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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for December 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 4029 Views
  1. Hawaii Supreme Court Rules Public has Property Right to a Clean Environment
  2. Kelii Akina: My Vision as OHA Trustee
  3. Akana: Crabbe Worked on Book on OHA TIme for 5 Years
  4. OHA Announces 2018 Bill Package
  5. Video: "The Future Of Land Regulations And A Tribute To David Callies"
  6. What’s a Carbon Tax?
  7. If We Really Believe in Sea Level Rise, There is no Reason to Complete Rail Project
  8. State Budget is Priced for Economic Perfection
  9. Star-Adv: If UH Admin Comes up with some excuses, $100K Salaries will be OK with us
  10. Alarmed by fake news, Legislators push media literacy in schools
  11. Hawaii doubles the number of advanced practice registered nurses
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Saturday, December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 5654 Views
  1. Grade F--Assessment of State Tech Projects
  2. House, Senate Committees Schedule Budget Hearings
  3. Young Bros announces new president
  4. Jones Act lobby chairman steps down
  5. Tourist Arrivals up 7.3% in November
  6. Court Erupts--Coco Palms Homeless Grifters Still Haven’t been Paid Off
  7. Master agreement signed to remodel, expand Mayor Wright Homes
  8. Mother Waldron Latest Park to Be Closed for Homeless Damage
  9. Failure of Enviros to Stifle Fishing Fleet Keeps holiday ahi prices down
  10. Prediction: 40% More anti-plastic hysteria is coming—or is it 100%?
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Friday, December 29, 2017
December 29, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:12 PM :: 3514 Views
  1. Kelii Akina: One Year at OHA a Report Card
  2. Auditor: Confusion, Discord at DoH Disease Outbreak Control Division
  3. EPA, American Samoa reach revised settlement with Starkist
  4. Federal tax reform a reason for cheer
  5. Hooser: Hawaii Democrats Must Raise Taxes to Offset Republican Tax Cuts
  6. New Year’s means higher State and County taxes, fees, bus fares
  7. Airport Division Hopes to Parlay Leaking Roofs into New Terminal
  8. Lassner: UH Enrollment is Down Sharply because we are so Successful (LOL!)
  9. Star-Adv: Don’t Study Private-Public Partnerships for Prison Construction Because We Are Working to Put Lots of Criminals Back out on the Streets Instead
  10. Kahauiki Village: A new community for homeless families with children
  11. Homeless Dude too Fat to Get out of Dumpster, 911 Called
  12. City: Stop Giving Money to Bums
  13. Did Hawaii Really Try To Thwart CNN’s Homelessness Report?
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Thursday, December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:20 PM :: 4277 Views
