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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for February 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 16533 Views
  1. Trashing Tricare: Obama to cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military
  2. Romney Sweeps Michigan, Arizona
  3. HB2874: House Finance Votes to Freeze Community TV Funds
  4. Mission Houses Archive puts 19th Century Hawaii Journals, Newspapers Online
  5. Union: Build Rail or You Will Die
  6. HGEA Scores $5M and more to come as First ‘Favored Nation’ Payoffs Go To Union
  7. Slom: Lawsuits Still Possible over Reapportionment
  8. Legislators Consider Creating Gaming Commission
  9. Finance Ctte Defers Bill Exempting Gov’t Projects from Enviro Review
  10. Charter School Reform: Crooks, Cronies, Social Climbers all gather around for today’s vote
  11. A Plan to Return Hawaii's Mainland Inmates
  12. Carlisle Speech Outlines Campaign Message
  13. ‘Organic’ Food should be labeled for E Coli, Rat Lungworm
  14. Geothermal: OHA Cronies Present Cash Demands
  15. Stolen Valor: ‘Vote Vets’ is Actually Front Group for Sierra Club
  16. Cayetano, Waihee, Hee Line Up Against Hoopili
  17. Non-Hawaii Owners of Vacation Rentals in Uproar
  18. Senate committee approves resolution to sell Kauai land to tenants
  19. Hawaii nonprofits want caps on tax deductions repealed
  20. SA: Give Tax Credits to Billionaire Movie Moguls
  21. Committees Pass Measures to Change Regents Selection
  22. Bargaining Begins Feb. 29 for 18,000 CWA Members at AT&T West
  23. Joanne Georgi Running for KIUC Board
  24. Bynum, 40 others Face Misdemeanor Ag Zoning Violations
  25. Kaua‘i County will approve 252 TAU certificates over next 5 years
  26. Isle parks generate $122M
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
February 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 16653 Views
  1. Revised 2012 Reapportionment Plans Posted Online
  2. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Granted Hearing
  3. National GOP race sparks interest in Hawaii March 13 caucus
  4. Ed Case: I’m No Conservative
  5. New Honolulu Rail Chief Was Late, Over Budget on His Biggest Project
  6. Hawaii Pacific Health Exec: Low Reimbursement, Lack of LTC Beds Behind HMC Crisis
  7. Tax Credit Fight: Hawaii Solar Energy Leader Voted Out
  8. SB2111: Legislators Debate How to Give Millions of Dollars to Hollywood Moguls
  9. Legislator: HI Tech Tax Credit Scammers Only Want Things, $1B in Tax Credits Could Have Gone to Affordable Housing
  10. Hawaii House Democrats Consider Establishing a State Bank
  11. Gambling gets another lease on life
  12. House Finance to Hear Bills Exempting Government Projects from EIS, SMA
  13. One in Eight Spikes Pension
  14. House Finance to Discuss EUTF Fixes
  15. Bank of Abercrombie on Wednesday Agenda
  16. After Burning Treasury, Obama Proposes Cuts to Tsunami Warning System
  17. City Cuts Horse Ranchers out of Ag Tax Rates
  18. Haleakala Findings Released
  19. Insurance Exec now Claims to have ‘Discovered’ that Assisted Suicide is Legal in Georgia
  20. Smart meter installation rolls out
  21. Military readies to open Tropic Care Kauai
  22. Nine Weapons Confiscated from Marijuana Church
  23. Faleomavaega’s Sister to Run for Governor of Am Samoa
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Monday, February 27, 2012
February 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 17204 Views
  1. Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
  2. Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Hawaii TEA Parties?
  3. SB2226: $25M Internet Tax
  4. 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
  5. Ban Would Favor Clayton Hee's Irish Opihi Monopoly
  6. Gallup: Hawaii #1 in Health, Wellbeing
  7. Study: Hawaii Tops Country for Highest Number of Services Taxed
  8. Hanabusa’s answer to High Gas Prices: Give More Money to Biofool Scammers
  9. Assisted Suicide Activist Claims Death Prescriptions Are Already Being Written In Hawaii
  10. Vote on Hawaii's Redrawn Reapportionment Maps Set for Monday, But Many Unhappy with New Boundaries
  11. Dozens of retired public workers get Secret Pensions over $100,000/year
  12. HB2253: Legislators to Boost Disability Parking Fees?
  13. SB2422: Boosts Tobacco Tax 70%
  14. $150K Contract to Analyze Hawaii Tax System
  15. Ledge: Let’s Study Gambling
  16. AP: Hawaii GOP Caucuses Testing Advisory
  17. The Rise of Intermarriage: Rates, Characteristics Vary by Race and Gender
  18. Prayer Should Open Legislative Sessions
  19. Honolulu Named one of 100 top Communities for Young People
  20. Green Police Nail Photographer for taking Pictures of Sharks Eating Whale
  21. Kauai: Does Chief Report to Mayor or Police Commission?
  22. SB2304: Reforms Police Identification Line-Ups
  23. Senators to Discuss How to Let Lots of Criminals Out of Prison
  24. Honolulu-Based Coast Guard Relies on 42-year Old Cutters
  25. Gay Marine's homecoming kiss in Hawaii shared on Facebook
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
February 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:00 PM :: 19195 Views
  1. Secret Tax Breaks Fund Hawaii Film Production
  2. Windfall of Tax Revenue to be Had Without Tax Increase
  3. DBEDT Energy Update Projects 537MW of Industrial Wind
  4. HB2874: DoE Laptop Bill Will Freeze Public Access TV Funding
  5. Case, Hirono toe line: Lingle is the Anti-Rail Senate Choice
  6. Pensions: 14 Legislators Double Dipping—Abercrombie is Triple Dipping
  7. Exclusion of Military May Not Withstand Federal Constitutional Scrutiny
  8. David Chang: Key to material progress is making sure we have equality of opportunity
  9. Star-Adv: Abercrombie Lacked ‘Courage’ on Gay Marriage in 2010 Campaign
  10. Gay Agenda: Bill Could Classify Workplace Bullying As Safety Violation
  11. Ex-T boss poised to land Hawaii gig
  12. Honolulu Rail CEO Pick Comes With Track Record That Raises Concerns
  13. Aila: Bag Tax Needed to ‘Save our Water’
  14. Former Insurance Exec Continues to Claim Assisted Suicide Legal in Hawaii
  15. Carlisle's speech was another day in the same old brown shoes
  16. KIUC forums address community
  17. Volunteers Do the Work UPW Will Not, 150 Public Housing Units made Ready for Occupancy
  18. Abercrombie approves EIS for new Kona courthouse
  19. E-W Center: US territories suffering due to debt crisis
  20. Three Years of Hawaii Monitor Now Online
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
February 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:42 PM :: 9875 Views
  1. SB212 to be Heard Monday: Would End Discrimination Against Military
  2. Ron Paul’s son, Ronnie, to campaign for dad in Hawaii
  3. Proposed HART Chief Leaves Trail of Political Discord
  4. Triple Albatross: HSTA endorses Hirono, Hanabusa, and Hannemann
  5. Secret Rail Debt: Council wants answers over waived budget rules
  6. $8B plus $15B = State Debt to Retirees
  7. Usual Crooks, Cronies Show Up for Hanabusa Campaign HQ Opener
  8. HSTA Going to Court to Overturn Laupahoehoe Charter School
  9. Toll roads a possibility for Oahu transportation future
  10. Mainland Lobbyist Backs Public Bank
  11. 2nd Marine found not guilty in hazing trial
  12. Hawaii Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
  13. OHA Cronies seek to line pockets, bring geothermal power to state
  14. Forged Female Convicted of Further Forgery
  15. Hummer defaced by racial slur near school raises alarm
  16. Enviro Assaults Turtle Photographer
  17. Ex-Palma employees accused of abuse
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Friday, February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 10839 Views
  1. Washington Times Reporter heads to Hawaii for March 13 Presidential Caucus
  2. Transportation Bill With Honolulu Rail Funds Postponed
  3. Full Text: State of the City Address
  4. Caldwell: ‘I will Work Harder to be Transparent and Honest’
  5. 'Descendants' based on Case Family Grab for Grove Farm
  6. HB2193: State Bank to be Controlled by Abercrombie, Insured by Taxpayer
  7. VIDEO: Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute), In Hawaii Speaking About Obamacare Supreme Court Cases
  8. Book Review: Callies, Regulating Paradise (2d ed. 2010)
  9. "Nonresident" Property Owners Must Employ Property Managers For TVRs?
