Entries for February 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 |
February 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 16518 Views
- Trashing Tricare: Obama to cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military
- Romney Sweeps Michigan, Arizona
- HB2874: House Finance Votes to Freeze Community TV Funds
- Mission Houses Archive puts 19th Century Hawaii Journals, Newspapers Online
- Union: Build Rail or You Will Die
- HGEA Scores $5M and more to come as First ‘Favored Nation’ Payoffs Go To Union
- Slom: Lawsuits Still Possible over Reapportionment
- Legislators Consider Creating Gaming Commission
- Finance Ctte Defers Bill Exempting Gov’t Projects from Enviro Review
- Charter School Reform: Crooks, Cronies, Social Climbers all gather around for today’s vote
- A Plan to Return Hawaii's Mainland Inmates
- Carlisle Speech Outlines Campaign Message
- ‘Organic’ Food should be labeled for E Coli, Rat Lungworm
- Geothermal: OHA Cronies Present Cash Demands
- Stolen Valor: ‘Vote Vets’ is Actually Front Group for Sierra Club
- Cayetano, Waihee, Hee Line Up Against Hoopili
- Non-Hawaii Owners of Vacation Rentals in Uproar
- Senate committee approves resolution to sell Kauai land to tenants
- Hawaii nonprofits want caps on tax deductions repealed
- SA: Give Tax Credits to Billionaire Movie Moguls
- Committees Pass Measures to Change Regents Selection
- Bargaining Begins Feb. 29 for 18,000 CWA Members at AT&T West
- Joanne Georgi Running for KIUC Board
- Bynum, 40 others Face Misdemeanor Ag Zoning Violations
- Kaua‘i County will approve 252 TAU certificates over next 5 years
- Isle parks generate $122M
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 |
February 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 16642 Views
- Revised 2012 Reapportionment Plans Posted Online
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Granted Hearing
- National GOP race sparks interest in Hawaii March 13 caucus
- Ed Case: I’m No Conservative
- New Honolulu Rail Chief Was Late, Over Budget on His Biggest Project
- Hawaii Pacific Health Exec: Low Reimbursement, Lack of LTC Beds Behind HMC Crisis
- Tax Credit Fight: Hawaii Solar Energy Leader Voted Out
- SB2111: Legislators Debate How to Give Millions of Dollars to Hollywood Moguls
- Legislator: HI Tech Tax Credit Scammers Only Want Things, $1B in Tax Credits Could Have Gone to Affordable Housing
- Hawaii House Democrats Consider Establishing a State Bank
- Gambling gets another lease on life
- House Finance to Hear Bills Exempting Government Projects from EIS, SMA
- One in Eight Spikes Pension
- House Finance to Discuss EUTF Fixes
- Bank of Abercrombie on Wednesday Agenda
- After Burning Treasury, Obama Proposes Cuts to Tsunami Warning System
- City Cuts Horse Ranchers out of Ag Tax Rates
- Haleakala Findings Released
- Insurance Exec now Claims to have ‘Discovered’ that Assisted Suicide is Legal in Georgia
- Smart meter installation rolls out
- Military readies to open Tropic Care Kauai
- Nine Weapons Confiscated from Marijuana Church
- Faleomavaega’s Sister to Run for Governor of Am Samoa
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Monday, February 27, 2012 |
February 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 17178 Views
- Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
- Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Hawaii TEA Parties?
- SB2226: $25M Internet Tax
- 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
- Ban Would Favor Clayton Hee's Irish Opihi Monopoly
- Gallup: Hawaii #1 in Health, Wellbeing
- Study: Hawaii Tops Country for Highest Number of Services Taxed
- Hanabusa’s answer to High Gas Prices: Give More Money to Biofool Scammers
- Assisted Suicide Activist Claims Death Prescriptions Are Already Being Written In Hawaii
- Vote on Hawaii's Redrawn Reapportionment Maps Set for Monday, But Many Unhappy with New Boundaries
- Dozens of retired public workers get Secret Pensions over $100,000/year
- HB2253: Legislators to Boost Disability Parking Fees?
- SB2422: Boosts Tobacco Tax 70%
- $150K Contract to Analyze Hawaii Tax System
- Ledge: Let’s Study Gambling
- AP: Hawaii GOP Caucuses Testing Advisory
- The Rise of Intermarriage: Rates, Characteristics Vary by Race and Gender
- Prayer Should Open Legislative Sessions
- Honolulu Named one of 100 top Communities for Young People
- Green Police Nail Photographer for taking Pictures of Sharks Eating Whale
- Kauai: Does Chief Report to Mayor or Police Commission?
- SB2304: Reforms Police Identification Line-Ups
- Senators to Discuss How to Let Lots of Criminals Out of Prison
- Honolulu-Based Coast Guard Relies on 42-year Old Cutters
- Gay Marine's homecoming kiss in Hawaii shared on Facebook
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Sunday, February 26, 2012 |
February 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:00 PM :: 19180 Views
- Secret Tax Breaks Fund Hawaii Film Production
- Windfall of Tax Revenue to be Had Without Tax Increase
- DBEDT Energy Update Projects 537MW of Industrial Wind
- HB2874: DoE Laptop Bill Will Freeze Public Access TV Funding
- Case, Hirono toe line: Lingle is the Anti-Rail Senate Choice
- Pensions: 14 Legislators Double Dipping—Abercrombie is Triple Dipping
- Exclusion of Military May Not Withstand Federal Constitutional Scrutiny
- David Chang: Key to material progress is making sure we have equality of opportunity
- Star-Adv: Abercrombie Lacked ‘Courage’ on Gay Marriage in 2010 Campaign
- Gay Agenda: Bill Could Classify Workplace Bullying As Safety Violation
- Ex-T boss poised to land Hawaii gig
- Honolulu Rail CEO Pick Comes With Track Record That Raises Concerns
- Aila: Bag Tax Needed to ‘Save our Water’
- Former Insurance Exec Continues to Claim Assisted Suicide Legal in Hawaii
- Carlisle's speech was another day in the same old brown shoes
- KIUC forums address community
- Volunteers Do the Work UPW Will Not, 150 Public Housing Units made Ready for Occupancy
- Abercrombie approves EIS for new Kona courthouse
- E-W Center: US territories suffering due to debt crisis
- Three Years of Hawaii Monitor Now Online
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Saturday, February 25, 2012 |
February 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:42 PM :: 9865 Views
- SB212 to be Heard Monday: Would End Discrimination Against Military
- Ron Paul’s son, Ronnie, to campaign for dad in Hawaii
- Proposed HART Chief Leaves Trail of Political Discord
- Triple Albatross: HSTA endorses Hirono, Hanabusa, and Hannemann
- Secret Rail Debt: Council wants answers over waived budget rules
- $8B plus $15B = State Debt to Retirees
- Usual Crooks, Cronies Show Up for Hanabusa Campaign HQ Opener
- HSTA Going to Court to Overturn Laupahoehoe Charter School
- Toll roads a possibility for Oahu transportation future
- Mainland Lobbyist Backs Public Bank
- 2nd Marine found not guilty in hazing trial
- Hawaii Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
- OHA Cronies seek to line pockets, bring geothermal power to state
- Forged Female Convicted of Further Forgery
- Hummer defaced by racial slur near school raises alarm
- Enviro Assaults Turtle Photographer
- Ex-Palma employees accused of abuse
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Friday, February 24, 2012 |
February 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 10824 Views
- Washington Times Reporter heads to Hawaii for March 13 Presidential Caucus
- Transportation Bill With Honolulu Rail Funds Postponed
- Full Text: State of the City Address
- Caldwell: ‘I will Work Harder to be Transparent and Honest’
- 'Descendants' based on Case Family Grab for Grove Farm
- HB2193: State Bank to be Controlled by Abercrombie, Insured by Taxpayer
- VIDEO: Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute), In Hawaii Speaking About Obamacare Supreme Court Cases
- Book Review: Callies, Regulating Paradise (2d ed. 2010)
- "Nonresident" Property Owners Must Employ Property Managers For TVRs?
