Entries for May 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012 |
May 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:28 PM :: 17694 Views
- The $123K Question: Is Hanabusa Looting Her Own Campaign?
- EPA VOG Plan Will Cap HECO Emissions, Boost Green Energy Scammers
- Hawaii’s Biotech Papayas Hold a Lesson for America
- NELHA Audit: 40 Years of Pork Without a Plan
- Korean Tourism? Hirono Claims Accomplishments of Others
- Case: Hawaii Democrats have “Wiped out an entire Generation of Leadership”
- Democrats to Sue to Block Thielen from Ballot
- Cayetano: Cabal of Labor Orgs Worried I’ll Win
- Ratepayers Will be Soaked to Pay for Billion Dollar Cable
- Federal agency seeks records of student abuse investigation
- Kahele: Let’s Build Nine Landfills
- Hawaii Mail carriers union official allegedly embezzles more than $80,000
- Honolulu's improving jobless rate is outmatched by other U.S. cities
- Omidyar Buys Youth Leaders
- Farmers fear papaya trees vandalism before harvest
- Crafty DLNR Proposal Ties Fate of Aquarium Collectors to Those Who Self-Righteously Attack them
- DLNR Seeks Mandatory Boater Safety Training
- John Carroll Bankruptcy, $800K Tax Lien Makes National News
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012 |
May 30, 3012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:00 PM :: 17527 Views
- Complete List of 2012 Gut and Replace Bills
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted May 29, 2012
- Abercrombie Releases CIP for School, Water Projects
- Obama Admin Asks Supreme Court to Reject DHHL Property Tax Challenge
- Hawaii Ranks 46th in Forclosures
- DoJ Details Admissions of Criminal Pfluegers
- CoR: Payments to Solar Scammers Drain Money from Collective Bargaining, Social Services
- Star-Adv: Senate Race Just Like 2002
- Retirees Banned from City Firehouses over Cayetano Endorsement
- Carlisle: Kill Rail And DC Will Never Take Honolulu Seriously Again
- 150 Join Lingle for Hilo HQ Opening
- Filing deadline nearing for November elections
- Case: Lazie Mazie Had Six Years to Solve China Visa Problem
- Hirono Talks Trash, Runs Home to Mommy
- Debate: Mufi’s HLTA Slips in ‘Republican’ Campaign Headed by Mufi Operative
- DiGeronimo for Congress: The Same, But Different
- TheBus Reductions
- Farmers Given Reprieve Again
- Matson to Hike Rates July 1
- Abercrombie Hacks Provide ‘Nonpartisan’ Analysis of Bills’ Financial Impact
- Taxpayers forced to Contribute $145K to Perpetual Candidates
- Honolulu reporters crossing over to PR and communications
- Ecos’ Psy-Ops to Brainwash Military Personnel, Families
- Panos Proposes Underpasses to Break Gridlock
- Big Island Police ‘Have Received a Lot of Information’ About Attack on GMO Papayas
- Eradication: Government War on the Environment
- Kona hospital under lockdown
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012 |
May 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:48 PM :: 11151 Views
- As Rail Project Begins Hawaii Loses Construction Jobs
- ABC Hawaii Chapter Blasts Abercrombie’s PLA Directive
- Djou: Honor Sacrifice Made in Afghanistan
- Retaliation: As Buyers Consider HMC Purchase, Abercrombie Steals Federal Funds for Care of Poor from Private Hospitals
- Hawaii Supreme Court Rushes to Issue Decisions Before Duffy’s June 4 Retirement
- HSTA Exec to Consider Releasing Turnout Data from Vote on Non-Existent Contract
- Higher TSA fees clear Senate committee
- Hawaii Scores Low on State Budget Transparency
- Manslaughter: Hawaii Democrats, Star-Adv Join Juggie in Death Wish
- Rail: Portland a Model for Honolulu?
- What Does the Mayor Plan To Do About Kawamoto?
- Heavy construction work is under way on development of Kawailoa Wind site
- Supreme Court won't review Hawaii police Taser use case
- US Spies on Ground in N Korea
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Monday, May 28, 2012 |
May 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:58 PM :: 11824 Views
- North Korea Prepares to Detonate Nuke
- Hirono Playing Not to Lose
- Dem Convention: "A Circus of Squabbling"
- Memorial Day
- Abercrombie: 'There Is A War On Our Basic Values' (And I’m leading it)
- Party of (D)ivision
- Dem Convention: Hirono joins with DoE/BoE/HSTA to Celebrate Furloughs
- Inouye Partisan at Shambolic Democrat Convention
- ILind: Criticism of tax incentives for sale of leasehold property to condo owners unfair
- HPD: Legal for Homosexual Teacher to Have Sex With 16-yr old Student
- PREL’s Latest Scam: Climate Change Brainwashing Samoan Teachers
- Hawaiian Pushes Forward With International Diversification Strategy
- Panos: The Ho'opili Traffic Impact Analysis Report is Unacceptable
- China Daily Hints at Retaliation for Solar Tariffs
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Sunday, May 27, 2012 |
May 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 17877 Views
- Another Attempt to Reestablish Estate Tax Awaits Approval
- Hawaii Doctors Paid Bonus to Dispense Codene
- Ed Case: I Was Born into Privilege, So What?
