Entries for March 2013
Sunday, March 31, 2013 |
March 31, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:52 PM :: 4177 Views
- Anti-GMO Activist: Crazy Hawaiians Make us Look Bad
- Key to Tax Relief Lies in Repeal of Tax “Loopholes”
- DLNR Reopens Kealakekua Bay to Two Kayak Operators
- Schatz Campaign Kickoff: Abercrombie Compares Opponents to Dictators, Authoritarians
- Abercrombie Must Choose Between ‘New Day’ and Paying Off Unions
- Legislators to UH: Shut Down Kobayashi, Give Mitsunaga Some Contracts
- GMO Labels Convey false Information
- Innovation: State Spends $8M to Spread Ignorance
- Hawaii Scores ‘F’ on Medical Consumer Cost Information
- Dial back borrowing for road repairs
- HPD lieutenant arrested for alleged DUI
- Police give dozens of $500 Alcohol Citations to Spring Breakers
- 400,000 Emergency Room Admissions for Marijuana
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Saturday, March 30, 2013 |
March 30, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 PM :: 4739 Views
- Photos: N Korea Dictator Signs Missile Orders in Front of Map Targeting Hawaii, Guam
- VIDEO: Kalaeloa Solar Illegal Heavy Equipment Crushes Hawaiian Caves
- Two former POWs visit wounded warriors, share stories of resilience, hope
- Star-Advertiser Backs Jones Act Reform
- Hawaii Schools Win Big in TV Journalism Competition
- Hawaii Medal of Honor: Honoring the Fallen
- Report: Hawaii 47th in Freedom
- Chaos 2014: Hanabusa vs Abercrombie, Gabbard vs Schatz
- Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate ‘scientists’ puzzled
- Hawaii = Not Much Support For Gay Marriage
- Sequestration delivers major blow to health care
- Family Health Hawaii Aims for Lower Rates on Health Exchange
- Molokai Shooter Had Major Mental Illness, Was Free to Walk Streets in Hawaii
- Civil Beat Marks Third Anniversary
- Pro-Akaka Bill Congressman apologizes for using racial slur
- Kona prison plan resurrected
- State elections may get permanent public option
- Schatz Launches barely Disguised Campaign Swing thru State
- Honolulu has sixth-strongest local economy in the United States
- Consent Decree on Disputed Pepe`ekeo Power Plant
- Bernie Bicoy Obituary
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Friday, March 29, 2013 |
March 29, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 5842 Views
- State Inspects 90% Fewer Scales, 78% Fewer Gas Pumps Since 2010
- House GOP: "Senate bills would increase taxes and fees"
- Hawaii Republican Assembly: "You Can Stop Bad Ideas"
- SHPD Pilot Project to Monitor Big Island Archaeological Sites
- Honolulu Rail and the Uniform Relocation Act
- Governor Announces Nominations to Land Board, Water Commission
- After Waiving $18M, City Again Begins Collecting Solar Inspection Fees
- Hawaii Construction Forecast: Construction Upswing Picks Up Speed
- Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
- Hirono Announces State Office Staff Appointments
- Abercrombie Turns 5 Percent of Prisoners Loose—First Kidnapping Reported
- Doubling Number of inmates on furlough – Plan is Expected to bring more escapes
- Absentee Voting Fraud Remains Legal as Clayton Hee Kills ‘Romy Cachola Bill’
- PBN: Teacher Evaluations are Fake if no Firings
- Cut blogs from press law, state urges
- Star-Adv: Don't raise film industry tax credit
- School Lands Development Scheme Heads for Secret Conference Committee
- Lawmakers endorse extended foster care
- Borreca Deeply Disappointed that GOP Will Not Embrace Gay Marriage
- Arizona Judge Not Fooled by Hawaii Transsexual Marriage
- Running Scared: Schatz To Kick Off Re-Election Campaign
- 200 Airmen and B-52s Deploying From N. Dakota to Guam
- Severe Turbulence Rocks Solar Industry
- Little Interest In GMO Labeling Study Resolution
- Racist Anti-GMO Activist Attacks Farmer
- Anti-GMO Protesters Terrorize Farmers, Destroy ‘Aina
- HB31: Senate President Could Still Save Bus Riders from Homelessness Industry harassment
- TheBus Privatized to Save Teamsters from HGEA, UPW
- Honolulu Council Moves Kawamoto Bill, Limited-Service Hotels
- Could Maui form a municipal utility?
- Price rises for Honolulu Seawater A/C project
- Publicly Funded Elections Bill Clears Senate Money Committee
- Hawaii Senate committee approves open data bill
- Solar Panels: Electrocution Hazard for Firefighters
- Koko Head Shooting Range Hours Extended
- Former Filipino Chamber President Charged in Ponzi Scheme
- Possible Downtown WalMart Plan Praised
- Hawaii County Council Drops Marijuana Decriminalization Reso
- Marijuana, Meth: Drug Dealers Charged in Hilo Have 50 Priors
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Thursday, March 28, 2013 |
March 28, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 5680 Views
- Hawaii Senate Committee on Ways and Means Passes State Budget Bill
- ICA Hears Case Challenging State Ownership of Mineral, Geothermal Rights
- Application Deadline to Serve on State Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions is March 31
- Teens wanted for Hawaii Meth Project advisory council
- Star-Adv Backs Jones Act Reform
- ‘Bare Bones’ Senate Budget Funds 1000 Vacant Positions, Phony ‘Hi-Tech’ Tax Credits
- $22K raise proposed for Kenoi: 19.8% for Hawaii Co Execs
- Pentagon cuts number of furlough days
- Calvin Say Hires Scott Saiki's GOP Opponent
- Senate WAM to Consider PLDC Repeal Today
- Statewide, Only Seven People Spent Time in Jail for Marijuana Last Year
- UH abandons controversial plan to build expensive bio lab
- Lawmakers push forward school land bills
- State Senate: Audit The University of Hawaii
- Teacher on contract: Devil is in the details
- Hawaii Case Waits on Supreme Court
- Open Lewdness: Naked Homosexuals Steal Mokuleia Beach from North Shore Locals
- Suicide Squad Targets Waimanalo in Push to Eliminate Excess Hawaiians
- Top cops join anti-pot rally
- Hearings Thursday On GMO, Atrazine Resolutions
- Eradication: Big Island Senators Ignore Hunters
- State to develop Kunia Ag Park as live-work units
- LOL! Kuokoa backs away from Hawaiian Electric takeover for ‘restructuring’
- Community, individual acts can best government's work
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013 |
March 27, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:15 PM :: 4783 Views
- Hawaii Health Insurance Rates to Rise 12% to 21% Next Year
- USPIRG Flunks Hawaii on Tax Credit Secrecy
- Scientology: Hawaii House Resolution Honors Group Tied to 'Torture', 'Concentration Camps'
- 19 families to receive Hawaii Medal of Honor Today
- Budget: Is Neil Abercrombie Four Times the Man Jack Burns Was?