  10. Rail: Hidden Debt Ceiling Exposed
  11. City asks judge to dismiss rail suit
  12. WSJ: Honolulu Hopeful Has No-Track Mind
  13. Carlisle, Abercrombie demand Taxpayers Pick Up Wife’s Travel Tab
  14. Kokua Line Features Hawaii Republican Caucuses
  15. Hawaii tops Nation: DoE is #1 in Drug Availability
  16. HI hotels’ gross pre-tax profits total $928.2M
  17. Abercrombie has trouble adjusting
  18. DHHL Only Assigning 150 leases a Year
  19. Legislation takes aim at human trafficking
  20. Fake Drivers Licenses: Admitted Fraudster Still on Honolulu City Payroll
  21. Sexting: ACLU Court Victory helping to Legalize Kiddie Porn
  22. Geothermal Possibilities Explored at Ulupalakua
  23. Law Students to Debate Hawaiian Recognition
  24. Rep. Ward Discusses the UH Library & Information Science Program
  25. Former Waimea principal will return to Hawaii Prep Academy
  26. Update: OHA Salary Commission’s Final Report
  27. Growth, Big growth Projected for Hawaii Tourism
  28. Bill Calls For 5-Year Moratorium On Opihi Picking
  29. Wanted: Ethics, Campaign Spending Commissioners
  30. Mainland Gang Member Indicted in Isle Drug Case
  31. EA Required to land a Helicopter
  32. Sears Will Close Ala Moana Store
  33. Honolulu Police Department, Hawaiian Airlines now hiring
  34. James Kimo Campbell, activist and college trustee, dies at 65
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
February 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 14077 Views
  1. Abercrombie: I will not defend Marriage
  2. Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
  3. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Needs Your Immediate Help
  4. Thielen Criticizes HB2417 Limits Solar Tax Credit to One Per Property
  5. House Democratic Dissidents Consider State Reapportionment Lawsuit
  6. Hawaii Lawmakers Again Aiming to Tax E-Commerce Sales
  7. Same sex marriage likely heading back into legislature
  8. Deadline For Reapportionment Approaching
  9. Civil Engineer Debunks Civil Beat ‘Fact Check’
  10. Coffee: Counting The Ways Obama Hurts U.S.
  11. Hawaii lawmakers take five-day recess
  12. Abercrombie Heads to DC to Beg for RTTT
  13. Hawaii tourism spending should be up 6.4% in 2012
  14. SA: Privatization plan can help tenants
  15. ‘Clear and Convincing Evidence’ that Sovereignty Activists were Scamming Dorcy
  16. SB2221: Kiddie Porn to become Type B Felony?
  17. Abercrombie’s Latest Water Commission Nominees Don’t Quiet Uproar
  18. Police chief spends Wednesday at work, but controversy continues
  19. Kauai Police Shooting While Chief Kept from job by Mayor
  20. Biotech Reduces Pesticide Use
  21. Pregnant F-M Trans is Ego Tripper Bent on Being Famous at Children’s Expense
  22. Bill allowing dogs in restaurants alive in House
  23. Local newspapers face another likely competitor for lucrative legal notices
  24. Smart Meters on Kauai Are a Public Health Hazard
  25. Hawaii AG: Marley Sons Raise Money for Fake Charities
  26. Head of anti-slavery alliance to speak
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
February 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16793 Views
  1. Kapolei Tesoro Refinery Workers Reject Labor Contract
  2. Rail: The Biggest Wager in Hawaii’s History
  3. Kauai Police Chief says he's going back to work without Support of Mayor
  4. Solomon Supporters Demand that Inouye be Drawn out of District
  5. $500M construction package passed by state Senate
  6. Star-Adv: Don't sidestep rules for jobs
  7. Bag Tax Back from Dead?
  8. Inouye's support could mean little for candidates
  9. Rail Suit: New Delaying Tactic From City
  10. Act 221 Scammers to Ratepayers: Pay Us More, Get Used to It
  11. BoE Approves Teacher Evaluation Negotiating Position
  12. Oahu at risk—little ER capacity if disaster strikes
  13. Civil Beat Greets Djou With Bogus already Debunked Questions about Campaigning in Uniform
  14. Another Pro-Abortion Group Backs Hirono
  15. Returning military members allege job discrimination — by federal government
  16. Kenoi’s campaign sponsors have plenty to gain
  17. Honolulu Officials Reviewed ORI’s Financial Records
  18. Fired head of state's largest charter school under scrutiny for spending
  19. Mainland Solar Installers Rake in $212M
  20. Armed forces will vet hydrogen-fueled SUVs on Oahu
  21. Convicted Pimp Sentenced To 40-Years In Prison
  22. New York Welfare Spent in Hawaii
  23. For First Time, Most Hawaii Moms Under 30 Are Unmarried
  24. Hawaii Most favorable State, California Worst
  25. Hawaii looks at banning bear gallbladder imports
  26. HB2228: Requires Employers with 20+ Employees to Set Up Breastfeeding Room
  27. HPU To Take over Aloha Tower Marketplace?
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Letters to the Editor February, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:03 PM :: 13883 Views
  • House Bill 1707: “We will be forced to sell”
  • RTTT: The Chicago Way?
