Friday, February 28, 2025
Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for February 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:57 PM :: 5075 Views
  1. Hawaii 2nd-Toughest State for First Time Homebuyers
  2. DCCA Chases Bitcoin Provider out of Hawaii
  3. Corporate Income Tax—50-State Comparison
  4. Victory!  Rail tax hike fails Senate Ways & Means committee
  5. HB1518: Citizens Asking too Many Questions—Lets Shut them Down
  6. Hospitals Support Housing Prescription for Homeless
  7. Fail: Cool Schools AC in only 54 Classrooms
  8. HPD Chief: We’ll Learn More when Federal Indictments Come Out
  9. Honolulu Transit Ridership Drops 3.2%
  10. Senate to vote on bill boosting TAT funds for counties
  11. DHS Reports $51.7M in Welfare Overpayments
  12. Libertarian author Steven Greenhut talks public employees at Maui County Club
  13. HPD has millions of unspent dollars in rarely-used forfeiture account
  14. Suspicious call prompts evacuation of Jewish temple and preschool
  15. Sierra Club OK if Paid: Wind farms killing more bats and nene than expected
  16. SB376: Repeal Big Cable
  17. Anti-GMO Activists Celebrate 98.4% Net Loss of Biofuel
  18. Zuckerberg officially drops Hawaii 'quiet title' actions—Except the One Involving an Actual Owner
  19. Trump Defeating Liberals by Making them Mentally Ill
  20. Maui: Homeless Drunk Bites off Finger
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Monday, February 27, 2017
February 27, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:38 PM :: 5678 Views
  1. Study: Wind Turbines Could Make This Endangered Bat Go Extinct
  2. Anti-Telescope ‘Circus’ Nearly Over? – Doubtful
  3. Hawaii Wind Turbines Not Bolted Together Correctly—One Collapses
  4. Retired HPD Officer was Sought in ‘Felony Investigation’
  5. $3 million sought for Housing First effort on Sister Isles
  6. HB783: Force Businesses to Give Free Electricity to Electric Car Moochers
  7. We Came Here for the Lifestyle—Now Change It
  8. Ige a Traitor? Meets with National Republicans
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Sunday, February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 5281 Views
  1. HB1297: State-Recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii
  2. Hawaii Legislature Obamacare Heavy
  3. Lassner: In Spite of Trump’s Reversal, UH Remains Committed to Putting a Tranny in Every Bathroom
  4. DPS Report: UPW Has Been Shielding Child Molesting Prison Guards since 2003
  5. Prisons Have Become De-Facto Lunatic Asylums
  6. Souki’s Suicide Run: I only Have 28 Votes for Killing off Expensive Oldsters
  7. Cool Schools: 791 Units Short of 1,000
  8. Ala Moana TOD pushes affordable housing aside to expand tourist area
  9. SB419: Require draft sign-up for UH Admission
  10. Zuckerberg Shakedown: Star-Adv Wants Greenmailers to Appreciate its Reporters More
  11. Anti-GMO Crony Capitalist: That which You call sacred is not, That which We call sacred is
  12. ‘Indivisible’ Obama Operatives Finally Corner Trump Lovin’ Gabbard
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Saturday, February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 3469 Views
  1. It Doesn’t Always Pay to Make More
  2. Legislators Order Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion: Assisted Suicide Next
  3. 62% Hike in Minimum Wage Hike Will Hit Consumers, Small Business Hard
  4. SB221 Money Spinner: Legislators Vote Red Light Camera Ticket Fiasco (again)
  5. After One Year of Daily Outreach, Less Than 1% of Homeless Agree to Accept Shelter
  6. Flaws in protective order system leave abuse victims vulnerable
  7. Judge: Kauai police body cams don't violate union agreement—SHOPO to Appeal
  8. SB603: DPS Too Tough on the Few Criminals we Actually Send to Prison

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Friday, February 24, 2017