- Rail: Hidden Debt Ceiling Exposed
- City asks judge to dismiss rail suit
- WSJ: Honolulu Hopeful Has No-Track Mind
- Carlisle, Abercrombie demand Taxpayers Pick Up Wife’s Travel Tab
- Kokua Line Features Hawaii Republican Caucuses
- Hawaii tops Nation: DoE is #1 in Drug Availability
- HI hotels’ gross pre-tax profits total $928.2M
- Abercrombie has trouble adjusting
- DHHL Only Assigning 150 leases a Year
- Legislation takes aim at human trafficking
- Fake Drivers Licenses: Admitted Fraudster Still on Honolulu City Payroll
- Sexting: ACLU Court Victory helping to Legalize Kiddie Porn
- Geothermal Possibilities Explored at Ulupalakua
- Law Students to Debate Hawaiian Recognition
- Rep. Ward Discusses the UH Library & Information Science Program
- Former Waimea principal will return to Hawaii Prep Academy
- Update: OHA Salary Commission’s Final Report
- Growth, Big growth Projected for Hawaii Tourism
- Bill Calls For 5-Year Moratorium On Opihi Picking
- Wanted: Ethics, Campaign Spending Commissioners
- Mainland Gang Member Indicted in Isle Drug Case
- EA Required to land a Helicopter
- Sears Will Close Ala Moana Store
- Honolulu Police Department, Hawaiian Airlines now hiring
- James Kimo Campbell, activist and college trustee, dies at 65
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Thursday, February 23, 2012 |
February 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 14068 Views
- Abercrombie: I will not defend Marriage
- Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Needs Your Immediate Help
- Thielen Criticizes HB2417 Limits Solar Tax Credit to One Per Property
- House Democratic Dissidents Consider State Reapportionment Lawsuit
- Hawaii Lawmakers Again Aiming to Tax E-Commerce Sales
- Same sex marriage likely heading back into legislature
- Deadline For Reapportionment Approaching
- Civil Engineer Debunks Civil Beat ‘Fact Check’
- Coffee: Counting The Ways Obama Hurts U.S.
- Hawaii lawmakers take five-day recess
- Abercrombie Heads to DC to Beg for RTTT
- Hawaii tourism spending should be up 6.4% in 2012
- SA: Privatization plan can help tenants
- ‘Clear and Convincing Evidence’ that Sovereignty Activists were Scamming Dorcy
- SB2221: Kiddie Porn to become Type B Felony?
- Abercrombie’s Latest Water Commission Nominees Don’t Quiet Uproar
- Police chief spends Wednesday at work, but controversy continues
- Kauai Police Shooting While Chief Kept from job by Mayor
- Biotech Reduces Pesticide Use
- Pregnant F-M Trans is Ego Tripper Bent on Being Famous at Children’s Expense
- Bill allowing dogs in restaurants alive in House
- Local newspapers face another likely competitor for lucrative legal notices
- Smart Meters on Kauai Are a Public Health Hazard
- Hawaii AG: Marley Sons Raise Money for Fake Charities
- Head of anti-slavery alliance to speak
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012 |
February 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16775 Views
- Kapolei Tesoro Refinery Workers Reject Labor Contract
- Rail: The Biggest Wager in Hawaii’s History
- Kauai Police Chief says he's going back to work without Support of Mayor
- Solomon Supporters Demand that Inouye be Drawn out of District
- $500M construction package passed by state Senate
- Star-Adv: Don't sidestep rules for jobs
- Bag Tax Back from Dead?
- Inouye's support could mean little for candidates
- Rail Suit: New Delaying Tactic From City
- Act 221 Scammers to Ratepayers: Pay Us More, Get Used to It
- BoE Approves Teacher Evaluation Negotiating Position
- Oahu at risk—little ER capacity if disaster strikes
- Civil Beat Greets Djou With Bogus already Debunked Questions about Campaigning in Uniform
- Another Pro-Abortion Group Backs Hirono
- Returning military members allege job discrimination — by federal government
- Kenoi’s campaign sponsors have plenty to gain
- Honolulu Officials Reviewed ORI’s Financial Records
- Fired head of state's largest charter school under scrutiny for spending
- Mainland Solar Installers Rake in $212M
- Armed forces will vet hydrogen-fueled SUVs on Oahu
- Convicted Pimp Sentenced To 40-Years In Prison
- New York Welfare Spent in Hawaii
- For First Time, Most Hawaii Moms Under 30 Are Unmarried
- Hawaii Most favorable State, California Worst
- Hawaii looks at banning bear gallbladder imports
- HB2228: Requires Employers with 20+ Employees to Set Up Breastfeeding Room
- HPU To Take over Aloha Tower Marketplace?
