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Entries for August 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
August 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 5186 Views
  1. HSTA responds to Perreira: We won’t allow others to ignore, take advantage of, or disrespect our Sacrifice
  2. NY Judge orders Waikiki Edition Returned to Marriott by 2:30PM Today
  3. Mufi’s Losing Ways
  4. CB: People call Hannemann a Bully
  5. Mufi: My experience with Rail prepares me to deal with Federal Deficit
  6. SA Touts Cheating as Key to DoE Success
  7. HSTA Lawyer Grills Former HSTA President over his Role in Negotiations
  8. Hawaii Hurricane Fund raided, FEMA funds nearly gone
  9. Poll: Only 39% have Favorable Opinion of The Abercrombie
  10. CD2: Three Democrats, no Republican yet
  11. Gabbard's Six Unions backed Abercrombie Last Time
  12. Suit targets police chief for denying gun permit
  13. Push Back against Laupahoehoe Charter Conversion
  14. Crisis? Abercrombie begins Creating Positions with 50 Hires at DoT
  15. Lack of Computers, Failure to Outsource causes 75% of Elevators to lack inspection
  16. WaPo: Federal lawsuit against American Samoa’s government claims age discrimination of workers
  17. Desperate for Wind Scam, Murdock Threatens to Sell Lanai
  18. AKP Claims Giant Microwave Biofuel processor is not Pie in the Sky
  19. FARCE: Mililani Trask squabbles with 9-11 Trooother over Profits from Geothermal
  20. Big Island Dope Dealer Founded Dope Church in Back of Police Car
  21. Evicted by UH Manoa, PBS Hawaii gets $5m grant, moving to new digs
  22. Hawaii AG Joins Newspaper war against Free Online Classifieds
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:37 PM :: 7462 Views
  1. Djou Endorses Mitt Romney for President
  2. Mufi Hannemann announces Congressional Campaign
  3. Mufi’s Republican Army: The Bush Family Connection
  4. Lawyer: US Supreme Court needs to Hear Hokulia Bypass Case
  5. Time Has Come for States to Take Strong Action on Iran
  6. Nominees Sought for UH Board of Regents
  7. National Journal: Case against the Base, Hirono against the Voters, Lingle Wins
  8. Hawaii Politicos: Hirono can’t beat Lingle, Campaign will be Expensive and Brutal
  9. Building Trades endorse Gabbard for CD2
  10. HSTA to Supreme Court: Force HLRB to Issue Ruling
  11. Activists: Ethics Rules shouldn’t apply to us
  12. 2 a.m. takeover challenged: Marriott says it will fight the "illegal" ousting of the hotel's management team
  13. Aulani Ribbon Cutting
  14. Feds Allege Violence, Extortion At Waikiki Nightspot
  15. 50 soldiers in Hilo-based National Guard helicopter unit to deploy to Iraq
  16. Rail Opponents: DLNR Statement on Burials 'Patently False'
  17. Straney: California Justifies UH Tuition Hike
  18. Lanai at risk of losing what makes it special
  19. Lege Asks School Bus Contractors For Answers
  20. Maui Lawmakers Want Answers On Vacant Housing
  21. State Seeks Executive Director to Spearhead Public Land Development
  22. Profitable non-profits hand out $10K Bonuses to top Execs
  23. City to install 34 security cameras for APEC meeting
  24. Former Campbell Estate trustee Fred Trotter dies
  25. Big Island fish farm says experiment going well
  26. Establishing a County-Run Religion: Maui County seeks Department of Sustainability
  27. Federal Agents Raid Maui Animal Sanctuary because it doesn’t Kill Endangered Birds
  28. Mexican Salmonella Sends Papaya King Running to Hawaii for help
  29. Agent Orange Deadline Tomorrow
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Monday, August 29, 2011
August 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 14120 Views
  1. 2AM Raid: Hotel owners Boot Marriott from Waikiki Edition, strip signs, change locks
