Entries for April 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011 |
April 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:04 PM :: 18069 Views
- Friends of Lanai Calls for Big Wind Bidding Process to be Reopened
- 'Birther' Myth First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
- Capped Out: Conference Committee Seizes Some TAT Revenue from Counties
- GE TAX Raised: Will reverberate throughout the economy as higher prices for consumers
- Bill Would Raise Hawaii's Production Tax Credits by 20%
- Proposal to start a casino in Hawaii dies
- Foreclosure aid bills advances
- Reefer Madness: Medical marijuana bill dies at the Legislature
- Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Moves Forward in 2011 Legislature
- Homeless Hotline Tally So Far: 100 Calls, Emails
- Supreme Court Picks Reapportionment Chair
- Kailua High teacher charged with throwing hammer at student
- Hauula Charter School plans under way
- Hawaii residents victimized in ponzi scheme
- Horizon Lines reports loss, cites Hawaii slowdown
- Is Obama trying to anoint Trump?
- Golden Week volunteers help earthquake victims in Japan
- Celebration to mark Day of Prayer
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Friday, April 29, 2011 |
April 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:37 AM :: 10922 Views
- Crisis? Arrivals up 9.1% spending up 16.9%
- Conspicuous Gallantry: Medal of Honor for Kaho’ohanohano, Svehla
- British Hawaii: U.K. flavor in the former 'Sandwich Isles'
- Immigration Files: UH Manoa Counseled Obama Sr. “about his Playboy Ways”
- Taxpayer Giveaway to Billionaire Clinton Cronies among Key Measures Being Voted Today
- Legislators cross swords with voting seniors at own peril
- House Wants Pension Tax, Senate Doesn’t
- Arrivals up 11.8% despite calamity
- Hawaii lawmakers reach deal on state budget, Required $500M in New Taxes
- Legalized Gambling Proposal Gains New Life at Hawaii Legislature
- HSTA/DoE Wins Big! Longer school day requirement in Hawaii delayed
- Big Win for Obama, Enviros: Maui town faces $6 gas amid record price surge
- Tax Set at Ten Cents, But Passage Not Yet In The Bag
- Crisis? Kauai County declares fiscal position sound
- City Lawyers Told Council Members What Not To Ask On Rail Fact-Finding Trip
- Redistricting panel's rules inhibit public's participation, groups say
- Legislators extend shield law protecting journalists' sources
- Hope Probation Strains Hawaii Criminal Justice System
- Lawmakers Finally Agree On Anti-Prostitution Bill
- Working together, we can break cycle of meth addiction
- Tsunami all clear put boaters at risk
- Arnold’s contract ordeal points to problems at UH
- Hanabusa Hosts Art Competition from which she is Excluded
- Relic of 'Blessed' nun to return to Hawaii
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Thursday, April 28, 2011 |
April 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:20 AM :: 13372 Views
- Hawaii Rated Worst State to Earn a Living
- Hawaii Anti-Trust Adventures: Investigating Big Five Control of Matson
- VIDEO: House GOP Caucus Hosts Balanced Budget Summit
- Abercrombie signs Six More Bills into law
- House saves the day after Senate votes 24-1 to dishonor Polynesian Discoverers of Hawaiian Isles
- Profitable Rhetoric: Mililani Trask signs Geothermal Deal
- Senate Run? Hanabusa’s got her hand out again
- Start over on Big Wind Bidding, group tells state
- Legislators May Finish Spending this Morning, Taxing Next
- Will Hawaii Legislators Take 5% Pay Hike???
- Bag Tax: Enviros Fight Amongst Themselves over how much to steal from Consumers
- Golden Week Travel Falls 5% to 30% after Quake
- Caldwell/FACE: Mortgage legislation should address only 'bad actor' lenders
- Court dismisses challenge of Hawaiian Homes exemption
- Suspect Killed by Police had long record: Would be alive today if he were in prison where he belonged
- Helping the homeless is byproduct of preparing for APEC
- Insurers, Contractors still arguing over who will pay Trial Lawyers
- Hawaii Kai residents upset over proposed sewer rate hikes
- St Francis Medical center confronts Chapter 11 Again
- Bill would add teeth to domestic violence law
- Peter Boy is still missing, and his case remains inactive
- Dopers in Frenzy over Elimination of “Medical” marijuana for those who just want to feel medicated
- State driver’s licenses, ID cards do not conform to federal rules
- Big Foot: Hawaii County carbon footprint report released
- Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program Recognized For Propagation Achievements
- Kill The Frogs?
- 3 Hawaii employers among semifinalists for award recognizing support for Guard, reserve troops
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011 |
April 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:23 PM :: 11762 Views
- Abercrombie: HGEA Settles “without accusations and confrontation”
- HB1405: Lawmakers attempt an end run around the public in order to pass State Akaka bill
- Birthers vs. Truthers: The Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories
- White House Releases Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate
- Ignored Locally: Hawaii Investigative Reporter Gets National Recognition
- BoE says “Audit”, but No FINANCIAL Audits are planned
- Now that a Democrat is Governor, it is Time for Legislature to undo its “mistake” on UH regents
- Conference Committee Still Considering More Spending
- Abercrombie to Legislature; Just Ignore my AG on Medicare Pt B
- $150M Medicaid cuts risk care, opponents say
- Hawaii Legislative Conference Committee Working Hard on Instant Runoff Voting Bill
- HB688: Transsexual Agenda For Hawaii Schools
- Trial Lawyers seek Profit from Mass Release of Criminals
- Hawaii Human Trafficking Bill One Step From Governor's Desk
- Japanese Tourists 'Will Be Back Soon' to Hawaii
- Another Australian Airline to Fly Hawaii Routes
- No Hawaii Lawmakers Disclose Dependents With Stocks, Mutual Funds
- Josh Green finally figures out Medical Marijuana is a Scam, Pushes for Big Island Dope Dispensary
- HGEA vote fell well short of a mandate
- Nurses Head for Arbitration?
