Entries for May 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 |
May 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:03 PM :: 10830 Views
- HB838: Reapportionment Funds Held up by Abercrombie
- Public gathers at Schofield Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony
- Kalapa: State Limits on Tax Deductions will Hurt Non-Profit Sector
- Duckworth not considering run for Hawaii posts
- Hanabusa holds 3rd DC Lobbyist Fundraiser of Year
- Hanabusa still hasn’t Moved into District
- BoE to conduct every kind of Audit—EXCEPT the Financial one
- Filling Up the General Fund: HVCB market blitz targets 3 cities
- Medical home model Improves patient care
- The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan: Easier Eligibility Standards for Hawaii Residents
- Senators Question Guam Base Plan
- Hawaii may become only state where injuring or killing someone while driving without License is not a Felony
- Act 221 Scammers still pushing Lanai Windfarm
- What You Won't Learn From Honolulu Council Financial Disclosure Forms
- Council Devises Escape Hatch for Recycling Subsidy
- City might permit fireworks storage
- Fake CO2 readings keep going up as atmosphere cools
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Monday, May 30, 2011 |
May 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:02 PM :: 12086 Views
- Ronald Reagan, Memorial Day 1986: “They chose to reject the fashionable skepticism of their time”
- Abercrombie’s Tough Deal: Penny-pinching Governor demands Control over decision to “Extend Life”
- Molokai Anti-Wind Group Forms
- Memorial Day Events:
- Only 12 remaining Hawaii WW2 Vets of 442nd
- Molokai Veterans Group Comes a Long Way
- Hirono finally shows up in Hawaii to do interviews
- DOE to tighten tenure rules: School administrators undergo "employee termination training" (but they aren’t actually going to fire anyone)
- OHA awards $4.3M for education, health and income
- Maui Man escapes, so soft-on-crime Judge Lets him out of Prison
- High cost of Nursing Home Care produces Surplus of LTC Beds
- Hawaii Gov. Abercrombie intends to veto redundant measure extending stimulus oversight
- No Wind on Molokai (Literally)
- HC&S: Sugar ‘at the top,’ can anything knock it off?
- Ex-Maui officer, once called a hero, pleads guilty in theft, sex extortion
- Costs force MEO out of senior chore service
- Kauai Property Tax Appeals up 35%
- Fences protect 8,000 acres of Kaua‘i wilderness
- Enviros Panic as Huge new Oil Field opens up in Texas
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Sunday, May 29, 2011 |
May 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:16 PM :: 11091 Views
- Hawaii Family Forum: Religious Freedom takes a Beating in Legislature
- Israel Day Hawaii Celebration May 29
- Rep Gene Ward plans for July 4th Maunalua Bay
- OHA behind effort to block Hydro on Kauai
- HPD Chief Replaces APEC Coordinator Months Before Event
- Star-Advertiser calls for Abercrombie to sign Charter School Ethics Bill
- Star-Advertiser: Hawaii well poised to offer an alternative to the Wisconsin model of dealing with public sector unions (Raise taxes $600M and give the unions 9 paid days off)
- Law's delay halts foreclosures until Oct 1
- Hawaii public schools set goal of serving more food cooked from scratch in cafeterias
- BYU officials defend hotel proposal
- Hawaiian stilts make comeback in former Homeless Tent City
- Pair circling isle on foot to help combat meth use
- High-tech meters to drive new system
- Feds slow to fund Alii Drive repairs
- For 55 years, a Hawaii man has fulfilled a promise to tend the grave of his friend's brother
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Saturday, May 28, 2011 |
May 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 15137 Views
- Complete list of Neighborhood Board Election Results
- Berg: Support needed for Community Benefits Bills on Council Agenda
- Association of Alternative Newsweeklies protests subpoena of Maui Time online Commenters’ IDs
- Hawaii Workers Comp Fails Workers and Doctors—but Lawyers are given a “Raft of Protocols”
- VA, Pentagon to combine Electronic Health Records
- Homeless leave Waianae, move Downtown
- WW2 Memorial Needs Paint, Abercrombie Admin blames Lingle
- Hawaii spends $12,399 per student: DoE blames HECO for poor Student Performance
- New 3 yr Mainland Prison Contract Overdue
- Hunters hit back at DLNR “Propaganda”: No Axis deer on Big Isle
- Interest in electric vehicles high in Hawaii: Honolulu creates an online permitting system for home charging stations
- Dismissal sought in Kaho'ohalahala residency dispute
- Maui: Ex-police officer pleads guilty in theft and sex assault cases
- Hawaii County Cost of Gov’t Commission focuses on How to extract more money from Residents
- County programs serving few a burden to taxpayers
- Bicyclists protest Waialae road plan
- Hawaii Puppy Mill Faces 153 Animal Cruelty Counts
- Lawmakers from Both Sides Rally for Housing Counseling Funding
- Akaka votes to Bankrupt Medicare
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Friday, May 27, 2011 |
May 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:48 PM :: 14105 Views
- Naming names: Who are the alleged Sovereignty-mortgage scammers?
- Maui Victims of Sovereignty Mortgage Scammers may lose home
- Study: Hawaii Drivers rank 50th in Driving Skills
- $600 million in New Taxes
- Hawaii Government agencies are tops in DC lobbying
- Tulsi Gabbard announces Democratic campaign for CD2
- DLNR to step up enforcement against Fishermen
- Abercrombie on CoR: No plans to call for Special Session
- Attorney: Seizure of Molokai Ranch for Windfarm may be illegal
- 189 Properties in Rail’s Path: Myths about Eminent Domain
- Gov. Ariyoshi Schools Abercrombie on how to balance a Budget
- State to sell piles of junk to fill General Fund
- Obamacare: Medicaid cuts will cost Hawaii $150 million over two years
- County Mayors Meet With Governor Over Contract Talks
- Abercrombie: Special Session Unlikely, Revenues Forecast Unchanged
- Hawaii Gov. Abercrombie signs extension of 5 percent pay cut for state leaders
- Did Hawaii Do Enough To Fix Public Pensions?
