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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for May 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:26 AM :: 3047 Views
  1. Help Stop This OHA Cover-up
  2. UHPA Contract: Four Salary Hikes and a Reopener for UH Faculty
  3. Trump Education Budget Cuts Native Hawaiian Education, Boosts Charter Schools
  4. Honolulu Construction Employment Down 1%–Maui up 8%
  5. Foreign-built floating dry dock arrives for Jones Act work in Hawaii
  6. Good News: Legislators No Closer to Agreement on Tax Hikes for Rail
  7. COR: No Idea What Legislature Will Do – Ask Us Again in 3 Months
  8. Maui Council Passes Millions in Fee Hikes
  9. Hawaii Co Council hearing Wednesday on doubling of gas tax
  10. DoE Began Hiding School Failures Last October
  11. Kaiser: $35M Saved After Repeal of Obamacare Fees
  12. Political Corruption Becomes Excuse for State to Steal Home Equity from Working Class
  13. Insiders Milk HCDA’s Bogus ‘Affordable’ Housing
  14. Final arguments filed in TMT case
  15. 17 Oahu schools have lacked working fire alarm systems for Years
  16. Maui Officials: Eliminate Wharfage Fees so County Fair can go on
  17. SA1240: Just Say No to Anti-Aquarium Hype
  18. Homeless Take over Iolani Palace, Smash Windows
  19. Secret Dope Dealership: Kauai Councilman Violated The Public’s Trust
  20. Marijuana for Four-Year-Olds
  21. Hawaii Will Soon Have 32,000 Medicated Potheads
  22. SB505: Limit Opioid Prescriptions
  23. The Atlantic: Mapunapuna Street Puddle is Proof of Global Warming!
  24. Thanks to NAFTA, you can say aloha to Hawaiian sugar 
  25. North Korean Missile Could 'Shut Down Hawaii For Decades'
  26. Ostrov’s goal for the GOP
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Tuesday, May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:24 AM :: 5543 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 30, 2017
  2. DTL: Sen Donovan Dela Cruz on Payroll of OHA’s Kakaako Developer
  3. HSTA: Principals Can Hide Their Failures, Why Can’t We?
  4. Parking rates might be raised to fund rail
  5. ‘Homeless court’ gets 4 of 21 into housing
  6. After 26 Years, State-Owned Affordable Units to be Sold
  7. King Tides: Global Warmers Receive “100s” of Propaganda Photos
  8. COFA Funds to be Reduced?
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Monday, May 29, 2017
May 29, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:21 AM :: 4660 Views
  1. Memorial Day: Our Resolve is the Highest Tribute to the Fallen
  2. Political Connections Pay Off: Former OHA Officer on the Inside Developing Kakaako
  3. Telescope: “Canary Islands are an Excellent Site”
  4. Tuna Monuments: Hanabusa, Democrats Take Stand Against Fishermen
  5. Kealoha Chaos: HPD traffic citations Dropped Sharply in 2016, Back up in 1Q 2017
  6. Man arrested for vandalizing Iolani Palace and capitol building
  7. Memorial Day Events
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Sunday, May 28, 2017
May 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:18 AM :: 2664 Views
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Saturday, May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:16 AM :: 5606 Views
