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Entries for June 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
June 30, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 3762 Views
  1. Text messages allegedly show Higa teaching Aipoalani how to “launder money” and “funnel cash”
  2. House Speaker: Lawmakers Will Return To The Capitol July 6
  3. Hawaii’s Board Of Education Is In Limbo As Ige Stays Mum On Vacancies
  4. Honolulu building-inspection mandate back in spotlight after being waylaid by fire priority
  5. Maui Airlift Now Exceeds 2019
  6. Kauai Unemployment 11.3% but Tourism Industry can’t find workers
  7. Kauai Homeless protest use of Funds for ‘Mobile Shower Unit’
  8. Hawaii Has Millions In Rental Assistance To Hand Out But Not Enough Takers
  9. New Study: Oahu Freeways Deliver The Roughest Rides In The Country -- HDoT Says it’s a strategy
  10. Solar Farms Would Cover Over Half of Oahu Ag Land
  11. Battle might not be pau over Maui stream water
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
June 29, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:42 PM :: 2205 Views
  1. After Embezzling To Fund ‘Luxurious Lifestyle,’ Former CNHA Board Chair Begs For Leniency
  2. State harbor user fee going up, what does that mean for consumers?
  3. Hawaii offshore wind farm development in doldrums
  4. Some healthcare professionals in Hawaii are concerned about COVID-19 hospitalization numbers
  5. Maui mayor’s appeal to airlines: At least for now, please bring us fewer visitors
  6. Air travel by visitors to Hawaii major factor in global warming
  7. Most buildings failing fire life-safety evaluations, hundreds more pending
  8. Harsher penalties wanted for landlords, renters who house illegal gambling rooms
  9. Video of Lindani Myeni moments before officer-involved shooting
  10. Supreme Court Decision Came Too Late For Maui Residents Fighting Against Affordable Housing
  11. Kishimoto Math: $412M - $100M = -$200M
  12. Outgoing DOE Superintendent Plans To Stay In Hawaii
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Monday, June 28, 2021
June 28, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 2450 Views
  1. HART Board Chair Martyn to be Pushed out to Make Way for Hanabusa?
  2. Sykap Sister Allegedly Threatens Family of Police Officers
  3. Why Oahu Neighborhoods Have Such Sharp Differences In Vaccination Rates
  4. Hawaii set to tighten loophole on law banning ghost guns
  5. VA Wants A Review Of Hawaii’s Veterans Cemeteries After Finding Two In Rough Shape
  6. Tourists Complain Hawaii is too Crowded
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
Letters to the Editor June, 2021
By Letters to the Editor @ 11:15 PM :: 3351 Views
  • How Red-Light cameras are rigged to generate tickets
  • How AG, BLNR Conspired to keep ‘Sustainability’ out of Aquarium Ruling
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
June 27, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 3168 Views
  1. Florida building collapse must have some Honolulu condo owners fretting
  2. Gov. David Ige and Legislature leave the rich richer … What’s new?
  3. New Hawaii teachers’ union leader Osa Tui Jr. has a different approach to job
  4. Alm: Supporting Honolulu police and upholding law not mutually exclusive
  5. Half of Foreign Oil for Hawai‘i Comes from Russia and Libya
  6. Will 70% of Hawaii’s population get the coronavirus vaccine?
  7. Hawaii cruises to resume
  8. County decades behind on ADA compliance at parks
  9. Haena State Park to be managed by community-based nonprofits
  10. Citizen patrols restart
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Saturday, June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:49 PM :: 2130 Views
  1. No Rail Service Until 2023?  HART Wheel Size Problem Could Keep Rail from Opening
  2. Not all shot records will be verified under Hawaii’s eased travel rules
  3. Department of Education hosts summer learning hub program for 24,000 students across the state
  4. $114M: Will Hawaii do enough to limit evictions?