  2. TheBus is going to be faster than TheTrain?
  3. Battleship Missouri to Commemorate 66th Anniversary of Japanese Surrender
  4. Inouye: “People may resent” Abercrombie -- Gives Nod to Hirono, Mufi
  5. Many Democrats Doubt Hirono can beat Lingle -- Mufi could enter Senate race
  6. Transparency needed as UH Prof Squabble over Free Trips
  7. Activists and Profitable non-profits panic over Task Force Lobbying Restrictions
  8. Volunteers take over Kauai County Bridge Project, cost suddenly drops from $4M to $25K
  9. Abercrombie says he's ready to negotiate with teachers union
  10. The Negotiators Behind Hawaii Teachers Contract
  11. Inouye: Appropriations, not Super Committee will decide how much will be cut from Defense
  12. OHA Takes Second Shot at Claiming Its Employees Aren't Public
  13. High Overtime at Hawaii's Juvenile Detention Home
  14. Micronesians wonder Where did our Real Friends Go?
  15. Volcanoes park scores poorly in national review
  16. Mega Solar Project Proposed for O`ahu
  17. KPD Blue no more: Ready to start accreditation process
  18. Hawaii No. 1 — in ratio of widows
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Monday, August 29, 2011
Letters to the Editor, August, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:17 AM :: 6184 Views
  • Hirono Supporter: “9-11 was an inside job”
  • Horizon Lines Troubles Show Need for Reform of US Build Requirements
  • Kenoi Should Veto Building Code
  • Honolulu Hale Should Fix Its Toilet, Before It Buys a New Rail Car
  • Aina Koa Pono based on Flawed Assumption
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
August 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 PM :: 12113 Views
  1. DoE Boosts Test Scores by Giving Answers to Students
  2. Video: Abercrombie Faces off with Teachers on Kauai
  3. Kalapa: Reason Seems Absent in Call for Continued Employment Tax Holiday
  4. Star Advertiser, Newspaper Guild Reach Tentative Agreement
  5. Waihee Elem Passes by kicking students off Testing Roster
  6. ‘High stakes’: Failing to meet federal benchmarks could result in sanctions or outside intervention
  7. Giving tests over and over again until Students Test Right
  8. Hawaii GE Tax take up 17%, TAT jumps 79%
  9. Drama Queen Clayton Hee may run as Anti-Rail Candidate for Mayor
  10. Carlisle, Dods, etc: Rail Opponents Spin Conspiracy Theories
  11. Profitable Non-Profit Clinics may see Cash Flowing from Abercrombie’s Medical Homes
  12. Timeshare Lockoff: Turtle Bay, Aulani, KoOlina Falsified EIS unit counts
  13. Broadband Task Force Chair contradicts Abercrombie
  14. ACLU Pushes to Release Hawaii Illegal Aliens
  15. SA: Tuition hike at UH risks deterring enrollment
  16. Kawaihae: 200 sq ft of Coral holds up $4.7M project for three years
  17. UH Maui offers Degree in Environmental Priest-craft
  18. Alleged Criminal Politician from Buffalo arrested in Hawaii, Extradition Hearing Set
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Saturday, August 27, 2011
August 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 16059 Views
  1. Report: Abercrombie’s effort to dump Prepaid Health Care Act will drive Debts to 90% of GDP
  2. Conservative? Inouye, Akaka are Zeroes, but Hirono, Hanabusa score 10%
  3. Conservation Plan: Mafia connected Oahu Windfarm to kill Cats and Endangered Birds
  4. Case: Hirono “Blames the Republicans for Everything”
  5. PBN Switches Sides: Rail to Nowhere Cannot be Fixed
  6. Rail Project Takes Some Hits
  7. Error in UH News Release exposes Entire State of Stenography Journalism
  8. CD2 Candidate Kia’aina Upset because she didn’t get Bush Administration Job
  9. SA: Officials right to put heat on the homeless
  10. New Catholic leadership to build up schools
  11. Gary Rodrigues to serve one more year
  12. Calvin Say’s Musubi-Gate Coconspirators Hit with Ethics Fine
  13. Inquiry targets women's prison warden
  14. Video details Dopers’ dismemberment of victim
  15. APEC Plans Call For Added Surveillance Cameras
  16. Obama’s Code for America to upgrade 311 system for Honolulu
  17. Delays in military buildup on Guam cost contractors
  18. Disney Aulani expected to generate $300 million in revenue
  19. Charter School sues Kondo, CSRP
  20. Maui Charter Amendments: 4-year council terms, 2-year budgets urged by Arakawa
  21. Another round of new Building Code workshops scheduled
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Friday, August 26, 2011
August 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:44 PM :: 17371 Views
  1. New Day: UH Regents Propose Tuition Hikes
  2. Abercrombie to make You Proud of Your Home
  3. Gallup: 60% say Hawaii Economy Getting Worse
  4. Expensive, Unnecessary Hawaii County Building Code Changes to be Debated
  5. Video Shows Hypersonic Plane Which Crashed Half-Way to Hawaii
  6. Biden 9-11 Generation, “Greatest Generation”
  7. Inouye Cannot Guarantee Rail Funding, Lectures HART on Transparency
  8. Ansaldo Honolulu's "ability to complete the project" is suddenly called "an area of concern" by HART
  9. Rail Opponents Ask For Investigation
  10. Cronies Seeking Contracts give Abercrombie $850,000 for 2014
  11. DoE Asks Feds for More Time to Fail
  12. HSTA blunders endanger Organized Labor Rights
  13. New Day: UHPA Contract forces UH Manoa tuition to increase 32 percent under five year plan
  14. Stimulus Creates Jobs in Hawaii at cost of $650K Each
  15. Hawaii Labor makes Top and Bottom Wages
  16. Chinese Visitors Alarmed by Homeless in Chinatown
  17. Homeless Drug Dealers accused of deliberately setting fires in protest of airport viaduct sweep
  18. Lingle’s Public-Private Palolo housing Partnership hailed as model for the nation
  19. Kauai to let more Criminals Avoid Jail
  20. Lawsuit Challenges Hawaii Gun Laws
  21. Hawaii Regulators Shoot Down HECO Request to Reconsider ‘Big Wind’
  22. Hawaii Biofuels Plant Passes Hurdle
  23. Just in Time for Winter, Michigan Accountant gets idea to build ethanol plant on Big Island, NELHA Humors him
  24. Ron Paul Appoints Senior Advisor with Hawaii Expertise
  25. Spot the $50M Fib: Lesbian “recently married in Hawaii” sues after Indiana Stage Collapse
  26. Rosanne Gets medicated Marijuana License in Hawaii, Complains State is too slow in Mailing Forms
  27. 3 Hawaii Marines accused of hazing Marine
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
August 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:55 PM :: 15520 Views
  1. Full Text: Hanabusa Campaign Announcement, Djou Response
  2. Full Text: Star-Adv Suit hits Abercrombie Secrecy on Judicial Nominees
  3. City, State sued over restrictive "License to Carry" Firearms
  4. First Felony Prosecutions under new Elder Abuse Law
  5. 9/11 remembrance ceremony scheduled at Tamarind Park
  6. SA: Governor flouts our right to know
  7. HSTA Demands Abercrombie “Split the Difference”
  8. Boylan: This Could Be Djou’s Best Chance
  9. Lockstep: Hirono votes 98% with Democrats, Hanabusa votes 95%
  10. Hirono tagged as Atheist Longshot
  11. Kondo, backed by Ethics Commission: “We’re not here to trap anybody”
  12. Aulani a Mickey Mouse Operation?
  13. Mufi: Disney Did Not Scrimp on Aulani
  14. Mayor to HUD: Tell Us What To Do And We'll Do It
  15. Hawaii Consumer Advocate Tilts Testimony to help Aina Koa Pono Biofool Scam
  16. AC Fails: Still out after 36 Hours at Honolulu Airport
  17. Rail Supporter Switches Sides
  18. Tenant Businesses seek Compensation for rail property takeover
  19. With Subpoenas Pending, Kauai Food Bank finally Responds to Bob Jones
  20. OHA Cronies scramble for $1.4M Pinata at CNHA Convention
  21. State Predicts 1.3% Growth and 3% Inflation
  22. Votes fall short on vacation rental statute
  23. After Censorship fails, Grove Farm decides to Build a Fence
  24. Following State's Lead, Honolulu Counts Military
  25. Commission vetting Hawaii Co Council redistricting maps
  26. High Oahu Rents drive thousands to Foodbank
  27. Foreclosures accounted for 21% of Hawaii home sales in Q2
  28. Hawaii County Bus Ridership Drops 7.7% after Free Ride Ends
  29. Hawaii Unveils New Master Plans For Pedestrians
  30. AG's office to hold auction of forfeited property
  31. Free Speech? Hawaii Legislators praised for attempting to ban N-Word at NCSL Conference
  32. SF Examiner: Hawaiian news source says Leland Yee unfit for San Francisco mayor
  33. KHON Duped by Counterfeit Female: Transsexual with 36 Felony Conviction has been Forging Checks drawn on Oahu Correctional Center Account