- Maui land sought for geothermal power plant
- Sovereignty Activists indicted for Stealing from Hawaiians (once again)
- Rep Herkes defends ACT 48 Foreclosure Reform
- For Tulsi Gabbard, Serving Hawaii Means Leaving City Council Early
- HPD Officer's Sentencing Delayed
- UH students tell City Council about bike route disconnections
- Hawaii health department reopens food plant
- Queen Liliuokalani School Closes Its Doors
- WSJ: Hawaii Hotel Sues Marriott
- Lahaina museum to be featured in film on China’s 1911 Revolution
- Akaka reintroduces bill to reunite Filipino World War II veterans and their children
- Honolulu Mayor Advances Plan to Demolish Waikiki Natatorium
- Spike in rat lungworm reported
- HNN: Bu La`ia: The Legend Continues
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Thursday, May 26, 2011 |
May 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 17224 Views
- Test of Shield Law? Maui PD subpoenas ID of online commenter who threatened Cop
- Brookings: Muslims expel reformer from Manoa mosque, claim Arabs discovered Hawaii
- Gallup: Hawaii residents are Least-Stressed in US
- VIDEO: Fontaine Factor Discusses Domestic Violence in Hawaii
- After raising taxes on poor, Abercrombie announces $13M Crony Capitalist Giveaway
- UH Hilo to be home to NASA International Lunar Research Park
- Akaka, Inouye join in unanimous Senate rejection of Obama Budget
- VIDEO: Ryan: Obama, Dems "Shamelessly Distort And Demagogue Medicare"
- VIDEO: Joe Klein: NY-26 Was A "Victory For Socialism"
- Everyone Holding Breath for State COR Numbers
- Clayton Hee corrects years of lies on Ethics Statements: SA blogs about it
- Abercrombie still trying to balance budget on backs of Seniors
- Abercrombie’s Corporate Welfare goes to OHIO???
- Bill to alter homes tax exemption advances
- Research facility at UH-Hilo would test gear for lunar work
- 10 yr sentence for Filipino who liberated nearly $300K from Democrat Operatives Meheula, Winer
- Clownish Hawaii Democrat Media Begins Running Free Campaign Propaganda for Hirono
- APEC Calls for Seamless Free Trade across Pacific
- Former Big Island Mayor Yamashiro Will Be Remembered as ‘Best Mayor’ and ‘Loyal Friend and Mentor’
- Civil Beat Gets it Wrong on Democrat Money flooding into Hawaii 2010 Campaigns
- Goodwin Liu withdraws appeals court nomination
- After Abercrombie wrecks Budget, Aoki blames Lingle
- State partners with NASA to work on space exploration at UH Hilo
- Obama gives Abercrombie $13M to reward Cronies
- Incentive reduced for solar water heating program
- Kauai Council approves $269M budget—25% increase; Rapozo casts lone ‘nay’ vote
- The Kama’aina Pumping Scandal Remains Scandalous
- CB: For Filipinos, Politics Is More Than Just Numbers
- Anti-Bullying Program introduces “Transgender Clownfish” to Elementary School Students
- Hawaii Doesn't Require Lost Gun Reports
- 'Speedy Trial' Violations Rare in Hawaii
- Alleged Scam Psychiatrist came to Hawaii after losing MD license in Colorado
- Tesoro Buys Libyan Rebel Crude for Hawaii Refinery
- Hawaii heat source debated
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Thursday, May 26, 2011 |
May, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:30 AM :: 7930 Views
Playing Politics: Kapolei Neighborhood Board Rejects $500K Community Benefit Package
Berg: Allow Mobile Home Parks to provide Affordable Housing?
Judiciary to Host new Divorce Law Seminar
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011 |
May 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:27 PM :: 17317 Views
- Abercrombie’s Medical Homes: Global Budget to control your Healthcare
- Only 53% of House Seats change hands in 7 years
- WSJ: An Anti-Israel President: The president's peace proposal is a formula for war
- WT: Obama’s next war -- President’s ill-considered Islamist backing puts Israel in the cross hairs
- 4 Schofield soldiers killed in Afghanistan bomb attack
- Inouye, Akaka stab Hawaii in back: Call for delay in South Korea Free Trade Pact
- Senator Hee amends latest financial disclosure, questions remain
- DePledge: Nobody cares about Residency
- Rail Math Just Doesn’t Add Up
- Shapiro: Public should win tug of war over control of rail authority
- Will current controversies change public opinion on rail?
- Critics: HPD Chief Isolated, Too Close To Union
- Father says son found gun at Oahu middle school
- Is Restricting Freedom of Movement a Healthcare Solution?
- Filipinos Overtake Japanese As Top Hawaii Group
- Hawaii can play a leading role in America's quest to explore and colonize space
- $2.6M for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- Hawaii Co Water rates hiked 18%
- Kauai to Regulate Peddlers in Parks
- Robber Baron will not Represent Molokai
- Hawaii Consumers #3 in Credit Card Debt
- Council pursues Obama's library
- Shakedown Fails for Now: Telescope foes lose bid for legal fees
- OHA To publish How To guide for Shakedown Artists
- Argentina: Hawaii doctor nabbed for Medicare billing fraud
- Hawaii woman accused in $50 million Chinese company fraud
- United States for Travel Freedom Caucus Plans to Stop TSA ‘Abuses’
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011 |
May 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:03 PM :: 12978 Views
- Hirono launches Campaign by misleading public on education reform, clean energy
- DoD raises Worldwide Force Protection Condition to Bravo
- Abercrombie first few months: Anger, secrecy, waffling, and the birther distraction
- AARP: Pension Tax flawed, would balance budget on backs of Seniors
- Inouye to Micros: Get Lost
- Progressives Continue to Obsess over Redistricting
- Hawaii Finance Director: Moody’s GO Bond Downgrade Will Cost Hawaii Taxpayers
- Parents Fume over DoE Response to Campus Shooting
- Child Abuser heads Small DoE Charter School
- Legislation seeks to shed light on operations and spending as DoE Starves Charters of Funding
- Rail Supporters spread Conspiracy Theories about Lawsuit
- SA: Kalihi rentals revamp right way to go
- PVT Launches Waste-to-Energy to power 12,000 homes
- KIUC Sets meeting for Luddites to Destroy Hydropower proposal
- Queen’s MD: Stressed Caregivers abandon Elderly at Emergency Room
- Guam Vets: "For major surgery we would much rather go to the Philippines than Hawaii"
- Hawaii Planned Parenthood Celebrates Teen Pregnancy by demanding more taxpayer dollars for Abortion Mill
- 911 tape for Fireworks blast reveals disdain
- Maui Charter panel eyes voting powers of County Council
- Hawaii's Best High School: Mililani High School
- Native Hawaiian educational programs to receive more than $41M in federal funding
- Charges against HPD officers dismissed
- National Veterans Golden Age Games are coming to Hawaii this week for the first time in 25 years
- Noreen Yamane new chancellor of Hawaii Community College
- UH Manoa: Feral Cat Count In Progress (Your tax dollars at work)
- Why is America the 'no-vacation nation'?
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Monday, May 23, 2011 |
May 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:16 PM :: 12310 Views
- Bloody Primary: Hirono vs Case vs Hanabusa for Senate?
- Aiona vs. Hannemann for CD2?
- Federal Law Enforcement Foundation: Hawaii Muslims not sanctioned to use our name
- Gulen Cult strikes out in Hawaii Legislature, School?
