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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for June 2017

Friday, June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:33 PM :: 4370 Views
  1. Travel Ban: AG Chin Asks Obama Judge to Redefine Supreme Court Ruling, Let More Muslims In
  2. Video: Roth vs Anderson on GE Tax Hike
  3. APL to inaugurate new foreign flag Asia / Hawaii container service in August
  4. UH Law School Looks at Sharing Economy
  5. Matson Strike ‘Unlikely’
  6. Hawaii Visitor Spending up 8.7% in May 2017
  7. SB410: Public union power grab goes too far
  8. OHA Announces $6M in Grants
  9. Institute for Astronomy celebrates 50 years of discovery
  10. Micronesia: US Officials Lift Suspension on Compact Public Infrastructure Grant Funding
  11. Kim: Trade Telescope Approval for OHA Control of Mauna Kea
  12. HART Chair: We’re Not Telling Feds Anything
  13. GOP Medicaid Reform Will Give State Choices
  14. Caldwell Finds Way to Make Affordable Housing Even More Scarce
  15. Sand Mining Since 1980s, Now OHA wants to Sue
  16. Outlook dim for 3 proposed charter schools
  17. Aloha Stadium offers UH plan to share revenue
  18. Enviros Still Crying Over Lost Chance to Gut Fishing Industry
  19. Honolulu May Allow Transportation Companies To Regulate Waikiki Streets
  20. 5 Years Late, DoT Finally Completes Backup Power Project at Airport
  21. Homeless Camp: TVs, Laptops, Generators, Dogs and Fighting Chickens
  22. 144 Convictions: Lifelong Criminal Gets 5 Years
  23. Law requires officials be alerted when gun permits are denied
  24. HB1488: Wanna Feel Medicated? Now More Excuses are Available
  25. Matson Unions Threaten Strike If There Is No Contract Deal By Tonight
  26. HMSA Experiments With Hawaii Children
  27. For Profit Biki Designed to Reward the 1%
  28. Bikeshare Part of Kakaako Condo Sales Pitch
  29. City Council looks to ban plastic bags
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Thursday, June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:21 PM :: 3751 Views
  1. Can Hokulea Crew Save Telescope?
  2. OHA: Hot Air vs Fresh Air
  3. Akina: Change OHA’s Current Spending Policy
  4. DMV Computer Fixed After Phone Call to Bulgaria
  5. Honolulu rail clearly a fiasco
  6. Legislators should scrap idea of 'basic income' and just lower taxes
  7. Greenmail Fail: Time Running out for Telescope
  8. HB165: Sunshine Law Modernized
  9. State Supreme Court says subs, part-time teachers aren't entitled to back pay
  10. Maui officer pleads guilty over witness-tampering
  11. Homeless Drug Addicts Threaten to Burn Down Building
  12. Tweekers Breed Puppies in Homeless Camp
  13. Bike sharing hits Oahu roads (and not everyone is happy about that)
  14. Citing liability, HEMIC cancels worker's comp plans for 7 marijuana dispensaries
  15. Usual Suspects: Hawaii Would Collapse Without Illegal Aliens
  16. Kauai: Hanabusa, Gabbard Block Immediate Deployment of Aegis Ashore
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:03 PM :: 6587 Views
  1. Grassroot: Feds Should Audit Rail
  2. Food Evolution
  3. Not Satisfied With Merely Taking Land For Rail, Now The City Wants Blood
  4. Trump Appoints Doug Domenech Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas
  5. Hirono Second Surgery: Gabbard, Hanabusa Jockey for Position
  6. Special Permits Near Honolulu Rail Line Attract Proposals For Big Juicy Hotels
  7. Only 9% of Honolulu renters can afford median-priced home—Worst in USA
  8. Telescope: Hawaiian cultural park would reflect traditional use of mountain
  9. Lawsuit: Mainland Anti-Ag Activists Target ANOTHER Hawaii Diary Farm
  10. Incompetent Caldwell Administration Crashes Computers Statewide, May Take All Week to Correct
  11. Homeless Meth-Heads dumping raw sewage at Diamond Head
  12. Residents of former plantation village in Ewa fed up with redevelopment plan delays
  13. Soft on Crime: Alleged Criminal Takes 160 Selfies and Still Walks
  14. HSTA Member Actually Gets Fired—Solicited a Minor for Prostitution
  15. Governor Must Follow Through On Intent To Veto Union Giveaway
  16. Lawmakers Got Ethics Awards For Not Breaking The Law
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Tuesday, June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:26 PM :: 4498 Views