  1. Maui Hospital: The Little Engine That Could
  2. US-built fish-boat needs congressional Jones Act waiver
  3. Education leaders formalize Maunakea Scholars program
  4. Waimea Valley: OHA’s $20M Secret
  5. BoE: We Knew All About Kishimoto, And Picked Her Anyway
  6. Arakawa to Run for LG to Save Rail from Ige
  7. Arkawa Would Have Easier Chance to Win Republican Nomination, Will Run as Democrat
  8. Rail Has Blood on its Hands, but the Right hand Doesn’t Know what the Left is Doing
  9. In Effort to Force New Stadium Deal, Aloha Stadium’s preventive maintenance costs are made to appear to climb
  10. Hu Honua: Biomess Energy Will Cause $813.60 HELCO Rate Hike
  11. DoH: Weed Sales May not be Profitable Enough to Sustain our Bloated Bureaucracy
  12. DLNR Raids Kalalau Homeless Camp: Marijuana, Crossbow, and a Pizza Oven Confiscated
  13. Jacobins: ‘Tulsi Gabbard Is Not Your Friend’
  14. Global Warmers Disappointed: King Tides ‘Not Dramatic’
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Friday, May 26, 2017
May 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 AM :: 2263 Views
  1. Akina Praises Trustees Unanimous Support for OHA Audit
  2. Fake news is nothing new: 6 pseudo-news websites have colored GMO debate for years
  3. HB209: Tax credit to help poor really helps politicians
  4. Hawaii Visitor Spending Rose 9 Percent in April 2017
  5. Report: Hawaii Shows Little Growth in Preschool Funding
  6. Intermarriage: Honolulu is #1 in USA
  7. Death Tax? Yes Hawaii Has One
  8. Hiding Failure: DOE to stop ranking schools
  9. Rocky Nervousness : Kishimoto Rejected, Downgraded
  10. Revenge Porn: DoE Teacher Sells Photos of Sex Encounter at Hilo School
  11. Kouchi: Tax Sister Isles to pay for Oahu Rail
  12. Hawaii County: We Could of Eliminated Vacant Positions, But We Are Raising Property Taxes Instead
  13. New GOP Hawaii head Ostrov sees strength in core beliefs, diversity
  14. Hawaii Anti-GMO Organic Farms Based on Slave Labor?
  15. SquatThePlanet: Website Directs Mainland and Foreign Homeless to Maui
  16. TMT is slipping away, and we should all be sorry
  17. Coco Palms Shakedown: Affordable Houses are $500K Hint, Hint
  18. Simple Solution to Traffic—Add a Lane!
  19. TOD: Council Makes a Hash out of Affordable Housing Rules
  20. One News Story, a Few Protesters and Hawaii Begins Importing Sand from Canada
  21. Aloha Stadium reviews security procedures
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Thursday, May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:11 AM :: 3050 Views
  1. The case for short-term rentals
  2. KOS: Is the Hawaii GOP dead?
  3. UH Manoa Prof Freaks Out After DOI Lightly Edits New Release On Climate Change
  4. Hawaii Preparing New Nuclear Contingency Plan Because of North Korea
  5. HB209 Tax Cuts for the Poor—Republicans Had a Better Plan 
  6. Foster Parents: Sylvia Luke’s Million-Dollar Ripoff
  7. Claims: Sen Keith-Agaran’s Million-Dollar Ripoff
  8. ‘Not In Good Standing’—But Hawaii Hi Tech Schemer Scores Million of Your Tax Dollars