- HGEA Nurses underpaid compared to Private Hospitals
- SA: Don’t give more to nurses
- Bag Tax: Legislators plan to screw Retailers after luring them in with Revenue Sharing
- Coffman Screws Residential Solar Installers, Homeowners
- Hawaii to Drain Hurricane Fund to Cover Shortfall
- Obama Friend Titcomb Pleads Guilty In Traffic Court Case
- He’s No ‘Birther’ but Hawaii Senator Tackles Issues Surrounding Obama’s Birth Certificate
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011 |
April 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 17761 Views
- Back to bargaining Table: HGEA Nurses Reject Contract, other 6 Units Ratify
- Djou: Oahu has nation’s Highest Gas Taxes, City may raise higher
- Honolulu Pacific Office Properties could be De-listed by Stock Exchange
- HCR135: Special Interests hijack ALOHA Resolution
- Abercrombie signs Eight More Bills into Law
- Abercrombie announces Homeless Hotlines
- Birthers vs. Truthers: The Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories
- Panos for Mayor Again? Decision waits until after APEC in November
- Shapiro: Sam Slom moves to the fringe
- HSTA/DOE Join to Push Back against 180-day Law: Legislators want to fudge it
- Legislature resists governor's 'transformation of politics'
- Conference Committees To Focus on Tax Hikes Today
- Lawmakers still assuming fantasy returns on Pension Investments
- SA: Don't borrow to build rental-car facility (Capital converted to operating!)
- 7000 Join AARP tele-Town Hall, Protest Pension Tax
- Department of Taxation suddenly decides cutting GE Tax exemptions will produce $41M less
- Amazon will dump Hawaii Affiliates if Legislature imposes GE Tax for online purchases
- The Price Is Wrong: Legislative Disclosures Undervalue Real Estate by $100,000s
- Hawaii County Property Valuations better than anticipated
- Kokobun’s Pork Project: State purchase of slaughterhouse key to food security
- Morita, Coffman team up with HELCO to deny Homeowners Solar Funding
- Slavery: Another supervisor pleads guilty, Cooperating with Feds?
- Kalapa: Nudging Government Toward Reform
- City & County of Honolulu Details Rail Bond Financing
- Schatz: Homeless 90-day Plan all about APEC
- Failed former Senator Ron Menor still out there pushing Gas Cap
- Another Honolulu Police officer to be arraigned on another drunken-driving charge
- Former TSA screener admits to stealing
- Act221 Scammers look to China
- Stockbroker Kimura Pleads Guilty
- Hawaii Government Employees Association Negotiations Not Authentic
- Abercrombie Rejected 2x: Selection Process for University of Hawaii Regents is Suddenly ‘Broken’
- Caesars CEO: Poker indictments present opportunity
- Judge halts foreclosure; others vulnerable?
- Stalinist Media Council still trying to seize HNN Broadcast License
- Plans for wave energy on Oregon Coast progressing
- Carter and other ex-leaders in North Korea on 3-day visit
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Monday, April 25, 2011 |
April 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 14037 Views
- Hawaii, Other States, Form Caucus to Oppose TSA Intrusions
- Will legislators share in the pay sacrifices?
- Taxes On Plastic Bags, Rental Cars, State Pensions, Alcohol Considered
- A User's Guide to Hawaii Conference Committees
- Hawaii Disclosure Law For Government Officials Not Transparent
- Honolulu Department's OT Jumps 49 Percent, Director Won't Talk About It
- Real ID: Unfunded federal mandate to increase county costs
- Will Animal Liberation Nuts Torpedo Hawaii’s Collectivized Pork Slaughterhouse?
- Do Native Hawaiians Have The Right To Break Rules?
- Schools use Financial Aid to replace Family with Government
- Do it for the children: Hawaii's Sex Abuse Treatment Center is truly a lifeline for child victims
- Abercrombie plans new initiative to finance Homelessness Industry
- On-bill Financing Would Make Clean Energy Accessible to Everyone
- Queen Lil Trust pays $100 Tax on $9.9M property
- Indicted Scammer makes one last sales pitch … in Hawaii
- Sun Country Airlines is Making Profit – Looking at Hawaii
- 'Spice' traps troops
- Forty-Four Years Later: Worthless dope smoking Bums not welcome at Haight-Ashbury
- Why The "Birther" Conspiracy Is Great For Obama
- Human Events: Birthers are Best thing Obama Has going for Him
- Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father
- Blessed Marianne Cope Returns to Molokai
- Christians save Students from latest DoE Mess, 75% to graduate
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Sunday, April 24, 2011 |
April 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 14651 Views
- Battery-Back Up system catches Fire at new Kahuku Windfarm—Haz Mat team called in
- First meeting promises new direction for BOE (promises, promises)
- Unlike Dods, Horner gives to Dems and GOP
- Some Worry Dead Excise Tax May Come Back
- Deadline looms for lawmakers struggling to balance budget
- State's spurious financial crisis has prompted legislators to look at funds previously off limits
- Calif-Hilo flights projected to bring in $50M, begin June 9
- New tuition hikes loom: State’s deficit delays decision on a price increase for UH (Tax Hike Propaganda pt1)
- Funding for dams and reservoirs should be restored
- SA: Oahu's rail panel needs technical expert aboard
- Utility lines to be moved for Honolulu rail
- Federal contracts come to women and minorities
- Your Tax Dollars At Work: Groups Sue over use of “Wailuku Main Street” Name
- Big Isle redistricting to begin
- Obamanomics: Teen Unemployment hits 27%
- Fish farms struggle as DC-based Luddites try to stop them
- As Gays lose interest, Oahu Co Democrats demand State promote Gay Sex Tourism
- POLITICO: More than half of Democrats are 9-11 Trooothers
- Reality: Donald Trump Is President Obama’s New Best Friend
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Sunday, April 24, 2011 |
April, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:48 AM :: 11712 Views
- Sentencing reform creates liability issue
- No Development Moratorium in Kau
- Romy Cachola threatens Barbers Point Park Deal
- Habitat for Humanity accepting applications for Homes
- Honolulu Rail isn't that much different than Wisconsin
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 |
April 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 14959 Views
- About the Birth Certificate
- Newsflash: DAGS releases comprehensive fiscal report for 2009
- SA: Feds need to ensure integrity of Hawaii's health care law
