Entries for May 2015
Sunday, May 31, 2015 |
May 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 PM :: 6843 Views
- Why are there so many Crooked Lawyers in Honolulu?
- Could You Please Answer the Phone?
- More P-Card Revelations: Kenoi aides bought liquor, helicopter rides, gave Surfer Taxpayer-funded Airline Tickets
- Senate president’s ouster was really a ‘Kouchi Coup’
- Only UH Ethnic Studies Profs may 'Appropriate' Hawaiian Culture Without Paying Somebody Off
- Star-Adv: Telescope Protesters Should Accept Ige's Payoff
- In Hawaii, eligible voters count more than people
- Expensive HGEA Contract Leads to Cutbacks to Mental Health Services
- After 42 Years on the Street, Homeless Man Gets Housing First
- Soft on Crime: Murderer Allegedly Stabs Prison Guard, Case Dismissed
- State OKs $880,000 to settle DOE legal claims
- UH Athletic Subsidy Average for Mountain West
- HB1514: Legislature Subsidizes Farmers Purchase of Pesticide
- Ian Lind: "I remember being impressed by Nazi Leader"
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Saturday, May 30, 2015 |
May 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:31 PM :: 5476 Views
- Kouchi, Ige United for ... Azerbaijan?
- Horizon Acquisition: Matson Completes Alaska, Pasha Completes Hawaii
- After Listening to Hanabusa, Judge denies temporary restraining order to halt HSTA June 2 revote
- Ignoring Della Au Belatti, Supreme Court Says Corrupt Union Boss Gary Rodrigues can't blame UPW for his own Crookedness
- Thrown to the Mob: Perfectly Good telescope to be shut down ahead of schedule
- As Ige Considers Rail Tax Hike, Another Zip Mobile Breakdown, Weekend Traffic Jams Scheduled
- University administrators, lawmaker discuss how to give more UH money to Alt Energy Billionaires
- UH prepares to pay athletes while in rough fiscal shape
- Farewell Horizon Lines, Hello Less Competition in Shipping for Hawaii
- Free Money, Dumb Money: Movie Mogul on Tax Credits
- E-Cigs Behind Sharp Decline in Tobacco Tax Revenues
- For Supportive Housing, Creativity Required
- Star-Adv: Plan to privatize, upgrade State Hospital shows promise
- Homeless Advocates Happy to Discover that Enforcement Snares Tourists
- Council Tries Again with 5 Versions of Sit-Lie Bill
- DoE 5 Stolen Laptops, Nobody Notices
- Hawaii retailers push back on approved theft bill
- Schatz will Interfere with Marines on Okinawa
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Friday, May 29, 2015 |
May 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:19 PM :: 4822 Views
- OHA Announces 'Consortium' to Create Fake Indian Tribe
- Trade: European Parliament Calls for Jones Act Reform
- Income Tax Per Capita: Hawaii Ranks 15th
- Big Law vs. Honolulu's Not-So-Big Law
- Eminent Domain Docfilm "Battle For Brooklyn" Now Streaming
- Precisely as Predicted: OHA Trustees Pleased with Ige's Mauna Kea Plan
- Ige's plan for Mauna Kea raises many questions
- OHA Burns Another $2.6M on Fake Indian Tribe
- Ethics: Rail Votes Illegal
- Judge Continues Hearing on HSTA Election Lawsuit
- Corrupt Halau Lokahi charter school closes
- Private Colleges now Competitive with UH Manoa on Tuition
- Regents: UH Should Maintain Costly Administrative Structure
- East-West Center President to Vacate Post Next Summer
- Suit alleges community college fraudulently collected student fees
- Psychological Factors Behind Hawaii's High Health Scores
- HGEA, UPW Members Continue to Abuse Dogs, Cats in Quarantine
- Interview with DPS Director
- Soft on Crime: Latest Work Furlough Escapee is Multiple Rapist
- TRO: Lose all guns, Face Criminal Charges
- Handi-Van Leaderless, Drifting Until At Least August
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Thursday, May 28, 2015 |
May, 2015 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 8:36 PM :: 3773 Views
- Honolulu Railathon or the Running of the Rails
- Facts not Ideology
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Thursday, May 28, 2015 |
May 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:20 PM :: 4739 Views
- DoI New Rules to Evict Hawaiian Homesteaders
- WSJ: "Hawaii Military Carve Out May Play Role in Voting District Case"
- Hawaiian 'Aloha' movie foes are 'perpetually aggrieved' 'delicate flowers'
- Video: Grassroot Forum on Government Transparency
- HPD: Prostitute Arrests Lead to Pimp Arrests
- USA Today: Inside Univ of Hawaii's secretive biolab
- 'Internal Politics' in Call to Fire Kondo
- Hawaii Supreme Court: Gay Marriage Law is Unquestionable
- HSTA Old Guard Thinks it Can Win by Disallowing Mail-in Ballots, Insurgents File for Injunction
- KHON Reporter Nestor Garcia fined for accepting illegal gifts as Councilman
- Inside Hawaii activists' push to ditch HECO and transform the utility business model
- GMO food bans pander to ignorance
- Anti-GMO Media Campaign Swamps 'Progressive' Websites