  9. UH Regents Will Soon be Expected to Approve More Fat Juicy Salaries
  10. Is Hu Honua Gaming the Public Utilities Commission?
  11. Solar and Wind Project Kill Birds, Spill Oil
  12. Homeless Drug Addicts on Na Pali Coast: Decades of Entitlement Mentality
  13. Travel Ban Case Heading for Supreme Court
  14. Ex-police officer to stand trial
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:06 AM :: 2462 Views
  1. OHA Trustees Approve Independent Audit
  2. Honolulu Rail Counting the Cost
  3. Whistleblowers: Sunrun Faked Hawaii Sales Data to Boost IPO
  4. Trying to Save Money? Honolulu Among Worst Places to do it
  5. NFIB: Hanalei River Ruling a Victory for Small Business
  6. Proposed revisions to Central Oahu Plan available for review
  7. Robotics Showcased by Yap Island Students
  8. 4th Best Access: Hawaii Medicated Marijuana is Grade B
  9. $210M Money Grab: DoE Imposes $9,584 per Unit Tax on Affordable Housing  
  10. Bob McDermott: Pass The GET Surcharge And Finish Rail
  11. Yet Another ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan for Honolulu?
  12. DPP Holds Back on Battery Approvals Due to Safety Concerns
  13. DLNR cover-up of helicopter misuse
  14. How do Bureaucrats Fail? Let Me Count the Ways
  15. Kauai Councilman Fails To Disclose His Medical Marijuana Venture
  16. Medicated Marijuana to Be Tested for Heavy Metals, Pesticides
  17. Drug Addicts Refusing Shelter form New homeless camp on sidewalk along Nimitz Highway
  18. 100 Mainland Drug Addicts Forced out of Maui Park—3 Accept Shelter
  19. Waikiki: 340 Homeless Sent Back to Mainland
  20. Insane: Hawaii County to Build Homeless Tent City Because of Homeless Tent City Problem
  21. Ten Years Later-- Kauai to get Juvenile Drug treatment Center
  22. Ex-HPD Officer Gets 60 Days for Drugs
  23. With More Muslims Practicing Their Religion, Honolulu police urge vigilance for upcoming events
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017
May 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:59 AM :: 3138 Views
  1. Sex, Lies, and Repetitious Badgering: Meet Hawaii’s New Superintendent of Schools
  2. UH Manoa Professor Lists Pregnancy, ‘Racism,’ ‘Misogyny’ As Professional Experience On ‘Liberated’ Resume
  3. DBEDT: Hawaii Consumers Highest Mortgage Debt in USA
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 22, 2017
  5. DoI Announces Budget for Territories, Micronesia
  6. Pasha Hawaii Selects foreign-owned yard to build Jones Act containerships
  7. Gabbard Bipartisan Bill: End Warrantless Collection of Americans’ Emails
  8. 2018 Senate Race: Gabbard Raises Mainland Money
  9. Maui County tax increases are just feeding government growth
  10. HIDOT Socks airport tenants with double-digit rent increases
  11. Counties: ‘We Got Screwed’ By The Legislature On Lifeguard Protection
  12. Caldwell’s Zoo Lacks Leadership
  13. Shimabukuro Uses Procedural Delays to Keep Waimanalo Gulch Open While Pretending to Fight It
  14. Civil Beat, Lawyers and Anti-GMO Activists Coordinate Attack on Pioneer
  15. Global Warmers Become Hysterical over Missing Prayer to Eco-Goddess
  16. New legislation allows University of Hawaii to cash in on intellectual property
  17. Avoiding a Second Pearl Harbor: Why America Must Boost Hawaii’s Defenses
  18. Hawaii DOE Homosexual Rape Gang Tops Litigation Awards
  19. Big Island Homeless Stay Drunk, Throw Trash Around
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Monday, May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:42 AM :: 2692 Views
  1. State Scores ‘F’ -- Balance Sheets Hide Retirement Debt
  2. Skin in the Game?  5% Raise for Caldwell, 48 Other City Officials
  3. SB410: Keith-Agaran Behind Bill Giving All Power to Unions
  4. Fukumoto: Democrats are ‘Silly’
  5. Teacher burnout and low test scores
  6. Elected Morons Talking up Homeless Tent Cities (again)
  7. OHA Finds Excuse not to Post Telescope Transcripts – Delaying Tactic Restored
  8. Papahanaumokuakea: Fishermen Push Back
  9. Elon Musk Needs Hawaii Electricity to Stay Expensive
  10. Trial Lawyer Teams up with Anti-Pesticide Hypesters to Attack Pioneer
  11. Bizarre News: Scientist Explains Real Reason for Sea Level Rise
  12. Elections panel to mull 2014 complaint, case returns from Hawaii Supreme Court
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Sunday, May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:56 PM :: 3610 Views
  1. GEMS: A Raid by Any Other Name…
  2. OHA to Vote on Audit Wednesday
  3. DOE: New Superintendent Picked for her Opposition to Charter Schools
  4. Shapiro: Millennial Legislators Feel ‘Entitled’
  5. Lone legislator snuffs foster care settlement
  6. Counties Won’t Legalize TVRs—So Legislature Refuses to Protect County Beach Lifeguards
  7. Caldwell’s Honolulu Zoo promises go unfulfilled
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Saturday, May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:08 PM :: 3279 Views
  1. Board of Education selects next Superintendent—No word on Golden Parachute
  2. Matayoshi’s DoE Receives national innovation award
  3. UHERO County Forecast: Economies Still Growing, But Slowing
  4. UH Announces Plan to Use Upcoming King Tides for Global Warming Propaganda
  5. Where Might Kim Jong Un Strike If He Gets His Treasured ICBM?
  6. OCCC guard attempted to smuggle drugs, cellphone to murder suspects
  7. Maui Council Approves Budget Larded with Fee Hikes
  8. Decoupling Hikes Electric Bills Again
  9. PUC: After Gorak Rejected, Ige Appoints Morita Minion
  10. BLNR Helps Anti-Telescope Protesters Reestablish Excuse for Further Delays
  11. The Simple Answer to Judge Paez’s Question about Korematsu
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Friday, May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:54 PM :: 4110 Views
