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Entries for March 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013
March 31, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:52 PM :: 4177 Views
  1. Anti-GMO Activist: Crazy Hawaiians Make us Look Bad
  2. Key to Tax Relief Lies in Repeal of Tax “Loopholes”
  3. DLNR Reopens Kealakekua Bay to Two Kayak Operators
  4. Schatz Campaign Kickoff: Abercrombie Compares Opponents to Dictators, Authoritarians
  5. Abercrombie Must Choose Between ‘New Day’ and Paying Off Unions
  6. Legislators to UH: Shut Down Kobayashi, Give Mitsunaga Some Contracts
  7. GMO Labels Convey false Information
  8. Innovation: State Spends $8M to Spread Ignorance
  9. Hawaii Scores ‘F’ on Medical Consumer Cost Information
  10. Dial back borrowing for road repairs
  11. HPD lieutenant arrested for alleged DUI
  12. Police give dozens of $500 Alcohol Citations to Spring Breakers
  13. 400,000 Emergency Room Admissions for Marijuana

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Saturday, March 30, 2013
March 30, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 PM :: 4739 Views
  1. Photos: N Korea Dictator Signs Missile Orders in Front of Map Targeting Hawaii, Guam
  2. VIDEO: Kalaeloa Solar Illegal Heavy Equipment Crushes Hawaiian Caves
  3. Two former POWs visit wounded warriors, share stories of resilience, hope
  4. Star-Advertiser Backs Jones Act Reform
  5. Hawaii Schools Win Big in TV Journalism Competition
  6. Hawaii Medal of Honor: Honoring the Fallen
  7. Report: Hawaii 47th in Freedom
  8. Chaos 2014: Hanabusa vs Abercrombie, Gabbard vs Schatz
  9. Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate ‘scientists’ puzzled
  10. Hawaii = Not Much Support For Gay Marriage
  11. Sequestration delivers major blow to health care
  12. Family Health Hawaii Aims for Lower Rates on Health Exchange
  13. Molokai Shooter Had Major Mental Illness, Was Free to Walk Streets in Hawaii
  14. Civil Beat Marks Third Anniversary
  15. Pro-Akaka Bill Congressman apologizes for using racial slur
  16. Kona prison plan resurrected
  17. State elections may get permanent public option
  18. Schatz Launches barely Disguised Campaign Swing thru State
  19. Honolulu has sixth-strongest local economy in the United States
  20. Consent Decree on Disputed Pepe`ekeo Power Plant
  21. Bernie Bicoy Obituary


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Friday, March 29, 2013
March 29, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 5842 Views
  1. State Inspects 90% Fewer Scales, 78% Fewer Gas Pumps Since 2010
  2. House GOP: "Senate bills would increase taxes and fees"
  3. Hawaii Republican Assembly: "You Can Stop Bad Ideas"
  4. SHPD Pilot Project to Monitor Big Island Archaeological Sites
  5. Honolulu Rail and the Uniform Relocation Act
  6. Governor Announces Nominations to Land Board, Water Commission
  7. After Waiving $18M, City Again Begins Collecting Solar Inspection Fees
  8. Hawaii Construction Forecast: Construction Upswing Picks Up Speed
  9. Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
  10. Hirono Announces State Office Staff Appointments
  11. Abercrombie Turns 5 Percent of Prisoners Loose—First Kidnapping Reported
  12. Doubling Number of inmates on furlough – Plan is Expected to bring more escapes
  13. Absentee Voting Fraud Remains Legal as Clayton Hee Kills ‘Romy Cachola Bill’
  14. PBN: Teacher Evaluations are Fake if no Firings
  15. Cut blogs from press law, state urges
  16. Star-Adv: Don't raise film industry tax credit
  17. School Lands Development Scheme Heads for Secret Conference Committee
  18. Lawmakers endorse extended foster care
  19. Borreca Deeply Disappointed that GOP Will Not Embrace Gay Marriage
  20. Arizona Judge Not Fooled by Hawaii Transsexual Marriage
  21. Running Scared: Schatz To Kick Off Re-Election Campaign
  22. 200 Airmen and B-52s Deploying From N. Dakota to Guam
  23. Severe Turbulence Rocks Solar Industry
  24. Little Interest In GMO Labeling Study Resolution
  25. Racist Anti-GMO Activist Attacks Farmer
  26. Anti-GMO Protesters Terrorize Farmers, Destroy ‘Aina
  27. HB31: Senate President Could Still Save Bus Riders from Homelessness Industry harassment
  28. TheBus Privatized to Save Teamsters from HGEA, UPW
  29. Honolulu Council Moves Kawamoto Bill, Limited-Service Hotels
  30. Could Maui form a municipal utility?
  31. Price rises for Honolulu Seawater A/C project
  32. Publicly Funded Elections Bill Clears Senate Money Committee
  33. Hawaii Senate committee approves open data bill
  34. Solar Panels: Electrocution Hazard for Firefighters
  35. Koko Head Shooting Range Hours Extended
  36. Former Filipino Chamber President Charged in Ponzi Scheme
  37. Possible Downtown WalMart Plan Praised
  38. Hawaii County Council Drops Marijuana Decriminalization Reso
  39. Marijuana, Meth: Drug Dealers Charged in Hilo Have 50 Priors
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 5680 Views
  1. Hawaii Senate Committee on Ways and Means Passes State Budget Bill
  2. ICA Hears Case Challenging State Ownership of Mineral, Geothermal Rights
  3. Application Deadline to Serve on State Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions is March 31
  4. Teens wanted for Hawaii Meth Project advisory council
  5. Star-Adv Backs Jones Act Reform
  6. ‘Bare Bones’ Senate Budget Funds 1000 Vacant Positions, Phony ‘Hi-Tech’ Tax Credits
  7. $22K raise proposed for Kenoi: 19.8% for Hawaii Co Execs
  8. Pentagon cuts number of furlough days
  9. Calvin Say Hires Scott Saiki's GOP Opponent
  10. Senate WAM to Consider PLDC Repeal Today
  11. Statewide, Only Seven People Spent Time in Jail for Marijuana Last Year
  12. UH abandons controversial plan to build expensive bio lab
  13. Lawmakers push forward school land bills
  14. State Senate: Audit The University of Hawaii
  15. Teacher on contract: Devil is in the details
  16. Hawaii Case Waits on Supreme Court
  17. Open Lewdness: Naked Homosexuals Steal Mokuleia Beach from North Shore Locals
  18. Suicide Squad Targets Waimanalo in Push to Eliminate Excess Hawaiians
  19. Top cops join anti-pot rally
  20. Hearings Thursday On GMO, Atrazine Resolutions
  21. Eradication: Big Island Senators Ignore Hunters
  22. State to develop Kunia Ag Park as live-work units
  23. LOL! Kuokoa backs away from Hawaiian Electric takeover for ‘restructuring’
  24. Community, individual acts can best government's work
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
March 27, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:15 PM :: 4783 Views
