Entries for July 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015 |
July 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:30 PM :: 3854 Views
- Telescope Crackdown: Arrests on Mauna Kea, Haleakala
- Hawaii Dodges $500M Bullet as Billionaire Movie Mogul Declares Bankruptcy
- Hawaii Family Forum: Let's Unite to Defund Planned Parenthood
- Auditor: Lack of Procurement Controls Exposes Health Department to Waste and Abuse
- First Day Back at School--Parents Greeted by Letter from Matayoshi
- HTA: Visitor Arrivals, Spending Up in First Half of 2015
- Senators Try to Separate Jones Act, Oil Export Ban
- Study Suggest ‘Regressive’ Gas Tax Hike for Hawaii
- 9th Circuit Rejects Hawaii Jones Act Suit
- Martin vs Caldwell: Politicians Harness their Chariots to The Homeless
- Ernie Martin Asks Ige to Build Giant Flop House in Middle of Nimitz Hwy for all Tourists to See
- Martin Hires Kenoi Operative to Coordinate Homelessness
- New shelter rules would be less strict
- “And I don’t consume marijuana!”
- Hi Tech Tax Credits Being Given Away to Lo Tech Companies
- Many Residents Are Leaving High-Priced Honolulu
- Law Suit Against Kauai PD to proceed
- Former Hawaii County PD Sergeant Quits, Case Plead Down to Disorderly Conduct
- Anti-Semites, Maoists Harass Takai, Demand Nukes be Given to Iran
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Thursday, July 30, 2015 |
July 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 4685 Views
- Truth in Accounting: Hawaii Hiding 71 Percent of Retirement Debt
- Did They Sneak Your Name onto the Native Hawaiian Roll?
- HART: Caldwell Appoints 'Expert' tied to Rail Projects Even More Messed up than Ours
- Molasses Spill Produces $15M Windfall for State
- Will Hawaii Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Programs Boost Baby Parts Business?
- Washington Legislators Ask Attorney General to Investigate Planned Parenthood Unit Overseeing Hawaii
- VIDEO: Planned Parenthood VP Discusses Contract Details, Aborted Body Parts Pricing, and How to Not “Get Caught”
- Pine: Homeless Solutions for Leeward Oahu
- Democrats for Education Reform: 'Power to the Local School'
- Protesters Enforced Mauna Kea Checkpoint, Most Police Complied -- Now, Possible Discipline for Those who Did Not
- Peter Apo: Our Ancestors Would Have Built TMT atop a Temple (and collected ground rent)
- NextEra CEO Deluded About Hawaii Regulatory Environment
- $30M Cash Giveaway to Businesses Hurt by Rail?
- Sheriff, First Deputy, other Deputies and Internal Affairs all Implicated in DUI Coverup
- Hawaii Co Council committee to Pretend to mull pCard audit Tuesday
- Leading Anti-GMO Activist Refuses to File Financial Disclosure
- Hawaii sugar industry blames Unequal Trade for Collapse
- UPW Lets City Keep New Ambulance Schedule, for now
- Kauai County handles investigation into death of teen, turns Police DUI case over to state
- Mainland Homosexuals open Honolulu Nightclub With 'Dirty Blowup Dolls' Theme
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015 |
July 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:57 PM :: 4486 Views
- Kanaiolowalu Strips 27,470 ‘Unverifiable’ Names, Publishes ‘Certified’ Roll
- McDermott: Investigate Hawaii Planned Parenthood Operations
- School Safety: Hawaii Ranks 5th in USA
- Diesel Price Gouging-- Collusion?
- HART Lets Ansaldo Score $13.2M Windfall for plan projected to lose 14,200 daily riders
- DC Law firm Invents Six Figure Position for Ige's Family
- Ige's Homeless 'Leadership' Enough to Fool Civil Beat
- UPW, Caldwell Slow Process of Rehabilitating 400 Vacant Public Housing Units
- Dozens rally against Planned Parenthood in Honolulu
- Sex Trafficking Debated
- Former PUC Chair Speaks Out Against Solar Subsidies
- Guam EPA spending questioned
- Judge Rules in Favor of Secret Government Deliberations
- HSTA president disputes DOE's AC estimate
- pCard charges Show Kenoi Trying to Get legislators Drunk; won’t say whether 3 questionable purchases were reimbursed
- Protesters attempting to block delivery of Maui telescope’s parts (again)
- Emergency rule limiting Mauna Kea access yet to be enforced
- Information regarding Lanai wind farm to remain confidential, state agency says
- The Colossal Hoax Of Organic Agriculture
- North Shore residents want parks privatized to maintain filthy beach bathrooms
- Lawsuit Settled: 8 HPD Officers Beat Two Hikers
- Hawaii Lowest Cost of Car Ownership
- Impaired driving and how it affects Hawaii
- KPD Officer Charged with DUI
- Congress Spends Another $13.7M on Papa Ola Lokahi
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015 |
Letters to the Editor July, 2015
By Letters to the Editor @ 11:48 PM :: 4302 Views
- Diesel Price Gouging-- Collusion?
- Battery Hype Debunked
- Is Government a Business?
