Entries for June 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 |
June 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:10 AM :: 5784 Views
July 4: Hawaii Churches to kick off massive voter registration drive
Kelly Hu: Abercrombie is like God
Candidate faults Lingle's leadership Panders to unions
Audit cited DoE ex-administrator in questionable dealings
SB: Suspect contracts deserve scrutiny
State attorney general defends furloughs as legal
University of Hawaii sports down $2.58M (UHM Academic Marxists too stupid to make a profit at athletics like all the other Univs do)
Ex-reporter faults UH paper's staff in source scandal (Naked Editor with wings still blaming everyone but himself)
Modified taro varieties ignite farmers' fears (OHA preparing phony controversy to demand 'rent')
Washington Times: Obama bluffs on defending Hawaii (We're not worth $50M)
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Monday, June 29, 2009 |
June 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:41 AM :: 8473 Views
Criminal Investigation: School contracts under scrutiny
Police block Charter School officials: Judge keeps school open for now
Hawaii law cited in report questioning health care mandates
Hawaii's tourism strategy flawed
Smokers uniting to fight taxes, bans (New voting bloc?)
Abercrombie, Hirono back massive carbon tax scam
Advertiser: Governor should veto election finance bill
Karamatsu considers joining lieutenant governor's race
(Shot alleged Burglar) Metcalfe to be tried for murder
Kauai bridge will gain extra lane
Hawaii's DLNR shifts its enforcement focus
N. Korea criticizes U.S. missile defense for Hawaii
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Sunday, June 28, 2009 |
June 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:29 AM :: 6362 Views
Prepare for life to get a lot more expensive (Thanks, Hawaii Democrats!)
Schools' hands tied over budget (BoE irresponsibility creates chaos)
Amazon poised to cut affiliate program in Hawaii (taxes kill small businesses)
Lingle signs three energy measures
Anti-Superferry protester Rep. Morita: HB 1271 Most significant energy bill awaits Lingle’s signature (tries to peddle barrel tax)
Kalapa: Pay cut better than no paycheck at all
Father faces 20 years for daughter's injuries
Tomorrow, city to begin clearing Nanakuli coast stretch of longtime camps
Matson-union deal averts strike
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Saturday, June 27, 2009 |
June 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:36 AM :: 9911 Views
Furlough talks hit a wall (no meetings scheduled)
Health plan switch surprises teachers--Union cuts members benefits
Hannemann will let tax hikes take effect without signature
Gubernatorial fundraising in full swing
Court backs Tavares, upholds higher political contribution limits for unions, businesses
Tavares continues to destroy economy
Lingle critical of Maui lawmakers
Downward trend in Maui visitors continues
Maui gets another molester-connected Leg. candidate
Hawaii County Company involved in bidding controversy still getting paid
One union set to strike Matson Saturday
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Friday, June 26, 2009 |
June 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:51 AM :: 12258 Views
Hawaii County Councilman: Release Guantanamo detainees in Hawaii
Allegedly Naked Editor with Wings allegedly fabricated sources (endorsed twice by Advertiser!)
Short election campaign period gives well-known names an edge
Advertiser: UPW overreaches with its bid for gag order
Visitor arrivals fell 6.4 percent in May
Internet tax would bring in dollars
Back taxes trickle in from delinquent list
Matson, unions extend talks to Friday
Campbell heir blaming CPB for losses
Kauai: Lingle not releasing Black Pot Park expansion funds
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Thursday, June 25, 2009 |
June 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:13 AM :: 10123 Views
PBN Business Pulse: Duke Aiona preferred 2-1 over nearest challenger
UPW files complaint with labor board against governor, mayor
A Victory for Hawaiians: OHA may lay off up to 24 workers
UHERO: Hawaii Job Losses Will Be Larger Than Originally Forecast
Advertiser: School board must act soon on fiscal plan
Matson, Unions Face Looming Strike Deadline
Superferry urged not to abandon 2 vessels
Time share company’s fate unclear
Trial Set For Man Accused Of Throwing Child From Bridge
County gets high marks in fiscal audit
Two county split
Onishi explains Council split
Hamakua councilman wants 22 percent raise rolled back
Puna's CDP is stalled
North Korea vows nuclear attack if provoked by U.S.