  5. Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement for W. Hawai‘i Aquarium Permits Reaches Impasse
  6. Parole board gives child molester half off sentence
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Friday, June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:16 PM :: 4555 Views
  1. Dwyer and Hanabusa rip off Winer and Kaneko: More Bid Rigging at Honolulu Rail
  2. Bond Deal: Honolulu’s So-Called ‘Ethics’ Commission Covering up for HART Chair?
  3. New Hawaii Tesla fleet raises eyebrows as DOT says it’s … uh … ‘saving money’
  4. Gutted with a Rusty Scalpel
  5. Hawaii restaurants on increasing capacity to 75%: ‘It really means nothing to us’
  6. Hawaii tax agency boosts peer-to-peer car rental oversight
  7. SHOPO, ILWU Rally outside as Honolulu Officers Charged In Police Shooting Appear In Court
  8. Shoplifting on the rise in Hawaii with thieves becoming more brazen
  9. Nearly Half of Hawaii Inmates Refusing COVID Vax After Lawyers Encourage them to Hope Disease will be Ticket out of Jail
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Thursday, June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 3241 Views
  1. Retired Hilo police detective avoids jail time for Assaulting Councilwoman
  2. Ige: Lack Of Public Input Is Driving Concerns Over Bills — And Possible Vetoes
  3. Hawaii’s economic activity is 13 percent below where it was in January 2020
  4. Kauai County tapping into reserves to cover TAT
  5. UH Study: Global Warming Consensus Proves Rail will be Flooded as Soon as it is Built
  6. Honolulu Police commission questions HPD's status of investigations into recent police shootings
  7. This North Shore Community Has Had Enough Of Towering Wind Turbines
  8. Dillingham Airfield future still up in the air with eviction date pushed to December
  9. Guam launches vaccine tourism program to jump-start industry
  10. Hawaiian Kingdom Poll Tax Abolished in 1943
  11. Hawaii Most ‘Collectivism’ in USA
  12. How Being Different Helped Nobel Laureate Find Breakthroughs
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021 News Read
By @ 8:05 PM :: 2068 Views
  1. Sen Fevella Asks FBI to Investigate Hanabusa Contract, Bond Sale
  2. Ige: Public Appalled at Hanabusa Contact
  3. Hawaii hotels were 61.5% occupied in May
  4. Lawsuit Challenges Kauai’s Termination Of Youth Drug Treatment Contract – Building to be Converted into County Bureaucrats’ Offices
  5. Homeless Dude from Michigan Allegedly Attacks Hilo Police, Gets Shot Dead
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Tuesday, June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 2453 Views
  1. Green: Drop travel testing to avoid ‘large conflicts’
  2. Hawaii health officials confirm community spread of Delta variant
  3. Hotels Becoming More Efficient, Don’t Need so many Union Members
  4. State seeks again to get ‘Peter Boy’ suit thrown out in tactic that could add another 2 years to case
  5. Pandering to the Ignorant: East Maui councilmember proposes ‘visitor impact fee’
  6. Staff, inmates describe deplorable conditions in Hilo jail
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Monday, June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:31 PM :: 2533 Views
  1. To Prevent Rolling Blackouts Green Dogma Will Have Oahu Burn Wood for Power
  2. 2020-2025 Climate Action Plan Leaves Rail Route in the Water
  3. COVID emergency engineered to Boost Homelessness by pushing them out of Shelters
  4. Homeless Emergency Declaration Overridden by ‘Stakeholder’
  5. Can Weed and Seed Clear Bums from Aala Park?
  6. 60-time Loser Gets Arrested Again
  7. Medicaid managed care turns into a taxpayer boondoggle
  8. HSTA Operatives Still Pushing Fake Distance learning Scam
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Sunday, June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:21 PM :: 2521 Views
  1. Hawaii Vaccination Percentages: State officials Just making it up as they go along
  2. Drug dealer only got Probation, so he Joined Miske gang
  3. DOH: Preliminary numbers show coronavirus vaccine incentive campaign is working
  4. HONU program ‘success’ – 44% still refuse shelter
  5. Crime falls during pandemic but Honolulu police, officials expect a surge as restrictions continue to ease
  6. Kalapama TOD: Gigantic Rail-Oriented KSBE Development Plan
  7. UH Law Prof Helped Launch ‘Critical Race Theory’
  8. Infighting Amongst Animal Liberation Nuts leads to Chaos for Big Island Animal Control
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Saturday, June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:10 PM :: 2931 Views
  1. DOJ issues target letter to Roy Amemiya amid ongoing corruption probe    
  2. Rigged specifications are a fraud-related “red flag”
  3. HART Board approves spending plan for 2022 fiscal year
