Friday, February 28, 2025
Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for February 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011
February 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:39 PM :: 12324 Views

Charles Djou, second most moderate Republican in 111th Congress

Fraud, Threats, and bathrooms: Hanabusa’s Jeff Stone dukes it out with KoOlina condo owners

More on Hanabusa’s Chief of Staff: Wu says he was hospitalized in 2008 for reaction to mental-health drug

State skim = rail scam

Kona Residents “up in arms” over governor's budget

National Journal picks up Akaka Story 

CB: $510M in New Taxes

APEC Committee vs FT: “APEC Ready”

SA: State needs CIO

More kids eligible for low-cost lunch

9-11 Patriot Flag raised in Honolulu

Panos promotes Geo energy before Conservative Forum

A day of remembrance, preservation at internment camp site

Honolulu Limbaugh Resolution futile, unoriginal

Kawaiahao Pastor defends disturbing burials

Homeless man starts up car wash business to get off the streets

New Designer Drug being sold on Oahu

Two Medical Marijuana Bills Pending Tuesday Hearing

Calif. pot dispensaries run afoul of taxman

Isle workplaces safer, data show

Japan's credit rating sinks under weight of massive national debt

Fuel miscalculations send Russian satellites crashing into Hawaiian waters

Unitarians Dump Pacific Region Director 

Small Nuclear War Could Reverse Global Warming

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Sunday, February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 16402 Views

KHON: With his term up next year, what do you think Sen. Dan Akaka should do?

Star-Advertiser begins to panic as Abercrombie “lecturing, harangues”

HGEA: Abercrombie is like Scott Walker

Dopers, anti-Superferry activists duke it out for control of Maui Democratic Party

Wind power is stirring up the neighbor isles, where the resource would be captured

Contested Case granted in TMT Shakedown—two year countdown to defeating the Telescope

A peek at a few of the legislative “packages”

Usual gaggle of Honolulu progressives rally demanding you pay for Abortion, Gov’t Unions

Kenoi administration ends up recruiting nominees for redistricting board

OHA awards $329K in community grants

Hawaii County to consider requests from nonprofits

Medicated: Hawaii alleged doper allegedly found with 84lbs of marijuana in Arkansas

SB 175 Would Move Medical Marijuana Program from Narcotics Enforcement to the Department of Health

Horizon Lines agrees to $45M fine for Monopolizing US – Puerto Rico Jones Act Trade (hint, hint)

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Saturday, February 26, 2011
February 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:42 AM :: 11939 Views

Inouye dumps Akaka: Says Hanabusa, Hirono, Hannemann worthy contenders for 2012 Senate race

Gallup: Hawaii is tops in moderates, has fewest conservatives in nation

SB218 passes Senate Judiciary: Would force all Hospitals to provide Abortion Pill

$3.48M sat for 9 years after photo enforcement law repealed

Limbaugh: Did Honolulu Council ever pass resolution condemning Mao’s genocide?

Hawaii Legislature honored Mao Zedong collaborator

Full Text: Maui 2011 State of the County Speech

Some Democrats question Akaka’s ‘Viability’

Nonaka: GOP has strong bench for 2012 Senate challenge

Finance Committee considers 3 pension tax plans

HB 1092: Abercrombie administration still pushing for Pension tax at $37,500, Dems likely to boil frog slower

HB799 Imposes GE Tax on non-profits, hospitals, churches

HB 815: Hawaii Could Cut Public Workers' Bargaining Rights

Arakawa: Tough decisions to be made in tough times

Mauna Kea telescope OK'd: Opponents will get one last chance to appeal for the site's cultural significance

Hawaii jobless rate averaged 6.6% in 2010, nation's 7th lowest, Hiding behind new name, demands tax increases in Honolulu

Hawaii Activists protest at Kawaiahao Construction site

Gays looking forward to hundreds “getting married” in Hawaii

State has Thousands of Dollars Owed to Itself in Unclaimed Property Program

Day 2: Birthers focus in on Palafox termination

Hot water in works for Mayor Wright

Arun Gandhi: Hawaii Progressives play host to yet another anti-Semite

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Friday, February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:42 PM :: 11274 Views

Full Text: Carlisle’s State of the City Speech

Census Bureau releases Hawaii 2010 Redistricting, Census Data, custom maps

FT: Complacent Honolulu out of its league, not ready for APEC

Hawaii’s future: LA Marijuana dispensaries outnumber Starbucks, McDonalds

Dans cling to power as upheaval convulses Senate

Senate Leaders Support 'Borrowing' From Transit Fund

How Can DoH create grounds for Civil Unions Litigation?

Civil Beat Claims Gov Not Taxing Pensions of Retirees With $37,500 Income

Birthers finally figure out how to fit Palafox dismissal into Conspiracy Theory

State Legislature on five-day recess from floor sessions


Clayton Hee’s wife given $141K job at UH

BOE Recommends Liliuokalani Elementary Closure to save $575K

Carlisle Uses State of City Address to Outline Financial Woes, Hopes

Lights! Camera! Tax Credits! (Why Hawaii Needs To Give Rich People Money In A Bad Economy)

Is Abercrombie a closet fan of Scott Walker?

Former state building is entryway into black hole

Hawaii island fire official to serve 90-day term in pedestrian's death

Trial underway for HPD officer accused of sexually assaulting prostitute

Galen Fox Part 2

National Park Service to hold Hawaii meetings on preserving internment camps

Marijuana Dispensaries Headed For Senate Approval: Bill Would Tax Marijuana Sales, Stores

HECO Workers Deliver Strike Notice: Employees Could Walk Off Job Saturday

Hawaii gas prices top nation

New Soros investment fund, profiting off Obama's 'green energy' push, hires top Obama energy aide

Abercrombie Pay for Play donor happy: Planned expansion will boost Pacific Biodiesel’s capacity to 5M gallons

Common Cause: Legislature Moving Bill to Hide Consumer Complaints from Public

Monopoly? Bills to allow out-of-state CPAs easier HI access being debated

Honolulu monopolizes State’s Economy

State asked to undo substandard roads in old-boy scam subdivisions

East Hawaii adds 18,258, West Hawaii Today spins

Neighbor Island growth outpaces Oahu

More Hawaii residents identify as mixed race

Designer Drugs Masked as Bath Salts found in Kona

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Thursday, February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 12093 Views