  1. 9th Circuit Gives Enviros New Way to Shut Down Hawaii Fishing Fleet
  2. Star-Adv: Chin Must Resign
  3. Lawsuits: HPD Keeps Problem Cops on the Job for Years
  4. Solar Tax Credits -- $500M Lost Tax Revenue That has to be Made up by Other Taxpayers
  5. Territorial joins other banks in giving out bonuses and raising minimum wage
  6. Con Con Could Abolish State Senate 
  7. 2018 Legislature: Usual Suspects Get Ready
  8. 174 Lords of Political Correctness Give Themselves big pay hikes at UH
  9. End of tax write-off for premium seats may hit hard at UH
  10. Will DoE Finally Revamp Teacher Recruitment?
  11. Rate Hike--HECO asks for $6 million more from the state PUC
  12. $1.75 billion cesspool problem: Required upgrades could lead to massive sewer rate increases
  13. Oahu grapples with Caldwell sewage spills
  14. Solar Scammers Come up with new Way to Rip off Consumers
  15. The Atlantic Working on Article on Hawaii P3 Conservation Partnerships
  16. Prosecutors: Waianae Health Center employee stole diabetic supplies for black market
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017
December 27, 2107 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 3525 Views
  1. Pasha shipbuilder hit with $422 million fine in bribery case
  2. 2018 Legislative Session Calendar Posted
  3. Ige Appoints Two New Cabinet Members
  4. Thanks to Republicans, Thousands of Hawaii Workers Get Boost to $15/hour
  5. State prison officials consider private partnerships
  6. Police to Homeless: Accept Shelter and I won’t give you a Ticket
  7. Pu'uhonua Villages Bill Would Build 8,000 Hard-Walled Structures for Homeless—No Tent Cities
  8. Hawaii County Tries to Slip by Without EA for homeless tent city
  9. Molokai Still has State’s Highest Unemployment
  10. Muslims Whine about Micronesian Support for Indigenous People of Israel
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
December 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 7530 Views
  1. Four Months Later no Rats on Lehua Island
  2. DTL/WCIT: It Sure Does Pay off to Keep a Senator and BLNR Member on the Payroll
  3. 13,000 People Flee Hawaii High Cost of Living
  4. Thanks to Obama, Health insurance premiums on the rise (again)
  5. More Wage Hikes--Tax cuts benefit Hawaii residents
  6. Enviros Angered by Local Food! More Tuna For Hawaii Fishing Boats In 2018
  7. Social Workers Who Aid The Homeless Often Need Help Themselves
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Monday, December 25, 2017
December 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:42 PM :: 3353 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. Anderson, Pine eye 2020 mayor’s race to replace Caldwell
  3. City should get out of running golf courses
  4. Homeless Camp ‘A Deliberate Rebuke’
  5. Attorney General: Landowners must pay for use of their own land once sea rises
  6. With pineapple and sugar production gone, Hawaii weighs its agricultural future
  7. Coco Palms Greenmail Camp will Stay After Judge Rules Against Them—Will Police Act?
  8. Suspected driver in fatal Hauula crash has lengthy rap sheet
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Sunday, December 24, 2017
December 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 5265 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. DoE: Feds Require 'Minor Adjustments' to our ESSA Plan to Hide Failure
  3. 2018 Ballot: Constitutional Convention?
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 22, 2017
  5. Worst Drivers: Hawaii Ranks 6th for Drunk Driving
  6. Bloomberg considers Jones Act reform options
  7. Young Puerto Rican calls for Jones Act repeal
  8. Viking River Cruses blocked by Jones Act
  9. By Refusing to Resign AG Chin Can Help Campaign Supporters Work out Deals, Avoid Prosecution
  10. Republican Tax Cuts Get Hawaii Democrat Legislators Thinking About How to take that money away
  11. National Republicans Cut Taxes, Hawaii Democrats Raise Taxes
  12. Borreca: Democrats Can Defeat Tupola Simply by Mentioning Trump
  13. Kam Schools Lawyers Want to Grill Victims of Child Molester for Two Years Before Trial Begins
  14. Life after sugar – a year later 87.5% of land is fallow
  15. HTA falling short on payments to the state for the convention center
  16. Airport Div Wasting $45M on New Space for Bankrupt Island Air
  17. A woman’s struggles after a crash with an HPD officer renew questions over discipline
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Saturday, December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:17 PM :: 4065 Views