- UH Administrators a Bunch of Racists or Sexists or Something
- Decommissioning Hawaii telescopes would Reduce OHA's Cash Flow
- Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission burns last cash, cuts staff
- HB600 Would Have Forced Out Home Care Patients
- Sex Offender is Latest Escape from Work Release
- HPD Cachola investigation delayed while another officer was on leave
- Kauai Humane Society has Long History of Retaliation, Lawsuits
- Impossible to Make Good Movie in Hawaii
- Ige proclaims May 28th as 'Azerbaijan National Day'
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015 |
May 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 4393 Views
- Telescope Cash: Ige Proposes OHA Toll Booth on Mountain, Limit on 'Non-cultural' Access
- Tuvalu is Rising, Not Sinking
- Senior Health Report: Hawaii Ranks 4th
- Study: Honolulu Property Taxes Among Lowest in USA
- HSTA Old Guard: Glad we called new Election Because Elections are time to Pull Together Behind Us
- Rate Hike: 'Green' Energy Means Another $9M out of Consumers' Pockets
- Protesters: No Telescope Construction Until Demands are Met
- Homeless Camps Migrate to State-Controlled Land
- Dear Joe, If You’re Concerned About Ethics Problems Look in the Mirror
- Hawaii Health Connector board postpones vote on corrective action plan - again
- Star-Adv: Study Confirms that Children Do Best With Biological Family
- Telescope Helps Big Island Students With College Expenses
- Oahu retailers feeling the pressure of plastic bag ban
- Councilmember Proposes Anti-Small Business Law for Waimanalo
- Maui Council Doubles Fees on Small Businesses
- Another Day, Another Escape
- Political Correctness for Tourists
- Kauai Humane Society: Killing Puppies, Hiring Cronies
- Forbes: Hawaii Mortgage Fraud Case Takes 22 Years
- Hanabusa forms new law firm
- Hawaii UXO Could Have "blown" Kanye West "to bits", but Didn't
- Obesity Rate Lowest in Hawaii, Highest in Mississippi
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015 |
May 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 4660 Views
- Facing Reality: Hawaii's State Hospitals
- Final Chapter In Judicial Selection Commission List Public Records Case
- Religious Heritage of the Hawaiian Kingdom
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 26, 2015
- My father was a Tranny
- Inside the Government’s Push to Regulate Short-Term Rental Industry
- Kim's Enemies Time Coup to Maximize Embarrassment
- 70% of Legislative Seats Changed in Last 10 years
- Good government ‘no brainer’ bills fail
- Mainland 'Sex-Worker' Activists Push for Ige to Sign Soft-on-Pimps Law with Loophole for Child Sex Traffickers
- HPD worries about an increase in 'drugged' drivers
- Bumpy Kanahele Got $$$ from Movie 'Aloha' -- He Supports movie Even Though Walter Ritte Didn't Get Any Money out of it
- 'Environmentalism' Win Creates Unemployed People on Kaua'i
- UH Mānoa budget: Revamped fiscal plan doesn’t impress everyone
- Gawad Kalinga Founder Slaps Down Silly UH Manoa PC Chatter
- Omidyar Website Thanks Republicans for Saving Obama Trade Deal from Senate Democrats Like Schatz and Hirono
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Monday, May 25, 2015 |
May 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 4368 Views
- Best state in America: Hawaii, for making the ultimate sacrifice
- HART Worried About Ige Veto, So Rail's Pretend operating cost pretend to rise by $13M/year
- Obama’s radical health care ‘solution’ is about to implode
- Anti-GMO Activists' Dust Verdict a gift to Developers: Will Subject Agriculture to Similar Harassment Suits Statewide
- Telescope Builders Knew OHA Shakedown Was Coming
- Tap private sector to fix Handi-Van
- Kauai Council Chair Distances Himself from Hooser's Swiss Lies
- How militarized are local police departments?
- Charter nears deal for Time Warner Cable
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Sunday, May 24, 2015 |
May 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 3661 Views
- HSTA Insurgents: We Won the Election, Will Sue Tuesday
- A Tale of Two Fleets: Canada Reforms its Version of Jones Act
- 2015 Legislative Recap: Victories for Social and Economic Justice
- Cheese: The GMO food die-hard GMO opponents love (and oppose a label for)
- Unfunded Liabilities – Smoke and Mirrors?
- Dust is a Worldwide Pollutant
- Hawaii: Honest Politician Became Bored and Frustrated
- Tsutsui Ignored
- Senators Remember their Roots--Bill helps Small-Time Crooks
- Tax Cuts for the Poor Defeated
- Pakistan Questions Hawaii's Status as US State
- After Initial Rush, Gay Marriages Drop Sharply: Only 170 on Big Island
- Sand Island Homeless Tent City Decision Coming Soon
- Crony Capitalism: Biofool Scammers Call for Veto of Ethanol Mandate Repeal
- 'Accountable Care Organization' for Hilo?
- Instead of Protesting, How About Paying Attention?