  4. Maui Democrats Begin Process of Picking Next Rep for HD13  
  5. Ige suggests state could drop all COVID restrictions before reaching 70% vaccination rate
  6. Honolulu City Council member Augie Tulba under attack from Thought Police for ‘Hawaii's next top Mahu’ skit
  7. Expansion plans for packed Hawaii jails delayed again
  8. Police investigate second fatal officer-involved shooting this week
  9. Junkyard grows at Kahului Harbor homeless encampment
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Friday, June 18, 2021
June 18, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:42 PM :: 2652 Views
  1. DAGS: Stadium Could Cost $400M … and More
  2. Newly released reports spotlight some evidence being used in Kaneshiro corruption probe
  3. Lawmaker, watchdog call for investigation into HART’s alleged mishandling of Hanabusa contract
  4. Woman who called 911 says Lindani Myeni was following, filming her
  5. A Potential Shakeup At OHA Is Clouding The Agency’s Budget
  6. Survey: More Than 80% Of Firms Struggle To Find Workers
  7. Pentagon considering permanent naval task force to counter China in the Pacific
  8. Public hearing for red-light camera pilot hits glitch; deadline for comments extended
  9. Honolulu Is Revamping How It Prosecutes Domestic Violence Cases
  10. Experts’ Input on Hawaii Air Disaster Could Stay Confidential
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Thursday, June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:04 PM :: 3260 Views
  1. Bid Rigging:  Emails Show Hanabusa Doing Rail Work Before She Got Big Contract 
  2. 82% of age 12 and older must be vaccinated to reach 70% benchmark
  3. Honolulu Police Department pledges more public transparency
  4. HPD supporters protest charges for officers involved in shooting of 16-year-old teen
  5. Key Soft-on-Crime Activist Calls on Police to Make MORE Arrests!
  6. As tourism rebounds, there could be an additional transient accommodations tax
  7. Grove Farm Demands Return of Drug Treatment Center After Kauai County Bureaucrats Announce Plan to Convert it into Office Building
  8. Hawaii to see return of some July 4th firework celebrations
  9. Coronavirus testing volume down in Hawaii as millions to fund it sit unspent
  10. It is now illegal to pay disabled people in Hawaii less than minimum wage
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021
June 16, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:24 PM :: 3603 Views
  1. Bid Rigging HART CEO: “We referred to the contract as the Colleen or Hanabusa contract”
  2. Murder charges against HPD officers surprise legal experts in light of no grand jury indictment
  3. Criminals Rewarded for Spreading COVID in Jails--Class action lawsuit filed on behalf of all Hawaii inmates in DPS facilities
  4. 226 inmates have received first vaccine dose at MCCC
  5. Fighters Scramble from Hickam as Russian Naval Exercise nears Hawaii
  6. $25M in Federal Funds to turn COVID Effort into Racial Gripe Session
  7. Clash of the Phonies: IAL vs Green Energy
  8. City hopes to efficiently distribute federal funds for homelessness by deadline
  9. After Homeless Tent City Goes up in Flames, Bum Says Maaaayyyybeeee he will accept shelter 
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Tuesday, June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:59 PM :: 3685 Views
  1. Bid Rigging: Emails Show HART Leaders Always Wanted To Hire Hanabusa As Consultant
  2. Good behavior behind bars expected to get Kealoha conspirators early release
  3. Witch Hunt: House Panel To Attack Auditor Again
  4. Federal and state numbers on Hawaii vaccination rates have differed for months
  5. Security camera footage shows exchange before Honolulu police shooting of Lindani Myeni
  6. Honolulu rail could be up and running this year, HART Shifts Dillingham Sector Mauka
  7. Gov. Ige faces growing calls to veto bill eliminating an anti-tobacco trust fund
  8. Early Release: Five Criminals Rewarded for Spreading COVID in Hilo Jail
  9. Three armed F-22 fighters launched Sunday from Honolulu at request of FAA--nobody saying why
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Monday, June 14, 2021
June 14, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4422 Views
  1. A Surprise Revelation In The Miske Case: A Plot To Kill A Union Official
  2. Federal Investigation Into Keith Kaneshiro takes aim at Pay-for-Play Donors
  3. Conventions pull out of Hawaii due to COVID restrictions
  4. Maui Police Department looking for new chief after Chief Tivoli S. Faaumu steps down
  5. $11M Program Houses 181 Homeless So far
  6. Bumfight Leads to 10-Year Prison Sentence
  7. Will Supreme Court Stop University Discrimination Against Asians?
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Sunday, June 13, 2021
June 13, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:31 PM :: 2951 Views
