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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for May 2015

Sunday, May 31, 2015
May 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 PM :: 6843 Views
  1. Why are there so many Crooked Lawyers in Honolulu?
  2. Could You Please Answer the Phone?
  3. More P-Card Revelations: Kenoi aides bought liquor, helicopter rides, gave Surfer Taxpayer-funded Airline Tickets
  4. Senate president’s ouster was really a ‘Kouchi Coup’
  5. Only UH Ethnic Studies Profs may 'Appropriate' Hawaiian Culture Without Paying Somebody Off
  6. Star-Adv: Telescope Protesters Should Accept Ige's Payoff 
  7. In Hawaii, eligible voters count more than people
  8. Expensive HGEA Contract Leads to Cutbacks to Mental Health Services
  9. After 42 Years on the Street, Homeless Man Gets Housing First
  10. Soft on Crime: Murderer Allegedly Stabs Prison Guard, Case Dismissed
  11. State OKs $880,000 to settle DOE legal claims
  12. UH Athletic Subsidy Average for Mountain West
  13. HB1514: Legislature Subsidizes Farmers Purchase of Pesticide
  14. Ian Lind: "I remember being impressed by Nazi Leader"
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
May 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:31 PM :: 5476 Views
  1. Kouchi, Ige United for ... Azerbaijan?
  2. Horizon Acquisition: Matson Completes Alaska, Pasha Completes Hawaii
  3. After Listening to Hanabusa, Judge denies temporary restraining order to halt HSTA June 2 revote
  4. Ignoring Della Au Belatti, Supreme Court Says Corrupt Union Boss Gary Rodrigues can't blame UPW for his own Crookedness
  5. Thrown to the Mob: Perfectly Good telescope to be shut down ahead of schedule
  6. As Ige Considers Rail Tax Hike, Another Zip Mobile Breakdown, Weekend Traffic Jams Scheduled
  7. University administrators, lawmaker discuss how to give more UH money to Alt Energy Billionaires
  8. UH prepares to pay athletes while in rough fiscal shape
  9. Farewell Horizon Lines, Hello Less Competition in Shipping for Hawaii
  10. Free Money, Dumb Money: Movie Mogul on Tax Credits
  11. E-Cigs Behind Sharp Decline in Tobacco Tax Revenues
  12. For Supportive Housing, Creativity Required
  13. Star-Adv: Plan to privatize, upgrade State Hospital shows promise
  14. Homeless Advocates Happy to Discover that Enforcement Snares Tourists
  15. Council Tries Again with 5 Versions of Sit-Lie Bill
  16. DoE 5 Stolen Laptops, Nobody Notices
  17. Hawaii retailers push back on approved theft bill
  18. Schatz will Interfere with Marines on Okinawa
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Friday, May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:19 PM :: 4822 Views
  1. OHA Announces 'Consortium' to Create Fake Indian Tribe
  2. Trade: European Parliament Calls for Jones Act Reform
  3. Income Tax Per Capita: Hawaii Ranks 15th
  4. Big Law vs. Honolulu's Not-So-Big Law
  5. Eminent Domain Docfilm "Battle For Brooklyn" Now Streaming
  6. Precisely as Predicted: OHA Trustees Pleased with Ige's Mauna Kea Plan
  7. Ige's plan for Mauna Kea raises many questions
  8. OHA Burns Another $2.6M on Fake Indian Tribe
  9. Ethics: Rail Votes Illegal
  10. Judge Continues Hearing on HSTA Election Lawsuit
  11. Corrupt Halau Lokahi charter school closes
  12. Private Colleges now Competitive with UH Manoa on Tuition
  13. Regents: UH Should Maintain Costly Administrative Structure 
  14. East-West Center President to Vacate Post Next Summer
  15. Suit alleges community college fraudulently collected student fees
  16. Psychological Factors Behind Hawaii's High Health Scores
  17. HGEA, UPW Members Continue to Abuse Dogs, Cats in Quarantine
  18. Interview with DPS Director
  19. Soft on Crime: Latest Work Furlough Escapee is Multiple Rapist
  20. TRO: Lose all guns, Face Criminal Charges
  21. Handi-Van Leaderless, Drifting Until At Least August
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Thursday, May 28, 2015
May, 2015 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 8:36 PM :: 3773 Views
  • Honolulu Railathon or the Running of the Rails
  • Facts not Ideology
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Thursday, May 28, 2015
May 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:20 PM :: 4739 Views
  1. DoI New Rules to Evict Hawaiian Homesteaders
  2. WSJ: "Hawaii Military Carve Out May Play Role in Voting District Case"
  3. Hawaiian 'Aloha' movie foes are 'perpetually aggrieved' 'delicate flowers'
  4. Video: Grassroot Forum on Government Transparency
  5. HPD: Prostitute Arrests Lead to Pimp Arrests
  6. USA Today: Inside Univ of Hawaii's secretive biolab
  7. 'Internal Politics' in Call to Fire Kondo
  8. Hawaii Supreme Court: Gay Marriage Law is Unquestionable
  9. HSTA Old Guard Thinks it Can Win by Disallowing Mail-in Ballots, Insurgents File for Injunction
  10. KHON Reporter Nestor Garcia fined for accepting illegal gifts as Councilman
  11. Inside Hawaii activists' push to ditch HECO and transform the utility business model
  12. GMO food bans pander to ignorance