- Big Media Splash for Launch of Hawaii House Jones Act Resolutions
- NRA: Background Check Bill Makes Final Committee Stop
- Honolulu Tops Nation for 'Emotional Health'
- Organic Spinach Recall Precedes Hawaii E-Coli Outbreak
- NFIB to Lobby Against Minimum Wage Hike Today
- Reason: America's Loneliest Senator: Hawaii's Lone Ranger Sam Slom
- Hanabusa More Interested in Taking on Abercrombie
- League of Conservation Voters Endorses Schatz
- “What Happens in Caucus Stays in Caucus” – Mazie Hirono Joins ‘Silent Senators’
- HR169: Cabanilla, Souki Retaliate on Arts Commission for Ratting Out Hanohano
- Defending Molester Lobby, Clayton Hee Screams ‘Racism’
- HRC, Lambda Were Legal Against Gay Marriage in 1990s Hawaii
- Slom: HSTA Wins, Taxpayers Lose
- Disney, Abercrombie, Caldwell Team up with media for Film Tax Credit Agit-Prop Show
- Star-Adv: UH efficiency study a good sign
- Lawmakers Say School Bus Fiasco Finally Shaping Up
- SB1340: Extend care for foster children up to age 21
- Hawaii Co Councilman Cancels Shady $1000/plate Fundraiser
- Time To Ban Campaign Donations During Session?
- Twice-fired TSA manager gets his job back AGAIN after judge rules he was unfairly sacked in Hawaii baggage-checking scandal
- ‘Naturopathic’ Midwife Sued for Malpractice
- Claim: Pot Hole Does $2000 Damage to Car
- Kuhio Day: How The Royal Hawaiian Band Ended Up in the County of Honolulu
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013 |
March 26, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:09 PM :: 4691 Views
- NKorea Threatens Attacks on Guam, Hawaii, US Mainland
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 25, 2013
- Hawaii Jihadi Convicted, Could Get 21 Years
- Request Hearings for Jones Act Reform Resolutions
- Rally Against Marijuana Decriminalization
- Wednesday is Tax and Budget Day at Ways and Means
- Is HSTA Contract Enough for Abercrombie to Buy Reelection?
- HSTA Contract Proposal Sets off Budget Avalanche
- $333M: How the state will pay for the teachers’ contract
- 60-40 Healthcare Deal May be Biggest Ticket Item
- Task Force Teacher Praises Educator Effectiveness System
- Doubling Number of inmates on furlough – Plan is Expected to bring more escapes
- Soft on Crime: Alleged Molokai Shooter Had Multiple Convictions
- State Senators Want Gay Marriage Impact Study
- Caldwell Admin to draft plan for homelessness by May Day
- Ethics: Should UH Administrators, Regents Get Free UH Athletic Tickets?
- Money speaks loudly for Lobbyist Duo
- AG: Enviros Rule Over Hawaii County Voters
- New Maui Budget Proposal Full of Tax Hikes, Rate Increases
- Potholes: Caldwell Administration Debates WAPNFFS
- Bus riders welcome route's comeback
- Former parks deputy to pay $2K in ethics case
- Resolution calls for ocean-safety videos on flights
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Monday, March 25, 2013 |
March 25, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:33 PM :: 5525 Views
- Company With Ties to Abercrombie, DelaCruz Seeks $200M from Legislature
- HSTA, DoE Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
- Taxes, Marriage, PLDC Top Agenda for Hawaii Republican Assembly
- Tax Cut or More Giveaways to Tax Credit Scammers?
- Leading Progressive Columnist Makes Complete Fool of Herself
- For the First Time, Welfare to Work is Being Enforced in Hawaii
- Concerns arise over $150M Road Repair Plan
- UH Spending Millions On PR Efforts
- Pflueger Honda Changes Name after Bad Publicity
- Star-Adv Cheers as Legislature Risks Closure of HMC West
- Failed education bills demoted to resolutions
- Wooley Pens Anti-GMO Screed
- 800 Protest Postal Cuts
- Grove Farm IAL Designation Tied to Biofuel Scheme
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Sunday, March 24, 2013 |
March 24, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:29 PM :: 5150 Views
- Knee-Jerk Reaction Leads to Just More Money
- The Brighter Side: Honoring Human Achievement
- Sequestration: Pacific Fleet Cancels Deployments
- VIDEO Panos 2050: Earthquakes, Energy Supply, Tsunamis, Taxes and ... Politicians Local and International Threats to Hawaii's Sustainability
- Running for Congress: Chang, Kenoi, Espero, Tsutsui, Kim?
- Tsutsui to Open Offices in all Four Counties?
