Entries for June 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014 |
June 30, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 5613 Views
- Liliuokalani 1895: “Monarchy is Forever Ended, Republic of Hawaii is only lawful Government”
- Dozens Rally at Capitol for Religious Freedom
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 30, 2014
- NYT: Abercrombie Conspiracy Theory Rocks Primary
- Akina for OHA: Stop Dividing Hawaii's People
- Small Business: Health Connector a Huge Waste of Time
- Star-Adv: Focus Sit-Lie Ban on Waikiki
- 40% of Public Schools Lack Librarian
- Schatz Pushes to Take Act 215/221 Tax Credit Scams National
- Bill Could Outlaw Hawaii Internet Sales Tax
- Big Isle prison ready to reopen with 60 inmates
- The challenge of getting mental health care for Hawaii's homeless
- League of Women Voters Debunks Governor’s Take on Disclosure Bill
- Governor to Sign Same-Day Voter Registration Bill into Law
- Sea Shepherd Math: Hawaii Aquarium Divers 'Multi-Billion Dollar Industry'
- Traffic Improves at Laniakea
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Sunday, June 29, 2014 |
June 29, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 4476 Views
- Ethics: Caldwell Admin Blocks Investigation of No-Show City Workers
- MOVIE: ‘Persecuted’ Opens in Hawaii July 18
- We’ve Been Bracket Creeped!
- Ige, Abercrombie Blame Each Other for Bringing Obamacare to State
- Ige, Abercrombie Both to Blame
- Molokai, Lanai Say No to Akaka Tribe
- Abercrombie's argument that a transparency bill will harm women is sexist
- Hanabusa Camp Goes After Winer, Schatz Whines About Negative Campaigning
- Milk Price Controls Destroyed Hawaii Dairy Farms
- State still ponders ‘Pono Choices’
- Dept. of Health fails nursing home inspections
- Even Mollway Thinks Ethics Comm. Should Oversee Legislative Allowances
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Saturday, June 28, 2014 |
June 28, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 4333 Views
- Abercrombie Rewards UHPA's Campaign Support with $32M -- 'Unprecedented' Early Contract
- Nanakuli House Candidate Andria Tupola wins SHOPO Endorsement
- Military Cooperation with China: RIMPAC as a Model for the Future
- Abercrombie buys UHPA: "I am confident that the faculty vote will be overwhelming..."
- Abercrombie endorses Tsutsui
- Claim: Only 40% of HSTA Members Registered to Vote
- Two University of Hawaii regents resign over Disclosures
- Maui Council to Hear Anti-GMO Initiative Monday
- Maui Mayor vs Council
- San Francisco buys 8,000 tickets out of town for homeless
- Hawaii Board Advances $1B Telescope Pending Review
- DLNR: Punatic Eco-Activists Murder Trees, Illegally Bulldoze Land
- Aloha Stadium Doesn't Know How Much Land it Owns
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Friday, June 27, 2014 |
June 27, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 4120 Views
- Two Polls Now Show Aiona In Lead
- Abercrombie Rewards UHPA's Campaign Support with 'Unprecedented' Early Contract Agreement
- HPD Ordered to Pay $31K over Censored Facebook Comments
- Ige, Slom Question Possible 'Financial Disclosure' Veto
- Capitol Rally for Religious Freedom June 28
- Sledgehammer Tom Brower Loses Key HSTA Endorsement
- Anti-GMO Activists Write the Darndest Things
- Makakilo Tells Feds: "Get up and get out"
- Star-Adv: Abercrombie Puts Influential Individuals First
- Abercrombie's Sad Little Effort to Pander to AJAs Falls Flat
- HSTA Injects Teacher Morale into Governor's Race
- Fears rise for HHSC hospital staff in face of financial shortfall
- Unsterilized dental instruments used on local VA patients
- DHS Sabotages Quest Eligibility Renewal Again
- PRP Under Investigation Over Its 2012 Campaign Spending
- PUC Dockets to Funnel Money to Green Energy Scammers
- BLNR weighs TMT sublease today
- Council committee clears homeless bills
- With $707K payment from state, Reynolds reopening
- BWS Still Can't Get Bills Right
- State to investigate Kamehameha Schools dump site
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Thursday, June 26, 2014 |
June 26, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:26 PM :: 4178 Views
- Obama plan to tribalize native Hawaiians runs into trouble
