Entries for June 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011 |
June 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 11833 Views
- Big Wind to be debated on PBS Insights Thursday
- Abercrombie imposes new contract terms for HSTA, UPW
- Hawaii Debt, obligations $25K per Taxpayer—4th highest in nation
- Study: Rich or Poor, Hawaii DoE Fails everyone more Equally than Most
- Teachers furious over union busting by Abercrombie
- April, 2001: HSTA rejects 14% Pay hike, goes on strike
- Most Union Paychecks Down Next Week; Some Will Rise
- UH Hilo Chancellor paid $284,000 for absolutely nothing, takes $187K sinecure
- Honolulu Unemployment rate increases
- Resignation Resistance Climbs to 13
- Green Energy: Rep Denny Coffman (D-Kona) fingered for sabotaging HB1520
- Inouye takes hard-line position on cuts, demands we borrow more money from China, Saudi Arabia
- Homeless move back in after Sweeps
- Pono Chong, Blake Oshiro meet with Obama, bullying activists, to discuss next gay move on your kids
- Hawaii Transsexual leader is “Pro-pimp”
- Hawaii Muslim Gay Rapist and Pimp moves to Alaska—Gets Life Sentence on top of 28 years
- Remembrance set for man who helped bring the Missouri and Bowfin here
- State to Blame for Ka Loko Dam Failure, Not Jimmy Pflueger, Advertisement Claims
- Charter school agency taps McKeague as chief
- UH Research a Story of Progress and Potential
- Kauai utility gets hydro support
- Brokerage may buy back Maui’s dormant Student Loan securities
- Supreme Court decision appears to nullify a campaign funding project here
- Broadband: Star-Advertiser gives commentary space for Commercial Advertisement by Former State Employee
- Hawaii Judiciary: We Can't Handle Foreclosure Flood
- Suit: Hawaii PD Officer stood by during attack
- Hawaii has 4th cleanest beach water, 2nd most beach closures
- Hilo is One stop to Europe: New Hilo flights a hit with locals, Europeans
- Firecracker sales for July 4 fizzle with new law
- More Federal Funds? Hawaii 48th in Farm Subsidies
- City approves request to alter 4 Oahu streams for rail project
- Ecos threaten suit over Lahaina Sewage
- Two Percent or not Two Percent?
- WaPo: The missing facts in President Obama’s news conference
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011 |
June 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:40 PM :: 20278 Views
- Victory for Civil Rights: All Persons shall be counted for Hawaii reapportionment
- Victory: Obama Admin cancels stealth survey of Hawaii MDs
- Molokai Wind Developer: “We will pack up and leave.”
- Abercrombie announces plan to let more criminals out onto the streets
- Rep Michelle Bachmann: “We want to win Hawaii”
- Kos: Will Hanabusa let Case beat Hirono?
- Hawaii 2011 Pork Report points to DoE Embezzlement
- CNBC: Hawaii #1 in cost of living, 48th in Business Climate
- KS claims it is not grabbing for Juicy Affordable Housing Credits
- UPW gets 8% Raise on Friday (and still getting 60-40 on Health Care)
- HSTA Contract: Imposing a pact that a labor union has not agreed to is unusual
- Honolulu Takes Steps to Avoid Paying Back $7.9M
- Mayor should step off the train and let HART do the steering
- Enterprise Zone Tax Benefits end Friday
- Mauians decline Abercrombie’s request to resign
- HGEA Nurses Reach Impasse with Contract Negotiations
- Abercrombie gets lots of window dressing for plan to let criminals out on streets
- Maui Judge: “Prison best place” for racist lunatic with multiple convictions
- Reform victim restitution program
- Info about Wahiawa escapees delayed 12 hours because “problems with our cabling and some of the faxing”
- Hawaii visitor spending increases 15 percent
- WSJ: Mogul Digs Hawaii Hotels Out of Debt, Disaster
- Activists, Legislators upset because Fannie Mae goes to Courts with Foreclosures
- Police Save Women from Forced Prostitution Scam
- Transsexual Leader complains Human Trafficking Law is hard on Pimps
- Bacteria: Hawaii Beaches dirtier than New Jersey
- $1.6M in fines over 2 years for Hawaii drivers violating cellphone ban
- Kauai Luddites panicking, try to cancel election because Hydropower may win
- US Supreme Court Decision kills Big Island’s “Public Owned Elections” giveaway to candidates
- Maui Voters to Consider Council Power over Appointments
- Hawaii GM papaya featured at BIO 2011
- Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011 |
June 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:28 PM :: 13505 Views
- Abercrombie announces Intent to Veto 23 Bills—including HB1134 which may have endangered Prepaid Health Care Act
- Hawaii 8th Annual International Women’s Leadership Conference Sept 20
- Abercrombie replaces DHHL official ousted in Treadmill Scandal
- Abercrombie appoints former Sandwich Isles Communications Exec to assist Chief Information Officer
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted June 27
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission expected to decide Today on whether to count military
- DoE’s Last, Best and Final Offer does not provide for 180-day law
- HSTA shut out: DoE will execute its "last, best" offer to teachers without union approval
- On campaign trail, Abercrombie called vetoes “breakdowns in communications”
- Abercrombie still campaigning, lying
- Rail Platform to built on top of Waiawa Spring
- Honolulu City Council overrides vetoes, changes leadership
- NY Gay Marriage will serve as a catalyst for Hawaii
- State-Run Media: Star Advertiser To Collect $1 Million For State Legal Ads
- EMILY's List backs Rep. Hirono for Senate to fight “War on Women”
- Progressives’ American Dream: Business Owners on Foodstamps
- Clean Elections Law is Dirty—Ruled Unconstitutional by Supreme Court
- Lobbyists’ spending escapes disclosure
- As APEC Approaches, Superferry still clouds Hawai‘i’s business image
- Is Abercrombie Anti-sports?