- Democrat Convention Slaps Down Abercrombie
- Star-Adv Argues that Rail is too Expensive to Stop
- Hawaii PEOs carry fight over restrictions to state labor officials
- UHM Prof: Take Profit out of Medicine
- 76 Companies Want to Develop Waste-to-Energy on Maui
- Blas claims he’s a Democrat but he’s registered Republican
- Amazing News: Alt Energy Project Cancelled—‘Not Cost Effective’
- North Korea May Detonate Nuke Tomorrow
- Green Energy Scammers Turn Eyes to Japan
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Saturday, May 26, 2012 |
May 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 14980 Views
Friday, May 25, 2012 |
May 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 18105 Views
Thursday, May 24, 2012 |
May 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 17238 Views
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 |
May 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:22 PM :: 24617 Views
- Email Chain Shows Hawaii Attorney General Foments Latest Round of Birtherism
- Oral Argument Preview: Can The Honolulu Rail EIS Be Segmented?
- Jones Act Reform Key Element of Guam's Economic Plan
- Abercrombie: Only Hawaii Union Contractors May Bid on State Jobs
- Akaka Bill: Rep. Cole speaks to community, business leaders in Kona
- Law of the Sea Treaty Transfers Trillions from US to Jamaica
- Caldwell Goes Wobbly, Urges Review of Rail Proposal
- Akaka Bill: Rep. Cole speaks to community, business leaders in Kona
- Lingle Endorses Bipartisan Startup 2.0 Act
- Crabbe Announces New Leadership Team at OHA
- Law of the Sea Treaty Transfers Trillions from US to Jamaica
- Cayetano’s Oahu Democrats Vote to Silence Inouye, Abercrombie, Akaka, Hirono, Hanabusa
- Case: Pathetic Mazie, There’s Just Nothing There
- 2nd vote ends on Hawaii teacher union contract, Strike Authorization
- Hirono Claims Jones Act Brings $4.7B into Hawaii
- Defense: Video Shows Agent ID'd Self, Then Was Attacked, Then Fired Fatal Shot
- Auto Thief Killed by Police Had 18 Convictions
- Hawaii Legislative Sausage Factory Rates 38th in Budget Process
- UH: Apple’s Salary Geared to Boost Greenwood’s?
- Ho'opili ruling delayed at developer's request
- MECO Rate Increase Approved to Pay for ‘Green’ Energy
- Puna Geothermal Drilling nearly finished
- End of Free Fares Drives Ridership Down 10%
- Honolulu City Council Rejects Pay Raises
- Waimanalo Gulch Landfill Extension
- Kauai County Raising Property Taxes
- Kawamoto’s Shoreline Violations
- Mystery deer surfacing on Hawaii’s Big Island pitting hunters against government officials
- Alaska sees surge in Japan tsunami debris
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 |
May 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 18879 Views
Monday, May 21, 2012 |
May 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 25282 Views
Sunday, May 20, 2012 |
May 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:40 PM :: 23176 Views
- After Receiving Contributions, Clayton Hee, Josh Green Push Bill Described as Sop to Pill Mills
- Solar Tariffs May Hurt Hoku, Topple Chinese Companies
- Djou: The Future of NATO
- Case Challenges Hirono After Oahu Democrats Cancel Debate
- Complete List of 2012 Hawaii School Graduation Dates
- VIDEO: Oahu infrastructure dilapidated, expensive to fix, Cayetano says
- Inouye, Akaka Will Try Again to Slip Akaka Bill into Appropriations Bill
- Lingle Pushes to Save Akaka Bill
- After Throttling Environmental Law, Will Abercrombie Pick UHM Environmental Law Prof for Supreme Court?
- Justice Reinvestment: Hawaii Attempted Murderer Sentenced to Life Gets Parole, Allegedly Sodomizes 60 year old Woman
- Profitable Non-Profits Seek Business Opportunities
- UH Regents Re-Elected
- NCAA Sanctions Threat Brings More UH Contracts for the Cronies
- Last Minute Race For Space Tourism Grant
- Hawaii Poses as Anti-Corruption Force, Joins Futile Effort to Squelch Free Speech
- 'Corpse flower,' Legislature giving off a similar stink
- Shortages of Flowers, Poi, Fish
- Kenoi Organizing Evacuation Drill to Hype Punatics into Anti-Geothermal Frenzy
- Supreme Court ruling offers some time relief in siting a new landfill, but the issue festers
- SA: Funding Needed to Overcome ‘Employer Bias’ Holding Back Long-term Unemployed
- Maui Misanthropes Meet on Your Dime
- Hawaii man accused in designer drug conspiracy
- Partial Solar Eclipse Begins at 2:03PM HST
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Saturday, May 19, 2012 |
May 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 13184 Views
Friday, May 18, 2012 |
May 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:26 PM :: 15834 Views
- Fact Check: Civil Beat lies about Djou's Afghanistan Combat Record
- Djou Files Papers to Run for Congress
- Supreme Court Continues to Grapple with Constitutionally Protected Native Hawaiian Practices
- Census Releases More Data About Hawaii
- After 10 Months, HSTA Finally Rests Labor Board Case
- Will State Bureaucracy Drive Away HMC Buyers?