  13. Anti-GMO Media Campaign Swamps 'Progressive' Websites 
  14. UH Administrators a Bunch of Racists or Sexists or Something
  15. Decommissioning Hawaii telescopes would Reduce OHA's Cash Flow
  16. Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission burns last cash, cuts staff
  17. HB600 Would Have Forced Out Home Care Patients
  18. Sex Offender is Latest Escape from Work Release
  19. HPD Cachola investigation delayed while another officer was on leave
  20. Kauai Humane Society has Long History of Retaliation, Lawsuits
  21. Impossible to Make Good Movie in Hawaii
  22. Ige proclaims May 28th as 'Azerbaijan National Day'
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 4393 Views
  1. Telescope Cash: Ige Proposes OHA Toll Booth on Mountain, Limit on 'Non-cultural' Access
  2. Tuvalu is Rising, Not Sinking
  3. Senior Health Report: Hawaii Ranks 4th
  4. Study: Honolulu Property Taxes Among Lowest in USA
  5. HSTA Old Guard: Glad we called new Election Because Elections are time to Pull Together Behind Us
  6. Rate Hike: 'Green' Energy Means Another $9M out of Consumers' Pockets
  7. Protesters: No Telescope Construction Until Demands are Met
  8. Homeless Camps Migrate to State-Controlled Land
  9. Dear Joe, If You’re Concerned About Ethics Problems Look in the Mirror
  10. Hawaii Health Connector board postpones vote on corrective action plan - again
  11. Star-Adv: Study Confirms that Children Do Best With Biological Family
  12. Telescope Helps Big Island Students With College Expenses
  13. Oahu retailers feeling the pressure of plastic bag ban
  14. Councilmember Proposes Anti-Small Business Law for Waimanalo
  15. Maui Council Doubles Fees on Small Businesses
  16. Another Day, Another Escape
  17. Political Correctness for Tourists
  18. Kauai Humane Society: Killing Puppies, Hiring Cronies
  19. Forbes: Hawaii Mortgage Fraud Case Takes 22 Years
  20. Hanabusa forms new law firm
  21. Hawaii UXO Could Have "blown" Kanye West "to bits", but Didn't
  22. Obesity Rate Lowest in Hawaii, Highest in Mississippi
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015
May 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 4660 Views
  1. Facing Reality: Hawaii's State Hospitals
  2. Final Chapter In Judicial Selection Commission List Public Records Case
  3. Religious Heritage of the Hawaiian Kingdom
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 26, 2015
  5. My father was a Tranny
  6. Inside the Government’s Push to Regulate Short-Term Rental Industry
  7. Kim's Enemies Time Coup to Maximize Embarrassment
  8. 70% of Legislative Seats Changed in Last 10 years
  9. Good government ‘no brainer’ bills fail
  10. Mainland 'Sex-Worker' Activists Push for Ige to Sign Soft-on-Pimps Law with Loophole for Child Sex Traffickers
  11. HPD worries about an increase in 'drugged' drivers
  12. Bumpy Kanahele Got $$$ from Movie 'Aloha' -- He Supports movie Even Though Walter Ritte Didn't Get Any Money out of it
  13. 'Environmentalism' Win Creates Unemployed People on Kaua'i
  14. UH Mānoa budget: Revamped fiscal plan doesn’t impress everyone
  15. Gawad Kalinga Founder Slaps Down Silly UH Manoa PC Chatter
  16. Omidyar Website Thanks Republicans for Saving Obama Trade Deal from Senate Democrats Like Schatz and Hirono
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Monday, May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 4368 Views
  1. Best state in America: Hawaii, for making the ultimate sacrifice
  2. HART Worried About Ige Veto, So Rail's Pretend operating cost pretend to rise by $13M/year
  3. Obama’s radical health care ‘solution’ is about to implode
  4. Anti-GMO Activists' Dust Verdict a gift to Developers: Will Subject Agriculture to Similar Harassment Suits Statewide
  5. Telescope Builders Knew OHA Shakedown Was Coming
  6. Tap private sector to fix Handi-Van
  7. Kauai Council Chair Distances Himself from Hooser's Swiss Lies
  8. How militarized are local police departments?
  9. Charter nears deal for Time Warner Cable
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Sunday, May 24, 2015
May 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 3661 Views
  1. HSTA Insurgents: We Won the Election, Will Sue Tuesday
  2. A Tale of Two Fleets: Canada Reforms its Version of Jones Act
  3. 2015 Legislative Recap: Victories for Social and Economic Justice
  4. Cheese: The GMO food die-hard GMO opponents love (and oppose a label for)
  5. Unfunded Liabilities – Smoke and Mirrors?
  6. Dust is a Worldwide Pollutant
  7. Hawaii: Honest Politician Became Bored and Frustrated
  8. Tsutsui Ignored
  9. Senators Remember their Roots--Bill helps Small-Time Crooks
  10. Tax Cuts for the Poor Defeated
  11. Pakistan Questions Hawaii's Status as US State
  12. After Initial Rush, Gay Marriages Drop Sharply:  Only 170 on Big Island
  13. Sand Island Homeless Tent City Decision Coming Soon
  14. Crony Capitalism: Biofool Scammers Call for Veto of Ethanol Mandate Repeal
  15. 'Accountable Care Organization' for Hilo?