- Anti-GMO Activists Should Go Back to Home Planet
- Senate to debate Tax Credit Giveaways, School Land Development Schemes
- Millions for Affordable Housing
- Star-Adv Tries to Salvage Early Education Giveaway to KSBE
- Kam Schools Continues Push for Preschool Program Which Will Line its Pockets
- Quality of health care is not on unions’ agenda
- Hawaii Resolutions Call for Same Jones Act Exemption that Guam Now Has
- WHT Keeping Up With the Jones Act
- Hawaii Suit on Hold Awaiting Supreme Court Gay ‘Marriage’ Case
- Sen Ruderman Admits he is Unable to Understand Geothermal Bill
- Kenoi: Drunk Election Workers OK by Me
- Hemp Bill Passes Second Reading in Hawaii Senate
- Hawaii County to Change all Streetlights to LED
- Street analysis uncovers worst of the worst
- Tesoro Closure Will not Squeeze Asphalt Supply
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Saturday, March 23, 2013 |
March 23, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:05 PM :: 5307 Views
- 471 Register as Honolulu Neighborhood Board Candidates
- Hirono, Schatz Cast Decisive Votes as Senate Passes Trillion Dollar Tax Hike
- Governor Releases $26.2 Million for Education Facilities Statewide
- Senate Budget Bill to Fund 900 Vacant Positions, Abercrombie Preschool Scheme
- University of Hawaii President 348 Days of Travel and Vacation in Four Years
- Report: UH Professors Have 33% Fewer Students, Work 39% Fewer Hours Than Average
- Star-Adv Covers Bipartisan House Jones Act Resolution
- DelaCruz Proposes State Run Collectivized Agriculture
- Star-Adv: Lets Sponsor a State-Wide Pot Party
- Clayton Hee: City May Not Roust Sleeping Bums from Bus Stops
- Punatics Hyperventilate over Geothermal Steam Release
- Steven Tyler Act stalls in Hawaii
- Tracking bills on your smartphone with a free RSS reader
- Revamped state websites lack access to minutes
- Hawaii House committee defers gambling resolution
- Hawaii Shippers Council: GAO’s Jones Act Report Is Inconclusive
- Judge calls federal espionage accusation into doubt
- At Legislative Town Hall, East Oahu Residents Express Outrage Over Proposed KSBE Development on Preservation Land
- Sierra Club Leader Lost on Mauna Kea
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Friday, March 22, 2013 |
March 22, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:12 PM :: 6629 Views
- Preemptive Strike: UHPA Endorses Schatz
- VIDEO: Homosexual Child Molester Describes 40 Years of Abuse
- SR123/SCR166: Activists Push Gay Marriage Task Force
- Biofuel: Hawaiian Electric Agrees to Drop Rate Hike
- Grabbing for OHA Cronies’ Support: Schatz, Hirono Tag Team vs Hanabusa
- Schatz Kisses up to OHA Cronies Some More
- Racist Anti-GMO Activist forced to Apologize for “Go back to Japan”
- Bill for GMO labels fails; study sought
- HSTA Money Grab: Complains About Ed Reform Consultants
- Greenwood defends UH to academic watchdog
- Middle schoolers need attention, too
- Substitute teachers due pay can expect it later this year
- Abercrombie is Point Man in UH Futile Push for Obama Library
- Homeless Tent City back after city cleans up Ala Wai site
- Gil Riviere Announces Primary Challenge to Richard Fale
- Police Misconduct Bill Teeters In Hawaii House Under Union Criticism
- Profiling members of the Honolulu Planning Commission
- Honolulu City Auditor Investigates Rail
- Rail cars will have 20 more seats; critic predicts low ridership
- Women's prison guard indicted on sex assault, more victims alleged
- Kalaeloa Air Traffic Control to be Spared Sequestration Cuts
- Gun Violence Drops as Gun Sales Soar
- Hundreds of Honolulu property owners notified of rockfall hazards
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Thursday, March 21, 2013 |
March 21, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:06 PM :: 7126 Views
- House Oversight Hearing on Recognition of New Tribes -- Akaka Tribe Brushback
- House Ethics Investigating Alaska Rep Don Young
- Atheists Push to Exclude Church Preschools from Early Learning
- AARP: Health Connector Transparency Legislation Did Not Pass
- Compassionate Care Versus Religious Freedom
- NFL: Pro Bowl in Hawaii One More Year
- Out of Reach: Hawaii Most Expensive Housing in Nation
- 5,000 Petition Abercrombie to Keep Tesoro Open
- Rep. Ward urges Jones Act reform
- GAO Releases Jones Act Puerto Rico report
- Honolulu City Auditor Survey: Environment Great, Living Tough
- Schatz Bill Would Expand National Parks in Hawaii, Pacific
- Online Travel Companies Ordered to Pay $70M, Appeal Planned
- Hawaii Firearm Permits Set New Record in 2012
- UH Contracting: Minaai Career Begins With 1982 Election Fraud
- Distraction and Diversion: Legislators Set to Score 25% Pay Hike While Rejecting Additional 2% Hike
- Hanabusa to Announce Plans in Next Several Weeks
- Suicide Squad Helps Insurance Company by Preparing to Kill Off Expensive HIV Patient
- Greenwood Admits Overstepping Authority
- Proposed Oahu fuel tax fails to pass first reading
- Hawaii lawmakers advance new development agency
- Hawaii federal employees protest furloughs
- OHA Trustee Says $21M Property Deal Was Shady
- Solar Scammers Rally to Continue Looting General Fund
- SB1196: Tax Collectors Step up Harassment of Farmers Market Vendors
- Supreme Court to hear arguments in Hapa Trail case
- Hawaii senators advance social-media privacy bill
- Funding approved for more seats on Oahu rail transit system
- Hilo $1.9M Water Tank Sits Empty 10 Years, Water Dept Seeks Rate Hike
- Honolulu International Airport to get $750M makeover
- Why Is Hawaii The Only State Without A Statewide Police Standards Board?