Abercrombie signs Civil Unions: Invites Sex tourists, illegal aliens to Hawaii

Pension Tax will soak 43,520 pensioners an average of $2580 each

$37,500? Abercrombie makes fool of himself during Pension Tax debate

Act 100: How Hanabusa and Cayetano launched Hawaii Pension crisis

Released: 2010 Census Data for Hawaii

Neil vs. Dan: Overheard in the Governor’s Office

Both sides see same-sex marriage in future

Slom Slams Abercrombie Budget; Says Lawmakers May Hike General Excise Tax


Oi: Accept Abercrombie’s tax hikes or end up like Wisconsin

Abercrombie ears sick, cancels trip

Visitor arrivals up 12% in January, spending up 20%

Carlisle paints bleak financial picture in State of City speech

Tom Berg casts lone “no” vote as rest of Honolulu Council grovels before murdering Chinese dictator

Wife of detained Chinese Nobel Prize winner Liu Xiaobo says she, family are 'hostages'

Palafox: UH Medical School unaware of any investigation


Turning UH Research Into Local Industries

FALSE: Radcliffe: Most Government Buildings 'Full of Mold and Virus'

Hawaii Co. Fire Captain gets 90 days in fatal hit-and-run: Driver can serve sentence on weekends, conviction will be erased from record

Honolulu report details sex charge against priest

Journalism Shield Law Important for Hawaii, First Amendment

Abercrombie sends 96 prisoners to mainland Prisons

Defendant in Thai forced labor case pleads guilty

After burning Trust Fund, Kahoolawe group seeks permanent fund stream

Stender, Cayetano seek control of Honolulu Symphony

Tweekers worried about SB40

Dopers: Marijuana Decriminalization Bill SB 1460 at the Crossroads

Hawaii attorneys targeted in scam

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:05 PM :: 11498 Views

Lingle closed $3B budget gap without raising taxes

Djou: Hawaii Politicians Detached From Reality

Gallup: At 65.9%, Hawaii Still Most Approving of Obama; among slowest to decline

Hawaii Congressional Delegation How they voted Feb 22

HB1545 to be heard today: Hawaii Legislators’ frozen bread bill

SA: What happened to Austerity?


Abercrombie's new budget and taxes questioned

Bill on civil unions to be signed today, Oshiro too busy to get hitched to boyfriend

Oahu Democrat leader pushing for $840M in sex tourism for Hawaii

Construction months away despite groundbreaking

Hanabusa, Akaka: “There will be overruns”

Clayton Hee playing games with Abercrombie appointees

Gov's refusal to release list risks Judiciary's transparency, revert to Broken Trust days

2012? New Mufi web site looks a lot like a campaign

Telescope coming down to a vote

Final vote pending on appointed school board

HSTA still sabotaging RTTT

44 Sports programs receive support from SOS

HGEA suddenly “finds” coqui as Legislature debates tax hike to fund inspectors

Legislature approves $1M for governor's office

Even with Free Land, 'Affordable Housing' Fails due to lack of creditworthy applicants

Not BioFools: 'Our people don't want to be slapped in the face again and left with the opala'

Duh: Kenoi’s Redistricting picks didn't live in the right districts

ACLU’s Top Doper: It’s Time to Fix Hawaii’s Medical Marijuana Law

Lawmakers take extra time crafting animal cruelty bills

Tops in Torts: New Hawaii Based Online Mesothelioma Knowledge Center Launches

PBS Hawaii Presents ‘A Conversation with America’s Misanthropic Poet Laureate W.S. Merwin’

Sailors slain by Somali pirates had ties to Maui

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:52 PM :: 14506 Views

Budget: Facing massive deficit, Abercrombie hikes spending $728.6M

Gallup: Over 10% of Hawaii voters abandon Democratic Party, exodus among greatest in US

Freedom? SB218 would force all Hospitals to provide Abortion Pill

Hawaii Lost Fewer Manufacturing Jobs Over Past Year


Abercrombie Budget rejects UHERO, uses $844M deficit figure, not $700M

Governor's budget proposal calls for increased spending

Pet Projects will soak up $98.3M in new spending

Wasteful Flip-Flop: Abercrombie wants to close newly opened school convert into Prison

Democrat Advertiser fearful of Lingle’s call for inclusiveness

Incompetent Democrat Angus McKelvey losing hose to Foreclosure

North-South traffic lanes closed for rail groundbreaking event

IMG Chairman Cautions Clients on Federal Funding Availability for Rail

State Still Trying to Raid City's Rail Coffers

More Federal Funds?  That’s Schatz’ job now, says Abercrombie

Kalapa: Tax credits, stimulus magnify boom-bust cycle

Honolulu Mayor Lacks Key Overtime Info For Budget

Republicans honor former senator, author for service

Student news network debuts this week

SA: Make DoE into giant Fat Farm

NLRB upholds decision against Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Obamacare Preview: HHCP employees’ paychecks bouncing

Expert: $5 gas in Hawaii not unreasonable to expect

Sustainability vs. Environmentalism: Why It’s, Sadly, Not The Same Thing

'Questionable' Maui charity heads for Nashville

Disney Aulani to open August 29

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Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:31 AM :: 10543 Views

Abercrombie: GE Tax hike will be People's Will

People’s Pulse: 68% oppose GE Tax hike

Abercrombie doesn’t want to hear from you about Civil Unions—but he will have to anyway

Hanabusa’s new Chief of Staff helped hide “kooky” Congressman’s mental illness

City does not have clearance to build rail line 

CB: Road Paved for Raising the GET?