February 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:33 PM :: 4319 Views
  1. 532 Candidates for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
  2. SB898: Anti-Gun Legislation Passes Committee
  3. SB1137: Return Control of HMSA to its Members
  4. Honolulu Most Unaffordable State Capital
  5. HB462: Billion Dollar Scheme to Place Prisoners Back under Control of Corrupt, Expensive UPW-Controlled Prisons
  6. Tuition: Packed with Administrators, UH Now More Expensive than Mainland Schools
  7. Taxi companies accuse Uber, Lyft of not paying $20M GE Taxes
  8. Uneducated Schatz Pushing DHHL to Build Rentals, not Leaseholds
  9. Team Ige Superintendent Questionnaire Designed to support whatever the decision-makers have already decided
  10. How the military impacts rent prices in Hawaii
  11. Wind Farm Asks permission to Murder More Bats, Nene
  12. Star-Adv: Because Trump is President We Should Screw Agriculture
  13. Agnotology: The Study of Anti-GMO Activism
  14. HB1518: Block ‘Vexatious’ UIPA Requests
  15. SB7: Use Medicaid funds to house homeless
  16. Security Guard Loses Finger in Fight with Homeless Drunk
  17. NYT: Hawaii is #2 for Teenage Trannies
  18. Star-Adv Gives Eric Ryan Space to Rant About Fukumoto

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Thursday, February 23, 2017
February 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 4802 Views
  1. Why OHA Fears a Forensic Audit
  2. DLNR Still Paying Rapist Cop—Claims HGEA President Had Nothing to do with Hiring
  3. DLNR Introduces Birth Control for Mosquitoes
  4. HART Ridership Projections - Fantasies, Fairytales and Alternative Facts
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 23, 2017
  6. GE Tax Hike Grabs Another $800/year from family finances
  7. Oahu drivers could get triple taxed
  8. PUC starts public hearings on $100M Hawaiian Electric rate hike
  9. Some customers asked to pay thousands to connect with solar
  10. Hawaii County Affordable Housing Rents to go up 36%
  11. Now That Maui Memorial is to be Privatized, Legislators Act to End Multi-Million Dollar Waitlisting Scheme
  12. Push for paid sick time rankles Hawaii eateries
  13. To Be A Honolulu Police Commissioner, First Be A Political Insider
  14. Honolulu Ethics Commission finds no conflicts in legal campaign support from special interests
  15. Anti-Fishing Activists Already Trying to Deflect Blame for ‘Crippling’ Hawaii Fishing Fleet
  16. Water Grab: Anti-Agriculture Activists Run  into Opposition from Upcountry Maui 
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017
February 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 4605 Views
  1. Earn $50K? Hawaii Takes More From Your Paycheck Than Any Other State
  2. Local business owners speak out about the minimum wage
  3. Governor Ige’s ‘cuts’ still result in big spending increases
  4. Underreported: How Gun Silencers Became a Health Issue
  5. Full circle about single-payer health insurance
  6. Kauai Dairy Farm Withdraws Final EIS
  7. Caldwell: My Latest Appointee Helped Deliver Lots of Muslims to Europe
  8. OHA Insiders Plan to Neuter Audit
  9. Jury finds HGEA President’s Son guilty of sex assault
  10. Trump Admin has no Time to Talk to Hawaii Legislators About Rail
  11. Inter-Island Cables and Rate Hike Hearings Today
  12. Next Big Hawaii Tax Credit Scam Will Ban Gasoline, Diesel Vehicles
  13. DLNR Scam-- Plans to Sell Carbon Credits
  14. 50% Failure Rate: Solar Installations ‘Falling Like Dominoes’
  15. Sen J Kalani English Accepted Junket From Turkish Opposition Group
  16. BOE approves findings from special review of charter school panel
  17. HB407: Health Savings Accounts for Hawaii?
  18. Honolulu Airport Crasher was Brother of Convicted Murderer
  19. Open Borders Activists Come Up With New Argument: Hawaii Man Should be Granted US Citizenship BECAUSE He is Convicted Meth Dealer