  1. Universal Basic Income Is A Lazy Solution To The Oncoming Labor Crisis
  2. Drug Money: DoTax to Receive $400K/mo Cash—What Could Go Wrong?
  3. What Does it Take to Transfer one HGEA Member?
  4. Rep Chris Lee: If you don’t want to talk about putting everybody on Welfare, You Do Not Exist
  5. Ige Admin Claims Healthcare bill could cost Hawaii $200M/yr Medicaid funding
  6. Ige Veto May Save Hawaii From Wasting Millions on New Stadium
  7. Don’t Veto HB1414: Demand Audit of State’s Latest IT Debacle
  8. SA: Ige Right to Consider Veto of Aquarium Bill
  9. Ige Skips Chance to Name WESPAC Board Members
  10. Anti-GMO Activists Project and deflect
  11. Union for some Matson workers threatens to strike over labor dispute
  12. Chin: Hawaii Doomed because 6000 Muslims Might not Come Here
  13. Democrats Make Trump More Popular Among Republicans 
  14. Attorney John S. Carroll asks to resign to avoid disciplinary action
  15. House bill presses for plan to protect Hawaii against North Korea missiles
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Monday, June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:46 PM :: 5431 Views
  1. Supreme Court Allows Travel Ban To Take Effect
  2. What a Wounded Veteran Thinks of Trump’s VA Reform
  3. Peruta Concealed Carry: Supreme Court Allows 9th Circuit Decision to Stand
  4. Cost-disbenefit analysis of rail
  5. SB1240: Science Beats Anti-Aquarium Hysteria
  6. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 26, 2017 
  7. Most Expensive Place to Live in U.S.? Hawaii, Where Toilet Paper Costs More Than Anywhere in the World
  8. No Incentive: HMSA Puts Pediatricians on Welfare
  9. Progress Slow on Affordable Housing
  10. Ige: “Quiet But Ineffective.”
  11. Kealohas Tried to Discredit Police Commissioner In Corruption Probe
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Sunday, June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 5872 Views
