HUD Secretary Hawaii-Bound
- CNHA Senate Committee Roundtable Off The Record?
- Hanabusa: ‘I Can Defend My Record’
- No Town Hall, Hirono Hides from Constituents
- WRONG: Solar project ‘will save taxpayers money’
- Pre-APEC Homeless Sweep Under Freeway Uncovers Elaborate Structures
- Turtle Bay Resort plans to scale back expansion plans
- Maui Oceanfront Inn could be sold to pay creditors
- Public Land Development Corporation Cancels First Meeting
- Consumer Advocate Challenges Abercrombie’s Embrace of Obamacare
- Catch a fish, fill out a form
- Museum opens at former Wyo. internment camp
- WaPo Looks at 1911 DoE rules from Territory of Hawaii
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Monday, August 22, 2011 |
August 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 23357 Views
- Can Abercrombie Administration impose Billions in Carbon Fees without Legislative Vote?
- Hawaii Marine Artillery keeps watch in Helmand Province
- Car Bomb: Maui Soldier tells Story of Survival
- Military Spending: In pursuit of Ideology, Hirono Votes Against 18% of Hawaii Economy
- Gingrich addresses TEA Party of Maui
- Hawaii Patriots: Massive Turn Out Supports Family of Fallen U.S Marine Christopher Camero
- Lifelong Criminal Lectures Kauai Police Commission on Sovereignty
- EUTF Audit: Another Deficit Year for Hawaii's Public Employee Health Insurance Fund
- Hawaii PUC Lags Far Behind Other States
- Prosecutor seeks restitution review in Aloun Farms Slavery case
- UH Manoa Perfessers, Administrators Drain secretive UH Foundation Travel Account
- SA: IT inefficiencies are pound foolish
- Hawaii lawmakers to get update on plans for public land Sales, Revenues
- With no law to enforce, police unable to handle Squatter problem plaguing Waikiki
- Catamaran businesses wary of permit plan
- VIDEO: Hilo, Senior League World Series champs, return to Hawaii
- OPT trials wave device ahead of US radar network deployment
- Hawaii amends its UI law regarding part-time/partial employment
- Ex-Honolulu stockbroker to be sentenced for fraud
- Big Island overrun by Cannibal Frogs
- New data spill shows risk of online health records
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Sunday, August 21, 2011 |
August 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:03 PM :: 5899 Views
- KOS: “Hirono would be the first non-theist to serve in the Senate”
- Hirono: Statehood evokes different emotions in all of us
- Berg: Ansaldo will Cost Taxpayers $250M on Maintenance
- Regaining Confidence Key to Economic Outlook
- Abercrombie pledges to Raise Taxes Again: “The Problem is People”
- Cayetano, Heen, Roth, Slater: How the city misled the public on Rail
- Water board seeks public's input before possible 70% rate increase
- ORI was Top Recipient of Honolulu HUD Money
- SA: With Only Six Schools Succeeding DoE needs to get Waiver from NCLB and still sucker Feds into thinking RTTT is real
- HSTA Contract Critical Juncture for Labor power in Hawaii
- VIDEO: Hundreds gather at town hall meeting featuring Newt Gingrich
- Fontaine is a good representative for Maui
- Will Deployment Help Djou’s Campaign?
- Fool Calls for Renewed Push to Disenfranchise Military Personnel
- Hawaii's genetically modified papayas attacked—eco terror feared
- Ibarra Rules that RENOVATIONS require SMA Permit, orders demolition of Keauhou Church Building
- Lunalilo Trust pursues growth
- Kauai AIDS Clinic Finds Substitute for Federal Funds
- Star-Adv Charges $1500 for Obituary
- Hilo Claims Senior League World Series Title
- Pre-APEC, Korea Free Trade Enters Critical Stage
- NYT: Citing a Lack of Usage, Costco Removes E.V. Chargers
- Honolulu Rail Contractor Surrounded as Gunmen Close in on Headquarters
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Saturday, August 20, 2011 |
August 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 11475 Views
- Hawaii Statehood: Tiny 1959 opposition was anti-Japanese, not anti-American
- Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
- Our American Triumph: Civil Rights and Hawaii Statehood
- WaPo: Hawaii to be Squeezed by Super Committee
- Half Billion Dollars for Solar on Hawaii Navy Bases
- Abercrombie Spends Statehood Day Addressing Sovereignty Activists
- Star-Advertiser lets Mufi Hannemann, Ernie Marin off the hook, demands Jamila’s Head
- Abercrombie update spurs 'Snooze Day in Hawaii'
- Aberconomy: Unemployment jumps to 6.1%
- Substitute Teachers waiting for as much as $100 million in back pay
- Private School Success: Top Students continue to Beat National Averages
- 90-Day Homeless Plan: Take Credit for Pre-Existing Efforts
- Hawaii Gov’t Tech: Old, Older, Oldest
- Global Horizons and two California farms ordered to pay $2 million to farm workers
- Association for Ko Olina condos sues over fees
- Anti-Americans take stand against Free Trade with Korea
- Hostel underpaid working guests, suit alleges
- TSA Manager Targeted For Firing Speaks Out
- Anonymous Complaint investigated against Hickam Firefighters
- Little League: Hilo All Stars surge past Italy to reach final
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Friday, August 19, 2011 |
August 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 11715 Views
- Thousands line Highway for funeral of Big Island Marine Killed in Afghanistan
- HSTA Leaders see Conspiracy by Other Unions?