- Aliamanu Middle School Ranks 5th for Diversity
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Saturday, May 23, 2015 |
May 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 4352 Views
- 'We just elected a Governor, and now this?' -- Teachers Angry at Corrupt Union, Lawsuit to be Filed Tuesday
- Fraud? 'Unreasonable' tax refund delays Bolster General Fund Before End of Fiscal Year
- Star-Adv: Ige Should Veto 3 Anti-Transparency Bills
- New ethics complaint filed in Kenoi pCard case
- Hawaii Health Connector Platform Hopeless, But DHS Kolea Works
- Ex-Civil Air Patrol pilot gets fine for forgery
- NextEra Dimly Begins to Identify Solar Schemers as Competitors--After they Out Themselves
- Following UH Regents, Legislator talks up State Divestment from 'Fossil Fuel' Stocks
- Rail Bid Protest Rejected, Opening Delayed Another 3 Months
- City Council may let sit-lie veto stand, go with mayor's plan
- U.S. Census Bureau: Hawaii's population jumps by 4.4% over four years
- Part-time teachers and subs awarded $46M
- Army, DOE demonstrate school partnership success
- UH Manoa: Self-Righteous Pseudo Intellectuals Denounce Filipino who Builds Affordable Housing for the Poor
- Enviro Protesters Threaten Nesting Octopus, Violate Safety Regs
- Inundated With Propaganda, Americans Vastly Overestimate Size of Gay and Lesbian Population
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Friday, May 22, 2015 |
May 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 4146 Views
- Best state in America: Hawaii, for making the ultimate sacrifice
- Rusting Windfarm Junk off Waikiki: Europe's Disaster Coming to Hawaiian Waters
- Tulsi Gabbard: How She Isn’t Making Hawaii Better
- Anti-GMO Activists Cheer Kauai Pioneer Seed Farm Layoffs
- Conspiracies and Paranoia: Hector Valenzuela Plays the Victim
- UPDATE: HSTA Election Conspiracy? Okabe Complains About Release of Information
- Beer Taxes: Hawaii 5th Highest
- Auditor: School Bus Reforms Not Rolled Out Statewide
- FAIL: State transferring Obamacare Connector to federal insurance exchange
- HSTA Meltdown: Obviously Trumped up Strategy to Hold on to Power
- Why Is House Speaker Joe Souki Going After Ethics Director Les Kondo?
- Final Pieces Fall Into Place for State Senate Reorganization
- State finally pays newspaper for nominees battle
- Doomed: Hawaii Supreme Court takes up Koa Ridge dispute
- Zero Evidence for Anti-GMO Claims
- No quick decision on overriding mayor’s sit-lie veto
- UH Hikes Tuition, Calls it Cut
- Crackpot Investment Theories Help UH Regents Divest from Energy
- New 'Green' power plant could be headed to Central Oahu, Residents not Fooled
- DOE breaks ground on first 'Ka Hei' Crony Solar projects
- State Hospital plans 150-bed Privately Operated long-term care facility
- Thanks to HGEA, Kona Hospital to lose 20% of Staff
- Sex assault charges against HPD officer are dropped
- Staff and program cuts possible for Kahoolawe
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Thursday, May 21, 2015 |
May 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:34 PM :: 3747 Views
- Three Years of Secret Meetings Behind Feds' DHHL Rules -- What you can do
- Hawaii Obamacare Enrolls ZERO People During Special Enrollment Period
- Auditor: Federal Land Use Issues Dog Aloha Stadium
- A Troubling Excess Of Optimism: Examining the Hawaii State Budget
- Hawaii State Capitol: MD on Errors in ‘Politically Correct’ Sex Ed
- Insurgents Demand HSTA certify election victory
- SB265 Soft on Pimps, Loophole for Child Traffickers
- Thanks to Fracking, Oahu power bills drop again--causing Panic Among 'Green' Energy Schemers
- NextEra Merger: 54% No Opinion or Don't Know
- Emergency Money Made Easy, If You’re a Democratic Governor
- Hawaii Legislature chips away at reforming police
- Caldwell vetoes sit-lie expansion, offers alternative bill
- While Honolulu dithers, a Canadian city says it has eliminated homelessness, and Utah homelessness is down 91% over 10 years
- Protesters use claims of sacredness for political agendas
- “If you want to decolonize it, take it over.”
- Protest Funder: 'True economic value of observatory sites was never pursued'
- NCAA compliance expert says more sanctions could be added
- UH Greenhouse Renovation Enters 6th Year
- 5 more parcels could be seized for rail
- Hawaii Underage smoking decreases
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015 |
May 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:33 PM :: 4113 Views
- 2015 Neighborhood Board Election Results
- A-1 A-Lectrician Case: 9th Upholds Hawaii Election-Finance Laws
- 84% of Hawaii Rural Roads Poor, Mediocre
- Hawaii Ranks Fourth for Senior Health
- Hawaii: Report Looks at the State of Preschool
- NELHA Transparency? 'Continues to Struggle with Sunshine'
- Ige Signs Rain Tax Bill
- Barrel Tax Expanded to Drive Up Electricity Rates--Star-Adv Complains it is not Enough
- Trapped Under HGEA, 90 to be Laid off from Big Isle Hospitals
- More Escapees Not Charged: Lawmakers question state’s inmate work furlough program
- UH pays Shrink $200/hr to Analyze Demented Deans
- TMT collaborators moving forward with project
- Green: Fundraising Drives 'Environmentalist' anti-GMO Strategy
- Mayor to OK Ho'opili rezoning bill
- City administration ignores homeless, except in Waikiki
- Handi-Van: "It's as bad as its ever been"
- Insurer Sticks Patient With Bill Over Labor Negotiations
- Officer Pleads Guilty: 'I lost my temper'
- Second U.S. Marine dies from injuries sustained during MV-22 Osprey crash at Bellows
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015 |
May 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 4103 Views
- Stirring the Hysteria Pot
- Hawaii’s health care collapse a bad omen for state Obamacare exchanges
- Out of Reach 2015: Hawaii Most Unaffordable Rentals in USA
- Study: Hawaii 12th Best State for Military Retirees
- Kicked out of Public Housing, 1 in 12 COFA Migrants now Homeless
- Okabe Makes Excuses for Union Election Re-Vote
- HART's 'Tough Year' Behind Resignations?