  1. HB209: Sneaky Legislators Limit Usefulness of Earned Income Tax Credit
  2. State, Counties Pass Tax Hikes off to Each Other
  3. Which Places Pay the Most in Property Taxes?
  4. FCC Takes Step Towards Freeing the Internet
  5. Lawsuit against Hawaii Churches Hurts the Surrounding Community
  6. Honolulu Rail Creates Inequality
  7. Saiki and Smug Millennial Caucus Take over House
  8. Kaiser ready to take on county hospitals—Dramatic Improvement to be Seen Immediately
  9. Paying double? Public on the hook twice as HIDOT workers collect incentive some didn’t earn
  10. If the State Has to pay for Rail, Why Do We Need Counties?
  11. Hawaii Co Council Passes Massive Property Tax Hike, Pretends to Oppose it
  12. Phony allegations against Hawaii churches dangerous for all
  13. Don’t compound GEMS failure
  14. SB859: Lawyers Find Way to Scuttle Workers Comp Reform
  15. HPD plagued by startling number of officer vacancies
  16. Maui: Polystyrene foam takeout container ban is approved
  17. Practicing His Religion: Muslim Tries to Break into Cockpit on Honolulu-Bound Flight
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Thursday, May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:18 PM :: 3606 Views
  1. Controversial New VA Director to Host Kauai Town Hall Meeting
  2. OHA community meetings to update on Corrupt Kakaʻako Makai planning process
  3. UH Manoa Prof Demands Colleges ‘Stop Hiring White Men’--Unless They're Trannies
  4. Two days left to vote in the 2017 Neighborhood Board elections
  5. ‘US Built’ Matson Ships Return from Chinese Shipyard
  6. Retaliation: Supreme Court Upholds Hanalei Land Seizure
  7. HB451: DHHL Answers Questions on Blood Quantum Reduction
  8. No Skin in the Game: Honolulu Council Refuses Hotel Property Tax Hike
  9. New Story: HART Now Says it will Run out of Money in January
  10. Honolulu Police Commission Finds Self-Created Excuse to Eliminate Citizens Selection Panel
  11. Shakedown: Judge Refuses to Order Greenmailers off Coco Palms Site
  12. Forbes: Maui 5th Least Affordable, Honolulu 13th
  13. Caldwell Claims Honolulu is Just Like a Sanctuary City
  14. Alleged child sex trafficker won't face charges
  15. Marijuana Applicants Should Stick to One of Four Lies to Maintain Veneer of Medicality
  16. Iwi Found under Waikiki Hotel Renovation Site
  17. Police Called After War Activist Harasses Teachers at Charter School
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Wednesday, May 17, 2017
May 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:10 PM :: 3689 Views
  1. Hirono Cancer is 'Stage 4'
  2. ACLU: Ten Questions for Honolulu’s Next Chief of Police
  3. OHA’s Secret Contract
  4. Rail: The Real Trouble is Caldwell Doesn’t Care How Much it Costs
  5. Caldwell, Council: Make the Handicapped Pay for Rail
  6. Vampire HART Sues State Blood Bank To Take Land For Rail
  7. While Hiking Fees, Council Adds Useless ‘Climate Change’ Positions
  8. Kim Adds Positions While Raising taxes
  9. Saying ‘That’s Just Hawaii’ Doesn’t Cut It Anymore
  10. How House Leaders Scuttled Better Pay For Foster Parents
  11. Filmmakers distort GMO ag in Hawaii
  12. Biofools: A Look Back at HECO`s Palm Oil Fiasco
  13. Aquaculture Gains Sustainability Cred
  14. How to Pretend to be a Tech Entrepreneur and Score Hawaii Tax Credits
  15. Who’s on furlough? New decision favors public’s right to know
  16. Gangland Serial Killer to Get out Early, thanks to Judge Michael Town
  17. City rousts homeless campers from Waipahu cultural center's grounds
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:21 PM :: 5329 Views
  1. Hirono to Undergo Treatment for Kidney Cancer
  2. Peter Apo: ‘People can just make up stuff, and pronounce cultural claims with little or no validation’
  3. Ikaika Anderson Land Use Facepalm
  4. USNWR: Put the Jones Act Out to Sea
  5. More Government Isn’t Puerto Rico’s Answer
  6. Drug Use Per Capita: Hawaii Ranks 38th
  7. One Party System: Politicians Bicker Amongst Themselves, The Status Quo is King
  8. SB410: Did Hawaii Lawmakers Just Give Public Worker Unions Too Much Power?
  9. If Property Taxes Are Raised For Rail, A Real Rebellion May Result
  10. Hawaii County: Massive Property Tax Hike to Pay for Council Slush Fund
  11. HMSA: $55.4M Saved Because of President Donald J Trump
  12. Struggling loan program cannibalizes successful energy initiative
  13. Project Delays: Why HIDoT is More Incompetent than UH and DoE
  14. Hawaii Government:  Six Years to Butcher One Pig
  15. Papahanaumokuakea: Devotees of Eco-Religion Flood Comments
  16. After Al Hee Associate Ousted from KSBE Trustees, 2 of 3 Nominees are Non-Hawaiian