- SA: Abercrombie bringing back Pension Tax
- HSTA innuendos, attacks on Character similar to Nazis Big Lie
- Hawaii Labor Board Says Gov's Letter Not a Problem
- Boylan: Dazed Hirono no match for TEA Party, Rail Could Be Cut
- Hanabusa Supporters ‘Split’ On Future
- Statehood Day Today
- Slow-Moving Bureaucracy, 1968 Technology, costs Abercrombie’s DoT $19.2M
- Bhagowalia: Hawaii IT is Worse than Expected
- Green Energy Spending Boosts Inflation in Hawaii
- Will Ansaldo Be Able to Obtain Bonding?
- Enviros working to Impose Carbon Tax On Hawaii Without Legislative Approval
- NASA: Space Aliens May Exterminate Humans to Stop Global Warming
- No way to extract Military, Students from Redistricting
- Money Grubbing Anti-Telescope Activists Demand Cut of Ticket Sales
- Addressing the state’s doctor shortage
- It Gets Worse At Kaua‘i Food Bank
- Disease Spreads: 2 Hawaii lawmakers elected to national positions
- Newt Gingrich pitches Asian appeal in California, Hawaii
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Thursday, August 18, 2011 |
August 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:30 PM :: 4292 Views
- Abercrombie Outlines Excuses for Tax Hikes, Blames Lingle, Micronesians
- Rep Ward: Governor's Report Long on Rhetoric, Short on Specifics
- Big Island plans massive salute to LCpl. Camero
- GOP's Djou seeks to retake Hawaii House seat
- ‘Undeniable storm’ looms for finances, gov warns
- Marumoto: Abercrombie wants to raise taxes again
- Governor must answer, ‘Where’s the beef?’
- Fake Cuts: Most Hawaii Departments Spared in $50M 'Restructuring' Cuts
- Commission Again refuses to Disenfranchise Military
- Say, Tsutsui ask AG Louie to allow Legislators to Peddle Influence Freely
- HUD Concerned About ORI Report From City
- ILind: HSTA ethics complaint is mis-directed
- Green Energy Drives HECO Rates to Record High
- Soft on Crime Kauai: Lifelong Criminal Gets Probation for Death Threats
- Tough on Homeowners: Pay Maui Property Tax Late, Lose Homeowners Exemption
- Gay Civil Union Licenses handled online, heteros must wait weeks for marriage licenses
- SA: The DoE Can Save Children from Ignorant Parents
- Council Postpones Laie Hotel Vote
- Experts meet in Honolulu to focus on Rat Lungworm Disease
- Obama promises to waste $510M on Biofool Scams
- Medical Practices Losing Money Nationwide
- AOL Gets Last, Best Hope in Private Equity
- Birfers offer $5000 for Obama Birf Announcement Newspapers
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011 |
August 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 18278 Views
- Djou: Hawaii isolated, vulnerable due to lack of Bi-Partisan Delegation
- Newt Gingrich to Speak at Maui Event Saturday Aug 20
- KidsCount: Hawaii Dropout Rate rises 40%
- Politico: Djou will challenge Hanabusa
- Djou to deploy to Afghanistan then run for Congress
- Lee Greenwood Wows Fans at $500K Hawaii GOP Fundraiser
- Legislative redistricting will shift seats
- Big Brother: Kauai Utility to Shut off Residents’ Appliances Remotely
- Kondo draws ire and fire from lawmakers over ethics
- HSTA flounders in labor battle
- Does governor’s position on judicial nominees reflect views of his supporters?