  16. Instead of Protesting, How About Paying Attention?
  17. Aliamanu Middle School Ranks 5th for Diversity
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
May 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 4352 Views
  1. 'We just elected a Governor, and now this?'  -- Teachers Angry at Corrupt Union, Lawsuit to be Filed Tuesday
  2. Fraud?  'Unreasonable' tax refund delays Bolster General Fund Before End of Fiscal Year
  3. Star-Adv: Ige Should Veto 3 Anti-Transparency Bills
  4. New ethics complaint filed in Kenoi pCard case
  5. Hawaii Health Connector Platform Hopeless, But DHS Kolea Works
  6. Ex-Civil Air Patrol pilot gets fine for forgery
  7. NextEra Dimly Begins to Identify Solar Schemers as Competitors--After they Out Themselves
  8. Following UH Regents, Legislator talks up State Divestment from 'Fossil Fuel' Stocks
  9. Rail Bid Protest Rejected, Opening Delayed Another 3 Months
  10. City Council may let sit-lie veto stand, go with mayor's plan
  11. U.S. Census Bureau: Hawaii's population jumps by 4.4% over four years
  12. Part-time teachers and subs awarded $46M
  13. Army, DOE demonstrate school partnership success
  14. UH Manoa: Self-Righteous Pseudo Intellectuals Denounce Filipino who Builds Affordable Housing for the Poor
  15. Enviro Protesters Threaten Nesting Octopus, Violate Safety Regs
  16. Inundated With Propaganda, Americans Vastly Overestimate Size of Gay and Lesbian Population
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Friday, May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 4146 Views
  1. Best state in America: Hawaii, for making the ultimate sacrifice
  2. Rusting Windfarm Junk off Waikiki: Europe's Disaster Coming to Hawaiian Waters
  3. Tulsi Gabbard: How She Isn’t Making Hawaii Better
  4. Anti-GMO Activists Cheer Kauai Pioneer Seed Farm Layoffs
  5. Conspiracies and Paranoia: Hector Valenzuela Plays the Victim
  6. UPDATE: HSTA Election Conspiracy? Okabe Complains About Release of Information
  7. Beer Taxes: Hawaii 5th Highest
  8. Auditor: School Bus Reforms Not Rolled Out Statewide
  9. FAIL: State transferring Obamacare Connector to federal insurance exchange
  10. HSTA Meltdown: Obviously Trumped up Strategy to Hold on to Power
  11. Why Is House Speaker Joe Souki Going After Ethics Director Les Kondo?
  12. Final Pieces Fall Into Place for State Senate Reorganization
  13. State finally pays newspaper for nominees battle
  14. Doomed: Hawaii Supreme Court takes up Koa Ridge dispute
  15. Zero Evidence for Anti-GMO Claims
  16. No quick decision on overriding mayor’s sit-lie veto
  17. UH Hikes Tuition, Calls it Cut
  18. Crackpot Investment Theories Help UH Regents Divest from Energy
  19. New 'Green' power plant could be headed to Central Oahu, Residents not Fooled
  20. DOE breaks ground on first 'Ka Hei' Crony Solar projects
  21. State Hospital plans 150-bed Privately Operated long-term care facility
  22. Thanks to HGEA, Kona Hospital to lose 20% of Staff
  23. Sex assault charges against HPD officer are dropped
  24. Staff and program cuts possible for Kahoolawe
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Thursday, May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:34 PM :: 3747 Views
  1. Three Years of Secret Meetings Behind Feds' DHHL Rules -- What you can do
  2. Hawaii Obamacare Enrolls ZERO People During Special Enrollment Period
  3. Auditor: Federal Land Use Issues Dog Aloha Stadium
  4. A Troubling Excess Of Optimism: Examining the Hawaii State Budget
  5. Hawaii State Capitol: MD on Errors in ‘Politically Correct’ Sex Ed
  6. Insurgents Demand HSTA certify election victory
  7. SB265 Soft on Pimps, Loophole for Child Traffickers
  8. Thanks to Fracking, Oahu power bills drop again--causing Panic Among 'Green' Energy Schemers
  9. NextEra Merger: 54% No Opinion or Don't Know
  10. Emergency Money Made Easy, If You’re a Democratic Governor
  11. Hawaii Legislature chips away at reforming police
  12. Caldwell vetoes sit-lie expansion, offers alternative bill
  13. While Honolulu dithers, a Canadian city says it has eliminated homelessness, and Utah homelessness is down 91% over 10 years
  14. Protesters use claims of sacredness for political agendas
  15. “If you want to decolonize it, take it over.”