- HHSC Nurses rejecting HGEA Contract
- Hawaii lawmakers to decide on taxes and spending to balance projected $1.3B deficit
- Maui Chamber of Commerce: We’re TEA (taxed enough already); cut government instead
- High Gas Prices: Just one more excuse to raise taxes
- Measure seeks instant runoffs
- Real Clean Energy: KIUC Pushes Hydro Power
- Nonprofit Directors ask for maintained funding, restoration of grants
- Moana Surfrider: Two Honolulu Zoning Board Members have hidden Conflicts of Interest
- Nanakuli industrial park dead
- Police officer arrested after Kona Street crash
- Herb Kane’s Wisconsin Roots
- Gay-Atheists hijack “Aloha Spirit” Resolution
- Chemophobia: Increasing levels of mercury found in rare Pacific albatross
- Birtherism: Where it all began
- Perfesser: Obama provides glimpse of future U.S. leaders
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Friday, April 22, 2011 |
April 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 12281 Views
- Killing the 180 Day School Year: HSTA caught in a lie
- GOP: Legislature putting Prepaid Health Care Act at risk
- Berg: Cut the Golf Subsidy, no new taxes
- TEA Party: Support Sen Slom’s No New Taxes Budget
- Applicants Sought for Chair of Hawaii Reapportionment Commission
- Former California Mayor Jumps Into Hawaii Election Legislation Controversy
- Don Horner: “Just like Walter Dods”
- Shapiro: Legislature should democratize itself before meddling in city elections
- Hanabusa Still hasn’t moved into District, wants District to move to Her
- Solomon, Galuteria push State Akaka Bill in Conference Committee
- Borreca: A balanced budget is nice but it's not really required
- Fontaine: Conference Committee could slip 1% GE Tax hike into HB793
- Bill would lets 1000s of Criminals out of Prison Early
- Green Energy Scammers offer UH $6M Bribe
- SA: Lower barriers to solar power
- Land officials vote to revert Aina Lea land
- Crisis? Maui Council gives $243K to Nonprofit that has already banked $300K of taxpayer money
- Lawmakers advance 2-year extension of shield law
- Transit Authority: Council Must pay for What We Spend
- New Tech School Model frees Nanakuli from DoE Failure model
- Student Veterans At UH Snub their Own Forum
- Suits Allege “Deplorable” Conditions at Mayor Wright Homes
- Robert Carson Godbey to be named Corporation Counsel for City & County of Honolulu
- Sierra Club: Bag tax Honors Our Religion on Earth Day
- Sierra Club takes stance against Anaina Hou permits
- VP Dan Quayle in Hawaii
- Civil Beat Endorses Censorship
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Thursday, April 21, 2011 |
April 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 16295 Views
- Shell Game: Rail Costs down, but Handi-van getting $1.15B?
- Honolulu Council Unanimously Opposes Instant Runoff Voting
- Slavery: Federal Suit targets A&B, ML&P Farms
- Missile Defense: Hawaii Five-O
- Gulen Cult trying to bribe Legislators with Free Trip to Turkey
- Conference Committee Starting with Tax Hikes
- SA: Don’t Count Deployed Military when redistricting
- State tax collections fall short of prediction—or do they? (more tax hike propaganda)
- Golden Week loses some luster in Hawaii (more tax hike propaganda)
- House Clashes Over Saving Hawaii Health-Care Law
- True Colors: HSTA Freaks out over last minute Effort to save 180-day bill
- Hawaii Leads effort to Protect Transsexual Preschool Teachers
- Legislators should cut spending instead of increasing tobacco taxes
- Preserve the tobacco prevention fund for its intended purpose
- Rise in city gas tax makes it through Council hearing
- Council members question direction of rail authority
- Fired Honolulu Employee: Lax Oversight Led to Overtime 'Free-for-All'
- Maui Council Member: High Taxes are used to discourage Business (and this is an argument FOR tax hikes)
- The Right Price: A Few Favors For Neil’s Favorites?
- Mufi Launches Column, Discovers Tourism is Big in Hawaii
- Daily KOS: Hirono, Hanabusa start off slow in Senate race
- US, S. Korea Sign Agreement on Missile Defense System Development: Pentagon
- Mainland Firm Accused of Embezzling City Money
- After Obama’s sister Hired, Administration stops trying to cut E-W Center Funds
- HCC Chancellor Candidates Interviewed
- DOH: Waikiki restaurant one of 55 bed bug complaints in state
- Foie Gras Removed from Glamorous Maui Event After Animal Liberations Nuts outdo themselves in Sanctimony
- Married and in Hawaii, paroled killer complies with parole
- Hawaii Defense Attorney takes advantage of clients, is ordered to stop practicing law
- City considers relaxing fireworks storage law
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011 |
April 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:20 PM :: 11744 Views
- Slavery: Federal Suit targets Six Hawaii Farms, labor contractor
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they Voted April 18, 2011
- SB99: Preserve Young Bros Monopoly on Inter-Island Shipping
- Balance Budget Summit April 20 at Capitol
- Shapiro: HSTA drama could win back HGEA Concessions
- SA: Give DoE an extra $16.4M (more tax hike propaganda)
- Honolulu Seeks $2B Bond Issue to fund Rail
- Berg: Hawaii Profiteering Off Honolulu Taxpayers
- Hawaii Transportation Costs to Climb Again
- Arts Support may dull budget blades
- Crisis? Kauai county Agency on Elderly Affairs seeks more spending
- Tax Increases: Payback Time for the Environment
- Arakawa reduces Tax Hike Request
- Matsuoka, Cayetano’s Director of troubled Office of Youth Services, approved to Head Hawaii Paroling Authority
- Inouye: USDA-UH research aims to rein in child obesity
- CB to Carlisle: Make HPD Obey Open Records Law
- Hawaii's first female narcotics undercover officer shares memories, hardships in world of narcotics trafficking
- Hawaii Legislature grants legal protection to any man willing to put on a dress
- Enhanced solar water heater rebate program ends
- Team of UH West Oahu students to compete in national free enterprise competition
- Hawaii Patient Info to go online
- Nation of Islam Visits Hawaii
- Trump, Abercrombie team up to promote Birtherism
- Media doing excellent Job Promoting Birther Candidate
- Should Radiation from Japan Scuttle Spring Break in Hawaii? A Mom Agonizes
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011 |
April 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 10134 Views
- Abercrombie to Conference Committee: We Must Raise Taxes!