Legislators get mixed messages about spending cuts and raising taxes

Bob Jones: Dan Akaka should resign, let Abercrombie name replacement

Alcohol, Tobacco and now sugar?  State becomes business partner to merchants of death

DANGER: Barrel Tax Bills still alive

Surge in elder abuse prompts more investigation, awareness

Louie’s malpractice and personal injury firm salutes appointment at Attorney General

'Trafficking' bill needs clarity

City to close last homeless Tent City on Beach

Green energy scammers, monopolists come together as anti-Superferry Protester takes control of PUC

Enviro $hake down artists laugh at their ability to get away with almost anything in Hawaii courts

Kitchen's closing steams tiny firms (bureaucrats run wild crushing small businesses)

HECO Palm Oil Steam Boiler is first (and prolly last) on Earth

Hawaii County Redistricting: 3 of Kenoi's picks gave to campaign

About Face! program works, so it is being cut

DoE fails again: Only two schools comply with nutritional guidelines 

4000 endangered Hawaiian Petrels found on Lanai 

Al-Jazeera thrilled by last year’s idea of State-owned Bank for Hawaii

Legislators passion for politics began at young age

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Sunday, February 20, 2011
February 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:11 PM :: 15306 Views

Find it Here: Census Bureau set to Release Local 2010 Census Data for Hawaii

Leading Birther admits conspiracy theory promoted by Obama supporters

Wisconsin Stands With Walker as Democrats flee

SA: Special Session Coming?  GE Tax hike on menu?

Rail Fail: Minimal interest in “Transit Oriented Development”

Gambling is not the quick fix Hawaii legislators are looking for

Superferry Redux: Young Brothers Senator Roz Baker takes aim a Pasha 

Mauna Kea telescope vote slated for Friday

Good News: Oshiro copies GOP Journalist Shield Bill, reintroduces it as his own

9th Circuit: Obama’s Judicial nominee Ed Chen did not violate Judicial Code of Conduct with anti-American remarks 

Union: Without spending $100B of borrowed Chinese money, you will die

China tries to stamp out 'Jasmine Revolution'

Civil Unions projected to produce only 569 couples in 4 years

Same-sex marriage bills have mixed results

Priorities: Hawaii Legislature to define Dancing?

Veteran police officer pleads no contest to DUI charges, still at work on payroll

Lingle and staff owed $345K in unused vacation, Democrats to organize circus

Never-hired employees save isle tax dollars

Union workers reject Hawaiian Electric pact

Canadian smuggles plastic bags into Maui

Sea level rises 6 inches—and Global Warming is not blamed!

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Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:45 PM :: 11431 Views

Slom: Feds not investigating Palafox

Hawaii Bond Ratings: Fitch joins Moody’s in threating downgrade

Investor discussing Nonstop Flights From China To Hawaii

DBEDT Forecasts Stronger Economic Growth

Recktenwald names Browning to replace McKenna

Gingrich: If Georgia can do it, so can Hawaii (VIDEO)

Rohlfing: Republicans in Hawaii in better shape than victories of last election suggested

Gays take aim at Children, Demand control of sex education

Gay Leader admits Gay Marriage is a new invention, not a civil right

Tax The Rich! AARP hedges bet on Pension Tax

SA: Benefits reform critical

Bill on Waikiki casino is voted down

HB155: Legislature to exempt Rail, other public works from Burial Laws

Panos: Picket Fake Rail Groundbreaking

House Appropriations Budget Looks to Cut Rail Outlay

Lawmakers eye liquor tax increase

HPD Major Indicted by Federal Grand Jury, still on duty as Legislative Liaison

Censorship: ACLU threats force cancellation of anti-drug rally


Paper Chase: Another Setback For Mayor Wright Repairs

Raped girl for six years, Perfesser gets probation, will keep pension

Galen Fox tries to re-write history

Interim administrator named for Honolulu Liquor Commission

Dopers: Clouds of smoke from California will envelop Hawaii, its inevitable

Revolving Door: 46 priors, now charged with credit card offenses

Prisoner Reentry

KIUC board candidates share views at forum

HECO workers vote against tentative contract

Republicans come out in favor of 'birther' control

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Friday, February 18, 2011
February 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 13924 Views

Seven House Races decided Civil Unions

UPDATE: Commissioners reject Carlisle's call to cancel Neighborhood Board Elections

Hanabusa, Hirono silent as E-W Center Funding Cut by Congress

YOU WERE WARNED: UH Manoa Anti-Americans place E-W Center funding at risk

Flashback: East-West Center hammered for “sustained, biased and politically-motivated attack on World War II veterans”

Ban-Happy Legislators’ toy bills take aim at novelty lighters, sky lanterns, foie gras, and ‘light pollution’

NRA: Hawaii Anti-Gun Bills Await House Committee Action

GE Tax Hike Coming: Kaneko knew that Medicare Pt B was futile

Pay to Play Contractor helped Organize Abercrombie’s Inaugural Ball

Priest Marc Alexander gave $500 to Abercrombie’s Inaugural Ball

Abercrombie: I don’t want to hear from you about Civil Unions

SA: Greenwood’s Backdoor pay raise a mistake

Free Speech?  ACLU demands anti-dope rally be shut down by County

Legislators propose DoE levy ‘Impact Fees’ Statewide

Council to mayor: End gas giveaway to police

Hanabusa, Hirono silent as U.S. House OKs $10.7 million cut to East-West Center

Senate changes bill that would make writers, publishers liable for trespassing accidents

Obama Day: Dear Leader to be Honored?

Abercrombie’s BoE appointee salivates over $4B worth of DoE Real Estate

Appointed BOE bill heads to full House vote

Financial Disclosure reports suddenly appear

Honolulu mayor names three more cabinet members

Liquor Commission employee busted in bribery sting

Sex trafficking victims push for law

HI lawmaker: Obama birth certificate bill tabled

Protesters rally to stop Kawaiaha'o Church construction

Pasha could make more waves with new ship

No Money for Censorship: House Passes Amendment to Block Funds for Net Neutrality Order

Milwaukee Teachers Fight for Viagra Coverage

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
February 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:17 PM :: 11122 Views

How they voted: Civil Unions passes Senate 18-5

Lambda Legal to drop lawsuit filed after defeat of HB444

Pay-for-Play Contractor top donor to Abercrombie Inaugural

VIDEO: Instant Runoff? “I thought every vote counts”

YAF: Ron Paul “Blames America for 9-11”

VIDEO: House GOP Floor speeches Feb 15-16

Abercrombie uses Civil Unions to screen release of Inaugural Donors

Abercrombie Cabinet Members: No Financial Disclosures

Did Abercrombie open the door for a GET increase?