- Inouye moving ahead with appropriations process despite disagreement on spending levels
- Assessing University of Hawaii Faculty Research
- Not guilty by reason of insanity in killing of mom—could be out in 3 mos
- Pastor arrested for punching out alleged drug dealer
- Abercrombie to “get rid of” Texas Company with contract to collect on Hawaii Tickets
- Hawaii TV Examined in New Report on Newsroom Consolidation
- Affordable Homes will “rot on the hill” if LUC decision not reversed
- Hawaii Council special meeting on budget veto (June 30)
- Dark skies likely ahead as Maui fireworks shows fade
- Kaua‘i residents passing up ag opportunities
- Hillary: State Dept. ‘Instrumental in Sealing Deal’ For Lady Gaga’s Gay Pride Gig in Rome
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Monday, June 27, 2011 |
June 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:33 PM :: 12210 Views
- Resignation call after Audit reveals “ward heeler’s slush fund” overseen by Honolulu Councilman
- NYT: Obama Administration Plans Stealth Survey of hundreds of Hawaii MDs
- Iran developing capability to hit US with Nukes
- Abercrombie Admin signs contract to keep prisoners on Mainland for rest of his term
- TEA Party to join July 4 Parades in Kailua, Makawao, Hilo, Kona
- Hawaii Teachers talk Strike
- City: Four Streams must be Diverted for Rail
- Abercrombie requires a review of helicopters' environmental impact, forcing an $11 million move to Colorado
- $159M bankruptcy caused by anti-Superferry Protesters, Judiciary, and Legislature
- UH Research spending Doubles in Decade
- Full Text: ID Theft Suit filed against UH
- Hawaii last in Nation: Tax Free Health Savings Accounts reduce cost of Health Insurance
- The Special Case for COFA Migrants
- GAO: Minimum Wage kills Jobs in Am Samoa, NMI
- Officials, Lawyers make excuses for deadbeat criminals
- Do Hawaii's Strict Gun Laws Fuel a Black Market?
- Atomic Monkey: “Hatcheted By Huff”
- Feds, Longliners Get Pass for Giving Dolphin Deaths Low Priority
- Oregon lawmakers to save $100s of Millions by ending Green Energy Tax Credits
- VIDEO: N Korean children begging, army starving
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Sunday, June 26, 2011 |
June 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:11 PM :: 16679 Views
- Ka Pua Makaha: Multi-million dollar giveaway of DHHL assets disguised as “gift”
- Am. Samoa Congressional Delegate bought and paid for by Kazakhstan?
- Abercrombie plans more forums: I’m on a mission to change the direction of Hawaii
- Full Text: City Rejects Rail Bid Protests
- Berg: $1.4B Rail Contract upheld by City
- Hawaii Kai: One Supermarket for 92,000 people
- VIDEO: Fontaine Factor interviews HECO’s Rosegg on Clean Energy
- SA: Abercrombie’s Dysfunctional DHHL to blame for Collapse of Makaha Deal
- HSTA,_Abercrombie “Not Close” Contract expires June 30
- Abercrombie’s New Day: More Tax Increases in the New Year
- Abercrombie’s New Day this year: State taxes and fees that help balance the budget will kick in on Friday
- 40 new laws to take effect July 1
- Hawaii is poised to open its tourism arms to Chinese travelers, but the slow pace for visas could bottleneck efforts
- Low-Hanging Fruit for Developers: Meetings about construction near the rail system are set for Monday and Tuesday
- Atomic Monkey: Civil Beat Down
- MauiTime Subpoena Withdrawn
- Maui Police Identify Online Poster, withdraw subpoena
- Hawaii Legislators’ Advice on how to survive a Weiner Scandal
- Hawaii state bird a hazard to planes
- Restitution? State fails to collect most of the money courts promise the wronged
- How many cons owe how much is unknown
- Soft on Crime: Five priors by age 28 and out on the streets
- Abercrombie endorses Feeding the Homeless at Aloha Stadium
- Save Act would revitalize Philippine Garment Industry
- Hundreds gather to commemorate 'forgotten war'
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Saturday, June 25, 2011 |
June 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:54 AM :: 15124 Views
- VIDEO: Homeless Tent City at Keaau Beach Park
- State's 'best, final' offer to HSTA includes wage cut, no mention of 180-day law
- Even Abercrombie's Supporters Are Questioning His Progress
- Interview: Richard Borreca weighs in on governor's perceived mishaps
- Appointees respond to governor’s request
- VIDEO: Hawaii Redistricting Commission… Who counts?
- Hawaii law hikes employee contributions, lowers return assumption
- Paltry $55M Kept In Federal Budget For Rail
- Finger Pointing Continues: KS now sez it was trying to salvage deal from DHHL incompetence by grabbing for Jeff Stone’s Affordable Housing Credits
- 17 years of ILWU Retaliation—still no back pay for Whistleblower
- SA: Don’t reduce social studies
- Clinton Crony appeals for tax breaks to create bigger role for state in film industry
- Ryan, Rollman, Douglass, Brackins, Carroll: A Lewd, Offensive and Racist Hawaii Tale
- No Charges Filed in Hawaii Lawmaker 'Hacking' Case
- Hawaii laws target sex and labor trafficking
- Budget: Kona Faction draws a bead on Fred Blas
- Bowing to NIMBYs, Kauai Council orders Boatyard Removed from Hanalei River
- Episcopal, Jewish leaders back Muslim Assn. of Hawaii
- Hawaiian Telcom gets a license for cable TV
- Hawaii Hispanic News drops print edition—goes online only
- Pattern Energy stays committed to wind farm
- AP: Wind Farms could “Mess up traffic lights, security systems and some computers”
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Friday, June 24, 2011 |
June 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 16886 Views
- Progressive Network touts Hawaii tax increases and State-owned Bank proposal
- Pension Reform: Abercrombie raises Retirement Age
- Cash Flow Problem: Honolulu Council to borrow $100M for Rail
- Abercrombie signs budget, asks Departments to identify programs for elimination
- Berg: Hundreds attend town hall meeting on Rail in Ewa
- Study: Hawaii Economic Outlook Ranks 46th
- Romney, Huntsman Campaigns could draw 70,000 Hawaii Mormons to the Polls—40,000 are not registered voters
- Abercrombie: “I am the biggest obstacle”
- Governor dances to tune of “F*** You”, Progressives not impressed
- Aila: BLNR members do not have to resign
- Finger pointing Begins: Developer Jeff Stone, DHHL blame KS for the failed educational project, KS blames DHHL, Stone
- Raw Sewage: Council Creates 3-5 year Moratorium on new Development in Urban Honolulu
- Kapolei Neighborhood Board: One Last Blast from Mufi’s Minions
- Honolulu Managing Director Doug Chin says HART Lawsuit May Be avoided
- Governor Signs Budget; Must Cut $50 Million More
- Privatization proposal “flew under the radar”
- Hawaii PUC faces more uncertainty thanks to Abercrombie
- Kirk Caldwell calls for boycott of Walmart in order to boost Trial Lawyers income
- Free Parking at all lots for Electric cars
- SB 1073: Legal Aid freed from Legislative Fiat
- Effectiveness of DUI courts buoys hopes of success here
- Card Check: Unite Here Local 5 gains control over 800 more workers
- Fannie Mae Hangs Up On Hawaii Press
- Hawaii appeals court upholds James Pflueger indictment in Ka Loko Reservoir case
- Hawaii County worker with revoked license ran over bicyclist
- Whipping Post: Pilot Project Establishes Tours of Honouliuli Confinement Site
- Muslims Arrested as they attempted to pick up Machine Guns to Attack Military Recruiters
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Thursday, June 23, 2011 |
June 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:21 PM :: 17503 Views
- Broadband to be Trojan Horse for Big Wind Cable?