- Hawaii PUC Stats show Windfarms cause Blackouts
- DoTax still has no explanation for sudden discovery of $134M
- Gov. Tim Pawlenty announces Presidential Campaign
- Larry Mehau associate John Carroll to run for US Senate as Libertarian
- Study: Humans Wiped Out Land Crabs 1000 yrs ago In Hawaii (they were delicious)
- Abercrombie to Democrats: We’re running out of time to Survive
- Abercrombie signs measure for SHORTER school day (180-day law killed)
- Abercrombie teams up with Karl Rove against AARP
- State Auditor Attacks Successful Charter School
- Small Charter Schools kept on Life Support by KSBE in order to use up all the Charters
- Highlands Intermediate student in police custody following gunshot on campus
- Progressive Democrats begin to panic over Reapportionment
- UH Manoa Ethnic Studies Fraudsters: APEC meeting a chance to promote 'Value of Hawaii'
- SA to Council: Allow rail authority to do its job
- ILind: Foreclosure Law will allow Condo Fee Deadbeats free ride
- Odds Against Entrepreneurship In Hawaii
- Hawaii technology office on course for creation
- Groups call on students to challenge themselves
- Special report: youth gangs in Hawaii
- US Wind Installations Dropping Sharply
- Korean TV show a boon for tourism
- Tonga: Hawaiian Kingdom visa scheme is a scam
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Sunday, May 22, 2011 |
May 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:30 PM :: 15947 Views
- VOTING EXTENDED: SATURDAY was last day to vote for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels not running for President
- Candidates sought for Hawaii County seat on UH Board of Regents
- Reapportionment: Democrats don’t want to count Military Personnel, do want to count Felons
- Business owner and Consultant? Clayton Hee’s False Ethics Reports
- Maui News Who do you expect to be the Republican nominee in the 2012 presidential race?
- No Audit of the DoE, but State Auditing Charter Schools
- Failing Molokai School converts to Charter, now succeeds. Teachers work longer day get paid more
- Charter School in Tents Whips DoE
- Growth trends like in Ewa will guide reapportionment changes
- VIDEO: Abercrombie “We don’t deserve to hold office if we can’t deliver as Democrats”
- SA: Charities that feed homeless should stop
- Kat Brady compares compares Halawa to Auschwitz as Fat Criminals lose weight, ACLU says system is cracking
- Developers Pitch Hoopili development for Ewa
- Five years after nearly closing, Kahuku Medical Center holds open house
- Kapaia Bridge: After four years of talk and studies, Kauai County decides to do nothing
- Ulua Hunters Needed: Fishing ban in NW Hawaiian Islands is Killing Monk Seals
- UPI: Ultralights need more regulation?
- Government Steps Up Repayment Of Student Loans
- Rump Presbyterian Church votes to allow oral, anal sex for Clergy
- Handi-Van driver accused of sexually assaulting mentally handicapped woman
- “Pacific Gibraltar: U.S.-Japanese Rivalry over the Annexation of Hawaii, 1885-1898,” by William Michael Morgan
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Saturday, May 21, 2011 |
May 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:38 PM :: 10012 Views
- Maui Armed Forces Day Picnic TODAY
- Israel Day Hawaii Celebration May 29
- VIDEO: Herman Cain announces GOP Presidential Bid
- Abercrombie signs public lands bills into law
- Natural Resource Agencies Collaborate to Help Conserve Forestry Lands in Hawaii
- Hirono vs. Lingle Round 2?
- Rep. Johanson Selected for Prestigious Emerging Leaders Program
- Senator Clayton Hee files false ethics reports for years
- Sen Josh Green Leads Doctors into Medical Jail
- Plata o Plombo? Electronic Medical Records Subsidy Keeps Kona Hospital in Black
- Construction industry worries about fallout from rail lawsuit
- Abercrombie tells Nurses it is their own fault if HGEA doesn’t take care of them
- Honolulu Reapportionment Commission Named
- Hawaii Ranks #3 in Homelessness
- With APEC breathing down their necks, Honolulu Work Crews suddenly become efficient
- State Guests “Disinvited” From Pirates of the Caribbean Screening
- State Supreme Court issues rules to accompany foreclosure proceedings
- Hawaii human trafficking suspect appeals civil case loss
- FBI Adopts Waipahu School
- Hawaii County Illegal Smokers being ticketed
- High hopes for ignition interlock
- Windward bike-sharing program promotes government waste
- E-Waste Recycling program falling apart as trash piles up
- First Wind issues $200M in notes for new wind projects
- Latino Community Grew Almost 40% in Hawaii Over Last Decade
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Friday, May 20, 2011 |
May 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:23 PM :: 14397 Views
- VIDEO: Abercrombie squares off with Maui Nurses
- Djou responds to Hirono Campaign Announcement
- UHERO County Forecast: Uneven Recovery Continues
- SA: Abercrombie off to rough start
- Police Roust Kenoi, Chang from Drunken Party
- Hawaiian Home Lands Owes $2,500 for Treadmill
- HTA: Tourism set for near-record year
- Dead on Arrival: Obama Admin to ask for $250M for Honolulu Rail
- District Pork Hard to Track at the Ledge
- Legislators raise GE Tax $350M, proud of …uh… not raising GE Tax
- Surprise, surprise: Maui hydro proposal causing controversy
- Long-awaited Kuhio Park Terraces revamp begins
- Castle doubles down on schools (good money after bad)
- DoE employee arrested in first child enticement case involving 'live victim'
- Study: HIV on the rise with Asian and Pacific Islander Women
- Less Federal Funds: Hawaii's anti-terror funding cut despite APEC
- Geothermal: How Much will OHA make after theft of Wao Kele O Puna
- Were Kings and Queens of Hawaii Really Hawaiian?
- Hawaiian Rights vs DLNR at Supreme Court
- US judge fines contractor for human trafficking
- Regents Split on Research Center's Future, Punt Decision to UH President
- Cayetano: 14 years, 10 dogs, and Salmon
- Maui Chamber needs more donations to continue Fourth of July fireworks
- Maui selected for smart-grid demonstration
- Castle Foundation commits $10 million to public education
- Transsexual Farrington HS Student now edits website
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Thursday, May 19, 2011 |
May 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:44 PM :: 15447 Views
- Hawaii WW2 vet to Obama: “Shape up and start acting like an American”
- FRIDAY Last Day to Vote for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
- Larry Mehau Associate Mazie Hirono Announces Campaign for US Senate
- Hawaii Judges Cannot Be Impartial About Rail Project
- US Census: Hawaii home ownership only 57.7%
- DBEDT: State Forecasts Remain Optimistic
- RESULTS: Cain tops Hawaii GOP Presidential Straw Poll
- Courthouse News: Watchdogs & Ex-Hawaii Officials Aim to Shelve Mass Transit Project
- Not to Rule over Hawaii: Obama's 9th Circuit nominee Goodwin Liu heading for Defeat Thursday?