- International legal fight stalls Honolulu mass transit project
- Grifters focus Attention on Telescope’s Community Benefits Package
- Non-enforcement of mandatory reporting law against Dept. of Education personnel endangers Hawaii’s children
- NOAA Monk Seal Zone Could Kill Inter-Island Cable, OTEC
- Flags will fly half staff in honor of Camero
- NYT: New Disney Vacation Resort in Hawaii Faces Possible Losses
- Hawaii Pension Fund Gains 21% Through June (then Market Crashes)
- Report: Hawaii hotel occupancy dropped in June—first drop in 18 mos
- Biden to stop in Hawaii after Asia trip
- Hawaii 2010 Data Book Released
- $2.5M federal grant to repair Waianae alternate route
- Opposition voiced to Hualalai Partners' plans
- Kauai TVRs: 4,650 Takings?
- Perry on the Right
- Conference aims to normalize pedophilia
- VIDEO: Blacks in Detroit Tired of making excuses for Obama
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011 |
August 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:26 PM :: 8733 Views
- Roll Call: Djou Expected to Try to Win Back House Seat
- Duke Aiona: I will not run for Congress in 2012, will Decide on 2014 Gubernatorial Run
- Newt Gingrich to Speak at Maui Event Saturday Aug 20
- Barbers Point Museum to Host 9-11 Commemoration
- Disney Halts Sales at Aulani, Fires top Execs
- Abercrombie names Nakasone to First Circuit Court Bench
- Country-Western Singer Lee Greenwood to Headline Hawaii GOP Fundraiser
- One Week Until Teacher Evaluation Failure Sinks Race to the Top
- HSTA Claim that HLRB is not Impartial Leads to Hearing Thursday
- Collusion? School Bus Contractors Jack Up Prices 44%—after being compensated for fuel, labor
- ILind: Governor gives the public a one-finger salute, news media gives him a pass
- Thanks to DDT Ban, Bed Bugs now Ruining Waikiki
- Heading for Federal Court, Bombardier Appeals Honolulu Rail Contract
- Grifters seeking Money Grill Telescope Managers
- Sentencing postponed for Tam on theft, campaign spending charges
- Senate Ways and Means Chair: Hawaii Working to Resolve Employee Retirement System's $7.1 Billion Deficit
- Reward raised to $10,000 for information on destruction of papaya crops
- Copper cables stolen from abandoned South Point wind farm
- HMSA, Kaiser make money, prepare to hike rates
- Tokio Marine to Acquire All of Hawaii’s First Insurance for $165 Million
- Permit changes for stream cleaning
- Tourism propping up Honolulu Real Estate market
- Federal agency praises Hawaii and Honolulu for securing radiological material
- Honolulu rat lungworm disease workshop planned
- DoE Failures keep Hawaii cities off 'Best Places to Live' list
- Tropical Storm Fernanda heads toward Central Pacific
- After Spending all the Money, Obama Goes After Military Retirees
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Monday, August 15, 2011 |
August 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:47 PM :: 4847 Views
- Waimanalo Gulch Cover-up: Hannemann, Martin fingered in Ethics Commission Report
- Lawsuit: Adult counselor engaged in questionable activities with students at Blind, Deaf School
- Micronesians: “Its just better in Arkansas”
- Hawaii residents work 216 days to pay full cost of government
- Abercrombie: 90-Day Homelessness Plan Comes to End
- Kalapa: Running Afoul of Credit Risks due to Lack of Leadership
- Abercrombie on APEC: “So what?”