  16. Protest Funder: 'True economic value of observatory sites was never pursued'
  17. NCAA compliance expert says more sanctions could be added
  18. UH Greenhouse Renovation Enters 6th Year
  19. 5 more parcels could be seized for rail
  20. Hawaii Underage smoking decreases
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:33 PM :: 4113 Views
  1. 2015 Neighborhood Board Election Results
  2. A-1 A-Lectrician Case: 9th Upholds Hawaii Election-Finance Laws
  3. 84% of Hawaii Rural Roads Poor, Mediocre
  4. Hawaii Ranks Fourth for Senior Health
  5. Hawaii: Report Looks at the State of Preschool
  6. NELHA Transparency? 'Continues to Struggle with Sunshine'
  7. Ige Signs Rain Tax Bill
  8. Barrel Tax Expanded to Drive Up Electricity Rates--Star-Adv Complains it is not Enough
  9. Trapped Under HGEA, 90 to be Laid off from Big Isle Hospitals
  10. More Escapees Not Charged:  Lawmakers question state’s inmate work furlough program
  11. UH pays Shrink $200/hr to Analyze Demented Deans
  12. TMT collaborators moving forward with project
  13. Green: Fundraising Drives 'Environmentalist' anti-GMO Strategy
  14. Mayor to OK Ho'opili rezoning bill
  15. City administration ignores homeless, except in Waikiki
  16. Handi-Van: "It's as bad as its ever been"
  17. Insurer Sticks Patient With Bill Over Labor Negotiations
  18. Officer Pleads Guilty: 'I lost my temper'
  19. Second U.S. Marine dies from injuries sustained during MV-22 Osprey crash at Bellows
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 4103 Views
  1. Stirring the Hysteria Pot
  2. Hawaii’s health care collapse a bad omen for state Obamacare exchanges
  3. Out of Reach 2015: Hawaii Most Unaffordable Rentals in USA
  4. Study: Hawaii 12th Best State for Military Retirees
  5. Kicked out of Public Housing, 1 in 12 COFA Migrants now Homeless
  6. Okabe Makes Excuses for Union Election Re-Vote
  7. HART's 'Tough Year' Behind Resignations?
  8. As HCDA board changes, so does the discussion
  9. Will Congressional Delegation Let Obamacare Punish Hawaii?
  10. View from Mauna Kea: Looking Forward or Looking Back?
  11. Dates Set for Third Hawaii Teachers Union Election This Year
  12. Worthless Election Commission retains embattled election chief Scott Nago for another 4 Years
  13. Work furlough, prison ‘escapes’ don’t always lead to charges
  14. How Will We Restore Trust in Hawaii’s Police?
  15. Honolulu Prosecutor to Hawaii Governor: Veto the Sex Trafficking Bill
  16. Caldwell signs bills creating Waikiki Tax Hike district
  17. Hawaii Foster Children More Likely to be Placed with Extended Family
  18. Pro-Life Rally at UH Manoa
  19. Advocacy group: Wind turbine rules needed to protect birds in Hawaii
  20. EPA Creates Fake 'Public Comments' to Back its Initiatives
  21. 1985: Democrats Punish Three For Switching to Republican
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Monday, May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 4135 Views
  1. Osprey Crash Landing at Bellows: 1 Marine Dead, others wounded
  2. Attorney Seeks Hawaiians Placed on Kanaiolowalu Roll Without Permission
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 18, 2015
  4. Crabbe: No one owns Land in Hawaii Until OHA Owns Land
  5. HB287 to keep data from public gets to the governor
  6. Star-Adv: Obamacare Punishes Hawaii for Being Superior
  7. Environmentalists Upset Because Tax Hike Won't Increase Electricity Prices Enough
  8. The Hole in the Rooftop Solar-Panel Craze
  9. Billionaire's Website: 'UH Regents Should Let Tuition Hike Move Forward'
  10. UH Ranks 9th in Scramble for Rich Kids
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:01 PM :: 4458 Views
  1. Tulsi Gabbard's Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"-- Funded Taliban
  2. HSTA Refuses to Certify Union Election after Insurgents Win
  3. We Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Us
  4. Rail Tax Hike: "The House talk was theater"
  5. County GE Tax Hike Will Result in More TAT Cuts
  6. Kouchi: New Senate President a 'Good old Boy'
  7. In Tourism-Dependent Hawaii, Takai Against Obama's Free Trade Pact
  8. A'ole TMT: Nothing could be further from the truth.
  9. UH: Aquarium Accreditation Not Worth Our Time
  10. Work furloughs are vital to successful re-entry of prisoners back into society
  11. Mental health screenings could reduce hospital readmissions
  12. Kauai Faces $9.4M Budget Hole Thanks to HGEA
  13. Hawaii One of only 5 States to Tax Lawyers
  14. Hawaii Mid-Term Election Voter Turnout 'Average'
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Saturday, May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 4099 Views