  • HELCO Blames Solar Users for Latest Rate Hike
  • Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
February 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 13021 Views
  1. Charles Djou on his way home from Afghanistan
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Feb 21
  3. Legislators: Abercrombie Unstable, Rambling
  4. Cayetano: Inouye ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Gambling with Public Money’
  5. No Action to Stop Massive Unemployment Tax Hike
  6. Inouye: Federal Judge David Ezra To Retire In June
  7. 4000 Okinawa Marines Heading for Hawaii
  8. OHA ‘Settlement’ Talks Leave Homeless Shelter in Limbo
  9. H-Power Recycles Plastics into Electricity for 28,000 Homes
  10. Pono Chong killed ‘Feeeel Good’ Bag Ban Bill
  11. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Hawaii Health Systems Corp.
  12. HSTA Blocks 180 day law so DoE is Going to Redefine ’instructional time’ to fake it
  13. Abercrombie Pushes Hard to Fake Accountability, Snag $75M from RTTT
  14. Waimea principal's dismissal still unexplained
  15. SA: Kick Principals out of HGEA
  16. HART and UH, More Secrecy
  17. Former police officer admits to ID theft and forgery
  18. Fair share system under scrutiny
  19. Organic Huckster Hypes GMO Labeling
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Monday, February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 15061 Views
  1. In Hawaii, it’s 1984 all over again
  2. Ten Tax Increases on the Move in Legislature
  3. ECONOMY Survey -- The Economist and Hawaii Results
  4. Hawaii Homeschoolers Speak up Against Mandatory Kindergarten
  5. Bag Tax is a Business Deal between State, Stores, Enviros
  6. HB1511: More High Tech Tax Credits for the Act 221 Scammers
  7. Obama’s War on Inouye Earmarks ‘Not A Deathblow, but….”
  8. Former Member of Charter School Panel Speaks out
  9. Felony Child Abuse is Now Politically Correct: Sex-change treatment for kids
  10. HB2742 Would Exempt County Councils from Sunshine Law
  11. A Creeping Attempt To Shut Down Hawaii Court Records
  12. Not So Public: Auditor Stonewalled On Prison Job
  13. Governor's Emails Auto-Deleted After 60 Days
  14. Independent Expenditures Tough to Track in Hawaii Elections
  15. KIUC: Industrial Solar gets go-ahead, but homeowners denied
  16. Pearlridge to give away Free Electricity to Electric Car Drivers
  17. Omidyar Money Buys Five Local Nonprofits
  18. Hawaii: 8 years to rebuild a Boat Ramp
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
February 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 16874 Views
  1. Wishing We Didn't Have to Pay the Piper
  2. Abercrombie Picks Insurers to Control Hawaii Health Insurance Exchange, Hospitals to get Boot
  3. Law aimed at bullying in schools poses threat to freedom of speech
  4. DoE Looks Other Way as Alleged Child Molesters Run Rampant
  5. HB2527: Star-Adv Complains that BoE won’t have Ability to Fake Teacher Accountability
  6. Tax Collections Running 2.6% lower than CoR Projections
  7. Construction of Honolulu's rail project will begin next month
  8. A Falling Out Amongst Thieves: Wind Scammers take aim at Solar Scammers and Biofool Scammers
  9. Kenoi Pushes for Geothermal
  10. Kauai Crackpots Obstruct Hydro, Babble about RF Radiation
  11. To help Hirono, Marian Higa Tells Us that Anti-Superferry Scumbags were Right
  12. Hirono a Show About Nothing
  13. Ho'opili opponents gear up offensive
  14. Kyo-ya Hotels' Waikiki plan deserves support
  15. House adds floor sessions to video archive
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
February 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:47 AM :: 15982 Views
  1. HSTA Agrees to Longer Days, 20% Raise
  2. Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
  3. Abercrombie Appoints Transsexual Activist to Civil Rights Commission
  4. JSC Names 11 Candidates for Honolulu District Court
  5. Reapportionment Public Comment Meeting Wednesday
  6. Marumoto Cheers Passage of ATV Safety Bill
  7. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Advances
  8. ‘Green’ Energy Scammers Push Hawaii Inflation rate to 4%
  9. Bag Tax 'accidentally' Killed by House — Senate Bill Still Alive
  10. Mother Marianne's Sainthood Date Set Oct 21
  11. Past controversies hound 2 charter school panel picks
  12. "Barack Obama requests $250M for Honolulu's rail project"?
  13. Air Australia's grounding a blow to tourism
  14. Officer hits pedestrian in road, cited for DUI and negligent injury
  15. Progressive Blogger Cheered by GOP Dispute
  16. Rep. Pine's Town Hall Meeting - Hawaii Medical Center Closure
  17. Rep Bob Herkes to Run for Senate
  18. Campaign signs irk some over early start, but law is on candidates' side
  19. City Steps Closer To Finding Buyer For 12 Affordable Housing Projects
  20. Hoku reaches agreement with Idaho Power Co.
  21. U.S. focus on the Pacific could avert military cuts in Hawaii
  22. Hawaii welcomes sailors returning from tough deployment
  23. Dalai Lama to visit Oahu in April
  24. Law would protect driver's license data
  25. CN: 9th Circuit Seems to See Thru Title IX Claims
  26. Nevada Approves Regulations For Self-Driving Cars
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Friday, February 17, 2012
February 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:35 PM :: 13355 Views