  34. “Seriously Tainted” Jury seated for “Religious” Doper’s Trial
  35. Chinese find Manganese Nodules at Bottom of Ocean East of Hilo
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:36 PM :: 7455 Views
  1. Rail: Sumitomo will not Appeal, Stands Ready to take Ansaldo's place
  2. Chancellor Hinshaw to leave UH Manoa
  3. Gallup: Hawaii ranks 34th in Job Creation
  4. State Announces Broadband Initiative
  5. Horizon Lines Misses Aug. 15 Payment on $330 Million in Convertible Notes
  6. NYT Slams "Green Jobs" Pipe Dream
  7. Perreira: HSTA has Run Amok, HGEA not involved in Bizarre Plot against teachers
  8. Hanabusa Chickens Out, decides to run for Congress, pledges to keep failing the East-West Center
  9. CB: It’s a Fact, Djou less Partisan than Hirono, Hanabusa
  10. Ko Olina Exec backs re-drawn CD1 so Hanabusa Doesn’t have to Move
  11. Homeless Say Abercrombie not tough Enough
  12. Abercrombie’s hot air alone won’t help ship of state’s sails
  13. ILind: Where are the details on Abercrombie’s Broadband Show?
  14. Abercrombie Energy Panel Larded with Kuokoa Board Members
  15. Abercrombie’s Kate Stanley: Conflict of Interest?
  16. Back from Japan and Dumber than an Earlobe, Carlisle has no answer on Jamila, Sludge, ORI
  17. Prison Probe Underway At Kailua Women's Facility, Warden Suspended
  18. OHA Cronies to hear “special message” from The Obama
  19. Group Questions Cost of Rail Realignment
  20. Regents explore raising UH tuition up to 46 percent
  21. Star-Advertiser sues governor over disclosure of names of judicial candidates
  22. Act 221 Scammers Renew Push for Hawaii Stock Exchange
  23. Turtle Bay: Supreme Court Making EIS Rules up as they go along
  24. Taxpayers give Honeywell $25M to build pilot-scale biomass refinery in Kapolei
  25. Landfill Gas to Energy Proposals Requested for Maui
  26. Hawaii County Water Rates up 3.5%
  27. Former Senator Biden to Speak at Kaneohe base Tomorrow
  28. San Francisco Mayoral Candidate Shoplifts in Kona, Cruises for Hookers in SF
  29. Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
August 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:26 PM :: 9947 Views
  1. School-by-School Hawaii State Assessment— How did your school do?
  2. Is Disney Lost in Hawaii?
  3. Gallup: Hawaii Leads Nation in Well-Being
  4. US Supreme Court will soon decide whether to hear Hokulia Bypass Case
  5. Is Video First Sarah Palin 2012 Campaign Commercial?
  6. Selecting from Secret List of Nominees, Abercrombie appoints Mizuno UH Regent
  7. Stimulus? Abercrombie CIP Contract Awards Drop by 86% from Lingle
  8. Subpoenas: Abercrombie, UHPA battle HSTA in Court
  9. Abercrombie seeking Self-Discipline, More Fake News conferences
  10. Ratepayers push back, Water Board postpones vote on rate hike
  11. Ansaldo could face $560M fine over Lack of Contractor’s License
  12. Rail Project Has Honolulu in a Tizzy
  13. Maui Affordable Housing Project half empty, residents terrorized by Felons on Management Team
  14. Substitute Teachers' pay delay will cost state more
  15. Autism Lawsuit Against DOE Could Cost State "Millions"
  16. Secret Report Criticizes Hawaii Juvenile Detention Home
  17. Judge suspends restitution in Aloun Farms case
  18. Honolulu Deputy Medical Examiner leaves State, won’t return calls
  19. Abercrombie to announce broadband Internet initiative today
  20. Is Hawaii Ready For a Stock Exchange?
  21. HUD Secretary Hawaii-Bound
  22. CNHA Senate Committee Roundtable Off The Record?
  23. Hanabusa: ‘I Can Defend My Record’
  24. No Town Hall, Hirono Hides from Constituents
  25. WRONG: Solar project ‘will save taxpayers money’
  26. Pre-APEC Homeless Sweep Under Freeway Uncovers Elaborate Structures
  27. Turtle Bay Resort plans to scale back expansion plans
  28. Maui Oceanfront Inn could be sold to pay creditors
  29. Public Land Development Corporation Cancels First Meeting
  30. Consumer Advocate Challenges Abercrombie’s Embrace of Obamacare
  31. Catch a fish, fill out a form
  32. Museum opens at former Wyo. internment camp
  33. WaPo Looks at 1911 DoE rules from Territory of Hawaii
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Monday, August 22, 2011
August 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 23357 Views
  1. Can Abercrombie Administration impose Billions in Carbon Fees without Legislative Vote?
  2. Hawaii Marine Artillery keeps watch in Helmand Province
  3. Car Bomb: Maui Soldier tells Story of Survival
  4. Military Spending: In pursuit of Ideology, Hirono Votes Against 18% of Hawaii Economy
  5. Gingrich addresses TEA Party of Maui
  6. Hawaii Patriots: Massive Turn Out Supports Family of Fallen U.S Marine Christopher Camero
  7. Lifelong Criminal Lectures Kauai Police Commission on Sovereignty
  8. EUTF Audit: Another Deficit Year for Hawaii's Public Employee Health Insurance Fund
  9. Hawaii PUC Lags Far Behind Other States
  10. Prosecutor seeks restitution review in Aloun Farms Slavery case
  11. UH Manoa Perfessers, Administrators Drain secretive UH Foundation Travel Account
  12. SA: IT inefficiencies are pound foolish
  13. Hawaii lawmakers to get update on plans for public land Sales, Revenues
  14. With no law to enforce, police unable to handle Squatter problem plaguing Waikiki
  15. Catamaran businesses wary of permit plan
  16. VIDEO: Hilo, Senior League World Series champs, return to Hawaii
  17. OPT trials wave device ahead of US radar network deployment
  18. Hawaii amends its UI law regarding part-time/partial employment
  19. Ex-Honolulu stockbroker to be sentenced for fraud
  20. Big Island overrun by Cannibal Frogs
  21. New data spill shows risk of online health records
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
August 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:03 PM :: 5899 Views
  1. KOS: “Hirono would be the first non-theist to serve in the Senate”
  2. Hirono: Statehood evokes different emotions in all of us
  3. Berg: Ansaldo will Cost Taxpayers $250M on Maintenance
  4. Regaining Confidence Key to Economic Outlook
  5. Abercrombie pledges to Raise Taxes Again: “The Problem is People”
  6. Cayetano, Heen, Roth, Slater: How the city misled the public on Rail
  7. Water board seeks public's input before possible 70% rate increase
  8. ORI was Top Recipient of Honolulu HUD Money
  9. SA: With Only Six Schools Succeeding DoE needs to get Waiver from NCLB and still sucker Feds into thinking RTTT is real