  1. Hawaii Health Insurance Rates to Rise 12% to 21% Next Year
  2. USPIRG Flunks Hawaii on Tax Credit Secrecy
  3. Scientology: Hawaii House Resolution Honors Group Tied to 'Torture', 'Concentration Camps'
  4. 19 families to receive Hawaii Medal of Honor Today
  5. Budget: Is Neil Abercrombie Four Times the Man Jack Burns Was?
  6. Big Media Splash for Launch of Hawaii House Jones Act Resolutions
  7. NRA: Background Check Bill Makes Final Committee Stop
  8. Honolulu Tops Nation for 'Emotional Health'
  9. Organic Spinach Recall Precedes Hawaii E-Coli Outbreak
  10. NFIB to Lobby Against Minimum Wage Hike Today
  11. Reason: America's Loneliest Senator: Hawaii's Lone Ranger Sam Slom
  12. Hanabusa More Interested in Taking on Abercrombie
  13. League of Conservation Voters Endorses Schatz
  14. “What Happens in Caucus Stays in Caucus” – Mazie Hirono Joins ‘Silent Senators’
  15. HR169: Cabanilla, Souki Retaliate on Arts Commission for Ratting Out Hanohano
  16. Defending Molester Lobby, Clayton Hee Screams ‘Racism’
  17. HRC, Lambda Were Legal Against Gay Marriage in 1990s Hawaii
  18. Slom: HSTA Wins, Taxpayers Lose
  19. Disney, Abercrombie, Caldwell Team up with media for Film Tax Credit Agit-Prop Show
  20. Star-Adv: UH efficiency study a good sign
  21. Lawmakers Say School Bus Fiasco Finally Shaping Up
  22. SB1340: Extend care for foster children up to age 21
  23. Hawaii Co Councilman Cancels Shady $1000/plate Fundraiser
  24. Time To Ban Campaign Donations During Session?
  25. Twice-fired TSA manager gets his job back AGAIN after judge rules he was unfairly sacked in Hawaii baggage-checking scandal
  26. ‘Naturopathic’ Midwife Sued for Malpractice
  27. Claim: Pot Hole Does $2000 Damage to Car
  28. Kuhio Day: How The Royal Hawaiian Band Ended Up in the County of Honolulu
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
March 26, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:09 PM :: 4691 Views
  1. NKorea Threatens Attacks on Guam, Hawaii, US Mainland
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 25, 2013
  3. Hawaii Jihadi Convicted, Could Get 21 Years
  4. Request Hearings for Jones Act Reform Resolutions
  5. Rally Against Marijuana Decriminalization
  6. Wednesday is Tax and Budget Day at Ways and Means
  7. Is HSTA Contract Enough for Abercrombie to Buy Reelection?
  8. HSTA Contract Proposal Sets off Budget Avalanche
  9. $333M: How the state will pay for the teachers’ contract
  10. 60-40 Healthcare Deal May be Biggest Ticket Item 
  11. Task Force Teacher Praises Educator Effectiveness System
  12. Doubling Number of inmates on furlough – Plan is Expected to bring more escapes
  13. Soft on Crime: Alleged Molokai Shooter Had Multiple Convictions
  14. State Senators Want Gay Marriage Impact Study
  15. Caldwell Admin to draft plan for homelessness by May Day
  16. Ethics: Should UH Administrators, Regents Get Free UH Athletic Tickets?
  17. Money speaks loudly for Lobbyist Duo
  18. AG: Enviros Rule Over Hawaii County Voters
  19. New Maui Budget Proposal Full of Tax Hikes, Rate Increases
  20. Potholes: Caldwell Administration Debates WAPNFFS
  21. Bus riders welcome route's comeback
  22. Former parks deputy to pay $2K in ethics case
  23. Resolution calls for ocean-safety videos on flights
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Monday, March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:33 PM :: 5525 Views
  1. Company With Ties to Abercrombie, DelaCruz Seeks $200M from Legislature
  2. HSTA, DoE Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
  3. Taxes, Marriage, PLDC Top Agenda for Hawaii Republican Assembly
  4. Tax Cut or More Giveaways to Tax Credit Scammers?
  5. Leading Progressive Columnist Makes Complete Fool of Herself
  6. For the First Time, Welfare to Work is Being Enforced in Hawaii
  7. Concerns arise over $150M Road Repair Plan
  8. UH Spending Millions On PR Efforts
  9. Pflueger Honda Changes Name after Bad Publicity
  10. Star-Adv Cheers as Legislature Risks Closure of HMC West
  11. Failed education bills demoted to resolutions
  12. Wooley Pens Anti-GMO Screed
  13. 800 Protest Postal Cuts
  14. Grove Farm IAL Designation Tied to Biofuel Scheme
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Sunday, March 24, 2013
March 24, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:29 PM :: 5150 Views
  1. Knee-Jerk Reaction Leads to Just More Money
  2. The Brighter Side: Honoring Human Achievement
  3. Sequestration: Pacific Fleet Cancels Deployments
  4. VIDEO Panos 2050: Earthquakes, Energy Supply, Tsunamis, Taxes and ... Politicians Local and International Threats to Hawaii's Sustainability