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015 |
July 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 5091 Views
- Honolulu Women Betrayed Demand Investigation of Planned Parenthood
- Planned Parenthood Dead Baby Sales--“We Can See How Much We Can Get Out of It”
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted July 27, 2015
- Bottle Tax to be Cut by Half Cent
- Ige Appoints Committee to Talk About Homelessness, Calls it Leadership
- Honolulu 4th Most Expensive City for Singles
- Ward: NOAA should not be given cart blanche over Hawaii Waters
- State Sheriff and First Deputy Suspended
- Presidential Fundrace: Hawaii Republicans Give Nothing to Trump, Bush
- Mental Hospital Assaults Enough to Get New Building?
- DOE spends millions to turn elementary school into Admin Offices, AC included
- State Gives $33.7M to Billionaire Movie Moguls
- HGEA Funnels Free Golf to State Employees
- Jay made more than $13,000 a month in bonuses, UH says
- Gov terminates his homeless czar
- Wahiawa Homeless Camps Can Be Seen From Space
- School less a struggle for homeless kids When the Move into Houses
- Brower Nailed
- DLNR Warns Telescope Protesters Again and Again
- 20 Years Later--Murderer Claims to be Innocent, Says evidence is a Big Conspiracy
- Will Consumer Advocate Come to NextEra's Rescue?
- Hawaii Church-Sponsored Boy Scouts Have Exemption Allowing them to keep Homosexuals Away from Little Boys
- Hundreds Testify on Humpback De-Listing
- Oahu: 200MW Pumped Hydro Beats New Batteries
- Local man’s GMO creation saved isles’ papaya industry
- Organic Slave Driver: Ruderman Paid Some Workers Less than $10/hr
- Review: Latest Anti-GMO Agit-Prop Flick
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Monday, July 27, 2015 |
July 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:01 PM :: 3917 Views
- Star-Adv: Kanaiolowalu Roll Commission Does not Inspire Confidence
- Former legislator and PUC chair, Mina Morita, blasts third party owners of rooftop solar
- Ige The Engineer? Technocratic hubris has turned the state exchanges into a series of train wrecks
- Will Ige Block Federal Grab for Hawaiian Waters?
- Big Week Ahead for Honolulu Charter Commission
- Central Oahu feeling the impact of homeless population boom
- Proposed homeless camp in Lahaina no hit with neighbors
- Enviros Win: Developer Cancels 1100 unit Affordable Development, will build 55 super luxury Estates instead
- DoE Tries Design-Build Again
- Hawaii Schools Missing Out on Aid They’re Due for Serving Military Families
- Federal Employment Dropping In Hawaii--700 Net Jobs Lost in Year
- Fired Caddy Spills Beans on Allenby's Honolulu Mishap
- Why a group of American Samoans sued the government for US Citizenship
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Sunday, July 26, 2015 |
July 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 4262 Views
- Who’s the Boss, Anyway? (Part 2)
- Food Babe vs Hawaii Papaya Farmers
- DoE Fined $1.1M for Illegal Dumping
- Cronies Push Taxpayer-Funded Government Takeover of Hawaiian Electric
- Telescope Protesters Target Astronomy Convention in Waikiki
- Honolulu residents give up, leave for greener pastures
- Media Campaign Highlights Homeless Camps at Diamond Head, Lake Wilson
- A look at power uncovers a lot of weak-mindedness
- Waianae Coast Homeless Success Story
- ‘Employment first’ for the Disabled
- Hawaii County No. 1 in suicides
- Hawaii Planned Parenthood Wants to Normalize Conversation About Gay Sex
- Star-Adv: Lets Keep Using Garbage Policy to Brainwash the Public
- Maui County Lobbyist registration law being ignored
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Saturday, July 25, 2015 |
July 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:32 PM :: 4913 Views
- Clean Energy Fail: While Most States Clean Up, Hawaii CO2 Emissions Rise Since '08
- Former Attorney General Says Rail votes invalid
- DHHL Phone Service Provide by Criminal Hee, Now What?