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012 |
Letters to the Editor February, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:03 PM :: 13859 Views
- House Bill 1707: “We will be forced to sell”
- RTTT: The Chicago Way?
- HELCO Blames Solar Users for Latest Rate Hike
- Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012 |
February 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 13005 Views
- Charles Djou on his way home from Afghanistan
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Feb 21
- Legislators: Abercrombie Unstable, Rambling
- Cayetano: Inouye ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Gambling with Public Money’
- No Action to Stop Massive Unemployment Tax Hike
- Inouye: Federal Judge David Ezra To Retire In June
- 4000 Okinawa Marines Heading for Hawaii
- OHA ‘Settlement’ Talks Leave Homeless Shelter in Limbo
- H-Power Recycles Plastics into Electricity for 28,000 Homes
- Pono Chong killed ‘Feeeel Good’ Bag Ban Bill
- Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Hawaii Health Systems Corp.
- HSTA Blocks 180 day law so DoE is Going to Redefine ’instructional time’ to fake it
- Abercrombie Pushes Hard to Fake Accountability, Snag $75M from RTTT
- Waimea principal's dismissal still unexplained
- SA: Kick Principals out of HGEA
- HART and UH, More Secrecy
- Former police officer admits to ID theft and forgery
- Fair share system under scrutiny
- Organic Huckster Hypes GMO Labeling
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Monday, February 20, 2012 |
February 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 15011 Views
- In Hawaii, it’s 1984 all over again
- Ten Tax Increases on the Move in Legislature
- ECONOMY Survey -- The Economist and Hawaii Results
- Hawaii Homeschoolers Speak up Against Mandatory Kindergarten
- Bag Tax is a Business Deal between State, Stores, Enviros
- HB1511: More High Tech Tax Credits for the Act 221 Scammers
- Obama’s War on Inouye Earmarks ‘Not A Deathblow, but….”
- Former Member of Charter School Panel Speaks out
- Felony Child Abuse is Now Politically Correct: Sex-change treatment for kids
- HB2742 Would Exempt County Councils from Sunshine Law
- A Creeping Attempt To Shut Down Hawaii Court Records
- Not So Public: Auditor Stonewalled On Prison Job
- Governor's Emails Auto-Deleted After 60 Days
- Independent Expenditures Tough to Track in Hawaii Elections
- KIUC: Industrial Solar gets go-ahead, but homeowners denied
- Pearlridge to give away Free Electricity to Electric Car Drivers
- Omidyar Money Buys Five Local Nonprofits
- Hawaii: 8 years to rebuild a Boat Ramp
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Sunday, February 19, 2012 |
February 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 16852 Views
- Wishing We Didn't Have to Pay the Piper
- Abercrombie Picks Insurers to Control Hawaii Health Insurance Exchange, Hospitals to get Boot
- Law aimed at bullying in schools poses threat to freedom of speech
- DoE Looks Other Way as Alleged Child Molesters Run Rampant
- HB2527: Star-Adv Complains that BoE won’t have Ability to Fake Teacher Accountability
- Tax Collections Running 2.6% lower than CoR Projections
- Construction of Honolulu's rail project will begin next month
- A Falling Out Amongst Thieves: Wind Scammers take aim at Solar Scammers and Biofool Scammers
- Kenoi Pushes for Geothermal
- Kauai Crackpots Obstruct Hydro, Babble about RF Radiation
- To help Hirono, Marian Higa Tells Us that Anti-Superferry Scumbags were Right
- Hirono a Show About Nothing
- Ho'opili opponents gear up offensive
- Kyo-ya Hotels' Waikiki plan deserves support
- House adds floor sessions to video archive
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Saturday, February 18, 2012 |
February 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:47 AM :: 15964 Views
- HSTA Agrees to Longer Days, 20% Raise
- Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
- Abercrombie Appoints Transsexual Activist to Civil Rights Commission
- JSC Names 11 Candidates for Honolulu District Court
- Reapportionment Public Comment Meeting Wednesday
- Marumoto Cheers Passage of ATV Safety Bill
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Advances
- ‘Green’ Energy Scammers Push Hawaii Inflation rate to 4%
- Bag Tax 'accidentally' Killed by House — Senate Bill Still Alive
- Mother Marianne's Sainthood Date Set Oct 21
- Past controversies hound 2 charter school panel picks
- "Barack Obama requests $250M for Honolulu's rail project"?
- Air Australia's grounding a blow to tourism
- Officer hits pedestrian in road, cited for DUI and negligent injury
- Progressive Blogger Cheered by GOP Dispute
- Rep. Pine's Town Hall Meeting - Hawaii Medical Center Closure
- Rep Bob Herkes to Run for Senate
- Campaign signs irk some over early start, but law is on candidates' side
- City Steps Closer To Finding Buyer For 12 Affordable Housing Projects
- Hoku reaches agreement with Idaho Power Co.
- U.S. focus on the Pacific could avert military cuts in Hawaii
- Hawaii welcomes sailors returning from tough deployment
- Dalai Lama to visit Oahu in April
- Law would protect driver's license data
- CN: 9th Circuit Seems to See Thru Title IX Claims
- Nevada Approves Regulations For Self-Driving Cars
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Friday, February 17, 2012 |
February 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:35 PM :: 13335 Views
- Senate Health Committee Shelves Beverage Tax
- HFF: Good News HB2788 Waikiki Casino Deferred
- House Republican Caucus: For the Record
- Abercrombie Appoints Heather Giugni to the State House
- Insurance Institute: HB2358 Would Weaken State Building Code
- EUTF, Mortgage Fraud, and Toll Roads -- House Republicans Speak Out
- Study: Lower income workers do not appear to rely on transit
- 9th Circuit Hears Sides On Sea Turtle Rule
- House panel rejects measure to end state 'pension spiking'
- BoE Votes Tuesday on Changes to Teacher Tenure, Accountability
- OHA Promises to stop shaking down Hospitals and Affordable Housing Projects in Exchange for Kakaako Settlement
- Anonymous Finalists for rail mass-transit’s top job Secretly arrive for interviews
- Legislation to Create Another Government Employees Union?