- Judge Removes 30 Historic Sites from Rail Suit
- City gets FTA OK for site to build rail guideway pieces
- DHHL Funding on Shaky Ground Despite Supreme Court Ruling
- Why Don’t All DoE Schools Have Midterms?
- Hawaii Reporter Diminishes its journalistic status
- State runs short of funds for EV rebate
- Hawaii to feel effects of Chinese solar panel tariffs
- University of Hawaii Hires New Chancellor At $439,008 Per Year
- Leftists Pass out Cash
- Hawaiian snags $56M in bag fees
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Thursday, May 17, 2012 |
May 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 16775 Views
- SB2424: Veto the PEO Bill
- NOAA Reminds Hawaii -- Delicious Turtles Still Protected
- Akaka, Inouye Vote Against Obama Budget
- Insolvent Horizon refits old Jones Act ships in foreign shipyards
- Hanabusa Campaign Director Paid as Congressional Staff
- HMSA Execs Control Hirono Campaign
- VIDEO: Omidyar Operatives, Progressive Democrats Shift Focus to Electoral Issues
- First concrete pours for rail project underway
- No Rules in Place for DoE $10K ‘Incentive’ Bonus
- Gays Attack Manny Paquiao Because He Won’t Support Gay ‘Marriage’
- Blessing opens doors on Lingle headquarters
- HMSA Squeezes HPH on Health Care Costs
- Easy for Hawaii Legislators to Be Paid off by Private Interests
- Legislature: Congress Should Release Head Choppers, Bus Bombers
- Retired Hawaii County Prison Guard Allegedly Shot Woman, Threatened Family
- Acoba: Prosecutor Said ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ So Alleged Killer Gets New Trial
- Census: Hawaii population growing older faster
- Ex-St. Francis exec, Calif. firm offer to buy 2 Oahu hospitals
- DoE Teacher Hopes Principles Will Save Him from Evaluations
- Honolulu Elected, Appointed Executives In Line For July Pay Raises
- Hirono to Speak to Nutroots Nation in Rhode Island
- Sierra Club: Sustainability = No Electricity
- Foreclosures Down 68%
- Lottery Vendors Reveal Details Of Illegal Gambling Network Operating in Chinatown, Throughout Oahu
- Hawaii gets $74K from Skechers settlement
- Geothermal: Punatics Seek Relief Shelter to Escape Non-Existent Problem
- Green Party of Hawai‘i convention Saturday
- US's dolphin-safe tuna labels banned by court calling them 'unfair' to Mexico
- Hawaii to become first U.S. state to ban plastic bags at checkout in every county
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 |
May 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:17 PM :: 17060 Views
- Lingle Birthday to be Celebrated Statewide
- Enron Figures Buy Up Hawaii Windfarms
- Navy Biofuel Purchases Banned by House
- ACLU Sues to Force Prison Marriages on DPS
- Sen Wadsworth Yee Dies at 90
- Grabauskas: 10,000 Rail Jobs include Waitresses, Waiters, Cooks
- Rail Plan to ‘Redirect Busses’
- Shapiro: Independent Party Unlikely
- Two Supreme Court Justices vote for Absolute Right of Law Breaking
- Teacher: “Don’t Leave for Recess Until You Find Something to Protest”
- Pension Spiking Measures Await Gov's OK
- Espero Pushes Bill aimed to protect small businesses may do the opposite
- OHA revisits Makaweli Poi Mill Closure
- Autopsy Report Released in Death of "Hawaii Five-0" Driver
- Hawaii teachers to begin voting on rejected offer
- Lingle Has Most Campaign Staff
- Leftist Vets Group buys Ads for Tulsi Gabbard
- Firefighter retirees endorse Cayetano for mayor
- Yee Won Passage of Renters’ Tax Credit, Kept Magic Island as Park
- Army opens jobs in combat battalions at Schofield Barracks to women
- Justify the Unjustifiable: UH chancellor salary
- Law Of The Sea Treaty Is A Bad Deal For U.S.
- Ex-LA detective arrested in Hawaii in wife's death
- Kaiser profit dips on Influx of HMC Patients
- HMSA Profits Soar on Capture of EUTF, squeezing MDs
- Strong quarter lifts state pension fund by 8.3%
- Fitch raises Central Pacific Corp rating
- Creditors Committee wants NMI Pension bankruptcy case dismissed
- DOE Looking to Lease School Buses
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012 |
May 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 24339 Views
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission: U.S. Military, Military Families and Students Don't Count
- Hawaii Health Exchange Will Take Place of Your Insurer
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted May 14
- State DoH Loots $2M from Kona Water Bottler
- Lingle: Support S2134 for Military Working Dogs
- Supreme Court: Rights of Native Hawaiian Practitioners Not Absolute
- $12,482 dog run part of thousands of dollars in upgrades to governor’s residence
- I Aloha Molokai Candidate Challenges J Kalani ‘Powdernose’ English for Senate
- As Hemmings looms over Democratic Field, Abercrombie’s Wife Backs SD 25 Primary Challenger
- Hawaii Health Connector: HMSA Spent $27K Lobbying
- Hawaii Five-0 Teamsters Official Killed By Police
- Hawaii Movie, TV Drivers Have A Long History of Drugs and Violence
- Old Boy Crooks, Cronies Join Hirono Campaign Team
- FACT CHECK — Djou: I Accepted No PAC Money Last Quarter 100% True
- School library being eaten away by termites
- OHA Closing Poi Factory, Laying off Workers
- Private Hospital in Guam May Reduce Transfer of Patients to Hawaii
- Funding for Marines move to Guam on hold
- Quick growth of solar industry can lure entrepreneurs astray
- Feds Decide Thursday on Solar Tariffs
- New design unveiled for Hawaii's law enforcement memorial
- HB2681: DNLR Officers to Get Tasers?