  1. Hawaii named 'worst state to make a living' (again)
  2. Washington Holds Guam Back, Despite Not Knowing Where It Is
  3. Offshore Wind Turbines Blamed For Killing Whales
  4. Anatomy of Epic Fail on Rail
  5. Pay to Play: Navatek Contributes $120K to Legislators, Gets $8.75M in Tax credits and Grants 
  6. Middle Street Station: HART Pays Millions More so First Hawaiian can Profit from TOD
  7. Blood Bank: HART Acts in Bad Faith – Reckless push to take land for rail
  8. Legislators need excuses to Hike taxes another $1.3B  for more rail
  9. Rail: Why Learn from Your Mistakes?
  10. Rail: 100% Personnel Turnover as Rats Jump Sinking Ship
  11. Shakedown: After Ignoring it for Years, Squatters Suddenly Claim Coco Palms Site
  12. Maui: Audit the Transportation Department
  13. Hawaii County: Audit the Hele On Bus System
  14. Mom blames court delays in the killing of 7-year-old Reef Aikau
  15. The People Who Sold us Obamacare now Pretend to Speak Authoritatively Against Trumpcare—Who could be fooled?
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Saturday, June 24, 2017
June 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 3429 Views
  1. Ige to Veto 15 Bills
  2. DoE to Open Military Transition Centers
  3. BoE Approves ESSA Plan Submission to Feds
  4. Celebrate Hokulea Return, Oppose Telescope?
  5. BoE Handing out Cash to top DoE Execs
  6. Hawaii County Council pumps up fuel tax by 261%
  7. DOBOR New Fishing Fees – $0.25 per square foot?
  8. Homeless: “There’s lots of crazy people on ice around here,”
  9. Star Adv: Gays are Racist, Need to Evolve
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Friday, June 23, 2017
June 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 PM :: 4126 Views
  1. HART Cancels Audit: "It's not my intent to figure out what we did wrong”
  2. Trump nominates retired Admiral Buzby to be MARAD Administrator
  3. Meet the Jones Act: A 97-year-old regulatory law that's costing you money
  4. Transforming Military Impact Aid into Education Savings Accounts
  5. HART Incompetence: Rail station strategy proves costly
  6. Supreme Court could reveal action on travel ban at any time
  7. Hirono to undergo second cancer surgery
  8. Newly hired teacher faces two month delay in pay
  9. Can HGEA and its Legislature Stop Airport Security Privatization?
  10. GEMS: How Many Legislators Does it take to Change a DoE Lightbulb?
  11. Honolulu Is Paying Back $1.45 Million In Federal Housing Funds
  12. Kauai Council Will not Bow to Mayor’s Demand for Tax Hikes 
  13. Walter Ritte Thug Gets Six Months for Attack on Fishing Boat
  14. DLNR Urges Ige To Veto Bill Phasing Out Aquarium Fishing In Hawaii
  15. Global Warmers Hope King Tide Will Generate More Propaganda Photos (again) 
  16. Men Systematically Excluded from College Education
  17. Battery Schemers Demand More Tax Credit Giveaways—Elon Musk Needs Another Billion
  18. Biki is Really Just a Politically-Connected For-Profit Business
  19. Wahiawa Meth Addicts Take over Foreclosed Home, Assault Neighbors
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Thursday, June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 3842 Views
  1. Military Industrial Complex Compromising Hawaii Missile Defense for Profit
  2. Honolulu rail project most expensive in the world
  3. NFIB Hawaii Small Business End-of-Session Report
  4. The Greatest Journey Didn’t Start with a Protest
  5. HDOT: 2002 Airport Agreement with Sheriff is Out of Date
  6. OCCC Jail Siting Study Released
  7. Hawaii Homes Lowest Average CO2 Production in USA
  8. How High Are Spirits Taxes in Your State?
  9. Navy’s partnership with Polynesian Voyaging Society
  10. After Getting Rid of Citizen-Advisors  Police Commission finds Way to Dump Consultant Leading Police Chief Search
  11. Performance-Based Contracts Drive Housing First Progress in Hawaii
  12. Meth Addicts Like Being Homeless, Don’t Want Shelter
  13. Harry Kim Wants Homeless Tent City, May Lose Federal Funding
  14. UH Prof: Break up the DoE to Solve Teacher Shortages
  15. Hawaii businesses struggle to find workers
  16. If Hawaii Was Really Serious about Global Warming, We Would Shut Down Tourism Industry
  17. Jones Act Keeps Clean LNG out of Hawaii
  18. PUC Orders HECO to Give More Money to Green Energy Scammers
  19. Soft on Crime: Pimp, Child Rapist to Get Early Parole—Sues Because Prison was Unpleasant
  20. Jonesing Dopers Deploy Sob Story
  21. Campaign calls to 'relocate the turtles' as frustration grows over Laniakea gridlock
  22. Honolulu Residents Get Raw Deal With Bikeshare
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:34 PM :: 5167 Views
  1. After Pushing Bogus Coral Sunscreen Bills, Hawaii Surfrider Collects Payoff from Manufacturer
  2. Pasha to Buy Four Mystery Ships?
  3. 10 Buildings With the Highest Honolulu Property Taxes in 2016
  4. How Economically Independent is Hawaii?
  5. Hawaii to Supreme Court: No need to review travel ban
  6. ‘Food Evolution’ movie could mark turning point in public GMO discussion
  7. Mother Jones: World Health Organization called RoundUp a “probable carcinogen,” but it didn’t have all the facts
  8. FBI probe investigating police chief now zeroing in on city prosecutor, too
  9. Lawyers Begin Pretending Kealoha-Kaneshiro Ghost Ticketing Investigation is Real
  10. Universal Basic Income: Tax Hike to Pay Mainland Homeless to Come to Hawaii
  11. Lawsuit dismissed, clearing the way for transfer of hospitals
  12. Ige to Sign GEMS Rip-off Bill—Electric Ratepayers to Subsidize Failed Cool Schools Scam
  13. DoE Fails to Develop Even one Parcel of Land
  14. BoE Forwards HSTA-Ige ESSA Plan to Feds
  15. Emergency hires fill 38% of Leeward Teaching Positions
  16. Student Loan Repayment Steers 25 MDs, Nurses to ‘Underserved Areas’
  17. HIDoT: Firing Sheriffs is Negotiating Tactic
  18. Soft on Crime Crowd Saddened to Learn that Criminals do not Have Eternal Life
  19. Opioid Overdoses Cost $110M/year in Hawaii
  20. Domestic Abuse Felony Cases Clog Courts
  21. Aquarium fishing limits wrong for Hawaii
  22. Surfrider to DoH: Give Us the Power to Shut Down Beaches, Farms
  23. Military Industrial Complex Compromising Hawaii Missile Defense for Profit
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Letters to the Editor June, 2017