Lawmakers Back Off Abercrombie's Call for Pension Reform

Pension Tax to be slipped into Shell Bill Friday

Instant Runoff Voting in Hawaii Gains Traction

Larcenous Lesbian: UH President’s Package of Perks Includes $150,000 Expense Account

Openly gay judge confirmed to Hawaii Supreme Court

Diversity? Civil Unions discriminate against Incest

Bag Ban Passes first reading -- enforcement, penalties torn out

Native Hawaiians Say Construction at Kawaiaha'o Church Is Disturbing Remains

Direct Shanghai-Honolulu Flights coming?

Bio Fuel jacks up electric bills

Manufactured Crisis: Did permitting delays prevent construction of Waimanalo Gulch Diversion Channel

Rosanne eating plastic, claims Government is poisoning her

E-W Center Perfesser “moved by bounty of North Korean Socialist system”

Dopers very pleased with Hawaii Legislature

Lawyers rejoice as Hawaii Legislature considers amendments to data breach notification law


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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 12767 Views

Radcliffe: The game is up, I told you and you are not ready

Not Dead Yet: Different version of Soda Tax to be heard Wednesday

Health Dir. Fired 2 Before He Resigned, hints at defamation suit

Final Hawaii vote on civil unions delayed

Lesbian Judge and Civil Unions to be voted in atheist Senate today

Rail Financial Plan: “Very little capacity to absorb cost increases or funding shortfalls”

Carlisle $8000/plate fundraiser, Splits with Cayetano

Businesses leery of alcohol tax hike

ILind: Radcliffe’s UHPA Pitch designed to push Gambling

SA vs ACT 221 Scammers: Movie employment drops after States enact Tax Credits

Act 221 Scammers oppose Gambling

HMSA and state hospitals reach agreement on rates

Bills to Abolish Aloha Tower Development Corp. Advancing in Legislature


Lawyer Alston blames Lingle for Abercrombie’s mess

Global Cooling drives spike in Hawaii Tourism

Kalihi kids deserve good public schools, too

SA publishes more nonsense about plastic bags

Kauai to hold anti-doper rally

Hilo: Ten applicants for each job opening at Safeway

Honolulu City Council to Take Up B&B Law Again

Power-purchase contract OK'd for First Wind expansion

Rep Marilyn Lee blocked attempt to include law making Human Trafficking a Crime in Hawaii

Lender Files Foreclosure Suit Against Unity House over Waikiki Hotel

Pasha Hawaii to Build Second Vessel

Senators kill bill banning toy gun sales to kids

DJ Progresso In The House

Chinese strategists think of Hawaii as an appendage of Asia

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 2:18 PM :: 28069 Views

Not ready for plastic bag ban

Prayer: Tsutsui shows lack of respect, humility

Republicans, TEA Party must speak up against Pension Tax

Ewa Neighborhood Board Members upset over Bryan Mick Appointment

Assisted Suicide? “I was afraid to leave my husband alone again with doctors and nurses”

Opponents of training flights are a disgrace

HB331, SB246 extends leases for Kanoelehua Industrial Area

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 10674 Views

Assisted suicide: Death as a Salesman

Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted Feb 7-14

VIDEO: House GOP Floor Speeches Feb 11-14

Obama’s 2012 Budget: Taxes, taxes, and more taxes—and more spending too

Abercrombie: Raising GE Tax may not be enough – Everybody’s taxes will go sky high

Billionaires seek handout: Studio Construction Pitch Shows Star Power

Labor’s Fears Confirmed: Abercrombie is Cayetano

Washington Examiner: In Hawaii, a dispiriting glimpse of one-party rule

Gov.'s 60-40 Healthcare Split Moves Forward

First Grader outsmarts BoE on School Closures: “What is more important to you -- the children or Hawaii, education, or making an office for the Democrats?"

Closing schools to create office space for DoE bureaucrats

Civil unions on the brink of approval

SA: All couples deserve equality

Hawaii Lesbians demanding children, marriage

Soda Tax Dies; Alcohol Tax Hike Still Alive

Humane? Alexander, Brower push for Tent City as tweekers, crack-heads arrive from Mainland

Clayton Hee’s wife joins Greenwood Mafia at UH

Arizona private prison oversight bills die

Obama’s SBA pushes back against Inouye’s OHA Profiteers

Senator asks for hearings on Hawaii, Alaska Native American Contracting preferences

Inouye proposes more Pork as Obesity solution

Am Samoa Cancer Patients no longer referred off-island

Obama’s D.O.A. Budget includes $250M for Honolulu Rail

Hawaii State ERS Underfunded by $7 Billion

Second Worst of last 7 years: Hawaii hotel room revenue grows 8.7 percent

Religious Leftists organize Foreclosure Agit-Prop show at Bank of America office

Import-Export UHM style

Lifetime goes nuts with Roseanne Barr: Half-hour reality show to follow comedian on her farm

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Monday, February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:36 PM :: 21075 Views

Pensions, Rail, Earmarks: Abercrombie and Obama wage war on Inouye

Gaming Lobbyist describes much deeper involvement in selecting Abercrombie Cabinet

A State-Recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii?

Wolfson: Push past civil union to gay marriage

Report: Lottery remains a poor bet for education funding

Human Trafficking Bills to be Heard Tuesday

Farmers send two tons of Kona Coffee to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq

Petition drive to stop Mauna Kea Sheep Slaughter

West Maui Taxpayers Association to hold Annual Meeting

Supreme Court to hear Case: Do elected officials with Conflict of Interest have a right to vote?

Radcliffe: Raising GE Tax Will Happen

Kalapa: Leave The Excuses On The Table And Just Call It A Money Grab

Can Hawaii Pensioners help out Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Movie Moguls?