  1. Senate Health Committee Shelves Beverage Tax
  2. HFF: Good News HB2788 Waikiki Casino Deferred
  3. House Republican Caucus: For the Record
  4. Abercrombie Appoints Heather Giugni to the State House
  5. Insurance Institute: HB2358 Would Weaken State Building Code
  6. EUTF, Mortgage Fraud, and Toll Roads -- House Republicans Speak Out
  7. Study: Lower income workers do not appear to rely on transit
  8. 9th Circuit Hears Sides On Sea Turtle Rule
  9. House panel rejects measure to end state 'pension spiking'
  10. BoE Votes Tuesday on Changes to Teacher Tenure, Accountability
  11. OHA Promises to stop shaking down Hospitals and Affordable Housing Projects in Exchange for Kakaako Settlement
  12. Anonymous Finalists for rail mass-transit’s top job Secretly arrive for interviews
  13. Legislation to Create Another Government Employees Union?
  14. KSBE, Schatz, Morita to Join in Groundbreaking for Mafia Wind Project
  15. More Windmills Coming, But Not All Island Residents Approve
  16. Plastic Bag Tax: Retailers, Enviros Bicker Over Loot
  17. Queens Still Trying to bar Cancer Center Doctors
  18. Cayetano Decides to Dump Civil Beat from Media List
  19. VIDEO: Waimea rallies around departed middle school principal
  20. Inouye Wants to Revive Interisland Ferry
  21. Hanabusa Fails in Effort to Direct More American Money to OPEC
  22. Residential rents up 13 percent in past 2 years
  23. Hawaii PV installers brace for tariff
  24. Death Penalty Sought In Arizona Prison Murder of Hawaii Inmate
  25. Disturbing Complaint Against Private Prison
  26. Killing renews calls for abuse interventions
  27. Dopers Take Cannabis Claims to 9th Circuit
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
February 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:06 PM :: 15866 Views
  1. Rep Pine: Reapportionment Lawsuit Says Military Personnel Don't Matter
  2. IBHS Applauds Defeat of Hawaii Legislation to Abolish State Building Code Council
  3. Voters Angry over Reapportionment Plan
  4. 106,000 Residents Disenfranchised to Satisfy Malama Solomon
  5. House and Senate close to Legalizing Bribery of members of advisory boards and task forces
  6. Star-Adv: We Don’t Know Where Big Cable is Going, But get Started With It Anyway
  7. Democrats Fail to Find Supporters of Soda Tax
  8. Hirono is a Creature of the Hated House of Reps
  9. Kulani Prison to Be Transformed into Resort for ‘Healing’ Prisoners
  10. HCDA Gives Secret Raise to Exec Director
  11. Coffman, McKelvey Support Bill to Gut Environmental Protections
  12. City needs to give more substance, not PR, to rail
  13. Feds Approve More Delays in Hawaii RTTT
  14. Will DoE Begin Earlier Brainwashing Efforts?
  15. Dope Doctor Appeals to Abercrombie’s ‘Integrity as a Politician’
  16. $487B in Defense cuts would take 2 cruisers from Pearl Harbor
  17. City resumes tagging property in public areas
  18. Sugar is Josh Green’s Latest Excuse to Raise Taxes
  19. Burial removals draw protesters to church
  20. Multi-Billion Dollar Estate Lays off 13 After Inouye Fails to Come Thru with Earmark
  21. Hawaii GOP Still Wrangling over National Committeeman
  22. January foreclosures reach 6-month high
  23. Cannibal Monk Seal Murders Two, Wounds 11
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
February 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:53 PM :: 13881 Views
  1. HB2103 Should Hawaii Borrow $3.2B to create Bank of Abercrombie?
  2. Thielen: HB1893 "Demolishes Environmental Law"
  3. Puerto Rico = Hawaii? Another Island Eyes Natural Gas as Substitute for Oil
  4. Schatz Working on Obama Library
  5. Hawaii: Important NRA Instructor Liability Bill to be Heard
  6. Honolulu Prosecutor Sharply Criticizes HOPE Probation Program
  7. Abercrombie Secretly Appoints Young Bros President to Water Board
  8. New Reapportionment Maps Set Up Face-offs on Big Island, Oahu
  9. FTA: Feds Won’t Pay for Rail Without ‘Strong Local Partner’
  10. Djou 52% Favorable in poll larded with Democrats, Obama Supporters
  11. CD2 Hannemann leads by big margin
  12. Honolulu Prosecutor Sharply Criticizes HOPE Probation Program
  13. Hawaii is only State where Charter School Employees are State Employees
  14. Parents Deserve Answers After Firing of Waimea Charter School Principal
  15. As Kakaako Deal Comes up, Donovan DelaCruz Suddenly Hosts Fundraiser
  17. Heide & Cook plans acquisition by Alaska Native Company in bankruptcy filing
  18. Newspapers Keep $1 Million Legal Ad Revenue For Another Year
  19. Stop Mitch Kahle Bill to Be Heard by House Ctte
  20. Family Of Murdered Inmate Sues State, Private Prison
  21. 170,000 to get bank refunds
  22. Applicants Sought for Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Board
  23. Representative Cynthia Thielen - I love Kailua Town Party 2012
  24. Federal funds flow to clean-energy firms with Obama administration ties
  25. Hunters Speak Up Against DLNR
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012
February 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:34 PM :: 12272 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted February 13
  2. UH: Most Financial Records Recoverable After Fire
  3. Hawaiian Airlines First to Receive Carbon Credits
  4. Hawaiian is Nation's #1 On-Time Airline for 8th Straight Year
  5. GE Tax: 'Low' rate belied by Broad Base
  6. Senate Committee Drops Plan to Impose Tobacco Tax on Tobacco Substitute
  7. Even With 69% Obama support, Star-Adv Can only find 39% Approval of Abercrombie
  8. Cayetano Promises Focus on Oahu's Budget, Infrastructure Needs
  9. Cayetano Run could Boost Case’s Chances in Primary
  10. Obama’s D.O.A. Budget has $250M for Rail
  11. One in 12 Oahu commuters take the bus to work, study says
  12. Lingle Speaks up for Legal Reform, Against SLAPP Suits
  13. Lingle on Furlough Fridays: Shouldn’t Have Trusted BOE
  14. ‘Most favored nation’ HGEA Grabs for 60-40 on Health Insurance
  15. Star-Adv, Abercrombie Ignore ‘Tutu and Me’
  16. Sex Assault Case Raises Questions About DOE's Protection of Students
  17. Progressives Frantic over UHPA Endorsement of Ed Case
  18. HB2788 Waikiki Casino Tabled
  19. Radcliffe, Brower: Gambling Opponents are ‘Theocrats’ Trying to Impose Religious Law
  20. Council will take up measure requiring retailers to use only biodegradable bags
  21. Attack on Free Speech: Cyberbullying Bill to Regulate Internet Comments?
  22. HB2396: Legislators to Outlaw Shell Collecting?
  23. Hawaii Agency Wants $123,000 To Review Records
  24. Representative Gene Ward Addresses H.B. No. 1699, - Meals
  25. Representative George Fontaine supports Move Over Bill H.B. No. 2030 - Traffic Safety;
  26. Maui Council to Get 4-year Terms
  27. Ex-State Harbors Official Charged With Theft, Forgery
  28. Rapist Could've Got 40 Years, Gets Probation
  29. Hawaii and East Carolina: Together at Last
  30. Navy Wave-Powered Buoy Produces 400 Watts
  31. Obama eyes more gay rights in Military
  32. Pentagon May Oust Troops Involuntarily to Meet Reductions in Budget Plan
  33. Hawaii Reporter Celebrates 10th Anniversary
  34. Interview with Jamie Story
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Monday, February 13, 2012
February 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:19 PM :: 12662 Views