By Letters to the Editor @ 8:09 PM :: 7870 Views
  • Oahu Homeowners Get Railroaded
  • Rail vs Neil Blaisdell Center Renovations
  • Audit The Rail
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:17 PM :: 3890 Views
  1. Rail Tax Hike: Legislators Promise Special Session, but Cannot Agree on Date or Funding Mechanism
  2. Global Warming: UH Professors Say Everybody in Hawaii Will Burn to Death. Soon. Real soon.
  3. Cool Schools? DoE Working to Avoid Installing Air Conditioners
  4. Rail vs Neil Blaisdell Center Renovations
  5. IT: Hawaii Spends the Most, Gets the Least
  6. DoTax: Another Big IT Project Collapse—$ Millions Wasted
  7. Enough is enough: Cut losses, end rail project
  8. Tourism Industry is Proof of Hawaii Democrats’ Climate Hypocrisy
  9. How HART Tried — And Failed — To Keep Rail Records Secret
  10. Rep Marilyn Lee to Appeal Against Admission of Fukumoto?
  11. Homeless Drug Addict’s Dogs Attack Jogger 
  12. Hawaii Judge Amends Travel Ban Injunction
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Monday, June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:16 PM :: 4319 Views
  1. Democrats Vote to Allow Fukumoto In
  2. Medicaid Expansion States Saw ER Visits Go Up, Uninsured ER Visits Go Down
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 19, 2017
  4. Panos: Statewide Surface Transportation Challenges and Opportunities
  5. Half of Hawaii Medicaid Funds Pay for Homeless Emergency Room Visits
  6. With Government out of the Way, Privatized Maui Hospital Hiring Hundreds, Investing Millions
  7. Put Everybody on Welfare: Omidyar, ACORN, and Richard Nixon All Agree—What Could Go Wrong?
  8. Hawaii County Moves to Shut Down Affordable Housing Development
  9. Honolulu Ethics Needs ‘Complete Overhaul’ 
  10. Global Warming: UH Professors Say Everybody in Hawaii Will Burn to Death.  Soon.  Real soon.
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Sunday, June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:26 PM :: 6473 Views
  1. Closing an Estate Tax Loophole?
  2. New Sup’t Kishimoto set up to be Main Course of Political Feeding Frenzy
  3. Lawsuit: Sex, Lies and Retaliation in Maui County
  4. LG Candidates have no enthusiasm for Ige
  5. Another IT Disaster: Legislature Cuts off Funds for Tax System Modernization
  6. Public school spending in Hawaii is above U.S. norm
  7. Renters Hit by 10% Property Tax Hike on Affordable Housing
  8. How Homeless Attack Workers, Get Away with it
  9. Medicated Marijuana Drenched in Pesticides
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Saturday, June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:23 PM :: 4550 Views