- To Rule over Hawaii: Obama nominates former Planned Parenthood Board member for 9th Circuit
- Social Security Admin releases Top 100 baby names for Hawaii
- Your Private Information Public? HHS Audit finds massive Security Gaps in Electronic Medical Records
- Victory: Senate Republicans Save Hawaii from Berkeley Liu
- Cabanilla, Wooley, English among Least Effective Lawmakers
- Neighborhood Board Voting ends Friday
- Homelessness Industry Admits 75% would go to shelters if we stop feeding them on the Streets
- Three Weeks After Rail Fact-Finding Trip, Still No Report
- State forecasts increase in jobs
- AP, ABC Weigh in on Moody’s Hawaii Downgrade
- BOE wants single, more rigorous track to earn high school diploma
- Common Cause Targets Instant Runoff Voting for a Comeback Next Year
- Kauai Resort property tax hike fails
- Kau: Modest version of Hawaiian Riviera Resort envisioned
- Council to chop W. Hawaii golf subsidy
- Oi: Bill to ban texting in crosswalks won't work, but changed attitudes would
- UH Board of Regents To Vote on Major Research Center's Closure
- "Interim" is the Title for 8 of 19 Deans at UH Manoa
- Daily KOS Claims Lingle has no future
- Bank Lobbyist Served on Hawaii Fore closure Task Force
- Big Save stores sold to Times
- Hawaii Libertarian Party Convention to meet Saturday
- Accused Murderer Walks after Two Mistrials
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011 |
May 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:26 PM :: 10270 Views
- Abercrombie’s Medical Homes scheme rejected by Mayo Clinic, other top clinics
- HGEA to Nurses: State not Responsive to Negotiations
- APEC Prep: Abercrombie Reveals 90-Day Homeless Plan
- Schatz still trying to find “More Federal Funds”
- Top Abercrombie Fundraiser Endorses Republican Presidential Campaign
- HCDA Hearing on Future Development of Barbers Point/Kalaeloa
- Moody’s Cuts Hawaii’s Bond Rating
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 16
- Analysis: Budgets Swell for All but Two Hawaii Depts.
- Abercrombie copies Waihee: Secrecy led to Broken Trust
- Ward: 18 Bills which were originally Republican Ideas
- Shapiro: Senate race a re-run of 2002?
- Council, Mayor Threaten to Sue Each Other Over New Rail Agency
- What if Honolulu Rail Fails?
- Moody’s Downgrades State of Hawaii’s General Obligation Bond Rating
- Could add 0.2% to interest rate on Bonds
- Hawaii Pacific Health touts Financial Incentives agreement with HMSA: Make OUR patients more healthy—by throwing the sick ones out
- Lawmakers as Bait to Lure Lobbyists
- State aims to clear out homeless for APEC
- Abercrombie: Don’t feed the Homeless
- Hawai‘i federal judges look like poster kids for rail suit
- The EA Rip-Off: Why Hawaii’s Environmental Policy is Failing
- Hippies found Squatting in Back of Washington Place
- Free Ride: Council rejects plan to end Free Bus Fares on Big Island
- APEC Targets Pacific Wide Free Trade Zone in Upcoming US Summit
- DARE Funds Cut
- New Fraud Claim Against Missing Bank of America Employee
- Stalled Once, Developer Returns With New Master Plan For Ewa, Kapolei
- Breaking: Koolauloa politics heat up, physical assault alleged
- Record number earn Native Hawaiian law certificate
- Sun Yat-Sen’s Views About Overthrow?
- BOOK REVIEW: Man who added Hawaii to the map
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011 |
May 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 16095 Views
- Moody’s Cuts Hawaii’s Bond Rating
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted May 16
- Study: Hawaiian Islands Feudal system in 1400 AD
- Lingle Pushes Senate Decision to Summer
- SHOCK POLL: Labor unions ranked high in influence
- VIDEO: Abercrombie Bickers with Maui Nurses
- Nurses group questions MMMC rent payments for empty structure
- HPD's 2 deputy chiefs intend to give up posts
- Honolulu inflation ranked No. 4 in nation in 2010
- SA: OIP has public duty to issue opinion
- Fact Check: Abercrombie wrong about Medicaid Enrollment Growth
- Beacon Communities' birthday emphasizes 'journey' ahead
- HMSA, Kaiser in the black so far this year
- Unity House tries to sell Lotus hotel
- Wind Farms get a pass while Enviros hammer KIUC over dead birds
- Property taxes 180% higher after Supreme Court rejects Kauai Ohana Amendment
- Crisis? Council: $200K trash haul study waste of money
- Kauai Councilman Votes Money for his own Non-profit
- FACE Rallies for illegal migrants
- Star-Advertiser makes room for Democrat Campaign Commercial
- Obama’s sister: Private schools should share resources with Public Schools
- Court rejects appeal of Kamehameha case
- VIDEO: Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial ground breaking
- Dopers fire back at Green, Shapiro
- Akaka introduces foreclosure overhaul in Senate
- Hawaiian Crab Extinction Linked To Ancient Human Presence
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Monday, May 16, 2011 |
May 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:54 PM :: 8870 Views
- Hawaii GOP sets March 13 for GOP Presidential Caucuses
- Hawaii Republicans Pass first-ever Resolution Against Akaka Bill
- Abercrombie: Nurses must suffer to pay for Medicaid Expansion
- Abercrombie: I am right and people are ungrateful
- CB: Abercrombie Says He Will 'Roll Over' AARP—Pension Tax coming back
- Democrat Senate Primary: Hanabusa, Hirono, Hannemann duke it out over chance to defeat Case
- If She Runs, Lingle Wants 'Strategy for Victory'
- Poll: Concern grows over rail's cost
- U.S. Supreme Court declines Kamehameha admissions case
- HR: Hawaii GOP Resolutions Oppose Rail Project, Akaka Bill and All Tax/Fee Hikes
- Calvin Say: ERS Reform is most important accomplishment
- Medicaid Cuts to affect 50% of Molokai
- Survey: 93% of Molokai Residents say no to Wind Farm
- The rise in the cost of petroleum will not stop the recovery, Hawaii experts say
- Local Psychiatrist Says Hawaii ready for APEC
- Crisis? State peddles program for renting of bicycles
- Traceability expert leaves Hawaii
- Meda Chesney-Lind chosen as commencement speaker
- Gingrich endorses Obamacare
- ABC: Trump Not Running for President
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Sunday, May 15, 2011 |
May 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:00 AM :: 7948 Views
- VIDEO: Huckabee announces he is not running for President
- Lingle: “Seriously considering” Senate Run
- Poll Heavy with Democrats but Abercrombie Approval still Drops to 50%
- Bombastic, In your face Abercrombie is Out of Control
- Pension: Reigning in Hawaii's labor costs
- Lawmakers Should Have Taken Own Pension Medicine
- SA: Address costs of elder care before coping turns to crisis
- SA: Placing needy in housing costs millions
- Does OIP have the legal authority to “punt”?