- Prohibiting Sitting Or Laying Down On Oahu's Sidewalks 24/7 Makes Law More Susceptible To Challenge
- Seeking a Global Solution in Sugar Trade Policy
- Akaka Tribe: Bureau of Indian Affairs 'Involved from Very Beginning'
- Unable to Find any Supporters, OHA Blames Hawaiians
- Bob Jones: Obama a Colossal Failure, Wish he was Going Away Now
- Hawaii might be the only place left where an endorsement from Obama can be looked at as a positive
- A High-Stakes Initiative Could Ban GMO Farming in Maui County
- Ige Questions Governor’s Possible Veto of Disclosure Bill
- Legislators concerned about governor's pending veto list
- Hospitals on Kauai face potential staff, service reductions
- Abercrombie Admin Bungling Puts 100 People out of work
- Panel passes Biodegradable bag-ban bill
- Vendors blast Stanley Chang bill that would ban plastic and foam plates--Council Defers
- Aquarium Battle: Lost Fish Coalition tells Sea Shepherd to Get Lost
- Tranny's Charter school must shape up or dissolve
- Violent mental patients sent to South Carolina--State Saves 50% but Refuses to Send More
- Homeless Crime Fills the News
- HPD officer indicted for elaborate Criminal Enterprise
- Kam School Operating Illegal Dump?
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014 |
June 25, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:30 PM :: 4715 Views
- Angry Aloha
- Slom: Legislators Should Override 'Financial Disclosure' Veto
- Report: 65% of Rooftop Solar Owned by Finance Companies
- Ige: Interior Hearings on Sovereignty are Premature Because Hawaiians Lack Consensus
- Ige Questions Akaka Tribe Rush, Health Connector
- Waianae Hawaiians Say No No No No No to Federal Akaka Tribe Scheme
- Con-Con Needed to Abolish OHA?
- Abercrombie Donors Get 10-day turnaround on PUC Decision
- Financial disclosure bill should come off the governor’s veto list
- PRP Campaign: "This is how its Done Now"
- HSTA DoE Revisions to Teacher Evaluations 'Just the First Step'
- Sit-lie ban sought for all of Oahu
- Explain $5M spent on Zipper Lane
- Legislators seek state hospital system's plan to stay afloat
- Another OCCC guard admits to selling ice--Remains Employed
- Another Alleged Homosexual Child Molester Arrested in Honolulu
- BoE Chair Horner to Develop Lot Across from Jefferson Elem School
- HC&S faces $1.3M fine from state
- After all the Talk, Only One School Gets AC
- NCAA Continues Investigation of UH Athletic Programs
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014 |
June 24, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:06 PM :: 4467 Views
- DoI Hearing: 'A lot of noes' on Akaka Tribe
- Abercrombie Sends Notice to Veto 10 Bills
- Ward Questions DoT Plan for Kalanianaole Hwy
- USDoE: Federal Funds at Risk as Hawaii Special Ed Programs Fall Short
- Schatz Should Fire Winer
- Borreca: PRP Tactics Work for Unpopular Candidate like Hanabusa
- Caldwell Admin Stifles Investigation into Corruption
- Legislative ethics need tightening
- NYT: Honolulu Shores Up Tourism With Crackdown on Homeless
- Caldwell Returns Budget Bills Unsigned in HART Power Grab
- Six More Days: Longshoremen Contract Threatens U.S. West Coast Port Trade
- Lawmaker requests oversight committee to change Hawaii’s prison system
- Honolulu man must repay $200K defrauded from state
- 9th Circuit Court Orders Gay Juries for Marriage cases
- Marijuana Dispensaries Coming to Hawaii Next Year
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Monday, June 23, 2014 |
June 23, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:17 PM :: 4401 Views
- At DOI Hearing, Grassroot Institute Disputes Department's Authority to Recognize a Hawaiian Nation
- Hawaii Teachers 3rd-Best Paid in USA
- Janet Grace–Waikiki HD22 Designated A Top House Race
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 23, 2014
- Video: Shifting the Jones Act Tide
- Voters Look to Small-Business Owners for Guidance
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 23, 2014
- Hawaii No Tsunami Threat from Rat Island Quake
- McCorriston: "All reasonable People Can See Hawaii isn't Benefited by Health Connector"
- OHA, Interior Department--Miasma of Frustration and Anger
- Ige Campaigns Against Kakaako condos as OHA Plans Comeback for Next Year