  1. Caldwell to Legislators: City will not put more ‘Skin in the Game’
  2. With Obama Out of the Way, HMSA Rate Hike Much Smaller
  3. Expensive Wind Energy Makes Maui Electric Bills Jump $15 in Month
  4. What do Illinois and Hawaii have in common that's causing residents to flee?
  5. Decisive Endorsement? Gay Thief Approves Fukumoto for Democratic Party membership
  6. Sovereignty Lawyer Disbarred
  7. Its Summer Again so Ige, DoE Pretend to Scramble to Cool Schools While Diverting Money to Line Green Energy Scammers Pockets
  8. Legislator: Housing Authority Money Demands Lack Specifics
  9. State DOT says deputy sheriffs no longer needed at Honolulu airport
  10. DOCARE Proposes $11,000 Fine for Teaching Kitesurfing at Beach
  11. Kauai Mayor Refuses to Sign Budget After Council Rejects Tax Hike
  12. Maui Hospital: 97% of HHSC Staff Accept Employment
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Friday, June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:23 AM :: 3833 Views
  1. June 14, 1900: The Abolition of Slavery in Hawaii
  2. State Recycling Program: A Decade of Fraud (Part 6)
  3. Auditor: 2017 Legislature Batting .000 -- 65 Bogus Special Funds
  4. Ige: Legislators Aren’t Getting Answers on Rail Costs
  5. Doomed: Affordable Housing Plan Depends on Rail
  6. Obamacare repeal will Barely be Noticed in Hawaii
  7. Hawaii workers 2nd in the nation using vacation time
  8. Preschool Pricing Hawaii families out
  9. Bogus Sand Study Claimed Maui would Run out in 2011 
  10. Organic Brainwashing in a Sea of Ignorance
  11. Scientists Want Papahanaumokuakea All to Themselves
  12. NRC Laughs at Big Island Depleted Activists
  13. Lawsuit: Staff Covered up Homosexual Rape
  14. Inmate lawsuit claims severe beating by HCCC guards; ‘repeated, systemic use of excessive force’ alleged
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Thursday, June 15, 2017
June 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 AM :: 4115 Views
  1. Audit The Rail
  2. State Labor Negotiators partly to blame for counties’ tax hikes
  3. No Jones Act tankers are capable of carrying liquid natural gas
  4. Takings: Bridge Aina Lea Suit Dismissed
  5. Wine Taxes: Hawaii Ranks 12th
  6. The Economic Security of Older Women and Men in Hawaii
  7. Audit: Informal Procedures by HPD, Prosecutor Hinder Domestic Violence Cases
  8. Audit Catches Maui County Finance Directory Abusing P-Card–Exposes Hostess Bar Loophole
  9. Soon-to-be HIDOE superintendent at the center of nearly $1M controversy
  10. TMT returns to high court: State justices to hear sublease appeal
  11. Property Taxes to Quadruple for 8,000 Condos
  12. GE Tax Payments up 1.1%, TAT up 14.9%
  13. Legislature’s Latest Idea: Put Everybody on Welfare and Call it ‘Universal Basic Income’
  14. Vampire Rail Cuts into Hawaii Blood Supply
  15. Hawaii Fastest Rising College Tuition in USA
  16. Hawaii Home Health Care Costs Rising Faster Than 48 States
  17. Anti-GMO Activists Sue State to Force EIS for Farming Operations
  18. Big Money Behind Anti-GMO
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Wednesday, June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 AM :: 4502 Views