- Inouye: Ed Case will not be allowed to Crucify Me
- Inouye claims Lingle supports current version of Akaka Bill
- Carlisle nominates Horner, Okinaga, Hong to Transit Authority
- Redistricting Committee Log jam to be Broken by Recktenwald
- Hawaii, Yes We Can Cut Government and Stop Excessive Spending – Without Increased Taxes
- MMMC nurses protest growing cuts in contract (HGEA Circus to pressure Legislators for Tax Hikes)
- Medicaid cuts of $180M warned (Abercrombie’s DoHS Boss stages Tax Hike Dog n Pony show for Conference Committees)
- State's financial woes could mean fewer options for students in the fall (So we must raise taxes!)
- Businesses suffer from fewer Japanese flights (So we must raise taxes!)
- Another Abercrombie Appointment bites the dust
- 6 transit board nominees named
- Carlisle, Caldwell, Prevedouros: Next year's mayoral race could be re-run of last year's
- Hirono Steps up Fundraising after Akaka Announcement
- Rally today to support HB1520 and “on-bill financing” of clean energy solutions
- Sovereignty activist, convicted killer, faces eviction after decade of squatting
- SA: Slaughterhouse none of state's business (your tax dollars at work)
- State, geologists create plan to prevent climate change-induced erosion at Kailua Beach (Your tax dollars at work)
- Kona Farmers: Coffee Bill On Gov's Desk Creates More Confusion, Not Less
- Hawaii Bio-Gasification Project features in Corporate Buyout (your ratepayer and tax dollars at work)
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Monday, April 18, 2011 |
April 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 12490 Views
- How They Voted: House approves Pension Tax and GE Tax Hikes
- After lobbying in Hawaii: Online Poker sites seized by FBI, execs Indicted
- Hawaii Windfarms killing endangered Birds: After five years Mitigation Lags
- Kabuki Over: Legislators to meet for two weeks behind closed door, make real decisions
- Losing bidders might delay rail project
- Hawaii tram plan to learn from Edinburgh fiasco
- City Council Nominates Financial, Union Leaders to Transit Board
- STEM: A Private foundation is doing the job the DoE won’t
- SA: Campbell High is too big, so Conference Committees must Raise Taxes
- Senate Bill 249 gives the government rights to purchase Oahu's only slaughterhouse
- Eco-Religion Begins Warm-Up for Earth Day
- In Nine Months, Police Dept. Arrests Just One Pimp
- Your Tax Dollars at Work: State burns $100K on Bicycle-Sharing program
- Hawaii County Building: Roof repair needed just two years after $27.7M renovation
- Parents: Teacher Hit Kailua Teen With Hammer
- Honolulu gas prices near record; Maui at all-time high
- Tsunami flotsam reaches Kauai?
- HNN: Republicans cause Teen Suicide (no media bias here, eh?)
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Sunday, April 17, 2011 |
April 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 10553 Views
- Democrat Staffer, Obama voter heads Trump’s Birther Campaign
- GET exemptions in peril: Lawmakers want to reap taxes by spreading GE Tax
- Star-Advertiser: Taxes must be raised to pay for Tattoo Parlor Inspections
- SA: Cutbacks cripple many government functions (Propaganda)
- SA: Unions not resisting Pension restrictions for new hires (Propaganda)
- After six months of Abercrombie, and a lifetime of HGEA: Government Employees’ Morale is low, thousands retiring June 30 (Propaganda backfires)
- HECO, Big Wind, Big Solar continue to obstruct rooftop installations
- Crisis: Maui Nonprofit banks $374K from County Grants
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission starts work
- Naturopathic “Physician” presides over death at Childbirth
- Animal Liberation Nuts flood Leg with Opposition to State-Owned Slaughterhouse
- Bill mandates 'fixing' of cats, dogs before sale
- SA: Homeowners need shield from lenders' mistreatment
- Scammer Steals from Homeowners facing Foreclosure
- Enviro-Religion sees opportunity in High Oil Prices
- Fireworks storage called wrong place to start disposal
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Saturday, April 16, 2011 |
April 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:05 PM :: 10847 Views
- HGEA Contract: Government Workers get Paid to Stay Home Three Months
- SB756: Satellite TV Tax in omnibus Tax Bill
- Creative Accounting 101: Special Fund Raids
- Akaka’s Whistleblower Bill cited as example of Over-criminalization
- VIDEO: House GOP speaks up on Pension Tax, GE Tax, Internet Tax, Fees, and Special Funds
- VIDEO: House GOP debates Prepaid Health Care Act, Billion Dollar Cable, Foreclosures, Marijuana and More
- VIDEO: Hawaii Tea Party movement protests slew of tax proposals
- HGEA Contract: State creating new haves, have-nots
- ILind: Hawaii Taxes are about Average
- Hawaii Fires 10 Teachers for Misconduct in 2 Years
- Crisis? Hawaii jobless rate holds at 6.3 percent
- Hawaii’s Instant Runoff Voting Legislation – Veto Needed
- More Federal Funds? Not! Reality begins to settle in for pork-fed Hawaii Politicos
- Big Wind and Big Solar continue to resist residential installations
- Heir to Vanderbilt Fortune to Represent Molokai?