- Hee's Inter-Island, Oahu Cables May be Repossessed for Non-Payment
- Honolulu Council resolution calls for study of Municipally-Owned Utility--Pretends it is a Co-op
- Kauai Average electric bill $214 lower than previous year
- Electric Vehicle Catches Fire, Destroys Warehouse
- Convention center preparing security plan for possible protests at upcoming astronomy conference
- Signs up, no enforcement of rules on Mauna Kea
- Willie: Post P-Card Records on Line
- HHSC Kauai cuts 30 jobs--HGEA Member Admits Privatization is inevitable
- Alkies Choose Homelessness, Refuse Shelter
- Homeless Begin Opening Convenience Stores in Kakaako Camp
- Big Island Charter School -- Students 70% Homeless
- Attorney for former mental hospital employees speaks out after third recent patient-related attack
- $4M HPD computer, dispatch upgrade doesn't work
- Case highlights shortage of Micronesian court interpreters in Hawaii
- Interisland ferry research should begin early and needs to be done well
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Friday, July 24, 2015 |
July 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:15 PM :: 5001 Views
- Thousands of Hawaiians Fraudulently Added to Kanaiolowalu Roll, 23,000 to be Stripped out by Roll Commission
- Report: 51% of Honolulu Roads in Poor Condition
- Hawaii Gas Taxes 3rd Highest in USA
- Honolulu sewer bonds sell at interest rate higher than bankrupt Detroit
- Greece, Puerto Rico and the Jones Act
- No More Bee-Pocalypse
- Hawaii Councilman Proposes Reforms After P-Card Audit
- Opposition to NextEra: "It all comes down to political influence"
- Borreca: Door Slammed in NextEra's Face
- Hundreds of State Employees, Board Members Refuse to Report Finances
- PBN: Hawaii’s public schools made steady progress
- The new chairman of the state Board of Education is pursuing the goal of giving more authority to principals
- Bleeding Hears Liberals Let Thugs Take Control of Homeless Camp
- City official claims plan coming for 'safe haven' for Kakaako homeless
- Brower: Attack on Me is Beginning of the Solution
- Hawaii State Hospital safety in question after two assaults this week
- National Republicans vote to Liberate Hawaii from Anti-GMO Lunatics--Takai, Gabbard vote against
- Cost of Living: Hawaii Minimum Wage 28% Lower than Arkansas
- Council trashes bag-tag bill
- Whistleblower says Red Hill leak may be closer to 40,000 gallons
- Hawaii Legislature Should Rethink Regulation for Taxis, Uber and Lyft
- State Sen. Breene Harimoto to be treated for pancreatic cancer
- Top Secret Air Force Unit Worked out of Hawaii for 28 Years
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Thursday, July 23, 2015 |
July 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:28 PM :: 4554 Views
- Full Text: Kanaiolowalu Roll Published
- Mother of Murdered Baby Challenges Hawaii Child Abuse Registry
- Strange News: DoE Builds School on Time, Under Budget
- Income qualifications for free/reduced lunch updated for SY 2015-16
- UH research funding up after years of decline
- Illegal and Dishonest Scheme to Slip Rail Tax Hike Thru Council
- NextEra purchase of HEI not dead, expert says
- Hawaii Solar Energy Assoc President Resigns in Protest
- Hawaiian Educational Achievement 'Grounded in Faith'
- Star Adv: DoH Shouldn't Make it too easy to get 'medical' weed
- Hawaii’s Student Travel Still Up in the Air as Free Trips Debated
- Rail Dream: Cellphones, Internet, and Obamanomics Quash Cars and Nuclear Family
- Tent Count up to 236 at Kakaako
- Assaults in Kakaako soaring
- Libraries Converted to Daytime Flophouses
- 11,000 Wait for public housing
- City Council to review ohana housing proposal Thursday
- City council committee approves settlement in police brutality lawsuit
- NCAA hearing for UH postponed again as HGEA Pursues $1.4M 'Grievance' for Unionized Coach
- DOE, companies face $1.1 million fine over illegal dumping allegations
- Caldwell Seeks $1.5M Fee Hike on Recyclers
- Kauai Council close to losing barking law
- Homosexual Child Molester Gets 29 Years in Federal Prison
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015 |
July 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 5070 Views
- FULL TEXT: Ige Administration Testimony Against NextEra Merger
- Video: Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices
- Cities Americans are Leaving: Honolulu Ranks 4th
- Nai Aupuni Bylaws Confirm it is Running a State Election
- Caldwell Shuts Down Investigation of Hanabusa, Kealoha
- Telescope Protesters Time Filings Around Giant Waikiki Astronomy Conference
- Hawaiian Electric: Suddenly Everybody Wants to Defend their Monopoly
- NextEra-Hawaiian Electric not backing down after Gov. David Ige, others oppose $4.3B sale
- Lawmakers looking at other alternatives over NextEra-HECO sale
- Squabbles over rail reflect divisions among legislators
- Hawaii County Council Finally Finds a Way to pretend to do Something About P-Card Corruption Without Hurting their Precious Billy
- SLATE Debunks Anti-GMO UH Professor
- City Spends $750,000 a Year to Provide Trash Removal Services to Homeless Camps
- More Robberies, Assaults at Kakaako Homeless Camp
- Questions about clearing Kakaako encampment
- Honolulu home rents go through the roof
- Bird enthusiasts help defer Council bill
- Deadbeat Obamacare Connector Stiffs Two Contractors for $2.7M
- The Queen's Medical Center, Kaiser rank best hospitals in Hawaii, U. S. News reports
- Kauai veterans sound off on Trump’s controversial war hero remarks
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015 |
July 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:15 PM :: 4475 Views
- UHERO: Decoupling Socks Electric Ratepayers with Soaring Fixed Costs
- Kids Count: One in Eight Children in Hawaii Live in Poverty
- Ige Appoints Moriguchi Director of Early Learning
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted July 20, 2015
- Renewables Losing Support Worldwide
- Ige opposes NextEra deal--Loss of Local Political Control
- Will Honolulu Ethics Commission Take the Gag Off its Director?