  5. Running for Congress: Chang, Kenoi, Espero, Tsutsui, Kim?
  6. Tsutsui to Open Offices in all Four Counties?
  7. Anti-GMO Activists Should Go Back to Home Planet
  8. Senate to debate Tax Credit Giveaways, School Land Development Schemes
  9. Millions for Affordable Housing
  10. Star-Adv Tries to Salvage Early Education Giveaway to KSBE
  11. Kam Schools Continues Push for Preschool Program Which Will Line its Pockets
  12. Quality of health care is not on unions’ agenda
  13. Hawaii Resolutions Call for Same Jones Act Exemption that Guam Now Has
  14. WHT Keeping Up With the Jones Act
  15. Hawaii Suit on Hold Awaiting Supreme Court Gay ‘Marriage’ Case
  16. Sen Ruderman Admits he is Unable to Understand Geothermal Bill
  17. Kenoi: Drunk Election Workers OK by Me
  18. Hemp Bill Passes Second Reading in Hawaii Senate
  19. Hawaii County to Change all Streetlights to LED
  20. Street analysis uncovers worst of the worst
  21. Tesoro Closure Will not Squeeze Asphalt Supply
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
March 23, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:05 PM :: 5307 Views
  1. 471 Register as Honolulu Neighborhood Board Candidates
  2. Hirono, Schatz Cast Decisive Votes as Senate Passes Trillion Dollar Tax Hike
  3. Governor Releases $26.2 Million for Education Facilities Statewide
  4. Senate Budget Bill to Fund 900 Vacant Positions, Abercrombie Preschool Scheme
  5. University of Hawaii President 348 Days of Travel and Vacation in Four Years
  6. Report: UH Professors Have 33% Fewer Students, Work 39% Fewer Hours Than Average
  7. Star-Adv Covers Bipartisan House Jones Act Resolution
  8. DelaCruz Proposes State Run Collectivized Agriculture
  9. Star-Adv: Lets Sponsor a State-Wide Pot Party
  10. Clayton Hee: City May Not Roust Sleeping Bums from Bus Stops 
  11. Punatics Hyperventilate over Geothermal Steam Release
  12. Steven Tyler Act stalls in Hawaii
  13. Tracking bills on your smartphone with a free RSS reader
  14. Revamped state websites lack access to minutes
  15. Hawaii House committee defers gambling resolution
  16. Hawaii Shippers Council: GAO’s Jones Act Report Is Inconclusive
  17. Judge calls federal espionage accusation into doubt
  18. At Legislative Town Hall, East Oahu Residents Express Outrage Over Proposed KSBE Development on Preservation Land
  19. Sierra Club Leader Lost on Mauna Kea
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Friday, March 22, 2013
March 22, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:12 PM :: 6629 Views
  1. Preemptive Strike: UHPA Endorses Schatz
  2. VIDEO: Homosexual Child Molester Describes 40 Years of Abuse
  3. SR123/SCR166: Activists Push Gay Marriage Task Force
  4. Biofuel: Hawaiian Electric Agrees to Drop Rate Hike
  5. Grabbing for OHA Cronies’ Support: Schatz, Hirono Tag Team vs Hanabusa
  6. Schatz Kisses up to OHA Cronies Some More
  7. Racist Anti-GMO Activist forced to Apologize for “Go back to Japan”
  8. Bill for GMO labels fails; study sought 
  9. HSTA Money Grab: Complains About Ed Reform Consultants
  10. Greenwood defends UH to academic watchdog
  11. Middle schoolers need attention, too
  12. Substitute teachers due pay can expect it later this year
  13. Abercrombie is Point Man in UH Futile Push for Obama Library
  14. Homeless Tent City back after city cleans up Ala Wai site
  15. Gil Riviere Announces Primary Challenge to Richard Fale
  16. Police Misconduct Bill Teeters In Hawaii House Under Union Criticism
  17. Profiling members of the Honolulu Planning Commission
  18. Honolulu City Auditor Investigates Rail
  19. Rail cars will have 20 more seats; critic predicts low ridership
  20. Women's prison guard indicted on sex assault, more victims alleged
  21. Kalaeloa Air Traffic Control to be Spared Sequestration Cuts
  22. Gun Violence Drops as Gun Sales Soar
  23. Hundreds of Honolulu property owners notified of rockfall hazards 
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Thursday, March 21, 2013
March 21, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:06 PM :: 7126 Views
  1. House Oversight Hearing on Recognition of New Tribes -- Akaka Tribe Brushback
  2. House Ethics Investigating Alaska Rep Don Young
  3. Atheists Push to Exclude Church Preschools from Early Learning
  4. AARP: Health Connector Transparency Legislation Did Not Pass
  5. Compassionate Care Versus Religious Freedom
  6. NFL: Pro Bowl in Hawaii One More Year
  7. Out of Reach: Hawaii Most Expensive Housing in Nation
  8. 5,000 Petition Abercrombie to Keep Tesoro Open
  9. Rep. Ward urges Jones Act reform
  10. GAO Releases Jones Act Puerto Rico report
  11. Honolulu City Auditor Survey: Environment Great, Living Tough
  12. Schatz Bill Would Expand National Parks in Hawaii, Pacific
  13. Online Travel Companies Ordered to Pay $70M, Appeal Planned
  14. Hawaii Firearm Permits Set New Record in 2012
  15. UH Contracting: Minaai Career Begins With 1982 Election Fraud
  16. Distraction and Diversion: Legislators Set to Score 25% Pay Hike While Rejecting Additional 2% Hike
  17. Hanabusa to Announce Plans in Next Several Weeks
  18. Suicide Squad Helps Insurance Company by Preparing to Kill Off Expensive HIV Patient
  19. Greenwood Admits Overstepping Authority
  20. Proposed Oahu fuel tax fails to pass first reading
  21. Hawaii lawmakers advance new development agency
  22. Hawaii federal employees protest furloughs
  23. OHA Trustee Says $21M Property Deal Was Shady
  24. Solar Scammers Rally to Continue Looting General Fund
  25. SB1196: Tax Collectors Step up Harassment of Farmers Market Vendors
  26. Supreme Court to hear arguments in Hapa Trail case
  27. Hawaii senators advance social-media privacy bill
  28. Funding approved for more seats on Oahu rail transit system
  29. Hilo $1.9M Water Tank Sits Empty 10 Years, Water Dept Seeks Rate Hike
  30. Honolulu International Airport to get $750M makeover
  31. Why Is Hawaii The Only State Without A Statewide Police Standards Board?
  32. Hawaii Elections May Soon Get Public Funding, More Transparency
  33. OHA Primary Election Bill Needed To Stop Recycling Trustees