- Hawaii Elections May Soon Get Public Funding, More Transparency
- OHA Primary Election Bill Needed To Stop Recycling Trustees
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 |
March 20, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 5794 Views
- Legislative Maneuver Means PLDC Goes to Secret Conference Committee
- Stanley Chang Running for CD1?
- VIDEO: HCDA Bulldozes Ancient Hawaiian Trails for Solar Farm
- Rush Limbaugh on Akaka Bill: These are the people that asked to join this country and now they're trying to distance themselves
- Wind Power Down, Natural Gas Way Up
- Tsutsui to Meet Arne Duncan in DC
- DoE Launches Leadership Institute for Principals
- Abercrombie Names Three to UH Board of Regents
- Rhoads Bill: Marijuana Legal for Juveniles, Illegal for Adults
- Schatz: Rail Money Could be Delayed due to Budget Impasse
- Anti-GMO Mob Attacking Kauai Farm Workers
- Pflueger Beats Tax Rap, Manslaughter Next
- CoR Inspires DoE Money Grab
- UH Manoa Faculty Jealous of New Librarian Pay
- State Departments urge Senate to Fund Vacant Positions
- Shapiro: Hanohano Endangers Support for Hawaiian Sovereignty
- Honolulu Ethics: Three Investigators Oversee Massive Criminal Organization
- Occupy Honolulu protesters plan City Hall sleepover
- Hawaii's Rising Truancy Problem Leaves Lawmakers Scrambling
- Online travel companies ordered to pay state $70M in penalties due to unpaid General Excise Tax
- Payment Protection: Credit card companies call Hawaii AG’s petition for appeal weak
- Anti-Geothermal bill evolves
- Film tax credit advances
- UH System to Load Athletic Debt on UH Manoa
- Legislators Ignore SB692 to Restrain Pickup Bed Passengers
- SB642: Cigars Can Be Displayed, Cigarettes Cannot
- Sequester Puts 200 People on the Road
- Woman at center of spy allegations not Arrested
- Tulsi Gabbard Appears in Reality TV Show
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013 |
March 19, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 5403 Views
- Hawaii Scores ‘F’ on Health Care Price Transparency Laws
- Sunburned by Corporate Welfare
- Notable bills to be heard this week
- New Governor Seeks Jones Act exemption to grow Puerto Rican Economy
- Abercrombie: Hotel Industry TAT Concerns are "Propaganda"
- SB69: Gun Registration Bill to be Heard Today
- Hawaii Republican Party Growth and Opportunity Project
- Hawaii GOP Chair Tours S. Korea With President Bush
- Defense Contractor Charged in Hawaii with Communicating Classified Information
- Hero Clarence Nishihara Defends Science Against Religious Fanatics
- Coal Plant Shutdown raises HECO rates 9%
- Proposal aims to increase hotel room tax by 2%
- School land bill moves forward in Hawaii Senate
- Hawaii Preschool Plan in Crunch as Advocates Vow to Restore Funding
- Legislators to Get $10K Pay Hike
- Bill: Let City Have Greater Share Of Rail Surcharge
- House committee wants to increase tax on luxury home sales
- Borreca Defends Molester Lobby
- So-Called Consumer Advocate: Oahu Residents Should Pick Up Tab For Aina Koa Pono Project
- Legislators Yank Funding for UHH School of Pharmacy Building
- Sand Island Business Association–Money & Politics
- Budget Actions in D.C. This Week Will Mean Tough Choices For Hawaii
- Malulani Activist Endorses Banner Takeover of MMMC
- Smart Grids Need to Be Evaluated With Cost Benefit Analysis
- Solid waste contract would cloud Hawaii County waste-to-energy
- Honeytrap: Honolulu Defense Worker Charged with Nuclear Espionage
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Monday, March 18, 2013 |
March 18, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 5313 Views
- Monday, March 18: Hawaii Statehood
- PPPA: PLDC Bait and Switch? Next Hearing March 19
- Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?
- Jones Act: Five House Reps Introduce Resolution Urging Reform
- Doomed: Schatz “Not Looking Beyond 2014”
- Schatz too Weak to Unify Delegation on Akaka Bill, Working on End-Run Around Congress
- Hanabusa Interviewed by Indian Country Today
- Who Runs the University? Star-Adv Pushes Back against WAC
- Tax Cut More Effective than Minimum Wage Hike
- Legislature might exempt meat processors and sales of isle produce from the state's GE Tax
- Bills cleared to stem private money in elections
- Hawaii Police Union Bargains In Secret, Leaves Public Wondering
- Escapee Misses Two More Court Dates
- SB170: HTA to Support ‘Cultural Practitioners’
- HSTA Member Fails to Get Workers Comp for ‘VOG’
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Sunday, March 17, 2013 |
March 17, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 6406 Views
- Key to Hawaii’s Future is Business Climate
- Political Future? Djou Speaks, Lingle on Tap
- Saddam Hussein's Honolulu Airplane Bomber to be Released Early
- Video: Hawaii Advisory Team Postures Afghan Police for Counter-IED Success
- HB411/SB1109: Will Legislators Force HMC Hospitals to Close -- Again?