- Ige Scores Victory over Protesters? -- By Sacrificing Three Telescopes
- Mayor, Governor agree to Build Kakaako homeless camp on OHA Land--or not?
- Mainland Homeless Fly to Hawaii, Refuse Shelter
- Feds could slash Hawaii's affordable housing funding
- Audit finds misuse of Hawaii County credit cards by Kenoi and Liquor Commissioner
- Rep Ing Racks Up Thousands in 'Per Diems'
- Hawaii energy group studies potential savings of proposed cooperative utility ownership model
- HHSC: Could Slip-Fall Lawsuit Save HGEA Job Trust?
- PBN: New industry could lead to 'pot' of gold
- Potheads Will be Able to Apply for Dope 'Prescription' Online
- Anti-GMO Luxury Realtor Rants, Raves About 'Conspiracy'
- Hawaii County Council Considers Garbage Tax
- Hawaii Homeowners Have Highest % Home Equity
- One in Four Restaurants Fail Inspection
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Monday, July 20, 2015 |
July 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 3755 Views
- OHA Trustee to Use Trust Funds to Sell Marijuana?
- Jones Act Squeezes Mainland Cattle Industry
- Mauna Kea: National Guard was Called out Last Time 'Landlord Came to Collect Rent'
- TMT protesters cling to discredited legal defense
- Violence near Oahu homeless areas appears to be on the rise
- Defense Attorney Hopes to Score Settlement on Haleck Case
- Hilo Pioneers Nationwide Scheme: Food stamp use soars at farmers markets
- HSTA Teacher Evades Evaluation
- Bill eases way to add units to home lots
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Sunday, July 19, 2015 |
July 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:44 PM :: 4308 Views
- Post-Employment Benefits Are King
- Despite big talk, legislators, governor rolled over on rail
- Big Talk: Legislators Demand Caldwell Apologize for Lying About Rail Tax
- Ige’s no-drama approach steady but lacks an agenda
- Caldwell Pushes Homeless into Ige's territory: DoT Properties Become 'Safe Zone' for Homeless
- Hawaii Co Auditor: Only Liquor Commissioner is as Corrupt as Billy Kenoi
- Political Spoils System: Kenoi bending contract employee rules
- NOAA: We Will Take Over Moanalua Bay
- TMT attorney had inside track on legal issues
- Rail Reality: TOD Will Increase Traffic
- Homelessness: Chronics to be Cleared out before Families
- Martin questions Caldwell's $1.2M consulting fee for Ala Moana Beach Park
- More Shenanigans With UH Athletic Contracts
- Maui County taxi drivers suffering as Uber drivers take a detour around regulations
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 |
July 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 4399 Views
- NOAA Vote on Federal Takeover of Hawaii Waters Monday
- UH Hilo spending $33,000 to ensure U.S. flag does not fly above state flag
- Paniolo Power to Withdraw from Merger Docket
- Clean Energy? Kicking Hawaii Consumers When They're Already Down
- HART seeks applicants for vacancy on Board of Directors
- Lawsuit: Kaiser Barely Pays for Medevac
- Ethics Silenced: Hanabusa Represents Councilmembers While Serving on HART Board
- Chief's Wife Sues: Caldwell Fires Last City Ethics Investigator
- Martin, Ige Conspire to Grab Control of Homeless Policy from Caldwell
- Homeless teen attacks woman in Kakaako
- DLNR official's 'Scarface' post called inflammatory
- Hee's Vision: We Remain Committee to Stealing Your Tax Dollars
- HCDA Seeks 'Control Over Land Prices'
- Hearing will explore how Hawaii consumers are protected against unfair health insurance rate increases
- Army Drawdown Will Impact Civilians
- Lawyers Scheme with Rhoads to use Medicated Marijuana Law to Sue Businesses that fire Potheads
- KIUC Not Fooled by Battery Hype, But HECO is
- Brazil Ethanol Still Coming to Hawaii
- Code Rebel: Another Hawaii High Tech Disaster
- Soft On Crime: Attempted Murder, out by September
- Resolve differences to pass bill helping prostitution victims
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Friday, July 17, 2015 |
July 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 3155 Views
- VIDEO: Ohana of Hawaii WW1 Vets Fight to Save Natatorium
- East Oahu: 400 Testify Against Federal Takeover of Maunalua Bay
- Nearly 70K Solar Systems Approved in Hawaii
- Report: 154,000 Senior Caregivers in Hawaii
- 400 percent gas tax hike for Hawaii?