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 5794 Views
  1. Legislative Maneuver Means PLDC Goes to Secret Conference Committee
  2. Stanley Chang Running for CD1?
  3. VIDEO: HCDA Bulldozes Ancient Hawaiian Trails for Solar Farm
  4. Rush Limbaugh on Akaka Bill: These are the people that asked to join this country and now they're trying to distance themselves
  5. Wind Power Down, Natural Gas Way Up
  6. Tsutsui to Meet Arne Duncan in DC
  7. DoE Launches Leadership Institute for Principals
  8. Abercrombie Names Three to UH Board of Regents
  9. Rhoads Bill: Marijuana Legal for Juveniles, Illegal for Adults 
  10. Schatz: Rail Money Could be Delayed due to Budget Impasse
  11. Anti-GMO Mob Attacking Kauai Farm Workers
  12. Pflueger Beats Tax Rap, Manslaughter Next
  13. CoR Inspires DoE Money Grab
  14. UH Manoa Faculty Jealous of New Librarian Pay
  15. State Departments urge Senate to Fund Vacant Positions
  16. Shapiro: Hanohano Endangers Support for Hawaiian Sovereignty
  17. Honolulu Ethics: Three Investigators Oversee Massive Criminal Organization
  18. Occupy Honolulu protesters plan City Hall sleepover
  19. Hawaii's Rising Truancy Problem Leaves Lawmakers Scrambling
  20. Online travel companies ordered to pay state $70M in penalties due to unpaid General Excise Tax
  21. Payment Protection: Credit card companies call Hawaii AG’s petition for appeal weak
  22. Anti-Geothermal bill evolves
  23. Film tax credit advances
  24. UH System to Load Athletic Debt on UH Manoa
  25. Legislators Ignore SB692 to Restrain Pickup Bed Passengers
  26. SB642: Cigars Can Be Displayed, Cigarettes Cannot
  27. Sequester Puts 200 People on the Road
  28. Woman at center of spy allegations not Arrested
  29. Tulsi Gabbard Appears in Reality TV Show
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
March 19, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 5403 Views
  1. Hawaii Scores ‘F’ on Health Care Price Transparency Laws
  2. Sunburned by Corporate Welfare
  3. Notable bills to be heard this week
  4. New Governor Seeks Jones Act exemption to grow Puerto Rican Economy
  5. Abercrombie: Hotel Industry TAT Concerns are "Propaganda"
  6. SB69: Gun Registration Bill to be Heard Today
  7. Hawaii Republican Party Growth and Opportunity Project
  8. Hawaii GOP Chair Tours S. Korea With President Bush
  9. Defense Contractor Charged in Hawaii with Communicating Classified Information
  10. Hero Clarence Nishihara Defends Science Against Religious Fanatics
  11. Coal Plant Shutdown raises HECO rates 9%
  12. Proposal aims to increase hotel room tax by 2%
  13. School land bill moves forward in Hawaii Senate
  14. Hawaii Preschool Plan in Crunch as Advocates Vow to Restore Funding
  15. Legislators to Get $10K Pay Hike
  16. Bill: Let City Have Greater Share Of Rail Surcharge
  17. House committee wants to increase tax on luxury home sales
  18. Borreca Defends Molester Lobby
  19. So-Called Consumer Advocate: Oahu Residents Should Pick Up Tab For Aina Koa Pono Project
  20. Legislators Yank Funding for UHH School of Pharmacy Building
  21. Sand Island Business Association–Money & Politics
  22. Budget Actions in D.C. This Week Will Mean Tough Choices For Hawaii
  23. Malulani Activist Endorses Banner Takeover of MMMC
  24. Smart Grids Need to Be Evaluated With Cost Benefit Analysis
  25. Solid waste contract would cloud Hawaii County waste-to-energy
  26. Honeytrap: Honolulu Defense Worker Charged with Nuclear Espionage


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Monday, March 18, 2013
March 18, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 5313 Views
  1. Monday, March 18: Hawaii Statehood
  2. PPPA: PLDC Bait and Switch? Next Hearing March 19
  3. Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?