A good deal: A U.S.-Korea free trade pact would promote prosperity and regional stability

SA Raiding Party: Special funds, justify yourselves

Raid on Highway Funds becomes excuse for Weight Tax Hike

Meet the lawyer who will cash in on State-mandated Foreclosure Mediation

Today 3PM: BoE to hold hearing on Lilioukalani, Puuhale and Kalihi closures

Cronies to cash in as DoE becomes Land Developer 

Phony Rail Groundbreaking: “All you need are a few politicians and a shovel"

PBN: Lawmakers should keep gaming out of Hawaii

Perry and Price talk Gambling

Hawaii lawmakers consider back-to-school tax holiday

Maui Considers Waste-to-Energy

KIUC Election: KCC to host Candidate Forum

UH Ignores requirement to buy Local Ag Produce

Luddites Crushed as Anti-GMO bills go down in flames

Hawaii ranks #2 in Homelessness

Former Prison Inmate Wins $83,000 Settlement

Isle prisons become key source of labor

Brown U, Kohala Ctr team up to provide Advanced Brainwashing

Why Are Islanders The Fattest People?

Losers: Clinton, Obama point fingers at each other over Failure in Egypt

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Sunday, February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 12973 Views

Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections to be Cancelled?

New Study on Bag Taxes: Economically Destructive, Job-killing

Hawaii Renewable Energy Mandates driving Utility Bills sky high?

Fighting Meth With Miles around Oahu

VIDEO: Nerf Gun Means Jail for Seven Year Old

Tricky Aila to Fickle Hawaiians: “I'm not William Aila now, I'm the chair.”

Elementary kids most expelled over fake guns (and this is being used as an argument FOR a toy gun ban)

Raid on Tobacco Settlement Funds: State finalizing partnership with Tobacco Industry?

KGI: Hawai‘i should set shield law in stone

HB385: Card-check legislation back on the agenda

Reapportionment: Democrats talk up shifting House seats to Democrat Areas

DHHL gives lease to man waiting 44 years, Abercrombie fails math test

Fixing the foreclosure 'mess'

Death Lobby Regroups with schemes to impose suicide

More workers freed from domination of Old Boy Companies and their Unions

Bag Tax: Pair of measures would mean fees for disposable bags

Excellent News! NIMBYism obstructs Hawaii’s move to wind power

Kamehameha Schools planning wind farm in Haleiwa

Columnist takes anti-Telescope Shakedown Scammers at their word 

Tom Berg: Honolulu Council Members Should Not Demand Apology from Rush Limbaugh

Judd: I pardoned Massie under Democrats' threat of Martial Law

Hawaii war hero remembered

Years of toil led to freedom for innocent man

Alaska and Hawaii subsidized flights 'may' continue after 2013

Saddle Road project receives prestigious award

Protest against Desmond Tutu set for Honolulu Psychiatrists meeting

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Saturday, February 12, 2011
February 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:48 PM :: 13924 Views

How They Voted: Civil Unions passes House 31-19

Rep Ward, Sen Slom invite public to speak out on pension tax, other issues

Censorship: Courts would strike down unconstitutional Hawaii 3rd Party liability law

Beverage tax vote scheduled Monday in Hawaii Senate Health Committee

SB1449 Hearing Saturday: Hawaii Sunset Advisory Commission to assess Government Agencies

Gov’t Employees mock Abercrombie: “Idiot.  What a jerk.  You’re full of shit.”

Abercrombie: “I am the governor. I’m not your pal.” (ringtone available)

Hawaii House passes same-sex civil unions bill

City Moves for Dismissal of anti-Rail lawsuit

Big Isle bag ban moves forward even as food service owners protest bag ban on Kauai

PVT Land Co. sues union attorney for defamation

UHERO: Economic growth not enough to pay for Abercrombie decision to end Furloughs

Legislators want to give away $46.3M to Clinton’s billionaire cronies, ACT 221 scammers

Honolulu water rates to go up 25%

State politics potpourri smells like mean spirit

Special Fund Raid would steal UH Student Activity Fees

Sovereignty Activists sue: Being denied chance to brainwash and recruit prisoners

Kauai: Solar gets the hype, Hydro does the work

Borders bankruptcy imminent, report says

Hawaii residents have second-highest credit card debt


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Friday, February 11, 2011
February 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 11565 Views

SB 232 Civil Unions to be voted in House Friday

38.9%: Hawaii has most deviant Legislative Districts in Nation

Hawaii 2010 Election: Democrats outraised Republicans $13M to $3M

UPDATE: Freedomnomics Author John Lott to Speak in Honolulu

Transparency: Regents Candidate Advisory Council Names Finalists for UH Board of Regents

ACT 221 Scammers rejoice: Bill Clinton tells Hawaii legislators to fork over your tax dollars to his Movie Studios

City Schedules Feb. 22 Groundbreaking for Rail Transit Project

Rail: Is Mica Really good for $1.85B?

Deferred, but not dead: Illegal, Unconstitutional Bill seeks seizure of special funds

Brewbaker: Hawaii budget problems would be solved if State could just stop growing budget

Hawaii offshore gambling approved by committee

Key Akaka Tribe Opponent will not seek reelection in 2012 (Who will save Hawaii from the Akaka Tribe in 2013?)

Inouye requests Indian Affairs Hearing to attack media coverage of Native Hawaiian federal contracting preferences



Panel grills school's board: Myron B. Thompson Academy officials pledge to fix past errors

Physicians Seek Legislative Rx for Torts, Growing Doctor Shortage

Hawaii House approves moratorium on foreclosures

UH Cancer Center: Stimulus funds help trial lawyers win Mesothelioma Cases

Tweet in Hawaii and Be Sued

Text and Be leaked

Hawaii needs nonpartisan budget office to estimate how much new laws would cost us

Alaska Looks into Hawaii’s Future: “Time to grow up”

Rep. Mazie Hirono Appointed to Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

Lawyer: Nader v Hawaii Case will rewrite First Amendment Election Law

Puna Geothermal Venture to sell Additional 8MW of Dispatchable Geothermal Power without tying to price of oil

Green Energy Cult keeps poor freezing at Mayor Wright

Henry Curtis: Proposed Big Wind Monopoly in Hawaii Should Be Opposed

US Energy Dep’t Proposes Offshore Wind Farms for Hawaii

Hawaii "Invasive" Species List Could Grow to Include Any Inconvenient Animal



AP Scores: Hawaii DoE keep state way below average

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Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 10802 Views

SB 232 Civil Unions to be voted in House Friday

House GOP Caucus leads successful effort to Keep Prayer in Daily Sessions

HB12: Ag theft bill before Ag Committee Friday

SB1425: Legislative Committee to discuss banning all Oahu Landfills

Abercrombie appoints Don Horner to BoE, plans to appoint Horner to New BoE

Soda-tax proposal fizzes on arrival: Political Theater to push GE Tax hike

Bingo to be legal on DHHL?