  1. Ige Appoints Lei Learmont to Replace Rep Oshiro in HD46 Wahiawa
  2. Important Tax Law Changes for 2018
  3. 150M Muslims Barred: Ninth Circuit Finds Trump’s 3rd Travel Ban Illegal
  4. Rail: Kakaako Developer Demands $200M from HART
  5. Maui Wind farm seeks OK to kill 10% of endangered bat population
  6. Property Taxes May go up 6.1%
  7. BoH, 1st Hawaiian Employees Win ‘Fight for $15’ and Score $1000 Bonus Thanks to President Donald J Trump
  8. Bonfire of the Vanities: Chin to Dispatch Two Members of Smug Millennial Caucus
  9. Calif. court moves forward with extradition for escaped Hawaii killer
  10. Waianae Tweekers Camp Claims ‘News’ Organization would not do Fluff Piece on them Without State Permission 
  11. Homeless Trash Mother Waldron Park, Get Tickets
  12. More Mindless Eco-Hysteria Masquerading as Science
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Friday, December 22, 2017
December 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 7977 Views
  1. Hawaii Unemployment Sets Record Low as Labor Force Shrinks
  2. UH Presents 2018 Budget Request
  3. The Jones Act Revisited
  4. Should the government be your Santa?
  5. Hawaii 2018 Summer Journalism Internships
  6. SCOTUS Keeps Rebuking Lower Courts That Rule Against Trump
  7. Sex Harassment: Hawaii Legislators Admit Covering up Four Cases
  8. New Police Chief Reassigns Union President To Patrol Shift
  9. Fight over Howard Hughes Rail Easements show P3 is a Sham
  10. Poor Door: Exclusionary Tactics Suddenly an Issue When Affordable Housing Involved
  11. Hawaii County: Will 40% Raises Bust Budget?
  12. OHA Trustees’ Settlement Cost $879,000 In Legal Fees
  13. Gay Drug Addict Fired from Sheriff Dept – Sues
  14. Homeless Tent Cities: State Considers Two North Shore Locations
  15. The sad and ugly truth about Jones Act politics
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Thursday, December 21, 2017
December 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 4396 Views
  1. Census: Hawaii One of only Eight States to Lose Population
  2. Tupola: Hawaii Families Will Benefit from Tax Cut
  3. Caldwell: Affordable Housing is a Monster Which Must be Killed
  4. Bloomberg: Jones Act political contributions and lobbying
  5. Finalists Named for UH Board of Regents
  6. UH Hilo chancellor search begins
  7. Tax Cut Makes Hawaii Democrats Bitter, Spiteful
  8. Hawaii regulators redirect funds of state's troubled $150M clean energy loan program
  9. Billionaire Solidarity: Omidyar Operatives Push Tax Credits for Elon Musk
  10. Caldwell’s Repaving Project Exposed as Fraud
  11. Honolulu City Council: Rail Blocked Beyond Ala Moana?
  12. PUC Opens Intervention Window in Hawaii Gas Proceeding
  13. Poor Door: Social Engineering Trumps Affordable Housing (again)
  14. Homeless Lunatic Attacks Kumu Hula outside Class
  15. In Kakaako, the chronically homeless will now get a warning with that offer of help
  16. Saipan: The Island Where Chinese Mothers Deliver American Babies
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017
December 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 5355 Views
  1. State pension woes raise specter of county bankruptcies
  2. Bureaucracy thwarts state modernization
  3. Who Gets a Tax Cut Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?
  4. Scientists: Latest Round of Kauai Hysterics Wrong
  5. DoH: $1.75B Needed to Replace Cesspools Statewide