  20. Peter Boy Case Solved When Competent Prosecutor Elected
  21. DAGS Doubletalk Collapsing Ceiling at Capitol
  22. Kalihi, Iwilei Stripped of Copper: Sit-Lie Expansion to Force Bums Westward
  23. Anti-GMO Activists Squabble Over Celebrutard Access
  24. Molokai Finally Runs out of Answers
  25. Hawaii Eco Hypocrisy--Trump Will Let us be the Phonies That We Are
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 AM :: 5728 Views
  1. Forbes: Taxes Make Hawaii One of 10 Worst States for High Earners
  2. OHA and HART Auditor Admits Fraud, Embezzlement
  3. HB1549: Don’t Tax Affordable Housing to pay for Affordable Housing
  4. Airbnb tries again on Hawaii tax broker bills
  5. Counties Won’t Stand up to NIMBYS and Legalize TVRs – But They Want TAT!
  6. Marijuana Just Another Excuse for a Tax Hike
  7. SB173: Marijuana Candies are ‘medicine’
  8. Audit Finds a House Worth of Unrecorded Lumber at Hawaii County baseyard
  9. HB1277 Add 1,200 More Unionized Public Employees
  10. SB1298: Will Police Commission be Allowed to Hire Outsider as Chief?
  11. Star-Adv: Time for Greenmailers to get Serious About Extorting MegaBux from Zuckerberg
  12. Heroic Coast Guard Protects Whales from Money-Hungry Anti-Superferry Activists 
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Monday, February 20, 2017
February 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:03 PM :: 4231 Views
  1. The Cost of Public Employment
  2. HPD Toddler Abuse Cover-up Unraveling
  3. Still no A/C for schools
  4. Caldwell Imposes 100% Fare Hike on Bus Transfer Riders
  5. Incompetent DoTax a Month Late with Tax Forms
  6. Soft on Crime Policy Kills Another Criminal: On the outside after 35 Raps in 14 Years—Bashes Through Airport Security and Dies
  7. Maui Program Puts Homeless to Work Sweeping Streets
  8. Who Will be Fooled?  Anti-GMO Activists Blame Trump for Pesticide Bill
  9. HCDA Changing Affordable Housing Rules
  10. KSBE Trustee Search Begins Again
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Sunday, February 19, 2017
February 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:49 PM :: 4103 Views
  1. The Need for Tax Vigilance in 2017
  2. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  3. Utopian Nonsense on the Move in the Legislature
  4. With Sam Slom Gone, Legislators weigh more than a dozen tax proposals
  5. A clear money grab by politicians
  6. HB1586: Council Will refuse GE Tax Hike Even if TAT is Taken Away
  7. 27 Rail Cars to Be Ripped Apart and Rebuilt in Desperate Attempt to Salvage Them
  8. SB591: $2B State Bonds for Housing Construction
  9. Medically assisted death: Wariness is warranted
  10. Star-Adv Pushes for Red Light Camera Ticket Machines
  11. Telescope: Lawyers Make Megabucks
  12. House Bill 1571, only attacks agriculture and will destroy farming
  13. Will British Petroleum Junk Hawaii Windfarm or Repower Before Federal Corporate Welfare Goes Byebye?
  14. Hawaii Residents Suffer the Most from Sleeplessness
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Saturday, February 18, 2017
February 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 4080 Views
  1. OHA Insiders Plan to Neuter Audit
  2. 516 Candidates Register for Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections
  3. Hawaii pro-life centers fight abortion referral mandate
  4. Hawaii Ranks Fourth for Millionaires
  5. SB898: Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing Next Week
  6. Hawaii Military Commissaries Offer 32.6% Savings—Highest in USA
  7. Caldwell Goes on Vacation While Legislators Expected to Vote on Rail Tax Hikes
  8. Incompetent Airport Division Wants Fee Hikes But Can’t Fix Leaky Roofs
  9. Star-Adv: Greenmail Shakedown of Zuckerberg is a Good Idea
  10. Diamond Head: Social Workers Chased out of Homeless Tent City By Knife Wielding Bum
  11. Soft on Crime: 20 Priors Gets ‘Supervised Release’—Then Shockingly, He does it Again
  12. HPD Toddler Beating Gets National News Attention
  13. State says hotel illegally pumped storm water into ocean for more than a decade
  14. SJWs Scream Blasphemy after Maui mayor says 'No such thing' as sacred rocks
  15. So-Called Farmers Union Joins With Anti-Dairy Farm Activists
  16. Hordes of Anti-Agriculture Activists to Descend on Maui Public Hearing to Take A&B Water
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Friday, February 17, 2017
February 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:12 PM :: 4123 Views
  1. State Procurement Office Launches Investigation into OHA Professional Services Contracts
  2. Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections 430 Candidates Register with One Day to Go
  3. Hawaii Motor Vehicle Deaths Jump 27%
  4. DOH: Dairy Farm EIS Decision Coming Feb 24
  5. Will HSTA Report Expenses for 6,000 Lobbyists?
  6. Caldwell to Build Affordable Housing With Same Efficiency as Rail
  7. Blackmail: HECO Scores $61M, Free Trucks Thanks to Rail Tax Payers
  8. First Lateral: Several Energy Bills Survive Hawaii Legislature Deadline
  9. Target Legislators who fail to introduce bills
  10. SB107 Minimum Wage Vehicle Focuses Debate on Tip Credit
  11. Incompetent DoE Payroll: Two Months to get Your First Paycheck
  12. Sheriffs Refuse to Stop Auto Burglar
  13. Two Months of Canvassing Diamond Head – Only 6 Homeless Accept Shelter
  14. Eager to Use Homeless for Political Agit-Prop
  15. TVRs Account for 1/3 of Hawaii Visitor Accommodations
  16. Greenmail: Bill aims to create and Profit from disputes over trail on Kauai
  17. When it Comes to ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Hawaii is all talk
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Friday, February 17, 2017
Letters to the Editor February, 2017
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:23 AM :: 10100 Views
  • Will HSTA Report Expenses for 6,000 Lobbyists?
  • Falls of Clyde: Ige Ignores Call from British Parliament
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Thursday, February 16, 2017
February 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:47 PM :: 4099 Views
  1. OHA: The Mystery of the Disappearing Money
  2. Hawaii 64 Structurally Deficient Bridges Identified
  3. Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments: When Is Election Law Admin Appeal "Brought?"