  1. After a Year of Being Paid ‘Remotely’, HSTA Members Discuss plans to Hide the Failure
  2. Reject bills that are out-of-bounds
  3. Cacophonous chatter on police-fire radio was sound of openness, transparency with public
  4. Honolulu city prosecutor faces mounting pressure to release transcripts from Iremamber Sykap proceedings
  5. What percentage of state and county workers are vaccinated against COVID-19?
  6. Lack of workers, influx of tourists to state puts strain on businesses
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Saturday, June 12, 2021
June 12, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:58 PM :: 2406 Views
  1. Ige: June Tourism will Exceed pre-Pandemic Levels by 20%
  2. Vaccine administration up 40% following launch of state’s incentive campaign
  3. Keeping Hawaii in the dark on public information
  4. Political Game: Hawaii Tourism Authority board commits to spend $35.5M in state funds by June 30
  5. Blangiardi’s Mystery Woman Nominated to Honolulu Police Commission
  6. Maui Hotel Moratorium Will Just Feed TVRs
  7. Google Pay adds support for Coinbase everywhere Except Hawaii
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Friday, June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 PM :: 2288 Views
  1. Honolulu inflation heating up as prices have risen over the past year
  2. Lumber shortage woes: Prices through the roof causes delays for Hawaii projects
  3. Taxi companies lose certificates: Pandemic thins cab ranks even as demand grows
  4. DHHL Gets Minimum of $30M for Broadband Infrastructure
  5. City and County of Honolulu still accepting applications for rental and utility relief program
  6. This church is housing the homeless ― and cultivating hope ― on a Waianae farm
  7. Afghans to be Evacuated via Guam?
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Thursday, June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 2196 Views
  1. Gov. David Ige continues to restrict the release of public records, citing the ongoing pandemic
  2. Upfront split of new Aloha Stadium cost could have downside for taxpayers
  3. SB1329: Hawaii Raises the Stakes for Contractors Betting on State Bid Protest Appeals
  4. Grand jury declines to indict officers involved in shooting that killed 16-year-old teen in McCully
  5. Will Anti-Telescope Protesters Control ‘Hawaiian’ Identity? 
  6. Renters Evicted as Houses Sell
  7. SCR152: Make financial literacy part of Hawaii high school education
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Wednesday, June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 2403 Views
  1. Hawaii COVID restrictions could remain until October if pace of vaccinations doesn’t increase
  2. Inflation: Food Prices Jump 11.8% in Hawaii
  3. State lawmakers solution to High Housing price? – A Tax Hike!
  4. Maui visitor arrivals in April inch closer to pre-pandemic marks
  5. Hawaii's rental car fleets decreased by more than 40% during the pandemic
  6. Hawaii employment company launches coronavirus screening, tracking tool
  7. Can Dead Criminal turn into Cash Bonanza?
  8. After Inmates Purposefully Spread COVID in Hawaii Jails, Their Lawyers Seek to Take over Prison System, Force Mass Releases
  9. Collecting Unemployment is Hard Work, we need a paid vacation before getting back to work
  10. City to Spend $80M to Boost KSBE Kalapama TOD Project
  11. Bill 28: 1.25 Mile setback for wind turbines
  12. Aquarium industry submits revised EIS: Fishing permits, allowable species to be reduced
  13. The Story of How Same-Sex Marriage Went From Fringe to Mainstream
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Tuesday, June 8, 2021
June 8, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:42 PM :: 6009 Views
  1. Convicted murderer hired by Child Welfare Services
  2. Feds Charge Miske Accountant
  3. Hawaii restaurant reservations rival rental cars in scarce supply, high demand
  4. Maui Hotel Moratorium Designed to Juice TVRs
  5. Rate Hikes Coming: HECO officially begins performance-based regulation
  6. The Bus Ridership Running 50% of Pre-Pandemic Levels
  7. Audit calls for more data on domestic violence on Oahu
  8. Public access to Honolulu police and fire scanners to end
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Monday, June 7, 2021
June 7, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 2870 Views
  1. State sees impressive response in prize giveaway program aimed at encouraging vaccinations
  2. Hawaii Plans to Vaccinate Itself out of COVID Bondage
  3. Fireworks shows returning: Displays in Hilo and Kona will celebrate the 4th
  4. Monthly Index Tracks Robust Rebound in Sales at Hawai‘i Restaurants
  5. HB862: Stripping HTA Funding Takes Away Activists Meal Ticket
  6. Another Gangster Leaves The Hawaii Stage
  7. Broken Promise? Native Hawaiians’ Ongoing Feud With Bank of America
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Sunday, June 6, 2021
June 6, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:01 PM :: 2769 Views
  1. 65 Years After Statehood—A Big land Grab for OHA?