- Homelessness Industry: Stanley Chang’s $77M Push for Tent City
- SB946: $520M/year to Pay for Retirees Health Care
- Team Oxycontin Reunites for Ethics Bill Kabuki
- Clayton Hee Helps Campaign Contributor Evade Ethics Problem
- Shapiro: Clayton Hee is a Chihuahua
- Crooks, Cronies Meet at Abercrombie Fundraiser
- Bigger tip credit would ease wage increase
- Approve bills to fix schools bus system
- High cost of recycling glass bottles shatters eco-efforts
- Kauai Budget Proposes Millions in New Taxes
- PCBs found in Kauai water tank
- Outrigger raises a few eyebrows with appeal of Waikiki retail project
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Saturday, March 16, 2013 |
March 16, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 5032 Views
- UH Federalist Society: "Litigating for Liberty: Non-traditional Public Interest Law"
- Commission Approves Charter School Accountability Contract
- HCR 189: "No Big Wind, No Big Cable"
- List of Tax Measures Moving in Legislature Totals Seven Pages
- Honolulu County Republican Party Convention
- Alleged Homosexual Child Predator at Kamehameha “could have been going on for years”
- Legislator, Perfesser Claim Molesters Have no Friends Here
- Hawaii ERS to Become Captive Insurance Company?
- Hawaii House committee advances gun control bill
- Josh Green Committee Rejects hospital privatization, Approves Worthless Task Force Instead
- Will Clayton Hee Kill ‘Shield’ Law
- New UH Librarian's $195K salary brings criticism
- Obama Library Push Creates Excuses for 13 UH Junkets
- Homelessness Industry to ‘Occupy’ Honolulu Hale
- US to beef up missile defense as Norks Fire Missiles into Sea of Japan
- Land acquisition for rail could face legal action down the track
- Counties risk losing revenue from public utility franchise tax
- Board of Water Supply looking for developers to take over its location
- Rand Paul mocks federally funded study on menus for astronauts
- DOA: Hanabusa Proposes Two no-hope COFA Funding Measures
- PGV operations back to normal
- KIUC Candidates Reject Rate Cuts, Waste to Energy
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Friday, March 15, 2013 |
March 15, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 5044 Views
- SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
- Could Repeal of the Jones Act Actually Happen?
- VIDEO: Why does Hawaii oppose Jessica's Law?
- Another Homosexual Child Predator busted? This Time at Kamehameha
- Solomon: Hawaii 'On The Verge Of Bankruptcy'
- PPPC: Counties Will be Able to Exempt Projects?
- Mayor pushes gas tax hike, pegs average cost at $21.45 a year
- GMO crops could trigger another Green Revolution
- Only 28% Would Vote for Abercrombie for Governor
- CB: At The Legislature Today
- Counties Skeptical About Election Day Voter Registration
- House Judiciary Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
- Corruption Studies: Potential Growth Industry for Hawaii
- More than 2,000 teachers protest lack of contract at Capitol
- Community key to creating programs in middle schools
- Broken Trustee Joins Ritte in Atrazine Hype
- Advocates urge lawmakers to adopt preschool bills
- Prisons chief wants new tests to gauge guards
- Honolulu Rail: A Textbook Case Of Poor Planning, Denial And Diversion
- Kauai Dam Breach Tragedy Still Not Resolved 7 Years After 7 People Were Killed
- Hawaii’s Favorite Gun - Who Owns It and Why
- New health insurer to set up shop
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Thursday, March 14, 2013 |
March 14, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 PM :: 4831 Views
- Dick Rowland: 83 Years Young and Still Fighting for Liberty
- House GOP: "Many Bad Bills Did Not Pass"
- House approves $23.25B budget
- McCain: OHA Cronies Milk Defense Budget for Millions
- Republican Caucus Commends Fiscally Conservative Hawaii House Budget
- Chevron Drives Kitimat LNG Export Project Forward
- WAC: Legislature Endangers UH Accreditation
- Report: Hawaii Beer Distributors Generate 850 Direct Jobs, $200 Million
- Horizon Lines Loses $94.7M for 2012
- Hawaii ranked seventh in U.S. for solar energy
- Feds Investigating Hawaii Blind-Deaf School Homosexual Rape Gang
- Council on Revenues Upgrades Hawaii Fiscal Forecast as House Passes Budget
- $66M -- Legislators permit raise in jobless tax
- Ending state-worker over payments proving tough and costly
- Hawaii DoE to Participate in Maine Laptop Contract?
- Solar: Nine Months and Still No Inspection
- Josh Green Calls Other Doctors Corrupt
- Non-Apology, Apology: Is Rep. Hanohano Really Sorry for Her Racist Rant?
- State prisons suspend correction officer recruitment, delay training class
- Bills would help rein in school bus costs
- House committee advances solar tax credit bill
- Hawaii Shield Law: Journalists Struggle To Hold On To Legal Rights
- Hawaii Senate Stiffens Adult Care Home Online Inspections Bill
- Hawaii House committee advances foster care bill
- Hawaii House committee OKs e-cigarette youth ban
- PGV outage triggers alarm
- Spaceport skepticism
- Hawaii population up 1 percent, to 1,392,313 residents
- Former Hawaii State Planned Parenthood Director: 30 days in jail
- Hui wants developer's permits to be revoked by city for good
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 |
March 13, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:08 PM :: 5132 Views
- Argentine Jorge Bergoglio Elected Pope—Will be Pope Francis
- WAC: Legislature Endangers UH Accreditation
- UH Mānoa Law School leaps 26 points in rankings
- Kauai County Smacks Down Hype: "No Atrazine in Water Supply"
- SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
- Schatz Proposes $180 Billion Carbon Tax
- Hawaii Gun Registration Bill to be Heard this Thursday
- Hawaii Meth Project Foundation Joins The Partnership at Drugfree.org
- Hawaii Had Lowest Election Turnout in Nation – 44.1%
- HR29: Gambling tries to Slip in Via Resolution
- Hawaii's state revenues 12% higher than last year
- Thousands of Hawaii Teachers Expected to Rally at Capitol Tomorrow
- University of Hawaii Procurement Under Fire for Wasting Millions of Dollars on Fraud and Corruption
- Shapiro: Souki-led House majority has delivered solid agenda
- Cash Call: Tsutsui, Kidani
- SB51: Sand Island Land Swap
- CBAs an Alternative to PLDC?