  4. Jones Act: Five House Reps Introduce Resolution Urging Reform
  5. Doomed: Schatz “Not Looking Beyond 2014”
  6. Schatz too Weak to Unify Delegation on Akaka Bill, Working on End-Run Around Congress 
  7. Hanabusa Interviewed by Indian Country Today
  8. Who Runs the University?  Star-Adv Pushes Back against WAC
  9. Tax Cut More Effective than Minimum Wage Hike
  10. Legislature might exempt meat processors and sales of isle produce from the state's GE Tax
  11. Bills cleared to stem private money in elections
  12. Hawaii Police Union Bargains In Secret, Leaves Public Wondering
  13. Escapee Misses Two More Court Dates
  14. SB170: HTA to Support ‘Cultural Practitioners’
  15. HSTA Member Fails to Get Workers Comp for ‘VOG’
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
March 17, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 6406 Views
  1. Key to Hawaii’s Future is Business Climate
  2. Political Future? Djou Speaks, Lingle on Tap
  3. Saddam Hussein's Honolulu Airplane Bomber to be Released Early
  4. Video: Hawaii Advisory Team Postures Afghan Police for Counter-IED Success
  5. HB411/SB1109: Will Legislators Force HMC Hospitals to Close -- Again?
  6. Homelessness Industry: Stanley Chang’s $77M Push for Tent City
  7. SB946: $520M/year to Pay for Retirees Health Care
  8. Team Oxycontin Reunites for Ethics Bill Kabuki
  9. Clayton Hee Helps Campaign Contributor Evade Ethics Problem
  10. Shapiro: Clayton Hee is a Chihuahua
  11. Crooks, Cronies Meet at Abercrombie Fundraiser
  12. Bigger tip credit would ease wage increase
  13. Approve bills to fix schools bus system
  14. High cost of recycling glass bottles shatters eco-efforts
  15. Kauai Budget Proposes Millions in New Taxes
  16. PCBs found in Kauai water tank
  17. Outrigger raises a few eyebrows with appeal of Waikiki retail project
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
March 16, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 5032 Views
  1. UH Federalist Society: "Litigating for Liberty: Non-traditional Public Interest Law"
  2. Commission Approves Charter School Accountability Contract
  3. HCR 189: "No Big Wind, No Big Cable"
  4. List of Tax Measures Moving in Legislature Totals Seven Pages
  5. Honolulu County Republican Party Convention
  6. Alleged Homosexual Child Predator at Kamehameha “could have been going on for years”
  7. Legislator, Perfesser Claim Molesters Have no Friends Here
  8. Hawaii ERS to Become Captive Insurance Company?
  9. Hawaii House committee advances gun control bill
  10. Josh Green Committee Rejects hospital privatization, Approves Worthless Task Force Instead
  11. Will Clayton Hee Kill ‘Shield’ Law
  12. New UH Librarian's $195K salary brings criticism
  13. Obama Library Push Creates Excuses for 13 UH Junkets
  14. Homelessness Industry to ‘Occupy’ Honolulu Hale
  15. US to beef up missile defense as Norks Fire Missiles into Sea of Japan
  16. Land acquisition for rail could face legal action down the track
  17. Counties risk losing revenue from public utility franchise tax
  18. Board of Water Supply looking for developers to take over its location
  19. Rand Paul mocks federally funded study on menus for astronauts
  20. DOA: Hanabusa Proposes Two no-hope COFA Funding Measures
  21. PGV operations back to normal
  22. KIUC Candidates Reject Rate Cuts, Waste to Energy
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Friday, March 15, 2013
March 15, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 5044 Views
  1. SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
  2. Could Repeal of the Jones Act Actually Happen?
  3. VIDEO: Why does Hawaii oppose Jessica's Law?
  4. Another Homosexual Child Predator busted? This Time at Kamehameha
  5. Solomon: Hawaii 'On The Verge Of Bankruptcy'
  6. PPPC: Counties Will be Able to Exempt Projects?
  7. Mayor pushes gas tax hike, pegs average cost at $21.45 a year
  8. GMO crops could trigger another Green Revolution
  9. Only 28% Would Vote for Abercrombie for Governor
  10. CB: At The Legislature Today
  11. Counties Skeptical About Election Day Voter Registration
  12. House Judiciary Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
  13. Corruption Studies: Potential Growth Industry for Hawaii
  14. More than 2,000 teachers protest lack of contract at Capitol
  15. Community key to creating programs in middle schools
  16. Broken Trustee Joins Ritte in Atrazine Hype
  17. Advocates urge lawmakers to adopt preschool bills
  18. Prisons chief wants new tests to gauge guards
  19. Honolulu Rail: A Textbook Case Of Poor Planning, Denial And Diversion
  20. Kauai Dam Breach Tragedy Still Not Resolved 7 Years After 7 People Were Killed
  21. Hawaii’s Favorite Gun - Who Owns It and Why
  22. New health insurer to set up shop
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
March 14, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 PM :: 4831 Views
  1. Dick Rowland: 83 Years Young and Still Fighting for Liberty
  2. House GOP: "Many Bad Bills Did Not Pass"
  3. House approves $23.25B budget
  4. McCain: OHA Cronies Milk Defense Budget for Millions
  5. Republican Caucus Commends Fiscally Conservative Hawaii House Budget
  6. Chevron Drives Kitimat LNG Export Project Forward
  7. WAC: Legislature Endangers UH Accreditation
  8. Report: Hawaii Beer Distributors Generate 850 Direct Jobs, $200 Million
  9. Horizon Lines Loses $94.7M for 2012
  10. Hawaii ranked seventh in U.S. for solar energy
  11. Feds Investigating Hawaii Blind-Deaf School Homosexual Rape Gang
  12. Council on Revenues Upgrades Hawaii Fiscal Forecast as House Passes Budget
  13. $66M -- Legislators permit raise in jobless tax
  14. Ending state-worker over payments proving tough and costly
  15. Hawaii DoE to Participate in Maine Laptop Contract?
  16. Solar: Nine Months and Still No Inspection
  17. Josh Green Calls Other Doctors Corrupt
  18. Non-Apology, Apology: Is Rep. Hanohano Really Sorry for Her Racist Rant?
  19. State prisons suspend correction officer recruitment, delay training class
  20. Bills would help rein in school bus costs
  21. House committee advances solar tax credit bill
  22. Hawaii Shield Law: Journalists Struggle To Hold On To Legal Rights
  23. Hawaii Senate Stiffens Adult Care Home Online Inspections Bill
  24. Hawaii House committee advances foster care bill
  25. Hawaii House committee OKs e-cigarette youth ban
  26. PGV outage triggers alarm
  27. Spaceport skepticism
  28. Hawaii population up 1 percent, to 1,392,313 residents
  29. Former Hawaii State Planned Parenthood Director: 30 days in jail
  30. Hui wants developer's permits to be revoked by city for good
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
March 13, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:08 PM :: 5132 Views
  1. Argentine Jorge Bergoglio Elected Pope—Will be Pope Francis
  2. WAC: Legislature Endangers UH Accreditation
  3. UH Mānoa Law School leaps 26 points in rankings
  4. Kauai County Smacks Down Hype: "No Atrazine in Water Supply"
  5. SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
  6. Schatz Proposes $180 Billion Carbon Tax
  7. Hawaii Gun Registration Bill to be Heard this Thursday
  8. Hawaii Meth Project Foundation Joins The Partnership at
  9. Hawaii Had Lowest Election Turnout in Nation – 44.1%
  10. HR29: Gambling tries to Slip in Via Resolution
  11. Hawaii's state revenues 12% higher than last year
  12. Thousands of Hawaii Teachers Expected to Rally at Capitol Tomorrow
  13. University of Hawaii Procurement Under Fire for Wasting Millions of Dollars on Fraud and Corruption
  14. Shapiro: Souki-led House majority has delivered solid agenda
  15. Cash Call: Tsutsui, Kidani 
  16. SB51: Sand Island Land Swap
  17. CBAs an Alternative to PLDC?
  18. Question study on gay tourism
  19. Star-Adv: Leave GMOs to the Feds
  20. Native Hawaiian Filmmaker Asks Lawmakers to Extend Journalism Shield Bill
  21. $26.6 Million to Settle Lawsuits Against the State
  22. Rock Climbers vs Trial Lawyers
  23. Bill: Prohibit ‘Biased-Based’ Policing
  24. HB1481: Bigger Welfare Payments for Wanna-Be Politicians
  25. SB573: Back-Door Pay Hike for HSTA
  26. Lax military in Hawaii led to California cops' deaths
  27. Sen Sam Slom on The O'Reilly Factor 
  28. Steven Tyler on Hawaii's 'Steven Tyler Act': 'Now I Can Walk Around Naked'
  29. Caldwell: Keep Waimanalo Gulch Open
  30. City suspends Jeff Stone’s Aina Haina permit
  31. Electric Car Chargers Have only 700 Customers
  32. Hawaii Supreme Court to decide whether a ‘medical’ marijuana user can be stopped at the airport for carrying his ‘medicine’