Secrecy: Abercrombie Admin plays hide the sausage with list of Inaugural Bll donors

Retaliation: Will Abercrombie Admin reappoint OIP Director?

Retaliation: Progressives claim another pelt

House, Senate agree on appointed school board

4 schools could win exemption from 180-day state minimum

Clayton Hee kills OHA settlement (Again)

Republicans make difference as State House votes to keep Invocations

House Invocation: New Rule vs Old

On fast track, civil unions could go to governor next week

Atheists continue assault on Mormon construction project

Rosanne Barr helps fund gay agenda in Hawaii

The Socialist State: After 9 years, Hot water should be priority

Food safety concerns prompt amendment: Council considers loosening bag ban

Big Island merchants wary of plastic bag ban

Neo-Luddites plan angles of attack against Geothermal

A short commentary on comments to the mariculture article

Council decides not to ban Segways from Tent Cities…err Parks

Revolving Door: Ex-County Clerk gets ethics waver to become lobbyist


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 13293 Views

Transcript: Greta Van Susteren, Tucker Carlson on Hawaii Toy Gun Ban

The transsexual agenda for Hawaii schools

Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?

First Morita, now Hooser: Abercrombie appoints another anti-Superferry protester

Sen. Gary Hooser campaign website linked to Holocaust deniers

Rep Pine introduces 18 bills

Fifteen Election-related Bills awaiting consideration

Abercrombie Admin. Blacklist: “It’s a SECURITY ISSUE to invite some media like eTN to a media conference”

Both sides Agree: Civil Unions will lead to Gay Marriage

House Labor Ctte begins considering Pension Reform

Governor names AFL-CIO VP as State’s Chief Labor Negotiator

Cayetano: Cost Overruns for Rail Systems Average 40 Percent

Ex-Director: Charter Schools Need Reform

SA debunks doper lie: Legalizing Marijuana will not empty prisons  

The Wages of Welfare: $17.50 an hour

Homeless Tent City: Hawaii County grovels before Sovereignty Activist/convicted  murderer, could lose $2.5M Federal Grant

Homeless Tent City in Aala Park “intolerable”

Homeless Man Names Every Nation Alphabetically

Global Horizon Founder Disputes Trafficking Charges

Desperate, Deserted and Destitute, Thai Laborers Tell Their Stories About Their Journey to America

Case not made on secrecy of judicial selection process

Public Access at the Legislature: Equal for All?

Surf Nazis: North Shore 'enforcer' found not guilty of assault

Isle leaders don't have even a prayer to calm media riot 

Things that make you go hmmmm...WHERE ARE OUR PRIORITIES? 

Hawaii May Buy Into the Plastic Bag Ban Trend

Comment period for wind farm reopened

More than 3,000 bills introduced at Legislature

Censorship: Legislation holding publishers liable for trespassing accidents passes committee 

Honolulu City Council Establishes Working Committee on Humor Review (satire)

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 7799 Views

Could Djou Challenge Akaka?

SB803 Assisted Suicide Killed in Committee

Feb 7, 2011: How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted

Emergency Landing gives Koko Head Elementary students chance to learn about helicopters

Feb 18 deadline to Neighborhood Board Candidates to file for election

Pensioner:  Governor Abercrombie, please don’t throw us out of the canoe

Gambling on table as HGEA Begins to detail Negotiating Position

More Secrecy? Rumors swirl over Morita’s replacement

Tax Department Report Calls Act 221 Job Creation “Disappointing”

Young Claims Hawaii’s Debt high due to DoE

Transsexual DoE Anti-Bullying Bill Gets Overwhelming Support

180 Days? House Ed Cttee approves bill to legalize DoE illegality, incompetence

DOE recommends closing Liliuokalani Elementary

Star-Advertiser columnist endorses Censorship of Limbaugh as Council passes resolution

Tom Berg votes for Censorship resolution after criticizing it

Rep Pine: Legislators should be able to exercise religious freedom, too

Prayer: Politicians, like alcoholics, need humility

Religious Left being squeezed out by Atheist-dominated Hawaii Democrats

Hawaii Legislature scuttles assisted suicide

Dante Carpenter: Death with dignity deemed priority issue for Hawaii Democrats

Star-Advertiser Editors Endorse Tent City Nightmare for Kakaako

'Dead' English man who stole brother's identity found homeless in Hawaii

House Bill would create domestic violence court

HB1178: Legislators seek to Slash and Burn Car Audio

Toy gun sales would be banned under proposed Hawaii legislation

Water rate increase sought

Hawaii Health Department removes more items from First Commercial Kitchen recall list

When Should Names of Police Officers Be Public?

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Monday, February 7, 2011
February 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 8588 Views

Abercrombie: Some Retirees do not “make positive contributions in our community”

Don’t Mock Hu Jintao: Honolulu Councilmembers demand Rush Limbaugh be censored

Beware of government leaders who want to punish speech

Abercrombie’s DHHL pick pledges to abandon mission, build rental projects instead

SB232: Clayton Hee pushes bill which will lead to Civil Unions Litigation

Matsumoto ERS pension-benefit short $7B because State, County skimmed, union members abused pension formula

It’s a New Day and it sucks

Hawaii Is the Only State to Assess Hotel-Room Tax on Timeshare Owners

Full Text: Rail Litigation

HB1627: A State-recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii?