  6. After Years, State finally goes public on Rat Lungworm
  7. Bloomberg: The Jones Act serves no purpose
  8. Hawaii 70% Ready: Health Emergency Preparedness
  9. Caldwell’s Latest Police Commissioner – Daughter of HPD Officer Charged with Theft
  10. Kam Schools Psychiatrist was at Center of Network of Homosexual Child Molesters
  11. Is KSBE Apology Enough to Sweep Child Molestation Under Rug?
  12. April, 2018 Deadline: Will Supreme Court to issue speedy ruling on TMT case?
  13. Carbon Tax: Scheme by White Environmentalists to Drive You Out of Hawaii
  14. Usual Suspects Line up to Raise Your Taxes
  15. Will Gorak Case Change Way Gubernatorial Appointments are Handled?
  16. Caldwell Supports Moratorium on Multi-Generational Houses (thus proving talk of affordable housing is empty rhetoric)
  17. Overcoming NIMBY Pushback Against Kahaluu Homeless Shelters
  18. Homeless Camp Still in Cemetery—Tomb Vandalized
  19. Enviros: Give us $2M so we can go diving and Attack Fishing Fleet
  20. Trump Nominates Jill Otake to Be Federal Judge in Hawaii
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Tuesday, December 19, 2017
December 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 3516 Views
  1. Ige Announces Supplemental Budget
  2. Homeless Court clears hundreds of cases--16 Accept Housing
  3. Survey: 62% of Hawaii Youth Not Qualified for Military Service
  4. State EIS Rules Undergoing Major Revisions
  5. Another One: 2.5% HECO Rate Hike to Pay for ‘Renewable’ Energy
  6. Kauai: Vehicle tax decreases proposed
  7. Why Vocational Education Is Back In Vogue in Some Hawaii Schools
  8. ‘Monster homes’ fill need for housing
  9. Good News: More homeless sweeps along H-1, Nimitz Hwy. coming in 2018
  10. Bad News: Politicians Push Nine Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities for Oahu
  11. Humane Society Will Help Homeless Run Puppy Mills
  12. Hefty fine looms over fire department as labor board reviews union dispute
  13. Ing: Start State-Owned Internet Service to Create More HGEA Positions
  14. Proof that Hawaii Democrats Really Don’t Believe in Sea Level Rise
  15. Workers Comp: Can Shysters and Chiroquackters Start Making Real Money Again? 
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Monday, December 18, 2017
December 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 4774 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 18, 2017 
  2. Most Caring Cities? Honolulu Ranks 34th
  3. Dan Ahuna: Give Mauna Kea to OHA so I can Profit from it
  4. How Tickets Forced 16 Homeless to accept Housing
  5. Bus fares set to increase 17% Jan. 1
  6. Freeze property tax hikes
  7. B&B owner sues county over Disgusting, Filthy ‘Clean’ Energy Project Hu Honua
  8. Medicated Dispensaries Selling Hash—Need More HGEA Positions filled so they can sell Butane Honey Oil 
  9. Civil Beat: Con-Con Could Write Assisted Suicide and Legal Weed into Constitution
  10.  Aloha Stadium-goers prefer fixes, not new facility 
  11. How Many Whales will be Killed by Anti-Superferry Protesters This Year? 
  12. Poor will be Forced to Endure Snobby Rich People 
  13. Sex Harassment: Alex Kozinski, 9th Circuit Appeals Court Judge, Retires—Trump to Name Replacement
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Sunday, December 17, 2017
December 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:53 PM :: 3199 Views