- State Rejects Sumitomo Appeal, Clears Path for Honolulu Rail
- Financial Disclosures show Alleged Conflicts of Interest for Carlisle Cabinet
- Djou: HART Must be Accountable to City Officials
- Djou to make Announcement later this week
- CB: Duke Aiona Considering Run for CD2
- Case: DSCC believes fiction, hits Hirono for Being Invisible in District
- Hanabusa supporter goes after Hirono over residency
- Plans advance for teacher ratings pilot project
- SA: Micronesians are great excuse to get More Federal Funds
- Abercrombie Admin Confiscated Weapons from Harbor Police Over Paperwork Issues
- HSTA Files Ethics Charge against Abercrombie, Horner, Matayoshi
- SHOPO Brings in Federal Mediator
- Kenoi’s Side deal with HGEA costly
- Hawaii Biofuels Option Could Prove Costly
- Land Trusts to get their Tax Cuts and Eat them Too
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Sunday, August 14, 2011 |
August 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:57 PM :: 19649 Views
- Tax Cheat linked to Holocaust Deniers is Source for National Democrats’ Attack on Lingle
- Running Afoul of Credit Risks due to Lack of Leadership
- Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll, Pawlenty ends Candidacy after Disappointing 3rd Place Finish
- Silent salute to honor fallen Isle Marine
- Stop Rail Plaintiffs may seek Injunction Halting Work
- COFA: Hawaii Spends $115M, Arkansas Spends $1M
- Akaka Tribe Gathers for 10th Annual meeting
- Hawaii Monopoly Bosses Top $6m in Pay
- Fontaine: Holding informational briefings is part of a legislator’s responsibilities
- DoE Hit List: Six Schools beat 90% Proficiency
- KOS: Unnecessary Ed Case is our Favorite Punching Bag
- Tax Cheat Gary Hooser considers run for Congress, Mufi may Announce at End of Month
- Jesse Jackson Jr: Inouye, Akaka suffer the most from budget cuts
- Census shows 78% more homosexual couples in Hawaii, 21% control children
- Dudley: Thai workers are rich liars, happy with treatment by Sou Brothers
- Mikulina: Refreshing if Task Force Enterprises Implode
- Telescope Shakedown Continues in name of “gods”
- Honolulu City Council to decide if hotel in Laie can be built
- Clean Energy Project to Spew 246 tons of Pollution
- Late mortgage payments in Hawaii decline
- Strategic Airlines to fly to Hawaii
- Flying Donkeys Set To Arrive At LAX
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Saturday, August 13, 2011 |
August 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:27 PM :: 15931 Views
- Gallup: Obama job Approval in Hawaii Drops to 56%
- Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces Campaign for Presidency
- Inouye: Lingle will be difficult, nothing but trouble out there for Democrats
- Abercrombie’s 90-Day Plan: Take Credit for Homeless Shelters “doing the work they always have done”
- Abercrombie Tourism Liaison is Washington Place Handyman
- Anti-Bullying Laws to Cover Private Schools, General Public?
- Feds to Regulate Overseas Labor Recruiters?
- Feed In Tariff: Green Energy Scammers Demand to be Paid even when their Electricity is useless
- Now Driving Honolulu's Money Train: Don Horner
- Kapolei getting Railroad but losing Post Office
- You too can participate in destroying the country’s bond rating and crashing the stock market
- Schatz Praises Aloha Stadium Authority that Abercrombie demanded Resign
- Hilton to Build Two New Towers with 600 Timeshare Units
- $200/month Permit proposal splashes catamaran firms
- Boosting number of doctors in Hawaii is critical need
- Stupid Mortgage Scammer fails to use Sovereignty as an Excuse, Gets Arrested
- Honolulu TSA Managers Admit 'Dictatorial' Atmosphere
- Enviros, Bureaucrats attacking Fishermen Again
- Building Trades Unions to Boycott Democratic National Convention
- 9-11-11: Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Run
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Friday, August 12, 2011 |
August 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 13978 Views
- Akaka Brings Democrat Staffers to Maui for Taxpayer-funded Vacation
- Meet Eni Faleomavaega: Hirono and Hanabusa's Hope for the East-West Center
- Hawaii Tops Nation in Seat belt Use
- Judiciary Seeking Applicants for Bar Examiners Board
- 80% of UPW votes for Strike
- Pasha-Young Bros. feud shows state as it really is
- Waimanalo Gulch Votes Bought n Paid For By Ernie Martin, Mufi Hannemann
- HSTA Flack: I am a teacher first and a Democrat second
- Musto: HSTA position makes no sense
- COFA: Abercrombie Demands Feds Clean Up the Mess He Made
- Boylan: Billion Dollar Barry will Save us from Lingle
- Hawaii County Redistricting commission releases six possible boundary maps
- Kauai Luddites Open new Front in War on Hydro
- Kauai Food Bank Misuses $779,000
- Criminal Fake Cook Featured in Bizarre Aloun Farms Video
- Trial dates set for HPD officers in overtime scam
- Maui’s Medeiros, Madden Fined for failing to file reports
- Marshallese go to Arkansas for Jobs
- Act 221 Company loses $10.2M
- HSTA, Other Gov’t Workers now Get Open Enrollment
- Moon Race: Will Lunar Park be easier to build in Hawaii or on the Moon?