- KSBE, Schatz, Morita to Join in Groundbreaking for Mafia Wind Project
- More Windmills Coming, But Not All Island Residents Approve
- Plastic Bag Tax: Retailers, Enviros Bicker Over Loot
- Queens Still Trying to bar Cancer Center Doctors
- Cayetano Decides to Dump Civil Beat from Media List
- VIDEO: Waimea rallies around departed middle school principal
- Inouye Wants to Revive Interisland Ferry
- Hanabusa Fails in Effort to Direct More American Money to OPEC
- Residential rents up 13 percent in past 2 years
- Hawaii PV installers brace for tariff
- Death Penalty Sought In Arizona Prison Murder of Hawaii Inmate
- Disturbing Complaint Against Private Prison
- Killing renews calls for abuse interventions
- Dopers Take Cannabis Claims to 9th Circuit
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Thursday, February 16, 2012 |
February 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:06 PM :: 15843 Views
- Rep Pine: Reapportionment Lawsuit Says Military Personnel Don't Matter
- IBHS Applauds Defeat of Hawaii Legislation to Abolish State Building Code Council
- Voters Angry over Reapportionment Plan
- 106,000 Residents Disenfranchised to Satisfy Malama Solomon
- House and Senate close to Legalizing Bribery of members of advisory boards and task forces
- Star-Adv: We Don’t Know Where Big Cable is Going, But get Started With It Anyway
- Democrats Fail to Find Supporters of Soda Tax
- Hirono is a Creature of the Hated House of Reps
- Kulani Prison to Be Transformed into Resort for ‘Healing’ Prisoners
- HCDA Gives Secret Raise to Exec Director
- Coffman, McKelvey Support Bill to Gut Environmental Protections
- City needs to give more substance, not PR, to rail
- Feds Approve More Delays in Hawaii RTTT
- Will DoE Begin Earlier Brainwashing Efforts?
- Dope Doctor Appeals to Abercrombie’s ‘Integrity as a Politician’
- $487B in Defense cuts would take 2 cruisers from Pearl Harbor
- City resumes tagging property in public areas
- Sugar is Josh Green’s Latest Excuse to Raise Taxes
- Burial removals draw protesters to church
- Multi-Billion Dollar Estate Lays off 13 After Inouye Fails to Come Thru with Earmark
- Hawaii GOP Still Wrangling over National Committeeman
- January foreclosures reach 6-month high
- Cannibal Monk Seal Murders Two, Wounds 11
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012 |
February 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:53 PM :: 13859 Views
- HB2103 Should Hawaii Borrow $3.2B to create Bank of Abercrombie?
- Thielen: HB1893 "Demolishes Environmental Law"
- Puerto Rico = Hawaii? Another Island Eyes Natural Gas as Substitute for Oil
- Schatz Working on Obama Library
- Hawaii: Important NRA Instructor Liability Bill to be Heard
- Honolulu Prosecutor Sharply Criticizes HOPE Probation Program
- Abercrombie Secretly Appoints Young Bros President to Water Board
- New Reapportionment Maps Set Up Face-offs on Big Island, Oahu
- FTA: Feds Won’t Pay for Rail Without ‘Strong Local Partner’
- Djou 52% Favorable in poll larded with Democrats, Obama Supporters
- CD2 Hannemann leads by big margin
- Honolulu Prosecutor Sharply Criticizes HOPE Probation Program
- Hawaii is only State where Charter School Employees are State Employees
- Parents Deserve Answers After Firing of Waimea Charter School Principal
- As Kakaako Deal Comes up, Donovan DelaCruz Suddenly Hosts Fundraiser
- Heide & Cook plans acquisition by Alaska Native Company in bankruptcy filing
- Newspapers Keep $1 Million Legal Ad Revenue For Another Year
- Stop Mitch Kahle Bill to Be Heard by House Ctte
- Family Of Murdered Inmate Sues State, Private Prison
- 170,000 to get bank refunds
- Applicants Sought for Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Board
- Representative Cynthia Thielen - I love Kailua Town Party 2012
- Federal funds flow to clean-energy firms with Obama administration ties
- Hunters Speak Up Against DLNR
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012 |
February 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:34 PM :: 12253 Views
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted February 13
- UH: Most Financial Records Recoverable After Fire
- Hawaiian Airlines First to Receive Carbon Credits
- Hawaiian is Nation's #1 On-Time Airline for 8th Straight Year
- GE Tax: 'Low' rate belied by Broad Base
- Senate Committee Drops Plan to Impose Tobacco Tax on Tobacco Substitute
- Even With 69% Obama support, Star-Adv Can only find 39% Approval of Abercrombie
- Cayetano Promises Focus on Oahu's Budget, Infrastructure Needs
- Cayetano Run could Boost Case’s Chances in Primary
- Obama’s D.O.A. Budget has $250M for Rail
- One in 12 Oahu commuters take the bus to work, study says
- Lingle Speaks up for Legal Reform, Against SLAPP Suits
- Lingle on Furlough Fridays: Shouldn’t Have Trusted BOE
- ‘Most favored nation’ HGEA Grabs for 60-40 on Health Insurance
- Star-Adv, Abercrombie Ignore ‘Tutu and Me’
- Sex Assault Case Raises Questions About DOE's Protection of Students
- Progressives Frantic over UHPA Endorsement of Ed Case
- HB2788 Waikiki Casino Tabled
- Radcliffe, Brower: Gambling Opponents are ‘Theocrats’ Trying to Impose Religious Law
- Council will take up measure requiring retailers to use only biodegradable bags
- Attack on Free Speech: Cyberbullying Bill to Regulate Internet Comments?
- HB2396: Legislators to Outlaw Shell Collecting?
- Hawaii Agency Wants $123,000 To Review Records
- Representative Gene Ward Addresses H.B. No. 1699, - Meals
- Representative George Fontaine supports Move Over Bill H.B. No. 2030 - Traffic Safety;
- Maui Council to Get 4-year Terms
- Ex-State Harbors Official Charged With Theft, Forgery
- Rapist Could've Got 40 Years, Gets Probation
- Hawaii and East Carolina: Together at Last
- Navy Wave-Powered Buoy Produces 400 Watts
- Obama eyes more gay rights in Military
- Pentagon May Oust Troops Involuntarily to Meet Reductions in Budget Plan
- Hawaii Reporter Celebrates 10th Anniversary
- Interview with Jamie Story
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Monday, February 13, 2012 |
February 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:19 PM :: 12656 Views
- SB3019: Soda Tax to be Heard Today
- Gallup: Hawaii #1 State for Gov't Jobs
- Childless Women Make Hawaii Democratic?