- As HCDA board changes, so does the discussion
- Will Congressional Delegation Let Obamacare Punish Hawaii?
- View from Mauna Kea: Looking Forward or Looking Back?
- Dates Set for Third Hawaii Teachers Union Election This Year
- Worthless Election Commission retains embattled election chief Scott Nago for another 4 Years
- Work furlough, prison ‘escapes’ don’t always lead to charges
- How Will We Restore Trust in Hawaii’s Police?
- Honolulu Prosecutor to Hawaii Governor: Veto the Sex Trafficking Bill
- Caldwell signs bills creating Waikiki Tax Hike district
- Hawaii Foster Children More Likely to be Placed with Extended Family
- Pro-Life Rally at UH Manoa
- Advocacy group: Wind turbine rules needed to protect birds in Hawaii
- EPA Creates Fake 'Public Comments' to Back its Initiatives
- 1985: Democrats Punish Three For Switching to Republican
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Monday, May 18, 2015 |
May 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 4135 Views
- Osprey Crash Landing at Bellows: 1 Marine Dead, others wounded
- Attorney Seeks Hawaiians Placed on Kanaiolowalu Roll Without Permission
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 18, 2015
- Crabbe: No one owns Land in Hawaii Until OHA Owns Land
- HB287 to keep data from public gets to the governor
- Star-Adv: Obamacare Punishes Hawaii for Being Superior
- Environmentalists Upset Because Tax Hike Won't Increase Electricity Prices Enough
- The Hole in the Rooftop Solar-Panel Craze
- Billionaire's Website: 'UH Regents Should Let Tuition Hike Move Forward'
- UH Ranks 9th in Scramble for Rich Kids
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Sunday, May 17, 2015 |
May 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:01 PM :: 4458 Views
- Tulsi Gabbard's Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"-- Funded Taliban
- HSTA Refuses to Certify Union Election after Insurgents Win
- We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us
- Rail Tax Hike: "The House talk was theater"
- County GE Tax Hike Will Result in More TAT Cuts
- Kouchi: New Senate President a 'Good old Boy'
- In Tourism-Dependent Hawaii, Takai Against Obama's Free Trade Pact
- A'ole TMT: Nothing could be further from the truth.
- UH: Aquarium Accreditation Not Worth Our Time
- Work furloughs are vital to successful re-entry of prisoners back into society
- Mental health screenings could reduce hospital readmissions
- Kauai Faces $9.4M Budget Hole Thanks to HGEA
- Hawaii One of only 5 States to Tax Lawyers
- Hawaii Mid-Term Election Voter Turnout 'Average'
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Saturday, May 16, 2015 |
May 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 4099 Views
- Which States Receive the Most Federal Aid? -- Hawaii is 49th
- CON: Hawaii Ranks #3 in 'Certificate of Need' Laws
- Jones Act Ready for Retirement
- Chris Butler Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"
- Marine Biologist: Self-Dealing Whale Sanctuary Staff Ignore Public
- Jump Sinking Ship? Two Quitting HART Board
- More Rate Hikes Coming: HMSA, Kaiser bleed $78M Thanks to Obamacare
- Star-Adv: Stockholders can block Utility sale
- Bill 35: Another Property Tax Increase
- Record Turnout in Neighborhood Board Elections
- Pflueger completes so-called sentence
- San Francisco Cuts Homelessness 50% by Building 3,000 Units
- People Who Actually Work for a Living Get off Street into Permanent Housing
- UH athletics complex opens 2 years late; cost 60% more than first estimate
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Friday, May 15, 2015 |
May 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 4518 Views
- Voting for 2015 Neighborhood Board elections ends tonight
- Ige: Feds Secretly Declared Hawaii Health Connector 'Non-Compliant' in February
- Robin Danner in DC: "I speak for Native Hawaiians"
- There’s ‘No Sugarcoating’ Health Insurance Exchange Failures
- Dog Bites? Hawaii Ranks 40th
- Enviros Challenge Deep-Sea Mining Licenses
- Court: State Cannot Place Tax Lien on Hawaii PEO Business Owned by Mainland Tribe
- UH Faces Hearing before NCAA Committee on Infractions
- Senate Boss Kouchi: Tough and Calculating Voice for Pro-Development Interests
- If Hawaii Dumps State Exchange, Supreme Court Could Block Subsidies
- Star-Adv Runs Fluff Piece on Hostile Whale Sanctuary Director
- UH Manoa Faculty, Administrators Continue to Play Retaliation Games on Your Dime
- Obama Library Rejection Goes from UH Losers Bet to HCDA Foolish Optimism
- OHA Gives Away $37.4M in 'Loans'
- Feds to License Windfarm off Waikiki Beach?