- Superferry Protesters may drive final nail in Coffin of Pork Program for Shipbuilders
- $1.5m in Federal Pork to Provide Internet Service to 800 in rural Hawaii
- SA: Vacation rental bill good first step
- Hawaii Ranked Worst State For Dental Health
- Postal Service proposes cutting 120,000 jobs, pulling out of health-care plan
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Thursday, August 11, 2011 |
August 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 21648 Views
- Gallup: Hawaii Most Democratic State in '11
- St Sophia’s Priest found Not Guilty of Hawaii sex assault tells his story
- Panos: For about six billion dollars you can choose between Plan A and Plan B
- Trains Helped Kill the Greek Economy – They’ll Kill Hawaii’s too
- Lawsuit: Hamamoto, Principal, Counselor Looked Other way as Homosexual Rapists Terrorized Underage Deaf and Blind Students
- HSTA Doesn’t get Immediate Injunction
- Maui Time: Lingle could Win Senate Race
- Hawaii GOP Candidate Willoughby moves to Utah to Run For Congress Again
- Phony Abercrombie talks Union in Vegas while Fighting Unions at Home
- Abercrombie Thriving on Chaos
- ILind: Civil Beat superficial, misses Key Background Info
- Incarceration, not Education: Kulani School eyed as prison site
- Electric Ratepayers may be robbed to line pockets of Biofool Scammers
- Hawaiian Airlines Balks at Tax Burden on Tickets
- Ease visa hurdles for Chinese visitors
- Lyla Berg says Abercrombie’s BoE is Ignorant, Inexperienced, Dumber than Legislators
- Filth, Slime from Legislature Contributes to Honolulu’s Sewage Overload
- Ethics Director Blocks Texas Dinner For Hawaii Lawmakers
- Carlisle Cabinet Member Quits Job, Flees Country
- Foreclosures Down Sharply for Second Month after new Law
- South Maui Wind Turbines to be 450 feet tall
- Former councilor’s campaign finance reports still not in
- Opposing sides hunker down in dispute on vacation rentals
- Famous "Times Square Kiss" sculpture arrives in Hawaii
- 150 Hawaii Army National Guard troops come home from 10-month Afghanistan deployment
- 6000 Marshallese in Hawaii, 4000 in Arkansas
- China launches first of FOUR Planned Aircraft Carriers, India aiming for three
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011 |
August 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:40 PM :: 15686 Views
- Big Island plans massive salute to LCpl. Camero
- V-J Day Kiss Statue to be Unveiled in Waikiki
- Wisconsin Holds the Line
- President honors Hawaii Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan
- Duke vs Mufi for CD2?
- Abercrombie heads off on Vacation—will Speak at Vegas Union Convention while giving Shaft to HSTA
- DOE had its finger on the scales when reporting special education progress
- Blame the Test: SA comes up with Lots of New Excuses for DoE Failure
- Kenoi goes 60-40 with HGEA as Election Season Approaches
- Biofuel Proposal Draws Fire
- Soft on Crime Judge orders Return of Fake Police Badge to Anti-Superferry Protester
- Progressives seek Comments against Counting Military personnel
- OHA claims to be exempt from State Law
- Trask Opposes Wilhelm as KSBE Trustee
- Large Rail Landowners Give to Pro-Rail Campaigns
- Waimanalo Gulch: Planning Commissioner Fined For Ethics Violations
- No Confidence in Abercrombie’s Pipe Dreams: Arizona Prison Expanding to House More Inmates
- Civil Beat tries to do Partisan hatchet Job on Lingle’s Int’l Women’s Conference—and blows it
- Academic Marxists using Social Studies to Brainwash DoE Students
- What Hawaii Education Laws Are Most Ineffectual?