  1. Defense Department to Investigate Chinese Aid to Micronesia
  2. Gamers of the World Unite: You have nothing to lose but your micro-transactions
  3. State Highways Program Update
  4. Increase in Snorkel deaths in Hawaii needs to be addressed by the state of Hawaii Legislature
  5. State, county retirement system needs reform
  6. Hawaii’s lackluster politics in 2017 – Big Winner Public Employee Unions 
  7. Ige: Tent Cities Keep People Homeless
  8. Tweekers Now Control Hawaii County Homeless Tent City, Will State Contribute $25K to Pay for It?
  9. Title IX—Latest Excuse for Salary Hikes at UH
  10. Gas company asks PUC for 15 percent average statewide utility rate increase
  11. Will Gasoline Ban Hype Morph into a Tax Credit for EV Purchasers?
  12. Enviros Can’t Make up their mind-- Now Claim Sonar is Killing Coral
  13. Maui Council wasting time considering suntan lotion
  14. Inouye got behind Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs to funnel money to Harry Reid Campaign Contributor
  15. Usual Suspects: Lets Close OCCC and Let all the Criminals Run Loose 
  16. Officials hope dillydallying will resolve Natatorium
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Sunday, December 17, 2017
December, 2017 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:35 PM :: 3680 Views

Increase in Snorkel deaths in Hawaii needs to be addressed by the state of Hawaii Legislature

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Saturday, December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:51 PM :: 4696 Views
  1. Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Legislators—2017 Session
  2. Study: Third of Honolulu renters spend half their income on rent
  3. AG Chin: Every time your oceanfront property erodes, the State seizes more of your land
  4. Union Organizing Scam: Kupuna Caregivers Only Get Paid if they Sign Up with ‘Contracted Service Provider’
  5. Why Hawaii's electric car nirvana is a tailpipe dream
  6. Anti-GMO Protesters Happy as Molokai Loses Another 100 Jobs
  7. Fuchigami: Ige Will Back Airport Corporation Bill this Session
  8. Greenmail: Protesters Seeking Money Claim to Own Coco Palms Site  
  9. Council: “Favoritism and low morale” are normal for Maui County Departments
  10. Hawaii: 13.5% of Homes Over $1M
  11. 30 homeless families on Oahu will have a place to call home next month
  12. Handouts and Freebies Attract Homeless to Hawaii—Not Warm Weather
  13. Auditor: SB225 Useless--Legislators Attempt to Mandate Coverage Insurers Already Provide
  14. Caldwell Cuts Pothole Repair 52%—Will Focus on Repaving Roads Around Honolulu Hale
  15. Maui Journalist Cleared
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Friday, December 15, 2017
December 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:28 PM :: 4856 Views
  1. Full Text--Hawaii Supreme Court Rules 3-2: Anybody Can Now Sue Anybody for Dirtying the Environment
  2. 200 High School Students Watch Supreme Court Hear Lesbian Child Custody Case
  3. Child Molester: KSBE Apology letter implies abuse since 1962
  4. One Down—44 to go
  5. Congress Approves Renewed Palau COFA Agreement
  6. U.S. Election Assistance Commission Releases Hawaii Election Data Interactive 
  7. Nominations Open for KIUC Elections
  8. UHERO: Hawaii’s Long Expansion Gets Global Economic Lift
  9. HART Payoff to Kakaako Developer—$10M is not Enough
  10. DOT Projects Prove Real Traffic Relief Comes from New Lanes
  11. Local ISPs: Net Neutrality is a Fake Issue
  12. Your Hawaii hotel bill will go up in 2018, thanks to a new tax increase
  13. Friends of Harry Kim Score Fat Juicy Professional Service Contracts
  14. Honolulu Police Department reviews body camera pilot program
  15. Deedy to appeal court decision to allow third trial in fatal shooting
  16. Kakaako Gateway: Whack-a-Mole with Shelter-Refusers
  17. State selling affordable rental portfolio for $170 million
  18. Poll: Lottery Support 55-34
  19. Canoe clubs statewide could be kept on land because of insurance issue
  20. Captive Fish: Anti-Superferry Activists try to pander to Anti-Aquarium Nuts
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Thursday, December 14, 2017
December 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:17 PM :: 3854 Views