- Who is making these judgment calls in the Honolulu Prosecutor’s Office?
- Telescope opponent says Hawaiian goddess will testify
- After decades of paying $1 a year, Bowfin girds for big rent increase
- Maui Lawmakers sorry film tax credit on cutting room floor
- TheBus No. 1 in rides to work
- Officers' memorial to break ground
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Saturday, May 14, 2011 |
May 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:44 AM :: 13053 Views
- Hawaii State Republican Convention to Meet this Weekend
- HMSA: Mail-order Pharmaceutical plan losing support of Hawaii Physicians
- Seeking Development Approval, Kyo-ya easy mark for Abercrombie’s Free Sand Shakedown
- Legislative Wrap-up Video: Rep Ward, Sen Slom Town Hall meeting Hawaii Kai
- If CoR cuts forecast, Abercrombie will demand Special Session
- Transit Case Assigned To Mainland Judge
- Hall Stepping Down as Hawaiian Homes Deputy after Treadmill Purchase exposed
- New OIP refuses to challenge governor on judge names list (Quid pro Quo)
- Price of Rail Environmental Study Doubled To $156 Million
- Protesters Hound Alternative Energy Projects Statewide
- HMSA, Straub, Wilcox, Pali Momi sign agreement to ration care
- Hyperbole: Abercrombie promises Gov’t Spending will Cut Kauai Unemployment in Half
- Hawaii Muslims help State Department Brainwash International Students
- Unpaid wages mount for hundreds in job city says wasn't for rail
- Bed bugs and superbug bacteria linked
- $349 Million In Lost Revenue: The Economic Cost Of Violence In Hawaii
- VIDEO: Yagong counters mayor’s budget plan
- HOPE Probation Works: Why Choosing Research and Facts Over Sensationalism and Anecdotes Make for Better Criminal Justice Policy
- First Wind unable to find location (so sad)
- Reporter gets dirt on Elected Official, but does not use it
- Hawaii's sex offenders Part 3: Protecting your children
- Wanted for Rape in Hawaii, Fugitive busted in Oregon 11 years later
- Deputy police chief's son arrested in alleged theft
- 442nd vet changed Hawaii through politics and law
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Friday, May 13, 2011 |
May 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:47 PM :: 10370 Views
- Obamacare: HMSA announces statewide scheme to cut costs
- Honolulu Cellphone Ban: You can Walk the walk, but don’t talk the talk
- Hui files federal lawsuit to stop rail plans
- Council member wants 'Plan B' to raise taxes, raid Bus funds in case rail funding is short
- Rail transit rolls forward with stops for questions
- Abercrombie: Put Multi-Member Districts on ballot for 2012
- Shapiro: Senatorial Pique forces Special Session
- Say, Oshiro Best in Hawaii House at Passing Own Bills
- Impact of New Retirement Rules: Smaller Pensions
- PBN: ‘Frustrated’ Abercrombie is good CEO because he uses Twitter, and gave an excuse for not releasing Judicial nominees
- Civil Beat Shares Hawaii Legislative Agency Salaries
- Efficiency? Cost Cutting? Hawaii's largest health insurer will raise its premiums by 3.7% in July
- Crisis? $4.5M for new Judiciary Building
- Fear of being politically incorrect strangles UH Athletics
- Aulani to hire 800 "cast members" to fill "roles"
- Update: Nordstrom will pursue theft charges against HPD deputy chief's son
- HNN: Sex Predators Among Us
- Why Trial Lawyers Love Enviros, OHA—and fear Mainland
- Psychos, race baiters duke it out on Hawaii County Council
- Luddites, Anti-Superferry protesters prepare to defeat Hydro Power on Kauai
- A Grandmother Speaks Against Wind Farm
- Political Correctness Tours to begin in Honolulu
- Last bale of Hawaiian Waste trash disposed of
- Honolulu Mulls Phone Ban for Pedestrians
- Hawaii's newest public school fills fast
- Regulators lift consent order against Central Pacific
- Omidyar won’t say how long he will pay for Civil Beat
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Thursday, May 12, 2011 |
May 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:08 PM :: 9295 Views
- Plaintiffs Seek Injunction to block Honolulu Rail Construction, Contracting
- Brookings: Honolulu The Bus is #1 Transit System in Nation
- Honolulu’s Frieda Takaki to head US Employee Stock Ownership Foundation
- Porn Pastor to appear at former Wahiawa XXX Store
- VIDEO: Newt Gingrich announces Presidential Campaign
- Psychiatrists Boycott Honolulu Meeting Over Desmond Tutu Invitation
- Council puts rein on rail spending
- General Fund Deposits down 2.3% or up 2.9%, depending…
- Hawaii’s agencies outspend private business on Washington lobbying
- Convention Center May Not Host President, Other Leaders During APEC
- Honolulu mayor: possible prostitution spike for APEC
- APEC Practice Run: 10,000 Psychiatrists
- Nanny City: Bill would outlaw holding iPads and cellphones while crossing city streets
- Hawaii foreclosure decline is mainly due to major lenders holding back on new filings, experts say
- Trust in supervisors cited in Police overtime scam
- Council ends discount on tipping fees for recycling
- Money for Candidates: 9-11 trooothers thank Hawaii Co Council
- Lawmaker Carroll fined for late filing of reports
- Pflueger asks appeals court to dismiss manslaughter charges
- Abercrombie demands Turtle Bay owners give ag land to Trust for Public Land
- Kailua Fireworks Group Seeks Support from Businesses, Residents, for 4th of July Show
- Hyphen APA Heritage Month Profiles: Cindy Adams, Executive Director of the Hawaii Meth Project
- Coal, Eucalyptus chip in to generate power
- Oi: No “screaming invective” for traditional marriage
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011 |
May 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 14129 Views
- Berg: Allow Mobile Home Parks to provide Affordable Housing?