- Life Without Subsidies: Vanpool Hawaii Announces New Group Rate
- Stone: Abercrombie’s DHHL blows Makaha Learning Center Deal
- More Appointees Snub Hawaii Governor
- Travis Thompson: “I will not be resigning”
- Stadium authority chief says he, others won't quit
- Aloha Stadium not mentioned in New Day Plan
- Council to Override, Reorganize for control of Rail Pork
- State departments told to select programs for elimination
- State Signs New Three-Year Arizona Prison Deal
- To count or not to count military as Hawaii residents
- Hawaii County Attorney: Count Pot heads, don’t count military, students
- Hirono, Hanabusa back Afghan Withdrawal timed for 2012 Elections
- Impasse: HGEA Unit 9 Nurses Go to Arbitration
- UH coaches not obligated, but will consider pay cuts
- Honolulu Most Expensive Homes in Nation
- Feds fork out $1B to Jobless Homeowners
- Molokai Anti-Wind group launches Website
- HELCO seeks developer, landowner input on geothermal
- Honolulu Weekly backs Luddites vs Kauai Hydro
- Don’t count on feds as fund source — Ariyoshi
- Young Bros. seeks 24% rate increase
- Vanpoolers staying with service after losing federal funds
- Rural MD Residency program at risk
- Governor signs bill making dog fighting a felony
- SCOTUS class action ruling makes Trial Lawyers Sad
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center receives $3.6M donation to study mesothelioma (Trial Lawyers Rejoice!)
- Hilo Dopers make deals with Feds, Christie digs in
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011 |
June 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:11 PM :: 17174 Views
- Did HSTA boycott Race To The Top Meetings?
- Governor signs bill to exempt Broadband Cables from Permitting Requirements
- Meet your new Defense Secretary: Leon Panetta's War on Reagan's Defense Policies
- Hirono, Akaka: Pension’s Perks for Members With a Past
- Abercrombie’s Public Land Development Corporation: Land & Power in Hawaii Pt 2
- Abercrombie Agenda: More New Taxes to Cover $14B in EUTF Liabilities
- Our Imperial Governor
- Appointee: “I’m Here for the Long Haul”
- Abercrombie doesn't announce every bill signing
- Progressives: SB1274 Will Gut Hawaii Patients Bill of Rights
- Squeezed by Low Reimbursements and High Regulations, Hawaii Medical Center filing for bankruptcy protection
- Carlisle Vetoes Council's Transit Authority Budget
- Public Gets little from Martin, Harimoto Junket to Copenhagen
- Abercrombie’s New BoE: No More Subsidies For After-School Kids In Hawaii
- Finnegan Appointed To Hawaii Charter School Review Panel
- SA: Supreme Court is right, but we want to control your family anyway
- DHHL Homesteaders Delinquent on Maui, Big Island Property Taxes
- City Asking Firefighters, Police For 5% Pay Cut
- Judge dismisses assault charge against HPD captain
- Police officer pleads no contest to third time of driving without license
- Fitch, Moody’s GO Bond Rating Downgrade to Impact Hawaii Taxpayers
- Foodland Fight
- Turn Lahaina Sewage into Electricity
- Reputable dog breeders support accountability
- US-China Diplomatic Meeting in Honolulu this Weekend
- USS Charleston captures Guam from Spain on June 21, 1898
- Obama Gets only 30% of Americans Certain to Support Re-Election in Economy Poll
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011 |
June 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:00 PM :: 13187 Views
- Developer sues LUC for downzoning affordable homes already built
- Abercrombie signs 15 bills into law
- Consumer Advocate: Public Hearings Required on HECO Biofuels Rate Increase
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 20
- Appointees Reject Abercrombie’s Resignation Call
- Abercrombie doesn’t ask his Cronies to Resign
- Aloha Stadium as we know it could soon be saying 'aloha'
- Mayor will sue over the spending plan OK'd by the City Council
- Higher vehicle fees may not help roads
- Media Said to Fuel Micronesian Stereotypes
- Another DoE Thief avoids Jail: “Thefts will Continue”
- BoE: More Math and Science, Less Social Studies
- New Council Chair Ernie Martin gave away $1.2M to Nonprofit at Center of HUD Probe
- Tom Berg proposal to allow Commercial Vendors in parks on Agenda Today
- Unnamed City Official faces charges for “Malicious” and “false” Ethics Complaint
- 'Furlough Fridays' expire
- Hawaii County Budget Fight Continues
- ALEC rates Hawaii worst for Economic Performance
- Former Superferry ships for sale
- Governor Signs Tougher Sex And Labor Trafficking Bills
- 2 congressmen call for Honolulu TSA probe
- Child Abuse: Gay Atheists continue effort to use anti-bullying programs to push Gay Agenda in Schools
- High court "parental discipline" ruling not a license to abuse
- Kalapa: Kids budget better than Legislators
- First Large-Scale Oahu Biofuel Crops Planted
- Something fishy in reporting the fishery management council
- Republicans question Foodland's departure from Koko Marina
- Allegiant acquires first two 757s for Hawaii Routes
- Support Small Business Through Oahu Bill 36
- Date set for school worker's enticement trial
- Hawaii electricians union re-elects HART Member as business manager, financial secretary
- Guam Governor demands US pay reparations for Japanese Atrocities
- AMA finds inaccurate claims payments on the rise
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Monday, June 20, 2011 |
June 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:05 PM :: 11506 Views
- Voice Recorder confiscated during Closed Meeting of Reapportionment Commission
- SA rejects Unprecedented Hubris: Unwise, Overconfident Abercrombie seeks cronies and rubber stampers for boards
- Abercrombie’s F-U Letters a template for Appointees Response?
- Abercrombie’s base slipping away as Activists take aim at Richard Lim
- $50M Telescope Shakedown Litigants cannot Depose Spirit
- No Aloha for Micronesians in Hawaii
- Aloun Farms owners hit with more accusations
- Hawaii Organizations Spent $2.5 million on Lobbying in Four Months—$33,530 per Legislator
- Has The Hawaii Board Of Education Been To School?
- Yukimura backs Hydro on Kauai
- Sci Am: Hawaii is most obvious place to build Geothermal
- Civil Beat to Open Bureau in Washington, D.C.
- Jail time for Parental Discipline? State high court orders a new trial for a man convicted of assault
- Companies Offer Discount Shipping to Hawaii, Guam
- Oahu lunchwagons catch the eye of National TV
- Leaders unveil Jose Rizal square in Chinatown
- Tsunami lit up the heavens
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 |
June 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:19 PM :: 10040 Views
- Big Projects in Hawaii - Why Are They Stuck?