- Today is Deadline for Abercrombie to signal bill vetoes
- PRP Consultants Worked on Caldwell Campaign
- Governor’s Travels: Island Trips, Economy Travel and Obama
- Anti-GMO Propaganda Recycled as Legitimate 'News'
- California company plans $13M wind farm on Big Island
- High Cost of Living Puts Hawaii 46th on Retirement List
- As Obama Surrenders Iraq to AlQaeda, Veterans Anger Rises
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Sunday, June 22, 2014 |
June 22, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:18 PM :: 3542 Views
- Tribal Agenda: Abercrombie led push to Exempt Akaka Tribe from State, Federal Laws
- Public to be Excluded from Honolulu Tribe Hearing—Protest Set
- Hearings Mask Scheme to Seize Control of Hawaiian Homelands
- How Hawaii Can Grow the Pie
- PRP Settlement Buys Insurance for Hanabusa Against Truth Coming Out
- No Surprise: Star-Adv Editors back Latest Akaka Tribe Scam
- The train will prove an expensive anachronism
- How Holzman Manipulated UH president search to Pick Lassner
- Brower Refuses Comment on Proposed Sledgehammer Ban
- HD5 Bateman Calls for Tax Cuts
- Unopposed Cachola Sign of Weak Demos
- Veterans Buying Private Insurance Because VA Won't Help Them
- Hawaii Faces Prescription Drug Overdose Epidemic
- HELCO using new timeline for geothermal project
- Mandatory minimum law on property crime takes effect
- Styrofoam food containers may be banned in near future
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Saturday, June 21, 2014 |
June 21, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 4271 Views
- How to Submit Your Comments on the Proposed Rule to Recognize a Native Hawaiian Government
- OHA Trustee Stender and Former AG Lilly question current efforts to create a sovereign Hawaiian nation
- Voter Registration Drive Set for Hawaii Catholic Churches June 21-22
- HGEA Refuses to Endorse Governor, CD1 Candidates
- Modifying the Future of Food: What If GMOs Are the Only Option?
- Criminal, Energy, Emergency, Agriculture--Abercrombie Signs Bills
- Engineers complete nine-month Afghanistan mission, return to families in Hawaii
- Schatz' Chief of Staff Target of Campaign Spending Investigation
- Cayetano to Schatz: Fire Winer
- Hawaii school principals predict substantial drop in reading and math scores
- Proposal expands 'sit-lie' ban to Chinatown, Ward
- Governor Silent on Homelessness Issue
- Documentary Examines the Sierra Club's Decision to Support Rail
- Homosexual Child Molesters to be Targeted for Two More Years
- Opponents fail to stop Kulani Correctional Facility reopening
- Family sues HPD, firefighter over deadly arrest
- City sewer fees will increase 4% starting July 1
- OHA Gets 21 Ac Site in Luxury Development
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Friday, June 20, 2014 |
June 20, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:47 PM :: 4168 Views
- Full Text: Feds Release 'Proposed Rule' for Creation of Hawaiian Indian Tribe
- Voter Registration Drive Set for Hawaii Catholic Churches June 21-22
- Sutton: Disconnect the Hawaii Health Connector
- Court Order Delays Implementation of Kauai Anti-GMO Ordinance
- Honolulu VA Still Worst in Nation--Wait Time 130 days
- Honolulu Rail And The Use Of Eminent Domain
- Andy Winer Behind PRP Attacks on Cayetano
- Borreca: All Hawaii voters, and not just Native Hawaiians, must be involved in 'Sovereignty' Discussion
- City might seize land in Honolulu for rail line
- Cachola may owe thousands of dollars for using campaign money to buy meals and a truck
- Supreme Court Unanimous: College Employees Have 1st Amendment Right to Testify Against Corrupt Legislators
- State sues official for failing to air income
- Roof where prisoner escaped was well-known hot spot for previous incidents
- Government Employees Warned not to Mail Drugs to Halawa Inmates
- Manoa Rapist Sues, Demands Work Release
- Matayoshi Pay Hike -- A tone-deaf decision
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Thursday, June 19, 2014 |
June 19, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:14 PM :: 4731 Views
- OHA Candidate Keli’i Akina: "Tribal recognition is a scheme for exploiting Native Hawaiians"
- Nation Building? "Who benefits from this strategy?"