- Federal Shipbuilding Loan Guarantees may be Casualty of Superferry Debacle
- New flights from China may provide big boost to Hawaii economy
- APEC picks finalists for Hawaii Business Innovation Showcase
- Special 9/11 Event Planned In Hawaii
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011 |
August 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:08 PM :: 17263 Views
- After Abercrombie puts Videotaped Foot in Mouth, he rejects Binding Arbitration with HSTA
- Berg: Showdown on Landfill
- Molesters, Cocaine, and Bribery ignored--but Maui Democrats Frothing at Mouth over Cybercrime Briefing
- HSTA slams state for rejecting arbitration stunt
- Inouye: Akaka Should Serve out Term
- Hirono Supporters at Civil Beat debunk Borreca Column attacking Akaka
- Former Gov. Lingle talks leadership with service members
- DSCC Blames Lingle for DoE/BoE/HSTA Choice to put School Furlough Days on Instructional Days
- Inouye Attacking Windfarm Subsidies? Inouye Claims Hawaii Rail Funding Is Safe
- Bombardier considers further legal action on rail contract
- Another Failed HECO Deal
- New QUEST Medicaid contracts to Implement Abercrombie Plan
- Slom: S&P Downgrade a result of Debt Agreement
- Democrat Donor Orly Taitz comes to Hawaii with her latest Birther Stunt
- DoE Aide pleads not guilty in Sexting case
- CNHA Conf: 500 OHA cronies seeking Free Money
- 3 MPD officers face suspensions
- Visiting priest acquitted of sexual assault
- Hawaii enters growing group of states with asset protection trusts
- Fake Developers Pretend to Re-Start Scam Development on side of Volcano
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Monday, August 8, 2011 |
August 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 15912 Views
- Human Trafficking: Did the US DoJ Purposefully lose the Aloun Farms Case?
- Police roust Mayor Kenoi, Rep Chang from Drunken Campaign Event
- HUD: Ernie Martin Should Have Caught ORI's Problems
- Expiring government incentive programs have some worried the Solar boom won’t last
- Abercrombie’s Medical Homes … or Medical Closets?
- Now that Abercrombie has lost all his labor constituents, can he get some love from Business?
- Dog Bites Man: Judge again sides with the Sierra Club against Koa Ridge
- Kauai seeks place to treat young addicts
- Only Two Legislators have $100K Campaign Cash
- Meltdown of Aloun Farms Trial May Help Defendants In Global Horizons Case
- Shapiro: New hope in teachers’ labor dispute, or just hype?
- Families face bigger tuition hikes as costs for private schools rise
- Hawaii County Council Reapportionment Maps Available
- Answer sought on 'Kona' coffee
- Honolulu Police Declines to Name Promoted Officers — Then Names Them
- Judiciary to Honor Richardson
- Hawaii students line up for back to school blessing
- A Lost Child of Kalaupapa
- Friends, family recall ‘fearless young man’ killed in Afghanistan
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Sunday, August 7, 2011 |
August 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:46 PM :: 13282 Views
- This Day in History: Truman Announces Hiroshima Bombing
- Restoring Courage: Hawaii Stands with Israel August 24
- Hawaii's Obscure Franchise Tax Adds to Utility Bills
- Pro Bowl to continue, site may change thanks to Abercrombie
- HSTA decides Abercrombie’s Videotaped Bickering is a Binding Arbitration Offer, Votes to “accept”
- Other Students Reported Sexual Messages from Educational Assistant
- BoE: HSTA, HGEA members cannot veto Charter Conversion application, Laupahoehoe charter OK'd
- Maui Native Among 30 killed in Afghanistan
- Hawaii Soldier Dies In Afghanistan
- Maui Dems: Redistricting plan ‘cleans it up nicely’
- 1,000 Big Island Dopers forget to Renew Medical Marijuana Cards
- Big Island Blogger Claims he was Beat up by Police
- Younger veterans living on the streets
- Hawaii agriculture chair asks Safeway to comply with local roasted coffee labeling law
- Hawaii DoE does not require any Economics Courses
- Brewbaker: Stimulus in Hawaii failed due to emphasis on Clean Energy, Broadband
- After Obama burns Treasury, Colleges breathe sigh of relief that Pell Grants Still Survive
- Honolulu Weekly facing financial deadline, appeals for support
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Saturday, August 6, 2011 |
August 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 17068 Views
- S&P Cuts US Bond Rating, More Downgrades Coming Monday
- Fourth in Nation: Hawaii State Debt is $25,000 per taxpayer
- WSJ Video: How US Debt Downgrade would affect States, Cities, Banks, Mortgage rates
- Homosexual Rape went on for Years at DoE Blind and Deaf School
- DoE Promises HSTA: No Teacher Accountability for 2011-2012
- Thai Workers to file Civil Suit
- Borreca: Ed Case's problem is effrontery
- Reapportionment Commission Adds Hanabusa’s Home to CD1
- San Francisco Still Stuck with Ansaldo
- At Teachers Union/State Settlement Conference, Mum's The Word
- Abercrombie attacks Prepaid Healthcare Act Again
- Abercrombie Blocks Maui Nurses from Facebook Page
- OHA Trustee Mossman Quits: Departure Presages Return to Bad Old Days?