  17. After Death of Girl, Kauai Residents Organize to Evict Homeless Drug Addicts
  18. Numbers of homeless questioned
  19. Hawaii Criminal Dies in Las Vegas
  20. Hawaii Denies Gun Permits to Medical Marijuana Patients
  21. Planned Parenthood to Open Honolulu Abortion Superstore, Target Underage Girls
  22. Hawaii v. Trump: What Would an “Objective Observer” Think of President Trump’s Travel Ban?
  23. Kim Jong-un could soon have long-range weapons capable of reaching Alaska and Hawaii
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Monday, May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 3332 Views
  1. Hawaii Democrats Push for Closed Primary Fails--SCOTUS Refuses to Hear Case
  2. Star-Adv Flacks for DHS Insiders--Trashes Peter Boy Book
  3. After Death of Kauai Girl, DLNR Clears Homeless Drug Addicts out of Kalalau
  4. Jones Act: An out of date anchor on the American Economy
  5. Travel Ban Case May Hinge on Hawaii Lawyer’s Own Words (LOL!)
  6. Campaign Cash Flowed To Hawaii Lawmakers As Hot Topics Debated
  7. Beijing Solar Company Accused of Colluding with HELCO to Rip Off Ratepayers
  8. Hawaii Most Expensive ‘Typical’ Homes in USA
  9. Honoring Hawaii's Fallen Officers
  10. North Korea: New long-range missile can carry heavy nuke
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Sunday, May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 PM :: 4085 Views
  1. Hawaii Republicans Elect Ostrov Chair
  2. What has the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Done for you Lately?
  3. TrumpTax: Losing the State Tax Deduction
  4. Rail Tax: No Special Session, No Blank Check for Liar Caldwell
  5. Saiki: Need Special Session for Rail Tax Hike
  6. Three Nominated for KSBE Trustee
  7. Latest Attempt to Shut Down Hawaii Fishing Industry Fails Miserably
  8. Bill to ban cesspools statewide awaits governor's signature
  9. West Hawaii source of almost 70% of property tax revenue
  10. Oahu Homeless Veterans Jump to 449
  11. Homeless Can Stay Drunk, but Still Won’t Accept Shelter
  12. Military adds much to our communities
  13. UH ventures fail to turn a profit for athletics
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Saturday, May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:41 AM :: 4250 Views
  1. Hawaii taxpayers about to get railroaded?
  2. Wind Power Is ‘Neither Clean Nor Green’
  3. Largest US Solar Panel Maker Files for Bankruptcy After Receiving $206 Million in Subsidies
  4. Hawaii Politicians Steering a Course for Economic Decline like Bankrupt Puerto Rico
  5. Caldwell appointments Ember Shinn to HART Board of Directors
  6. Grassroot Institute video goes viral
  7. McDermott for Governor, 2018
  8. Dela Cruz Takes Over Ways And Means
  9. Kauai Council Rejects Property Tax Hike, Cuts Spending Instead
  10. Maui Council Votes to Jack up Property Taxes
  11. Star-Adv: Legislators Did not give away Enough Free Stuff to green Energy Scammers
  12. Ige: A Billion Dollars Later, Act 221 Was a Good Law
  13. Marijuana is Racist, So Says the Legislature
  14. Squatters Occupy Coco Palms Until Paid
  15. Free-meals plan is sign of disparity in the state
  16. Bill Allows Community Groups to Sponsor Park Improvements
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Friday, May 12, 2017
May 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:46 PM :: 3548 Views
  1. Cost of Living? $75,698 in Honolulu
  2. Attorneys General to Feds: Let us Investigate Home Care Fraud
  3. Trump administration chooses growth over Jones Act protectionism
  4. 10 Hawaii Towns Ranked for Socioeconomic Diversity
  5. Hawaii Expats: There's No Place Like Home
  6. Abortion Safety? Hawaii is 10th Worst Abuser
  7. Eco-Cash: Dropout Raises $21M to Deploy Miles-Long Booms in Non-Existent ‘Garbage Patch’
  8. PBS: Insights Grades Hawaii Legislature
  9. Anti-Telescope Protesters Angered After OHA Wipes Out Delaying Tactic 
  10. When It Comes To Native Hawaiian Affairs, Authoritarianism Is In Vogue
  11. Sup’t: HSTA Whines About ‘Outsiders’ it Does not Own
  12. Backup power is latest project plagued by costly delays at Honolulu airport
  13. State Budget Has Money for Union Contracts, but not Affordable Housing
  14. Developer of luxury condo threatens boycott over permitting snag
  15. Caldwell Admin Plans to Make Traffic Even Worse
  16. Shelter-Refusing Drug Addicts to Be Cleared out of Kalihi
  17. By June Marijuana Testing for Mold, Heavy Metals, Pesticides
  18. Interview with Completely Typical and Average Punatic Behind Mauna Kea Vandalism
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Thursday, May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 3334 Views