  10. HSTA Contract Critical Juncture for Labor power in Hawaii
  11. VIDEO: Hundreds gather at town hall meeting featuring Newt Gingrich
  12. Fontaine is a good representative for Maui
  13. Will Deployment Help Djou’s Campaign?
  14. Fool Calls for Renewed Push to Disenfranchise Military Personnel
  15. Hawaii's genetically modified papayas attacked—eco terror feared
  16. Ibarra Rules that RENOVATIONS require SMA Permit, orders demolition of Keauhou Church Building
  17. Lunalilo Trust pursues growth
  18. Kauai AIDS Clinic Finds Substitute for Federal Funds
  19. Star-Adv Charges $1500 for Obituary
  20. Hilo Claims Senior League World Series Title
  21. Pre-APEC, Korea Free Trade Enters Critical Stage
  22. NYT: Citing a Lack of Usage, Costco Removes E.V. Chargers
  23. Honolulu Rail Contractor Surrounded as Gunmen Close in on Headquarters
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
August 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 11475 Views
  1. Hawaii Statehood: Tiny 1959 opposition was anti-Japanese, not anti-American
  2. Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
  3. Our American Triumph: Civil Rights and Hawaii Statehood
  4. WaPo: Hawaii to be Squeezed by Super Committee
  5. Half Billion Dollars for Solar on Hawaii Navy Bases
  6. Abercrombie Spends Statehood Day Addressing Sovereignty Activists
  7. Star-Advertiser lets Mufi Hannemann, Ernie Marin off the hook, demands Jamila’s Head
  8. Abercrombie update spurs 'Snooze Day in Hawaii'
  9. Aberconomy: Unemployment jumps to 6.1%
  10. Substitute Teachers waiting for as much as $100 million in back pay
  11. Private School Success: Top Students continue to Beat National Averages
  12. 90-Day Homeless Plan: Take Credit for Pre-Existing Efforts
  13. Hawaii Gov’t Tech: Old, Older, Oldest
  14. Global Horizons and two California farms ordered to pay $2 million to farm workers
  15. Association for Ko Olina condos sues over fees
  16. Anti-Americans take stand against Free Trade with Korea
  17. Hostel underpaid working guests, suit alleges
  18. TSA Manager Targeted For Firing Speaks Out
  19. Anonymous Complaint investigated against Hickam Firefighters
  20. Little League: Hilo All Stars surge past Italy to reach final
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Friday, August 19, 2011
August 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 11715 Views
  1. Thousands line Highway for funeral of Big Island Marine Killed in Afghanistan
  2. HSTA Leaders see Conspiracy by Other Unions?
  3. SA: Abercrombie bringing back Pension Tax
  4. HSTA innuendos, attacks on Character similar to Nazis Big Lie
  5. Hawaii Labor Board Says Gov's Letter Not a Problem
  6. Boylan: Dazed Hirono no match for TEA Party, Rail Could Be Cut
  7. Hanabusa Supporters ‘Split’ On Future
  8. Statehood Day Today
  9. Slow-Moving Bureaucracy, 1968 Technology, costs Abercrombie’s DoT $19.2M
  10. Bhagowalia: Hawaii IT is Worse than Expected
  11. Green Energy Spending Boosts Inflation in Hawaii
  12. Will Ansaldo Be Able to Obtain Bonding?
  13. Enviros working to Impose Carbon Tax On Hawaii Without Legislative Approval
  14. NASA: Space Aliens May Exterminate Humans to Stop Global Warming
  15. No way to extract Military, Students from Redistricting
  16. Money Grubbing Anti-Telescope Activists Demand Cut of Ticket Sales
  17. Addressing the state’s doctor shortage
  18. It Gets Worse At Kaua‘i Food Bank
  19. Disease Spreads: 2 Hawaii lawmakers elected to national positions
  20. Newt Gingrich pitches Asian appeal in California, Hawaii
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
August 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:30 PM :: 4292 Views
  1. Abercrombie Outlines Excuses for Tax Hikes, Blames Lingle, Micronesians
  2. Rep Ward: Governor's Report Long on Rhetoric, Short on Specifics
  3. Big Island plans massive salute to LCpl. Camero
  4. GOP's Djou seeks to retake Hawaii House seat
  5. ‘Undeniable storm’ looms for finances, gov warns
  6. Marumoto: Abercrombie wants to raise taxes again
  7. Governor must answer, ‘Where’s the beef?’
  8. Fake Cuts: Most Hawaii Departments Spared in $50M 'Restructuring' Cuts
  9. Commission Again refuses to Disenfranchise Military
  10. Say, Tsutsui ask AG Louie to allow Legislators to Peddle Influence Freely
  11. HUD Concerned About ORI Report From City
  12. ILind: HSTA ethics complaint is mis-directed
  13. Green Energy Drives HECO Rates to Record High
  14. Soft on Crime Kauai: Lifelong Criminal Gets Probation for Death Threats
  15. Tough on Homeowners: Pay Maui Property Tax Late, Lose Homeowners Exemption
  16. Gay Civil Union Licenses handled online, heteros must wait weeks for marriage licenses
  17. SA: The DoE Can Save Children from Ignorant Parents
  18. Council Postpones Laie Hotel Vote
  19. Experts meet in Honolulu to focus on Rat Lungworm Disease
  20. Obama promises to waste $510M on Biofool Scams
  21. Medical Practices Losing Money Nationwide
  22. AOL Gets Last, Best Hope in Private Equity
  24. Birfers offer $5000 for Obama Birf Announcement Newspapers
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
August 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 18278 Views
  1. Djou: Hawaii isolated, vulnerable due to lack of Bi-Partisan Delegation
  2. Newt Gingrich to Speak at Maui Event Saturday Aug 20
  3. KidsCount: Hawaii Dropout Rate rises 40%
  4. Politico: Djou will challenge Hanabusa
  5. Djou to deploy to Afghanistan then run for Congress
  6. Lee Greenwood Wows Fans at $500K Hawaii GOP Fundraiser
  7. Legislative redistricting will shift seats
  8. Big Brother: Kauai Utility to Shut off Residents’ Appliances Remotely
  9. Kondo draws ire and fire from lawmakers over ethics
  10. HSTA flounders in labor battle
  11. Does governor’s position on judicial nominees reflect views of his supporters?
  12. International legal fight stalls Honolulu mass transit project
  13. Grifters focus Attention on Telescope’s Community Benefits Package
  14. Non-enforcement of mandatory reporting law against Dept. of Education personnel endangers Hawaii’s children