- Convicted Felon, Thief Seeks $40K in Donations
- Cerberus Said to Seek $1.8 Billion Loan for Kyo-Ya Hawaii Resorts
- US Fish Stocks Hit Record Levels
- Hamakua Resident Roseanne Barr too Crazy for Green Party
- UH opponents get more money from taxpayers and students
- University of Hawaii Manoa Chancellor Hinshaw to get $287K sabbatical, $292K/year tenured med school professorship
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Monday, May 14, 2012 |
May 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:49 PM :: 22592 Views
- Declining Unions, Growing Churches Shape the Future of Hawaii Politics
- France, Flights, and Free Cars: A Peek into a $10B Jones Act 'Union'
- VIDEO: Molokai Voters' Guide to the Bizarre Rituals and Slippery Corridors of Hawaii Senate
- Marx Nails Mufi, Tulsi on Rail
- Court could erase map of new state legislative boundaries
- Big Cable Approval Sets off State Capitalist Feeding Frenzy
- Cayetano: I Cut Income Taxes
- PBN: 20.8% of Hawaii Workers Employed by Government – #7 in USA
- HB 1875 Will Likely Cause Complete Shutdown of Foreclosures in Hawaii
- Principals offered One-Time $10K merit bonus
- Makaweli Poi: Three Years of OHA Mismanagement Undo Generations of Cultural Tradition
- Kau Coffee: Resolute farmers and investors develop a fresh economy on acreage sugar left fallow
- ILind: Fears about bill amending sunshine law and public records law are overblown
- Honoring our fallen police officers this week
- UH graduates new doctors, hopes many will practice in the islands
- Kaiser reaches 3-year deal with 100,000 workers
- City’s Failure to Invest in Sewer Lines causes Four-Year Moratorium on new Construction
- SA: Give weekend ban at Kailua a chance
- Maui Raising Bus Fares?
- Time-share owners sue Diamond Resorts over fees
- LGBT Story: NovaLei Gonzalez, ‘I’m from Hawaii’
- DLNR Hosts Meetings on Kaunakakai Ferry Improvements
- Environmental groups collecting millions from federal agencies they sue, studies show
- Big Cable: WindFarm Scammers Push for Giant Transmission Project in Maine
- Fate of Bahamas OTEC Project Unknown
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Sunday, May 13, 2012 |
May 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:28 PM :: 19272 Views
- Hawaii Republicans Unite for Once-in-a-Generation Campaign
- VIDEO: Congressman Charles Djou addresses Hawaii Republicans
- A Lull Before the Storm, Taxpayers Should be Wary
- Lingle: Save Medicaid, Social Security
- Hidden Windfarm Subsidy: Taxpayers Fork Out $18,401 for Each Electric Car
- Kauai Smartmeter Contract: Mainland Contractor Beats Out Local Union Workers
- Fund to Reelect Incumbents: Profitable Non-Profits Score Megabucks
- Rural Hospital Loses Millions Every Year, But Has Waiting List for LTC Beds
- Star-Adv Launches Another Attack on Charter Schools
- UH Leftist Perfersser: Close Down E-W Center
- Kalaeloa suggested to house incoming Marines
- Website aimed at Cayetano is not being very nice itself
- Pflueger can't block access to water and land, court rules
- DHHL Dumps College Scholarship Program
- Waimea community helps select new principal of charter school
- West Hawaii accounts for two-thirds of property tax burden
- Windfarm Scammers Take Aim at Small Pacific Island Nations
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 |
May 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:34 PM :: 20500 Views
- Hawaii Republican Convention This Weekend
- Djou Campaign Kickoff Rally May 23
- Hirono's Mainland Special Interests: Follow the Money
- UHERO: Government Millstone is a Drag on Economy
- JSC Names Nominees for Supreme Court, 2nd Circuit
- Governor Makes Appointments to Public Safety Department and DHHL
- VIDEO: Chamber of Commerce Ad for Lingle
- Ceremony marks the return of 4,000 Schofield soldiers from Afghanistan
- Abercrombie: “Environmentalists Not Paying Attention, Ought to take a look at Themselves”
- Nobody Represents Consumers on Hawaii Health Connector
- Queen's may buy and reopen Hawaii Medical Center-West
- Smart Meters to Take Billions out of Your Pocket
- Maui, Kauai Rebel against Smart Meters
- Hawaiian Grabs 82% of Market, Jacks Up Inter-Island Rates
- OHA Orders Shutdown of Poi Mill
- “Support & Cooperation”: Abercrombie Gives Farmers Market 2 more Weeks to Get Out
- Abercrombie, Ouansafi Make Prison out of Public Housing
- Council Votes $325K to Settle Retaliation Lawsuit vs Carlisle
- New UH Chancellor To Be Paid 95K More Than Predecessor
- PBS Hawaii legislative wrap-up gives win to governor
- Businesses satisfied with 2012 session
- Peeping Police Officer Case Set For Trial Next Month
- Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs petitions for Hawaiian green turtle de-listing
- Maui Councilmembers Pay Out Thousands in Bonuses to Staffers
- Construction of $200M windward sewage tunnel gets the green light
- HC&S sours on sugar production, profits up
- Student helping hands LDS members serve through statewide clean-up day
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Friday, May 11, 2012 |
May 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 21301 Views
- Full Text: Final Briefs Filed in Reapportionment Case
- Hawaii Republican Convention This Weekend
- Fading Chances for Rail Funding to Pass Congress
- Hirono Attacks Chamber of Commerce
- Flags Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Chief Warrant Officer Don C. Viray
- Hundreds gather as an Army helicopter pilot killed in Afghanistan is laid to rest
- Hawaii’s Post-War Social Contract Has Collapsed
- PEW: Hawaii Social Mobility Average
- Tax Revenues Up 12.9%
- Dear Dan: Cayetano's Email to Inouye
- Council Votes Another $291M for Rail
- Grabauskas: Debt Ate 30% of Boston Transit Budget
- Is Peter Carlisle an Absentee Mayor or 'Doing the Business of the City'?