  1. SB3019: Soda Tax to be Heard Today
  2. Gallup: Hawaii #1 State for Gov't Jobs
  3. Childless Women Make Hawaii Democratic?
  4. HSTA to Return To Bargaining Table
  5. Am Samoa: Faleomavaega Tries to Create New Citizens to Win Election
  6. Supreme Court Decision Clarifies Line Between Discipline and Abuse
  7. Star-Adv Lards Poll With 69% Obamabots and Finds Hirono Ahead
  8. VIDEO HNN Interview With Linda Lingle
  9. Poll: Cayetano 44%, Carlisle 35%, Caldwell 16%
  10. Just How Deep Will Honolulu Rail's Debt Be?
  11. Calvin Say Speakership Cost $53K
  12. CN: Mysterious Abercrombie Executive Orders Tied to OHA Kakaako Settlement
  13. Senate Committee expected to OK OHA settlement today
  14. SA: Time to spike spiking practice
  15. Woman Hospitalized After Assault, Kidnapping At Kuhio Park Terrace
  16. 17,000 Students Could Be Without School Buses Next Year
  17. $63M for free Laptops
  18. UH Loses Financial, Payroll records in Fire
  19. Marines under fire—Congressional pressure led to an unnecessary court martial
  20. Maui Profitable Nonprofit Soaks Up Grants, Can’t Account for Money
  21. Some teachers and students at Big Island charter school plan a boycott
  22. Ruling on Kawaiaha'o iwi appealed
  23. Kahikolu Congregational Church celebrates its 190th Anniversary
  24. If Mr. Ah Fook and the Maui Revolutionaries Did Not Exist, There Would Be No Modern China
  25. UH Porn Site for Sale
  26. Whitney Houston's Kona Marijuana Bust
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
February 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 8951 Views
  1. Will to Set Priorities for Tax Dollars Absent
  2. UHPA: Case shows “ability to draw connections”
  3. Romney Wins Maine Caucuses, Paul Second
  4. Lay Off the US-Build Requirement!
  5. Star-Adv Poll: Rail Opposed 53% to 43%
  6. National Democrats ‘Raise Eyebrows’ by Backing Hirono
  7. UHPA Endorses Case, Hannemann
  8. DLNR: “Impacts” Are Excuse for Latest Fee Increase
  9. Star-Adv Praises ‘Hawaii Solution’
  10. Occupy Whines About Bill 54
  11. Bone marrow drive inspired former anchor's donation
  12. Lawmakers push to mandate insurance coverage for autism
  13. High court clarifies discipline defense
  14. Child maltreatment exacts huge cost
  15. Principal's exit linked with charter schools
  16. Documentary on Internment in Hawaii to be Shown Today
  17. Suicide Tourism? Hemlock Society to Visit Three Hawaiian Islands
  18. Dopers Upset by Requirement that they See only One Doctor per Prescription
  19. Pepper Spray Is A Nonlethal Weapon Worth Having
  20. Haleiwa land might be auctioned
  21. Disaster aid drifts in with vog
  22. Mayor Carlisle to promote Honolulu in Philippines
  23. Japanese Whalers Send Maui Man Swimming
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Saturday, February 11, 2012
February 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 19849 Views
  1. HB2788 Waikiki Casino to be Heard Monday
  2. Hirono Attacks the US Chamber of Commerce
  3. Guam should join Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico for Jones Act reform
  4. Thielen, Rivere: The Real Green Legislators
  5. Rep Marumoto's ATV Safety Proposals to be Heard Monday
  6. Diabetes Bill Moves Forward Through Health Committee
  7. ‘Unrepentant Liberal’ Abercrombie Promises to Raise Taxes, Give Money to other Liberals
  8. Key Abercrombie Insider Behind Effort to Legalize Bribery
  9. UH economists paint bleak picture of Hawaii’s recovery
  10. Saint Francis Healthcare System asking lawmakers for $80 million in special purpose revenue bonds
  11. State to Take Over HMC East?
  12. Price Controls Create Shortage of drug Which threatens isle cancer patients
  13. Sovereignty Activists Claim Big Score in $90M Estate Settlement
  14. Backpedaling! Hawaiian Electric says no rate increase for solar lost revenue
  15. Abercrombie pushes for bill establishing undersea cable framework
  16. Hoku loses $10.6 million as it seeks more loans for plant
  17. Problems cast shadows of doubt on solar project
  18. Isle child abuse report rate twice statewide rate
  19. DoE Did Not Report Statutory Rape to Police, Keeps the Accused Supervising Alleged Victim
  20. Former Private School Principal Increases Charter School Performance, then Suddenly Vanishes Without Explanation
  21. UH Can’t Stand Competition from Porn Site
  22. Council Chair Floats Plastic Bag Ban for Honolulu
  23. Lack of Riots Means City, state came in under budget on APEC spending
  24. Hawaii's Pro and Anti Legalized Gambling Forces Step Up Lobbying Efforts
  25. Lawmakers to probe salary overpayments revealed by Hawaii News Now
  26. Alexander hired at IHS
  27. Development around rail stations gets stuck in park
  28. Jerry Chang Pushes to Weaken Hurricane Shelter
  29. Larry Mehau Associate Draws Council District then Announces Campaign
  30. 4,700 Marines to Guam confirmed
  31. Maui Marine ‘happy to be home’
  32. Hawaii Has Lowest Home Ownership Rate in Nation
  33. DHHL to develop Mauna Kea
  34. Prisoner Gets Pig to Bite, Scores $25K from State
  35. Fate of many tip lawsuits still in limbo
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Friday, February 10, 2012
February 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:17 PM :: 15058 Views
  1. DoE Contractor Touts 'Remarkable Growth' at Nanakuli Elementary School
  2. Abercrombie Makes Third Error on Hurricane Fund
  3. Hawaii to Receive $71M from Mortgage Settlement
  4. Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bill Deferred by Senate Committee