  1. Oahu Homeless Count Up—Sister Isles Down
  2. Oahu Neighborhood Board Elections: 15,500 votes cast so far
  3. Will Criminal Activity at OHA Ever Stop?
  4. The Right to Couch Surf: Home-sharing in Hawaii
  5. Federal organic fraud in America
  6. Political Correctness: Conformity or Electrocution on the Waterfront
  7. Is Hawaii Open Primary Unconstitutional? SCOTUS May Decide
  8. HART Comes up with New Scare Tactic After Federal Deadline Passes
  9. Homeless Count Inaccurate?
  10. Homeless Shelters Report Most Vacancies in 5 Years
  11. Star-Adv: Marijuana Sales need to maintain Veneer of Medicality
  12. Last minute amendment blocks council from voting on Honolulu's plastic bag ban
  13. Hawaii Legislature reduces funding for High Technology Development Corp.'s matching grant program
  14. ‘Clean’ Energy Tries New Trick: Low Teaser Rates
  15. Negligent homicide investigations can take months, even years with few going to trial
  16. Incompetent Caldwell Admin. Blames Military for Abandoned Vehicles
  17. Kauai hosts GOP state convention
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017
May 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 5954 Views
  1. Governing in the Shadows: OHA Scores ‘F’ on Transparency
  2. UH 2017 legislative recap
  3. How High Are Cigarette Taxes in Your State?–Hawaii Ranks 5th
  4. DOBOR Scandal: Did Suzanne Case Authorize Attack on Hawaii County Prosecutor?
  5. Has the 'swamp' at Veterans Affairs drained out on the Pacific Islands?
  6. Neighbor island mayors propose property tax hikes
  7. Bring The Honolulu Rail Project Back To Planet Earth
  8. Bill 15: Ease Zoning Restrictions for 33% Affordable Housing
  9. It Looks Like Political Insiders Will Help Pick The Next Honolulu Police Chief
  10. HB1410: A Possible Solution For Hawaii’s Overcrowded ERs
  11. Homeless Count to be Released Today
  12. Activist Behind Kenoi Ethics Complaint Targeted by Smoking Ban
  13. Typical and Average Punatic Busted for Mauna Kea Desecration
  14. Plastic bags: Enviros Brainwash Little Kids 
  15. Ostrov can help Hawaii GOP
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:42 PM :: 8759 Views
  1. Inouye Institute Event to Feature Trump’s Transportation Secretary
  2. Will the regulatory state strangle waterborne shipping in the U.S.?
  3. Criminal Probe of OHA’s $435K Beamer Contract
  4. Will Oahu General Plan Legalize Some TVRs?
  5. SB559: How Climate Change Can be Used to Justify More Tax Credits for Billionaires
  6. Billionaire Movie Moguls Cry About $35M Cap on Hawaii Film Tax Credits
  7. Hits and misses as state tries to crack down on Medicaid fraud
  8. EBT Funded Homeless Drug Addicts Desecrate Heiau—One Death Tied to Camp
  9. 300-400 Homeless Fly In from Mainland Each Year
  10. Big Island Drug Court graduates largest class
  11. City, contractor to pay $700K for clean water violations
  12. 10-cent fee Proves Bag Ban is Just a Tax Hike
  13. Maui, Kauai Councils mull ban on 'plate lunch' containers
  14. Local businesses know full well the ‘price of paradise’
  15. Mike Hansen talks Jones Act on Hawaii Public Radio (HPR)
  16. Hawaii Democrats squabble without Republicans
  17. Shirlene Ostrov Wants To Be GOP Chair
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Monday, May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 3273 Views