  33. I Aloha Molokai -- Celebrate Our Way of Life
  34. Small Business Day at the State Capitol is March 27
  35. Commander Of U.S. Pacific Forces Says Global Warming Is Our Top Threat
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
March 12, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 8104 Views
  1. SB286: Solomon Decision Allows Legislature to Define 'Permanent Resident'
  2. Sunlight: Hawaii Scores 'C' for Transparency
  3. Organic Profiteers: 15% Sales Boost from Anti-GMO Hype
  4. Hawaii: Gun Registration Bill Passes the Senate
  5. RFP: Hawaii Health Connector Seeks Seamless Customer Experience
  6. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 11, 2013
  7. Naming Names: Big Pharma Pays $3.2M to Hawaii MDs
  8. Honolulu Pavement Condition: Is Your Street Serious?
  9. How Hawaii Minimum Wage Workers Earn $24.24 per hour
  10. Poll: Hanabusa Beats Abercrombie by 27%, Beats Schatz by 22%
  11. Still No Prayer in the Hawaii Senate
  12. OCC: Cells Empty While Prison Overcrowded
  13. State Pays Thousands to Prisoners Kept Beyond Sentence
  14. Should Suspended Cops Be Identified? Hawaii Records Office Says Yes
  15. Its Legal: Legislators Can Sell Influence and Access With Impunity!
  16. Souki, Kouchi, Tokioka Hold Fundraisers During Session
  17. The bills that made the cut
  18. Give labor board resources it needs so it Will Deliver HSTA Decision
  19. Restaurants and food businesses weigh in on the minimum wage increase
  20. SB472HD1: Reduces Marijuana Ticket to Piddling $100
  21. Hawaii Online Poker Bills Fold
  22. Hawaii Senators: Strengthen Early Childhood Education
  23. HB321: ACLU Pushes Same-day registration
  24. Free Clinics Push for More Medicaid Spending—200% of Poverty Line
  25. Obama Kills Tsunami Detection Funds, 1/3 of Buoys Dead
  26. Hawaii Jihadi Heads to Trial, Lawyer Asks Judge to Ban Jews from Jury
  27. Conklin: “Racial Entitlement Bills in the 2013 Hawaii Legislature”
  28. Hirono Apology for Not Being Gay Goes Viral
  29. History shows N. Korean pattern: Wait, then attack
  30. Japan’s New PM May Reduce Hawaii Gas Prices
  31. Contractor Wastes 18 Mos, $600 cost overruns fined $26K
  32. Bereavement Pay For Inouye’s Widow In New Senate Budget
  33. Allegiant Cancels Multiple Hawaii Flights over Mechanical Issues
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Monday, March 11, 2013
March 11, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:21 PM :: 7757 Views
  1. China Debates Whether to ‘Keep or Dump’ North Korea
  2. Abercrombie for Monopolies?
  3. SEC Charges Illinois for Misleading Pension Disclosures
  4. Anahola Rejects Danner Sisters’ Biomass Plant
  5. Hawaii Commercial-Scale Solar Installations Lose Key Part Source
  6. Kahuku wind farm safety called into question
  7. No cause, no answers 7 months after Kahuku wind farm fire
  8. Agency bumps up rebate for solar water heaters
  9. Shine a light on political finances
  10. Great News: Hawaii Gun Control Measures Dead for Season
  11. Labor Board Blames Lack of Staff for Slow HSTA Decision
  12. Mainland Homosexuals Target Hawaii for 2013-14
  13. Gabbard Joins Rand Paul Drone Protest
  14. Civil Beat Joins Atrazine Hype Squad
  15. Hawaii Would Lose Influence if Electoral College, Senate Reformed
  16. Investigation on disposal of county records produces no results
  17. Deedy Drops Dismissal Motion, Clears Way for State Murder Trial
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Monday, March 11, 2013
Letters to the Editor March, 2013
By Letters to the Editor @ 6:54 AM :: 10441 Views
  • Abercrombie for Monopolies?
  • ERS: USS Titanic Hawaii Headed for $8.4B Iceberg
  • Hanohano Should Resign
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
March 10, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 5413 Views
  1. SB286 Ends Reapportionment Discrimination, to be Heard Tuesday
  2. Knock Off the Theatrics and Get Down To Business
  3. Hawaii Legislative Watch: People vs. Government
  4. LINK: How major bills fared at the Capitol
  5. Legislators Fail to Act--Can Still Legally Profit from their Actions
  6. SB66 Would Require Disclosure from State Commission Members
  7. 25% Tax Credits for Hollywood Movie Moguls?