- One-Step-Up Housing: Berg to hold Makaha Town Meeting July 12
- June 23 Washington Middle School: Abercrombie to hear from public on Pro Bowl
- Fathers Matter: Involved Dads Impact Children’s Lives and Civil Society
- Abercrombie's New Day: Activist backers bypassed in favor of Corporate Developers
- Abercrombie’s New Day: Permanent Tax Increases and No Reserve Funds
- Slom: Appointees should reject Abercrombie’s call for resignation
- DLNR could lose $500K/yr if Company run by Abercrombie cronies fails to fix Historic Preservation
- HSTA Sabotage of Race to the Top
- SA: Big Wind must be transparent
- Big Wind Information hidden from Public
- Maui County Targets Low-Income Homeowners for Tax Hike
- KGI Joins Luddites to Kill Hydro Power on Kauai
- Most Fired, Suspended TSA Officers Will Appeal
- Police union contract negotiations underway
- 37 Priors and he’s out on Probation
- 1,525 cited in seat-belt enforcement spree
- Drug Court participants earn money, gain self-esteem working at Mililani farm
- Hope that the UH medical school would spark investment still remains unfulfilled
- Internet tax still on Hawaii legislative agenda for next year
- Military studies Waikane Valley bomb cleanup
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Saturday, June 18, 2011 |
June 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:14 AM :: 24434 Views
- Feds: U.S. travel and tourism industry on pace for record-setting year
- NASA-Funded Group Doctors Sea Level Data
- A Summer of Robots: Fueling innovation for the New Economy
- Hawaii Government Impact: The High Cost of Land Use and Housing
- Greek Crisis: Moody’s warns of possible First Hawaiian Bank downgrade
- Hot Water Restored At Mayor Wright Housing
- Power Grab: Abercrombie now demanding Resignations of PUC, LUC, Housing Authority, BLNR, and Aloha Stadium Authority
- Mazie and Colleen: Million Dollar Babies
- Ernie Martin's Rapid Rise to Council Power
- Inouye’s Central Pacific Bank after $60M Taxpayer giveaway: Strongest financial position since Japanese Bubble
- Privatization of Historic Preservation Division $186,000 Contract Goes to Abercrombie Supporters
- State D.O.T. spending $1 million on aluminum fencing
- Hirono trying to pour more Federal money into Hamakua Ditch
- AP Interview: Army general wants Makua as option
- OHA’s Luddites Attack: KIUC ballot to decide fate of Hydro contract
- Hawaii Attorney: Failure of Foreclosure Law Inevitable
- Elder Abuse: 60 Fraud cases this year
- Matson Documents Subpoenaed in Anti-Trust Probe
- Randy Iwase Tax Commission to propose Tax Hikes in 2013
- Dopers: Univ of Hawaii should allow legal research marijuana
- Residual money from class-action suits will go to legal aid groups
- Global Horizon demanded Thai workers pay fees on top of Illegal recruiting fees
- Hyatt workers to launch boycott of Waikiki hotel
- One in eight Hawaii bridges ‘structurally deficient’
- KSBE Haleiwa redevelopment has businesses fretting over future
- Save Kailua Fireworks
- Deepwater bottomfish catch limits are reduced
- Camping to go Camping: City Camping Permits Create Long Lines – last chance before fee
- Deflecting EPA Lahaina Injection well sanction could cost Maui millions
- Sniping begins over Hawaii county budget
- Convicted Killer/Sovereignty Activist to be evicted from Squat
- Climategate Part 2—“Renewable Energy”
- UCLA Prof: Media Bias adds 10% to Democrat Candidates’ total
- Fast and Furious: ATF funneled illegal guns into Mexico
- NYT: 2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate
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Friday, June 17, 2011 |
June 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:09 PM :: 13400 Views
- Al-Qaeda hit list names US writers, generals
- PUC Approves New Maui Windfarm
- Money released for school construction projects
- RETALIATION: Abercrombie asks for resignation of Aloha Stadium Board for criticizing Pro Bowl Stand
- SHAKEDOWN: After trashing it, Abercrombie urges hotels to "step up" to fund Pro Bowl (or he’ll trash it some more)
- 'Speaking truth to reason' apparently involves tax hikes—Marcus Oshiro Backs Abercrombie’s Pro Bowl Attack
- G.E. Tax suspensions could lead to higher costs for consumers
- Hirono gets early endorsement from Flight Attendants Union
- CPB bailout to cost taxpayers millions (Inouye’s Bank)
- PUC OKs deal guaranteeing higher electric rates for Hawaii consumers
- State to end program that helps pay for Medicare prescriptions
- Hawaii consumer advocate backs Lanai, Molokai wind-scams
- Charter school lessens debt, kin exit board
- Same-sex couples less than 1% of Hawaii households
- Native Hawaiians increase numbers by one-fifth
- Big Isle leads in Foreclosures, 2nd Homes going back to Bank
- Global Horizon CEO Mordechai Orian: I am looking forward to my trial
- VIDEO: Hawaii budget veto! Mayor says Bill 29 is “illegal”
- Drug Court offers offenders chance to avoid prison, succeed in community
- Fed may remove delicious honu from "threatened" list
- Obama administration collecting ocean policy views
- Census finds Shortage of Women in Hawaii
- Hawaii attorney general: Donations to 'Love the Animals' used for personal items
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Thursday, June 16, 2011 |
Letters to the Editor June , 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 11:41 PM :: 7329 Views
- Give Hunters Carbon Credits for Killing Axis Deer
- Rail: Council, not HART, is Nexus between Contracts and Contributors
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Thursday, June 16, 2011 |
June 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:57 PM :: 13467 Views
- Honolulu Alliance forms to block Federal Control of Hawaii Capitol Area
- Are Electric Cars Really Green?
- A Showdown over the War in Libya
- Despite mileage, SUV will be leased for Abercrombie—perfect for tailgate parties at Probowl
- Abercrombie’s GE Tax hike causes first of many price hikes
- EUTF Audit “raises red flags” about “completeness and accuracy”
- Hawaii Public Employee Health Fund Audit M.I.A.?