- HSTA to Return To Bargaining Table
- Am Samoa: Faleomavaega Tries to Create New Citizens to Win Election
- Supreme Court Decision Clarifies Line Between Discipline and Abuse
- Star-Adv Lards Poll With 69% Obamabots and Finds Hirono Ahead
- VIDEO HNN Interview With Linda Lingle
- Poll: Cayetano 44%, Carlisle 35%, Caldwell 16%
- Just How Deep Will Honolulu Rail's Debt Be?
- Calvin Say Speakership Cost $53K
- CN: Mysterious Abercrombie Executive Orders Tied to OHA Kakaako Settlement
- Senate Committee expected to OK OHA settlement today
- SA: Time to spike spiking practice
- Woman Hospitalized After Assault, Kidnapping At Kuhio Park Terrace
- 17,000 Students Could Be Without School Buses Next Year
- $63M for free Laptops
- UH Loses Financial, Payroll records in Fire
- Marines under fire—Congressional pressure led to an unnecessary court martial
- Maui Profitable Nonprofit Soaks Up Grants, Can’t Account for Money
- Some teachers and students at Big Island charter school plan a boycott
- Ruling on Kawaiaha'o iwi appealed
- Kahikolu Congregational Church celebrates its 190th Anniversary
- If Mr. Ah Fook and the Maui Revolutionaries Did Not Exist, There Would Be No Modern China
- UH Porn Site for Sale
- Whitney Houston's Kona Marijuana Bust
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Sunday, February 12, 2012 |
February 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 8936 Views
- Will to Set Priorities for Tax Dollars Absent
- UHPA: Case shows “ability to draw connections”
- Romney Wins Maine Caucuses, Paul Second
- Lay Off the US-Build Requirement!
- Star-Adv Poll: Rail Opposed 53% to 43%
- National Democrats ‘Raise Eyebrows’ by Backing Hirono
- UHPA Endorses Case, Hannemann
- DLNR: “Impacts” Are Excuse for Latest Fee Increase
- Star-Adv Praises ‘Hawaii Solution’
- Occupy Whines About Bill 54
- Bone marrow drive inspired former anchor's donation
- Lawmakers push to mandate insurance coverage for autism
- High court clarifies discipline defense
- Child maltreatment exacts huge cost
- Principal's exit linked with charter schools
- Documentary on Internment in Hawaii to be Shown Today
- Suicide Tourism? Hemlock Society to Visit Three Hawaiian Islands
- Dopers Upset by Requirement that they See only One Doctor per Prescription
- Pepper Spray Is A Nonlethal Weapon Worth Having
- Haleiwa land might be auctioned
- Disaster aid drifts in with vog
- Mayor Carlisle to promote Honolulu in Philippines
- Japanese Whalers Send Maui Man Swimming
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Saturday, February 11, 2012 |
February 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 19824 Views
- HB2788 Waikiki Casino to be Heard Monday
- Hirono Attacks the US Chamber of Commerce
- Guam should join Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico for Jones Act reform
- Thielen, Rivere: The Real Green Legislators
- Rep Marumoto's ATV Safety Proposals to be Heard Monday
- Diabetes Bill Moves Forward Through Health Committee
- ‘Unrepentant Liberal’ Abercrombie Promises to Raise Taxes, Give Money to other Liberals
- Key Abercrombie Insider Behind Effort to Legalize Bribery
- UH economists paint bleak picture of Hawaii’s recovery
- Saint Francis Healthcare System asking lawmakers for $80 million in special purpose revenue bonds
- State to Take Over HMC East?
- Price Controls Create Shortage of drug Which threatens isle cancer patients
- Sovereignty Activists Claim Big Score in $90M Estate Settlement
- Backpedaling! Hawaiian Electric says no rate increase for solar lost revenue
- Abercrombie pushes for bill establishing undersea cable framework
- Hoku loses $10.6 million as it seeks more loans for plant
- Problems cast shadows of doubt on solar project
- Isle child abuse report rate twice statewide rate
- DoE Did Not Report Statutory Rape to Police, Keeps the Accused Supervising Alleged Victim
- Former Private School Principal Increases Charter School Performance, then Suddenly Vanishes Without Explanation
- UH Can’t Stand Competition from Porn Site
- Council Chair Floats Plastic Bag Ban for Honolulu
- Lack of Riots Means City, state came in under budget on APEC spending
- Hawaii's Pro and Anti Legalized Gambling Forces Step Up Lobbying Efforts
- Lawmakers to probe salary overpayments revealed by Hawaii News Now
- Alexander hired at IHS
- Development around rail stations gets stuck in park
- Jerry Chang Pushes to Weaken Hurricane Shelter
- Larry Mehau Associate Draws Council District then Announces Campaign
- 4,700 Marines to Guam confirmed
- Maui Marine ‘happy to be home’
- Hawaii Has Lowest Home Ownership Rate in Nation
- DHHL to develop Mauna Kea
- Prisoner Gets Pig to Bite, Scores $25K from State
- Fate of many tip lawsuits still in limbo
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Friday, February 10, 2012 |
February 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:17 PM :: 15040 Views
- DoE Contractor Touts 'Remarkable Growth' at Nanakuli Elementary School
- Abercrombie Makes Third Error on Hurricane Fund
- Hawaii to Receive $71M from Mortgage Settlement
- Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bill Deferred by Senate Committee
- Legislators think Act 221 Scammers are Mentally Ill
- Abercrombie Bows to pressure, Abandons Plan to retaliate against Champley
- Big Cable Shifts Focus to Geothermal, Big Island
- HELCO Gains Decoupling Approval
- Lee: Mazie’s Lack of Substance Speaks for Itself
- Melanie Bailey: Does a School Field Trip Count as Instructional Time in Hawaii?