- Honolulu Bag Ban Benefits Halawa Manufacturer
- Ka Loko Figure Kusaka Co-Chairs Hannemann Campaign
- Oceanic Reveals Who’s Buying Political Ads
- Star-Adv: State Historic Preservation on Verge of Disaster
- Geothermal Pollution Claims Debunked
- HELCO gets OK for geothermal RFPs
- Omidyar’s Scribblers Launch Plan to Discredit Anti-Wind Activists
- Burlingame, Mizutani leave journalism
- Commerce, Justice, Science: Hirono, Hanabusa Vote ‘No’!
- 60 Minutes Preview: The Gulen Movement
- Mayor signs bill banning retail plastic bags
- Caldwell: “It is clear to me that the Governor is a Strong Supporter of this Rail Project”
- 57% of Governor’s Bills Passed
- Kona Volunteers Buy New Beds for Hospitals, Old ones ‘falling apart’
- Bio-Fool Plant May Get Started in Keaau
- Abercrombie: Secret volleyball idea at Waikiki Natatorium
- Battered by Sex Harassment Suits, Kauai County Politicos Launch New Department
- Kaiser settles with unions for nurses and other workers
- Postal Service plan would cut hours at 12 Hawaii post offices
- Sonar, Plastics: Enviros Re-Launch Hype Attacks
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Thursday, May 10, 2012 |
May 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:40 PM :: 14591 Views
- US Chamber of Commerce Endorses Lingle
- Bateman Announces Run for State House District Representing Kona, Kau
- Hawaii Superferries Renamed Guam, Puerto Rico
- 22% Proficient: Hawaii DoE Test Scores Reach Level of Alabama, Mississippi
- Hawaii Courts Among the Nation's Worst for Abused and Neglected Children
- VIDEO: Short Range Missile Killer Tested off Kauai
- Abercrombie questions status of rail
- Honolulu City Council Approves $450 Million in Commercial Paper to Strengthen Rail's Financial Plan
- Chamber aids Lingle with $275K in TV ads
- Oi: Thin-Skinned, Out of Touch Inouye Looses Cool, Feigns Offense
- HSTA Cancels Three Negotiating Sessions, Schedules Strike Vote
- Even Now HSTA’s Okabe Doesn’t Understand LBFO
- Honolulu Council Pushes Funds for Profitable Nonprofits
- Hawaii Supreme Court: State Must Fund Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands
- Hawaii Insurers Alone in Meeting Requirements of Obamacare
- Tourist count to climb to record 7.8M this year, but Economy Grows only 2.2%
- Attempted kidnapping suspect released from OCCC 8 days ago
- Hawaii's first prosecutor-directed cold case murder unit created on Kauai
- 10,000 Big Island Dopers Dumber than One Judge
- City Seeks 30 Unit Apartment Building as Homeless Transitional Housing
- Cabanilla, DelaCruz, Nishimoto: Deficient financial disclosure forms still on Ethics Commission website after two months
- Cashing In: Hawaii Candidates Stockpiling Campaign Cash
- Are Hawaii's Rules On How Political Parties Can Be Financed Effective?
- Hawaii Geothermal Energy Bills Aim To Reduce Oil Use, Energy Costs
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 |
May 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 PM :: 21583 Views
- Pay to Play Bus Dealer Selling Illegally in Hawaii?