- Mayor Caldwell announces homeless action plan
- Controversial school superintendent gets $50,000 pay hike
- Gun Control Group Points to Hawaii as Example
- Law Prof: Interior Department Tribe Scheme 'On a Slippery Slope to Defeat'
- Law Prof: Feds Do Not Have Jurisdiction Over Hawaiian Sovereignty
- Sovereignty Activists Reject Tribal Process
- Abercrombie GEMS Plan a Trojan Horse to Slip Big Cable Past PUC
- Gay-Atheist Plan for Your Children Depends on Election Outcome
- Brower Abuses Allowance With Sledgehammer Purchase
- Youth Detention Center: Employees do Marijuana, Cocaine on the Job
- Tranny, Cronies Seem Defeated After Charter School Ordered to End Nepotism
- DOE puts dozens of teachers on paid leave pending investigations
- Anti-GMO 'Agronomics' Tax Deferred
- GMOs: Who is Fooling Whom?
- Schatz vs Hanabusa #1 Democrat Primary in 2014
- Honolulu rail agency may spend another $5M for help with property acquisitions
- HHSC Cost Savings Plan Focuses on Union Overtime
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014 |
June 18, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:32 PM :: 4419 Views
- Feds Coming to Hawaii to Discuss Indian Tribe Plan--15 Public Meetings Set
- VIDEO: Interior Department CNHA Tribe Bribe
- Grace for Waikiki: Ethics Commission Should Ban Sledgehammer Purchases by Legislators
- Rep Hastings: Obama's Ocean Zoning Will Shut Down Tuna Fishery
- High Tech Development Corp still relying on carbon paper and typewriters
- Six New Ways to Visualize Hawaii Campaign Spending Data
- Aiona Proposal Will Divert Homeless to Social Services, not Jails
- Scientist: Obama Plan has no conservation benefit other than to penalize US fishermen
- Anti-GMO Councilman Challenges Conversion of Urban Land to Agriculture
- Manhunt for escapees ends with shift change because of resources
- Juvenile detention workers forced to work 16-hour shifts; complain of attacks
- Expert: OCCC Escape Exposes Failure, After Failure, After Failure
- Schools superintendent's pay increases to $200,000
- Kahoolawe Commission Burns the Last of its Money
- Cabanilla Posts Campaign Signs Without permission
- Malama Solomon Complains Too many Whales in Hawaii
- Dive Tour Operators Humane Society Team Up to Attack Aquarium Divers
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014 |
June 17, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:10 PM :: 5017 Views
- Aiona Proposes Homeless Court, Veterans Outreach
- Health Survey: 11.8% of DoE Students Treated After Attempting Suicide
- Missing IRS emails outrage targeted Hawaii tea party leaders
- Homelessness: It's A Sidewalk, Not A Sideseat Or A Sidebed
- Writ to Watch: Oahu Publications, Inc. v. Neil Abercrombie
- Supreme Court Briefs in Bridge Aina Lea: Takings, Reclassification, and Orders to Show Cause
- Louie Applauds US Supreme Court Ruling on Firearm Background Checks
- Kauai Prison Administrator admits running illegal gambling ring--Still Employed
- UH: Proposed Kakaako Obama Library 'Raises the bar for Sea Level Rise Planning' --to elevation 3'
- Supporters Step up to Defend Big Isle Farmers Against Mainland Activist Groups
- Campaigning for governor is whole new sport for Ige
- Two escapes in one week from the Oahu Community Correctional Center
- Desperate to Save his job, Hawaii’s VA director promises shorter wait times by year’s end
- Obama Bans Fishing Between Hawaii and Am. Samoa--700,000 sq miles of Ocean Closed
- Kiribati to forbid fishing in 160,000 sq miles of Pacific Ocean
- HTDC Gives Away $248K to Rich People
- Obama invites self-proclaimed gays to sue federal contractors
- Honolulu 9th Worst City for Car Drivers
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Monday, June 16, 2014 |
June 16, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 3978 Views
- Public Corruption: Hawaii Ranks 26th
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 16, 2014
- Aiona Proposes Homeless Court, Greater Outreach to Veterans
- Compassionate Disruption: Mayor's sidewalk strategy to Push Homeless in to Shelters
- Grading teachers can't be too easy
- Kauai Anti-GMO Initiative Will Ban Experimental Hemp Farms
- Today is Deadline for Obama Library
- Hawaiian Airlines Tightens Grip on Its Home Market
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Sunday, June 15, 2014 |