  1. Which States Receive the Most Federal Aid? -- Hawaii is 49th
  2. CON: Hawaii Ranks #3 in 'Certificate of Need' Laws
  3. Jones Act Ready for Retirement
  4. Chris Butler Cult Tied to "Billion Dollar Drug Empire"
  5. Marine Biologist: Self-Dealing Whale Sanctuary Staff Ignore Public
  6. Jump Sinking Ship? Two Quitting HART Board
  7. More Rate Hikes Coming: HMSA, Kaiser bleed $78M Thanks to Obamacare
  8. Star-Adv: Stockholders can block Utility sale
  9. Bill 35: Another Property Tax Increase
  10. Record Turnout in Neighborhood Board Elections
  11. Pflueger completes so-called sentence
  12. San Francisco Cuts Homelessness 50% by Building 3,000 Units
  13. People Who Actually Work for a Living Get off Street into Permanent Housing
  14. UH athletics complex opens 2 years late; cost 60% more than first estimate
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Friday, May 15, 2015
May 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 4518 Views
  1. Voting for 2015 Neighborhood Board elections ends tonight
  2. Ige: Feds Secretly Declared Hawaii Health Connector 'Non-Compliant' in February
  3. Robin Danner in DC: "I speak for Native Hawaiians"
  4. There’s ‘No Sugarcoating’ Health Insurance Exchange Failures
  5. Dog Bites? Hawaii Ranks 40th
  6. Enviros Challenge Deep-Sea Mining Licenses
  7. Court: State Cannot Place Tax Lien on Hawaii PEO Business Owned by Mainland Tribe
  8. UH Faces Hearing before NCAA Committee on Infractions
  9. Senate Boss Kouchi: Tough and Calculating Voice for Pro-Development Interests
  10. If Hawaii Dumps State Exchange, Supreme Court Could Block Subsidies
  11. Star-Adv Runs Fluff Piece on Hostile Whale Sanctuary Director
  12. UH Manoa Faculty, Administrators Continue to Play Retaliation Games on Your Dime 
  13. Obama Library Rejection Goes from UH Losers Bet to HCDA Foolish Optimism
  14. OHA Gives Away $37.4M in 'Loans'
  15. Feds to License Windfarm off Waikiki Beach?
  16. Paper Bags Will be Even Worse
  17. Maui Small Businesses to be Hit with 600% Fee Hike
  18. Anti-GMO Idiots Demand Hawaii County Stop Buying Roundup
  19. Honolulu police officer, 41, arrested for alleged sex assault
  20. Homeless Wish-List for Legislature falls Short
  21. 26% of Homeless Have Serious Mental Illness
  22. City’s sit-lie laws result in many warnings, but few arrests
  23. Farrington HS to be Model for Discipline Reform Statewide?
  24. Bullying Gay Agenda into the Schools
  25. After Decade: Brand New Lahainaluna stadium sits idle, one of many DOE delays
  26. Gabbard, Takai Defy Obama Veto Threat, Vote for Republican Defense Budget
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:49 PM :: 4353 Views
  1. OHA: $2.8M Giveaway to Wife of Kanaiolowalu CEO
  2. Two days left to vote in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections
  3. Behind Closed Doors: Shining the Light on Government Secrecy in Hawaii
  4. 252 Criminals Deported from Hawaii in Last 7 Years
  5. Hawaii Legislature adjourns without passing any anti-gun bills
  6. DBEDT: Hawaii Economic Growth Slows
  7. IRONMAN fined $2.7M for illegal lottery
  8. Wind and Solar Facilities Face No Consequences for Killing Millions of Birds
  9. Tulsi Gabbard takes on Obama
  10. Attorney General Slams Hawaii County Ethics for Letting Kenoi Off Hook
  11. Apo to Protesters: Thanks for Helping OHA Score Rent Money from Telescope 
  12. Failed Health Connector: Hawaii risks losing $1 billion in matching federal Medicaid funds After Months of Secret Negotiations
  13. ZipMobile Breaks Down, but with Rail Tax Passed, no need to Create Traffic Jam
  14. Now That Rail Tax Debate is Over, Traffic Signals to be Synchronized
  15. State retirement assets hit record
  16. Anti-GMO Activists Suckered by Broken Trust Figure
  17. Why Did a Fatal Car Wreck Cost State Taxpayers $900,000?
  18. Ige Plays Small Ball, Abercrombie Went for Home Runs
  19. Progressive Whines Because Legislature Did Not Raise Taxes Enough
  20. One Day in the DoE: Sex, Assault, and Retaliation
  21. KITV to be Sold to New Owner
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:10 PM :: 4817 Views
  1. Hawaii’s $205 Million Obamacare Exchange Implodes
  2. Hawaii Bans Smoking For Young Adults, Lets Kids Continue to Have Sex
  3. Council Refuses to Back Down After Caldwell Threatens to Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City
  4. Study: Honolulu not Nearly as Diverse as You Thought
  5. 70% Tuition Hike: UH System Ranks #2 in USA
  6. Hawaii County Ethics: Kenoi Cronies Vote Unanimously to do Nothing
  7. Rail Checkbook: $3M to Washington Lobbyist Dennis Dwyer
  8. HART Refuses to Cover $3M Cost of Blood Bank Move
  9. Ige administration plans to use federal exchange for Obamacare
  10. Health Connector Boss Learned of Exchange Shutdown Plan from Media
  11. 'Policy Progress' -- Legalize Marijuana, Criminalize Tobacco
  12. Doomed: Half-Built Haleakala Telescope Before State Supreme Court
  13. UH Regents Consider 4%-5% Tuition Hike--Call it a Cut!
  14. State officials: Majority of Kaka'ako homeless are COFA migrants
  15. HCDA: Obama Center Land is a Pinata
  16. 60 Arrests, 15 Convictions: Naturally, Dead Criminal Was Represented by Politician
  17. Now That Rail Tax is Past Lege, New Lane for H-1 Westbound
  18. The case for an energy co-op on the Big Island
  19. Honolulu to Pay $17 Million to Resolve Air Violations at Landfill
  20. Questions surface about judges’ gift disclosures
  21. Pandering to Pandemonium: A Quack Moves to Maui
  22. Study: Honolulu a top city for young college grads
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 4156 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 11, 2015
  2. Powerwall or Powerdream?
  3. Merger Vote Comes up Short, Hawaiian Electric Extends Deadline
  4. State Planning Office Publishes 'Land Use System Review'
  5. Bicycle Friendly? Hawaii Ranks 43rd
  6. Caldwell: I will Make Kakaako a Homeless Tent City Unless Council Funds 'Positions'
  7. Luke, Tokuda on long quest to find hidden budget funds
  8. Unedited Video: Kenoi Lies Thru Teeth in April Fools Day Interview
  9. Obamacare State Exchange Disasters: Hawaii is the Worst
  10. With heavy lifting done, Kaiser wants in
  11. Costly consequences of Hawaii's 50-Year Old payroll technology
  12. State tax returns could be delayed 16 weeks, DoTax Racks up Overtime
  13. Bill Would Require State Worker Participation in Return to Work Programs
  14. Renewable? How Often Does Civil Beat need to repeat a lie to make it true?
  15. HEI Takes Aim at Takeover Group
  16. UH Manoa Boosts Graduation Rates by Cutting GPA Requirement
  17. Tuition hikes, belt tightening ahead for UH
  18. Latest UH Manoa Faculty Infighting Claims Scalp
  19. Maya Soetoro-Ng says Hawaii won’t be forgotten by The Obama
  20. Tesla's New Battery Doesn't Work That Well With Solar
  21. They gave their all to make sure we are safe'
  22. Criminal Not Grateful to Soft-on-Crime Judge
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Monday, May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:22 PM :: 3724 Views