- Panel recommends including military families when redrawing district lines
- Kids with parents in the military join Operation Purple on Oahu
- More Charges in Hawaii Human Trafficking Case
- Ernie Martin meets with Cronies to get HUD story straight before becoming Council Chair
- Rail Supporters angered by inability to control public meeting
- Kenoi vetoes Hawaii Co budget
- Two measures regarding government housing agencies signed into law
- Enviros: Bag Tax to come back again next year
- NYT: As Number of Medicaid Patients Goes Up, Their Benefits Are About to Drop
- Honolulu program exchanges 563,000 dirty needles in year
- Pointy-headed UN Bureaucrat sez Homelessness is a US Human Rights Abuse
- Kalihi Homosexual sent back to prison on Kiddie Porn Charges again
- Another teen arrested in connection with Highlands Intermediate shooting
- Clashing visions over Turtle Bay’s expansion meet rural resistance
- US imposes catch limits on Pacific waters
- Venture Capitalists splash out for 2 ac garden, call it farm
- Sierra Club to Honolulu Mayor: Don’t Waste Taxpayer Money on Subsidizing Metal Recycler
- SA Oi: Just stop Growing the Economy
- A fifth of Big Island homes are vacant as youth flee Socialist Hawaii
- Waianae homes ‘affordable’ at $319K
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011 |
June 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 20233 Views
- Abercrombie signs bill hiking GE Tax $400M, Matson raises rates in response
- Fitch downgrades Hawaii, Cites Tourism Dependence
- After stock craters 64%, Feds to dump 5.6M shares of Inouye’s Central Pacific Bank
- June 14, 1900: The Abolition of Slavery in Hawaii
- Google to fund Kuhio Park Terrace rehab project
- Hawaii Army Reservists building Community Center in Indonesia
- Oahu Redistricting Panel: Military Should Count
- Borreca: Democrats fear Abercrombie’s bizarre behavior will rub off on them
- Shapiro: Abercrombie should follow his own advice about dignity
- Shapiro: Abercrombie has Abbie Hoffman Mentality
- Abercrombie Spokesperson Dela Cruz gets side job with Corporate Insiders
- Abercrombie signs bill hiking GE Tax $400M, Matson raises rates in response
- Change from Furloughs to paid Comp Time will Cost State of Hawaii More Than $160 Million
- General Fund Receipts up $154M for year
- Crafty, not stupid: Hawaii Legislators Rank High in College Degrees
- Calvin Say: As long as Hawaii has part-time legislature, Conflict of interest unavoidable
- Alleged Sovereignty Mortgage Scammers are now Fugitives, Warrants for arrest issued
- Honolulu Council: Ernie Martin to Oust Nestor Garcia as Chairman?
- Carlisle Administration Forgave $1.2 Million in Loans to Ernie Martin’s Nonprofit -- Accused of Misusing Federal Funds
- Court to consider whether Contractors should be allowed to make Pay-to-Play contributions
- Abercrombie’s DoE: Small schools to get less
- Five BoE Members borrow from Horner’s First Hawaiian Bank
Hawaii Tax Panel Report 'Impossible' This Year—Abercrombie appoints Five behind back of Legislators
China Eastern Airlines to commence Hawaii service (Thank you Linda Lingle)
- U.S.-Korea trade pact would provide boost to Hawaii's economy
- Maui Council Committee OKs $3M Tax Increase
- PTA unveils ambitious expansion plans
- Kenoi coy on budget decision
- “Dishonest Statements to the Court”: Stephens Media Copyright Suit vs Democratic Underground thrown out
- Former HPD Major, Deputy Chief Fired by TSA in Baggage Screening Case
- HPD officer is convicted of assaulting prostitute—still on payroll
- What Works in Education: Alternative public high school in Hawaii
- Former Kapolei HS teacher's aide accused of sexually assaulting student
- Former Pearl Ridge Elementary secretary charged with 99 counts of theft, forgery (No need Audit)
- Foreclosures might swamp isle courts
- Want $10,000? Akaka Tribe giving away free taxpayer money to individuals seeking to buy Houses
- New company turns unwanted timeshares into auction items for charity fundraisers
- Fish farms spark green debate in New Zealand
- Beijing battling protest fires on all fronts
- Feds ditch rule that foiled Indian tribes’ plans for off-reservation casino
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011 |
June 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:10 PM :: 13247 Views
- Enough for 35 Pro Bowls: Abercrombie’s $140M gift to Dante Carpenter
- Renewable Energy and Hybrid Cars Still Only at 1%
- Survey: Fewer than 3% of Ewa residents plan to ride Rail
- Obama: My family would be fine with just 1 term
- Utah governor Huntsman getting into GOP race
- 250 Marines, sailors return from Afghanistan
- Reapportionment: Shapiro comes out against Counting Military Personnel
- Abercrombie signs $140M in Bonds for Companies tied to Dem Party Chair Dante Carpenter
- Duke: Abercrombie puts ideology above public interest
- NFL Contributions to Community Unappreciated
- General Fund Deposits Up 3.8%
- Panos goes for threepeat
- County seeks to intervene in Big Wind power project
- Hawaii electric rates top nation, nearly 4x national average
- 9th Circuit dismisses Hawaii's appeal of a law that attempted to limit contributions to PACs
- Officer jailed for hitting pedestrian while driving drunk
- Gay Rape Charged on Kauai
- Third Trafficking Suspect to Plead Guilty in Hawaii
- Honolulu Ranks High For Parents: Top City To Live, Raise Family In
- Hawaii has fewest Health Savings Account Holders
- Fishery regulators to meet on Oahu
- Hawaii Organic Dairies using Borax as Cattle feed
- Tammy Duckworth leaving Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- Union says some TSA workers to fight firing
- Half of Hawaiian Airlines profit comes from Bag Fees
- Vanpool Hawaii customers get a reprieve from rate increase
- Hawaii eyed by Fuel Cell promoters
- Dopers, ACLU to celebrate 40th Anniversary of Nixon one-liner
- Marijuana Minister contemplates Plea Bargain
- An Alternative to Recycling Oahu’s Scrapped Cars
- History of Modern Hawaii as Taught in Hawaii Schools
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Monday, June 13, 2011 |
June 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:44 PM :: 16008 Views
- Pro-Bowl: Collateral damage in Abercrombie’s war on Mufi?
- Voting Rights? Star-Advertiser pushes to disenfranchise Military Personnel
- Video: Sen. Sam Slom Legislative Wrap-up
- Ward: Abercrombie’s Pro Bowl attack continues short-sighted strategy
- Fannie Mae ends use of non-judicial foreclosure in Hawaii
- As Neil rants and raves, Pro Bowl could be heading to Indianapolis
- Hanabusa’s Kakaako Move a dig at Hirono, prelude to Senate Run?
- HUD forces City Administrator to resign as Director of Hawaii Community Reinvestment Corp.
- Planned Parenthood Funding aborted by State
- New BoE Cuts all funding for Adult Education
- Feeding the Corporatist State: Occupancy up 3.2%, revenue up 13.8%
- Organizations Spent More Than $1 Million to Lobby in First Two Months of 2011
- Hawaii Retirement, Health Benefit Costs Down On Paper, Up in Reality
- Kalapa: Private Public Partnership?