June 15, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:21 PM :: 4174 Views
- 2014 Hawaii elections: May campaign ads roundup
- It's All About Delivering Value
- DePledge: Republican Legislative candidates are a bunch of Christians
- Cayetano vs PRP: You're corrupt so you have no right to say I'm corrupt
- Housing First Keeps Promise Broken 50 Years Ago
- Honolulu’s failure to assist the homeless is an issue of both public health and social injustice
- Property acquisition for rail falls far behind
- At new luxe Kakaako condo, only the richest need apply
- Skip Common Core scores in evaluations -- Next Step for DoE
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Saturday, June 14, 2014 |
June 14, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 3430 Views
- Poll: Aiona Wins Three-Way Gubernatorial Race
- Tulsi Gabbard Full Text: Hawaii VA Director is a Liar, Should be Fired
- Solar City: Tax Subsidies For Them, Big Bills For Hawaii
- Scientist in Point-by-Point Debunk of Maui Anti-GMO Bill
- Abercrombie Appoints Rep Wooley Replacement from Secret List
- Pono Choices Authors Scheme for Upcoming School Year
- Pono Choices proves liberals don't even know their own behinds
- The High Cost of Living in Paradise
- Hawaii VA Insider: Real Waiting List is One Year Long
- Maui Mayor Arakawa endorses Hannemann for governor
- GE Tax Receipts Drop 1.4%
- State Board of Land and Natural Resources defers decision on Thirty Meter Telescope
- Abercrombie's Sea-Level Planning 'Ruinous and Unnecessary'
- FIT: PUC Moving to Give Green Energy Scammers Even More Money
- NYT Editorial: Plastic is so common in Hawaii soils you can’t avoid burning it in campfires
- Wrong man hounded for child support, allegedly for years
- OCCC: Rapist Escapes Again and Again and Again
- Island Hauling Company caught in alleged illegal dumping
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Saturday, June 14, 2014 |
June, 2014 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 4:32 PM :: 3238 Views
- Drawbridges for Kailua?
- Money talks. People vote.
- High-rises set stage for Hong Kong-ization of Honolulu
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Friday, June 13, 2014 |
June 13, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:25 PM :: 5176 Views
- Poll: Ige 48% - Abercrombie 37%
- DoE Eases Teacher Evaluation Requirements
- DoE Forms Principals Roundtable with HGEA
- American Samoa Governor Puts Faleomavaega in His Place
- Hawaii wind player gets comeuppance in Maine
- HART completes 100th column along rail route
- Poll: Tsutsui Beat Hee 41% to 29%
- Lecture on budget bills rebounds on Abercrombie
- Hawaii Shippers’ Council president is making progress in his quest for a Jones Act exemption
- Decoupling raises Oahu's June costs
- Maui Memorial Stages Attack on Lahaina Hospital Proposal
- Cayetano accepts apology from PRP
- HECO: LNG Conversion on This Year's Agenda
- Pain killer shortage has some Big Island patients feeling the pain
- Kauai Anti-Agriculture Activists Push Tax Hike Scheme
- Sovereignty Activists pester Intel Founders for Money
- HPD SWAT Lieutenant found guilty of drunk driving
- Tranny Calls Charter Schools Director 'Incompetent'
- $138K in scholarship funds delayed 9 days for 90 Hawaii athletes; some sleep in locker room
- Commercial fishermen consider strike
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Thursday, June 12, 2014 |
June 12, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 5539 Views
- Productivity and Innovation: Hawaii Stuck on ‘F’
- 1901: Territory of Hawaii Adopts First Income Tax in USA
- Donna Kim: Ms Ruthless Beauty Queen
- Warner "Kimo" Sutton and Elwin Ahu hope to win the primary for lieutenant governor
- Hawaii's private doctors urged to help alleviate VA crisis
- Parents' efforts lead Hawaii educators to tone down sex-ed program
- While Building Kakaako, Abercrombie Signs Bill Claiming 3' Sea Level Rise Coming
- Tranny: "Kakaako Developer has made every effort possible to embrace iwi kupuna issues"
- Sex-abuse victims deserve more time to come forward
- State Hospital faces class-action lawsuit, administrator retiring
- Ernie Martin Rebuilding Slush fund for Profitable NonProfits
- Will Anti-Aquarium Nuts Be Charged for Harassing Divers?