  15. NOAA Monk Seal Zone Could Kill Inter-Island Cable, OTEC
  16. Flags will fly half staff in honor of Camero
  17. NYT: New Disney Vacation Resort in Hawaii Faces Possible Losses
  18. Hawaii Pension Fund Gains 21% Through June (then Market Crashes)
  19. Report: Hawaii hotel occupancy dropped in June—first drop in 18 mos
  20. Biden to stop in Hawaii after Asia trip
  21. Hawaii 2010 Data Book Released
  22. $2.5M federal grant to repair Waianae alternate route
  23. Opposition voiced to Hualalai Partners' plans
  24. Kauai TVRs: 4,650 Takings?
  25. Perry on the Right
  26. Conference aims to normalize pedophilia
  27. VIDEO: Blacks in Detroit Tired of making excuses for Obama
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
August 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:26 PM :: 8733 Views
  1. Roll Call: Djou Expected to Try to Win Back House Seat
  2. Duke Aiona: I will not run for Congress in 2012, will Decide on 2014 Gubernatorial Run
  3. Newt Gingrich to Speak at Maui Event Saturday Aug 20
  4. Barbers Point Museum to Host 9-11 Commemoration
  5. Disney Halts Sales at Aulani, Fires top Execs
  6. Abercrombie names Nakasone to First Circuit Court Bench
  7. Country-Western Singer Lee Greenwood to Headline Hawaii GOP Fundraiser
  8. One Week Until Teacher Evaluation Failure Sinks Race to the Top
  9. HSTA Claim that HLRB is not Impartial Leads to Hearing Thursday
  10. Collusion? School Bus Contractors Jack Up Prices 44%—after being compensated for fuel, labor
  11. ILind: Governor gives the public a one-finger salute, news media gives him a pass
  12. Thanks to DDT Ban, Bed Bugs now Ruining Waikiki
  13. Heading for Federal Court, Bombardier Appeals Honolulu Rail Contract
  14. Grifters seeking Money Grill Telescope Managers
  15. Sentencing postponed for Tam on theft, campaign spending charges
  16. Senate Ways and Means Chair: Hawaii Working to Resolve Employee Retirement System's $7.1 Billion Deficit
  17. Reward raised to $10,000 for information on destruction of papaya crops
  18. Copper cables stolen from abandoned South Point wind farm
  19. HMSA, Kaiser make money, prepare to hike rates
  20. Tokio Marine to Acquire All of Hawaii’s First Insurance for $165 Million
  21. Permit changes for stream cleaning
  22. Tourism propping up Honolulu Real Estate market
  23. Federal agency praises Hawaii and Honolulu for securing radiological material
  24. Honolulu rat lungworm disease workshop planned
  25. DoE Failures keep Hawaii cities off 'Best Places to Live' list
  26. Tropical Storm Fernanda heads toward Central Pacific
  27. After Spending all the Money, Obama Goes After Military Retirees
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Monday, August 15, 2011
August 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:47 PM :: 4847 Views
  1. Waimanalo Gulch Cover-up: Hannemann, Martin fingered in Ethics Commission Report
  2. Lawsuit: Adult counselor engaged in questionable activities with students at Blind, Deaf School
  3. Micronesians: “Its just better in Arkansas”
  4. Hawaii residents work 216 days to pay full cost of government
  5. Abercrombie: 90-Day Homelessness Plan Comes to End
  6. Kalapa: Running Afoul of Credit Risks due to Lack of Leadership
  7. Abercrombie on APEC: “So what?”
  8. State Rejects Sumitomo Appeal, Clears Path for Honolulu Rail
  9. Financial Disclosures show Alleged Conflicts of Interest for Carlisle Cabinet
  10. Djou: HART Must be Accountable to City Officials
  11. Djou to make Announcement later this week
  12. CB: Duke Aiona Considering Run for CD2
  13. Case: DSCC believes fiction, hits Hirono for Being Invisible in District
  14. Hanabusa supporter goes after Hirono over residency
  15. Plans advance for teacher ratings pilot project
  16. SA: Micronesians are great excuse to get More Federal Funds
  17. Abercrombie Admin Confiscated Weapons from Harbor Police Over Paperwork Issues
  18. HSTA Files Ethics Charge against Abercrombie, Horner, Matayoshi
  19. SHOPO Brings in Federal Mediator
  20. Kenoi’s Side deal with HGEA costly
  21. Hawaii Biofuels Option Could Prove Costly
  22. Land Trusts to get their Tax Cuts and Eat them Too
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
August 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:57 PM :: 19649 Views
  1. Tax Cheat linked to Holocaust Deniers is Source for National Democrats’ Attack on Lingle
  2. Running Afoul of Credit Risks due to Lack of Leadership
  3. Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll, Pawlenty ends Candidacy after Disappointing 3rd Place Finish
  4. Silent salute to honor fallen Isle Marine
  5. Stop Rail Plaintiffs may seek Injunction Halting Work
  6. COFA: Hawaii Spends $115M, Arkansas Spends $1M
  7. Akaka Tribe Gathers for 10th Annual meeting
  8. Hawaii Monopoly Bosses Top $6m in Pay
  9. Fontaine: Holding informational briefings is part of a legislator’s responsibilities
  10. DoE Hit List: Six Schools beat 90% Proficiency
  11. KOS: Unnecessary Ed Case is our Favorite Punching Bag
  12. Tax Cheat Gary Hooser considers run for Congress, Mufi may Announce at End of Month
  13. Jesse Jackson Jr: Inouye, Akaka suffer the most from budget cuts
  14. Census shows 78% more homosexual couples in Hawaii, 21% control children
  15. Dudley: Thai workers are rich liars, happy with treatment by Sou Brothers
  16. Mikulina: Refreshing if Task Force Enterprises Implode
  17. Telescope Shakedown Continues in name of “gods”
  18. Honolulu City Council to decide if hotel in Laie can be built
  19. Clean Energy Project to Spew 246 tons of Pollution
  20. Late mortgage payments in Hawaii decline
  21. Strategic Airlines to fly to Hawaii
  22. Flying Donkeys Set To Arrive At LAX
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Saturday, August 13, 2011
August 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:27 PM :: 15931 Views
  1. Gallup: Obama job Approval in Hawaii Drops to 56%
  2. Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces Campaign for Presidency