  4. Economic Impact of Immigration by State—Hawaii 10th
  5. HB1595: Involuntary Commitment for Mentally Ill
  6. How They Voted: Assisted Suicide Bill Passes First Committee
  7. Ward Poll: Hawaii Residents Reject Tax Hikes
  8. GE Tax Hike -- SB 1183 a “multi-headed hydra of bad ideas”
  9. Ernie Martin: If Legislators Hike GE Taxes, I’ve got several Ideas on How Councilmembers can avoid putting skin in the game
  10. HB1586: Income Tax Hike on the Rich -- Counties could lose hotel subsidy
  11. Bills on short-term rental tax collection advance
  12. SB221: Red-light cameras bill advances
  13. Caldwell Affordable Housing Plan: Convert HART HQ to Condos 
  14. SB1129: Senators Vote to Boost Insurance Company Profits, Kill off Expensive Patients, Enable Elder Abuse
  15. Candidate chosen for UH chancellor turned position down
  16. Police Chief Orders Full Review Of Toddler Assault Case
  17. Deedy Case: Time To Let Go Of A Case That’s Gone Nowhere
  18. SB173: Let Convicted Felons Sell Legal Weed
  19. Trump draft order would make welfare recipients deportable
  20. Criticism of Gabbard-Assad Meeting Gives Muslims Political Opening 
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017
February 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 5220 Views
  1. How to give teachers a pay raise … without raising taxes
  2. Three Days Left: 371 Candidates Register for 437 Neighborhood Board Seats
  3. Maunakea Observatories award Nānākuli and Kapolei students with research time
  4. Transform the Bureaucracy and Achieve Justice for John Sosa
  5. No Joke: UH Pres Lassner to assist search for DoE superintendent
  6. UH Abandons Search for New Manoa Chancellor
  7. Chief Justice Seeks Public Comment on Judicial Nominees
  8. OHA Pays Criminal Tens of Thousands of Dollars for Nothing
  9. Hush Money? HTA Calls Waikai’s Bluff
  10. Corruption: DOBOR Boss Fails in Effort to retaliate Against Hawaii County Prosecutor
  11. State May Owe $101M to Developer After LUC Steals Land Equity
  12. HB1586: Cut counties out of 'room tax' revenues
  13. REIT Tax Bill advances in House
  14. Legislators: Acute Care is Too Expensive so Eliminate it
  15. Legislators: Oldsters are Too Expensive so Eliminate Them
  16. Autistic student raped Pearl City classmate TWICE while HSTA Member napped, lawsuit says
  17. Homeless to Pick up Litter, Clean Graffiti
  18. SB221: Stop Light Camera Tickets Back Again
  19. Minimum Wage Hike Clears Hawaii Senate Committee—Deferred in House
  20. HB1282: Laughing Legislators Run Anti-GMO Morons thru Maze (again)
  21. Anti-Aquarium Obsessives Pin Hopes on Two Bills and a Lawsuit
  22. Will Latest Round of AP Lies Sink Hawaii Fishing Fleet?
  23. Batteries undercut benefits of rooftop solar, says new study
  24. $10,000 Fake News -- HECO Style
  25. HB793: Force Everybody to Install Electric Car Chargers
  26. SB1121: Force Everybody to Use Solar Water Heaters
  27. Denied: Feds Fail Again in Kona Water Grab
  28. Feds Sue: Homosexual Harassment of Male Employees
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:17 AM :: 7501 Views
  1. HSTA Rallies for $500M Tax Hike on Renters—House Approves on 2nd Read
  2. Anti-Fishing Lies Exposed: Attorney General Releases Point by Point Debunk of Kaniela Ing
  3. HPD Acting Chief Supports Naming of Suspended Officers
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 13, 2017
  5. Falls of Clyde: Ige Ignores Call from British Parliament
  6. DLNR Cop Accused of Raping Girl—My Mommy is HGEA President
  7. Students Starve While HSTA Demands Massive Tax Increase
  8. Caldwell Bank Job: Measure To Stop Mayors From Moonlighting Shelved
  9. Drivers May Face $100M Higher Taxes, Fees To Lard HIDOT Coffers
  10. PUC to Consider $300M HECO Rate Hike
  11. Doctors hui opposes assisted-death bill
  12. Are Hawaii’s Wind Farms Killing Too Many Hoary Bats?
  13. How Housing Shortage caused by City of Honolulu Regs
  14. HB778: “Thousands of B&Bs on Ag Land”
  15. Hundreds seek help from state rent assistance program
  16. Four Sneaky Bills Would give counties the authority to regulate pesticide use