  8. Hawaii Scores Five on Fed-Up Index
  9. Star-Adv: $1000 Marijuana Ticket Could Boost General Fund
  10. Brewbaker: Tourism Maxed Out, Need More Hotels
  11. Affordable housing remains a dire need across state
  12. Ing Fails, Panel includes Only half of request for high school in Kihei
  13. Under Attack by Luddites, Seed Industry Growth Stalls
  14. Following Crook Ritte, Kauai Idiots March against GMOs
  15. HB1388 Gives $1.3M to Shrimp Farm Operator
  16. Gabbard Joins Republicans in Criticism of White House
  17. Caldwell Claims “Fuel tax hike is investment in the future”
  18. Hawaii Co. Police officer reprimanded following misconduct complaint
  19. Inmate dies after fight at OCCC
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Saturday, March 9, 2013
March 9, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 7666 Views
  1. The Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative: Watt, Me Worry?
  2. Airlines Bet Big On Hawaii With 275,000 Additional Seats
  3. Governor Releases $46.39 Million for Capital Improvement Projects Statewide
  4. “Harassment and intimidation” Clayton Hee Challenges Wil Espero to a Duel on Senate Floor 
  5. HGEA/AFSCME Fundraiser for Schatz
  6. House finance committee approves $23 billion budget--$590 million shy of governor's request
  7. DoE abuse of Disabled Children prompts calls for federal intervention
  8. Star-Adv: Only Now is it time to Get Serious About HSTA Negotiations
  9. DHHL, Solar Scammers Split Profits, Ratepayers Stuck with $108/barrel for 20 years
  10. House passes bill to create night parking lots for homeless Tent Cities
  11. State: It'll Take 4 More Years To Clear Elevator Inspection Backlog
  12. Soft-on-Crime Policy Gets Burglary Suspect Shot
  13. Union employees at The Modern vote to authorize strike
  14. Star-Advertiser owner a very busy man these days
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Friday, March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 5415 Views
  1. GAO Jones Act Report to be Released Next Week
  2. Sequestration: Army Tuition Assistance Ends Today
  3. Honolulu Ranked 8th-Worst City for Drivers
  4. Rail Fail: Ansaldo Breda, Finmeccanica Financial Report Shows Negative Net Worth, Massive Losses
  5. Crossover at the Capitol
  6. HPD makes a push for, and against, new laws
  7. Crossover News:
  8. PPPA: Hot Exchange Before Senate Passes Development Bill
  9. Senate bill seeks more fairness in election financing
  10. Military to lawmakers: Cuts will hurt state
  11. Tomorrow's pensions put pressure on today's needs
  12. Alleged Killer Cop Gets off Easy
  13. Answers due for cost overruns in county contracts Some as high as eight-fold
  14. State Denies Teachers Claims, Pays Prisoners
  15. State hires private firm to defend against expected Federal indictment over seabirds
  16. City brings back permit fees for solar installations
  17. Fontaine is elected to lead Maui County GOP
  18. Hokulia developer files bankruptcy with debt over $500 million
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
March 7, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:06 PM :: 4820 Views
  1. Akaka Tribe Could Receive Legal Jurisdiction Over Non-Tribal Members
  2. Kalaeloa: Hawaiian Burial Caves to Be Bulldozed for Solar Farms?
  3. Occupy Honolulu Points Finger at City over Deaths, Threatens ‘300 Instant Criminals’
  4. Enviro Lawyers Off Target With Criticism Of Callies, Says Callies
  5. Hawaii State Senate Passes 348 Bills Over to the House
  6. Honolulu’s Poor Economic Growth and What to Do about It
  7. HSTA, DoE, HLRB Agree to Mediation
  8. Tuition Increases: UH #2 in Nation
  9. Chicken Manure Penny Stock Looks to Abercrombie for ‘Strategic Relationship’
  10. ERS: USS Titanic Hawaii Headed for $8.4B Iceberg
  11. Senate Ways and Means Rejects Beverage Tax
  12. Forced Participation in Abortion: Nine Legislators Take a Stand for Religious Freedom
  13. Federal Reserve to Hold Public Meeting on Samoa
  14. Spy Network? Former Hawaii Planned Parenthood Director Installed 500 Security Cameras on Maryland County Offices, Buildings
  15. Hospital privatization advances
  16. House Will Vote Friday on Budget
  17. Legislative Crossover News
  18. Star-Adv: 5-cent gas tax hike adds to heavy burden
  19. Washington Monument Gambit: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park cut tours, programs under sequestration
  20. Gabbard Breaks With Democrats On Republican Budget Bill
  21. Union protests plan by Kaiser to eliminate jobs
  22. Released 911 tapes capture frantic moments after Munet escape
  23. Leeward Coast Has Longest Commute Times
  24. HSTA To Bus In Members for March 14 Rally
  25. Former lawmaker headed to court over felony charge
  26. Prosecutors: Kawamoto Spearheaded Plot to Evade taxes
  27. Filipino cardinal stirs papal talk with rapid rise
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
March 6, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 4677 Views
  1. SB894 Held as Turtle Bay Opens New Negotiations with State
  2. As Solar Backout Spreads HECO Unveils More Detailed Grid Map
  3. Former Rep Roland Sagum Charged With Stealing Stones from Heiau Site
  4. House Moves Hundreds of Bills Over to Senate
  5. A Good Day For Good Government, Mostly
  6. CB: Senate Approves Series of Bills Cracking Down on UH
  7. Bills On The Move
  8. Revenue: HTA raises 2013 projections for visitor arrivals, spending
  9. PACOM: Military furloughs will be worse in Hawaii
  10. Oh, he'll fix the roads … but it's going to cost you
  11. Bag Tax Killed for Session
  12. Money Spinner: Senate Votes to ‘Decriminalize’ Small Marijuana Possession, Increase Fine
  13. HB535 Homeless Tent City Passes House
  14. City tags items on sidewalk placed by (de)Occupy hui
  15. Farmers Harassed by Copper Thieves
  16. DoE Hustles to Burn RTTT Money Before HSTA Blows Rest of Deal
  17. Trade Windfarm for Cookies?
  18. Kawamoto Denied Bail, 4 Weeks in Jail
  19. Lawsuit: Alleged Homosexual Priest Allegedly Molested Boys 45 Years Ago
  20. Green Police: Collective Punishment for Fishermen after False Killer Hooked
  21. Walter Ritte Brings Anti-GMO Dog n Pony Show to Kauai, 300 Idiots Show up
  22. Anti-GMO Hypesters to Use Atrazine as Weapon
  23. Local digital media group wants to keep creatives in Honolulu, Put them on Welfare
  24. State Harasses Small Businesses at Dillingham Airfield
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:42 PM :: 4921 Views
  1. Lawsuit: Mainland Homosexual Adopts Boys, Molests Them in Hawaii
  2. Senate Crossover: 200 Bills on the Agenda
  3. House moves 69 bills over to Senate
  4. State Sells Holdings in Student Loan Auction Rate Securities
  5. NRA: Burdensome Anti-Gun Bill Must be Stopped
  6. HB411 Forces Hospitals, Doctors to Hand Out Abortion Pill
  7. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 4, 2013