  1. Hawaii among worst states for economic freedom
  2. 200th Anniversary of Henry ‘Opukaha‘ia
  3. Bloomberg: The Jones Act costs all Americans too much
  4. Hawaii: Worst Place to Pay off Student Loans
  5. State launches Kupuna Caregivers Program
  6. Lesbian Cuckold to pay Child Support? — Hawaii Supreme Court to Decide
  7. Latest Ethics Bust Reminds us how Hawaii Really Works
  8. Campaign Spending: Arakawa to be fined $1000?
  9. Oahu property taxes to soar 6.9%
  10. Hawaii County Pays out $13.8M in Overtime
  11. Gasoline Ban: Weasel Words Allow Continued use of Fossil Fuels
  12. Poll: Legalized Marijuana Loses 55-36
  13. Soft on Crime: 15 Priors by Age 29—out on streets does it again
  14. Meth Addicts Attempting to Re-take Pearl City Bike Path
  15. Kauai: Homeless Dude Charged in Multiple Rapes, Kidnapping
  16. Hawaii’s GMO and hybrid seed industry goes through another transition
  17. Former Sen Akaka Hospitalized for Two Weeks
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Wednesday, December 13, 2017
December 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 3300 Views
  1. Secret Plan: Use Constitutional Convention to Force Hawaiians into Fake Indian Tribe
  2. Hawaii Mayors commit to Ban Gasoline, Diesel Vehicles by 2045
  3. Hawaii: Homelessness and Poverty Do Not Correlate
  4. Homeless Court clears hundreds of cases
  5. Applications Being Accepted for Maui County Boards and Commissions
  6. Keli'i Akina and Malia Hill: DC Update
  7. John McHugh PhD New Head of Pesticides Branch
  8. Child Care: Hawaii Among Most Unaffordable States
  9. Hawaii Ranks 5th in Protecting Kids from Tobacco
  10. AG Chin to Run for Congress
  11. Caldwell: Ige is ‘Controversial’
  12. Cataluna: Larger Mental Hospital Needed to Treat Homeless Mentally Ill
  13. Civil Beat Poll: SB1129 -- Most People who Still Have Landlines Want to Die
  14. SB548: Hawaii Sees Legalizing Adult Use Marijuana As Huge Boon to Island Economy
  15. Hooser: To Fund HSTA, Legalize Marijuana and Raise Taxes 6 Ways
  16. One Percent of Hawaii Adults are Card-Carrying Potheads
  17. CFS: Poverty is a Medical Condition
  18. Hawaii agency chooses buyer of state affordable housing portfolio
  19. DLNR Leaseholds Obstruct Hilo Tourism Development
  20. Caldwell’s Holes an Embarrassment During Marathon
  21. Reason, common sense sacrificed in the face of unrelenting campaigns
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Tuesday, December 12, 2017
December 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:49 PM :: 2874 Views
  1. Ethics: Top HTA Execs Busted Taking Travel Upgrades
  2. Hawaii 3rd-Highest Tax Revenue Per Capita
  3. How Affirmative Action Hurts Asian-Americans in College Admissions
  4. Throwing Money at Housing Won’t Work
  5. Hawaii DOE Saves $13M on School Bus Routes
  6. Draft EIS for Natatorium set to be complete by summer 2018
  7. EPA, State of Hawaii receive Navy’s Red Hill Fuel Tank upgrade study
  8. America’s Health Rankings--Hawaii 2nd Healthiest
  9. Thanks to Latest Union Contracts, State pension fund shortfall rises to $12.95 billion
  10. UH athletics still in the red despite $3.4M assist, audit finds
  11. Poll: Voters Support Term Limits, Voter Initiatives
  12. Republicans: Time To Exempt Food From The GET
  13. Lack of Hysterics at Pesticide Hearing
  14. Scientists: Whales and Dolphins can Cover Their Ears to Protect Against Loud Noise such as Sonar
  15. Civil Beat Investigates Doctors who Deny Workers Comp Claims
  16. State Seeks $9.3M for CHIP as Federal CHIP Funds Run Out
  17. Panel urges more funding, awareness to prevent suicides
  18. Bizarre News: Government Employee May be Fired for Nonfeasance
  19. Homeless to be Cleared out of Ala Wai Boat Harbor?
  20. Latest crash underscores risks of airspace around Molokai
  21. Democrats to Cut ‘Superdelegates’ 60%?
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Monday, December 11, 2017
December 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:42 PM :: 4559 Views