- Budget Axe Hits UH Athletics
- 9% of Student Loans in Default Across Hawaii
- Retrial: Judge Rules Out Evidence Favorable to Deedy
- Big raises coming for Kenoi, top officials and County Council
- Union Bosses Look forward to Extracting Dues From New Class of Workers
- Hawaii has Fewest Muslims of Any State
- Anti-GMO Hype Part of Pesticide Company Sales Scheme?
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |
June 11, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:58 PM :: 4943 Views
- Efforts to divide Hawaiians from non-Hawaiians
- Tribe Bribe: OHA Payoffs to Sovereignty Activists
- Veterans Affairs audit exposes Hawaii’s ‘infuriating’ wait list
- Paychecks Hawaii Ratings of the 2014 Legislature
- Abercrombie Campaign: "Sen. Ige can't add"
- Perreira: Dump EUTF, Bring Back Corrupt Union Health Plans
- Ernie Martin Thrilled as Council Vote Returns City to Ewa Villages Days
- No Eco-Lawyers in Sight as Cooke, Kamehameha, Hughes Divvy up Kakaako
- Galuteria: OHA Roll Signers Need to Vote for me Because I am Toast After Opposing the Community on Kakaako Makai
- Yukimura: Keep Kauai Jammed
- Rep. Bob McDermott Says ‘Pono Choices’ Is Dead
- Students Flee Tranny's School, Teachers Stiffed on Pay
- Tranny Sues, Demands Right to Use Women's Room
- MRC Greenwood Retires 'to Remain on the Mainland'
- Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant not in Appropriations Bill
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 |
June 10, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:15 PM :: 4221 Views
- Abercrombie taking $46M from DOE to balance state budget
- Djou: Give Veterans a Private Healthcare Option
- Court: No EIS Required For Haleakala Telescope
- More Hollywood Homosexuals Sued over Alleged Child Molestation in Hawaii
- Big Island Farmers File Latest Federal Court Salvo on GMO Front
- McCain Endorses Djou for Congress
- Abercrombie's road 'littered with human collateral damage'
- Did ERS Help Bail Out Central Pacific Bank?
- While Building Kakaako, Abercrombie Signs Bill to Study 'Rising Seas'
- Housing First homeless program Will not 'Create Positions'
- Kauai Anti-Agriculture Ballot Initiative Rejected
- PUC Asked to Approve Sub-Prime Energy Loans
- Voters Pick Candidate Who's "Coming on Very Hard"
- Third Handi Van Fire in Three Years
- HPD sued over violent arrest caught on video
- Forest City's Hawaii Housing Projects Need Further Investigation
- Star Advertiser credit card breach could impact hundreds, if not thousands, of customers
- Convicted Drug Dealer Ruggles Sues to get Marijuana Back
- Letters to farmers: No crop, no tax break
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Monday, June 9, 2014 |
June 9, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:22 PM :: 5061 Views
- Voter Registration Drive Set for Hawaii Catholic Churches June 21-22
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 9, 2014
- The Surprising States That Have Greater Income Inequality
- Hawaii Rated Worst State to Make a Living 2014
- 9th Circuit Demands Briefing on Bridge Aina Lea Suit
- 145 Days: Hawaii VA Wait times Worst in USA
- Bishop asks parishes to conduct voter registration drive
- Legislature Cancels $5000 Bonuses for Top Teachers in Struggling Schools
- Debt: $35B in Tax Hikes Coming
- Cayetano, Kaneshiro Back Clayton Hee for Lt Gov
- HHSC Cuts Eliminate Urology Treatment
- Drug Overdose Top Cause of Accidental Death in Hawaii
- Hawaii Health exchange sets date for new director
- City Harasses Anti-Rail Handi-Van Supplier
- Schatz: Feds Should Loan Money to Honolulu for Transit-Oriented Development
- Political parties fight to manipulate voting times, locations
- Hawaii one of only Five States With no Republicans in Congress
- Styrofoam: Council Harasses Restaurants, Consumers
- Carol Fukunaga Proposal to Evict 309 Renters 'Needs to be Set Aside'
- HECO Submits EA for Giant Kahe Solar Farm
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Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
June 8, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 4542 Views
- Report Exposes Scheme to Funnel Interior Department Money to Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
- What Happens in Vegas...Moves to Vegas
- Dave Bateman Announces for House 5
- Ige Goes Wobbly on GMOs
- Bob Jones: State 'Tribe' is Only Realistic Outcome of OHA Roll
- Akana: “Why do Hawaiians have to look like we’re such idiots?"