- With Rail Tax Hike Approved, Station Bids Keep Getting Lower and Lower
- Hawaii state budget office imposes 10% across-the-board restriction on spending in FY16
- Isle homelessness grows, but things stay the same
- UPW Causes Homelessness
- Creative use of VA program could get homeless vets housed faster--If HGEA Allows it
- Civil Beat Whines About Maunalua Bay Protests
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Thursday, July 16, 2015 |
July 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 3511 Views
- 'Aha Ambush: 'Notice of Election' for Fake Indian Tribe to be Mailed out Today
- East Oahu: 400 Testify Against Federal Takeover of Maunalua Bay
- Solar Scammers Hustle Homeowners on Kauai
- Ige Signs Marijuana Bill, Allows Four Others to become Law Without Signature
- Ige Signs Rail Tax Hike
- Time Warner to Sell Oceanic to Charter Communications
- Hawaiian Electric proposes community solar pilot project
- Government should not reward incompetence at Office of Elections
- Hawaii National Guard: there's been no request to respond to Mauna Kea
- Solar Schemers Would Score 23.6 cents per KWH Wholesale
- Caldwell unveils plans for Ala Moana beach park
- Auto shops see increase in damage reportedly caused by rail work
- Another Police officer charged with abuse, investigations opened
- Soft on Crime: Convicted Killer Gets New Trial
- Soft on Crime: Mental Case Released, Kills Neighbor on Kauai
- Fatal Crash Prompts Marines To Change Osprey Flight Rules
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015 |
July 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:17 PM :: 4365 Views
- Ige Vetoes Eight Bills
- New FEMA Flood Insurance Maps Hit Hard --Kihei, Waikapu, Kaunakakai
- Video: Planned Parenthood Selling Dead Baby Organs
- Unhealthy Fixation
- Telescope Protesters to Take 4-Month Break from Protests
- Mental evaluation ordered for Libertarian LG Candidate arrested twice on Mauna Kea
- Tension breaks out between community residents and Mauna Kea activists
- Without Pule: Tongan, Micronesian, Hawaiian Students Most Likely to be Suspended
- Ige Allows Rail Tax Hike to become Law--And HART Suddenly Stops Obstructing Traffic
- Packed house as hundreds reject Federal Control of Maunalua Bay
- Remembering The Judiciary Scandal of the mid-1980s
- Puerto Rico Gun case may have ripple effect in Guam, Hawaii
- Soft-on-Crime: Alleged Hit and Run Killer Getting Off Easy--Again?
- Kanuha accepts Tobacco Coalition gifts while sponsoring E-Cig Ban
- Total Failure: Battery Disaster Strands Solar Plane in Hawaii Til 2016
- Enviros Now Push for Ban on Compostable Bags
- Ige Promotes Homeless Villages With Real Houses--Brower Wants Tent Cities Everywhere
- Enviros Oppose Affordable Housing Plan
- City approves dune buggy business after significant delays
- Kapolei canal contamination
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015 |
July 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 4873 Views
- Sandwich Isles Communications: Political Connections Pay Off
- It's time to end net energy metering
- Ige Appoints Mizumoto Chair of BoE
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted July 13, 2015
- Consumer Energy Expenses--Hawaii Ranks 28th
- Tax fairness bill signed into law
- Mauna Kea Summit Road reopened, Visitor Center Remains Closed
- Gallup: Older Americans have highest well-being in Hawaii
- East Oahu Rallies Against Federal Takeover of Maunalua Bay
- Feds Promote Classes in Honolulu City Parks
- Criminal Al Hee Guilty on All Counts
- Libertarian Candidate for Lt Gov Rams Mauna Kea Vehicle at 230am
- Ige confronts last-minute bill signing, veto decisions
- Anti-Cane Burning Activists Compared to 'Les Miserables'
- Phony Clean Energy: Hawaii one of only 8 States to Increase CO2 Output
- Hawaiian Electric Co. can recoup undersea cable study costs from customers
- Study says no place tougher to earn a living than Hawaii
- Mentally ill need more attention
- Hawaii eases process to lie about gender on birth certificates
- Bizarre News: WaPo Admits Not Everyone Thrilled About Trannies in Military
- Brower Considers Pressing Charges Against Homeless Boys he Provoked
- Autopsy: Meth Head Dies after Being Arrested
- Cab Companies Turn to City in Push for Uber, Lyft Regulations
- Mayor, Council chair say plastic bag ban not Oppressive Enough
- Hawaii County pCard audit almost ready
- KPD Retaliation: How to Make $100K
- Solar Impulse Plane Grounded in Hawaii by 'Irreversible' Battery Damage
- As assisted suicide laws spread, cancer survivors, disabled object
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Monday, July 13, 2015 |
July 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:39 PM :: 4608 Views
- Full Text: After Two Months, OHA Coughs up Check Register
- Hawaiian Activists Reject OHA Telescope Protests
- Woman arrested for allegedly crashing car into Office of Mauna Kea Management vehicle
- Pimp Escapes Justice Thanks to Bumbling Honolulu Prosecutor
- The Care Act of 2015 Marks the Return of ‘Death Panels’
- MMMC Cardiac Center Falls Far Short of projections
- Only 348 Illegal Alien Children in Hawaii Apply for Protection from Deportation
- Thanks to UPW, 175 Public Housing Units Sitting Vacant While Homeless Live in Tents
- Emergency Services Cuts Overtime $700K--UPW Working to Kill Project
- Police investigate stabbing at Kalihi homeless camp
- Star-Adv: Bag Ban Must Become Even More Oppressive
- Kauai: "People should be forced to work with feral cats"
- HB1273 Will Allow Small Hydro Plants on Ag Land
- Obama Forcing Pentagon to Allow Trannies to Serve
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Sunday, July 12, 2015 |
July 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:27 PM :: 5786 Views
- Feds Extend Comment Period for Proposed Hawaiian Homelands Rules
- Clean Energy Equals $418M Tax Hike?