- Cachola: Don’t Piss off the Legislature
- SA: Tighten historic homes rules
- Hawaii Dopers giving up on Fake Urine
- Aina Haina gunman released from Prison in January
- Crisis: Hawaii County Unveils $50M Government Building
- Contractors lobby for Insurers to Cover Shoddy Workmanship
- NYT: Waikiki Hotel using RFID Chips to track Stolen Towels
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Friday, April 15, 2011 |
April 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 15580 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- HGEA Negotiators: Hide furlough days, recoup losses after Legislature adjourns
- Birthers thank Abercrombie, Obama Thanks Birthers
- Group: Abercrombie using ‘strong arm tactics’ to force Beverage Tax
- Marumoto: Pension Tax is a foot in the door towards taxing moderate, low income Pensioners
- Balance Budget Summit April 20 at Capitol
- How They Voted: SB1329 House passes Motor Vehicle tax Hike
- Honolulu Councilmembers reject Berg resolution, cite fear of retaliation
- Inspecting his cattle: Jeff Stone Polls Democratic Senate Primary
- Hanabusa: Lingering resentment toward Case among “Multi-cultural base”
- Good economic news belies Abercrombie’s Tax Hike Pitch
- Democrat ‘Non-Profits” Demand Tax Hikes
- OHA strengthens grip on Non-Profit sector
- Legislature proposes welfare for losing contractors
- Bombardier: Honolulu Didn't Keep Its Word on Rail Contract
- Breene Harimoto pulls back from Brink in Rail Fight
- NYT: Hawaii Doubles Down on 'Big Wind’
- Online Poker Sites which lobbied Hawaii Legislature Indicted by FBI
- Abercrombie’s Priest rejects Homeless Tent Cities, looks to River Street as model
- Times have changed for the Big Five, big labor
- VIDEO: MauiTime Publisher Tommy Russo Assaulted By MPD, “Dog the Bounty Hunter” team
- Maui Bag Ban: 75% Now Use Paper Bags as tree-huggers become tree-choppers
- Auwahi Wind, Sempra proposes Wind Farm on 18,000 acre Maui Cattle Ranch
- Senate's approval of appointed members marks a major change for school governance
- SA: Reconsider diploma decision
- 3 foreclosure reform bills could pass
- King of Pork Inouye appointed to serve on bipartisan federal deficit reduction team
- U.S. stages "most challenging" missile-defense test
- Hawaii, Other States, Form Caucus to Oppose TSA Intrusions
- Hawaii blast came as workers dismantled fireworks
- Federal Pork: Bill Kills Off Program on Hawaii Whaling Industry
- Forums to be held on 4 candidates for chancellor of Hawaii Community College
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Thursday, April 14, 2011 |
April 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:38 PM :: 8477 Views
- Crisis? GE Tax receipts up 5.9% in February, TAT up 22.4%
- Abercrombie keeps pounding drums for more taxes, spending
- Senate votes to delay 180-day School Year
- Toothless Resolution: Audit the DoE
- Shapiro: Sen Kim really interested in House Race
- Sixteen Abercrombie Nominees Have Withdrawn
- SA: Legislature should not re-write Prison Sentences to release criminals
- Senators moot requiring tax payments for online sales
- Senate passes HB985 giving money to losing bidders
- Engineering Firm that designed defective $1.9 water tank continues to bid
- State Tax Credits On Chopping Block At Legislature (Plenty of money for Corporate Welfare)
- Honolulu County: Higher gas tax advances
- FTA did NOT require Phased-In Approach For Rail
- Councilman loses bid to stop state from "looting" rail funds
- Hawaii Investigates with Matt Levi: A New Television Series Begins This Week
- Unity House files for Bankruptcy
- Foreclosure counts expected to rebound
- Central Pacific stock down more than 20%
- Anti-GMO Luddites cry about their failures in Legislature
- Fireworks blast victims died from carbon monoxide inhalation
- WSJ: The GOP and the Birther Trap
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011 |
April 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 7991 Views
- New Federal Budget kills old Earmarks--Honolulu Rail, Highway, Sewage Treatment Funding in Danger?
- Brookings: Honolulu Rail Cost Overruns inevitable
- Berg: Council could reverse Ansaldo Rail Contract
- POLITICO claims Sen. Daniel Inouye goes silent on Hawaii Senate race
- House votes for Pension Tax, Bag Tax, Liquor Tax, Auto Tax and GE Tax Hikes
- Attorney General says Pension Tax may be challenged in Court, House passes anyway
- Carlisle: HGEA Agreement “an albatross”
- Carlisle: Borrowing Rail Funds could jeopardize rail Project
- Berg: Stop state from using city's rail fund as its own piggy bank
- Shapiro: Schatz is closest thing to a fresh face
- Crisis: City of Honolulu Personal Service Assistants make $65 per hour
- Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Employment Protections For Males who choose to wear dresses
- VIDEO: OHA Cronies now grub for money from Geothermal
- OHA Connection? Fireworks Explosion Contractor tied to Native Hawaiian Affirmative Action Contract
- House Approves Buying Slaughterhouse
- Instant Runoff Voting Heads for Conference Committee
- Honolulu Council Advances Property Tax Bills
- Honolulu Council Special Meeting on State management of Rail Funds
- Want Lingle Back? Holter cites Abercrombie leadership on “Bee Industry”
- APEC Preview: Travelers Review Honolulu Airport
- FACE: Why Hawaii Needs A State Bank
- Symphony accord reached
- A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men
- Bill O'Reilly Debunks Obama Myths: He 'Does Have A Legitimate Birth Certificate'
- Nearly 300 to depart Marine Corps Base Hawaii for deployment to Afghanistan
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011 |
April 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 7773 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- Djou: Hawaii needs Civil Service Reform
- April 11, 2011 How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted
- Sumitomo Files Protest: Flawed Rail bid selection may cost taxpayers $900M
- HCR71: HPV Vaccination Mandate Deferred
- Atlas Shrugged to Open In Honolulu April 15
- Abercrombie’s “Open” Administration lined with Campaign Donors
- SA: Abercrombie’s OIP Raid a “preemptive strike motivated by revenge?”