Greenwell: Give us the Gitmo guys
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009 |
June 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 AM :: 9192 Views
NKorea threatens to "wipe U.S. off the map"
Hawaii court sets July 2 hearing on state's worker furloughs (Unions demand layoffs)
Borreca: Measure of victory will be how little is lost (union strategy outlined)
Unions take their case to the public
Funds give green light to electric-car operation
Hawaii Superferry wants to transfer catamarans to creditors
Kobayashi to seek Council seat (filing ends Thurs)
"Expert" touts rail's side benefits
An island divided: Call for 2 Big Island counties resurfaces
S. Korea quarantines students from Hawaii (swine flu paranoia)
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009 |
June 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:00 AM :: 6773 Views
North Korea warning suggests missile may not be headed toward Hawaii
Mediator has unions, management bargaining
State wants Superferry bankruptcy case moved to Hawaii
Athletics likely another casualty of DoE budget cuts (protecting the HSTA high-seniority bureaucrats)
SB: Union card check needs closer look
Critics pan city's push to extend life of landfill
Keohokapu gets life for killing
Hawaii Meth Project: 'Not Even Once'
Funding cut for Kaua’i Teen Court
Clarity sought before Kauai council’s transparency talk
Hilo Hattie Sold To Hawaiian Apparel Owner
Judge accepts HMC plan
Exclusive: Hawaii Air Ambulance looks to shed turbulent past
Hawaii Green Party founder dies
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Monday, June 22, 2009 |
June 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:18 AM :: 11946 Views
Planned N. Korea launch unnerves Hawaii residents
N.Korea accuses Obama of nuclear war plot
States Turning to Last Resorts in Budget Crisis
SB: Hawaii needs to turn around its bad business reputation
Stevedore--victim of ILWU assault--still waiting for $355,000 back pay (after 15 years)
Union files grievance over inmate violence at Hawaii State Hospital
Sovereignty Mortgage Scam: Maui couple resentenced
Hawaii lawmakers send governor bills to tax Internet transactions
Rail Transit tax take still lags
KPT residents ask for more say
Liliha Park: 5 years, $800K to build restroom
Advertiser: City should find sensible use for property
After council reorganization, calls for County split reemerge
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Sunday, June 21, 2009 |
June 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:22 AM :: 9136 Views
Obama threatens to nuke North Korea
Lingle: 'Card-check' bill will be vetoed
Lingle talks tough during visit in Hilo
Hawaii paying nearly twice market rate (to old boys) for solar power
Elections Office weighs closing dozens of precincts
Isle GOP leader from 1978 accused of sex-harassment in Maryland
Hawaiian Homes tweaks its focus to ‘build homeowners’
Hundreds 'live aloha' in Kuhio Park Terrace cleanup
Service aids 112 vehicles in 2 days
Honolulu police halt recruiting, training classes amid job freeze
‘Time to grow up,’ judge tells old criminal-then gives him baby sentence
Expert says elevated rail is best choice for Oahu
Kailua Fourth of July fireworks show is back on
Kihune to remain as trustee until successor named
UH West Hawaii Developer wants to delay building required road
Hawaii hardly alone when it comes to tax increases, study shows
Not Buying it: Poll shows most Hawaii newspaper readership down
Gay Pride Festival seeks to 'educate' public
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Saturday, June 20, 2009 |
June 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:45 AM :: 9950 Views
Hawaii unemployment jumps to 7.4% in May
Voters react to possible polling place closures
Tourism under attack: Bailout recipient defends Maui trip
Hawaii charter school panel orders Waters of Life to close
SB: Good vote on school locker search
Necessity to shoot woman disputed
Protection urged for heiau
Advertiser: Rational plan for Mauna Kea is taking shape
Hilo DHHL Signs Lease Agreement with Safeway and Target
West Hawaii Today alleges open meetings act violations
Kawa Bay purchase delays might cost $1.5M
U.S. is prepared for missile shot
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Friday, June 19, 2009 |
June 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 AM :: 12916 Views
U.S. Fortifies Hawaii to Meet Threat From Korea
Obama tied to Ayers ... at age 11: Anti-military congregation attended as boy in Hawaii linked to radical's organization
Hawaii plans to cut 66 precincts to reduce election expenses (down to 273)
Lingle seeks cut in workweek
Inexperienced backbencher McKelvey calls for emergency session
Clearing air on budget and real property taxes (Anderson nails Mufia, SB)
Hawaii school board approves locker searches, anti-drug dogs
UPDATE: Hawaii Department of Education 'Trim the Fat' Contest Exposing Millions in Waste
Scope faces critic$ in Hilo
Sunshine Law violation by council may have repercussions (new life to Jacobson)
Money in-Money out (another hit by Jacobson's backers)
Kauai Mayor’s father arrested for harassing political opponents
State GOP asked to stop supporting Aiona campaign
Carroll Cox: The environmental watchdog is always on the lookout for wrongdoing (SB preps a candidate?)