- Paper Bags Will be Even Worse
- Maui Small Businesses to be Hit with 600% Fee Hike
- Anti-GMO Idiots Demand Hawaii County Stop Buying Roundup
- Honolulu police officer, 41, arrested for alleged sex assault
- Homeless Wish-List for Legislature falls Short
- 26% of Homeless Have Serious Mental Illness
- City’s sit-lie laws result in many warnings, but few arrests
- Farrington HS to be Model for Discipline Reform Statewide?
- Bullying Gay Agenda into the Schools
- After Decade: Brand New Lahainaluna stadium sits idle, one of many DOE delays
- Gabbard, Takai Defy Obama Veto Threat, Vote for Republican Defense Budget
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Thursday, May 14, 2015 |
May 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:49 PM :: 4353 Views
- OHA: $2.8M Giveaway to Wife of Kanaiolowalu CEO
- Two days left to vote in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections
- Behind Closed Doors: Shining the Light on Government Secrecy in Hawaii
- 252 Criminals Deported from Hawaii in Last 7 Years
- Hawaii Legislature adjourns without passing any anti-gun bills
- DBEDT: Hawaii Economic Growth Slows
- IRONMAN fined $2.7M for illegal lottery
- Wind and Solar Facilities Face No Consequences for Killing Millions of Birds
- Tulsi Gabbard takes on Obama
- Attorney General Slams Hawaii County Ethics for Letting Kenoi Off Hook
- Apo to Protesters: Thanks for Helping OHA Score Rent Money from Telescope
- Failed Health Connector: Hawaii risks losing $1 billion in matching federal Medicaid funds After Months of Secret Negotiations
- ZipMobile Breaks Down, but with Rail Tax Passed, no need to Create Traffic Jam
- Now That Rail Tax Debate is Over, Traffic Signals to be Synchronized
- State retirement assets hit record
- Anti-GMO Activists Suckered by Broken Trust Figure
- Why Did a Fatal Car Wreck Cost State Taxpayers $900,000?
- Ige Plays Small Ball, Abercrombie Went for Home Runs
- Progressive Whines Because Legislature Did Not Raise Taxes Enough
- One Day in the DoE: Sex, Assault, and Retaliation
- KITV to be Sold to New Owner
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015 |
May 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:10 PM :: 4817 Views
- Hawaii’s $205 Million Obamacare Exchange Implodes
- Hawaii Bans Smoking For Young Adults, Lets Kids Continue to Have Sex
- Council Refuses to Back Down After Caldwell Threatens to Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City
- Study: Honolulu not Nearly as Diverse as You Thought
- 70% Tuition Hike: UH System Ranks #2 in USA
- Hawaii County Ethics: Kenoi Cronies Vote Unanimously to do Nothing
- Rail Checkbook: $3M to Washington Lobbyist Dennis Dwyer
- HART Refuses to Cover $3M Cost of Blood Bank Move
- Ige administration plans to use federal exchange for Obamacare
- Health Connector Boss Learned of Exchange Shutdown Plan from Media
- 'Policy Progress' -- Legalize Marijuana, Criminalize Tobacco
- Doomed: Half-Built Haleakala Telescope Before State Supreme Court
- UH Regents Consider 4%-5% Tuition Hike--Call it a Cut!
- State officials: Majority of Kaka'ako homeless are COFA migrants
- HCDA: Obama Center Land is a Pinata
- 60 Arrests, 15 Convictions: Naturally, Dead Criminal Was Represented by Politician
- Now That Rail Tax is Past Lege, New Lane for H-1 Westbound
- The case for an energy co-op on the Big Island
- Honolulu to Pay $17 Million to Resolve Air Violations at Landfill
- Questions surface about judges’ gift disclosures
- Pandering to Pandemonium: A Quack Moves to Maui
- Study: Honolulu a top city for young college grads
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015 |
May 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 4156 Views
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 11, 2015
- Powerwall or Powerdream?
- Merger Vote Comes up Short, Hawaiian Electric Extends Deadline
- State Planning Office Publishes 'Land Use System Review'
- Bicycle Friendly? Hawaii Ranks 43rd
- Caldwell: I will Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City Unless Council Funds 'Positions'
- Luke, Tokuda on long quest to find hidden budget funds
- Unedited Video: Kenoi Lies Thru Teeth in April Fools Day Interview
- Obamacare State Exchange Disasters: Hawaii is the Worst
- With heavy lifting done, Kaiser wants in
- Costly consequences of Hawaii's 50-Year Old payroll technology
- State tax returns could be delayed 16 weeks, DoTax Racks up Overtime
- Bill Would Require State Worker Participation in Return to Work Programs
- Renewable? How Often Does Civil Beat need to repeat a lie to make it true?