  17. Hooser Wants to Legalize Genetically Modified Marijuana
  18. Homeless Drug Addicts -- 1 million dirty syringes collected statewide in 2016
  19. After 19 Years Convention Center Finally Gets Around to Booking Sporting Events
  20. Age 33 - 6 Felonies: Criminal Dead Because of Soft on Crime Policies
  21. McDermott: Travel Ban Needed
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Monday, February 13, 2017
February 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:42 PM :: 3586 Views
  1. SB1183: Rail Tax Hike Bill is Alive in Legislature
  2. How Ige Plans To Cut a Piddling $220 Million From His $28.5B Budget
  3. DoE fails to fix problems with its 17,000 casual employees
  4. The Impending Honolulu Rail Ridership Debacle
  5. Bill to make judges repeat confirmation is advanced
  6. Chemophobia: Legislators Advance Polystyrene Ban
  7. Politics is About Winning
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Sunday, February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 6121 Views
  1. Most 2016 GEMS Loans Went to One Insider
  2. UHERO Slams the Skim
  3. Skin in the Game? Mayor Harry Kim says higher taxes not an option
  4. Senator’s Wife Refuses Hush Money
  5. Ige Blames Judicial Selection Commission for Appointment of Campaign Manager
  6. Ige: Get Rid of Matayoshi so HSTA can Achieve Nirvana
  7. HGEA Strategic Incompetence Means Former state workers face long wait for payouts
  8. SB534: $70/day, Then Organize Kupuna Caregivers into Union
  9. Feds Still Grabbing for Control of Kona Water
  10. Tulsi Gabbard Syria Trip Just Like Patsy Mink Meeting with Viet Cong?
  11. Years Later—Still More Whining About Depleted Uranium
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Saturday, February 11, 2017
February 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:10 PM :: 4248 Views
  1. HIDOT Mileage Fee: Meet Big Brother the Taxman
  2. SB1129: Senate CPH Committee Schedules Assisted Suicide Bill
  3. Neighborhood Board Elections: 327 Candidates Register for 437 Seats With One Week to Go
  4. Demanding a Tax Hike, HSTA to Rally at Capitol
  5. Jones Act and Maritime Security Program
  6. Home Ownership: Hawaii Most ‘Equity Rich’ Properties
  7. Justice Ginsburg at UH Law School: “We have a Dysfunctional Congress”
  8. Study: 72 Convicted Terrorists Came From Countries Covered by Trump Vetting Order
  9. Hawaii needs self-managed pension plan for public-worker retirees
  10. Overtime Abuse? Ige’s Been Watching it Happen for Years
  11. HB209: Progressive Democrats Demand Massive Income Tax Hike on Small Business Owners
  12. Expensive Tickets? House votes to nix one of the HIDOT Money Grab Bills
  13. TAT: Political Insiders Milk Cash Cow
  14. Energy Excelerates Flow of Tax Dollars to Crony Capitalists
  15. Ing Rent Control Bill Deferred Amidst Laughter, Ridicule
  16. Condos in Your Future: Anti-Agriculture Activists Grab for Last of HC&S Water
  17. Hilo Attempts to Free Itself from DLNR Indolence
  18. DLNR Police Harass Christmas Boat Parade Organizer
  19. U.S. Transportation department executive approved grant days before taking job with rail contractor
  20. Trump Backs Privately Funded high-speed rail projects
  21. Shipyard Freeze Gives Schatz, Hirono Chance to Pretend that They Matter 
  22. Should U.S. be preparing for a North Korean nuclear strike on the West Coast?
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Friday, February 10, 2017
February 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:56 PM :: 9214 Views
  1. OHA Old Guard Retakes Power: Machado Selected as Chair
  2. Crabbe Contract: Abigail Kawananakoa Sues OHA
  3. Ige Appoints Campaign Manager Circuit Court Judge
  4. HTDC Gives Away $9.8M of Your Tax Dollars to Six Tech Companies
  5. Senate Committee Turns Rail Tax Bill into Christmas Tree
  6. HIDOT Money Grab: Proposed fines for texting, speeding, seat belts, drunken driving may put motorists in poor house
  7. Star Adv: GE Tax on Internet Sales to Take Away Rare Perk
  8. $36M REIT Tax is Back (again)