- Protesters Suddenly Oppose Early Decommissioning of Telescopes, Want Lease Extensions
- Protesters Stand Down in Face of New Rule limiting access to Mauna Kea
- Rail Tax Lies: Caldwell Claims Legislators were in on it
- Flashback Feb 22, 2015: Caldwell Says he Can't Trust Legislators with Details on Rail Costs
- 3,000 Bills, 252 Approved, 8 Left to Veto
- One Party System: House, Senate Leaders Will not Override Vetoes Even though they have the votes
- Medicare underpayments, inflation hit hospitals and their patients hard
- Loss of Medicare funding threatens health care for Hawaii’s elderly
- Health Department Mental Health Exam Backlog -- Deadly 'gross negligence'
- Taxpayers take hit for Maui PD overtime abuses
- Maui Council frustrated with lack of control over collective bargaining costs
- Honolulu Council bill is for the birds, and a huge distraction, too
- Puerto Rico Cost of Living Like Hawaii's
- Solar Industry "Don’t Tax the Sun” rally
- Kauai: Feral Cat Fanatics Become Increasingly Obsessive, Threaten Each Other
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 |
July 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:23 PM :: 4633 Views
- Hawaii GE Tax 'Broadest Sales Tax in US'
- Kauai Payroll and Hiring Audit: Fraud, Overpayments and Contract Violations
- Voices from DHHL Kauai: Feds do not have Hawaiians Best Interests at Heart
- Hundreds attend BLNR meeting--Mauna Kea emergency rule approved
- Between Threats And Harassment, A Handful Of Telescope Protesters Cross The Line
- Critics welcome departure of Stryker brigade from Hawaii--Star-Adv Agrees
- Cane burning nuisance claims made even when no cane burning is taking place
- State homeless shelters controversial now and 20 years ago
- Drug Overdose Kills 3 per Week in Hawaii
- Forum addresses questions, concerns over cuts at Leahi Hospital, Maluhia
- HHSC Hospitals on Kauai face budget crunch Thanks to HGEA
- State warned of airport kickback allegations two years ago, Did Nothing
- 2 officers are no longer with HPD after alleged misconduct
- Solar owners face income tax
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Friday, July 10, 2015 |
July 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 4878 Views
- GOP: No-Clout Delegation Can't Get The Job Done for Hawaii
- Europe, Manhattan, Puerto Rico all Demand Jones Act Reform
- Schatz: Obama Admin will Take up Hawaiian Tribal Recognition
- Schofield Barracks and Fort Shafter will lose 1,400 soldiers, Stryker Brigade -- 17,000 Civilian Cuts Pending--Takai Says 'Good News'
- Rail property buy up faces time, cost challenges
- Incompetence Pays: Elections commission approves 12.5% pay raise for chief election officer
- Ige: State Will Set up Homeless Tent City in Neighborhood Near You
- Talk up Homeless Tent Cities because Tent City in Kakaako is 'Unacceptable'
- Telescope Protests: Threats, Vandalism, and Feces
- Emails Outline Strategy to Defeat Telescope Protesters
- American Samoa Remains Free of Gay Marriage
- Hawaii's plastic bag ban may have just made things worse--so lets make it even worse
- State still needs to process nearly 8,000 tax refund requests
- Backlog prevents 386 EBT recipients from receiving taxpayer money for free stuff
- Kaiser and Hawaii Pacific in dance to be Maui hospital partner
- Elderly poor face bleaker future thanks to HGEA
- 70 Priors by Age 37: Out on the Streets Doing More Crimes after 2013 Shootout with Police
- Hawaii Lawyers Nearly the Lowest Continuing Education Requirements in USA
- Cab companies react to airport extortion investigation
- Law will exempt Hawaii homeowners from historic reviews of older houses
- Eco-Activists Sue to Shut Down Ocean Mining-But only by US Companies
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Thursday, July 9, 2015 |
July 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 4173 Views
- Grassroot Institute Urges DOI to Refrain from Intruding in Native Hawaiian Affairs
- U.S. Army Pacific announces force structure decisions--1,200 Cut from Schofield
- Supreme Court Overturns Former Judge’s Ruling on Gambling Case
- US Manufacturing Costs to Fall Below China
- Kauai: Resounding 'No' to Federal Oversight of DHHL
- Al Hee: I need Taxpayer-Subsidized 'Massage' to 'Function'
- Star-Adv: Take action to restore control over Mauna Kea
- State, city say they will work together on homeless
- Hawaii County Ethics 1: Cronies Suddenly Reopen Complaint Against Kenoi
- Hawaii County Ethics 2: Cronies Dismiss Cronyism Complaint Against Kenoi
- MECO Becomes Less Efficient In Order to Transfer More Money to Wind Farm Operators
- Friend or Foe? Kathryn Xian Has Become a Problem for Anti-Trafficking Advocates
- Governor Ige wants state to buy office building
- Leahi Hospital and Maluhia nursing home to cut 64 jobs
- Homeless Harass Guests at Wedding
- Hawaii ban on noncompetes Passes at Request of Hawaiian Airlines