  5. Legislators think Act 221 Scammers are Mentally Ill
  6. Abercrombie Bows to pressure, Abandons Plan to retaliate against Champley
  7. Big Cable Shifts Focus to Geothermal, Big Island
  8. HELCO Gains Decoupling Approval
  9. Lee: Mazie’s Lack of Substance Speaks for Itself
  10. Melanie Bailey: Does a School Field Trip Count as Instructional Time in Hawaii?
  11. Union Members Push $500M in CIP
  12. HGEA: Nine Mandated Sick Days Would Apply to Us As Well
  13. Off-Duty Narcotics Officer Robbed of Gun, Badge, Handcuffs at Hostess Bar
  14. Mayor told to repay wife's trip costs
  15. Bag Tax to Fund DLNR Make Work Program
  16. Future of sandalwood trees gets attention at Legislature
  17. Accountability? DoE to Demand Waiver from NCLB
  18. Leaders Split on Lawmaker Disclosure Deadline
  19. Hawaii Tax Review Commission Seeks Extension
  20. Representative Barbara Marumoto Discusses Quarantine of the Brown Tree Snake
  21. The 89-Day Plan: How Retirees Collect Full Pensions Plus New State Salaries
  22. Gay-Atheist Activists in Abercrombie Administration Targeted Alexander
  23. UH student paper prints "how to" guide to sexual positions
  24. Marine sergeant not guilty in hazing case
  25. Representative Barbara Marumoto Support Adult and Community Education Funding
  26. Supreme Court Denies Challenge to Honolulu Council Redistricting Plan
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
February 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 9480 Views
  1. VIDEO: US Chamber of Commerce Backs Lingle for Senate
  2. Legislature to Impose 70% Tax on Tobacco Substitute?
  3. Catholic Bishops Rep: Obama Mandate 'Hawaii Compromise' Maybe Worse
  4. Prediction Wrong: Electric rates down—not up
  5. Aina Koa Pono Up to Its Eyeballs in Retaliation Against Champley
  6. Hawaiian Electric Industries earns $138.2M in 2011, up 22%
  7. HB2689: Shake-Down Operators Split over How to Extort Money from Geothermal Development
  8. Senate Committee Advances Anti-Spiking Bill
  9. Matsumoto: We must deal quickly with underfunded retiree health fund liability
  10. Honolulu Council Budget Chair Questions Rail Department on Cost, Reasons, for Radio Blitz
  11. Fighting to Stop Honolulu's Proposed Rail Debacle
  12. DoE: Accused Child Molester Supervises His Victim During Trial
  13. Working at School Could Be Solution for DoE’s 180-day law
  14. Inside Hawaii's Juvenile Detention Home
  15. SA: Cybercrime Legislation Raises Free Speech, Privacy Issues
  16. Rep. Ward Addresses Internet Sales Tax HB1634
  17. House Defers OHA-Kakaako Bill, Will Follow Senate’s Lead
  18. Clayton Hee Pushes for Creation of Another Hawaiian Studies Center at UH Manoa
  19. HB2703: State to Mandate Agricultural Production Double?
  20. Time with Kymberly Pine - Chef Edward Kenney - Hawaii's Local Farmers
  21. Fine could rise for texting while driving
  22. Occupy Protesters try to Beat Rap
  23. Ex-police officer found guilty of sex assault is a fugitive in Morocco
  24. Porn site prompts UH to ask for tougher computer crime law
  25. Sexting could become a crime
  26. Hawaii Should Publish Government Legal Notices On the Internet
  27. Hazing trial of Kaneohe Marine so far fails to make points necessary to convict
  28. Global Cooling: Himalayas have Lost no Ice in 10 years
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
February 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 16324 Views
  1. Rick Santorum Wins Three States -- CO, MO, MN
  2. Hawaii Catholic Conference: Obama Admin Threatens Religious Liberty
  3. Advisory Council Gives Abercrombie 12 Nominees for UH Regents
  4. Kamehameha Schools Jumps in With Act 221 Scammers
  5. Without FTA Rail Approval City Would Have Faced $9M monthly Cost Overruns
  6. California same-sex marriage ruling Gives Abercrombie Even More Excuses to Present Weak Defense against gay Marriage Suit
  7. Religious Freedom: Obama Admin May Adopt Hawaii Model as State Legislature Considers Discarding it
  8. Healthcare industry interested in reviving closed hospital facilities
  9. Representative Kymberly Pine comments on HB 1953
  10. Sick of Work? Legislature Considers Ordering Businesses to Give Everybody 9 Annual Paid Days Off
  11. Redistricting Plan May be Ready Feb 23
  12. Hawaii Lawmakers, Abercrombie Aim to Dilute Gift Rules — Again
  13. Kauai Mayor Testifies Before Closed Meeting of Police Commission
  14. Hanabusa, Hirono, Akaka Travel Log Published
  15. Hawaii Law Allows Students to Work in Schools
  16. Accountability for DoE Principals: Eight Years of Empty Talk
  17. School Bus Watch: Ed Board Establishes Action Group to Examine Costs
  18. Hundreds pay respects to fallen police officer
  19. Hawaii Land Development Corp Still Controversial
  20. Okinawa Marines going to Guam, Australia, Hawaii and Philippines
  21. Hazing trial is attributed to influence of politician
  22. $3M Emergency Appropriation for APEC Security Expenses
  23. State Proposes Absurd Tax on Electronic Cigarettes
  24. Pretending to act, Lawmakers consider Less rigorous inspections of zip lines
  25. Star-Adv Gives Space to Another Socialist UH Prof.
  26. Hawaii’s Really Scary Development Bind
  27. Penn State Child Molestation Perjurer Helped NCAA Dump Oahu Bowl
  28. Desperate Hawaii Democrats try to Make Issue of Michigan Advert
  29. Rep. Hirono Introduces Bill to Direct Feasibility Study of Ka'u Coast Designation as National Park System Unit
  30. Roseanne for Pres: A chicken in every bucket, a pie in every face
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012
February 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 16347 Views
  1. After Carlisle Raids Sewer Funds, Feds Green light Limited Rail Construction – Rail Opponents Will NOT seek Injunction
  2. Cayetano on Rail: Inouye Doesn’t See the 800lb Gorilla in the Room
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted February 6, 2012
  4. HB2240: 50% Tax Credit for HQ Relocation to Hawaii
  5. Hoku Dodges a $50M Bullet
  6. Genetically-Modified Papaya Hits Shelves in Japan
  7. Akaku Claims Partial Victory over HB2652 cut to Public Access TV
  8. Abercrombie, Lawyers Scheme to Help Hawaii Lesbians Create gay marriage
  9. Kobayashi: Local Taxpayers Could be Stuck With the Rail Bill
  10. Solomon: OHA’s Kakaako Parcel Should be Exempt from All Land Use Regulations
  11. Case Rings Alarm Bells in Fight with Hirono over Who will Raise Taxes More
  12. With HMC Closed, 911 call could mean the difference between life and death
  13. State overpaid employees by more than $2 million
  14. Lobbyist: Retirees Weighing Down the Public Sector
  15. Gambling opponents take argument to capitol
  16. Dep. Sheriff to be Stationed at Mayor Wright 24/7/365
  17. Hawaii Lawmakers Push to Reform Gov Regent Picks
  18. Campaign spending lawsuit in judge's hands
  19. Inouye: I want the names and address of Any Who Dare Oppose Me
  20. UH threatens porn web site with legal action for using its name
  21. 9th Circuit to come to UH Manoa, Hear Longline Case
  22. Omidyar Wows White House Staffers with talk of Higher Electric Bills, Fuel Prices and Taxes—and a Legion of Brainwashed Dolts to Impose them
  23. Herkes bill seeks to give counties leeway in building codes
  24. Advocates Come Forward for Hawaiian Language Assessment
  25. Self-Help: Low Income Families Achieving Homeownership With Sweat Equity
  26. Difference Between Hawaii's Rail and Weather Forecasters
  27. Monsanto hasn’t paid him: Ritte Fights for GMO Labeling Legislation
  28. Trial for Six Occupy Honolulu Members Arrested in November Set for Wednesday February 8
  29. KIUC board candidate forums begin next week
  30. Florida ‘pill mill’ owner, family arrested on Kauai
  31. Ocean thermal energy conversion plant proposed
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Monday, February 6, 2012
February 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:52 PM :: 19368 Views