- Hawaii Nursing Home Care costs 58% more than National Average
- VIDEO: Rep Gene Ward’s Sine Die Speech
- SA on Hawaii ERS Debt? Nothing to see here, just move along
- Harimoto on Rail: “There Will be Problems”
- Hawaii to limit Medicaid eligibility, reduce benefits to save $75M
- DoE Loses only $16M in budget
- AG Louie, ACLU team up to allow Delivery of Medicated Marijuana
- Their incompetence could give lawmakers a pay raise
- Abercrombie upset after Star-Advertiser identifies him as failure
- Federal Judge Calls Legislature’s Inaction “A Terrible Thing”
- Legislature Fails to fund settlement for DoE rape Victim
- CB: Hawaii Republicans Strike Out at Legislature
- Not dissuaded by rejection of Pension Tax - Abercrombie
- After dropping Vaccination Funding, Schatz tries to talk insurers into paying for it
- Isles' long-term care costs high, survey shows
- Carlisle Admin repeats Hannemann and Harris Admin calls to divest Affordable Housing
- Berg: Put Zoo in Diamond Head Crater
- Crisis? Counties pour money into Swampland, Open Space, Vacant positions, Reserve Fund, Swinging bridge
- Kauai County auditor hampered by external delays, influences
- Kam Schools is top Spender on Lobbying
- Schatz prepares for APEC: 200,000 Japanese Hula Dancers showcase Hawaii’s legitimacy
- Former Ag Bennett Defends State’s Manslaughter Case Against Jimmy Pflueger
- Honolulu is Only City in America with Increasing Home Prices
- Kakaako: Open Space preferred to Presidential Library
- Cabanilla pushes Democrat Takeover of Public Housing Agency
- Facebook Post blows Liquor Inspectors’ Cover
- Dispute Over Hawaii Kai Marina Association’s Financial Management May Go to Court
- Coming to Hawaii Soon? Fishermen Attempt Suicide after “Catch-Share” Regulations Destroy Industry
- Alarming combo: Bedbugs with 'superbug' germ found
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011 |
May 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:03 PM :: 11731 Views
- Coverup: DoE changes tests, surveys to create illusion of progress
- UPDATE: Hawaii Right to Life PAC endorses more Honolulu Neighborhood Board Candidates
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted May 9
- Borreca: Abercrombie will face a day of reckoning
- The Table of Shame - can we afford everything we wish for?
- Nails in the Coffin: Legislature approves 252 bills this year
- As Redistricting Looms: Abercrombie touts Return to Multi-Member Districts
- Hawaii Ethics Commission Hasn't Issued Advisory Opinion Since 2006
- ACT 221 Scammers on Big Wind: Governor must Seize Molokai Ranch and Give it to us!
- Higher Electricity Sales mask Effects of Decoupling
- Crisis? Kauai County Begins Hiring
- Recycling subsidy in danger
- Murkowski welcomes U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka back to work after rib injury
- APEC Preparations: Weak start for state’s homeless initiative
- APEC Preparations: Prostitution expected to surge for APEC
- APEC Preparations: Free plane ticket to Texas for homeless woman in Waikiki
- Point Panic Homeless Camp proposed as Site for Obama Library
- Expensive Private School Brainwashes Manoa Children
- Pot-Heads, State of Hawaii team up to soak landowner for $15,000 a day
- Hordes of Wildly Posturing Activists block Appointment of Kauai Archaeologist
- Sellers’ Remorse: Maori get head back
- Hitler Poster Child Changes Life, Finds Hawaii Home
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Monday, May 9, 2011 |
May 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:28 PM :: 7704 Views
- Medical Homes: Will Medicaid patients suffer to save HGEA, UPW?
- Opening Pandora's Box Of Hidden Tax Increases
- DHHL outlines plan to reduce number of leases, keep beneficiaries waiting
- Special Session? Rep Belatti outlines Legislative Payraise Scenarios
- SA: Students do better when they spend less time around the DoE
- SA: Authorize and Sell Rail Bonds Now
- JAL: Golden Week visitors to Hawaii down 41.7%
- Aloha Cargo, part of Young Bros Monopoly, reaps benefits of Superferry’s demise
- NYT: Hawaii Captive Insurance Laws help create “Shadow Insurance Industry”
- Hawaii Tax Credits behind Obama Admin scheme to Tax Drivers by Miles Driven
- Hawaii Foreclosure Law could weaken Mortgage Securities Market
- OHA’s Robert Klein helping Gold Coast Residents make State pay for their Seawall
- Session Wrap: Agriculture, Aina Fail to inspire Taxes and Subsidies
- Petition to Require an EA for EA Exemption Lists
- UH Tree Ring Study: Global Warming started in 1700s
- Crazy Scene: 10,000 psychiatrists gathering for annual meeting in Honolulu
- Samoa to jump forward in time by one day
- FP: Inouye threatens Cut-off of Palestinian Aid Money if Hamas Joins Gov’t
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Sunday, May 8, 2011 |
May 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 12901 Views
- Honolulu GOP Releases List of Republican Neighborhood Board candidates
- UHERO: Hawaii’s Government Pork feeding frenzy coming to an end
- Abercrombie to Democrats: We are to blame for all of Hawaii’s Problems
- Huge Success: Duke Aiona’s Drug Courts 1/3 of National Recidivism Rate
- Nonaka: New Taxes cost $2400 for family of four
- Abercrombie Declares War on AARP, promises to bring back Pension tax
- Abercrombie may call Special Session to balance Budget on Backs of Seniors, Employees
- Pension tax idea galvanized potent voting bloc
- HB865: Abercrombie doubles Freight Tax to hire more HGEA
- Maui Budget: Spending, Taxes Both Hiked
- Oily Characters: Robin Danner studies North Dakota Indian Reservation to learn how to set up government
- New Hawaii law signed last week makes it harder for lenders to confiscate people's homes
- Abercrombie-Schatz Initiative to help homeless fails to get even one person off streets
- Environmentalists rally against proposed beach hotel tower
- Invasive Species Control Threatens Endangered Native Birds
- Kauai County’s energy savings flicker
- Taiwan sponsoring exhibit on Hawaii-educated Sun Yat-sen at Honolulu's city hall
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Saturday, May 7, 2011 |
May 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:18 PM :: 13377 Views
- Feds may prosecute State employees who carry out Medical Marijuana Program
- Abercrombie Imposes Obamacare: Medical Homes are future of Health Care Delivery
- Inouye Introduces Bills to Imprison Fishermen, seize boats
- SB120: Legislators authorize raid of more than $17 million in special funds
- Abercrombie: “Political Status quo strongly in place--We did not get all we wanted”
- Abercrombie signs Foreclosure bill, Vetoes two others
- HGEA Hiring Re-started: Bigger state budget restores some jobs
- Obamacare: Governor announces ‘medical home’ concept
- State to cut funding for Ohana, Evercare
- How Legislators will get their pay raise after voting against it