- Question study on gay tourism
- Star-Adv: Leave GMOs to the Feds
- Native Hawaiian Filmmaker Asks Lawmakers to Extend Journalism Shield Bill
- $26.6 Million to Settle Lawsuits Against the State
- Rock Climbers vs Trial Lawyers
- Bill: Prohibit ‘Biased-Based’ Policing
- HB1481: Bigger Welfare Payments for Wanna-Be Politicians
- SB573: Back-Door Pay Hike for HSTA
- Lax military in Hawaii led to California cops' deaths
- Sen Sam Slom on The O'Reilly Factor
- Steven Tyler on Hawaii's 'Steven Tyler Act': 'Now I Can Walk Around Naked'
- Caldwell: Keep Waimanalo Gulch Open
- City suspends Jeff Stone’s Aina Haina permit
- Electric Car Chargers Have only 700 Customers
- Hawaii Supreme Court to decide whether a ‘medical’ marijuana user can be stopped at the airport for carrying his ‘medicine’
- I Aloha Molokai -- Celebrate Our Way of Life
- Small Business Day at the State Capitol is March 27
- Commander Of U.S. Pacific Forces Says Global Warming Is Our Top Threat
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013 |
March 12, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 8104 Views
- SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
- Sunlight: Hawaii Scores 'C' for Transparency
- Organic Profiteers: 15% Sales Boost from Anti-GMO Hype
- Hawaii: Gun Registration Bill Passes the Senate
- RFP: Hawaii Health Connector Seeks Seamless Customer Experience
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 11, 2013
- Naming Names: Big Pharma Pays $3.2M to Hawaii MDs
- Honolulu Pavement Condition: Is Your Street Serious?
- How Hawaii Minimum Wage Workers Earn $24.24 per hour
- Poll: Hanabusa Beats Abercrombie by 27%, Beats Schatz by 22%
- Still No Prayer in the Hawaii Senate
- OCC: Cells Empty While Prison Overcrowded
- State Pays Thousands to Prisoners Kept Beyond Sentence
- Should Suspended Cops Be Identified? Hawaii Records Office Says Yes
- Its Legal: Legislators Can Sell Influence and Access With Impunity!
- Souki, Kouchi, Tokioka Hold Fundraisers During Session
- The bills that made the cut
- Give labor board resources it needs so it Will Deliver HSTA Decision
- Restaurants and food businesses weigh in on the minimum wage increase
- SB472HD1: Reduces Marijuana Ticket to Piddling $100
- Hawaii Online Poker Bills Fold
- Hawaii Senators: Strengthen Early Childhood Education
- HB321: ACLU Pushes Same-day registration
- Free Clinics Push for More Medicaid Spending—200% of Poverty Line
- Obama Kills Tsunami Detection Funds, 1/3 of Buoys Dead
- Hawaii Jihadi Heads to Trial, Lawyer Asks Judge to Ban Jews from Jury
- Conklin: “Racial Entitlement Bills in the 2013 Hawaii Legislature”
- Hirono Apology for Not Being Gay Goes Viral
- History shows N. Korean pattern: Wait, then attack
- Japan’s New PM May Reduce Hawaii Gas Prices
- Contractor Wastes 18 Mos, $600 cost overruns fined $26K
- Bereavement Pay For Inouye’s Widow In New Senate Budget
- Allegiant Cancels Multiple Hawaii Flights over Mechanical Issues
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Monday, March 11, 2013 |
March 11, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:21 PM :: 7757 Views
- China Debates Whether to ‘Keep or Dump’ North Korea
- Abercrombie for Monopolies?
- SEC Charges Illinois for Misleading Pension Disclosures
- Anahola Rejects Danner Sisters’ Biomass Plant
- Hawaii Commercial-Scale Solar Installations Lose Key Part Source
- Kahuku wind farm safety called into question
- No cause, no answers 7 months after Kahuku wind farm fire
- Agency bumps up rebate for solar water heaters
- Shine a light on political finances
- Great News: Hawaii Gun Control Measures Dead for Season
- Labor Board Blames Lack of Staff for Slow HSTA Decision
- Mainland Homosexuals Target Hawaii for 2013-14
- Gabbard Joins Rand Paul Drone Protest
- Civil Beat Joins Atrazine Hype Squad
- Hawaii Would Lose Influence if Electoral College, Senate Reformed
- Investigation on disposal of county records produces no results
- Deedy Drops Dismissal Motion, Clears Way for State Murder Trial
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Monday, March 11, 2013 |
Letters to the Editor March, 2013
By Letters to the Editor @ 6:54 AM :: 10441 Views
- Abercrombie for Monopolies?
- ERS: USS Titanic Hawaii Headed for $8.4B Iceberg
- Hanohano Should Resign
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Sunday, March 10, 2013 |
March 10, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 5413 Views
- SB286 Ends Reapportionment Discrimination, to be Heard Tuesday
- Knock Off the Theatrics and Get Down To Business
- Hawaii Legislative Watch: People vs. Government
- LINK: How major bills fared at the Capitol
- Legislators Fail to Act--Can Still Legally Profit from their Actions
- SB66 Would Require Disclosure from State Commission Members
- 25% Tax Credits for Hollywood Movie Moguls?