  3. Inouye: Lingle will be difficult, nothing but trouble out there for Democrats
  4. Abercrombie’s 90-Day Plan: Take Credit for Homeless Shelters “doing the work they always have done”
  5. Abercrombie Tourism Liaison is Washington Place Handyman
  6. Anti-Bullying Laws to Cover Private Schools, General Public?
  7. Feds to Regulate Overseas Labor Recruiters?
  8. Feed In Tariff: Green Energy Scammers Demand to be Paid even when their Electricity is useless
  9. Now Driving Honolulu's Money Train: Don Horner
  10. Kapolei getting Railroad but losing Post Office
  11. You too can participate in destroying the country’s bond rating and crashing the stock market
  12. Schatz Praises Aloha Stadium Authority that Abercrombie demanded Resign
  13. Hilton to Build Two New Towers with 600 Timeshare Units
  14. $200/month Permit proposal splashes catamaran firms
  15. Boosting number of doctors in Hawaii is critical need
  16. Stupid Mortgage Scammer fails to use Sovereignty as an Excuse, Gets Arrested
  17. Honolulu TSA Managers Admit 'Dictatorial' Atmosphere
  18. Enviros, Bureaucrats attacking Fishermen Again
  19. Building Trades Unions to Boycott Democratic National Convention
  20. 9-11-11: Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Run
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Friday, August 12, 2011
August 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 13978 Views
  1. Akaka Brings Democrat Staffers to Maui for Taxpayer-funded Vacation
  2. Meet Eni Faleomavaega: Hirono and Hanabusa's Hope for the East-West Center
  3. Hawaii Tops Nation in Seat belt Use
  4. Judiciary Seeking Applicants for Bar Examiners Board
  5. 80% of UPW votes for Strike
  6. Pasha-Young Bros. feud shows state as it really is
  7. Waimanalo Gulch Votes Bought n Paid For By Ernie Martin, Mufi Hannemann
  8. HSTA Flack: I am a teacher first and a Democrat second
  9. Musto: HSTA position makes no sense
  10. COFA: Abercrombie Demands Feds Clean Up the Mess He Made
  11. Boylan: Billion Dollar Barry will Save us from Lingle
  12. Hawaii County Redistricting commission releases six possible boundary maps
  13. Kauai Luddites Open new Front in War on Hydro
  14. Kauai Food Bank Misuses $779,000
  15. Criminal Fake Cook Featured in Bizarre Aloun Farms Video
  16. Trial dates set for HPD officers in overtime scam
  17. Maui’s Medeiros, Madden Fined for failing to file reports
  18. Marshallese go to Arkansas for Jobs
  19. Act 221 Company loses $10.2M
  20. HSTA, Other Gov’t Workers now Get Open Enrollment
  21. Moon Race: Will Lunar Park be easier to build in Hawaii or on the Moon?
  22. Superferry Protesters may drive final nail in Coffin of Pork Program for Shipbuilders
  23. $1.5m in Federal Pork to Provide Internet Service to 800 in rural Hawaii
  24. SA: Vacation rental bill good first step
  25. Hawaii Ranked Worst State For Dental Health
  26. Postal Service proposes cutting 120,000 jobs, pulling out of health-care plan
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Thursday, August 11, 2011
August 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 21648 Views
  1. Gallup: Hawaii Most Democratic State in '11
  2. St Sophia’s Priest found Not Guilty of Hawaii sex assault tells his story
  3. Panos: For about six billion dollars you can choose between Plan A and Plan B
  4. Trains Helped Kill the Greek Economy – They’ll Kill Hawaii’s too
  5. Lawsuit: Hamamoto, Principal, Counselor Looked Other way as Homosexual Rapists Terrorized Underage Deaf and Blind Students
  6. HSTA Doesn’t get Immediate Injunction
  7. Maui Time: Lingle could Win Senate Race
  8. Hawaii GOP Candidate Willoughby moves to Utah to Run For Congress Again
  9. Phony Abercrombie talks Union in Vegas while Fighting Unions at Home
  10. Abercrombie Thriving on Chaos
  11. ILind: Civil Beat superficial, misses Key Background Info
  12. Incarceration, not Education: Kulani School eyed as prison site
  13. Electric Ratepayers may be robbed to line pockets of Biofool Scammers
  14. Hawaiian Airlines Balks at Tax Burden on Tickets
  15. Ease visa hurdles for Chinese visitors
  16. Lyla Berg says Abercrombie’s BoE is Ignorant, Inexperienced, Dumber than Legislators
  17. Filth, Slime from Legislature Contributes to Honolulu’s Sewage Overload
  18. Ethics Director Blocks Texas Dinner For Hawaii Lawmakers
  19. Carlisle Cabinet Member Quits Job, Flees Country
  20. Foreclosures Down Sharply for Second Month after new Law
  21. South Maui Wind Turbines to be 450 feet tall
  22. Former councilor’s campaign finance reports still not in
  23. Opposing sides hunker down in dispute on vacation rentals
  24. Famous "Times Square Kiss" sculpture arrives in Hawaii
  25. 150 Hawaii Army National Guard troops come home from 10-month Afghanistan deployment
  26. 6000 Marshallese in Hawaii, 4000 in Arkansas
  27. China launches first of FOUR Planned Aircraft Carriers, India aiming for three
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
August 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:40 PM :: 15686 Views
  1. Big Island plans massive salute to LCpl. Camero
  2. V-J Day Kiss Statue to be Unveiled in Waikiki
  3. Wisconsin Holds the Line
  4. President honors Hawaii Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan
  5. Duke vs Mufi for CD2?
  6. Abercrombie heads off on Vacation—will Speak at Vegas Union Convention while giving Shaft to HSTA
  7. DOE had its finger on the scales when reporting special education progress
  8. Blame the Test: SA comes up with Lots of New Excuses for DoE Failure
  9. Kenoi goes 60-40 with HGEA as Election Season Approaches
  10. Biofuel Proposal Draws Fire
  11. Soft on Crime Judge orders Return of Fake Police Badge to Anti-Superferry Protester
  12. Progressives seek Comments against Counting Military personnel
  13. OHA claims to be exempt from State Law
  14. Trask Opposes Wilhelm as KSBE Trustee
  15. Large Rail Landowners Give to Pro-Rail Campaigns
  16. Waimanalo Gulch: Planning Commissioner Fined For Ethics Violations
  17. No Confidence in Abercrombie’s Pipe Dreams: Arizona Prison Expanding to House More Inmates
  18. Civil Beat tries to do Partisan hatchet Job on Lingle’s Int’l Women’s Conference—and blows it
  19. Academic Marxists using Social Studies to Brainwash DoE Students
  20. What Hawaii Education Laws Are Most Ineffectual?
  21. Federal Shipbuilding Loan Guarantees may be Casualty of Superferry Debacle
  22. New flights from China may provide big boost to Hawaii economy
  23. APEC picks finalists for Hawaii Business Innovation Showcase
  24. Special 9/11 Event Planned In Hawaii
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
August 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:08 PM :: 17263 Views