- Abercrombie snags PUC Commissioner
- Abercrombie Advisor quits to work on Case Campaign
- Papaya farms offer $10,000 award
- Inspector General Probe Headed For HNL TSA (timed for APEC?)
- SA: Compensate Prisoners released and deemed wrongly convicted
- $10 Toll to drive in Downtown Honolulu?
- Commissary Needed in Hawaii
- Brian Ahakuelo to lead IBEW Local 1260
- BioFools: AKP to Produce 140,000 tons of “Bio-Char” Every Year
- Senate Leaders to Push Renewal of Wind Subsidies
- HTA’s McCartney: "You're not going to see a lot of our ads on CNN."
- They can’t get married there but Gays pick Australia as #1 spot for Honeymoons
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Friday, August 5, 2011 |
August 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 14360 Views
- Troubled Honolulu rail Contractor owned by Gaddafi--Revolt causing Financial Losses
- Hawai`i Free Press: A Million Hits A Month
- VIDEO: Abercrombie argues with retired teacher in Hilo
- Mainland Democrat Operatives Attack Gov. Lingle's Record
- Supreme Court Evaluates Work of Access to Justice Commission
- I Love Liliha Festival Aug 28
- Kimura Gets 20 Years in Maui Ponzi Scheme
- “People at the very top knew”: Sexual Abuse Arrests made at Hawaii's school for Deaf and Blind
- UHPA Steps Into Teacher Contract Dispute
- Inouye’s National Democrats hit for attacking Case, Lingle
- Shapiro: It’s already hold-your-nose time in the Hawai‘i’s U.S. Senate race
- Hanabusa’s Announcement: A Matter Of Weeks
- Ko Olina Home In or Out of Hanabusa's District?
- Doctor shortage getting worse; hospitals finding ways to cope
- Kamehameha land sales raise questions
- Cayetano, Waihee speak up for Aloun Farms
- Jurors: Prosecution Botched Aloun Farms Case
- Pasha: New law makes competition nearly impossible
- Luddites, Mortgage Scammers Move to Thwart Hawaii Fish farm
- Akaka introduces bill to restore Compact of Free Association citizen eligibility for Medicaid
- SA: 'Sexting' laws need clarity
- Deal puts Hawaiian Air's imprint on field of Aloha Stadium
- Historic Ewa Airfield proposed site for renewable energy park
- Kona Airport Manager Disciplined: Kauai Airport Manager Fired As DOT Tries To Fix Airports
- Proposed Big Island Biofuel Plant Attracts Strong Supporters, Vocal Skeptics
- NRC satisfied with Army handling of Depleted Uranium
- Andy Irons Drug Problem Hidden behind surfing industry Wall of Silence
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Thursday, August 4, 2011 |
August 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 13067 Views
- Six Incumbents could fight each other under newly released Hawaii Reapportionment Maps
- Judge Steven Alm: Justice Reinvestment and the future of HOPE Probation
- Ewa Battlefield Preservation Hearing Today
- OHA Cash Giveaway can Quintuple Your Bank Account
- Big Victory for Democrat Insiders in Aloun Farms Slavery Case: Feds drop all Charges Against Sou Bros
- Martin, Kobayashi hold Fake ORI Hearings
- Hawaii’s APEC Business Delusions
- Oi: Sewage, Trash, and the DoE should be front and Center at APEC
- Tsutsui demands that Task Forces not be Ethical
- DoE trying to use Creative Accounting to Pretend to Comply with Law Mandating 5.5 instructional hours
- UPW is obstacle to Merging Fire Dep’t, Emergency Services
- Application Deadline Arrives for Akaka Tribe Commission
- Hokulia's future is cloudy
- City Move To Contract With Single Tow Firm could mean higher costs for Tow Victims
- Young Bros. rate increase tied to fight to reestablish monopoly
- With Federal Subsidies set to Expire, Solar Boom reaches 20mw on Oahu
- Molokai Stands firm against Windfarms
- Solar Assoc of Hawaii Challenges Smart Grid Technology
- ACLU of Hawaii seeks details on government phone tracking
- OPM considers pay adjustments for Federal Employees in Hawaii
- Environmental groups sue to stop Hawaii fish farm
- Damselfly reinforcing Federal Grip on 43,491 Oahu Acres
- After taking lots of drugs, UH Manoa Perfesser re-invents Atheist Religion
- Councilman seeks funds to send Sludge to Waimanalo Gulch
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011 |
August 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 11854 Views
- Farmers send 5000lbs of Kona Coffee to the Troops
- Djou: Rail Authority tone deaf on Fiscal Affairs
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted August 2
- State: New EUTF Contracts To Save Millions
- ILWU, HSTA Picket as Abercrombie bickers with Retired Teachers at Hilo Events
- Shapiro: Dump Ansaldo
- Hawaii Senators go all out to defend opportunity to profit from Influence Peddling
- Prosecutor removed from Hawaii forced labor trial, Health Problem Cited
- U.S. District Judge Releases Global Horizons CEO to Leave State
- National Democratic committee frothing at mouth, suffers nervous breakdown over Case poll
- Case Pollster defends Methodology
- Nonprofit ORI Opts Not To Fight HUD Findings
- Senate matchups: Nestor Garcia to Challenge Mike Gabbard? Cachola vs Oakland?