  1. Draft DoI Rules Create Path for Fake Indian Tribe to Take Over DHHL
  2. Sacred? OHA Trustees Dream of "Millions or Billions" in Telescope Revenues
  3. Mandatory GMO food label not backed by science
  4. HB888 Deedy Bill Coming Back in 2016
  5. Best City to Start a Career? Its not Honolulu
  6. Telescope: "Conver$ation$ are Happening"
  7. Mauna Kea Telescope tied to Haleakala Case
  8. Kauai Mayor’s proposed budget tops $182M, HGEA Continues to Drain Reserves
  9. Who Will be Next HSTA President
  10. Did NextEra spy on Occupy Wall Street?
  11. Giant Offshore Windfarm Coming to Hawaii?
  12. Implementing the Community-Based Renewable Energy and the Green Infrastructure Loan Programs
  13. HB148-SB145: Make Crime Pay
  14. Some in HPD can't wait for body cams
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 3472 Views
  1. Laulima not A'ole: Restoring Our Roots
  2. Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 2)
  3. Court Challenge to Guam’s race-based plebiscite will go Forward
  4. OHA Gives Away $7.4M in Grants
  5. Women in Hawaii: Poverty and Opportunity
  6. Could Private Exchanges Save Health Care?
  7. Facts not Ideology
  8. Star-Adv: Let's Start Talking about Recreational Marijuana Now
  9. Ige Helped Write Legislation on HHSC, Health Connector
  10. Solar Shifts $53M in Costs to Others 
  11. BOE is considering a plan to make out-of-school suspensions a last resort
  12. Nago Designated At-Will Employee Subject to Post Election Review
  13. Shapiro: Drop Scheme to Build Obama 'Center' at Kakaako
  14. Lower property tax rates in Maui council budget proposal
  15. Bill 32 Reform 'Residential A' Tax Cliff 
  16. Truth-Challenged Anti-GMO Activists Hype Dust Damages
  17. Alleged victim speaks about game room attack
  18. Some Question Bag Ban
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Saturday, May 9, 2015
May 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 4284 Views
  1. DHHL 'No Advance Notice' as Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
  2. Tranny Birth Certificates: How They Voted
  3. Kaiser to Bid for Maui Hospital Partnership
  4. Health Connector to Shutdown, Transfer Technology to State
  5. Ethics Board: Kenoi still hasn't filed gift disclosures (Take Mayor to Japan, get a 'contract')
  6. 7 Top Hawai‘i Teachers on What It’s Like to Work in the State Department of Education
  7. Board eyes gay sex ed policy change
  8. Ernie Martin pushes to study utility options on Oahu
  9. Failed bills show anti-GMO movement has been wrong all along
  10. Anti-Agriculture 'Dust Damage' Verdict is End Result of Year of Anti-GMO Hype
  11. Revoking the TMT Permits Would Be a Huge Mistake
  12. Will Supreme Court Undo Hawaii Apportionment Commission?
  13. Medical marijuana dispensary law will face challenges
  14. Isles' autistic kids, families will benefit from Luke's Law
  15. UH: Up to 7% Tuition Hike Coming
  16. UH Manoa Administrators, Professors Play Retaliation Games in Media 
  17. Star-Adv: Don't Bust Prostitutes Any More
  18. Maui PD Identifies Hit and Run Diver
  19. Military-impacted schools striving toward accreditation
  20. Hawaii visitor spending drops 1.3 percent in first quarter
  21. Lawmakers approve construction of memorial for fallen officers
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Friday, May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 7179 Views
  1. Feds Grab for Rule-Making Authority over Hawaiian Homelands
  2. Hawaii, Alaska Independence Movement Requests Russian Support
  3. “We don’t follow laws, we make them”
  4. Heritage: Jones Act Reform Part of Seven-Point Plan for Economic Recovery
  5. How They Voted: HB321 Marijuana
  6. Death Taxes: How Does Hawaii Compare?
  7. CEOs Rank Hawaii 44th Worst for Business
  8. Feds try to get Kauai Protesters Arrested: "I want you to hit me"
  9. Borreca: Randy Perriera a Big Loser?
  10. City Ethics Commission investigating HPD chief
  11. Police Reforms Killed in Conference Committee
  12. Dozens of UH P-Card Users Rack up $100K-$200K Each
  13. Rail Will Use 122.4 GigaWatts of Electricity
  14. Telescope viewed as an opportunity for science education to some
  15. Telescope Protesters: "This court has no legal authority over me"
  16. Fear and Pseudoscience: Another Bogus Anti-GMO Pesticide Study Released
  17. $3-5M Needed to Legally Launch Marijuana 'Dispensary'