- As vote Approaches, Senators balk at Accepting Abercrombie Budget
- Fidell: No Internet Tax
- SA: Pay gaps that hurt women are costing isles
- All School Construction Wiped from Budget as Negotiating Position for Tax Hikes
- SB249: $1.6M for State-Owned slaughterhouse (pigs subsidized $53.25 each)
- Coalition breaks ground for new senior housing
- Lawmakers fold; poker bill fails to advance
- Sumitomo, Bombardier file rail contract complaints
- Mufi: Polls shows I could be Viable Candidate against Case
- Coffman takes over as state House Energy Committee chairman
- Borreca Touts Doomsday Cult: Believers in 'peak oil' preparing for when a fill-up costs $100 (OHA’s latest money-making scam)
- Kauai Council: They already knew prior to the meeting that Kuali‘i was going to be chosen
- Castle & Cooke strikes deal on proposed Molokai wind project
- Prison activists brief Hawaii lawmakers about how to let even more criminals loose
- Act 221 Scammers: Economic recovery relies on supporting homelessness Industry
- VIDEO: Debris from Japan tsunami will wash ashore on Hawaii
- Trace Levels of Radiation Detected in Hawaii Milk
- Akaka also fails for 11 years to get Whistleblower Bill Passed
- Akaka Campaign Strategist found dead at 57
- Is Donald’s Trump Birther baloney a vast conspiracy ... to get Obama re-elected?
- And the answer is…YES! -- Trump Will ‘Probably’ Run as Independent If He Doesn’t Win GOP Nomination
- Obama’s sister, Aunt keep talking Birtherism Up
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Monday, April 11, 2011 |
April 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:31 PM :: 4240 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- VIDEO: Ed Case Announces US Senate Campaign
- Daily KOS: “I had really hoped we were done with Ed Case”
- VIDEO: Sen. Slom introduces Balanced Budget with no tax hikes
- Romy Cachola threatens Barbers Point Park Deal
- Kalapa: Next Stop, A Tax Increase
- Lawmakers aim to soak consumers for $122M/year by collecting on Hawaii residents' Internet purchases
- Shapiro: Djou Back in the Saddle Again
- ILind: Emperor Abercrombie to seize Molokai, Decapitate Residents
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission to Meet today
- Council meeting today to pick Kawakami’s successor
- Dinner held for Maui County soldiers who spent a year in Afghanistan
- FTA will help both the U.S. and Hawaii
- HSTA Flack demands less accountability, more money
- UH Wants Money, Threatens Tourism School
- FACT CHECK — Board of Water Supply Says Honolulu Has Fewer Water Main Breaks Than Average?
- After Stalling Repairs, Abercrombie puts on Show and then lets Contractors go to work at Mayor Wright Housing
- SA: No excuse for lack of warning signs
- First Hawaiian Bank Signals Recovery with Business Up First Quarter
- Central Pacific Financial Corp. Announces Commencement of $20 Million Common Stock Rights Offering
- Hawaii Correctional Facilities to Use Electronic Medical Records System
- Concert raises $1.6M for tsunami victims
- Company To Be Questioned Monday Over Hawaii Blast
- Obama Senior Advisor: I hope Birther Trump keeps on rising
- Trump to Obama aide: I’m your ‘worst nightmare’
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Sunday, April 10, 2011 |
April 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:32 PM :: 12751 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- VIDEO: Abercrombie holds fake news Conference to Announce HGEA's fake 'sacrifice'
- Abercrombie: State could seize 1/3 of Molokai for Wind Farm
- AP: HGEA members gain 9 more days off under contract
- Abercrombie’s Backer Reveals himself: Kenoi Claims Hawaii County will save $3M under HGEA contract
- Carvalho: Mayors trying to come together on HGEA agreement
- Sen. Slom Announces balanced budget with no new taxes
- Second Decking Deadline
- Borreca compares Ed Case to Aaron Burr, praises Case for apologizing, dropping out
- Homelessness Industry: State seeks to fill Moiliili Apartments with drug addicts, no treatment required
- Ansaldo Trains to be Driverless, Company tied to Watts Constructors
- Molester’s friend Bertram sues to seize land from Haleakala Ranch
- The new director of the OIP says she was not directed on IDing judicial nominees
- Crisis? Hawaii County wastes millions on Garbage
- Last blast for the rejected elected: BoE imposes two track Diploma system on DoE
- A&B: Ability to navigate Hawai Land Use Process one of our Core Competencies
- Legislators propose law to convert consecutive sentences into concurrent, let thousands of criminals out of prison
- Permitting reason for return to public service
- 4 charged in beating death of gambling house worker
- Death toll hits 5 in Hawaii fireworks bunker blast
- Fukino Debunks Birther BS --- Again
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Saturday, April 9, 2011 |
April 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 11960 Views
- Abercrombie’s $100M omission: HGEA settlement tied to other secret labor agreements
- Government workers’ agreement to add more than $100 million to state deficit
- House GOP: HGEA Settlement is expensive, unfair
- Unity House HQ up for Sale
- VIDEO: Heritage Foundation Leader interviewed in Hawaii
- Tsunami: Obama signs Disaster Declaration for Hawaii
- Bonham: Peak tax and business revenue returns sometime in 2012
- Maui Chamber of Commerce: 95% oppose either type of GE Tax hike
- Shapiro: Budget is so bad….
- After voting to Shut down Federal Government three times, Hirono, Hanabusa pretend to be against it
- OHA to turn its operatives around on Geothermal in Puna at Meeting today
- Kenoi profits 58% from Subdivision approval
- Crisis? Hawaii County finds $16M for Hilo Bayfront paths
- Crisis? $800,000 in county checks uncashed
- Former KPD officer convicted of driving drunk
- NYT: Explosion Kills Workers at Facility for Fireworks
- Did Trump really send investigators to Hawaii?