- Union Members Push $500M in CIP
- HGEA: Nine Mandated Sick Days Would Apply to Us As Well
- Off-Duty Narcotics Officer Robbed of Gun, Badge, Handcuffs at Hostess Bar
- Mayor told to repay wife's trip costs
- Bag Tax to Fund DLNR Make Work Program
- Future of sandalwood trees gets attention at Legislature
- Accountability? DoE to Demand Waiver from NCLB
- Leaders Split on Lawmaker Disclosure Deadline
- Hawaii Tax Review Commission Seeks Extension
- Representative Barbara Marumoto Discusses Quarantine of the Brown Tree Snake
- The 89-Day Plan: How Retirees Collect Full Pensions Plus New State Salaries
- Gay-Atheist Activists in Abercrombie Administration Targeted Alexander
- UH student paper prints "how to" guide to sexual positions
- Marine sergeant not guilty in hazing case
- Representative Barbara Marumoto Support Adult and Community Education Funding
- Supreme Court Denies Challenge to Honolulu Council Redistricting Plan
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Thursday, February 9, 2012 |
February 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 9469 Views
- VIDEO: US Chamber of Commerce Backs Lingle for Senate
- Legislature to Impose 70% Tax on Tobacco Substitute?
- Catholic Bishops Rep: Obama Mandate 'Hawaii Compromise' Maybe Worse
- Prediction Wrong: Electric rates down—not up
- Aina Koa Pono Up to Its Eyeballs in Retaliation Against Champley
- Hawaiian Electric Industries earns $138.2M in 2011, up 22%
- HB2689: Shake-Down Operators Split over How to Extort Money from Geothermal Development
- Senate Committee Advances Anti-Spiking Bill
- Matsumoto: We must deal quickly with underfunded retiree health fund liability
- Honolulu Council Budget Chair Questions Rail Department on Cost, Reasons, for Radio Blitz
- Fighting to Stop Honolulu's Proposed Rail Debacle
- DoE: Accused Child Molester Supervises His Victim During Trial
- Working at School Could Be Solution for DoE’s 180-day law
- Inside Hawaii's Juvenile Detention Home
- SA: Cybercrime Legislation Raises Free Speech, Privacy Issues
- Rep. Ward Addresses Internet Sales Tax HB1634
- House Defers OHA-Kakaako Bill, Will Follow Senate’s Lead
- Clayton Hee Pushes for Creation of Another Hawaiian Studies Center at UH Manoa
- HB2703: State to Mandate Agricultural Production Double?
- Time with Kymberly Pine - Chef Edward Kenney - Hawaii's Local Farmers
- Fine could rise for texting while driving
- Occupy Protesters try to Beat Rap
- Ex-police officer found guilty of sex assault is a fugitive in Morocco
- Porn site prompts UH to ask for tougher computer crime law
- Sexting could become a crime
- Hawaii Should Publish Government Legal Notices On the Internet
- Hazing trial of Kaneohe Marine so far fails to make points necessary to convict
- Global Cooling: Himalayas have Lost no Ice in 10 years
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 |
February 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 16313 Views
- Rick Santorum Wins Three States -- CO, MO, MN
- Hawaii Catholic Conference: Obama Admin Threatens Religious Liberty
- Advisory Council Gives Abercrombie 12 Nominees for UH Regents
- Kamehameha Schools Jumps in With Act 221 Scammers
- Without FTA Rail Approval City Would Have Faced $9M monthly Cost Overruns
- California same-sex marriage ruling Gives Abercrombie Even More Excuses to Present Weak Defense against gay Marriage Suit
- Religious Freedom: Obama Admin May Adopt Hawaii Model as State Legislature Considers Discarding it
- Healthcare industry interested in reviving closed hospital facilities
- Representative Kymberly Pine comments on HB 1953
- Sick of Work? Legislature Considers Ordering Businesses to Give Everybody 9 Annual Paid Days Off
- Redistricting Plan May be Ready Feb 23
- Hawaii Lawmakers, Abercrombie Aim to Dilute Gift Rules — Again
- Kauai Mayor Testifies Before Closed Meeting of Police Commission
- Hanabusa, Hirono, Akaka Travel Log Published
- Hawaii Law Allows Students to Work in Schools
- Accountability for DoE Principals: Eight Years of Empty Talk
- School Bus Watch: Ed Board Establishes Action Group to Examine Costs
- Hundreds pay respects to fallen police officer
- Hawaii Land Development Corp Still Controversial
- Okinawa Marines going to Guam, Australia, Hawaii and Philippines
- Hazing trial is attributed to influence of politician
- $3M Emergency Appropriation for APEC Security Expenses
- State Proposes Absurd Tax on Electronic Cigarettes
- Pretending to act, Lawmakers consider Less rigorous inspections of zip lines
- Star-Adv Gives Space to Another Socialist UH Prof.
- Hawaii’s Really Scary Development Bind
- Penn State Child Molestation Perjurer Helped NCAA Dump Oahu Bowl
- Desperate Hawaii Democrats try to Make Issue of Michigan Advert
- Rep. Hirono Introduces Bill to Direct Feasibility Study of Ka'u Coast Designation as National Park System Unit
- Roseanne for Pres: A chicken in every bucket, a pie in every face
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012 |
February 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 16316 Views
- After Carlisle Raids Sewer Funds, Feds Green light Limited Rail Construction – Rail Opponents Will NOT seek Injunction
- Cayetano on Rail: Inouye Doesn’t See the 800lb Gorilla in the Room
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted February 6, 2012
- HB2240: 50% Tax Credit for HQ Relocation to Hawaii
- Hoku Dodges a $50M Bullet
- Genetically-Modified Papaya Hits Shelves in Japan
- Akaku Claims Partial Victory over HB2652 cut to Public Access TV
- Abercrombie, Lawyers Scheme to Help Hawaii Lesbians Create gay marriage
- Kobayashi: Local Taxpayers Could be Stuck With the Rail Bill
- Solomon: OHA’s Kakaako Parcel Should be Exempt from All Land Use Regulations
- Case Rings Alarm Bells in Fight with Hirono over Who will Raise Taxes More
- With HMC Closed, 911 call could mean the difference between life and death
- State overpaid employees by more than $2 million
- Lobbyist: Retirees Weighing Down the Public Sector
- Gambling opponents take argument to capitol
- Dep. Sheriff to be Stationed at Mayor Wright 24/7/365
- Hawaii Lawmakers Push to Reform Gov Regent Picks
- Campaign spending lawsuit in judge's hands
- Inouye: I want the names and address of Any Who Dare Oppose Me
- UH threatens porn web site with legal action for using its name
- 9th Circuit to come to UH Manoa, Hear Longline Case
- Omidyar Wows White House Staffers with talk of Higher Electric Bills, Fuel Prices and Taxes—and a Legion of Brainwashed Dolts to Impose them
- Herkes bill seeks to give counties leeway in building codes
- Advocates Come Forward for Hawaiian Language Assessment
- Self-Help: Low Income Families Achieving Homeownership With Sweat Equity
- Difference Between Hawaii's Rail and Weather Forecasters
- Monsanto hasn’t paid him: Ritte Fights for GMO Labeling Legislation
- Trial for Six Occupy Honolulu Members Arrested in November Set for Wednesday February 8
- KIUC board candidate forums begin next week
- Florida ‘pill mill’ owner, family arrested on Kauai
- Ocean thermal energy conversion plant proposed
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Monday, February 6, 2012 |
February 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:52 PM :: 19340 Views
- Case vs Hirono: Both Voted for Higher Taxes and War in Iraq
- Heritage Foundation holds First-Ever Event in Hawaii
- Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
- Hanabusa, Djou Each Start 2012 With $300K In Bank
- Hawaii in Afghanistan
- Legislators Still trying to Legalize Small Bribes
- Profs Like Cayetano On Rail, But Not Ready To 'Forgive and Forget'?