- Lawsuit: OCCC Guards Slept Thru Ex-Guard's Prison Suicide
- HSTA Reelects Okabe President
- Abercrombie Releases $37.5M in Transportation CIP
- City to Build More Transitional Housing for Homeless
- Lanai Could Be Liberated from Windfarm: Hawaii Land Sale Part of Dole Restructuring
- US Chamber of Commerce to Run More Campaign Ads in Hawaii
- Inouye Exports Hawaii Democrat Money to Mainland
- DHS Decides to Continue Coverage for Artificial Limbs
- Danger Sign: Act 221 Scammers Enthused About State’s Proposed IT Policy
- Cayetano BRT to Feature Designated Bus Lane on King St or Beretania
- Leeward Students Not Fooled by Grabuskas
- State DOT holds meeting on major freeway work
- HART Puts 150,000 pages of Rail Documents online
- Maui: Broken-down buses and growing ridership collide
- Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders Continue to Flee Hawaii
- Homeless near Keaau Beach Park pack up again
- City Contracting: 6 years, $300K to Build Public Restroom in Park
- Kauai Budget: More Spending, Higher Property Taxes
- Theft and forgery by ex-police officer fetch fine of $2,500
- Greenwood: Socialism is Needed to Win War on Obesity
- Marianas Pension Fund Runs Dry June 15
- Luddite Harassment Suit vs GMO Farmer Transferred to Federal Court
- Solomon Behind OHA Settlement, Geothermal Push
- 1 in 20 isle homeowners late in paying mortgage
- Lawsuit: State Removed Residents of Board-Care Home After False Allegations
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012 |
May 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:55 PM :: 18252 Views
- Lingle to Host Luncheon for Native American Congressman Tom Cole
- Hawaii: Important NRA Instructor Liability Bill Awaits Governor’s Approval
- Marumoto: Mass Release of Prisoners not True Justice Reform
- Thielen: Landfill Cannot Legally be Located at Ameron
- State Releases Information Technology Proposal
- Census Bureau Releases 2010 Data on Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders
- Survey: Hawaii Failing Small Business Owners
- Big Cable ‘Surcharge’ Provides Automatic Rate Hikes to pay for Billion-Dollar Cable
- MDs Scramble to Find Cancer Drugs for Patients
- AP Article on Hawaii GOP Convention Full of Errors
- Maui Mayor: Critics Of Inouye "Completely Out Of Touch"
- Troubled Myron B Thompson Charter School Tied to Solar Tax Credit Contractor
- Teachers' ballot to cover strike: Re-Vote is ‘Insult to Our Intelligence’
- Teachers Hammer Contract Re-Vote: Are You Kidding? It is a Waste of Time
- Race for the Bottom: Education Secretary Arne Duncan Backs Gay Marriage
- Hawaii #5 in Farmers Markets per Capita
- 2012 Senate Race: Where’s the Money Coming From
- Haleakala Raises Questions About Inouye’s Behind-the-scenes Wheeling Dealing
- SB2858 Administration Headed Away from Open Information
- Liberal Women’s Group Gives Hawaii a ‘B’ for Support of Working Families
- Bank of America starts offering mortgage principal reductions
- HB1755 Voter Registration On Line
- Are There Rules Governing How Political Parties in Hawaii Raise Money?
- Shooting suspect needs protection, lawyer tells judge
- Sewer Line Floats to Surface of Ala Wai Canal: City Says, Don’t Worry, We’re building a Railroad
- Tax Increase in Maui County Budget
- Maui council members issue bonuses worth $46K to 17 staffers
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Monday, May 7, 2012 |
May 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:11 PM :: 15881 Views
- DoH Explains How Taxpayers Fund Gabbards’ Song and Dance Routine
- Federal Suit Threatened: UH-Hilo Violates Rights of Religious Student Groups
- VIDEO: Molokai Mocks Senators who vote 'With Reservations'
- Hawaii Nurse Elected International VP of Union Nurses Council
- Hawaii a 'Harbinger' as Insurers Give up on Long Term Care
- Death on the Job -- Hawaii Ranks 20th
- Calvin Say Refuses House Override Vote to Block Tricare Tax
- HB1967: Conciliation alternative to medical suits
- Hirono Apologizes for not Being Gay
- Who's Giving Big Bucks to Our Senate Candidates?
- ‘Grease Magnate’ Coming to Neil’s Birthday Party?
- Inouye Adopts Alaska Sen Begich
- ACT 51 Weighted Student Formula Robs Small Rural Schools
- DoE, FACE Team up for ‘Community Organizing’
- Honolulu 240 Ethics Complaints in Three Years
- NYT Praises Hawaii’s Pedophile Law—Doesn’t Mention State Exempted Itself
- Feds: Historic Preservation Division Still Falling Short
- Breiner Endorses Takata for Prosecutor
- VA Investigates Punchbowl Marker Relocations
- Hawaii Insurance Company Filings Not Available online
- AG Sues Bogus Online College
- VIDEO: Drowning off Kalapana, diver had to be taken to Pohoiki first
- Castle out of Debt, Beginning Open Heart Surgery
- Depakote: Lawyers Split $100M Settlement with 45 States, Hawaii Gets $1.2M
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Sunday, May 6, 2012 |
May 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:44 PM :: 14008 Views
- SEC Report: ML&P on Verge of Bankruptcy
- Bankrupt Marianas Islands Pension Fund Advisor Vanishes
- Asking for More by Limiting Deductions
- SA: List of How major bills fared at the Capitol
- VIDEO: Gov. Cayetano: Honolulu mayoral campaign getting nasty
- Borreca: Democratic State Convention “Going to be a Hotbed of Insurrection”
- Rail Finances Take $244.7M from TheBus
- Abercrombie Alienates Labor, Environmentalists, Progressives
- Survey: Vast Majority Agree Legislature, Inouye Out of Touch, Failing