- Ever optimistic, lawmakers hope for veto of pay-cut bill
- More public schools drop out of summer sessions
- Session Wrap: Hawaii Gets New Appointed Education Board, Not Much Else
- Session Wrap: Energy Bills Pass, But Little Spark
- Undersea cable bill sunk by lawmakers
- Legislature votes to force Ratepayers to bail out biofuel project
- Rolling in Dough: Kauai FY12 supplemental budget $21 million higher
- Yagong displeased with mayor's plan to delay retiree insurance premiums
- Hawaii Legislature passes bills to help Hilo lessees
- Hawaii to receive more than $47 million in Title I education money
- Install Waikiki street cams
- Just in time for APEC, Environmentalists continue to allow Spread of Bedbugs throughout Hawaii
- Four Castle students arrested on suspicion of burglaries
- Clayton Hee kills effort to fix flawed DUI law
- Kakaako homeless man is the King of Clean
- HMA teams up with mainland company
- Among The Truthers
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Friday, May 6, 2011 |
May 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:14 PM :: 13416 Views
- Panos to Council: Floating Rail Bonds before federal funds are secured is dereliction of duty
- Video: Kahuku Wind turbines don’t even turn on windy day
- SA: Dick Rowland: The Grassroot Institute founder promotes the cause of liberty
- High Turnout in Neighborhood Board Elections
- How Abercrombie suckered Senate into Creating GE Tax Bogeyman
- Will Force Special Session to raise taxes more: Abercrombie expected to veto Flawed Legislative Pay Cut Extension
- CoR, Unfinished Business Could Bring legislature Back For More
- Hawaii kills undersea power cable bill (For now)
- Solar power firms fight for subsidies
- Hawaii Lawmakers Agree to Pension Reform for New Hires
- Freight Tax Doubled: Hawaii Consumers forced to pay for HGEA Jobs
- Kenoi's budget cuts 2%
- Geniuses: Kauai Co figures out that it doesn’t make sense to sell bonds and not use the money
- Treadmill Mystery At Hawaiian Home Lands
- Palafox gives up UH medical school post
- Police officer found not guilty in false-overtime case
- Law Stops Non-Judicial Foreclosures For 12 Months
- Sen Akaka recovering after breaking 2 ribs while preparing to denounce Special Forces
- CB Poll: Only Obamabots think Obama gets credit for Killing Bin-Laden
- Is Councilmember a Radio-Controlled Robot?
- Homeless Tent City in Waianae: They don’t do anything, leave loads of trash behind
- Dopers: Obama Reneges On States Rights on Medical Marijuana
- Visitor industry gives back to Maui County troops
- Gambling With Hawaii: The fight over legalizing gambling
- Hawaii hotel occupancy slips; room rates rise
- New Deal for Hong Kong and US trade
- 7-Eleven plans to add 46 stores in Hawaii
- Oahu H-POWER plant expansion reaches halfway point
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Thursday, May 5, 2011 |
May 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 14788 Views
- Hawaii Christian Coalition to Pray over Capitol May 5
- Study: Hawaii has most expensive rentals in Nation
- VIDEO: House Republicans speak up on Taxes, Budget
- Marumoto: State becoming addicted to Marijuana Money
- Berg on Transit Authority: Mayor, Council Leadership put Cronyism ahead of qualifications
- Cam Cavasso: Family and the Future
- Hawaii Right to Life PAC endorses Neighborhood Board Candidates
- Slom: Business freeze hiring in response to Legislature, Non-Profits may close doors
- Hawaii citizens missed some lawmakers’ bullets; bit others
- Marumoto: Retirees have won the Day, Pension Tax is Dead
- Political Correctness: SEALS who got Bin Laden also captured Jihadi murderer of Big Isle man—and were prosecuted for it
- Inouye, Akaka votes: A ticket to USA for Guantanamo detainee who attempted attack on Honolulu
- UH Medical School to lose Tobacco Settlement Funding
- Akaka, Inouye to hold hearing to complain about ‘racist’ language used by Special Forces killing Osama
- Hawaii Legislature poised to approve broad changes in public worker retirement benefits
- Slom Questions If State Legislative Budget is Balanced
- Its Party Time! Jobs Available Soon At Some State Agencies
- Abercrombie, BoE, Obama’s Sister put on Education Reform Dog n Pony Show
- Hawaii lawmakers to vote on massive pay hike
- Race Hustlers Recognize State Akaka Tribe is Illegal
- Conklin: Best for Process to fizzle once again
- Bond sales for rail work get preliminary approval
- Honolulu Council Learns Rail Contractor Gave A Gift — Two Months Later
- Abercrombie sends out Lawyer to Argue for Judicial Secrecy
- UH Manoa Perfesser gets no jail time for Rape of Child
- Hawaii Conspirator in Thai Laborer Trafficking Case Admits Guilt
- Hawaii lawmakers kill proposal to end Medicare Part B reimbursement benefit to public retirees
- Hawaii Hotel Room Revenue up 19%
- REAL ID: Hawaii Not In Compliance, Residents may be blocked from flying without Passports in January, 2013
- Schatz: Feds Will Provide APEC Funds
- Legislators seize Tobacco Funds, cut $4 million from medical school fund
- After 30 Years of Failure, Legislature votes to re-fund Aloha Tower Development Corp.
- Proposal would require developers to provide warning sirens
- Kauai Bus Shelters $50K Each
- Hawaii Co Ending Free Bus Fares
- $40 Million Revenue Bond Bill Benefits Energy Venture
- Pork Project: Inouye delivers $5.5M for Green Energy and Pig Slop
- Guam Mayors Concerned About Possibility That Marine Buildup Won't Happen
- Oahu elementary school accredited as International Baccalaureate World School
- Maryland suspends Hawaii autism doctor's license
- HPD Officer Had 2x Legal Alcohol Limit
- Trial opens for HPD officer accused in overtime pay scandal
- Kau: Convicted Killer Occupies Million Dollar Shoreline Parcel
- Michigan Republicans Threaten to cut off Michigan Welfare Card use in Hawaii
- Gambling with Paradise: Illegal activities in Hawaii
- 'Million-dollar sharks' a boon to eco-tourism, says study
- Legislature praised for work on Dogs, Peacocks
- Donald Trump's lawsuits could turn off conservatives who embrace tort reform
- SA: Championship series needs reform
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 |
May 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:18 PM :: 16368 Views
- Double-Digit Spending Increase and Taxes to Match: Senate Passes Budget 24-1
- Sewer Line Back Up Closes Capitol Toilets
- Big Victory for Abercrombie’s HSTA/DoE/BoE: Legislature stalls 180 day law
- First Item on New BoE Agenda: Take Care of Matayoshi
- Online shopping tax bills die in Hawaii
- ILind Looks at 14 Bills Passed by Legislature
- State's Flu-Shot Program Threatened
- Stanley Chang caught lying about Support for Gas Tax Increase
- Debt Service on Rail Bonds $380M/year
- Hawaii House-Senate committee backs health care reform conformity bill
- FACT CHECK — HGEA: Public Nurse Pay 'Woefully' Behind Private Sector?