- Sewer Capacity Concerns Lead City to Oppose Bill promoting development near rail
- Solar Installations Lead to First of Many HECO Rate Hike Proposals
- Hanabusa Backs Navy Plan to Move Pearl Harbor Shipyard Work to San Diego
- Legislators Seek to Set Limits on Parental Discipline
- Cataluna: Disrespect Bill is very Un-Hip Hop
- Feb. 6 — At The Ledge
- Star-Adv Gives Progressives Space to Promote Old Worn Out Ideas
- Cancer: Federal Injunction Blocks Queen’s Grab for Oncology Monopoly
- Kauai Mayor appears to have overstepped legal authority in suspending police chief
- On Molokai, uneasy truce over yacht’s visits holding
- Identity Theft: Ticket Nightmare Exposes Gap in System
- Scrapped plan for marina draws criticism
- Star-Adv: Don't raise cost of recreation
- Waikiki Casino Advocates: An Unlikely Coincidence or In Cahoots?
- EBT Cards get 2 for 1 deal at Kauai Farmers markets
- Photos from Hilo March for Life
- Tax increase: Kona Coffee Association Wants State to Take over Borer Eradication
- Waikiki: Maoist Trash Defend Iranian Nukes
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Sunday, February 5, 2012 |
February 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 16116 Views
- Nevada: Romney 43%, Gingrich 25%
- FTC Complaint: HECO Stifling Geothermal to Boost Rates, Profits
- University of Hawaii May Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
- Whipsawed by New Fees and Charges: Taxpayers Beware
- OHA Holding Another Round of Ceded Lands Settlement Meetings
- After Letting HMC Die, Organ Transplant Bill Signed into Law
- Maui TEA Party: How to Unite Hawaii's 'Conservative Coalition'
- DoE Seeks Non-profit Sponsors for Summer School Lunch Program
- HB2652: Cuts Funding for Public Access Cable TV
- Abercrombie Releases $13 Million for Agriculture, Water Irrigation Projects
- Drought: Hawaii County Designated Disaster Area
- Case to Hirono: I Voted to Raise Taxes Too!
- Redistricting snafu gives more edge to incumbents
- Bob Jones: Why Young People Don’t Invest in Hawaii Democrats
- Report: 2013 Pro Bowl likely headed for New Orleans
- Poll Shows 42-Point Lead For Hannemann
- Poll - Hawaii Voters Lack Confidence in Department of Education
- Hawaii Could Lose Race to the Top Funding
- SB2012: State Projects to Allow Favoritism, Shoddy Construction
- Cayetano and UHPA: From F-You to Stop Rail?
- Pedophiles: Legislators Renew Push to Loot Catholic Church, Exempt State
- Queens Will Lose $8M providing Organ Transplant over Next Five Years
- Star-Adv Cheers as Usual Suspects Try to Get Doctors to Kill Off Expensive Old People, Handicapped
- Senators Push Single-Payer State Government LTC Insurance
- Hawaii Officials Looting Taxpayers to Build First Hawaiian Bank Equity
- Poll: 80% Concerned About State Pension Debt
- Obama Debt Exceeds GDP for First time Since WW2
- 91% Glad Occupy is Being Evicted from Thomas Square
- Aloha Stadium to Help Fund UH Athletic Program?
- Hawaii and Korea Enter Smart Grid Development Agreement
- Web Dossier Bill Stalled in Hawaii Legislature
- Baker Refuses to Hear Kona Coffee Farmers Bill
- Proposed legislation could ease paperwork for Farmers
- Hawaii County Contracts 134% Higher Cost
- Joel Osteen in Hawaii
- U.S. Marine commander inquires about alternative base transfer sites
- Army Unlikely to See Reductions in Pacific
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Saturday, February 4, 2012 |
February 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:53 PM :: 13573 Views
- Santorum Registers for March 13 Hawaii GOP Caucuses
- Will HHSC Set Up Abortion Clinic on Kauai?
- Fordham Rips Hawaii Science Standards: “The Ignorance on Display is Shameful”
- Civil Beat Vanishes from Internet
- Transcript: Maine PUC Rips Hawaii's Largest Windfarm Developer
- Hawaii: First Anti-Gun Bill Out of the 2012 Legislative Chute
- Abercrombie Retaliates against Champley for BioFuel Rejection
- Hirono Votes Against Congressional Pay Freeze
- Inouye to Go Another Year Without Earmarks
- Hawaii Lawmakers reaching again for that giant cookie jar
- Star-Adv: Kauai secrecy unreasonable
- Items from protesters sweep fill city storage site
- Print Newspapers Fight Electronic Legal Ads
- Trying to Drive That First Spike: Rail Radio Blitz Costs Oahu Taxpayers $145,000
- Housing Department Treats Americans Like Prisoners in Own Homes
- Hawaii PUC Rejects Utilities' Residential Solar On Bill Financing Program
- Dan Akaka Explains how he Became a Millionaire
- Hirono: Too Difficult for Gov’t Employees to Join Union
- Representative Ward Rebuts Issues Concerning A State-Owned Bank
- Bill affecting hundreds of Hawaii's organ transplant patients to be signed into law
- Hawaii campaign contributions case back in federal court on Monday
- Aloha Stadium to Help Fund UH Athletic Program?