  1. Homeless Housed
  2. A third marine carrier in Hawaii?
  3. Honolulu 2nd-Lowest Average Internet Speed
  4. Kishimoto Contract Guarantees Big Fluffy Golden Parachute
  5. New proposals to legalize vacation rentals, hike taxes and fines
  6. Housing market beyond reach for many locals
  7. Rail: Unanswered Questions
  8. Telescope case in judge’s hands
  9. City to pay for detective’s attorney in Kealoha civil case
  10. New ethics complaint, attorney general investigation into DOBOR
  11. Former Maui official claims her firing was retaliatory
  12. Former Big Island clerk's law license suspended for 150 days
  13. Soft on Crime: Privileged Criminal finally Does a Little Time After Being Arrested by Fake Cops
  14. Iwilei: Drug Addicts Refuse to Accept Shelter Fight Police for Right to Live in Piles of Garbage
  15. Gerrymandered Enterprise Zones Benefit Wealth y Neighborhoods, Leave Waianae Behind
  16. State Pesticide Rules Advancing to Board of Agriculture
  17. Good News: Offshore wind farms face slew of challenges
  18. Hawaii's Worthless, Incompetent Congressional Delegation Loses Native Hawaiian Funding
  19. Mentally Ill Sanders Voters on the Rampage-3 Dead, Several Wounded
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:59 AM :: 3403 Views
  1. Oahu GOP: No Rail Tax Hike Special Session
  2. Hawaii GOP: Ige Paris Accord Grandstanding will Cost Hawaii Consumers
  3. Message to OHA: ‘Clean up your Act’
  4. The saga of fishing vessel ‘America’s Finest’ continues
  5. Kids Count: Hawaii Ranks 17th in Child Well-being
  6. Big Island Republicans Asleep as Democrats Scramble for Senate Opening
  7. Legislative Scandals Repeat Themselves: State grants-in-aid
  8. Skinning the Taxpayers: Mayor and other city officials get pay increases
  9. Tax and Spend: Hawaii County Budget $36M Bloat
  10. Enviros Push $760M Carbon Tax on Hawaii
  11. SB1240: Government Prepares to Kill Off More Small Businesses
  12. The problem with the Ninth Circuit’s decision striking down Trump’s Travel ban
  13. Rat Lungworm, the Tropical Parasite that took Hawaii by Surprise
  14. After Diamond Head Sweep, only Seven Bums Accept Shelter
  15. Homeless sweep set for Iwilei along Nimitz Hwy.
  16. Rape Kit Testing Yields Results
  17. Medical Bills Exceed $1 Million For Woman Accidentally Shot By Cop
  18. Arcadia: Pay a Surcharge and Your Electricity will be Blessed by Gaia
  19. New missile and new radar might gird isles
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Monday, June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 AM :: 3250 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 12, 2017
  2. GEMS: Ige Redirects Tax on Electric Ratepayers to Cover Cool Schools Failure
  3. HSAC: Property Taxes Going Up Because We Are Afraid to Legalize TVRs and Tax Them
  4. Parks: Caldwell Spends Money on Kakaako, Abandons Westside
  5. Caldwell Admin slammed over delays on landfill
  6. Study: Homosexual Child Molesters Abuse up to 40% of Homeless Youth
  7. Hawaii Paris Accord Signature – Fake, Fake, Fake
  8. UH Profs: We’re All Gonna Die Because of Trump
  9. Star-Adv: Legislators Should Make Polystyrene Ban Statewide
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Sunday, June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:35 AM :: 2889 Views
  1. Kamehameha: The Founding of the Hawaiian Kingdom
  2. Hilo: DLNR Land Lease Ends with Demolition of Hotel
  3. Reaching Back into the Past
  4. Old Boys Give $605K Grant to Some Guy in Hilo
  5. Hawaii’s environmental strides are more smoke than substance
  6. Increases in bus fares, vehicle taxes and meter parking
  7. Leeward GOP silence over rail missteps is deafening
  8. Honolulu Homeless improve under Housing First program
  9. Doomed: ESSA Plan Requires Kishimoto to ‘Eliminate Achievement Gaps’ by End of Her 3-yr Contract
  10. Vexatious?  Hawaii County Shuts off Contact with Community Activist
  11. Maui’s Only Neurosurgeon Unable to Leave Island
  12. Red tape could delay permits for hemp seed project
  13. Upside Down Flag Flies at Hawaii Community College
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Saturday, June 10, 2017
June 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:31 AM :: 2719 Views
  1. Rep Thielen: Bring Rail Down to Earth
  2. TVRs: No Taxation Without Legalization!
  3. CyberStates: Hawaii Lags
  4. Global Warmers: Waikiki Sea Level Rise Will Drown Trump Hotel
  5. VIDEO: Lawyers Want Your Help to Keep the Homeless, Homeless
  6. Eco-Lawyers Help North Korea Reach Targets
  7. Contractor Begins Rail Work at Airport
  8. Hawaiian Health: Victimhood or Empowerment?
  9. Regulations May Make Marijuana Sales Unprofitable
  10. Neighborhood sit in stops Biki installment
  11. Kauai: Venomous Hatred of Republicans
  12. Illegal Alien was Leader of Punatic Circus
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Friday, June 9, 2017
June 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:35 AM :: 2668 Views
  1. Hawaii: To Afford 2BR Must Earn $73K
  2. GE Tax Hike Cornerstone of McDermott Plan to Rescue Rail
  3. Beer Taxes: Hawaii 5th-Highest in USA
  4. Ships Under Construction for New Cargo Liner Service for the Hawaii Trade?
  5. Governor to explore possibility of special session for rail  
  6. Did Council Really Put Skin in the Game?
  7. People Who Have The Most to Gain From Rail Are Still Skeptical
  8. Why Teachers Leave—One Word ‘Housing’
  9. Precisely as Predicted: Schatz, Civil Beat use King Tides for Global Warming Propaganda
  10. Bill signals beginning of the end for aquarium fishing
  11. Plastic Bag Ban: Feel Good Fakery
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Thursday, June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:28 AM :: 2957 Views