  1. Case vs Hirono: Both Voted for Higher Taxes and War in Iraq
  2. Heritage Foundation holds First-Ever Event in Hawaii
  3. Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
  4. Hanabusa, Djou Each Start 2012 With $300K In Bank
  5. Hawaii in Afghanistan
  6. Legislators Still trying to Legalize Small Bribes
  7. Profs Like Cayetano On Rail, But Not Ready To 'Forgive and Forget'?
  8. Sewer Capacity Concerns Lead City to Oppose Bill promoting development near rail
  9. Solar Installations Lead to First of Many HECO Rate Hike Proposals
  10. Hanabusa Backs Navy Plan to Move Pearl Harbor Shipyard Work to San Diego
  11. Legislators Seek to Set Limits on Parental Discipline
  12. Cataluna: Disrespect Bill is very Un-Hip Hop
  13. Feb. 6 — At The Ledge
  14. Star-Adv Gives Progressives Space to Promote Old Worn Out Ideas
  15. Cancer: Federal Injunction Blocks Queen’s Grab for Oncology Monopoly
  16. Kauai Mayor appears to have overstepped legal authority in suspending police chief
  17. On Molokai, uneasy truce over yacht’s visits holding
  18. Identity Theft: Ticket Nightmare Exposes Gap in System
  19. Scrapped plan for marina draws criticism
  20. Star-Adv: Don't raise cost of recreation
  21. Waikiki Casino Advocates: An Unlikely Coincidence or In Cahoots?
  22. EBT Cards get 2 for 1 deal at Kauai Farmers markets
  23. Photos from Hilo March for Life
  24. Tax increase: Kona Coffee Association Wants State to Take over Borer Eradication
  25. Waikiki: Maoist Trash Defend Iranian Nukes
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Sunday, February 5, 2012
February 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 16125 Views
  1. Nevada: Romney 43%, Gingrich 25%
  2. FTC Complaint: HECO Stifling Geothermal to Boost Rates, Profits
  3. University of Hawaii May Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
  4. Whipsawed by New Fees and Charges: Taxpayers Beware
  5. OHA Holding Another Round of Ceded Lands Settlement Meetings
  6. After Letting HMC Die, Organ Transplant Bill Signed into Law
  7. Maui TEA Party: How to Unite Hawaii's 'Conservative Coalition'
  8. DoE Seeks Non-profit Sponsors for Summer School Lunch Program
  9. HB2652: Cuts Funding for Public Access Cable TV
  10. Abercrombie Releases $13 Million for Agriculture, Water Irrigation Projects
  11. Drought: Hawaii County Designated Disaster Area
  12. Case to Hirono: I Voted to Raise Taxes Too!
  13. Redistricting snafu gives more edge to incumbents
  14. Bob Jones: Why Young People Don’t Invest in Hawaii Democrats
  15. Report: 2013 Pro Bowl likely headed for New Orleans
  16. Poll Shows 42-Point Lead For Hannemann
  17. Poll - Hawaii Voters Lack Confidence in Department of Education
  18. Hawaii Could Lose Race to the Top Funding
  19. SB2012: State Projects to Allow Favoritism, Shoddy Construction
  20. Cayetano and UHPA: From F-You to Stop Rail?
  21. Pedophiles: Legislators Renew Push to Loot Catholic Church, Exempt State
  22. Queens Will Lose $8M providing Organ Transplant over Next Five Years
  23. Star-Adv Cheers as Usual Suspects Try to Get Doctors to Kill Off Expensive Old People, Handicapped
  24. Senators Push Single-Payer State Government LTC Insurance
  25. Hawaii Officials Looting Taxpayers to Build First Hawaiian Bank Equity
  26. Poll: 80% Concerned About State Pension Debt
  27. Obama Debt Exceeds GDP for First time Since WW2
  28. 91% Glad Occupy is Being Evicted from Thomas Square
  29. Aloha Stadium to Help Fund UH Athletic Program?
  30. Hawaii and Korea Enter Smart Grid Development Agreement
  31. Web Dossier Bill Stalled in Hawaii Legislature
  32. Baker Refuses to Hear Kona Coffee Farmers Bill
  33. Proposed legislation could ease paperwork for Farmers
  34. Hawaii County Contracts 134% Higher Cost
  35. Joel Osteen in Hawaii
  36. U.S. Marine commander inquires about alternative base transfer sites
  37. Army Unlikely to See Reductions in Pacific
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Saturday, February 4, 2012
February 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:53 PM :: 13584 Views