- Commenters Mock Kauai Professional Protesters
- Abercrombie Hopes Nobody Reading CoR Report
- Abercrombie, Developers Join Private Celebration as Ground broken on first of 22 Ward Center residential towers
- Shapiro: Mufi's Rail Push Now Costing Millions
- Hawaii Food Stamp Use up 210% since 2007
- Ban on food-grade foam containers Shut Down Local Manufacturers
- Call for leadership change at DOE ignores progress that's been made
- Failure of HHSC Reform Brings Health care hardships
- SB2365: Impact of doctor-dispensed drugs on comp costs drives new legislative efforts
- Kauai: Sex Harassment is Profitable
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Saturday, June 7, 2014 |
June 7, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:48 PM :: 5835 Views
Friday, June 6, 2014 |
June 6, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:22 AM :: 4440 Views
- Food, Flowers, Furniture: Ethics Commission to Look at Legislators Million Dollar Slush Fund
- VIDEO: Rough Seas for Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie's Obamacare Exchange
- Will State Lose $800M in Fed Funding Due to Governor Abercrombie?
- Hawaii Candidates: Beware of the Hawaii Center for Food Safety Questionnaire
- Waitlisted patients cost Hawaii Hospitals $62.7M
- NFIB Hawaii 2014 Legislative Wrap-up
- Eligible? Hawaii Ranks 49th in Welfare Participation
- Special Session Creates Opportunities in Politics
- Homosexuals Hope to Ride Hee into Lt Governor's Office
- ‘Hawaii thinks it’s progressive, but it’s not’
- 801: Abercrombie Admin Fails to Protect Historic Resources
- Recertification visit stirs up residents' anger toward DOT
- Gabbard: Obama Taliban Deal Puts Price on Head of American Soldiers
- Drug Dealer Complains About Police before Hawaii Supreme Court
- Health Insurance Confusion for Hawaii’s Small Businesses?
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Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
June 5, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 7622 Views
- Civil Beat 'Tried to Throttle and Censor' Pritchett
- Hawaii Ranks #4 in Gasoline Taxes
- Takai, Cabanilla Inside Azerbaijan’s Bizarre Hawaii Lobbying Push
- Kauai Audit finds 'Favoritism' in Furloughs
- Poll: Ige Beats Abercrombie 46% - 41%
- HGEA Admits it is Hidden Hand Behind Principals Attack on Matayoshi
- Lassner: "I know where the landmines are"
- Carol Fukunaga Scheme Would Put 309 on Streets, Cost City $18M
- New permit not needed for 801 South developer
- GMO food has been declared to be as safe as non-GMO food by every major reputable scientific body worldwide
- Kauai: Disingenuous Anti-GMO Councilmembers in Trouble?
- Kauai Anti-GMO Candidate an Ultra-Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist
- Single Payer in Action: Big Island Veterans Wait 7 Months for VA health care
- Hilo Medical Center cutting Doctors, Nurses After HGEA Kills Partnership Plan
- Hawaii Not as Unequal as other Blue States?