  1. Who Just Got Caught at OHA?
  2. From colonial navigation acts to the Jones Act
  3. BoE Puts ‘ESSA Team’ Principal in Charge, Temporarily
  4. Potholes Cost Hawaii Drivers $708 per Year
  5. Mindless Bureaucracy Detains Machine at Honolulu Airport for Lack on Non-Existent Form
  6. KOS: Poll Shows Tulsi Gabbard Vulnerable to Primary Challenge
  7. Bonds: HART Story Changes Again--Now Says it Has Money Thru End of Next Legislative Session  
  8. New ‘Interim’ Sup’t: A school’s success can’t be measured through rankings
  9. City budget ratchets up fees, Bus Fares
  10. Falling Out Amongst Thieves: City Council puts off action on retail bag fee
  11. Hawaii County Council Approves Massive Fuel Tax Hike
  12. Honolulu Median 1BR Rent $1590
  13. HELCO: We will achieve 200% Renewable Energy in 2045
  14. Global Warmers: Only Donald Trump’s Oceanfront Properties will be Inundated
  15. Discrimination Against Punatics?
  16. Hawaii's medical marijuana program among the nation's most regulated
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Wednesday, June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:24 AM :: 2736 Views
  1. Socrates Visits a Homeless Camp in Hawaii
  2. Hawaii: Most Expensive State to Put Your Kid Through College
  3. 90 mins to work: Hawaii Super-Commuters up 63%
  4. 2017’s Safest States in America–Hawaii 10th
  5. City seeks proposals for its third Housing First program
  6. Maui Mayor Signs Polystyrene Ban
  7. Hiding Failure: Schools board eliminates tests not required by Feds
  8. HART: With $350M Bonds, Rail Will Have Money for Construction
  9. Ige: Traffic Relief from Low Cost High Impact Projects – Like Shoulder Lanes
  10. Hawaii County Property taxes going up
  11. Hawaii County Council to Vote on Massive Fuel Tax Hike Next
  12. Caldwell Reaches into your Pocket: Street parking rates are set to double in Honolulu this summer 
  13. Suicide Squad Poll: Death Support by Ethnicity 
  14. Dope Stores Still Tied up in Red Tape
  15. Government Oysters: Delicious but we Promise not to Eat Them
  16. HPD: Unelected Thieves got away with millions of dollars in property crimes last year
  17. Sentencing delay likely for Kema Sr. as search for Peter Boy continues
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Tuesday, June 6, 2017
June 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:46 AM :: 2869 Views
  1. VIDEO: Sam Slom, Hawaii's Opposition Voice
  2. Ige: Trump Can’t Stop Me From Jacking up your Electric Bill to Line Pockets of Green Energy Scammers
  3. Containership capacity in Transpacific trade increasing
  4. 2017’s Best State Economies–Hawaii 39th
  5. 16 State Coalition Backs Travel Ban Before Supreme Court
  6. Wikileaks: Omidyar Website Gave up Leaker to NSA
  7. Poll: Ige Loses to ‘Someone Else’ 20% to 57% 
  8. OHA staffer faces conflict of interest allegations over poi mill venture
  9. 74% Say NO -- Only Star-Adv Editors and Politicians Want 10-cent Bag Tax
  10. Iolani Palace Becoming Homeless Tent City
  11. Hawaii County Council Approves 100% Property Tax Hike on 50,000 properties
  12. Inside Dope: Top State Bureaucrats to Open Marijuana Store on Kapahulu
  13. Katherine Kealoha Sues Prosecutor To Keep Her Employment Records Secret
  14. Honolulu Prosecutor wants to Spend Last $75k
  15. Trump promises ‘cheaper, faster and safer travel’ with private air traffic control
  16. Tourism Keeps Hitting Records, But Trumphaters Convince Themselves it is Dropping  
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Monday, June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:43 AM :: 2934 Views
  1. Six Politicians Already Running for Lt Governor
  2. Years Later, Democrats Become Dimly Aware Tulsi Gabbard is a Joke Played on them
  3. State Bureaucracy: Marijuana Rots, Dope Dealers Lose $10K a Month Waiting to Open
  4. City sweeps homeless from state-owned Nimitz medians
  5. City Council bills would Impose 10-cent Bag Tax
  6. Richest islanders under the sun go with solar
  7. With NextEra Gone -- O`ahu May Get 100 Megawatts of New Solar
  8. $70/ Day for Elder Care—Unionization Next 
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Sunday, June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:39 AM :: 3362 Views