  9. HSTA Announces Contract Demands
  10. Anti-Fishing Nuts Come Up with New Trick to Shut Down Fleet
  11. Maui: Homeless Flood Emergency Room
  12. Lawmakers puzzle over how to allow pot to be carried inter-island
  13. Honolulu police commissioner injured in domestic assault
  14. Hundreds of corrections officers call in sick during NFL championship game
  15. $11.5M to Make UH Education Free to Low Income Students
  16. Hawaii—Fewest Uninsured in USA
  17. Muslims Pleased by 9th Circuit Court
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Thursday, February 9, 2017
February 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 5389 Views
  1. OHA Audit Passes Committee Vote
  2. What is Kaniela Ing’s Hidden Agenda?
  3. 2017 Honolulu Rail: Advice to the Legislature
  4. Economy: DBEDT Drops 2017 Growth Projection to 1.8%
  5. An informed opinion on GMOs
  6. Buffer Zone Bozos Descend on Capitol (again)
  7. Assisted suicide: Hawaii bills push envelope
  8. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 8, 2017
  9. Caldwell announces more Cabinet Appointments
  10. HB1589: Pro-Hunter Bill to be Heard
  11. KIUC Board Sets Renewable Energy Goal of 70 percent by 2030
  12. Streetlights: Kauai First to Complete LED Conversion
  13. Hawaii State Ethics Commission 2016 Annual Report
  14. UH Law Review Sharing Economy Symposium
  15. Murthy: HART Looking at Alternatives to Tax Hike
  16. At-grade option offers a way out of Honolulu’s train wreck
  17. Raid Rail Funds for Fake $2B Housing Scheme?
  18. After Chief’s Lawyer Taken off Her Defense, Accused Suddenly Starts Telling Stories About Crooked Cops and Prosecutors
  19. Ige Administration Conspires with Hawaii Mosque to get More Muslims In
  20. Tough Times: DoE Gets a Measly $40M Increase This Year
  21. Senator rips tourism agency on finances—Take $6M as Vengeance
  22. If wealthy can get tax breaks, why not low-income earners?
  23. Report: Public Records Agency Slower Than Ever With Appeals
  24. Sen Keith-Agaran Grabs for Control over Judiciary
  25. Kaneshiro’s New publicly-funded secure Women’s housing complex in Makiki nearly empty
  26. Hospitals Paying $1500 per Day per Patient for Homeless Long Term Care
  27. Homeless Drug Addicts Take Over Big Island Subdivision
  28. Libraries Overrun by Homeless?  A Sales Pitch to Fund Another Vacant Position
  29. Ige Admin Debunks Homeless Tent City Nonsense
  30. Anti-Urine Bill Becomes Easy Foil for Homeless Tent City Proponents 
  31. HB1267: Failed Rent Control Proposal is Back Again
  32. Ing Pounding Nails into Agriculture’s Coffin
  33. Anti-Agriculture Activists Pave Way for Developers
  34. Small Business Leaders Debunk Anti-Styrofoam Hysteria
  35. Caldwell Leaves Kids in the Dark
  36. The Toxic Language of Hawaii’s One Party State
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017
February 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:08 PM :: 8659 Views
  1. US Supreme Court to Consider Hearing Hawaii Democrats Closed Primary Suit
  2. White House Calls Travel Ban ‘a Lawful Exercise’ of Authority
  3. Congress Considers Bill to Break up 9th Circuit Court
  4. Shell Game: Short Form Bills on the Move
  5. Trump Confusing Both Liberals and Conservatives
  6. Cost of Living: Only Manhattan is More Expensive than Honolulu
  7. Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections 308 Candidates for 435 Seats
  8. Lawyer-Enrichment Bills on the Move—Require Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
  9. Murthy: I Can Complete Elevated Rail Without Tax Hike
  10. Skim: Caldwell Reaches New Level of Insanity
  11. OHA, HART Auditors Didn’t Notice Embezzlement Until Company Ran Out of Cash
  12. Telescope: State files appeal over TMT sublease hearing
  13. Hawaii lawmakers mull short-term rental Taxes
  14. Terrified by Drop in Tobacco Sales, Lawmakers propose 70% tax on some e-cig products
  15. Hawaii Lawmakers May Triple Fines For Speeding, Cell-Phone Use, DUI
  16. HSTA Operative: Matayoshi Must Go Because We Think Matayoshi Must Go
  17. Charter School Commission Fighting Back Against Corruption
  18. Audit: Some DOE Employees Still Start Work Before Being Cleared
  19. Kenoi Rush Job Adds $280K to Cost of Gym, Golf Course
  20. Legislators Try to Establish Homeless Tent Cities AGAIN
  21. Honolulu Toddler Nearly Died In An Assault But No Charges Filed
  22. State House committees pass anti-Agriculture pesticide bills
  23. Garden Isle: Gabbard Right to Urge End to Obama’s Policy of Giving Money and Arms to Al Qaeda
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Tuesday, February 7, 2017
February 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:18 PM :: 6487 Views
  1. County Employees in Hawaii make double what private sector workers make
  2. Hawaii government growing faster than private sector
  3. OHA and HART Financial Advisor on Trial for Embezzlement
  4. It goes to the Top: Ige Education Policy Based on Underage Drinking and Football Recruiting Trips
  5. $500M Union Slush Fund Passes Committee Vote—HSTA Strips out Promise of ‘Quality’ Education