- HEI Takes Aim at Takeover Group
- UH Manoa Boosts Graduation Rates by Cutting GPA Requirement
- Tuition hikes, belt tightening ahead for UH
- Latest UH Manoa Faculty Infighting Claims Scalp
- Maya Soetoro-Ng says Hawaii won’t be forgotten by The Obama
- Tesla's New Battery Doesn't Work That Well With Solar
- They gave their all to make sure we are safe'
- Criminal Not Grateful to Soft-on-Crime Judge
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Monday, May 11, 2015 |
May 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:22 PM :: 3724 Views
- Draft DoI Rules Create Path for Fake Indian Tribe to Take Over DHHL
- Sacred? OHA Trustees Dream of "Millions or Billions" in Telescope Revenues
- Mandatory GMO food label not backed by science
- HB888 Deedy Bill Coming Back in 2016
- Best City to Start a Career? Its not Honolulu
- Telescope: "Conver$ation$ are Happening"
- Mauna Kea Telescope tied to Haleakala Case
- Kauai Mayor’s proposed budget tops $182M, HGEA Continues to Drain Reserves
- Who Will be Next HSTA President
- Did NextEra spy on Occupy Wall Street?
- Giant Offshore Windfarm Coming to Hawaii?
- Implementing the Community-Based Renewable Energy and the Green Infrastructure Loan Programs
- HB148-SB145: Make Crime Pay
- Some in HPD can't wait for body cams
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Sunday, May 10, 2015 |
May 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 3472 Views
- Laulima not A'ole: Restoring Our Roots
- Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 2)
- Court Challenge to Guam’s race-based plebiscite will go Forward
- OHA Gives Away $7.4M in Grants
- Women in Hawaii: Poverty and Opportunity
- Could Private Exchanges Save Health Care?
- Facts not Ideology
- Star-Adv: Let's Start Talking about Recreational Marijuana Now
- Ige Helped Write Legislation on HHSC, Health Connector
- Solar Shifts $53M in Costs to Others
- BOE is considering a plan to make out-of-school suspensions a last resort
- Nago Designated At-Will Employee Subject to Post Election Review
- Shapiro: Drop Scheme to Build Obama 'Center' at Kakaako
- Lower property tax rates in Maui council budget proposal
- Bill 32 Reform 'Residential A' Tax Cliff
- Truth-Challenged Anti-GMO Activists Hype Dust Damages
- Alleged victim speaks about game room attack
- Some Question Bag Ban
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Saturday, May 9, 2015 |
May 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 4284 Views
- DHHL 'No Advance Notice' as Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
- Tranny Birth Certificates: How They Voted
- Kaiser to Bid for Maui Hospital Partnership
- Health Connector to Shutdown, Transfer Technology to State
- Ethics Board: Kenoi still hasn't filed gift disclosures (Take Mayor to Japan, get a 'contract')
- 7 Top Hawai‘i Teachers on What It’s Like to Work in the State Department of Education
- Board eyes gay sex ed policy change
- Ernie Martin pushes to study utility options on Oahu
- Failed bills show anti-GMO movement has been wrong all along
- Anti-Agriculture 'Dust Damage' Verdict is End Result of Year of Anti-GMO Hype
- Revoking the TMT Permits Would Be a Huge Mistake
- Will Supreme Court Undo Hawaii Apportionment Commission?
- Medical marijuana dispensary law will face challenges
- Isles' autistic kids, families will benefit from Luke's Law
- UH: Up to 7% Tuition Hike Coming
- UH Manoa Administrators, Professors Play Retaliation Games in Media
- Star-Adv: Don't Bust Prostitutes Any More
- Maui PD Identifies Hit and Run Diver
- Military-impacted schools striving toward accreditation
- Hawaii visitor spending drops 1.3 percent in first quarter
- Lawmakers approve construction of memorial for fallen officers
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Friday, May 8, 2015 |
May 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 7179 Views
- Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
- Hawaii, Alaska Independence Movement Requests Russian Support
- “We don’t follow laws, we make them”
- Heritage: Jones Act Reform Part of Seven-Point Plan for Economic Recovery
- How They Voted: HB321 Marijuana
- Death Taxes: How Does Hawaii Compare?
- CEOs Rank Hawaii 44th Worst for Business
- Feds try to get Kauai Protesters Arrested: "I want you to hit me"
- Borreca: Randy Perriera a Big Loser?
- City Ethics Commission investigating HPD chief
- Police Reforms Killed in Conference Committee
- Dozens of UH P-Card Users Rack up $100K-$200K Each
- Rail Will Use 122.4 GigaWatts of Electricity
- Telescope viewed as an opportunity for science education to some
- Telescope Protesters: "This court has no legal authority over me"
- Fear and Pseudoscience: Another Bogus Anti-GMO Pesticide Study Released
- $3-5M Needed to Legally Launch Marijuana 'Dispensary'
- Honolulu is worst in the U.S. for affordable housing for young adults
- Opponents say Okada Trucking case raised Hawaii construction costs
- After Launching TAT, Tourism Industry Now Surprised to See it 'Picking Their Pockets'
- Solar Scammers Game HEI Merger With Takeover Offer
- Overpriced Tesla Home Batteries: Who Will be Suckered into Buying Them?
- City Needs to Manage Bike Lane Projects Better, Audit Says
- Mayor Wright theft eviction reversed
- Ex-Drug Court clerk pleads guilty to stealing $930 in gift cards
- Former probation officer pleads not guilty to theft
- Hawaii could be first to Ban Animal Circus Acts
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Thursday, May 7, 2015 |
May 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 4993 Views
- The Senate says 'yes' to marijuana and 'no' to anti-GMO protesters
- Hawaii State Senate Announces New Committee Chairs
- Rail: It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride
- OHA Telescope Neutrality: Do You Smell Something Fishy?