  1. Legislature acted responsibly in denying rail funding
  2. Hawaii Republican Party Leadership Candidates--Convention Set for May 12-13
  3. The Jones Act and other regulations have buried the shipping industry
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 8, 2017
  5. TAT: Sister Isle Taxes Pay for Oahu Rail?
  6. Hirono, Tupola Want Legislators to Come Together with Liar Caldwell
  7. After his Lies Destroy Hope for Rail, Caldwell Blames Legislators
  8. Message to Rep Kaniela Ing: “What Goes Around, Comes Around”
  9. Vacation rental homes are vital, study says
  10. VIDEO: Tent in Iwilei homeless encampment catches fire
  11. Misinformed Imbecile Spray Paints Inaccurate Anti-Military Slogans in Mauna Kea Ice Age Preserve
  12. 9th Circuit Criticizes Hawaii Gun Ban Rules
  13. 0.05% DUI Laws Unfairly Target Women
  14. Hawaii DoH: Gays Abuse Each Other 7 Times More Than Straights
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Sunday, May 7, 2017
May 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:16 PM :: 4073 Views
  1. The Rail Bill and Other Curiosities
  2. OHA Procurement Violations: Crabbe, Lindsey and the $435K Beamer
  3. Dexter Kaiama: Keanu Sai's Favorite Lawyer Censured
  4. Rail: Secret Maneuvering Continues
  5. Privatize? Rail debacle should prompt developers, bankers to step up
  6. Panos: Rail Has Funding thru 2027 and Ability to Float Bonds
  7. Conflict of Interest: Max Sword’s Wife was Bounty Hunters’ Publicist
  8. Liar Caldwell Paid only $300/year Property tax
  9. Hawaii County Democratic Chair: Should Every Candidate be Able to Put a D by Their Name?
  10. Legislature passes bill that would lower requirement for Hawaiian homestead successors
  11. County vs State: Unlocking the B&B, TVU conundrum
  12. How to gerrymander Kakaako into Economic Distress
  13. Travel ban faces key test in appeals court Monday
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Saturday, May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 4030 Views
  1. Anti-Dairy Activism Spreads: Big Island Dairy faces fine, possible lawsuit
  2. NRA: Second Amendment Wrap-up--2017 Legislature
  3. Gov. Ige Proclaims May 2017 as “Hawaii Military Appreciation Month”
  4. UHERO: Hawaii economy begins Trump Era in fine form
  5. Video: Lingle Joins Harvard Governors Panel on Opioid Crisis
  6. Joe Souki to Run for Lt Gov?
  7. Rail Lie of the Day: HART says cost of killing project the same as finishing it
  8. Councilwoman on shortening, stopping rail: ‘I would love to buy a Jaguar, but I can’t afford it’
  9. Hawaii County: Kim Proposes major hikes in property, fuel taxes to Pay for Union Contracts
  10. Counties Refuse to Legalize TVRs—Yet Complain About Cut in TAT!
  11. Lifeguards, Orphan Roads, Schools: Legislators Stick it to Liar Caldwell Again and Again
  12. Chief Selection Panel: Max Sword’s Clown Show is Illegal
  13. Here's how big the gap is between Oahu's affordable housing need and its inventory
  14. How Trump-hatred warps the judiciary
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Friday, May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 4510 Views