  1. VIDEO: The Right to Home Share in Hawaii
  2. Update on key initiatives at UH Mānoa, including enrollment management
  3. OHA releases report on the health of Native Hawaiian men
  4. Human Casualties at the Legislature, Part 2
  5. Ige Has No Money:  2018 Scramble for Governor, CD1, CD2, Senate?
  6. Senators: Caldwell Asks for Blind Bailout, Will not Admit Problem
  7. Caldwell’s Latest Plan: Make the Handicapped Pay for Rail
  8. Massive Property Tax Hikes on Hawaii County Council Agenda
  9. Star-Adv: OHA must overcome Doubters to get Crony Cash Flowing from Fishermen’s Wharf (again)
  10. Parker Ranch Sues OHA-Funded Biofuel Schemer  
  11. Hawaii County Proposes Down-zoning Bridge Aina Lea (again)
  12. PUC: Wanna Sell Bottled Water, Then You are a Utility and we will Regulate You
  13. Dope Store Drops End Run Around Testing 
  14. Food Stamps: Who Will Buy Food for the Dopers?
  15. Catauna: Homeless Almost as Repulsive as Trump Supporters
  16. City plans Snap homeless sweep of state’s Nimitz Highway medians
  17. With NextEra Gone, Hawaiian Electric Begins Sending More Ratepayer Money to National Democrat Donors
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Saturday, June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:37 AM :: 2550 Views
  1. Conflict of Interest: OHA Audit Committee Member Secretly owns OHA’s Former Poi Mill
  2. Where Pro-Rail and Anti-Rail Voices Agree
  3. Matson charters foreign flag containership for Samoa service  
  4. Evans: Raises the reason for tax increase
  5. Halawa: All Locks Fail at Another Prison Module
  6. Tourism Setting Records, but Chin says travel ban 'chilling effect' hurting Hawaii's economy
  7. Star Adv: King Tides Prove Hawaii Must Keep Shoveling Tax Credit Money to Silicon Valley Billionaires 
  8. Food as a political weapon
  9. State’s Largest Biofuel Farm Produces Much Hype, Little Oil
  10. More Marijuana for the Kids
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Friday, June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:32 AM :: 3098 Views
  1. Hawaii: Lowest Pay in the USA
  2. Supreme Court to Hear Rail Skim Lawsuit
  3. Rat Lungworm: The Cost of Unintended Consequences
  4. Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits
  5. Caldwell: I’m Building Rail Along the Waterfront—But We Should Ignore That and Just Pretend to Believe in Climate Change Anyway
  6. Trump Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Travel Ban
  7. ‘Free’ Food for all Children at 63 Hawaii Public Schools
  8. Astronomers Are Coming to Grips With Moving Telescope From Hawaii to Spain
  9. Ige: Indecisiveness is a Strength
  10. HB665: Ige Declares War on Parakeets
  11. UH Vice-Chancellor Looking for Exit After Only Two Years
  12. Big Island of Retaliation: County Employees afraid to speak out
  13. Hype about king tides sounded all too familiar
  14. Hawaii Supreme Court To Rule On Secret Government Deliberations
  15. Act 18: HGEA, UPW Score $30M Payout for ‘Severance’ -- without Losing Jobs
  16. Maunawilli: Waihee’s Crooked Golf Club Tries to Parlay Trail Access Dispute into 100-unit Subdivision Approval
  17. Homeless Dude Moves to Hawaii, Jailed for Rape
  18. Hawaii Poll: Crack Down on Illegal Immigration More Popular than Trump
  19. Revolving Door: ‘Journalist’ goes Back to Openly Doing PR Work
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Thursday, June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:31 AM :: 2735 Views
  1. Sex Harassment: Only Victim Can Sue Peter Apo says Court
  2. Q-Mark Shreds its Own Reputation with Poll Claiming Anti-Aquarium Hysteria Reaches 90%
  3. VIDEO: ICBM Knocked out of Sky in Successful Test of Missile Defense
  4. Poll: Trump as Popular as Caldwell in Hawaii
  5. Testifiers reject Hawaii Co gas tax hike
  6. Ethics? Kauai County Council Eliminates County Auditor Office
  7. Community Based Solar: Set up to Fail Like GEMS
  8. Contested Case for Hu Honua Rate Hikes?
  9. Former Hawaii Legislators Lobby Without Registering
  10. Murderers among convicted criminals out on work furlough
  11. UPW Absenteeism Puts Guards at Risk
  12. City Finds Way to Make Construction Even More Expensive
  13. Enviros Delay Work to Prevent Massive Sand Island Sewage Spill—Demand Fealty to God of Global Warming 
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