- Honolulu 86th Worst Small Business Environment
- Over 14,000 ballots cast in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections -- Voting Open One More Week
- Rep. McDermott critical of new state budget for ignoring pressing needs at Campbell High School
- Kilauea Largest Source of SO2 Pollution in USA
- Ige says he is not sold on the need for a law extending the rail transit tax
- Job Trust Being Dismantled: Thanks to Perriera's Incompetence, 300 HGEA, UPW Members to be Laid Off at Hospitals
- Anti-GMO Crowd Ousted in Senate Shakeup
- Kouchi 'More Friendly to Development'
- Grant in Aid: Politicians Give Themselves Money
- How Will Kenoi Appointees Sabotage Ethics Investigation?
- Maui County Employee Uses PCard to Build Catering Business at Baseyard, County Covers it Up
- Arch of Hysteria Wanes: People Losing Interest in Telescope Protest
- Hardest Days of Fiery Testimony, Anger Over Federal Grab for Control of Hawaii Waters
- Council passes sit-lie bill over Objections of Activists Who Want to Keep the Homeless Homeless
- Homeless Parents Continue to Refuse Shelter, Keep Children on Streets
- Legislators Approve $80M Loan Guarantee for Hawaiian Electric
- Two Alternatives are Floated to replace HECO and NextEra
- Hawaii Second State to Dump Ethanol Mandate
- Maui County RFP for Electric Co-op Conversion
- Rail Construction Behind Massive West Oahu Traffic Jams
- City council unanimously approves Hoopili project in West Oahu
- Council Votes to Hike Taxes on Waikiki Businesses
- Hawaii Nursing Care Costs 4th Highest in USA
- Bungling State Destroys Yet Another Small Business
- Federal charges filed against Honolulu police officer after alleged beating (#1)
- HPD will fire officer accused of fondling girl during traffic stop (#2)
- Maui cop accused in hit and run (#3)
- Maui: Homosexual Child Molester Gets 10 Years
- Lawyer Tries to Knock Down Massage Parlor Charges
- King Street bike path design flaw creates handicap parking problems
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015 |
May 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 5154 Views
- Rail Tax Hike: How They Voted
- HB321: Gamesmanship and Shenanigans
- Hawaii seed industry estimated at $159M--Down 14%
- Unanimous House Rejects HB888: Bill Would Have Prohibited Gun Owners from Drinking at Home
- Kim Out: Marijuana Last Straw as Senate Committee Chairs Overthrow President
- Advanced Industries? Hawaii at Bottom of Heap
- 12 Subpoenas: AG investigation into Kenoi heats up
- Dozens of Maui County Employees Implicated in P-Card Abuse
- Rail Tax Spotlight Shifts to Ige, Council
- Hundreds Rip Federal Scheme to Take Control of Hawaii Waters
- Still No Love for Public Interest Bills at Hawaii Legislature
- Legislature passes health exchange funding bill
- Maui moves closer to forming own utility
- Hawaii legislation sets 100 percent renewable energy goal for the state
- Tranny birth certificate bill passes
- HB1366 State to Buy Fancy $90M Office Building
- 2 former Waikiki Aquarium directors say facility is mismanaged
- Kenoi releases $438.8M budget seeking 30 new positions
- Lingle Joins Superstar Team Fixing Broken Democrat Illinois
- Schatz' Brother Scores Cush Gig at DoE--Tops $160K?
- Kakaako Camp Doubles: Homeless Watch Big Screen TV in Tent
- 10 Years of airport viaduct homeless camp
- Organic Farmer Pesticide Poisons School full of Children on Big Island
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015 |
May 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 4882 Views
- Thanks to HGEA, Hawaii 2nd Worst State for Nurses
- Slom: Hawaii Will Deplete Cash Reserves by 2021
- With Josh Green out of the Way, Lawmakers Advance Marijuana Bill for Final Reading
- Securities Fraud: Former Maui Mayoral Candidate Sentenced to 20 Years
- Former Oahu Probation Officer Charged with Theft, Forgery
- Public Comment Period Open on OHA Budget
- Senators Conspire to Oust Kim: Kouchi to be New Senate President?
- Council upset at having to approve tax increase for Rail
- Why So Little Information About City Council Meeting With Feds About Rail?