- Lim: The Seriousness of Hawaii's Financial Situation
- Renewable Energy and Hybrid Cars – Still Only at 1 Percent
- More Federal Funds? Tsunami net Hawaii a paltry $8M
- $2.4 Trillion Secret: Inouye in Deficit Negotiations
- Hokulia Model being used to seize land on Kauai, Maui
- Luddite spends 1 hour denouncing Fish farms
- Still Hungry? Land crabs rule Palmyra Island
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Sunday, June 12, 2011 |
June 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 14490 Views
- A-1 A-Lectrician: Hawaii drops appeal against Corporate Donor Law
- TSA Announces Results of Internal Investigation in Honolulu
- DoTax completes Internal Investigation into its “Unusual Reporting” of Monthly Tax Revenues
- WaPo: Abercrombie’s Medical Home scheme fails to save money in Medicare
- Hawaii Nat’l Guard Youth Challenge Academy to celebrate Graduation at Barber’s Point
- Star-Advertiser trying to disenfranchise military personnel, Steal Senate seat from Oahu, give it to potheads
- Pension Tax Coming Back? Say, Tsutsui, Abercrombie already bickering over which taxes to raise next year
- To save a paltry $32.8M, BoE Kills 30 Magnet School Centers
- Changes to Hawaii Kiddie Porn Laws Proposed
- For gay aspiring politicians, lessons in strategy
- Mayor Arakawa joins Protest against HECO billing ratepayers for Big Wind Study
- West Maui Hospital: Certificate of Need in Hand, developer dumps partners, goes solo
- Hawaiian Kingdom visa scam hits 400 in Tonga
- Enviros: Let Ocean reclaim your House
- Legal fees spike at UH—tied to Mauna Kea Telescope
- KIUC #2 in Solar, HELCO 4th, MECO 5th
- Hawaii Students Defend Against Hackers
- NJ Supreme Court decision interprets “shield law” and nontraditional online journalists
- Insect expert joins the race to beat deadly pests that threaten Hawaii's bee colonies
- Palin emails show engaged leader who sought VP nod
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Saturday, June 11, 2011 |
June 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:38 PM :: 10175 Views
- 442nd Vet on Redistricting: Military is part of our Community, should be counted
- Prophetic Words: Abercrombie was always a loud-mouthed hippie who had all the answers
- Abercrombie doubles down against Pro-Bowl: "It's Time We Get Our Priorities Straight"
- “Abercrombie is a real nutcase”
- The Selling of The Abercrombie, 2010
- Former Hawaii Gov. Lingle meets wounded US troops and delivers graduation speech in Germany
- Hanabusa pays for Kakaako Apartment to fix residency problem, not really moving in
- Star-Advertiser lies about “continued growth”
- Abercrombie vs Inouye over Guam Marine Base
- Abercrombie, Schatz claiming credit for every penny Hawaii gets from the Feds
- Nonprofits lament HI’s slow-pay status
- Filipinos likely to get bigger say in isle politics
- SA: Ensure that public housing serves its intended purpose
- Controversy Over Oahu’s Rail Project Continues
- CT&T Executive Denies Reports of Company’s Poor Health
- Maui Council considering Property Tax Increase
- VIDEO: KIUC Answers Some Frequently Asked Questions about Hydro Power
- Kauai Mayor signs bill authorizing budget for fiscal year 2011-2012
- 227 Big Island nonprofits lose out
- TSA fired 36 screeners for non-screening of bags
- VIDEO: Kamehameha Day in Hawaii
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Friday, June 10, 2011 |
June 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:24 PM :: 12375 Views
- Reapportionment Commission rejects Multi-Member Districts, hears testimony in favor of counting Military Personnel
- Is More Better? Education Spending Increases in Hawaii
- Terry Lock named Hawaii Early Childhood Coordinator
- Newspaper Guild: Star-Advertiser demands end to seniority system, 50% cut in sick leave
- Cayetano: Abercrombie unaware of Pro-Bowl’s Value
- Fact Check: Weekend of Civil Unions Will Bring in More Cash Than Pro Bowl? FALSE
- Kamehameha educator takes job as state's childhood coordinator
- Clayton Hee Financial Disclosures still false
- State to seek assets of defunct nonprofits
- Hawaii Presents Its Fiscal Case to Fitch
- Supreme Court considers conduct code rule changes
- Campaign Spending Commission Fines Reps Awana, Carroll
- TSA to Fire 36 Honolulu Airport Workers
- Hawaii is one of only six states where home prices increase
- Security guard, school lunch aide indicted on child enticement charge
- HECO is #3 in Solar
- Luddites whine about GMOs in Hawaii
- Men charged with killing pregnant goat plead not guilty
- Contraceptives won't solve deer problem, only throwing money at deer will work
- Court Delays Arraignment In Puppy Mill Case
- How Cola Gave Molokai Clean Water
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Thursday, June 9, 2011 |
June 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:04 PM :: 12602 Views
- Panos announces plans for 2012 Mayoral Race
- 2011 Session Wrap-up: Paychecks Hawaii Rates Legislators
- State Auditor: Public Housing oversight Erratic
- Sen Sam Slom to Address Kona TEA Party
- DLNR outsources Historic Preservation
- Mitsubishi, State sign agreement to Promote New Electric Car
- Judges sharply challenge Obama healthcare law
- Shapiro: Abercrombie all talk and no action on homelessness
- Tax Department Seeks Independent Auditor
- Reapportionment: Maui Advisory Council says Military Personnel Don’t Count
- Multimember districts Legal, redistricting panel told
- Democrat Complaint unanimously dismissed against Aiona, GOP
- Hanabusa: Republicans are Robots, Money will Decide Senate Run
- Hanabusa still working on moving to district she represents
- Activists continue to Block pre-deployment Training for Afghanistan
- Clean Energy? State pledges to block Hydro Projects on Kauai
- HUD: Money Meant for Elderly Activities Used to Pay Salaries
- Banking Lobbyist on Foreclosure Task Force wants to keep lobbying
- Act 221 scammers team up with Hawaii Reporter, Launch New News Partnership
- SA: Stangel story is about Gun Control, not soft-on-crime judges
- Conference delegates to clean up Kakaako homeless shelter
- IRS: 1,500 Hawaii Nonprofits Lose Tax-Exempt Status
- Nurses: HGEA to meet with State Negotiator Again
- Affordable Housing Developer sues LUC for downzoning after Construction
- Millions spent on trash
- Patten forms Shell Company to Push Wind on Molokai
- Hawaii's Open Records Agency Tackles Facebook Posts and Tweets
- FAA studies air 'trikes' to elevate their safety
- How walkable is your neighborhood?