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Friday, April 8, 2011 |
April 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:07 PM :: 14479 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- HGEA: Contract Agreement includes Paid Time Off
- VIDEO: Lanai Wind Fall Out
- Abercrombie Announces $300M in new CIP Spending—“This is just the beginning”
- Full Results: Daily Kos Hawaii Poll
- GOP: Abercrombie Approval rating down to 48%
- Hirono, Hanabusa vote for Government Shutdown, stop paying troops
- Akaka Bill Passes Indian Affairs Committee
- How They Voted: Senate Ways and Means votes to hike GE Tax by eliminating exemptions
- SB1363 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
- Borreca: Abercrombie is Tanking
- Rebellion in the Senate Kills 1%GE Tax Hike Proposal—Exemptions to be hit
- HGEA Agreement amounts to 1.5% Pay Hike—Carlisle
- Star-Advertiser: Abercrombie not upfront with public about HGEA Deal
- Federal Shutdown: Inouye uninterested in the kind of cutting that Democrats now see as necessary
- State-run Superferry plan still afloat
- Forum on geothermal energy to include OHA Cronies
- Elected BoE sez Bye-Bye
- Boaters bemoan lack of aid after Schatz comes back from DC Empty handed
- Meetings will gather comments on proposed wind farm
- Wood-Burning Power plant vote delayed
- IRV Produces results like Berg’s Win in Council District 1
- Hawaii journalist shield law extension advances
- Banned Fireworks Storage: Explosion claims Four Lives
- Ways and Means votes against Legislators’ 5% Salary Hike
- Judiciary Committee defers bill to convert Sick Leave into vacation Days
- Inouye, Akaka: Let gay sex tourists give away Green Cards
- Prison Guard gets 18 months for Gay Rape of inmate
- University of Hawaii Wants To Close Major Research Group
- With Tourism squeezed, Rep Roy Takumi pushes against Free Trade with S Korea
- Ex-Reform Party Birther Trump touted Pelosi as “The Best”
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 |
April 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 PM :: 14846 Views
- State Reaches Agreement with HGEA
- Unemployment rate dips to 5.2 percent in Honolulu (oops!)
- GE Tax hearing: Democrats demand choice between two types of GE Tax Hike, nobody fooled
- Democrats to buy Support for GE Tax hike with $100M in tax Credits
- HGEA: Tentative Agreement on Parameters of Contract
- HGEA Comp Time: Governor Just Kicked the can down the road again
- Mayors still in dark about HGEA Contract
- House Finances passes Tax Credits for Billionaire Clinton Cronies, Bag Tax hiked to 10 cents for middle class
- Study: U.S. has 4M gay adults; 1.7 pct. of populace
- Committee Approves Five Hawaii Ed Board Appointees
- Kauai Council Rejects Biodegradable bags
- Rush to Use Crops as Fuel Raises Food Prices and Hunger Fears
- Hawaii County Council to burn through $56M—14 new projects
- Case to announce Senate bid within 10 days, claims to be OK with Inouye
- Loss of Hawaiian album Grammy greeted with dismay and shrugs
- Obama golf pal arrested in Honolulu prostitution sting
- Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 |
April 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 10340 Views
- HB793: Hikes GE Tax 25%, eliminates exemptions, Hearing Wednesday
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- GE Tax Showdown in Senate—A vote to remember in November
- Senate Indian Affairs Committee to vote on Akaka Bill Thursday
- Ward: 100s of alternatives to tax hike
- House GOP Calls on Abercrombie to Cut Spending
- SB570: Hawaii Pension Tax Bill Alive and Well
- Recktenwald appoints Acoba Kauai District Court Judge
- Hawaii Guard told to prepare for possible deployment
- Senate Budget demands $650M in new Revenues
- Sen. Sees Unions Behind Tax Increase Proposal
- Airlift capacity nearly unchanged
- McDonald's Hiring 1,000 New Hawaii Employees (no crisis here)
- Shapiro: New developments show rail project way off track
- Civil Beat catches up to Hawai’i Free Press on Todd Apo Ethics Violations
- Martin: No problem with Garcia’s $60K Side Job
- Maui Green Police hunt down Bag Ban Violators –impose $1000/day fines
- Senate Hearing Begins on Board of Education Nominees
- Bills target isle harbors for private development
- Insurer, hospital agree on new compensation system
- UH advised to ‘forgive’ debt
- UH-Hilo seeks $36M to build student housing
- Hawaii County to buy 3000 ac of ‘open space’
- Man Who Conned Hawaii Inmates Pleads Guilty
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011 |
April 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 14567 Views
- Todd Apo and KoOlina: Ethics Violation kept secret since 2007
- VIDEO: GOP balances budget without Tax Hikes
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation: How They Voted April 4, 2011
- Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders own 11,383 Hawaii businesses
- Abercrombie gets around to announcing appointment of Kawakami to State House
- Abercrombie Appoints Judge Loo to Maui Circuit Court
- Hawaii Gun Permits hit new record in 2010
- Kaauwai: Are you better off now than you were 2 1/2 years ago?
- Senate Dems to Force choice between two types of GE Tax hike
- GE Tax Hike: Tell them what you think
- Now Where Will They Find The Money?
- Unions Rally at Capitol, Demand more Spending
- Ethically Challenged Apo among picks for Transit Authority
- A State Indian Tribe for OHA Cronies
- Loser Van Dyke on New Akaka Bill: Nothing to see here, just move along
- Judiciary to Vote on AG Louie
- Senate Hearings for BoE Nominees to Begin Tomorrow
- Japan Airline Cuts countered by increases elsewhere, Charters planned for Golden Week
- Timeshare in Hawaii: Build it and They Will Come
- Movie stars, billionaires and corporate execs are arriving more often in private jets
- Lawmakers give men wearing dresses a chance to strike it rich
- Shapiro: Where was the vetting on Maui judge appointment?
- Kalapa, Milks win majority on Credit Union Board
- Kamehameha headmaster to retire after 23 years
- Clayton Hee about to Kill Shield law
- It's Too Early For Law Regulating Undersea Cable
- Borreca: Global warming should be on governor’s agenda
- Superferry Redux: Pasha Line new vessel to offer roll on-roll off service
- State held responsible for deaths of 2 women
- ABC News: Duckworth for Hawaiian Senator?