Progressives scrounge for ways to get control of Hawaii Public Housing Authority, oust Lingle appointees

Inside Gaming: Another effort to legalize gambling in Hawaii will most likely fade like a Honolulu sunset

Workers comp medical providers deserve better treatment in Hawaii

Hawaii enrolls more kids for health insurance

Bill Watch: School Bullying

Will Honolulu Ban Plastic Bags?

Aila: “There is no problem with Aquarium fish”

New Bill Aims to Keep Puppy Mills Out of Paradise

Hawaii Banning Toy Guns?

Document Forgery factory helps illegals trick Hawaii Farmer

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Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 9923 Views

VIDEO: 100th Birthday of Ronald Reagan

Djou: Hawaii bets on Machine Politics for the 21st Century

Harvard Study explains how Inouye’s pork kills business

KTA, Safeway, Walgreens: Excessive Amounts of Lead Found in Reusable Grocery Bags

Sen Schumer Demands Investigation: Reusable Bags Contain Harmful Chemicals and Harbor Bacteria

Hawaii's Governor Manipulates Birthers

Tea Party Revival author Leland Baker to speak at Maui Event

Freedomnomics Author John Lott to Speak in Honolulu

Inouye’s Democrat Borreca: Obama is stupid, opportunistic

Abercrombie: Retirees do not ‘make positive contributions in our community’

Abercrombie pushes for $200M raid on Rail Funds

SA Stepping up in lean times (except for Gov’t unions)

SA Pushes Lottery to feed HGEA

State opens de-facto Homeless Tent City at Kakaako Park

Opposition ‘very troubled’ by ‘big wind’ planned for Lanai  (Corporatist ILWU left flapping in the wind)

State must save, not end, open-ocean fish farming

UPW Legislators demand Big Island School, Nature Preserve be converted to State Prison

School to put it all online: Kapolei Middle kids will be able to learn from home next year (DoE embraces Homeschooling?)

Read Aloud Program is a proud product of Hawaii

Space centers need cash to stay aloft

33 cameras sit idle as Hawaii County government tries to figure out how to plug them in 

Nonprofits given funds should report to public

Cold water plagues Mayor Wright residents

Maui enviros cheer Obama’s Misanthropic Poet Laureate

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Saturday, February 5, 2011
February 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:58 AM :: 7286 Views

U.S. Supreme Court Requests a Response from Hawaii in Nader Ballot Access Case

Bachmann visit shows there is hope for the left after all

Inouye introduces Felony Fishing Bill

Hawaii Meth Project Sponsors Student Artwork at the State Capitol

SB 197: Senate Committee to debate Dim Bulbs Feb 8

SB602: Legalized Gambling to be heard Thursday Feb 10

House Hawaiian Affairs Ctte Hearing TODAY On State-Recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii

Pensioner: Abercrombie makes me vomit

Hawaii unemployment, underemployment averaged 16.9% in 2010

Star-Advertiser co-owner backs Abercrombie's Secrecy

More Lies from Abercrombie Admin: Hawaii Health Department Director Gary Gill must go

The Gay Advantage: McKenna wins Senate Judiciary vote

OIP becomes tool to undo Recreational Renaissance

US Supreme Court asked to consider if Hawaii’s non-judicial foreclosure law is Unconstitutional

Bill would hold publishers liable for accidents while trespassing

Chromium 6 Scam: Expert Witness readies himself to profit from Erin Brockovich Assault on Honolulu

Tree Huggers begin burning trees

Powerful year for solar energy in Hawaii

Senate Committee Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana

Obama's Visit Cost HPD $228,000 In OT

Vehicle registration fees racing upward

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Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:29 AM :: 16220 Views

SB803 Assisted Suicide to be heard Monday

Abercrombie names anti-Superferry protester Morita to head PUC

CAGW warns Inouye against “Phonemarking or other underhanded techniques”

HB1058: Buying Office Equipment with Capital Improvement Bonds

VIDEO: Fontaine “HB166 is an anti-business bill”

Borreca: Don't count on riding Honolulu rail any time soon

McKenna Confirmation Hearing At 10 a.m.

OIP: Governor must reveal candidate list

Department of Human Services will end contracts with 41 organizations to relieve a $116 million deficit (While HGEA furloughs set to be eliminated)

Broke Hippie: Abercrombie Running Low on Cash, Seeks Extra $1M

Legislators obsessed with getting more Marijuana into hands of voters

Green Energy Scammers thrilled at Morita PUC appointment

Weight Tax Increase? Souki admits road maintenance funds have been regularly raided

Aloha Stadium honcho says fixing the venue entirely now is the best option while waiting for a new stadium to be built (Undoing Lingle #1)

Kuhio Park Terrace Public Housing Refurbishment Plans Questioned at Legislature (Undoing Lingle #2)

300 paying customers: Gumapac copies Keanu Sai’s Mortgage Scam

UH Manoa Asian Studies Chair backs Burma’s Military Junta

SA: Give superintendent needed tool

Charter Schools Chief Forced To Resign

SB871: Homeschool Extracurricular Activities

Zone adjustment would help small schools stay open

Recyclers' Big Subsidy Could Be Cut

Acupuncturists to fight bill they say would lower standards

Domestic abuse survivors urge lawmakers to close loophole in TRO law

House committee tables Silver Alert bill

Brainwashed Ecomatons harass Kona Fish farm

Clean energy blocked: Sierra Club Vetoes Hydro Plant on Kauai

Land Use Commission Blasts City Landfill Manager

Credit union board reduces its perks after members' criticism

Honolulu FBI targets stimulus fraud with new hotline

Global Warmists tell Samoans to stop eating

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Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:44 PM :: 18364 Views

Two Civil Unions Bills to be heard Tuesday

US Senate repeals part of Obamacare: Inouye, Akaka left out in cold among 17 bitter-enders

Roll Call: Akaka offers no indication he will run in 2012

Aquarium Diver: State has found no decline in fish stocks

SB715: Repeal Ethanol Mandate to be heard Thursday

Abercrombie Accepting "Long Term" Applications for BOE Vacancy

Abercrombie’s Kupuna Tax would soak State Retirees $3894/year

Sabotaging RTTT:  HSTA, HGEA fight Bill giving superintendent power to revamp failing schools


Judiciary Committee Hearing On Appointment Of Judge Sabrina McKenna FRIDAY

Okomoto Confirmation hearing: Violence, threats, and restraining orders

Young: Budget will only be Two months late—$50M to $250M in new spending

SA to Legislature: Decide on gambling without letting people vote

Judicial Secrecy: Abercrombie, Hifo defend Lawyers’ right to deceive clients

The Weaning:  Some Inouye Cronies learned to survive without Earmarks

HB1244: Will Churches Have right to refuse to perform Gay Civil Unions? 