  1. After Abercrombie puts Videotaped Foot in Mouth, he rejects Binding Arbitration with HSTA
  2. Berg: Showdown on Landfill
  3. Molesters, Cocaine, and Bribery ignored--but Maui Democrats Frothing at Mouth over Cybercrime Briefing
  4. HSTA slams state for rejecting arbitration stunt
  5. Inouye: Akaka Should Serve out Term
  6. Hirono Supporters at Civil Beat debunk Borreca Column attacking Akaka
  7. Former Gov. Lingle talks leadership with service members
  8. DSCC Blames Lingle for DoE/BoE/HSTA Choice to put School Furlough Days on Instructional Days
  9. Inouye Attacking Windfarm Subsidies? Inouye Claims Hawaii Rail Funding Is Safe
  10. Bombardier considers further legal action on rail contract
  11. Another Failed HECO Deal
  12. New QUEST Medicaid contracts to Implement Abercrombie Plan
  13. Slom: S&P Downgrade a result of Debt Agreement
  14. Democrat Donor Orly Taitz comes to Hawaii with her latest Birther Stunt
  15. DoE Aide pleads not guilty in Sexting case
  16. CNHA Conf: 500 OHA cronies seeking Free Money
  17. 3 MPD officers face suspensions
  18. Visiting priest acquitted of sexual assault
  19. Hawaii enters growing group of states with asset protection trusts
  20. Fake Developers Pretend to Re-Start Scam Development on side of Volcano
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Monday, August 8, 2011
August 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 15912 Views
  1. Human Trafficking: Did the US DoJ Purposefully lose the Aloun Farms Case?
  2. Police roust Mayor Kenoi, Rep Chang from Drunken Campaign Event
  3. HUD: Ernie Martin Should Have Caught ORI's Problems
  4. Expiring government incentive programs have some worried the Solar boom won’t last
  5. Abercrombie’s Medical Homes … or Medical Closets?
  6. Now that Abercrombie has lost all his labor constituents, can he get some love from Business?
  7. Dog Bites Man: Judge again sides with the Sierra Club against Koa Ridge
  8. Kauai seeks place to treat young addicts
  9. Only Two Legislators have $100K Campaign Cash
  10. Meltdown of Aloun Farms Trial May Help Defendants In Global Horizons Case
  11. Shapiro: New hope in teachers’ labor dispute, or just hype?
  12. Families face bigger tuition hikes as costs for private schools rise
  13. Hawaii County Council Reapportionment Maps Available
  14. Answer sought on 'Kona' coffee
  15. Honolulu Police Declines to Name Promoted Officers — Then Names Them
  16. Judiciary to Honor Richardson
  17. Hawaii students line up for back to school blessing
  18. A Lost Child of Kalaupapa
  19. Friends, family recall ‘fearless young man’ killed in Afghanistan
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Sunday, August 7, 2011
August 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:46 PM :: 13282 Views
  1. This Day in History: Truman Announces Hiroshima Bombing
  2. Restoring Courage: Hawaii Stands with Israel August 24
  3. Hawaii's Obscure Franchise Tax Adds to Utility Bills
  4. Pro Bowl to continue, site may change thanks to Abercrombie
  5. HSTA decides Abercrombie’s Videotaped Bickering is a Binding Arbitration Offer, Votes to “accept”
  6. Other Students Reported Sexual Messages from Educational Assistant
  7. BoE: HSTA, HGEA members cannot veto Charter Conversion application, Laupahoehoe charter OK'd
  8. Maui Native Among 30 killed in Afghanistan
  9. Hawaii Soldier Dies In Afghanistan
  10. Maui Dems: Redistricting plan ‘cleans it up nicely’
  11. 1,000 Big Island Dopers forget to Renew Medical Marijuana Cards
  12. Big Island Blogger Claims he was Beat up by Police
  13. Younger veterans living on the streets
  14. Hawaii agriculture chair asks Safeway to comply with local roasted coffee labeling law
  15. Hawaii DoE does not require any Economics Courses
  16. Brewbaker: Stimulus in Hawaii failed due to emphasis on Clean Energy, Broadband
  17. After Obama burns Treasury, Colleges breathe sigh of relief that Pell Grants Still Survive
  18. Honolulu Weekly facing financial deadline, appeals for support
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Saturday, August 6, 2011
August 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 17068 Views
  1. S&P Cuts US Bond Rating, More Downgrades Coming Monday
  2. Fourth in Nation: Hawaii State Debt is $25,000 per taxpayer
  3. WSJ Video: How US Debt Downgrade would affect States, Cities, Banks, Mortgage rates
  4. Homosexual Rape went on for Years at DoE Blind and Deaf School
  5. DoE Promises HSTA: No Teacher Accountability for 2011-2012
  6. Thai Workers to file Civil Suit
  7. Borreca: Ed Case's problem is effrontery
  8. Reapportionment Commission Adds Hanabusa’s Home to CD1
  9. San Francisco Still Stuck with Ansaldo
  10. At Teachers Union/State Settlement Conference, Mum's The Word
  11. Abercrombie attacks Prepaid Healthcare Act Again
  12. Abercrombie Blocks Maui Nurses from Facebook Page
  13. OHA Trustee Mossman Quits: Departure Presages Return to Bad Old Days?
  14. Abercrombie snags PUC Commissioner
  15. Abercrombie Advisor quits to work on Case Campaign
  16. Papaya farms offer $10,000 award
  17. Inspector General Probe Headed For HNL TSA (timed for APEC?)
  18. SA: Compensate Prisoners released and deemed wrongly convicted
  19. $10 Toll to drive in Downtown Honolulu?
  20. Commissary Needed in Hawaii
  21. Brian Ahakuelo to lead IBEW Local 1260
  22. BioFools: AKP to Produce 140,000 tons of “Bio-Char” Every Year
  23. Senate Leaders to Push Renewal of Wind Subsidies
  24. HTA’s McCartney: "You're not going to see a lot of our ads on CNN."
  25. They can’t get married there but Gays pick Australia as #1 spot for Honeymoons
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Friday, August 5, 2011
August 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 14360 Views
  1. Troubled Honolulu rail Contractor owned by Gaddafi--Revolt causing Financial Losses
  2. Hawai`i Free Press: A Million Hits A Month
  3. VIDEO: Abercrombie argues with retired teacher in Hilo
  4. Mainland Democrat Operatives Attack Gov. Lingle's Record
  5. Supreme Court Evaluates Work of Access to Justice Commission
  6. I Love Liliha Festival Aug 28
  7. Kimura Gets 20 Years in Maui Ponzi Scheme
  8. “People at the very top knew”: Sexual Abuse Arrests made at Hawaii's school for Deaf and Blind