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Thursday, June 18, 2009 |
June 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:22 AM :: 9695 Views
Lingle rejects unions' latest trick
County workers to be spared furloughs
Honolulu prosecutor, chairman of city council may run for mayor
Joe Bertram not to seek reelection???
Hawaii public housing director urges veto of fees, limited stays
Unions to pick new Honolulu chief
Highway revamp faces roadblocks
Hawaii County Eastern bloc flexes voting power (back to 5-4 again)
Bigger role for Naeole
Maui Co. Curbside recycling is sought
Respected professor accused of arson
Chemopobia: Fluoridation of Water- An Ongoing Contentious Issue in Hawaii
Kauai: Ceremony today to honor shot Hawaiian monk seals
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 |
June 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 AM :: 13762 Views
Hawaii state worker furloughs being challenged in court
Hawaii students lag behind Kazakhstan
Kaua‘i Drug Court graduates ‘move on’
Mufia's bid for governor will mix up City Hall
Freeways, trains under scrutiny at dueling conferences
HawTel has possible buyer
Judiciary budget cut $11.4M
Fate of former Wailupe school remains unclear
Hospital bankruptcy plan sparks dispute
Thielen readies backup plan for parks
Maui B&B, vacation rental tax bill goes forward
Would a CEO run Kaua‘i better?
Kauai Council to air open government concerns
Pump costs jump to $3 per gallon (Takamine tax about to kick in)
SB/Obama: Global warming to turn ocean into acid bath (don't worry, its just another tax increase)
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 |
June 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:37 AM :: 10724 Views
Pentagon warns of North Korean missile threat to Hawaii, Alaska
Al Hee using your tax dollars to make $400M bid for Hawaiian Telecom
Abercrombie: Hannemann walking out on city's rail transit project
Candidates Begin Filing To Fill Bainum's Seat
HGEA Plans Fight Against State Furloughs: Union Says It's Willing To Negotiate Pay, Benefits
City's alleged dumping in stream investigated: Another enviro crime by the Mufia
Feds charge ex-HPD officer
Shock over reduced sentence (got ten years, to be released in 1 month)
John W Goemans: Lawyer's work opened OHA voting
Phony Warming: Honolulu Temperature Records Questioned
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Monday, June 15, 2009 |
June 15, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:51 AM :: 7101 Views
Hospital no longer a "snake pit," says departing committee member
Honolulu's new transit logo biased, rail opponents say
Hawaii's first stimulus-funded construction project under way
Furloughs worry UH researchers
2009 Legislature theme? Me first — at 38 percent
Hawaii bill gives patients a voice in end-of-life treatment
Study theorizes voyagers left French Polynesia during ciguatera outbreak (Caused by Global Cooling?)