- Iran Military discusses Plan for Nuclear test
- Key Gingrich aides resign
- Owning It: Democrats are in a corner on their ownership of the economy
- Bullying Conference: US Dep’t of Education Procures Gay Teens for Rich Powerful Gays
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011 |
June 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 12836 Views
- WSJ: Health Care Initiative Draws Fire, 93% of MD refuse ACO/Medical Home program
- VIDEO: Former Sen. Rick Santorum announces GOP Presidential Bid
- Hawaii DoH Scientist: Shame on the EWG for panic about Hexavalent Chromium in Honolulu Tapwater
- Ed Case: Our Challenges, My Beliefs, Your Support
- Sanjeev “Sonny” Bhagowalia named Chief Information Officer of Hawaii
- Historic Kaumakapili Church Celebrates 100th Anniversary
- Emotional reunions for Schofield soldiers returning from Iraq
- Abercrombie: Wizard will save Hawaii from Hurricane, but he is Preparing Disaster Kit Just in Case
- Hawaii's economic growth ranked among lowest in nation
- PBN: Hawaii tax department seeks independent auditor
- Panos Prevedouros Raising Money for 2012 Mayor's Race
- Augean Stables: Bhagowalia to face piles of paper, magnetic tapes, Wang Computers other artifacts of forgotten past
- DoE Cutting $32M without adding a Single Furlough Day
- Horner Chokes on $1000 psf Construction Costs
- Old BoE member complains that New BoE doesn’t allow random ranting and raving at Meetings
- Tsutsui Let Lawmaker Vote To Confirm His Own Son
- Berg 'Concerned' About Aide Tampering with Hawaii Rep's Email
- Eric Ryan, Will Hack For Food
- “Austerity” Maui Council hikes budget 9% -- spares nonprofits
- Rohlfing: Reapportionment should adopt multimember districts
- HUD Threatens to Recoup $7.9M From Honolulu
- SA: Council errs on rail, recycling
- RAIL SUIT: City Lawyers could represent Council against Mayor AND Mayor against Council
- Tesoro reviewing its isle refinery
- Everything you've heard about fossil fuels may be wrong: The future of energy is not what you think it is
- NJ court: No shield law for message boards posters
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011 |
June 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:43 PM :: 11342 Views
- DBEDT: Census Report looks at Redistricting in Hawaii
- Libertarian Think-tank Ranks Hawaii #47 in Freedom
- New Charges: Rod Tam to be arraigned for Campaign Spending Violations
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted June 6
- Sun Yat-Sen Hawaii Birth Certificate causes Trouble in Taipei
- Lim’s Attack on Tourism: Revenge by Abercrombie?
- State Supreme Court to hear case for Hawaiian Homes funding
- State liabilities must be reduced
- Hawaii graduation rate 65.8%, DoE continues to play numbers games
- Navy Ship That fed Bin Laden’s stinking corpse To Sharks will stop In Hawaii
- Stangel was in custody before (Soft on Crime)
- Kalapa: Put Emphasis On Restructuring Government
- State formalizes pact to assist military kids
- Mortgage Foreclosure Task Force members warned to Stop Lobbying
- Star-Advertiser forecasts continued growth
- Rod Tam Pleads No Contest To New Charges
- Homeless plan or security sweep?
- APEC Host Committee announces new executives
- Hawaii's first full-time chief information officer to be announced by Gov. Abercrombie
- Van pool fees likely to increase
- Atomic Monkey: State Representative Pine Latest Victim of Dirty Cyber Trickster?
- Senate's Indian Affairs to hold hearing on UN statement on indigenous rights
- Green Killer of Eagles, Hawks: Wind Farms Murder 440,000 birds a Year
- AOL INSIDER: Here Are 12 Reasons Why The AOL-Huffington Post Merger Is Going Down In Flames
- WaPo: President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout
- Liquid Robotics raises $22 million for autonomous sea drones
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Monday, June 6, 2011 |
June 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 PM :: 12125 Views
- DHS: Thousands of ghost names on Hawaii Medicare, Medicaid Rolls
- Our Cooling Globe: June Snow in Hawaii (video)
- BIVN: VIDEO: Summer snow in Hawaii, high on Mauna Kea
- State Auditor quietly withholds Hawaiian Homelands audit documents from disclosure
- AP: Hawaii tax department to hire independent auditor to review its revenue reporting, accounting
- Shapiro: Djou makes sense on rail
- HART budget different from City Council Budget for HART
- Telescope has spent $100M, raised $375M
- Hawaiian expects Japanese visitors to rebound within months
- Star-Advertiser shortchanges Haleakala Police Complaints
- Reapportionment: Maui Advisory Commission says Military Personnel should not be counted
- Hearings on plastic bag ban start Tuesday
- Luddites complain about Hydro on Kauai
- Tam could face jail time, new charges
- Evidence Ignored in Unsolved Rapes
- Hawaii has Least Competition in Trans-Ocean Shipping
- Horizon Lines, Bondholders strike deal to Save Shipper
- Honolulu: Do You Know Where Your Mayor Is?
- Hands Free Cellphone Law: 16,837 tickets in Two Years
- SA: Deal humanely with axis deer
- Vanpool Hawaii to Close Operations
- Old Earmarks Still Kicking In: Hawaiian islands getting money for job training
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Sunday, June 5, 2011 |
June 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:20 PM :: 12859 Views
- $134 Million Mystery: DoTax suddenly admits “unusual reporting, systemic problems, inconsistencies”
- Djou: City has squandered any goodwill resulting from 2008 Rail vote
- Big Isle Plastic Bag Ban Hearings to begin June 7
- 307th Signal Battalion returning from Afghanistan
- Raid on Hurricane Fund tied to DoTax Reporting
- Star-Advertiser: City Parking Meters could Point to Solution to all of State’s Economic Problems
- BoE Recognition Diplomas drop 42%, fewer go on to College: SA Trumpets “Improvements”
- Hawaii taxpayers could pay $5 billion more than expected for state retiree health benefits, a study finds
- Hawaii missing its chance to promote long-term care insurance
- Marks: Redistricting Commission still has to decide whether to Count Military Personnel
- Will Luddites Kill Hydro on Kauai? KIUC Members to Vote June 13
- UH Manoa Political Correctness Leaves Police Unarmed at Haleakala
- Public Housing Authority to no longer be Flop House for Homeless?