  1. Tech: 'Clinically Psychotic' HGEA Signs Suicide Pact
  2. Payday Lending: Legislature to Consider New Regulations?
  3. State Now Accepting Grant-in-Aid Applications
  4. UHERO: Carbon Tax Would Bring together energy and climate change policy
  5. Kaneshiro names new First Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
  6. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 11, 2017
  7. Poll: Let’s Have A Constitutional Convention
  8. Chief of Staff: Ige Dumps McCartney, Fuchigami Takes Over
  9. Raises for UH staffers: Many at UH-Hilo, HCC earn more than $100K per year
  10. Life of the Land Promulgates 2018 Legislative Priorities
  11. Potheads at Work?  Up 65%—Will Legislature Mandate Marijuana for Brain Surgeons and Heavy Equipment Operators?
  12. How I became a medical cannabis patient here
  13. Boon to H-Power: China to Refuse ‘Dirty’ Recycling Shipments
  14. Hawaii Fishing Fleet Liberates More Territory from Enviros
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Sunday, December 10, 2017
December 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 4950 Views
  1. Hula Halau to be banned from Yale?
  2. Voluntary Additional Tax?
  3. Borreca: Hawaii Democrats Can and Should Eliminate all 5 Republicans from Legislature in 2018
  4. HGEA will Make Hanabusa Governor if Tech Projects are not cancelled
  5. State’s Tech Failures Caused 100% by HGEA Sabotage
  6. How Sweeps Forced One Homeless Man to Accept Shelter
  7. Soft on Crime: Criminal History of Alleged N Shore Killer Well-Documented, but out on Streets
  8. Hawaii Co Council questions scrutiny of contingency funds
  9. No hurricanes during hurricane season
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Saturday, December 9, 2017
December 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 3948 Views
  1. Officials Announce First DoD-Wide Audit
  2. Airports Division spreads the red tape
  3. ACS Hawaii 5-Year Report: Growth Data for Your Community
  4. Kauai Council OKs $25M GE tax hike—Uses Jammed Traffic as Excuse (again)
  5. Maui County Council urged to approve GET increase
  6. Delay sought in TMT sublease contested case
  7. Consultant to Explore Partnerships for Rail’s Final Stretch
  8. 14 Years Later BLNR Gives KIUC Right to Generate Hydropower
  9. Medicated Marijuana Users Didn’t Know HPD Had Access to Blue Card Files
  10. Hawaii State Rep Is Drafting Bill Barring Minors From Buying Games with Loot Boxes
  11. The lawsuits against Trump's travel ban have finally run out of steam
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Friday, December 8, 2017
December 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:48 PM :: 5382 Views
  1. Ige Appoints DLIR Director to Head DoTax
  2. Moody's: UH Bonds Stable as Long as Legislature Continues to Pony Up
  3. HUD: Hawaii #1 State for Homelessness
  4. After Losing Judge, KSBE Tries Apologizing for Letting Child Molester Run Rampant
  5. Top Four HS Teams to Face Off in Hawaii LifeSmarts Competition
  6. Rumors Swirl, List of Suspects—When Will #metoo reckonings  reach Hawaii?
  7. Ex-vice chairman of Real Estate commission, wife indicted for theft
  8. DoTax: Will Yet Another Tech Upgrade Succumb to HGEA Sabotage?
  9. Feds: Many Public Housing Units For The Disabled Aren’t Really Accessible
  10. Escaping Lunatics: Maybe Ballard will give us Honest Answers?
  11. Hawaii County: Drunk Firefighter Driving Ambulance
  12. Kauai Mayoral Race Candidates Forum
  13. Queen Kaahumanu Highway project costs rise again
  14. 100-year-old veteran inspires bill for Pacific war memorial
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Thursday, December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 4302 Views