- Hawaii Loses Substitute Teacher Class Action Suit, Could Owe $70 Million
- Price of Tavares: Battle over permits doubles cost of center for Molokai veterans
- KIUC Pursues Real Renewable Electricity, so Enviros Mount Opposition
- Luddites push Kauai Co to Harass Seed Industry
- Homeless Bills Miss Deadline
- Attorney General Louie confirmed by Hawaii Senate, completing Gov. Abercrombie's Cabinet
- Inmate sues state and prison guards fired for beating him
- Shapiro: Green on right track to make medicinal pot rules more rigid
- Trailer Parks for Homeless on Ag land?
- Kahuku Village managers Ousted
- Developers may be shut out of cash for affordable housing
- Mid Pacific Institute Enviros brainwash Preschoolers
- HPD Releases Cost for President’s Hawaii Security Detail
- Book Reviews of Biography of Obama’s Mother
- CBS chief calls 'Hawaii Five-0' next billion-dollar franchise
- Hawaii attorney general may join BCS lawsuit
- The Oracle Nation Of Islam Answers The Call To Hawaii
- “Khalid Shaikh Mohammed basically gave up nothing until after he had been waterboarded”
- Tight security at Obama granny's Kenya home
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 |
May 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:11 PM :: 15021 Views
- SB1274: Obamacare being used to Weaken Right to Appeal Insurance Coverage Denials
- Abercrombie signature gives special rights to Men who wear Dresses
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission looking into Depleted Uranium paperwork violations
- Maritime Industry Leader: Throw out Jones Act requirement for US Built ships
- Poverty Pimps Thrilled about State Akaka Bill
- After they raise our taxes, legislators will be seeking cover
- Pay raises for legislators not dead yet
- Abercrombie, Obama’s Sister and Omidyar cronies to discuss how to protect HSTA/DOE/BoE from angry parents
- Abercrombie Donor Kelly Hu Hosts Poker Tourney
- Pork Project: Hawaii Legislature Finds Money to Help Oahu Slaughterhouse
- Money for Inter-Island Cable, Credits For Clinton Crony Studio Dead?
- Governor Lobbies Lawmakers to pay for dark cable to Lanai, Molokai Big Wind projects
- Wind farm, ACT 221 scammers, push back against Geothermal expansion
- PUC denies First Wind's request for 'Big Wind' extension
- Michigan Welfare Money being Spent in Hawaii
- Do you know how long I’ve been in Government? Honolulu Councilmembers shout at testifiers
- WHT: Kenoi Campaign Manager cancels no-bid Police Services Contract after media Inquiries
- Kyo-ya Hotel: Three of Five Zoning Board Members have Conflicts of Interest
- Hawaii Trial Judges Worst Paid in U.S.
- Crisis? 16.9% More Spending for Kauai Human Resources Dep’t
- Crisis? $30M Projects for Kona
- Hawaii homeowners threatened by foreclosure would have options to stay in homes
- Hawaii Muslims painted as Victims by Islam Day Proponent
- Six decades after death, Maui man receives Medal of Honor
- State Court Employees Contribute $19,489 to Japan Relief Fund
- Hawaii Seeks to Prohibit Sale of Intact Pets
- With Enactment of Hawaii Employment Non-Discrimination Law, One-Quarter of U.S. States Ban Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity
- Program nurses a need
- Work resumes at Oahu's oldest church for construction of a multi-purpose center
- Obama’s friend pleads no contest in prostitution case
- Rasmussen: No Osama Bounce for Obama
- Donald The Mole
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Monday, May 2, 2011 |
May 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:06 PM :: 19761 Views
- Special Forces exterminate Osama Bin-Laden: Hideout was mansion next to Pakistani Military Academy
- Legislature to vote on $350M Increase in GE Tax
- Whirlwind legislative session draws to a close May 5
- Abercrombie signs Eight More Bills into Law
- Local Reaction To Osama’s Death: Relief, Worry
- Threat Level Raised At All Hawaii Army Installations
- How Much Hawaii Legislature’s Tax Hikes Will Cost You ($600M)
- Hawaii Legislature Increases Taxes, Spending, but Some Controversial Tax Measures Die
- Pay Raises for Hawaii Lawmakers Still on Table
- Law Lets Session Draw to a Close With Few Legislators Filing Disclosures
- Legislative Session Schedule for This Week
- Mortgage Foreclosure Bill Makes Cut
- Obama's close friend to appear in Honolulu court on Prostitution Rap
- Bill to protect victims of abuse nears OK
- Hawaii has nation’s Highest Teen Suicide Rate
- BoE Chair Horner continues to abuse Audit word
- APEC conferees will see greener Nimitz Highway
- NYT: Standing Up for Guest Workers
- Project could help Nanakuli
- Honolulu Should Not Give Corporate Welfare Through Favoritism in Recycling Contracts
- Councilmember Tulsi Gabbard to drop use of Tamayo
- Four Seasons Resort reopens, recovered from tsunami damage
- Kauai Co Auditor surprised by county’s skyrocketing electric bill in 2010
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Sunday, May 1, 2011 |
May 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:47 PM :: 6915 Views
- Hawaii spending to increase despite down economy
- Contractors Fear GE Tax Hikes Will Hurt Business
- House, Senate Reach Deals on Tax Increases
- County looks ‘OK’ despite cap on TAT: If tourism picks up, any excess will go into state’s general fund
- Bailey: Why are we struggling so hard with the concept of the importance of instructional time in Hawaii?
- DoE: 66% of class of 2014 won’t be taking Algebra II
- UH pays teachers more than nearly 40% of other PH&D universities
- Casino: Midnight at The Sausage Factory
- SA: Panel must assure openness to Democrat groups in redrawing voter districts
- Obama not immune from state's twisted bureaucracy
- Failed Solar Water Heaters to be replaced by On-Demand Hot Water heaters at Mayor Wright…
- …meanwhile Hawaii Energy to hand out more Solar Water Heater rebates with federal funds
- It Begins: Snapshots of 1930s Japan add “context” at new Arizona Memorial Visitor Center
- Parks Statewide Get Sprucing From Thousands Of Volunteers
- Medical? Behind backs of Doctors, Doper slips cannabis oil into feeding tubes of cancer stricken child
- State Health Officials Declare Latest Dengue Outbreak Over
- Land titles expert wrote 'Mahele' book
- Hawaii UPW was trailblazer in Communists’ quest for Government Unions
- Republican Lawmakers push back against Democrats’ Birther scam
- Food shortages and a frigid winter intensify pressures in North Korea
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