- 'Study' Purports to Debunk Pro-Bowl Spending
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Wednesday, July 8, 2015 |
July 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 4976 Views
- Cops, Killers, and Corruption in the Aloha State
- Puerto Rico’s Financial Troubles Revive Discussion of Jones Act Reform
- Heroes Housing Heroes to help end veteran homelessness
- DHHL Consultation Meetings on Proposed NextEra Maui Windfarm
- Battery Hype Debunked
- Tax Spirits? In Hawaii its $5.98 / gallon
- Hawaii: $100 Worth only $86.06
- Na'i Aupuni-Mauna Kea Connection
- No Pule: Civil Beat Doubles Down in attack on Native Hawaiian Charter Schools
- Protesters' Portable bathrooms on Mauna Kea removed
- Don Horner Stepping Down as Chair of Board of Education
- UH might formally ban student-faculty Sexual Activities
- HB553: Allow UH Grad Students Union
- How Hawaii Lawmakers Spend Up to $13,000 a Year — Each
- Ige, Martin Conspire to Identify Site for New Homeless Tent City
- Accused Scammer Tries 'Sovereignty Defense'
- Canceled Solar Park: HECO Wants to Rely on NextEra-owned Production
- Takes lot of green to live green
- Ige Signs Bill Wasting Another $4M on Phony Hi-Tech Companies
- Supreme Court Rules Chief's Wife is Competent to Pursue Gambling Case
- FBI Airport payoff investigation
- Ige Signs SB982: Free Pass for Tweekers
- Molokai Ferry Strangles on PUC Red Tape
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015 |
July 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:48 PM :: 4148 Views
- Fiscal Condition? Hawaii Ranks 40th
- Video: Hawaiians in the US Civil War
- Hawaii became a U.S. Territory July 7, 1898
- July 7, 1935: Moscow orders first Communists to Hawaii
- OHA, UH Hawaiian Law Center to Brainwash Commissioners Statewide
- City leaders choose silence over ethical governance
- Will Honolulu Council Approve Caldwell's Rail Tax Extension?
- Enviros Launch Push to Tighten Bag Ban
- Morita: It’s Time to End Net Energy Metering in Hawaii
- BLNR to Vote on Limiting access to Mauna Kea
- UH Hilo Takes Opportunity to Decommission Failed Telescope Project
- Anti-GMO Campaign did not survive confrontation with reality
- Star-Adv: Hiatus can help charter schools
- Hawaii DoE Disciplines Zero Teachers for Sexual Misconduct--But Some in Prison
- HPD wrong on mandatory retirement for police officers
- Election Commission Considers 'Salary Adjustment' for Nago
- Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Veteran Affairs in Hawaii
- Prison administrator accused of improper inmate contact quits
- A stark listing of Hawaii organized crime killings in the 1960s and 1970s
- BIA Cancels 'Parade of Homes' due to Lack of New Homes
- Brower Stunt Pushes HCDA to Weigh in on Kakaako Homeless Encampment
- TPP to Meet on Maui
- UH researchers eye doubling number of Hualalai geothermal survey sites
- Council Harasses Pigeon Fanciers
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Monday, July 6, 2015 |
July 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:33 PM :: 5112 Views
- America’s Future: California Or Texas?
- Hawaii: Worst State to Make a Living 2015
- Honolulu Highest Cost of Living in USA
- Caldwell Created Kakaako Tent City to Pressure Ige, OHA, KSBE, UH, HCDA to Fork out Money
- Star-Adv: 'Aha best hope to Sucker Hawaiians into Fake Indian Tribe
- Hanabusa Joins Push for Federal Rules over DHHL
- NextEra Hides Subsidiaries from Hawaii PUC
- Ka Leo: TMT protesters hinder Hawaii and prevent Hawaiian culture from inspiring future discoveries
- Wahiawa General purchase canceled
- Jones Act Boats Add $1.47 to Price of Milk, but Socialist Hawaii manages to Strangle Local Dairy Production Anyway
- Ige signs law banning noncompete clauses
- Mariners rip long waitlist, high vacancies at Ala Wai boat harbor
- Hawaii Needs An Interisland Ferry System
- Interior secretary announces grant to aide Compact migration
- Governor Signs Bill Requiring State Worker Participation in RTW Programs
- Hawaii’s sex trafficking laws debated amid governor’s planned veto
- Death of newborn rekindles home-birth debate
- Supreme Court Justices Were More Honest in the 1970s
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Sunday, July 5, 2015 |
July 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:09 PM :: 3606 Views
- NYT: Chorus of Calls to Relax Jones Act for Puerto Rico
- Progressive Paradise Lost
- New Study: “Medical Marijuana Laws Amplify Recreational Juvenile Marijuana Use”
- And the Lowsman Trophy Goes To…Hawaii!
- Nai Aupuni Launches Desperate Last Push to Force Hawaiians into Fake Indian tribe
- Nai Aupuni Claims Aha Candidates May Apply in Late July or Early August
- Neighbor island mayors tempted by GET increase
- Honolulu Ethics Commission’s media policy gets no support
- The HI cost of doing business
- Block new Charter School Applications for One Year?