  1. De-Railing the Legislature
  2. Full Text: Joe Souki Resignation letter
  3. Complete List of Bills Passed by the 2017 Legislature
  4. Court: OHA Trustees Violated Sunshine Law Responding to Kerry Letter
  5. Interior Department Releases List of Monuments Under Review—Announces Public Comment Period
  6. West Kauai Water Settlement opens door to ‘Renewable Energy Project’ on DHHL Land
  7. To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Individual Income Taxes?
  8. Legislators: Rail Failed because Caldwell is not Trusted (Should have elected Djou.)
  9. Caldwell’s Latest Story: Rail will Run out of Money This Summer (or Not)
  10. Caldwell’s Numbers “kept on changing. Even up until yesterday it was changing.”
  11. Kym Pine: The Rail is Dead, Long Live the new Tax Hikes
  12. Airport Admin Bill fails After Bumpy Ride for Maui Memorial
  13. Trump Gives Hawaii Everything, Legislature Gives Hawaii Nothing
  14. Superintendent finalists outline their vision for Hawaii’s schools
  15. Police Commissioner Cites Another ‘Failed Investigation’ Of Possible Abuse
  16. A hollow ethics threat by former HPD Chief Kealoha
  17. Rep. Andria Tupola Running For Chair Of State GOP
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Thursday, May 4, 2017
May 4, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 4346 Views
  1. Union salary hikes include hidden costs
  2. Thanks to Jones Act, US would struggle to resupply forces after 30 days war in Korea
  3. Special Audit of OHA and Its Subsidiaries
  4. Two Tricks OHA is Pulling
  5. SR33: Appoint OHA Trustees?
  6. The First Step in Revoking Obama’s Land (and Ocean) Grab
  7. Trump Signs Executive Order on Religious Freedom
  8. Rail Fail: Souki Gets Boot
  9. Ways and Means: Tokuda Out Dela Cruz In
  10. Retaliation is blamed for lost lungworm funds
  11. Ige rejects 4 mayors’ request to extend legislative session to deal with rail
  12. City Council advances bill to use property tax funds for rail
  13. Takings: Kauai Planning Commission considers time limit for land
  14. Bill 59: Plastic Bag Tax Before Honolulu Council
  15. Clown Show: Dog The Bounty Hunter’s Wife Might Help Select HPD’s Next Chief
  16. Police panel: Espero tried to sway key vote
  17. Good News: HSTA Not Happy with Superintendent Nominees
  18. Cry me a River: Anti-GMO Activists Epic Fail
  19. Ostrov: With a passion to rebuild, Hawaii’s GOP can be a force again
  20. State GOP chair candidates focus on party's funding problems
  21. Waipahu cultural center troubled by overnight homeless campers
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Wednesday, May 3, 2017
May 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:46 PM :: 5325 Views
  1. Video: House, Senate Fail to Agree on Rail Tax Hike
  2. Hawaii--Worst State for Nurses
  3. Pago Pago Declaration ‘We are Here to Stay’
  4. Mercatus: An Economic Analysis of the Jones Act
  5. President Trump’s Jones Act dilemma
  6. Big Q: Should Honolulu adopt a resolution to become a “sanctuary city”? No = 73%
  7. Victory! Rail Tax Hike Fails
  8. Kauai's PMRF could be Hawaii's one-shot defense during a missile attack—But Hanabusa Says ‘No’
  9. GEMS Scam Program Attracts Scrum of Grifters
  10. Senate Kills Effort To Save Telescope from Eco-Lawyers
  11. Papahanaumokuakea Is Domain of the Living Eco-Gods
  12. Maui Council Hearing on Property Tax Hike
  13. Contract Negotiations: SHOPO Next
  14. Maui Homeless Camp “Mostly from mainland’—Some from Canada
  15. Immigration: Palauans being offered suitcases 'full of cash'
  16. Biofuel: “The greatest destroyer of biodiversity on the planet”
  17. State Supreme Court’s DUI decision helps Drunks and Lawyers
  18. Soft on Crime: Rapist Gets probation, Allegedly Molests Child
  19. Community event to raise money for women’s center in Waipio
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Tuesday, May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:48 PM :: 4348 Views
  1. Boom Over: Honolulu Construction Jobs Down 4%
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 1, 2017
  3. Hawaii Republicans Postpone Lincoln Day Dinner
  4. Floor Amendment: New rail deal slashes hotel tax increase—Brings Back GE Tax Hike
  5. Caldwell Still Lobbying for GE Tax Hike: TAT Hike May Not Have Senate Votes
  6. Rail recovery plan submitted to FTA, does not incorporate latest funding proposal
  7. DoE to Steal 1/3 of GEMS Money
  8. What’s happening to dozens of vacated properties purchased for rail?
  9. Long-awaited Privatization of Maui public hospitals clears big hurdle
  10. Hawaii Unions Rally on Communist Holiday, Predict Many Members Would Quit of they Could
  11. Anti-GMO Losers: We Got Nothing, Legislators Gave Us Excuses
  12. Money Laundering: HCF Funnels Donations to Anti-GMO Operatives
  13. Reassessing Assumptions About Organic Food
  14. Pretend Politics: Honolulu fakes ‘sanctuary city’ for Criminal Illegal Aliens
  15. Homeless Criminal from Mainland Moves to Hawaii, Allegedly Kills Kauai Girl After Stealing Truck
  16. Schatz: ‘Hawaii Got Almost Everything We Sought’ In Trump’s Federal Budget
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Monday, May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:28 PM :: 3676 Views
  1. Tracking Tax Hike Bills: And Then There Were Two
  2. 70 Republicans Running for Oahu Neighborhood Board
  3. HB1469: Allows BLNR to Extend Telescope Lease
  4. Eco-Lawyers Outline Strategy to Keep Obama Tuna Monuments 
  5. Eco-Lawyers Grab for Control of Lanai Water Supply
  6. Hawaii: High Costs Squeeze Local Food Processors
  7. NB Elections 541 Candidates Represent an 11% Drop from 2015
  8. SB505: Regulate opioids to curb misuse
  9. HMSA Putting Pediatricians on Welfare
  10. HSTA Minion: 13.6% is Not Enough
Read More..


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