- Sotomayor: "We're moving and advancing the law into the unknown"
- Kamehameha Schools and Alexander & Baldwin Announce Agreement for Residential Condominium at Former CompUSA Site
- Opposed by Matson: OK for Kyo-ya project remains elusive
- Judge soundly rejects Ga. birther claims
- Marshall Islands President visits Hawaii
- More Cities Consider Parades for Iraq War Vets
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Friday, February 3, 2012 |
February 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 15704 Views
- New Lingle Advert -- Bipartisanship: It's in Hawaii's Best Interest
- Note: Civil Beat was Offline this Morning
- Cayetano advocates reassigning rail tax revenue to buses, sewers
- Geothermal, Public Works, Rail Development to be Exempted from All Land Use Regulations?
- Honolulu Prosecutor Still Has Problems With Prisoner Plan
- Dog-n-Pony Show: Star-Adv Takes Side on Tenure
- The Bank Where Legends Lead
- HECO to Businesses: Accept Intermittent Outages, Pay Less
- Legislators Pushes to Legalize Bribes over $25
- Kondo Challenges Task Force Member’s Paid Lobbying
- House Vice Speaker Manahan announces bid for City Council
- After One Month, Abercrombie-Appointed Rep Resigns
- Occupy Removes Tents, Thomas Sq Park is Cleansed
- Kauai mayor tight-lipped on reasons for upheaval at KPD
- Kill the Bill: Crowd Swarms Council Hearing, but Hawaii Council Passes New Building Code
- Kenoi raises $144,000 in six months
- Representative Gene Ward Addresses HB1840 - State Owned Bank
- Rep. Riviere and Marumoto address HB 2018 - Mortgages
- Rosanne Barr Announces Presidential Campaign
- HECO to Businesses: Accept Intermittent Outages, Pay Less
- Outlook dim for filling isle industrial vacancies
- Executive director of the Hawaii State Bar Association Supports Organ Transplant
- Next Hype: San Francisco Academic Demands Sugar be Regulated as a Toxin
- Woman wins $9,867 in small-claims suit over Honda hybrid mileage
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Thursday, February 2, 2012 |
February 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:11 AM :: 11830 Views
- VIDEO: Hirono Blames Bush, Claims Case and Lingle are Bush
- Politico: Hawaii Senate Race ‘Could Offer Biggest Surprise’
- Full Text: Judiciary Testifies on 21 Bills
- HB2318: Support Veteran-Owned Businesses
- Epic Ohana Foster Care Expands to East Hawaii Island
- State Launches Internet Speed Test Site
- Abercrombie Appoints New DAGS Comptroller
- Obama Popularity Drop Boosts Lingle’s Chances
- HSTA Attacks Proposed Revisions in Charter School Law
- Legislature Seeks Changes in Law to Fake teacher Accountability Requirements of RTTT
- Star-Adv: First Cost Overrun Shows HART Needs Work on Transparency
- Gambling bills given little chance
- Accused Hawaii Jihadi in terror trial wants statement made to FBI dismissed
- Hawaii operation swells Tesoro's quarterly loss
- Abandoning Guam Plan? DoD Responds to Kyodo News Report
- Marshall Islands' President to Discuss Compact Impact Issues in Hawaii
- House Ctte Approves $500 “Backdoor pay raise’ for Teachers
- Mufi $500K, Tulsi $317K
- Hawaii House and Senate Hopefuls Can’t File for Office Yet
- Now that Abercrombie is Governor, Ledge Suddenly reverses-- Wants Gov To Directly Appoint University of Hawaii Regents
- City Councilman Berg: “I am concerned for my safety….”
- Kauai police chief placed on leave during investigation
- Honolulu Police chief's performance rated well by commission
- Self-Defense: Prosecutor explains choice to drop cases
- Accused ... Multiple Rapist from NY Busted after Signing up for Welfare in Hawaii
- Occupy Honolulu protestors told to move their stuff
- State spending $319,000 on freeway planters
- Steve Forbes in Hawaii
- Hawaiian to hire flight attendants for expansion
- Retired federal workers wait for system fix
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012 |
February 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:36 PM :: 8660 Views
- Gallup: Obama Approval Plummets in Hawaii, Down to 56.1%
- Ed Case: Dear Mazie, Lets Set Up Debates Excluding Lingle
- 'School Quality Survey' seeks parent’s feedback
- Registration Begins for 2012-2013 Kindergarten and Junior K in February
- UPDATE: Snake Bill Now HB1943
- POLITICO: Ron Paul Expects to be a Top Finisher in Hawaii
- Carlisle Loots Sewer Project Funds to Bolster Rail Finances
- Only One Bidder For New $33.4 Million Honolulu Rail Contract
- Kaneshiro: SB2776 is About Releasing Prisoners
- Poll - Hawaii Voters Don't Want Gambling, Single Casino
- Islanders pay 80% more per kilowatt-hour than a decade ago, a report finds
- SB2785 Would Saddle Ratepayers, taxpayers for Billion Dollar Cable
- 24 hour notice issued to "Occupy Honolulu" at Thomas Square
- Okinawa Marines may Relocate to Hawaii, not Guam
- Fidell: Why Were HMC Hospitals Allowed to fail?
- Okabe Pretends to Fight for tenure, Legislators Pretend to Challenge it
- Fundraising Totals Reported
- Ewa Beach Man Sues To Stop New City Council Districts
- Relatives of fallen Honolulu officers testify in favor of 'move over' bill
- Amid Progress, Sick Leave Abuse Plagues Hawaii Juvenile Detention Home
- Bill sets limits on physical discipline of minors
- Condo Associations Push Legislation to Allow Individual Metering
- HB2065: Farmers Beat Back Bureaucracy
- Legislature Considers More Bureaucracy for Pet Stores
- Kalihi tenants urged to work together after fatal stabbing
- The Case for Justice for Micronesians in Hawaii
- Carlisle spent 2 months on official travel in 2011
- City Council considers metered parking rate increases at Oahu parks
- Two assistant chiefs of police placed on leave
- Dispute over Election of Hawaii GOP National Committee Man
- US forces give the nod to biofuels
- Dopers Thrilled by Upcoming Visit by Pro-Dope Cop
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