- Handi-Van chief replaced in shakeup of troubled service
- Perriera: HGEA Expects to be Paid $330M in Hospital partnership Deal
- Hawaii GOP Presidential Caucus Set for March 8, 2016
- OHA 'Useless Tools'
- Marijuana Bill: Big Increase in Dopers Expected
- Panos: Good Riddance to Ethanol Mandate
- HB1007 on Governor's Desk: Drivers Licenses for Illegals
- Care home measure is deferred
- Hawaii to Pilot Juvenile Justice Reform
- Housing Office: Council Members Play Games, Posture
- Ambulance units close temporarily due to staffing shortage
- Homeless Camp Catches Fire Under H-1
- Rich Luddites File Appeal Over Delayed Maui anti-GMO Moratorium
- Sources: 15 day Extension granted after UH Misses Deadline for response to NCAA allegations
- Big Island mayor’s campaign manager named Department of Aging director
- Caldwell Moots Plan to Make King Street Even More Difficult for Drivers
- Family of Wahiawa man who died in police jail cell seeks answers
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Monday, May 4, 2015 |
May 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 4725 Views
- Forgotten Honouliuli: Jack Burns, Police Spy
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 4, 2015
- Best States for Working Moms: Hawaii Ranks 31st
- Rigged: Kenoi to Appear before Useless and Pathetic Hawaii County Ethics Board Stacked with His Cronies
- Who is building rail? Impossible to accurately assess potential influence peddling
- Hospital strategy is unite or fail
- Hawaii has legacy of aloha for science
- The Jones Act, the Cost of Living and the Search for the Truth
- Here’s One Doctor Who Isn’t Sold on Raising Legal Smoking Age to 21
- Media access bill falls
- Hawaii’s Preschool Open Doors Funding May Continue
- Admirable Activists
- Soft on Crime: Courts Find Way to Get Dope Dealer off Hook
- Feds Suggest Stranded Corinthian Students Transfer to Other Suspect For-Profit Schools
- Obama foundation to officially name Chicago home of Obama library May 12
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Sunday, May 3, 2015 |
May 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 4131 Views
- Hawaii Republican Convention Meets, Elects New Party Leaders
- HB888: Gun Owners May Not Drink at Home--Even with Gun Locked in Safe
- Full List: $28M Grants in Aid Funded in State Budget
- Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 1)
- NextEra: Legalized Tax Fraud
- Sacred? NYT Complains Telescopes Pay 'Little to no Rent'
- Telescope Protesters Ugly Words Demonizing
- Telescope: A matter of faith?
- Maui Hospital Partnership: The Hardest Part Still to Come
- State Tax System Becomes More Regressive as Rail Tax Extends, Income Tax Sunsets
- SB519 Vacation Rentals Report to Homeowners Associations, DoTax
- Cesspool conversion tax credit passes
- Rep Creagan Still Wants to Get Rid of UH Hilo Pharmacy School
- University Refers only 2% of Rape Complaints
- Kauai Homosexual Child Molester Dead After Portland Bust
- Hall of Mirrors: Tranny is Everywhere in Media
- Gloves Have Come Off in the War for Tobacco Tax Revenues
- Marijuana Retail Store bill not dead, Josh Green removed from Conference committee
- Newsflash: Marijuana Causes Global Warming
- Another Maui Mayoral Candidate Heads for Prison
- Kunia Camp Residents to Get Boot
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Saturday, May 2, 2015 |
May 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 3678 Views
- We stand to lose more than a telescope
- Conference Committee
- Jones Act Industry Lawyer Addresses Full Repeal Strawman
- JSC Seeks Applicants for First and Third Circuit Courts
- Survey: Hawaii Ranks #2 in Sleep Deprivation
- Conference Committee Approves .5% GE Tax Five Year Extension for Rail
- Plan to Retool Unfunded Liability Mandate Rejected
- Hawaii lawmakers poised to give $2M to Hawaii Health Connector
- Bills that would require Hawaii insurers to cover autism, orthodontics head for final vote
- Gay Agenda Fails: Bullying and a Place to Hide Your Kids
- Hawaii lawmakers may revive dead marijuana dispensaries bill
- Bill boosting distance from turbines OK'd
- Care Home Bill Fails to Advance Despite Pleas
- Effort to Cap Payday Loan Rates Dies After Maui Lawmakers Clash
- Winners and Losers in Conference
- Homelessness: Lack of Leadership from Ige
- Homelessness 'Shaping Hawaii Tourism Industry'
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Friday, May 1, 2015 |
May 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 6898 Views
- End the Bleeding of Aloha By Hobby Activism
- “The Indoctrination of our children” with Dr. Joe McIlhaney
- Tuna Monument: Rep Aumua Amata to Oversee Investigations of 'Insular Areas'
- Hawaii Republican Convention Set for May 2
- UPDATE: 84 Republicans Running for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
- KIUC: Solar Contractors Selling Systems Which Cost More than Electric Bill
- Safety? How Did Your Hospital Do?
- Turtle Bay Deal Announced
- While Pushing Rail, State Fails to Use $820M in Federal Highway Funds
- Now That Rail Tax Debate is Done, DoT Begins Opening New Lanes on H-1 Westbound
- Unconstitutional? State skims millions off city’s rail tax
- OHA Trustees Re$cind Support for Telescope
- Anti-Telescope Activists Threaten HS Girl AGAIN
- Who Will Want to Partner with Hilo Hospital?
- HGEA Members Approve Contract
- Senators: Galuteria is a Tax Cheat, but he's good enough for us
- UH Does it Again
- Kim Swears She Wasn't Seeking HTA Post
- Who Is Tesla’s Home Battery For? -- Apparently only Hawaii
- Ethanol mandate nears end of road
- More Pressure on Homeless to Accept Shelter
- 61.6 Acres Left out of Turtle Bay Deal
- Obama library will be built in Chicago
- Tranny Birth Certificates and Sex Trafficking Pass Conference Committee
- Last day for medical marijuana dispensaries bill
- Persons with an exaggerated sense of self
- Bike Lane Unnecessary, and Confusing: Bicycle Accidents Begin
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