  6. $80M online sales tax hike
  7. Rail Tax Hike—Legislators Kill Two Bills, Vote on Third Set for Wednesday
  8. Will President Donald J Trump De-Fund California Hi Speed Rail Boondoggle?
  9. Hawaii v Trump: Trump Wins Round One
  10. Silicon Valley Billionaire: Hawaii Should want Unlimited Supply of Muslims more than it Wants Rail Funds
  11. Akana drops OHA lawsuit against CEO Crabbe
  12. Hypocrite Rep Ing Targets OHA Trustee Akina
  13. Neighborhood Board Voting to be Internet Only?
  14. Hawaii Buyout Hall of Fame
  15. Should the State Borrow $2B to Pretend to Build Housing?
  16. SB1109: Statewide Styrofoam Ban Pushed by Chemophobes, Eco-Obsessives
  17. Bats vs. Blades: A Quixotic Struggle
  18. DLNR: Sell Carbon Credits to pay for Helicopters to Kill More Sheep, Goats and Pigs
  19. Maui physician against physician-assisted suicide
  20. Sovereignty Activists Push their way into Arizona Prison
  21. Illinois Homeless Dude Allegedly Kills Wife, Buys Ticket to Hawaii
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Monday, February 6, 2017
February 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 5474 Views
  1. Fluoridated Water Reduces Gender Pay Gap by 4%
  2. Hawaii Bills Would Legalize Industrial Hemp; Foundation to Nullify Federal Prohibition
  3. Matayoshi Dismissal -- Retaliation for Investigation of Kaiser Principal?
  4. Charter schools’ agency hit by report
  5. Green Grifters Fight over $150M in GEMS 
  6. HMSA plan won’t cover most costs
  7. One Way to Kill Rail--Trump Will Cut Off Federal Funds if Hawaii Becomes ‘Sanctuary State’
  8. HOPE Probation: “Nothing Works” in Corrections Replaced by “Nothing Works Well?”
  9. Making Things Easy for Antis
  10. Hawaii Muslims: Now is not the time for Terror Attacks
  11. How Islam Is Gaining A Foothold In Micronesia
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Sunday, February 5, 2017
February 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:50 PM :: 4055 Views
  1. SB1056: Seawater Air Conditioning to Become New High Tech Tax Credit Scam?
  2. Vacation Rentals: Tax Hike Bills on the Move in the Legislature
  3. Hawaii Union Membership #2 in USA–21.7%
  4. SB938: End the State Rail Tax Skim
  5. Unfunded Pensions – Tip of the Iceberg?
  6. 276 Candidates Register for Honolulu Neighborhood Board
  7. Don’t mug taxpayers to pay for Hawaii’s high cost of living
  8. Condo Justice - The Ball's Now In Your Court
  9. Save $4.2B, No Tax Hike: Ground-level rail reaches Legislature
  10. Mayor’s plan brings rail to new level of insanity
  11. Rate hike proposals abound this year, PUC chair says
  12. Being driven from GOP is rite of passage for many local successful Democrats
  13. Legislature tackles rising opioid abuse
  14. Poor Gary Hooser. He just can't accept the fact that Kauai voters rejected him
  15. Kauai: Ala Loa Trail Could be Real Money Spinner
  16. Beachcombing Becomes Act of Penance in Eco Religion
  17. Longline association slams AP article claiming slavery
  18. DLIR, DCCA Hound Construction Industry with Millions in Fines
  19. 40 Years Later Nanakuli Getting a Library
  20. Learning to change: Education program putting Kulani inmates on right course
  21. Use Community Colleges to Save Gifted Students from DoE
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Saturday, February 4, 2017
February 4, 2017 News Release
By Andrew Walden @ 11:57 AM :: 5884 Views
  1. UHERO: ‘Discriminatory’ HSTA Property Tax Plan hits Renters Hardest
  2. Audit: Rep Kaniela Ing Does His Part to Hide OHA Corruption
  3. Hawaii Attorney General to Sue Trump to Keep Muslim ‘Refugees’ Flowing Into Country
  4. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  5. Hawaii: Trannies Drive Push to Legalize Prostitution
  6. Kidani: I want to Double Your Property Taxes to Create Massive Union Slush Fund 
  7. Push to Hike E-Cig Tax
  8. Legislators Take Another Run at Judiciary 
  9. Anti-GMO Hysterics Trying to Buy Politicians—But Voters Punish
  10. Anti-Sunscreen? Hysteria Attracts Quacks, as Usual
  11. Energy ‘Green’: Hawaii Legislature Explores New and Exotic Ways to Give Money to Silicon Valley Billionaires
  12. SunEdison: Billions Of Dollars In Taxpayer Money Hidden In Solar Scammer Bankruptcy
  13. 10 violations, 2 firings on annual review of Hawaii Co Police Department
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Friday, February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:58 PM :: 4659 Views
  1. Hawaii public employee benefits rise 5 times faster than private sector
  2. UHERO: The Exorbitant Cost of Collecting Honolulu’s Rail Surcharge Tax
  3. Hawaii GE Tax Bites into 99.21% of personal income
  4. OHA Board Sets Audit Vote
  5. OHA: Akana Ousted, New Chair to be Elected at Next Board Meeting
  6. Choke or Head Fake? Ige Doesn’t Appoint Campaign Chair to ICA