- Civil Beat Poll: Questionnaire, Toplines and Crosstabs — April 2012
- Public benefits offered by developers are often met with doubts
- US Trustee wants Marianas Pension Fund bankruptcy case dismissed
- Hawaii Case Leads Supreme Court to Review Police Use of Stun Guns
- How to Maintain Competitiveness in Tourism
- Financial Advisor: Hawaii Working Class Families Having Difficulty with Gas, Food, Insurance, Housing
- Hawaii Island Democrats Vote to back Geothermal
- AG Targets Property Owner After Third Gambling Bust
- Change 1: Yukimura: Koloa Tenants ‘Ready to Change’
- Change 2: Journey back to Manzanar
- Change 3: Obama’s Gitmo Trial: "They're engaging in jihad in a courtroom"
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Saturday, May 5, 2012 |
May 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:55 PM :: 19365 Views
- Considering a Run for Office? Free Candidate Training in Hawaii
- Hawaii Falls Short, May Still Lose RTTT Money: Hirono, Hanabusa Pleased
- Statement from Gov. Linda Lingle on the Legacy of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative
- Rep. Kymberly Pine Pulls Papers Today to Run for City Council
- Full Text: Supreme Court Ruling Allows Waimanalo Gulch to Remain Open
- DBEDT: April, 2012 Monthly Energy Report
- Senate Democrats: Highlights of 2012 Legislative Session
- Rail Contractors Demand Ben Cayetano Stop Telling the Truth about Inouye and his Cronies
- Meheula: Archaeological Studies Would Put Federal Rail Funding At Risk
- Case: Hirono Hurt Hawaii Farmers With Vote Against Free Trade With S Korea
- Hirono’s past actions don’t show support for kupuna
- Mitt Romney's run for president brings church into the spotlight
- Takata Challenges Kaneshiro for Prosecutor
- Hawaii County Police Refused to Arrest Escaped Coke Dealer
- Feds Indict HPD Narcotics Officer for Revealing Identity of Undercover Officer
- Lawsuit: Fire captain's statements About Woman’s Death led to retaliation
- Are Alleged Lottery Operators Eligible For Welfare, Public Housing?
- Missouri AG sues files suit over school band trip to Hawaii
- This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—May 5
- Maui Electric Bills Going Up Another 1.5%
- Lack of inspectors delays the approval of PV systems
- Construction subcontractors can’t withstand prolonged downturn
- Poll: Do Hawaiians Get Enough Benefits?
- Gun toting resident fights, captures attempted murder suspect
- Abercrombie Appoints Socialist Propagandist as ‘Poet Laureate’
- Big Square Building: Legislators Leave, Occupy Arrives
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Friday, May 4, 2012 |
May 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:20 PM :: 15579 Views
- Abercrombie: Re-Vote on HSTA Contract Has No Legal Standing
- Abercrombie Cheers Big Cable, Release of Criminals
- House Republicans reclaim the legacy of "Teddy" Roosevelt
- Marcus Oshiro: ‘Top Ten Reasons’ to Pass Supplemental Budget
- Mass Release of Hardened Career Criminals Will Begin this Summer
- Repeat Contract Rejection by HSTA Members Will Likely Lead to Strike
- Teachers Angered by Re-Vote, Prepare to Strike
- Vote Count For New HSTA Prez on Saturday
- Legislature Votes to Burn $14.4B
- Senate passes bill authorizing the state to establish regulations for an undersea power cable
- Stabbed in the Back by Sens English and Baker, Molokai and Lanai Wind Opponents Prepare for “Long Road”
- Environmental exemptions for geothermal energy near final approval
- House Kills Transit-Oriented Development Bill
- Tax Tricare? Senate Unanimously Overrides Abercrombie Veto of GET Exemption
- Cayetano Doubles Down: Calls Inouye Uninformed, Out of Touch
- Cayetano Pummels Caldwell, Carlisle Until They Run Out of Questions
- Charter School Accountability, DoE to get a Slice of Pre-K Education
- Go Topless Day Leads to New Speech Regulations
- CB Poll 66% Want to Die but Won’t do it Themselves
- Abercrombie’s OIP Director Insults Open Government Advocates
- Speaker: Thielen is ‘Out of Order’
- Marumoto Wins Funding for Snake Inspection Program
- Nene Transfer Averages $28K per Goose
- Public Housing Tenants Score $500K Settlement
- Insurance Commissioner's Financial Disclosures are Confidential
- First Wind files $15M permit for Hawaii wind farm
- Tax Subsidized Solar Buyers Not Interested in Cheaper Product
- Band Deposits Gambled Away in Vegas
- New graduates face challenging job market
- The Top 10 Facts About Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
- Drugmakers’ Deal With Obama Said to Be Probed by House
- Punatics, SPACE Cadets Fight over land Use Violations by HICCUP Circus
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Thursday, May 3, 2012 |
May 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:39 PM :: 17662 Views
- As Legislative Session Ends, HSTA Suddenly Decides to Re-Vote Rejected Contract
- Legislative Wrapup: Victories for Life, Family and Religious Freedom
- Hawaii Churches Win Some Protection Against Forced Civil Unions
- SB2785: Ratepayers will Foot Bill for Billion Dollar Cable
- Ethics, Foreclosures, and Workers Comp: House Republicans Speak Out
- 'Dereliction of Duty' -- Hirono Misses Student Loan Vote for Campaign Event
- GAO Details Progress in Jones Act Study Requested by Puerto Rico Congressional Delegate
- Reject SB2776: Beth and Duane ‘Dog' Chapman Open Letter to Legislators
- Cayetano to Inouye Followers: What are you guys? Potted plants?