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Sunday, June 14, 2009 |
June 14, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 AM :: 8468 Views
Neighbor island campaigns can decide candidates' fate
"Clean Electricity" Projects on a hiatus due to scarce funds
Decline in tourism jolt to sales of electricity
Impact of upcoming furloughs has Hawaii state workers anxious
$1.7 million Capitol makeover necessary, Hawaii official says
Restore home tax credit Mufia's phony election-year cash giveaway
Honolulu vehicle weight tax to increase 66% over next 2 years
As rail gets real, more concerns emerge
Lingle weighs liquor liability bill
Big Isle building put on tax rolls
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Saturday, June 13, 2009 |
June 13, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 AM :: 11319 Views
Filings can start Monday for special election
Honolulu City Council Council Passes $1.1 Billion Budget for Rail with No Proviso
SB propaganda: School board members decide they will try to "shake the tree" to find more operating funds
Advertiser: BOE members delay vote on budget plan
Hawaii counties to receive $225 million in bond authority
IRS investigates Pflueger, Inc. (revealed in suit against Pflueger's insurance co)
Maui's Secret Ethics: Nishiki review finished
Kaho‘ohalahala / Lana`i: High court ruling on residency requested
State Prosecutors, Public Defenders Get 3 Fridays Off
Stolen-car driver freed, not charged
Candidate's links to development trouble residents
Hawaii county Council: Onishi, Enriques look to demote Yagong, Hoffmann
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Friday, June 12, 2009 |
June 12, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:10 PM :: 12094 Views
KSBE POWER: "Teacher Merit pay experiment worth a closer look
SB spots legal problem for newest version of Akaka Bill
UH economists revise their outlook and now do not expect recovery until 2011 or 2012
Kaua‘i anti-Superferry group: Send us Gitmo detainees
Mauians discuss plans for new global warming propaganda
Eco regression: Wood-burning facility will meet all rules, say owners
New law protects manta rays
Save Kailua Fireworks Group Seeks Support from the Community to Save 4th of July Celebration
Kauai council secrecy: Bynum, Kawahara continue crusade
Mayor Kenoi signs budget
Japanese firms may get in on Guam military housing contracts
Hawaii-based Hoku Scientific (BIG Act 215/221 player) in financing crunch, posts loss
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Thursday, June 11, 2009 |
June 11, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:22 AM :: 9615 Views
HMSA increasing rates 12.1% for small businesses
Hawaii governor's race may focus more on style than issues
City Council to hold special election within 60 days
Mayor Hannemann Now in Race for Governor
Council raises residential property, vehicle weight taxes, bus fares
Budget bill has mayor thinking veto: $150 Voter payoff demanded
Enviro Democrats denounce rail vote
With Greenwood picked as new leader, spending must now be cut by $100 million
Low-bid protest prompts contract review
Anybody but me: Pflueger tries to make insurer foot the bill for Ka Loko
Council aide Offenbaker resigns over Internet use
Haina Mill sued by lenders
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009 |
June 10, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:04 AM :: 8175 Views
UH regents likely to vote on new president today
Hawaii tax revenues dropping much lower than predicted
Mufia Hannemann moves closer to bid for governor
Legislators' safety net may not work next year
Councilman Duke Bainum dies
City Council prepares to pile on more taxes
Maui News Polls 'Islam Day'
OHA Audit: Risks to Kau Inoa personal info. not considered
State employee furlough plan could affect Big Island courts
Care-home transfers may harm seniors
Company asks to delay Ookala project again
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009 |
June 9, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 AM :: 8818 Views
More Akaka Bill problems: many Hawaiians to be excluded from Akaka Tribe
Sam Slom: Islam Day: a rush to Muslimize us
Ocean generates 10.7 percent of state GDP
Native Hawaiian educators urge UH search delay
Oahu to add 33,000 residents by 2025 -- Big Isle to add 70,000
Prevedouros: Council poised to go off the rail
Hawaii DoE 63.9% graduation rate disputed
BOE nears 76% lunch price boost
New Mauna Kea telescope plans moving forward: Public hearings scheduled
Maui home, condo resales plunge 40 percent
Failed plan cost state $112,171
OHA asks for study of burials--after funding their destruction
A&B forges ahead with plans for redevelopment in Kahului
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Monday, June 8, 2009 |
June 8, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:27 AM :: 7688 Views
Akaka bill back in play: On Kamehameha Day, House natural resources panel is to hold hearing
Advertiser: Haleakala telescope a scientific leap forward
Hawaii school to test merit pay for teachers
Candidate to head UH was emerging star at UC
Next round of bans, Styrofoam: Scientist concerned about plastic entering the ocean’s food chain
Mufia's election ploy: Honolulu City Council Moves Forward with Plans to Fund Multi-Billion Dollar Rail Transit Before Feds Give the Project Approval
SB backs Mufia: Tax hike, recycling good budget moves
Nonprofits shed staff and programs
Wilcox nurses hold the line for status quo contract
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Sunday, June 7, 2009 |
June 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:50 AM :: 9875 Views
Circle dance begins for open seats
SB: Search for UH president should end with Greenwood
Community college rolls soar in Hawaii
Landowners oppose legislation mandating more affordable units
Unions prepare to fight Hawaii government worker furloughs
We must spark an industry of energy startups
All stakeholders must press for KPT repairs
Furloughs: Public defender office closures affecting courtroom schedules
Palcic/SB: State's bloated bureaucracy prices work force out of jobs and efficiency
Kauai: Board members cleared of alleged charter violations
Pflueger case continued
Hawaii County: Exemptions, 3% cap create tax inequities
Greenwell voted on Hokulia-related issue despite owning property in development
Proposed Nani Kailua extension hits delay
Abercrombie backs Ron Paul's 'Audit the (Joooish) Fed Bill'
Sovereignty documentary debuts in D.C.