  1. Santorum Registers for March 13 Hawaii GOP Caucuses
  2. Will HHSC Set Up Abortion Clinic on Kauai?
  3. Fordham Rips Hawaii Science Standards: “The Ignorance on Display is Shameful”
  4. Civil Beat Vanishes from Internet
  5. Transcript: Maine PUC Rips Hawaii's Largest Windfarm Developer
  6. Hawaii: First Anti-Gun Bill Out of the 2012 Legislative Chute
  7. Abercrombie Retaliates against Champley for BioFuel Rejection
  8. Hirono Votes Against Congressional Pay Freeze
  9. Inouye to Go Another Year Without Earmarks
  10. Hawaii Lawmakers reaching again for that giant cookie jar
  11. Star-Adv: Kauai secrecy unreasonable
  12. Items from protesters sweep fill city storage site
  13. Print Newspapers Fight Electronic Legal Ads
  14. Trying to Drive That First Spike: Rail Radio Blitz Costs Oahu Taxpayers $145,000
  15. Housing Department Treats Americans Like Prisoners in Own Homes
  16. Hawaii PUC Rejects Utilities' Residential Solar On Bill Financing Program
  17. Dan Akaka Explains how he Became a Millionaire
  18. Hirono: Too Difficult for Gov’t Employees to Join Union
  19. Representative Ward Rebuts Issues Concerning A State-Owned Bank
  20. Bill affecting hundreds of Hawaii's organ transplant patients to be signed into law
  21. Hawaii campaign contributions case back in federal court on Monday
  22. Aloha Stadium to Help Fund UH Athletic Program?
  23. Sotomayor: "We're moving and advancing the law into the unknown"
  24. Kamehameha Schools and Alexander & Baldwin Announce Agreement for Residential Condominium at Former CompUSA Site
  25. Opposed by Matson: OK for Kyo-ya project remains elusive
  26. Judge soundly rejects Ga. birther claims
  27. Marshall Islands President visits Hawaii
  28. More Cities Consider Parades for Iraq War Vets
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Friday, February 3, 2012
February 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 15730 Views


  1. New Lingle Advert -- Bipartisanship: It's in Hawaii's Best Interest
  2. Note: Civil Beat was Offline this Morning
  3. Cayetano advocates reassigning rail tax revenue to buses, sewers
  4. Geothermal, Public Works, Rail Development to be Exempted from All Land Use Regulations?
  5. Honolulu Prosecutor Still Has Problems With Prisoner Plan
  6. Dog-n-Pony Show: Star-Adv Takes Side on Tenure
  7. The Bank Where Legends Lead
  8. HECO to Businesses: Accept Intermittent Outages, Pay Less
  9. Legislators Pushes to Legalize Bribes over $25
  10. Kondo Challenges Task Force Member’s Paid Lobbying
  11. House Vice Speaker Manahan announces bid for City Council
  12. After One Month, Abercrombie-Appointed Rep Resigns
  13. Occupy Removes Tents, Thomas Sq Park is Cleansed
  14. Kauai mayor tight-lipped on reasons for upheaval at KPD
  15. Kill the Bill: Crowd Swarms Council Hearing, but Hawaii Council Passes New Building Code
  16. Kenoi raises $144,000 in six months
  17. Representative Gene Ward Addresses HB1840 - State Owned Bank
  18. Rep. Riviere and Marumoto address HB 2018 - Mortgages
  19. Rosanne Barr Announces Presidential Campaign
  20. HECO to Businesses: Accept Intermittent Outages, Pay Less
  21. Outlook dim for filling isle industrial vacancies
  22. Executive director of the Hawaii State Bar Association Supports Organ Transplant
  23. Next Hype: San Francisco Academic Demands Sugar be Regulated as a Toxin
  24. Woman wins $9,867 in small-claims suit over Honda hybrid mileage

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Thursday, February 2, 2012
February 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:11 AM :: 11847 Views
  1. VIDEO: Hirono Blames Bush, Claims Case and Lingle are Bush
  2. Politico: Hawaii Senate Race ‘Could Offer Biggest Surprise’
  3. Full Text: Judiciary Testifies on 21 Bills
  4. HB2318: Support Veteran-Owned Businesses
  5. Epic Ohana Foster Care Expands to East Hawaii Island
  6. State Launches Internet Speed Test Site
  7. Abercrombie Appoints New DAGS Comptroller
  8. Obama Popularity Drop Boosts Lingle’s Chances
  9. HSTA Attacks Proposed Revisions in Charter School Law
  10. Legislature Seeks Changes in Law to Fake teacher Accountability Requirements of RTTT
  11. Star-Adv: First Cost Overrun Shows HART Needs Work on Transparency
  12. Gambling bills given little chance
  13. Accused Hawaii Jihadi in terror trial wants statement made to FBI dismissed
  14. Hawaii operation swells Tesoro's quarterly loss
  15. Abandoning Guam Plan? DoD Responds to Kyodo News Report
  16. Marshall Islands' President to Discuss Compact Impact Issues in Hawaii
  17. House Ctte Approves $500 “Backdoor pay raise’ for Teachers
  18. Mufi $500K, Tulsi $317K
  19. Hawaii House and Senate Hopefuls Can’t File for Office Yet
  20. Now that Abercrombie is Governor, Ledge Suddenly reverses-- Wants Gov To Directly Appoint University of Hawaii Regents
  21. City Councilman Berg: “I am concerned for my safety….”
  22. Kauai police chief placed on leave during investigation
  23. Honolulu Police chief's performance rated well by commission
  24. Self-Defense: Prosecutor explains choice to drop cases
  25. Accused ... Multiple Rapist from NY Busted after Signing up for Welfare in Hawaii
  26. Occupy Honolulu protestors told to move their stuff
  27. State spending $319,000 on freeway planters
  28. Steve Forbes in Hawaii
  29. Hawaiian to hire flight attendants for expansion
  30. Retired federal workers wait for system fix
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
February 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:36 PM :: 8677 Views
  1. Gallup: Obama Approval Plummets in Hawaii, Down to 56.1%
  2. Ed Case: Dear Mazie, Lets Set Up Debates Excluding Lingle
  3. 'School Quality Survey' seeks parent’s feedback
  4. Registration Begins for 2012-2013 Kindergarten and Junior K in February
  5. UPDATE: Snake Bill Now HB1943
  6. POLITICO: Ron Paul Expects to be a Top Finisher in Hawaii
  7. Carlisle Loots Sewer Project Funds to Bolster Rail Finances
  8. Only One Bidder For New $33.4 Million Honolulu Rail Contract
  9. Kaneshiro: SB2776 is About Releasing Prisoners
  10. Poll - Hawaii Voters Don't Want Gambling, Single Casino
  11. Islanders pay 80% more per kilowatt-hour than a decade ago, a report finds
  12. SB2785 Would Saddle Ratepayers, taxpayers for Billion Dollar Cable
  13. 24 hour notice issued to "Occupy Honolulu" at Thomas Square
  14. Okinawa Marines may Relocate to Hawaii, not Guam
  15. Fidell: Why Were HMC Hospitals Allowed to fail?
  16. Okabe Pretends to Fight for tenure, Legislators Pretend to Challenge it
  17. Fundraising Totals Reported
  18. Ewa Beach Man Sues To Stop New City Council Districts
  19. Relatives of fallen Honolulu officers testify in favor of 'move over' bill
  20. Amid Progress, Sick Leave Abuse Plagues Hawaii Juvenile Detention Home
  21. Bill sets limits on physical discipline of minors
  22. Condo Associations Push Legislation to Allow Individual Metering
  23. HB2065: Farmers Beat Back Bureaucracy
  24. Legislature Considers More Bureaucracy for Pet Stores
  25. Kalihi tenants urged to work together after fatal stabbing
  26. The Case for Justice for Micronesians in Hawaii
  27. Carlisle spent 2 months on official travel in 2011
  28. City Council considers metered parking rate increases at Oahu parks
  29. Two assistant chiefs of police placed on leave
  30. Dispute over Election of Hawaii GOP National Committee Man
  31. US forces give the nod to biofuels
  32. Dopers Thrilled by Upcoming Visit by Pro-Dope Cop
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