- Hawaiian Electric CEO disputes report about $6B buy offer
- Auction set for Big Island Carbon's Hawaii assets
- Hu Honua: Contractors Sue Landowner in Latest Green Energy Debacle
- Maui News: Return of Superferry 'A Good Idea'
- Honolulu Council budgets millions for homelessness
- Immigration: Feds Release Dangerous Lunatic onto Streets of Honolulu
- Another Inmate Mistakenly Released from OCCC
- HPD: Nearly $6 Million in Legal Settlements in 11 Years
- Feds affirm Kauai officer's retaliation allegations
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014 |
June 4, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 6498 Views
- Hawaiians Are Not A Tribe
- Hawaii Obamacare: Do you Pay for Other People's Abortions?
- June 3, 2014: Office of Elections Releases Candidate List
- Djou Officially Files for Congressional Race
- Duke Aiona Welcomes Candidates to 2014 Election
- Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Kyo-ya Case
- Encouraging ohana housing in Hawaii
- Am Samoa: Falomavaega Rips Obama, Clinton, Kerry
- Richardson is fifth least expensive among top law schools in the U.S.
- Hawaii Candidate Deadline Attracts Last-Minute Flurry
- Maui News: Aiona needs to be more Aggressive, Engaged, Assertive
- Goal is to house all chronic homeless on Oahu in two years
- Oakland company gets Hawaii Subprime green lending contract
- Kuokoa Profiteer Describes 2011 Effort to take over HECO
- Molokai: Big Cable is Corporate-Political Scam
- School superintendent's contract renewed
- Even After Death, DoE Lawyers Block Therapy for Autistic Girl
- Lassner, Lawyers Already Planning for Inevitable Disastrous Departure
- TOD: Real estate fundamentals giving UH opportunities to monetize its land assets
- $62.7M Cost of Hospitalized Medical Patients on Waitlists
- Five States' Health-Care Exchanges See Costly Fixes
- Levinson: GMO Producers not Gay Enough to Deserve Equal Protection
- Hawaii Republicans: Fracking and Global Warming
- Documents show drug problem spiking at Prison
- Another Fee Hike--This Time its Bulky Item Pickup
- Inaction by Congress Could Undermine Hawaii Transportation
- Thai workers settle lawsuit with Hawaii farms for $2.4 million
- Former councilman avoids jail time
More.. |
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 |
June 3, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:08 PM :: 4562 Views
Monday, June 2, 2014 |
June 2, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:59 PM :: 5067 Views
- WaPo: Hawaii Going Wrong Way on GMOs
- The Worst of Both: The Rise of High-Cost, Low-Capacity Rail Transit
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 2, 2014
- Capitol Rally for Religious Freedom June 28
- Hawaii: 1,000 Veterans Wait Months for VA Care
- Sen Kim, Babes Against Biotech Team Up to Protest UH Presidential Selection
- Improving Teacher Quality and the Definition of Insanity
- More Homeless in Waikiki Than Ever Before
- Rail Provides only 27% of Promised Jobs
- Bill would let city try anew to sell projects
- UH moves 'free speech zone'
- GMO ban, UH research at odds
- Anti-GMO fervor, sanctimony
- Bill on biodegradable bags hits snag over definitions
- Hawaii’s premium cigar industry denied parity in state tax code
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Sunday, June 1, 2014 |
June 1, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:54 PM :: 4169 Views
- Ige on Kakaako: ‘Too much, too fast’
- The Hawaiian Tribe--Taxes
- Moody's: US state debt growing at slowest pace in years--but Hawaii Still Tops
- Am Samoa: Will Faleomavaega Join the Old Bulls Leaving Congress?
- NIOSH: Distant Water Tuna Fleet Workers at High Risk
- Caldwell: Accept $4M Tax Hike or I will Unleash Homeless on Waikiki
- Why Inouye steered clear of Hawaiian sovereignty
- Closed Primary: Louie, Ohigashi Conspire to Keep Democratic Party in Control
- Star-Adv: Limiting preschool expansion to public schools is a path to mediocrity
- HSTA Moves to Gut Teacher Evaluations
- Principals: Fire Matayoshi
- Ansaldo Allegedly to begin Work on Honolulu Rail Cars
- Corporations Line Up to Cash in on Hawaii PUC Battery Mandate
- Use of pesticides and GMOs faces vote if petition is OK'd
- Maui News: Failure of Mental Health System Behind Mass Shootings
- State Short on Hurricane Shelter Spaces
- City doesn't keep track of disciplined Refuse drivers
More.. |