  18. Honolulu is worst in the U.S. for affordable housing for young adults
  19. Opponents say Okada Trucking case raised Hawaii construction costs
  20. After Launching TAT, Tourism Industry Now Surprised to See it 'Picking Their Pockets'
  21. Solar Scammers Game HEI Merger With Takeover Offer 
  22. Overpriced Tesla Home Batteries: Who Will be Suckered into Buying Them?
  23. City Needs to Manage Bike Lane Projects Better, Audit Says
  24. Mayor Wright theft eviction reversed
  25. Ex-Drug Court clerk pleads guilty to stealing $930 in gift cards
  26. Former probation officer pleads not guilty to theft
  27. Hawaii could be first to Ban Animal Circus Acts
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Thursday, May 7, 2015
May 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 4993 Views
  1. The Senate says 'yes' to marijuana and 'no' to anti-GMO protesters
  2. Hawaii State Senate Announces New Committee Chairs
  3. Rail: It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride
  4. OHA Telescope Neutrality: Do You Smell Something Fishy?
  5. Honolulu 86th Worst Small Business Environment
  6. Over 14,000 ballots cast in the 2015 Neighborhood Board elections -- Voting Open One More Week
  7. Rep. McDermott critical of new state budget for ignoring pressing needs at Campbell High School
  8. Kilauea Largest Source of SO2 Pollution in USA
  9. Ige says he is not sold on the need for a law extending the rail transit tax
  10. Job Trust Being Dismantled: Thanks to Perriera's Incompetence, 300 HGEA, UPW Members to be Laid Off at Hospitals
  11. Anti-GMO Crowd Ousted in Senate Shakeup
  12. Kouchi 'More Friendly to Development'
  13. Grant in Aid: Politicians Give Themselves Money
  14. How Will Kenoi Appointees Sabotage Ethics Investigation?
  15. Maui County Employee Uses PCard to Build Catering Business at Baseyard, County Covers it Up
  16. Arch of Hysteria Wanes: People Losing Interest in Telescope Protest
  17. Hardest Days of Fiery Testimony, Anger Over Federal Grab for Control of Hawaii Waters
  18. Council passes sit-lie bill over Objections of Activists Who Want to Keep the Homeless Homeless
  19. Homeless Parents Continue to Refuse Shelter, Keep Children on Streets
  20. Legislators Approve $80M Loan Guarantee for Hawaiian Electric
  21. Two Alternatives are Floated to replace HECO and NextEra
  22. Hawaii Second State to Dump Ethanol Mandate
  23. Maui County RFP for Electric Co-op Conversion
  24. Rail Construction Behind Massive West Oahu Traffic Jams
  25. City council unanimously approves Hoopili project in West Oahu
  26. Council Votes to Hike Taxes on Waikiki Businesses
  27. Hawaii Nursing Care Costs 4th Highest in USA
  28. Bungling State Destroys Yet Another Small Business
  29. Federal charges filed against Honolulu police officer after alleged beating (#1)
  30. HPD will fire officer accused of fondling girl during traffic stop (#2)
  31. Maui cop accused in hit and run (#3)
  32. Maui: Homosexual Child Molester Gets 10 Years
  33. Lawyer Tries to Knock Down Massage Parlor Charges
  34. King Street bike path design flaw creates handicap parking problems
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 5154 Views
  1. Rail Tax Hike: How They Voted
  2. HB321: Gamesmanship and Shenanigans
  3. Hawaii seed industry estimated at $159M--Down 14%
  4. Unanimous House Rejects HB888: Bill Would Have Prohibited Gun Owners from Drinking at Home
  5. Kim Out: Marijuana Last Straw as Senate Committee Chairs Overthrow President
  6. Advanced Industries? Hawaii at Bottom of Heap
  7. 12 Subpoenas: AG investigation into Kenoi heats up
  8. Dozens of Maui County Employees Implicated in P-Card Abuse
  9. Rail Tax Spotlight Shifts to Ige, Council
  10. Hundreds Rip Federal Scheme to Take Control of Hawaii Waters
  11. Still No Love for Public Interest Bills at Hawaii Legislature
  12. Legislature passes health exchange funding bill
  13. Maui moves closer to forming own utility
  14. Hawaii legislation sets 100 percent renewable energy goal for the state
  15. Tranny birth certificate bill passes
  16. HB1366 State to Buy Fancy $90M Office Building
  17. 2 former Waikiki Aquarium directors say facility is mismanaged
  18. Kenoi releases $438.8M budget seeking 30 new positions
  19. Lingle Joins Superstar Team Fixing Broken Democrat Illinois
  20. Schatz' Brother Scores Cush Gig at DoE--Tops $160K?
  21. Kakaako Camp Doubles: Homeless Watch Big Screen TV in Tent 
  22. 10 Years of airport viaduct homeless camp
  23. Organic Farmer Pesticide Poisons School full of Children on Big Island
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 4882 Views
  1. Thanks to HGEA, Hawaii 2nd Worst State for Nurses
  2. Slom: Hawaii Will Deplete Cash Reserves by 2021
  3. With Josh Green out of the Way, Lawmakers Advance Marijuana Bill for Final Reading
  4. Securities Fraud: Former Maui Mayoral Candidate Sentenced to 20 Years
  5. Former Oahu Probation Officer Charged with Theft, Forgery
  6. Public Comment Period Open on OHA Budget
  7. Senators Conspire to Oust Kim: Kouchi to be New Senate President?
  8. Council upset at having to approve tax increase for Rail
  9. Why So Little Information About City Council Meeting With Feds About Rail?
  10. Handi-Van chief replaced in shakeup of troubled service
  11. Perriera: HGEA Expects to be Paid $330M in Hospital partnership Deal
  12. Hawaii GOP Presidential Caucus Set for March 8, 2016
  13. OHA 'Useless Tools'
  14. Marijuana Bill: Big Increase in Dopers Expected
  15. Panos: Good Riddance to Ethanol Mandate
  16. HB1007 on Governor's Desk: Drivers Licenses for Illegals
  17. Care home measure is deferred
  18. Hawaii to Pilot Juvenile Justice Reform
  19. Housing Office: Council Members Play Games, Posture