- One Year Later: DoE Moribund, Evaluation Bill failed
- CEOs: Hawaii is the 41st Best State for Business 2012
- Lawmakers: Send Tourists to the Moon
- SB2434: Last Minute Effort to Push Insurers off Healthcare Exchange Board
- Development, Big Cable: More Polling Results
- AARP Backs Star-Adv Effort to Keep Monopoly on Profitable Legal Notices
- Landfill selection process under scrutiny
- Having a Baby? Go to Kona -- Kamuela, Hilo Maternity Wards Overflowing
- Traffic fines go to myriad special funds held by state
- PUC Opens Docket for Big Isle Geothermal Plant
- Another Hearing Officer in UH Telescope Case Resigns Amid Conflict Controversy
- Luddites Plan Further Litigation against Fish Farm
- Guam Base Location not to be Finalized til 2015
- Tesoro's profitable quarter gets boost from Hawaii refinery
- Teamsters Shake Down Movie Producers Back East, Too
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 |
May 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:38 PM :: 13735 Views
- Reps Fontiane, Pine Cheer Passage of Cyber-Crime Package
- Thielen Makes Final Push for Local Food Production Mandate
- As Final Vote Approaches, Molokai Launches Petition to Stop Big Cable
- HB280: Strangled by Bureaucracy, Coffee Farmers Call for Repeal of Mandatory Inspections
- CB Poll: Non-Voters Oppose Gay Agenda
- Senate resurrects undersea cable bill
- Transit-Oriented Development to be Voted Thursday
- Hawaii Medicaid fee fix up for a final vote
- Video: Secret Amendment Creates Public Land Development Corporation
- SB2115 Charter School Accountability to Be Voted Thursday
- Teacher: Interference, Retaliation by Principals Prevents Improvement in Student Achievement
- No Bus Cuts for Elementary Kids?
- Job cuts will not affect adult education services, schools superintendent says
- DOE tries to crack down on employee theft
- HB2175: Restricting OIP Passes House, Heads for Governor’s Desk
- Kona airport, Palamanui campus and NELHA get big CIPs Nearly $50.4M for West Hawaii projects from Legislature
- Services for soldier killed in Black Hawk crash will be May 10
- Cash Call! Fundraisers for Sens. Baker, Ige During Session
- Free Speech protocol required by a court order 10 years ago is moving through the Council
- Occupy Moron Arrested Disrupting Lei Day Ceremonies at Kapiolani Park Bandstand
- State crews clear out homeless camps under Nimitz highway
- Federal Raid Targeting 'Queens of Lottery', Chinatown Gambling Ring
- Star-Advertiser’s print circulation grows by 6%
- Larger newspapers to lose monopoly on publication of foreclosure notices
- Newt Gingrich ends his presidential campaign
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012 |
May 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:26 PM :: 20936 Views
- Hawaii Family Forum Wins Right to Intervene in Gay Marriage Case
- Hanabusa, Pflueger, Thugs Fail in Effort to Drive Family off Kauai Kuleana Plot, Intimidate Lawyer
- Activist, Videographer Assaulted by Hanabusa’s Senate Security
- Hirono Misses Vote on Student Loan Reduction Goes to Campaign Fundraiser Instead
- Insurers Will Remain on Board of Hawaii Health Connector after Roz Baker Blocks Reform
- Democrats ‘Just don’t know who is going to vote’ in Primary
- Poll Voting, Cynicism Inversely Proportional
- Cost of Borrowing Could Rise: Non-Profits Score $11.6M, HMC Gets $80M in Bonds, Hurricane, Rainy Day Funds Gets Nothing
- Act 48: Legislators to vote on HB1875 foreclosure reform bill
- Ige Disappointed at Failure to Give Tax Credits to Billionaire Hollywood Movie Moguls
- Kobayashi Loses Vote on Restrictions of $450M Rail Line of Credit
- Cash Call! Sen. Kim Holds Fundraiser During Session
- UHM Ed Perfesser: Give Up or The Keiki Will be ‘hurt’ in “Most Destructive War’ over ‘Inane, Manini’ RTTT Grant
- Former school secretary charged with theft
- Land Use undermines Swapmeet? First Haleiwa, next Aloha Stadium
- Kollar Challenges Kauai Prosecutor over Unsolved Homicides
- Head of Honolulu Air Traffic Control Retires After near-miss Hidden from FAA
- City Council committee considers bills to strengthen disclosure requirements, training
- Bill aims to amend tax incentive for historic homes
- Luddites Crushed as Federal Judge Allows Fish Farming in Federal Waters
- Labeling law and voluntary certification would help isle coffee growers
- Guam: 2000 Marines to be Stationed, 3000 to Rotate
- Hawaii Family Rescuing Child Trafficked Victims in Thailand Gives an Update on Their Mission Work
- 1838 Hawaiian bible & map highlight antique collection
- Occupy Activists Arrested in Plot to Blow Up Bridge
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012 |
May, 2012 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:24 AM :: 8414 Views
From Mililani: A Better Vision than Rail
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