- Hee Builds $300K War Chest, Tsutsui Has $100K
- BioFools: Big Isle ratepayers could see electric bills jump $10 or more
- Health insurance rates jump 10% for Hawaii public workers
- Thousands more may need flood insurance
- Act 221 Scammers: Spend money on Surveys Pushing Windfarms, not on Water Board Lobbying
- Hawaii Ed Board Rethinks School Impact Fees
- Former teaching assistant indicted in child sex abuse case
- Kailua teacher accused in hammer assault may lose job
- Micronesian in Hawaii
- Obama’s Pet Misanthrope: US poet laureate says humans failing themselves by not failing themselves
- Hawaii among best places to protect wildlife
- Hawaii Cancer Research lets Lawyers hope North Dakota erionite will lead to mesothelioma lawsuit epidemic
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 |
August 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 11120 Views
- Senate Race Poll shows Lingle beating Hirono
- Inouye’s Senate Democrats outraged by “dishonest” Ed Case
- Preliminary legislative districts to be unveiled Wednesday
- NRO: Hawaii Senate Race more than Competitive
- Borreca: Road to the Senate will run through a field designed by Lingle
- E-W Center: What will happen when Inouye is gone?
- Hanabusa: Republicans Had Edge in Debt Debate
- Layoffs likely if teacher pact revoked, state argues
- Cronies won’t take positions on Advisory Council if they have to give up Lobbying
- Council: HART already hiding Ghost Employees
- Biofools: $2/monthly Tax will line pockets of Aina Koa Pono
- Bottle Tax Will Not increase
- OHA Program lines Bank Accounts of Supporters
- Aina Le'a suits seek damages, reversal of ruling
- SA: Water board should curtail use of lobbyists in order to get rate hike thru
- Public briefed on sludge hauling: "We do not want to wait for failure," the city says
- Honolulu looks at merging HFD and EMS
- City proposal takes aim at illegal vacation rentals
- Maui TEA Party Chair to Be Interviewed
- ‘Big Wind’ can generate profits for Patten
- Eric Ryan tricks Berg into Attacking GOP
- Swat a fly, go to jail: Agreement would add 20 plants and three insects to the endangered list
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Monday, August 1, 2011 |
August 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:09 PM :: 14553 Views
- Hirono, Hanabusa, Inouye, Akaka line up behind Massive Military Cuts
- 1,000 Hear David Barton at events on Oahu, Maui, Big Isle
- HART, Council Primed to Dump Ansaldo—No Contract Signed Yet
- Rail Suit: Enviros Win 66% of EA Cases in 9th Circuit
- Former Gov. Lingle moving toward Hawaii Senate run
- Lingle: University System is Example of School Choice
- Already failing, Schools start setting higher goals
- New Student Tracking System For Teachers
- Hawaii’s high rank for federal funds means greater risk from debt ceiling disruptions
- Full Financial Disclosure: Abercrombie's Cabinet
- Obamacare Preview: Patients pack health centers As doctors winnow their client lists
- Hawaii Regulations prevent use of Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners
- HECO wants to tax ratepayers to pay HELCO $21M/yr
- Democrats register 75% of Base Female Voters, trying to get the other 25%
- The Star-Advertiser's Feeble Circulation Boast
- East-West Center is valuable asset to Hawaii and the United States
- Social Studies needed to Brainwash little Gramscians
- Public schools drop cursive requirement
- After lifetime of shaking down Resort Operators, Charlie Maxwell too sick to continue collecting payoffs
- After decades of screaming, Luddites win shutdown of most Hanalei Bay Commercial Activities
- Ordnance Reef technology demonstration reaches halfway point
- Obama Sr, drunken wife beater
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