  7. Mixture of Pro and Anti-Gun Bills Introduced in the Hawaii Legislature
  8. Hawaii Did Not Issue Any Gun-Carry Permits to Private Citizens in 2016
  9. Hawaii Bill Would Legalize Recreational Marijuana, Nullify Federal Prohibition in Practice
  10. Deadline to Apply for State Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions Extended
  11. Basing decisions on evidence, not politics
  12. HB1595: Urine Free Zones
  13. Telescope Cuts off Funds to OHA
  14. Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa has registered as a Democrat
  15. Hawaii Democrats Hope President Donald J Trump Appoints Gabbard to Something, Anything
  16. Fake Issue: Shipyard at Pearl Harbor not part of feds’ hiring freeze
  17. Hawaii AG finally gets around to suing Trump over immigration ban
  18. Hawaii: President Donald J Trump becomes excuse for Letting Nurses do Abortions
  19. Chemophobia: Nature Challenges Anti-Sunscreen Coral Damage Claims
  20. Judge: Blacked-Out Health Department Reports Are Worthless
  21. Acting Chief Outmaneuvered: Chief’s severance paid out of police payroll funds last week
  22. Go West, Young Bum: Sit-Lie expansion into Iwilei, Kapalama
  23. EIS Approved for Dante Carpenter’s Garbage-to-Money Plant
  24. Dole Street: Manoa Neighborhood Board Tells SJWs to Get Lost
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Thursday, February 2, 2017
February 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 3918 Views
  1. OHA LLCs—A License to Self-Deal
  2. Support OHA Forensic Audit
  3. Full Text: OHA Chair Sues to Force Crabbe Out
  4. Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Hearing
  5. Zuckerberg Steps In It In Hawaii
  6. Hawaii Tops Gallup Well-Being Index for 6th Year Straight
  7. Hawaii: The State of Tobacco Control
  8. One Party Justice: Republican Faces Criminal Charges Because he did not put Name on Two Mailers
  9. Recycling Company Cited for Water Pollution
  10. Future Oahu Community Correctional Center Down to Four Sites
  11. Taxing The Poor: Will Legislators Ever Enact Working Family Tax Credit?
  12. GEMS and Batteries: Revenues from Ratepayer Fee to be Given to Silicon Valley Billionaires
  13. Another Tax Hike: State considers targeting online shoppers
  14. Caldwell’s City Hall: Blood, Feces and Broken Windows
  15. 5 Reasons To Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide
  16. Let Psychologists Pass Out Crazy Meds?
  17. Lynch Mob: Hawaii Supreme Court to hear arguments over 3rd Deedy trial
  18. HPD fired, tried to fire 25 officers in 2016
  19. Police Reform Bills Before Legislature
  20. Sunshine Law Amendments Before Legislature
  21. Hawaii Environmental Council Wants to Change Human Nature, Reorganize Economy
  22. Idaho Republican Launches Bid to Split 9th Circuit
  23. California Liberals Begin Castrating Prisoners
  24. Will President Donald J Trump Keep 1,250 Unwanted Muslim ‘Refugees’ Out of Hawaii?
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Wednesday, February 1, 2017
February 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 PM :: 4362 Views
  1. Rep Kaniela Ing: Tickets, Lies, and Bin Laden
  2. After Speaking at Anti-Trump Rally, Rep Beth Fukumoto Prepares to Quit GOP
  3. ‘Challenging and exciting times’
  4. SB938: Eliminate DoTax 10% Rail Skim
  5. HB663 and SB501: Force Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
  6. DOH fights lawsuit on their non-posting of inspection reports even as two bills in the Legislature again fund the posting
  7. HECO Solar Deal: Wholesale Rate Finally Equals Average Mainland Retail Rate
  8. BLNR Approves Big Island Carbon Credit Scam 
  9. DLNR Seeks Applicants: Commission on Water Resource Management
  10. Parents asked to provide feedback on their child’s public school
  11. How Many Tourists is Too Many?
  12. Report: A Decade of Human Trafficking in Hawaii
  13. Information sessions for Oahu Neighborhood Board Candidates
  14. Peter Pakemai, Master Canoe Carver
  15. GE Tax Hike: Legislature ‘Very Upset’ at Rail Lies -- Caldwell Offers Bribe 
  16. Nightmare: Just When You Thought You Were Free of Obamacare, Hawaii Legislature Decides to Keep It
  17. HPD Refuses to Pay Kealoha’s $250K Golden Parachute:  Payoff Agreement in Default Feb 2
  18. Maui: In Effort to Create More Homelessness, Soft on Crime Crowd Pushes for Mass Release of Criminals
  19. TMT contested case hearing slated to continue through February
  20. Bill would lower blood quantum requirement for Hawaiian Homestead successors if Congress Agrees
  21. Duke Aiona: Tracking Assisted Suicide in Legislature
  22. Chemophobia: Bill Banning Many Sunscreen Products Advances In House
  23. Anti-GMO Bills Pass Mike Gabbard Committee
  24. Gabbard’s trip to Syria tied to pro-Assad group
  25. Advice for Muslims in Hawaii: Don’t (ahem) ‘Blow Up’ the Situation
Read More..


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