Atheists Panic: Hawaii Senate Invocation Ban Goes Too Far

Haters should be removed from MLK Day March

SB651: Homeowners lobby lawmakers for help fighting foreclosure

City personal services contracts return to the public record

Hotel Workers vs Enviros: Green program that made housekeeping people lose benefits and hours of work

Former President of Filipino Chamber of Commerce indicted in ‘Easy Mortgage’ Fraud

A Danger Demanding Sunshine — The Consequences of Hawaii's Public Pension Shortfall

Smug Civil Beat makes fool of itself covering Bachmann speech

WASHINGTON REPORT: Congressional Mood Will Bring Austerity to Territories

Kamehameha Schools’ Endowment rises to $7.82 Billion

Scant Details Available About Hawaiian University


Hawaii Targeting Growing Use of “Bath Salt” Stimulant

NYSE asks Maui Land & Pineapple about 'unusual' trading activity

Atomic Monkey pushes Wind Farm Scam

American Samoa government told to sell cable shares to overcome deficit

Obama the Hobo of Punahou

WikiLeaks: US vs China in battle of the anti-satellite space weapons

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 7100 Views

Inouye will not accept Earmark requests for Next Two Years

HB1464 to be Heard Wednesday -- Ethics rules for Homeowners Associations

UPDATE: HB1468 Flagpole Bill will NOT be heard Wednesday

ProPublica evaluates Honolulu Medical Examiner

No Hawaii Beverage Tax: “Leave our grocery budget alone”

Hawaii: Islam Day is OK but Celebrating Christianity is Verboten

Another Victory on the Road to Repeal

Senate set to vote on Obamacare Repeal

Bachmann giving speech in Hawaii

$321M in pork gone: Isle programs could lose out after U.S. Sen. Inouye bans earmarks following a pledge by Obama

Hawaii GOP lawmakers propose that each bill should state financial impact

FULL TEXT: Anti-Rail lawsuit (RE: Burials)

Lawsuit Seeking Procurement Changes Could Affect Honolulu Rail Contracts

SA: Clarification Needed, Give pension tax a hearing

Hawaii general fund tax collections slip 2.8%

Judge Bambi Weil/Eden Hifo: Keep Juridical Nominees Secret

Talks Start About Proposed Wind Farm: Residents Have Until March 1 To Voice Concerns

Hawaii Co Council forwards plastic bag ban

Kauai starts to choke on Bag Ban: Council to hear amendments

New rules for redistricting Hawaii county advances

SB411: After creating COI to Dump Driskill, HHSC Board to be restructured again

Labor Leaders Support Abercrombie Appointment: Dwight Takamine Seen As Pro-Labor Labor Director

Mass Psychosis hits Legislature: 1000s testify on cat-trapping bill

Civil Beat suddenly interested in lobbying violations by Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Association

HB638 “Instant Runoff Voting” deferred until Feb 15

Dope, Collective Bargaining on the Legislative Agenda 

KIUC agrees to purchase power for 20 years: State’s largest solar project ready in Kapa‘a

State Surveillance Drones ‘Under Review’

Obama appoints Steve Case to head up Department of Potemkin Jobs

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:34 PM :: 7189 Views

Hawaii County Plastic Bag Ban? “Stop micro-managing our lives”

Full Text: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional -- Again

Wanna-be Dearborn Mosque bomber was mentally ill Wikileaks supporter

Jan 31, 2011: How Hawaii Congressional Delegation Voted

HB1468 Flagpole Bill will be heard Wednesday

Pension Report puts Hawaii in a Bad Moody

HB48: Mandatory Voter Registration bill deferred

Secrecy, Conflicts of Interest permeate Oregon Assisted Suicide system

Cook Political Report: Lingle vs Akaka is a Toss Up

Akaka is not fundraising

Senate Bill 953: Medicaid Cuts Up For Discussion At State Capitol

Cayetano turns on Carlisle, leads anti-rail Charge

Lawsuit filed against Honolulu Rail Project; Groups Say City Should Reconsider

Hawaii's 'Big Wind' Power Project Stirs Up Fans, Foes

Business, health officials react to proposed soda tax

Civil unions are not good enough

Hawaii: Celebrating Christianity is Verboten

Muslim with guns, taken in for psych evaluation, to get $240K from Honolulu

State Senate Unanimously Approves Appointed BOE

Crooks form new Hui to milk DoE

Gaming Lobbyist Radcliffe describes deep involvement in Abercrombie Cabinet Selection

Gaming Lobbyist: Abercrombie will sign Gambling bill

Gambling bill's delay could signal tough row

Time-Share Developers Oppose New Taxes

Senate Transportation Cttee passes Vehicle Weight Tax Increases

Media ‘Shield Law” up for renewal

Arakawa adds a third ex-Council member to staff

Fading NIMBYs continue to harass Kailua Target

Army says environmental assessment exaggerated flight plans

Northern California Minority Supplier Development Council seeks Hawaii businesses

Lawmakers aim to ban aquarium fish collecting

Hawaii Supreme Court Nominee Target of Facebook Fraud

Hawaii Heats Up Again Over Proposed Foie Gras Ban

After all the hype…a single Leaf falls on Hawaii

Abercrombie’s Incompetent DoH falsely blames EPA for Waimanalo Gulch spill

Abercrombie’s incompetent DoH issues Revised, revised list of recalled foods from health department

Director of 9-11 Conspiracy Movie “Loose Change” Busted Selling Heroin


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