  2. Legislators ignore lessons of rail on new Aloha Stadium
  3. Hawaii employers eye vaccination mandates
  4. Waikiki Homeless Target Tourists: Crime surge risks derailing tourism recovery
  5. 10% of Sex Offenders Homeless
  6. Police Shootings: Protesters Protest Against Lack of Protests
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Saturday, June 5, 2021
June 5, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:40 PM :: 6150 Views
  1. Union Boss was Hit Man for Miske, Impersonated Cop
  2. HB869: Is Mystery elderly project in Hawaii Kai Really Just a Way to Get Revenue Bonds for Stadium Project?
  3. Emails: DoH Leaders Block Testing, Exploit COVID to scrounge money
  4. Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s 2nd nominee for Honolulu Police Commission withdraws name from consideration
  5. HPD’s Interim Chief Rade Vanic lays out his priorities for the department
  6. After Giving Themselves COVID, Hilo Inmates Stage Riot
  7. How long will it take for Hawaii to reach a 70% vaccination rate?
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Friday, June 4, 2021
June 4, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 2301 Views
  1. HB862: House Finance Chair Admits Purpose of TAT hike is to Reduce Tourism
  2. Rebuild Aloha Stadium? That’s Not A Good Idea
  3. Governor expected to loosen coronavirus restrictions as Hawaii nears 60% fully vaccinated
  4. Most Hawaii adults fully vaccinated, but survey finds 12% don’t plan to get COVID-19 vaccine
  5. Mitsunaga Executive Refuses to Testify, Gets Locked Up
  6. Online learning took a heavy toll on students.
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Thursday, June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 2542 Views
  1. Don't Let Oahu Become A Giant Slum
  2. HART Asks The City To Borrow Up To $550 Million –They’ve Spent Most of it Already
  3. HGEA Fail: Why Is It Still So Hard To Reach Hawaii’s Unemployment Office?
  4. Give Hawaii’s Capitol Back To Its People
  5. COVID Crooks: Hawaii County Council Slush Funds Being Audited by Feds
  6. Honolulu Budget: City Council Approves
  7. Honolulu City Council votes to adopt first Climate Action Plan
  8. Shipments of COVID vaccines to Hawaii slow as demand drastically drops
  9. Survey finds changing attitudes in Hawaii regarding the pandemic
  10. Green: Few at Hilo correctional facility grappling with outbreak had gotten vaccinated
  11. Prosecutors take no position on release of Miske co-defendant
  12. OHA Smells Opportunity: Police commission nominee tells Council he’s ‘never seen’ discrimination in Hawaii
  13. Probing Honolulu police shootings: releasing evidence now vs. fair trial
  14. HPD Officer At The Center Of A $1 Million Wrongful Death Settlement Has A History Of Complaints
  15. SHOPO says officer shortage impacts patrols
  16. More Homeless Mayhem: Kalihi residents frustrated after fire ravages abandoned house
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Wednesday, June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:41 PM :: 5098 Views
  1. Perjury? Ex-chief Kealoha begins denying crimes he pled guilty to
  2. Will Vanic be the Next Chief?
  3. Sen Mercado Kim Disrupts UH ‘Gravy Train’
  4. Fat Juicy HSTA Bonuses Not Written in to Contract
  5. COVID Money Sloshing Around County Budget
  6. Alternatives To The Last Honolulu Rail Leg? HART Releases A ‘Matrix’ Of Ideas
  7. New incentives push Hawaiian Electric toward more so-called ‘clean’ energy
  8. Homeless Dude accused of setting another homeless dude on fire last month pleads not guilty
  9. In rare move, lawmakers voted to eliminate job of well-paid university professor
  10. Pentagon again denies funding for $1.9 billion Hawaii radar
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Tuesday, June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:19 PM :: 1905 Views
  1. Hawaii has the fewest job postings per unemployed worker in the country
  2. After largely disappearing from public view, HPD chief quietly ends 35 years of public service    
  3. Meth-Heads Die: Lets Blame the Police
  4. Bum Coordinator Flies back to Mainland After Kauai Closes Last Homeless Tent City
  5. National Report Spotlights Hawaii’s Need For Suicide Prevention
  6. Most Hawaii inmates refusing to get COVID-19 vaccination
  7. Hawaii flu season sees only 1 death amid coronavirus precautions
  8. UH-Hilo: International student population dips, will rebound
  9. Judge orders new hearing on Maui water permits
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