- Hawaii Scores Five on Fed-Up Index
- Star-Adv: $1000 Marijuana Ticket Could Boost General Fund
- Brewbaker: Tourism Maxed Out, Need More Hotels
- Affordable housing remains a dire need across state
- Ing Fails, Panel includes Only half of request for high school in Kihei
- Under Attack by Luddites, Seed Industry Growth Stalls
- Following Crook Ritte, Kauai Idiots March against GMOs
- HB1388 Gives $1.3M to Shrimp Farm Operator
- Gabbard Joins Republicans in Criticism of White House
- Caldwell Claims “Fuel tax hike is investment in the future”
- Hawaii Co. Police officer reprimanded following misconduct complaint
- Inmate dies after fight at OCCC
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Saturday, March 9, 2013 |
March 9, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 7666 Views
- The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative: Watt, Me Worry?
- Airlines Bet Big On Hawaii With 275,000 Additional Seats
- Governor Releases $46.39 Million for Capital Improvement Projects Statewide
- “Harassment and intimidation” Clayton Hee Challenges Wil Espero to a Duel on Senate Floor
- HGEA/AFSCME Fundraiser for Schatz
- House finance committee approves $23 billion budget--$590 million shy of governor's request
- DoE abuse of Disabled Children prompts calls for federal intervention
- Star-Adv: Only Now is it time to Get Serious About HSTA Negotiations
- DHHL, Solar Scammers Split Profits, Ratepayers Stuck with $108/barrel for 20 years
- House passes bill to create night parking lots for homeless Tent Cities
- State: It'll Take 4 More Years To Clear Elevator Inspection Backlog
- Soft-on-Crime Policy Gets Burglary Suspect Shot
- Union employees at The Modern vote to authorize strike
- Star-Advertiser owner a very busy man these days
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Friday, March 8, 2013 |
March 8, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 5415 Views
- GAO Jones Act Report to be Released Next Week
- Sequestration: Army Tuition Assistance Ends Today
- Honolulu Ranked 8th-Worst City for Drivers
- Rail Fail: Ansaldo Breda, Finmeccanica Financial Report Shows Negative Net Worth, Massive Losses
- Crossover at the Capitol
- HPD makes a push for, and against, new laws
- Crossover News:
- PPPA: Hot Exchange Before Senate Passes Development Bill
- Senate bill seeks more fairness in election financing
- Military to lawmakers: Cuts will hurt state
- Tomorrow's pensions put pressure on today's needs
- Alleged Killer Cop Gets off Easy
- Answers due for cost overruns in county contracts Some as high as eight-fold
- State Denies Teachers Claims, Pays Prisoners
- State hires private firm to defend against expected Federal indictment over seabirds
- City brings back permit fees for solar installations
- Fontaine is elected to lead Maui County GOP
- Hokulia developer files bankruptcy with debt over $500 million
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 |
March 7, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:06 PM :: 4820 Views
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 |
March 6, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 4677 Views
- SB894 Held as Turtle Bay Opens New Negotiations with State
- As Solar Backout Spreads HECO Unveils More Detailed Grid Map
- Former Rep Roland Sagum Charged With Stealing Stones from Heiau Site
- House Moves Hundreds of Bills Over to Senate
- A Good Day For Good Government, Mostly
- CB: Senate Approves Series of Bills Cracking Down on UH
- Bills On The Move
- Revenue: HTA raises 2013 projections for visitor arrivals, spending
- PACOM: Military furloughs will be worse in Hawaii
- Oh, he'll fix the roads … but it's going to cost you
- Bag Tax Killed for Session
- Money Spinner: Senate Votes to ‘Decriminalize’ Small Marijuana Possession, Increase Fine
- HB535 Homeless Tent City Passes House
- City tags items on sidewalk placed by (de)Occupy hui
- Farmers Harassed by Copper Thieves
- DoE Hustles to Burn RTTT Money Before HSTA Blows Rest of Deal
- Trade Windfarm for Cookies?
- Kawamoto Denied Bail, 4 Weeks in Jail
- Lawsuit: Alleged Homosexual Priest Allegedly Molested Boys 45 Years Ago
- Green Police: Collective Punishment for Fishermen after False Killer Hooked
- Walter Ritte Brings Anti-GMO Dog n Pony Show to Kauai, 300 Idiots Show up
- Anti-GMO Hypesters to Use Atrazine as Weapon
- Local digital media group wants to keep creatives in Honolulu, Put them on Welfare
- State Harasses Small Businesses at Dillingham Airfield
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013 |
March 5, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:42 PM :: 4921 Views
- Lawsuit: Mainland Homosexual Adopts Boys, Molests Them in Hawaii
- Senate Crossover: 200 Bills on the Agenda
- House moves 69 bills over to Senate
- State Sells Holdings in Student Loan Auction Rate Securities
- NRA: Burdensome Anti-Gun Bill Must be Stopped
- HB411 Forces Hospitals, Doctors to Hand Out Abortion Pill
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 4, 2013
- VIDEO: Sen Sam Slom and Donovan DelaCruz ‘A Better Day’
- Crossover Thursday: House order of the day, Senate order of the day
- Riot Police Stand by as Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Finally Meets
- Bills to Develop School Lands Approved by Senate
- Senate Kills Religious Exemption Amendment in Emergency Contraception Bill
- Legislators can get a raise if they simply do nothing
- Budget holds no raises for teachers, union says
- Pahoa HSTA Member: Teachers days are Numbered, Common Core Easily Manipulated
- House Approves Early Lawmaker Financial Disclosure, Senate Votes to Exempt Task Force Members from Ethics
- HB713: Police Recruiters Should Not be Able to Look at Job Applicants Online Presence
- Billionaire Kawamoto arrested in Japan for alleged tax fraud