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Saturday, June 6, 2009 |
June 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:30 AM :: 9885 Views
'Crude stereotypes' must be overcome: SB still flogging for "Islam Day'
Born identity: SB takes a whack at "Birthers"
Army may restart live-ammo use in Hawaii's Makua Valley
FBI Says Honolulu 6th-Safest U.S. City
Mysterious bins popping up in Honolulu invite recycling
Hawaii County auditor praises access
State gives $1 billion Bridge Aina Lea developers another chance
Matson ups fuel surcharge
Target aims for Maui store--unless superstores are banned
A&B property designated as important ag lands on Maui
Big Isle soldier is killed
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Friday, June 5, 2009 |
June 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 AM :: 9485 Views
Akaka Bill goes before House Ctte Thursday
UH regents ready to OK Greenwood
Furloughs: Gov. Says Some Departments Will Close, Others To Reduced Staff
Honolulu City Council wrestles with tax proposals
Law boosts charter schools
Maui: Ban on Styrofoam will be introduced
Windfarm energy may be transmitted from other islands (Enviros still debating effort to block)
Electricity rates rise statewide
Isle motorists economize as gas prices rise anew
Hawaiian Tel Bankruptcy emergence plan cuts owner Carlyle Group almost completely out
Rep Joe Bertram III recovering from illness
The Fair American
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Thursday, June 4, 2009 |
June 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:17 AM :: 12531 Views
(Rabies in Hawaii?) HGEA boss Perreira foams at mouth: Lingle "lying...fooling herself"
University of Hawaii may drop classes to cut budget by $50M
Debate over Haleakala telescope re-engaged
Oahu hurricane losses worry disaster officials
Honolulu 106th in high-tech ranking
Queen's Medical Center Pays $2.5 Million to Resolve Allegations of Improper Claims
Hawaii Co Council gives budget final approval (4% lower)
HPD Commission Chooses Putzulu Acting Chief
Hawaii near top for alcohol abuse
Tom Gill, 87, was wild card of politics
Full Text: Obama's speech in Cairo
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009 |
June 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 AM :: 6998 Views
Greenwood now only candidate for University of Hawaii president
Unprecedented furloughs raise doubts about legality
Door to governor's seat may hinge on furloughs
State's 'Cadillac' health package can sustain cuts, director says
DoE: Hard-won school days are on the chopping block
Common standards could help local students
New election set for laborers union (elected felon last time)
How Business Friendly is Your Hawaii Lawmaker?
May home prices on Oahu down 15.3%
Isle economy grew only 0.7 percent last year
'Great father', 'loving kid' killed in motorcycle crash (Activists blocking installation of traffic light)
Hawaii County releases pot data
Developer seeks 'do over' after project fails requirements
Yagong, Kenoi battle over cost-savings move
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009 |
June 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 AM :: 6334 Views
Furlough fight brews: Unions to seek 'injunctive relief'?
DOE officials face another $110 million trim
State Worker Reacts To Furlough
Hawaii County employees' Web surfing: No pornographic, illicit sites exposed in logs
Isles' bankruptcies surged 62% in May
Rail EIS nearing completion
Good News: 3 state Environmental Council members quit
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Monday, June 1, 2009 |
June 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 AM :: 9491 Views
Akaka Bill still going nowhere
State workers on edge on eve of Governor's budget announcement
More cuts to schools feared after bleaker revenue forecast
Hawaii's tax outlook dims in updated forecast
Hotels continue occupancy drop
SB: More thought needed in 'saving' the environment (not pseudo-environmentalists)
EXAMPLE #1--Global warming is killing Hawaii Honeycreeper
EXAMPLE #2--Moloka'i's reef is choking to death
Elective office eluded Windward lawyer
Hawaii County government: Inside deals, incompetence, intent or arrogance?
Perpetual money machines we're not
Spitting in the eye of mainstream education
Police chief's low salary will likely limit applicants, especially mainlanders
Futuristic aircraft may land in Hawaii
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