  9. UHPA Steps Into Teacher Contract Dispute
  10. Inouye’s National Democrats hit for attacking Case, Lingle
  11. Shapiro: It’s already hold-your-nose time in the Hawai‘i’s U.S. Senate race
  12. Hanabusa’s Announcement: A Matter Of Weeks
  13. Ko Olina Home In or Out of Hanabusa's District?
  14. Doctor shortage getting worse; hospitals finding ways to cope
  15. Kamehameha land sales raise questions
  16. Cayetano, Waihee speak up for Aloun Farms
  17. Jurors: Prosecution Botched Aloun Farms Case
  18. Pasha: New law makes competition nearly impossible
  19. Luddites, Mortgage Scammers Move to Thwart Hawaii Fish farm
  20. Akaka introduces bill to restore Compact of Free Association citizen eligibility for Medicaid
  21. SA: 'Sexting' laws need clarity
  22. Deal puts Hawaiian Air's imprint on field of Aloha Stadium
  23. Historic Ewa Airfield proposed site for renewable energy park
  24. Kona Airport Manager Disciplined: Kauai Airport Manager Fired As DOT Tries To Fix Airports
  25. Proposed Big Island Biofuel Plant Attracts Strong Supporters, Vocal Skeptics
  26. NRC satisfied with Army handling of Depleted Uranium
  27. Andy Irons Drug Problem Hidden behind surfing industry Wall of Silence
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
August 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 13067 Views
  1. Six Incumbents could fight each other under newly released Hawaii Reapportionment Maps
  2. Judge Steven Alm: Justice Reinvestment and the future of HOPE Probation
  3. Ewa Battlefield Preservation Hearing Today
  4. OHA Cash Giveaway can Quintuple Your Bank Account
  5. Big Victory for Democrat Insiders in Aloun Farms Slavery Case: Feds drop all Charges Against Sou Bros
  6. Martin, Kobayashi hold Fake ORI Hearings
  7. Hawaii’s APEC Business Delusions
  8. Oi: Sewage, Trash, and the DoE should be front and Center at APEC
  9. Tsutsui demands that Task Forces not be Ethical
  10. DoE trying to use Creative Accounting to Pretend to Comply with Law Mandating 5.5 instructional hours
  11. UPW is obstacle to Merging Fire Dep’t, Emergency Services
  12. Application Deadline Arrives for Akaka Tribe Commission
  13. Hokulia's future is cloudy
  14. City Move To Contract With Single Tow Firm could mean higher costs for Tow Victims
  15. Young Bros. rate increase tied to fight to reestablish monopoly
  16. With Federal Subsidies set to Expire, Solar Boom reaches 20mw on Oahu
  17. Molokai Stands firm against Windfarms
  18. Solar Assoc of Hawaii Challenges Smart Grid Technology
  19. ACLU of Hawaii seeks details on government phone tracking
  20. OPM considers pay adjustments for Federal Employees in Hawaii
  21. Environmental groups sue to stop Hawaii fish farm
  22. Damselfly reinforcing Federal Grip on 43,491 Oahu Acres
  23. After taking lots of drugs, UH Manoa Perfesser re-invents Atheist Religion
  24. Councilman seeks funds to send Sludge to Waimanalo Gulch
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
August 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 11854 Views
  1. Farmers send 5000lbs of Kona Coffee to the Troops
  2. Djou: Rail Authority tone deaf on Fiscal Affairs
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted August 2
  4. State: New EUTF Contracts To Save Millions
  5. ILWU, HSTA Picket as Abercrombie bickers with Retired Teachers at Hilo Events
  6. Shapiro: Dump Ansaldo
  7. Hawaii Senators go all out to defend opportunity to profit from Influence Peddling
  8. Prosecutor removed from Hawaii forced labor trial, Health Problem Cited
  9. U.S. District Judge Releases Global Horizons CEO to Leave State
  10. National Democratic committee frothing at mouth, suffers nervous breakdown over Case poll
  11. Case Pollster defends Methodology
  12. Nonprofit ORI Opts Not To Fight HUD Findings
  13. Senate matchups: Nestor Garcia to Challenge Mike Gabbard? Cachola vs Oakland?
  14. Hee Builds $300K War Chest, Tsutsui Has $100K
  15. BioFools: Big Isle ratepayers could see electric bills jump $10 or more
  16. Health insurance rates jump 10% for Hawaii public workers
  17. Thousands more may need flood insurance
  18. Act 221 Scammers: Spend money on Surveys Pushing Windfarms, not on Water Board Lobbying
  19. Hawaii Ed Board Rethinks School Impact Fees
  20. Former teaching assistant indicted in child sex abuse case
  21. Kailua teacher accused in hammer assault may lose job
  22. Micronesian in Hawaii
  23. Obama’s Pet Misanthrope: US poet laureate says humans failing themselves by not failing themselves
  24. Hawaii among best places to protect wildlife
  25. Hawaii Cancer Research lets Lawyers hope North Dakota erionite will lead to mesothelioma lawsuit epidemic
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
August 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 11120 Views
  1. Senate Race Poll shows Lingle beating Hirono
  2. Inouye’s Senate Democrats outraged by “dishonest” Ed Case
  3. Preliminary legislative districts to be unveiled Wednesday
  4. NRO: Hawaii Senate Race more than Competitive
  5. Borreca: Road to the Senate will run through a field designed by Lingle
  6. E-W Center: What will happen when Inouye is gone?
  7. Hanabusa: Republicans Had Edge in Debt Debate
  8. Layoffs likely if teacher pact revoked, state argues
  9. Cronies won’t take positions on Advisory Council if they have to give up Lobbying
  10. Council: HART already hiding Ghost Employees
  11. Biofools: $2/monthly Tax will line pockets of Aina Koa Pono
  12. Bottle Tax Will Not increase
  13. OHA Program lines Bank Accounts of Supporters
  14. Aina Le'a suits seek damages, reversal of ruling
  15. SA: Water board should curtail use of lobbyists in order to get rate hike thru
  16. Public briefed on sludge hauling: "We do not want to wait for failure," the city says
  17. Honolulu looks at merging HFD and EMS
  18. City proposal takes aim at illegal vacation rentals
  19. Maui TEA Party Chair to Be Interviewed
  20. ‘Big Wind’ can generate profits for Patten
  21. Eric Ryan tricks Berg into Attacking GOP
  22. Swat a fly, go to jail: Agreement would add 20 plants and three insects to the endangered list
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Monday, August 1, 2011
August 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:09 PM :: 14553 Views
  1. Hirono, Hanabusa, Inouye, Akaka line up behind Massive Military Cuts
  2. 1,000 Hear David Barton at events on Oahu, Maui, Big Isle
  3. HART, Council Primed to Dump Ansaldo—No Contract Signed Yet
  4. Rail Suit: Enviros Win 66% of EA Cases in 9th Circuit
  5. Former Gov. Lingle moving toward Hawaii Senate run
  6. Lingle: University System is Example of School Choice
  7. Already failing, Schools start setting higher goals
  8. New Student Tracking System For Teachers
  9. Hawaii’s high rank for federal funds means greater risk from debt ceiling disruptions
  10. Full Financial Disclosure: Abercrombie's Cabinet
  11. Obamacare Preview: Patients pack health centers As doctors winnow their client lists
  12. Hawaii Regulations prevent use of Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners
  13. HECO wants to tax ratepayers to pay HELCO $21M/yr
  14. Democrats register 75% of Base Female Voters, trying to get the other 25%
  15. The Star-Advertiser's Feeble Circulation Boast
  16. East-West Center is valuable asset to Hawaii and the United States
  17. Social Studies needed to Brainwash little Gramscians
  18. Public schools drop cursive requirement
  19. After lifetime of shaking down Resort Operators, Charlie Maxwell too sick to continue collecting payoffs
  20. After decades of screaming, Luddites win shutdown of most Hanalei Bay Commercial Activities
  21. Ordnance Reef technology demonstration reaches halfway point
  22. Obama Sr, drunken wife beater
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