- Notices for federal furloughs begin
- Liquor inspectors Secretly stopped from making arrests, using handcuffs
- 88% Reject Gas Tax Hike
- Occupiers Block New Sidewalk
- Who will play for little pay? UH's new concert rules
- Senate Passes Steven Tyler Act
- Machines ruled gambling devices
- Solomon, Dela Cruz Holds Fundraisers During Session
- Caldwell makes park repair a priority in proposed budget
- New Bill Aims to Attract Outer Space to Big Island
- Hawaii DOE to request waiver for FY 2012 SIG Grant
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Monday, March 4, 2013 |
March 4, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 6202 Views
- US Patent Pending for Genetically Modified Marijuana
- Senators too Intelligent to be Fooled by Anti-GMO Nonsense
- Water Board to Waste $9.5M on Global Warming, Will Use Eco-Babble to Justify Further Rate Hikes
- Stand Up To SHOPO And Open Police Misconduct Records
- Lucky Sequestration Delays Major Review of Hawaii Historic Preservation Division
- Star-Adv: Soda Bottlers Must Pony Up or Soda Tax Will be Back
- Civil Beat Decides Hanohano May Have Had a Point
- Hawaii State Hospital Population Up as Mental Health Services Cut
- Inmate Gets Wet, Scores $38K from State
- Tesoro ups layoff estimate to 210 workers at Kapolei refinery
- Puna Geothermal -- Six Cents per KWH
- SB1045/HB815 Exempt Electric Coop from HRS 269
- OHA, Aina Haina group ask city to halt site work
- Senate Ctte amends Banyan Drive legislation
- Public vying for chance to shoot at public gun range
- Lawmakers may limit e-cigarette sales
- Supreme Court to Hear Gay Marriage Arguments March 26
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Sunday, March 3, 2013 |
March 3, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 PM :: 4939 Views
- Hawaii Precedent? 'Sidewalk Property' Decision Appealed to Supreme Court
- Keep The Promise for Better Wages as Goal
- HNL Planning Director: "Public, Along With Private Property Rights, Are Our Top Priority"
- Video: The PLDC And Property Rights In Hawaii - A Panel Discussion
- Sewer Gas Powers Cars
- Where is Hawaii Transportation Headed?
- Abercrombie Laughs at Teachers: “Be careful what you wish for”
- Only Two Schools Meet Instructional Hours Law, So SB238 Will Re-define “instructional”
- Trade Minimum Wage Hike for Unemployment Tax Freeze?
- Greenwood Needs to Speak Up, Name Names in Response to Mitsunaga Allegations
- Crossover: Hawaii lawmakers to vote on hundreds of bills
- Followers of Eco Religion March in Haleiwa, Call for Total Ban on GMOs, Destruction of 2000 Agriculture Jobs
- SB937: 10% More Local Food = 2300 Jobs
- 91% ‘No’ -- Do you think Rep. Faye Hanohano's apology for racial slurs was enough?
- ML&P Bailout: A measure aims to conserve coastal property and provide a financial boost to Maui Land
- Veterans Court Launched
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Saturday, March 2, 2013 |
March 2, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 5394 Views
- Gays Attack Hawaiians (Again)
- Sen Solomon Resolutions Urge Hawaii Jones Act Exemption
- NRO: Sink the Jones Act
- Hanohano Should Resign
- DoE Extends Deadline for School Quality Survey
- DoE Million Dollar Cash Giveaway to 32 Schools
- Governor to Establish Hawaii ‘Sequestration Impact Response Team’
- After all the Hype, Sequestration Brings ‘Business as Usual’ to Hawaii
- “Dead on Arrival”: Caldwell wants to raise the city's fuel tax by 5 cents a gallon
- SB215 would create a Public-Private Partnership Authority, Give Counties Power to Waive Land Use Requirements
- Bumbling DoTax Shorts City $33M GET funds for transit project?
- Mitsunaga v Kobayashi: UH System Has No Comment as AG Investigates
- Hawaii Teachers Stage ‘Teach-In’ at Gov’s Residence
- Clean Elections: $34K for House, $68K for Senate
- Office of Hawaii Affairs Bill Needed to Stop Recycling Trustees?
- Lunatic Released by Judge Before Killing Rampage
- UH Manoa Fights Act 221 Scammers for Control of So-Called ‘Innovation Center’
- Judge Halts Work at Villages of `Aina Le`a and Orders Supplemental EIS
- HB1424 to Buy Lipoa Point, Save from ML&P from Bankruptcy
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Friday, March 1, 2013 |
March 1, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:31 PM :: 5507 Views
- Full Text: Rep Hanohano Accused of Workplace Violence after Racist Tirade Aimed at State Workers
- HTA: Visitor Arrivals Rise 5.9% from January 2012
- HELCO RFP Seeks More Geothermal Power
- Environmental Concerns "At Record Lows": Global Poll
- Store owners say plastic bag ban causes more shoplifting
- EPA Cites 188F Garbage: $1.1M Waimanalo Gulch Settlement Day After Lawsuit Filed
- Sakai: Misconduct Investigation Underway After Latest Prisoner Escape
- DoE Extends Deadline for School Quality Survey
- Soda Tax Bill Fizzes Out
- House Committee Moves Two Tax Cuts, ‘For Vehicle Purposes Only’
- Hanabusa Proposes Special Funds Raid to Stop DoD Furloughs
- SB286: Malama Solomon Endorses Call to Count Every Person for Reapportionment
- Mitsunaga Levels More Accusations House Committee Votes to Strip UH Procurement Power
- Honolulu Liquor administrator won't resign after admitting 47 ethical violations
- PPPA/PLDC Hearing Friday
- Full House to consider measure on prompt Labor Board rulings
- Bill on public financing of campaigns advances in Hawaii Senate
- House Finance Committee Hearing Violates 24-Hr Notice Rule
- Common Cause Focuses on Three Bills
- No Prison Time: Pflueger, State Attorney, Nearing Ka Loko Manslaughter Plea-Bargain?
- Should Police Misconduct Be Public?
- Witnesses recount school abuse of Disabled Children
- State plan aims to turn Wahiawa into agricultural hub
- Schatz Joins Lawmakers at Inouye memorial pledging support for Israel
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