- Volunteers Clean up Warehouse Ruined by Homeless Camp
- Plans to build electric cars in Hawaii stalls
- Battle of the sex trade: Concerns over prostitution and the welfare of victims are slowly prodding a toughening of Hawaii laws
- The monopoly newspaper ignores yesterday’s North Shore storm, flooding
- Abercrombie signs law protecting military children when they switch schools
- Hilo begins Direct Flights from LA, SF
- Dopers to rally for Legal Dope at Capitol
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Saturday, June 4, 2011 |
June 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 11450 Views
- Progressives: Hirono will rescue us from Xenophobic Warmonger and Corporate Shill Ed Case
- APEC Preparations: Wealthy liberals pony up for Abercrombie’s Homeless Sweeps
- Hanabusa backs Boehner against Obama, Hirono rejects call for Congressional Approval of Libya War
- Redistricting: Tammy Duckworth gets Gerrymandered into Illinois 8th Congressional District
- Hawaii Tax Director Finds Unusual, Inconsistent Revenue Reports
- $104M in rail bonds, Tax & Fee Increases approved: The City Council headed for courtroom showdown over oversight of the new rail authority's budget
- Council Approves Another Sewer Fee Increase: Typical Bill Will Rise 68% Over Six Years
- When a poll goes off the rail, tax dollars pay for a new one
- Hawaii to challenge FERC’s role in hydro
- AARP wants to Put Pension Tax fight behind them, get back to being liberals
- Auditor: Poor Management of Hawaii Public Housing Puts Federal Funds at Risk
- Kailua Fireworks Update: $48,000 Left to Raise in 30 Days
- 400 expected to march at Honolulu gay pride parade
- Email, Website of Hawaii Lawmaker Hacked
- Few Hawaii Senators File Disclosure Reports During Session
- How Tort Reform helped Hawaii Accident Victims Get Medical Care
- Taxes account for 70 cents a gallon
- State agencies boost energy efficiency
- KGMB’s Kim Gennaula to be next Aloha United Way president
- Honolulu Chinatown Rat-Check: No Rodents, But Plenty Of Rat Bait
- Virginity Inspection in 1960s Hawaii Juvenile Detention
- Scientists to study Japanese Nuclear impact on Ocean
- Herb Kane: The Last Interview
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Friday, June 3, 2011 |
June 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:12 PM :: 10413 Views
- Djou: City should work harder to build consensus on rail
- Abercrombie signs bogus Rail EIS, Enviros Sue, Carlisle Admin blames ... Lingle
- Lim: Handouts to Clinton Movie Mogul Cronies and Windfarm Scammers are key to Hawaii’s Future
- Reapportionment Commission Sets Public Meeting Schedule
- New plan offers coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions
- Hawaii gov: 'Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Questioning Pride Month'
- Hawaiian Geothermal Energy: A Gift from the Gods?
- Horizon Lines, another Jones Act Failure
- Three steps to sabotage RTTT Teacher Accountability
- Charter school to leave probation
- Inouye Continues push for Guam Base
- Feds Propose Expanding Monk Seal Habitat
- Hawaii's Local Leader in Integrated Care Achieves 5-Star Rating on Medication Safety from Pharmacy Quality Alliance
- Dim Bulbs force Creation of Black market
- Most Hawaii House Reps File Disclosures After Legislative Session
- Stanley Chang Vulnerable over Parking Meter Fee Hike
- “Concrete shortage” delays pad installation at bus stops
- VIDEO: $1 fare for Hele-On bus reconsidered by Hawaii council
- After Developer builds 432 Townhouses, LUC reverts project to Agricultural Zoning
- Hawaii Gas Prices Dip While Other States Rise
- Veteran reporter Huff to say aloha to KITV
- UHERO Brief: The Lag in Employment Recovery
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Thursday, June 2, 2011 |
June 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 12461 Views
- Abercrombie signs SB1347, gives HECO license to soak Consumers for Green Energy Projects
- Should ratepayers pay for Big Wind Studies? Life of the Land Challenges HECO
- HIPA Hawaii Military Spending Study Tied to Fundraiser with Military Contractor?
- After Rejection by Mayo Clinic, US Senators ask Obama Admin to withdraw Medical Home Regs
- National Right to Life: Medical rationing and $555B Medicare cuts in Obamacare Law
- Lung Association: Honolulu has America’s Cleanest Air
- Abercrombie releases funds for Capital Improvement Projects
Mufi sits down with Tsutsui to plan 2012 Election Strategy?
- Abercrombie signs bill shutting Consumers out, allowing HECO to Raise Rates at Will
- HB1000 Would Authorize Unelected Board to tax cellphones
- Latest Rail Poll Paid for by Rail Contactor
- Bill ending GE Tax exemptions raises Legal Questions on Construction Contracts
- Hawaii Senate Keeps Public in Dark
- Council, Mayor head for Courtroom Showdown over HART Rail Budget Authority
- VIDEO: Hawaii council passes budget, mayor “outraged” by payment for Retirees health Care
- OHA giving away more money to Buy Support from Hawaiians
- Clayton Hee revises Financial Disclosure Statements AGAIN, may still be in violation
- Heavyweight Lobbyists Line up to Defend Schnitzer Steel
- No Conflict: Lawmaker by Day, Lobbyist by Night
- Rod Tam Sentencing next Tuesday
- Proposed Laie hotel clears another hurdle
- Lawsuit looms as UH, consultant try to stop data breaches
- HPD gains first female deputy chief
- New Hawaii Law Offers Gold Star Family License Plates to Families of Fallen Soldiers
- US House to Celebrate Kamehameha Day June 11
- Investigators Discover Manufacturing Facility in Hawaii
- TV Executives Admit in Taped Interviews That Hollywood Pushes a Liberal Agenda
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011 |
June 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:51 AM :: 13098 Views
- RAND: Military is 18% of Hawaii’s Economy (Full Text)
- Hirono, Hanabusa vote to increase National Debt: House rejects 97-318
- Horizon Lines may be delisted from NY Stock Exchange
- Hawaii Right to Life PAC Congratulates Neighborhood Board Candidates Who Advocate for Life
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted May 31
- Abercrombie signs Appropriation for Reapportionment Commission
- Visitor arrivals rose 5.3% and spending jumped 20.2% in April
- MRC Greenwood on Misuse of Protocol Funds: “There are many things I don’t do”
- As Hurricane Season begins, Abercrombie signs law allowing him to spend hurricane relief fund
- No Special Session Means Key Bills In Limbo
- No Competition For Hawaii School Bus Contracts
- Hawaii's Electric Vehicle Rebates Off to Slow Start
- Civil Beat: Facts are not Facts if We Decide They’re Not
- Paying For Honolulu News: Follow the money, the technology and the readers to try to predict the future of the news business
- KHON2, KITV, Hawaii News Now Face Uncertain Future
- Anti-Geothermal Protesters now Love Geothermal Because OHA will Profit
- Toxic Waste in Hawaii
- UH Manoa Ethnic studies to Invade New Zealand
- Rick Hamada Five Questions. 5 Answers.
- $2M bail for man charged in Hawaii resort death
- Nishihara: Agricultural Renaissance? This time we mean it. Really.
- Kuehnle Algae Replaces Oil, but costs more
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