  20. Ambulance units close temporarily due to staffing shortage
  21. Homeless Camp Catches Fire Under H-1
  22. Rich Luddites File Appeal Over Delayed Maui anti-GMO Moratorium
  23. Sources: 15 day Extension granted after UH Misses Deadline for response to NCAA allegations
  24. Big Island mayor’s campaign manager named Department of Aging director
  25. Caldwell Moots Plan to Make King Street Even More Difficult for Drivers
  26. Family of Wahiawa man who died in police jail cell seeks answers
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Monday, May 4, 2015
May 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 4725 Views
  1. Forgotten Honouliuli: Jack Burns, Police Spy
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 4, 2015
  3. Best States for Working Moms: Hawaii Ranks 31st
  4. Rigged: Kenoi to Appear before Useless and Pathetic Hawaii County Ethics Board Stacked with His Cronies
  5. Who is building rail?  Impossible to accurately assess potential influence peddling
  6. Hospital strategy is unite or fail
  7. Hawaii has legacy of aloha for science
  8. The Jones Act, the Cost of Living and the Search for the Truth
  9. Here’s One Doctor Who Isn’t Sold on Raising Legal Smoking Age to 21
  10. Media access bill falls
  11. Hawaii’s Preschool Open Doors Funding May Continue
  12. Admirable Activists
  13. Soft on Crime: Courts Find Way to Get Dope Dealer off Hook
  14. Feds Suggest Stranded Corinthian Students Transfer to Other Suspect For-Profit Schools
  15. Obama foundation to officially name Chicago home of Obama library May 12
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Sunday, May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:33 PM :: 4131 Views
  1. Hawaii Republican Convention Meets, Elects New Party Leaders
  2. HB888: Gun Owners May Not Drink at Home--Even with Gun Locked in Safe
  3. Full List: $28M Grants in Aid Funded in State Budget
  4. Whose Tax Is It, Anyway? (Part 1)
  5. NextEra: Legalized Tax Fraud
  6. Sacred? NYT Complains Telescopes Pay 'Little to no Rent'
  7. Telescope Protesters Ugly Words Demonizing
  8. Telescope: A matter of faith?
  9. Maui Hospital Partnership: The Hardest Part Still to Come
  10. State Tax System Becomes More Regressive as Rail Tax Extends, Income Tax Sunsets
  11. SB519 Vacation Rentals Report to Homeowners Associations, DoTax
  12. Cesspool conversion tax credit passes
  13. Rep Creagan Still Wants to Get Rid of UH Hilo Pharmacy School
  14. University Refers only 2% of Rape Complaints
  15. Kauai Homosexual Child Molester Dead After Portland Bust
  16. Hall of Mirrors: Tranny is Everywhere in Media
  17. Gloves Have Come Off in the War for Tobacco Tax Revenues
  18. Marijuana Retail Store bill not dead, Josh Green removed from Conference committee
  19. Newsflash: Marijuana Causes Global Warming
  20. Another Maui Mayoral Candidate Heads for Prison
  21. Kunia Camp Residents to Get Boot

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Saturday, May 2, 2015
May 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 3678 Views
  1. We stand to lose more than a telescope
  2. Conference Committee
  3. Jones Act Industry Lawyer Addresses Full Repeal Strawman
  4. JSC Seeks Applicants for First and Third Circuit Courts
  5. Survey: Hawaii Ranks #2 in Sleep Deprivation
  6. Conference Committee Approves .5% GE Tax Five Year Extension for Rail
  7. Plan to Retool Unfunded Liability Mandate Rejected
  8. Hawaii lawmakers poised to give $2M to Hawaii Health Connector
  9. Bills that would require Hawaii insurers to cover autism, orthodontics head for final vote
  10. Gay Agenda Fails: Bullying and a Place to Hide Your Kids
  11. Hawaii lawmakers may revive dead marijuana dispensaries bill
  12. Bill boosting distance from turbines OK'd
  13. Care Home Bill Fails to Advance Despite Pleas
  14. Effort to Cap Payday Loan Rates Dies After Maui Lawmakers Clash
  15. Winners and Losers in Conference
  16. Homelessness: Lack of Leadership from Ige
  17. Homelessness 'Shaping Hawaii Tourism Industry'
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Friday, May 1, 2015
May 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 6898 Views
  1. End the Bleeding of Aloha By Hobby Activism
  2. “The Indoctrination of our children” with Dr. Joe McIlhaney
  3. Tuna Monument: Rep Aumua Amata to Oversee Investigations of 'Insular Areas'
  4. Hawaii Republican Convention Set for May 2
  5. UPDATE: 84 Republicans Running for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
  6. KIUC: Solar Contractors Selling Systems Which Cost More than Electric Bill
  7. Safety? How Did Your Hospital Do?
  8. Turtle Bay Deal Announced
  9. While Pushing Rail, State Fails to Use $820M in Federal Highway Funds
  10. Now That Rail Tax Debate is Done, DoT Begins Opening New Lanes on H-1 Westbound
  11. Unconstitutional?  State skims millions off city’s rail tax
  12. OHA Trustees Re$cind Support for Telescope
  13. Anti-Telescope Activists Threaten HS Girl AGAIN
  14. Who Will Want to Partner with Hilo Hospital?
  15. HGEA Members Approve Contract
  16. Senators: Galuteria is a Tax Cheat, but he's good enough for us 
  17. UH Does it Again
  18. Kim Swears She Wasn't Seeking HTA Post
  19. Who Is Tesla’s Home Battery For?  -- Apparently only Hawaii
  20. Ethanol mandate nears end of road
  21. More Pressure on Homeless to Accept Shelter
  22. 61.6 Acres Left out of Turtle Bay Deal
  23. Obama library will be built in Chicago
  24. Tranny Birth Certificates and Sex Trafficking Pass Conference Committee
  25. Last day for medical marijuana dispensaries bill
  26. Persons with an exaggerated sense of self
  27. Bike Lane Unnecessary, and Confusing: Bicycle Accidents Begin
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