- LOL: Plastic Bags Still Legal -- if they are thicker
- Mizuno: Fly Brower Attackers to Virginia
- Star-Adv: Governor Should Lead Push for New Homeless Tent City
- Octogenarian warns Caldwell to leave beach park alone
- Kym Pine Proposal seeks to shut landfill
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Saturday, July 4, 2015 |
July 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:04 PM :: 3450 Views
- The 1840 Hawaiian Constitution and the Fourth of July
- The Verified Complaint In Equity: The Declaration Of Independence
- Hawaii Family Forum: Pandora's box has been opened
- Rankings aside, we’re our own worst enemy
- Ige Signs 7% Tax Hike on Natural gas--Enviros Demand Even More Taxes
- Ethics panel's 'suffocating' media policy is rare among isle agencies
- House leaders to talk to Brower about his conduct
- Hawaii Cited as Example of Locally Controlled TOD
- Drug testing: Positive results among workers stay flat at 4.6%
- State DoT Burns $300K to Pick Up Trash from Homeless Camp on H-1
- Kauai Humane Society Puppy Killers Fire Two to Coverup Death Rates
- Declining abortion rates are welcome, but it doesn't mirror 'state of moral values'
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Friday, July 3, 2015 |
July 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 3478 Views
- FULL TEXT: Anti-GMO Activists Sue to Shut Down State's Last Cane Plantation
- The Ethics Commission Needs Ethics!
- Hawaii Appeals: When is Final, Final?
- IHS to Operate Sand Island Homeless Transitional Housing
- Is Government a Business?
- Rail: What Caldwell didn't tell you
- Legislator was victim of ‘gang-style attack’
- Ige Moving to Set Up Homeless Tent City in Kakaako?
- Ige to Meet Feds on COFA
- Federal judge’s ruling invalidating GMO vote comes as no surprise
- Judges Dial Back Dopey Paranoid Anti-GMO Activists
- Doctor shortage, sickout by psychiatric staff hit state's largest jail
- Star-Adv Runs another Fluff Piece on Levinson
- Hawaii's Schofield Barracks extremely unlikely to close
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Thursday, July 2, 2015 |
July 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:07 PM :: 3997 Views
- Telescope Protesters Vacate Camp After Bathrooms Closed
- Hawaiian Homes to Feds -- "Stop your power grab!"
- Hawaii 100% Renewable Energy Mandate a Blank Check for Rate Hikes
- Mauna Kea: “It’s a political road closure, not a safety closure”
- Anti-Science Fear Is Putting Hawaii At Risk of ‘Cultural and Economic Poverty’
- Hawaii Ethics Commission decides to release financial disclosure reports
- Camp Caldwell: No Kakaako Homeless Sweep in Six Months
- Environmental Court: Hopes for Stricter Law Enforcement, Fears of Improper Influence
- New law removes state ethanol mandate--But Federal mandate Remains
- Star-Adv Gets Milk Price Controls Wrong
- DOH seeks public input on cane burning as anti-GMO activists Seek to Destroy Last Plantation
- Equal Justice? Council to change law to allow judge’s land rezoning
- City tries to crack down on UPW OT abuse scheme
- Former HPD corporal pleads guilty, attorney says ‘he would have been alienated’
- Illegal Alien With Long Rap Sheet Sentenced for Selling Meth
- Council Has New Priority: Pigeons
- Plastic Bag Ban Means Longer Lines, Dead Trees
- Hawaii's Problem is the People in Office
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015 |
July 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:03 PM :: 4368 Views
- Congress Appropriates $250M for Rail -- Delegation, Mayor Keep Silent Until Ige Agrees not to Veto Rail Tax Hike
- Full Text: Federal Court Slaps Down Maui Anti-GMO Ordinance
- Ige Signs Bill: OHA Brainwashing Mandatory for Boards, Commissions
- TMT Delay Worsens Hawaii's Perception as Worst State for Business
- Video: A Fiscal Cliff for Hawaii?
- Kakaako: Rep. Tom Brower Purposefully Provoked Attack to create incident
- City Set to Award Sand Island Homeless Contract
- Oral Arguments Set for TMT Hawaii Supreme Court Case
- Ing: OHA Brainwashing Would have Prevented TMT Dispute
- WaPo Tries to Write about Telescope Protests, Gets it all Wrong
- The Myth of Hawaii’s Illegal Annexation
- Police shield can't cover up bad-cop behavior
- Taser Video Shows Final Minutes Before Meth User Died in Police Custody
- Enviro Court's Reach 'Endless' -- Lets Start by Banning Sunscreen
- Enviro Idiocy: Plastic Bag Bans Sends Stores Back to Murdering Trees
- Milk Price Controls Destroyed Hawaii Dairy Farms, Last Farmer to rely on Price Supports is Quitting
- Omidyar Won't Buy Last Dairy
- Prosecutors take too long on goat theft trial; charges dismissed
- Japanese, Canadians Top Buyers
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