- Bill Clinton: 'Birthers' will hurt GOP
- LA Times: Why Hillary Clinton must run in 2012
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Monday, April 4, 2011 |
April 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 13011 Views
- HB793: Hikes GE Tax 25%, eliminates exemptions, Hearing Wednesday
- Save Our Jobs—Stop SB741 Alcohol Tax
- Abercrombie’s Board of Education: Accountability begins now, and it’s already ugly
- U.S. Supreme Court Won't Hear Nader Hawaii Ballot Access Case
- Abercrombie Administration delays endangering lives of Combat Pilots, soldiers
- Hawaii Hotels posting strong revenue and occupancy rates
- Prudential: Worst may be over for Oahu Real Estate Market
- Senate to Hear Testimony against both kinds of GE Tax hikes Wednesday
- Unions, Non-profits to push for more spending at Rally today
- Governor has no clue on balancing budget
- Tax Hikes Pending in Hawaii Legislature Might Require Cigar Smokers to Take Out a Second Mortgage
- HD 14 Nomination raises ethical questions
- Bill: Instant Runoff Voting
- Rail: Council grills Carlisle Admin on Billion Dollar Deception
- Berg Cheapest On Honolulu City Council
- Former news anchor ready to give her all for schools (Another one who did not apply)
- Council to consider county furloughs, wage cuts
- SA: Turtle Bay reset welcome
- California firm joins Molokai wind project: Pattern Energy Group is expected to “engage all of the community”
- Ocean AC project is safe, firm says
- US Rep. Hirono says she advanced measure granting $6M Hawaii airport improvement pork
- Brockovich still pushing Hexavalent Chromium Scam
- 175 years of boarding at LHS celebrated at David Malo Day
- The quiet Draft of Tammy Duckworth?
- Samantha Power to be the next Secretary of State?
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Sunday, April 3, 2011 |
April 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:27 PM :: 11873 Views
- City finally 'Sees the Light' on Lunalilo Home Rd
- Waialua Robotics wins big in Vegas
- Abercrombie Secretly Appoints Kawakami to replace Morita in State House
- Hawaii Legislators Dump 180 day school year
- Brian “I am not a clone” DeLima: BoE Policy Audit to “look at what decisions can be handled by the superintendent and her staff, and reduce our footprint”
- Star-Advertiser: Akaka should submit bill that had Lingle’s support
- Hawaii sees travel numbers rise
- The drop in tourists from Japan to Hawaii may not be as severe as originally thought
- HTA: Japan Tourism Drop Less Than Expected
- GOP hits Garcia on conflict of interest
- SA: The HIPA clout
- Respect citizenry via judicial selection transparency
- Volokh Conspiracy: Hawaii Ban on Photographing Human Remains Older Than 50 Years?
- Success: Homeless Sweeps push families into Shelters
- Abercrombie's Priest calls on public to ignore child neglect and abuse by homeless
- Progressives launch attack on MRC Greenwood spending
- Widely implemented ‘food safety’ program hurts local farmers
- DDT being used to wipe out Mosquitoes in Kaiula
- HPD’s pitch for more funds: “Budget cuts slashing DARE program on Oahu”
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Saturday, April 2, 2011 |
April 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:17 AM :: 14639 Views
- GOP Files Ethics complaint over Nestor Garcia’s $60K side job
- Abercrombie names DBEDT Deputy Director
- HB1049: Raid on Hurricane Fund to Trigger 7.5% Tax on Premiums?
- Panos: Wind Study doesn't answer questions about Cost
- Abercrombie names new UH Regents, E-W Center Board members
- Friday Night Surprise: GET Hike Back on Table
- Maui News: Abercrombie is “pathetic excuse for leadership” we need Linda Lingle
- Legislators prepare to gut 180 day law
- Rail Funds: Oahu Taxpayers $623M, Congress $34M
- Bombardier wants the city to disclose more information about Ansaldo’s Winning Rail proposal
- Molokai expels Wind Farm, Maui could be next Victim
- Carlisle says labor savings may have to go beyond 5 percent
- Secret labor Agreement: Hawaii commerce department to end furlough days
- Tax Sweeps of Vendors Begin Again
- Obamacare Preview: Penalties for those with health risks considered in 2009 by Hawaii’s public employee health plan
- One week after Dengue Fever, Mosquito Control becomes excuse for Tax Hikes
- VIDEO: Prison or Youth ChalleNGe? The future fate of Kulani
- Brewbaker resists jumping to conclusions about Japan Tsunami
- Airport parking rates to increase statewide
- Office of Information Practices Director Selected
- Bankruptcies average 297 per month, down from 330
- Canadian Hawaii Real Estate Fraud to face trial
- US task force arrests 61 fugitives on Maui
- Ariz. law bans abortions based on race or gender
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Friday, April 1, 2011 |
April 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 15602 Views
- House GOP releases Balanced State Budget without Tax Hikes
- Wildman’s Firm didn’t pay Payroll Taxes
- Mufi on Senate race: Washington DC has always been an interest of ours
- Hawaii House GOP Proposes Budget Fixes without Tax Hikes
- Abercrombie Head Fake: Senate to decide between Two types of GE Tax Hike
- More Federal Funds? Schatz returns from DC Empty Handed
- Asselbaye: “We cannot continue cutting government”
- Tax on sugary drinks would be discriminatory and seriously harm our economy
- Hawaii Tax Revenues rise with Gas Prices
- Hawaiian Airlines to DOUBLE flights to Japan (Meanwhile Abercrombie prophesizes doom)
- Tsutsui Names Ex-Rep Amaral to judge selection panel (Crony of Danner sisters, tied to new version of Akaka Bill)
- Lambda, ACLU drop suit, plan for next suit: “We’ll be watching closely for any signs of problems” with Civil Unions
- Abercrombie: My relationships with Legislators are excellent, we’re not pals
- New BOE era off to good start
- Senate to vote on Closing School, converting to Prison
- Former Casino Boss; Don’t Do it!
- Legalized Bribery Bill Tabled
- Hawaii State Bank resolution still alive
- The Bus: Doesn’t have the financial mobility to add routes—as Rail expenses mount
- Stock buy foments talk of A&B breakup
- State receives 12 more suspected cases of dengue
- States Propose Measures to Alter, Remove CON Processes
- Program may bring displaced citizens of Japan to stay on Maui
- Turtle Bay project pared down
- $45M fine tilts Horizon to bankruptcy
- Birthers have nothing on rabid anti-Bushers
- Found Photos: The Story of Chicago's "Little Hawaii" Neighborhood
- With mom in hospital, “Psychic” Sylivia Brown’s son struggles to keep up
- Sale of $100M home has Hawaii connections
- Omidyar Accidentally Buys Hawaii
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