  8. VIDEO: Sen Sam Slom and Donovan DelaCruz ‘A Better Day’
  9. Crossover Thursday: House order of the day, Senate order of the day 
  10. Riot Police Stand by as Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Finally Meets
  11. Bills to Develop School Lands Approved by Senate
  12. Senate Kills Religious Exemption Amendment in Emergency Contraception Bill
  13. Legislators can get a raise if they simply do nothing
  14. Budget holds no raises for teachers, union says
  15. Pahoa HSTA Member: Teachers days are Numbered, Common Core Easily Manipulated
  16. House Approves Early Lawmaker Financial Disclosure, Senate Votes to Exempt Task Force Members from Ethics
  17. HB713: Police Recruiters Should Not be Able to Look at Job Applicants Online Presence
  18. Billionaire Kawamoto arrested in Japan for alleged tax fraud
  19. Notices for federal furloughs begin
  20. Liquor inspectors Secretly stopped from making arrests, using handcuffs
  21. 88% Reject Gas Tax Hike
  22. Occupiers Block New Sidewalk
  23. Who will play for little pay? UH's new concert rules
  24. Senate Passes Steven Tyler Act
  25. Machines ruled gambling devices
  26. Solomon, Dela Cruz Holds Fundraisers During Session
  27. Caldwell makes park repair a priority in proposed budget
  28. New Bill Aims to Attract Outer Space to Big Island
  29. Hawaii DOE to request waiver for FY 2012 SIG Grant
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Monday, March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 6202 Views
  1. US Patent Pending for Genetically Modified Marijuana
  2. Senators too Intelligent to be Fooled by Anti-GMO Nonsense
  3. Water Board to Waste $9.5M on Global Warming, Will Use Eco-Babble to Justify Further Rate Hikes
  4. Stand Up To SHOPO And Open Police Misconduct Records
  5. Lucky Sequestration Delays Major Review of Hawaii Historic Preservation Division
  6. Star-Adv: Soda Bottlers Must Pony Up or Soda Tax Will be Back
  7. Civil Beat Decides Hanohano May Have Had a Point 
  8. Hawaii State Hospital Population Up as Mental Health Services Cut
  9. Inmate Gets Wet, Scores $38K from State
  10. Tesoro ups layoff estimate to 210 workers at Kapolei refinery
  11. Puna Geothermal -- Six Cents per KWH
  12. SB1045/HB815 Exempt Electric Coop from HRS 269
  13. OHA, Aina Haina group ask city to halt site work
  14. Senate Ctte amends Banyan Drive legislation
  15. Public vying for chance to shoot at public gun range
  16. Lawmakers may limit e-cigarette sales
  17. Supreme Court to Hear Gay Marriage Arguments March 26
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Sunday, March 3, 2013
March 3, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 PM :: 4939 Views
  1. Hawaii Precedent? 'Sidewalk Property' Decision Appealed to Supreme Court
  2. Keep The Promise for Better Wages as Goal
  3. HNL Planning Director: "Public, Along With Private Property Rights, Are Our Top Priority"
  4. Video: The PLDC And Property Rights In Hawaii - A Panel Discussion
  5. Sewer Gas Powers Cars
  6. Where is Hawaii Transportation Headed?
  7. Abercrombie Laughs at Teachers: “Be careful what you wish for”  
  8. Only Two Schools Meet Instructional Hours Law, So SB238 Will Re-define “instructional”
  9. Trade Minimum Wage Hike for Unemployment Tax Freeze?
  10. Greenwood Needs to Speak Up, Name Names in Response to Mitsunaga Allegations
  11. Crossover: Hawaii lawmakers to vote on hundreds of bills
  12. Followers of Eco Religion March in Haleiwa, Call for Total Ban on GMOs, Destruction of 2000 Agriculture Jobs
  13. SB937: 10% More Local Food = 2300 Jobs
  14. 91% ‘No’ -- Do you think Rep. Faye Hanohano's apology for racial slurs was enough?
  15. ML&P Bailout: A measure aims to conserve coastal property and provide a financial boost to Maui Land
  16. Veterans Court Launched
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Saturday, March 2, 2013
March 2, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 5394 Views
  1. Gays Attack Hawaiians (Again)
  2. Sen Solomon Resolutions Urge Hawaii Jones Act Exemption
  3. NRO: Sink the Jones Act
  4. Hanohano Should Resign
  5. DoE Extends Deadline for School Quality Survey
  6. DoE Million Dollar Cash Giveaway to 32 Schools
  7. Governor to Establish Hawaii ‘Sequestration Impact Response Team’
  8. After all the Hype, Sequestration Brings ‘Business as Usual’ to Hawaii
  9. “Dead on Arrival”: Caldwell wants to raise the city's fuel tax by 5 cents a gallon
  10. SB215 would create a Public-Private Partnership Authority, Give Counties Power to Waive Land Use Requirements  
  11. Bumbling DoTax Shorts City $33M GET funds for transit project?
  12. Mitsunaga v Kobayashi: UH System Has No Comment as AG Investigates
  13. Hawaii Teachers Stage ‘Teach-In’ at Gov’s Residence
  14. Clean Elections: $34K for House, $68K for Senate
  15. Office of Hawaii Affairs Bill Needed to Stop Recycling Trustees?
  16. Lunatic Released by Judge Before Killing Rampage
  17. UH Manoa Fights Act 221 Scammers for Control of So-Called ‘Innovation Center’
  18. Judge Halts Work at Villages of `Aina Le`a and Orders Supplemental EIS
  19. HB1424 to Buy Lipoa Point, Save from ML&P from Bankruptcy
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Friday, March 1, 2013
March 1, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:31 PM :: 5507 Views
  1. Full Text: Rep Hanohano Accused of Workplace Violence after Racist Tirade Aimed at State Workers
  2. HTA: Visitor Arrivals Rise 5.9% from January 2012
  3. HELCO RFP Seeks More Geothermal Power
  4. Environmental Concerns "At Record Lows": Global Poll
  5. Store owners say plastic bag ban causes more shoplifting
  6. EPA Cites 188F Garbage: $1.1M Waimanalo Gulch Settlement Day After Lawsuit Filed
  7. Sakai: Misconduct Investigation Underway After Latest Prisoner Escape
  8. DoE Extends Deadline for School Quality Survey
  9. Soda Tax Bill Fizzes Out
  10. House Committee Moves Two Tax Cuts, ‘For Vehicle Purposes Only’ 
  11. Hanabusa Proposes Special Funds Raid to Stop DoD Furloughs
  12. SB286: Malama Solomon Endorses Call to Count Every Person for Reapportionment
  13. Mitsunaga Levels More Accusations House Committee Votes to Strip UH Procurement Power
  14. Honolulu Liquor administrator won't resign after admitting 47 ethical violations
  15. PPPA/PLDC Hearing Friday
  16. Full House to consider measure on prompt Labor Board rulings
  17. Bill on public financing of campaigns advances in Hawaii Senate
  18. House Finance Committee Hearing Violates 24-Hr Notice Rule
  19. Common Cause Focuses on Three Bills
  20. No Prison Time: Pflueger, State Attorney, Nearing Ka Loko Manslaughter Plea-Bargain?
  21. Should Police Misconduct Be Public?
  22. Witnesses recount school abuse of Disabled Children
  23. State plan aims to turn Wahiawa into agricultural hub
  24. Schatz Joins Lawmakers at Inouye memorial pledging support for Israel
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