  1. Forgotten Honouliuli: Jack Burns, Police Spy
  2. OHA Audit: Three Questions
  3. Continuing to Doubt the North Koreans Could be Dangerous to Hawaii
  4. Ninth Circuit Wrestles With Unblocking Trump’s Travel Ban
  5. Elder Abuse: Hawaii Ranks 22nd 
  6. Pearl Harbor Day
  7. Feds Investigating Hawaii DHS Coverup in Peyton Valiente Case?
  8. Esthetics and Social Engineering Are More Important Than Affordable Housing
  9. Con-Con: Referendum set for Nov. 6, 2018
  10. Council Gives Preliminary OK To Changing How Police Panel Selected
  11. Vet says she ended up with organ failure after Tripler failed to help her
  12. Hanabusa Votes Against Impeaching President Donald J Trump
  13. Trump advised to alter Pacific Remote Islands monument
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Wednesday, December 6, 2017
December 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 4593 Views
  1. Kamehameha School Child Molester Case – Hidden Payoff to Judge Exposed
  2. Pasha Hawaii charged in labor dispute
  3. State tax director abruptly resigns
  4. Hirono: Franken Must Resign
  5. Hawaii Lawmakers Used to Hearing About Potential Conflicts
  6. Legislative Agenda: Impose Carbon Tax, Hike Income Tax
  7. Honolulu Bus Ridership Down 15%
  8. Will Legislators Act to Get Charter Schools out of Tents?
  9. State Hospital requires security for renovations
  10. HPD won’t take guns from medical marijuana users (for now)
  11. Honolulu Police Officer’s Road Rage Results In Lawsuit Against City
  12. Hawaii prepares to deliver New Year's present to caregivers
  13. Council Threatens to Force Poor People to Associate with Snobby Rich People
  14. Retaliation: Report Asbestos, Clean Bathrooms
  15. Is “organic” going through an existential crisis?
  16. State Rep. LoPresti sets sights on Ewa Senate seat
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Tuesday, December 5, 2017
December 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:17 PM :: 5144 Views
  1. 7-2 Supreme Court Allows Latest Travel Ban To Take Full And Immediate Effect
  2. Trump: Major Changes in Management of Federal Monuments
  3. Ethics Fine: Guard Must Return Cash after $10K Inmate Payoff
  4. Kauai: PCBs Found in Westside Kauai Water Tank
  5. Nominees Sought for Two Judicial Vacancies on Oahu
  6. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted December 5, 2017
  7. After Death of 9 year old Girl, Lawyers give Psychologists Opportunity to Cover up for CPS
  8. Honolulu Airport is Named for a Rapist
  9. Commitments to Mental Hospital Triple as Insane Homeless Victimize Citizens
  10. Lunatic from Texas Ends up Homeless in Waikiki—Commits Numerous Crimes
  11. 10 Homeless Accept Shelter
  12. It’s Not Too Late To Build Rail Better
  13. Kauai: GE Tax Hike and Salary Hikes on Council Agenda
  14. Hawaii County Council panel advances 36.4% tipping fee hike
  15. Maui: Tax rate for short-term rentals created
  16. Victory: Maui Sunscreen Ban Crashes and Burns
  17. Should Honolulu Council Pick Police Commissioners?
  18. Mauna Kea: Perfectly Good Telescope to be Removed to Placate Protesters
  19. OHA Settles Akana Suit over Gentry Purchase
  20. State clears homeless encampments along Nimitz bike path
  21. Tech Schemers package for 2018 Legislature
  22. Red Hill 4 years later: Drinking water safe
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Monday, December 4, 2017
December 4, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:20 PM :: 3645 Views
  1. Who is Gabbard's Guru?
  2. Lalamilo: Big Island Wind Farm Wants Permit to Kill Bats, Petrels
  3. Nobody Backs Hanabusa Claim That Protesters Agreed to Approve Telescope in Exchange for Hawaiian Language School at UH Hilo
  4. 636 Cases of Mumps Statewide—Anti-Vaxxers to Blame?
  5. Hawaii Politicians Raise Money from Marijuana Industry—Recreational Legalization Next
  6. Big Island Dairy to process its own milk, bypassing Meadow Gold
  7. HECO Priorities: Everything Except Lower Rates
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Sunday, December 3, 2017
December 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 4294 Views
  1. Tupola: Equal Funding for Charter Schools
  2. 'Certificate of need’ laws are certifiably unnecessary
  3. The Truth About OHA Audits
  4. The Tax Administration Slush Fund
  5. Hawaii 2nd Best State for Healthy Retirement
  6. Child Molester Known to Kam Schools for 51 Years
  7. Nobody on Big Island Wants a GE Tax Hike—March 31 deadline approaching
  8. Affordable Housing Slips in to Neighborhoods—Council Reso 17- 276 to Stop It
  9. Convention Center Losing Money Again? Hopes to Distract You by Blaming Trump
  10. Our state and city governments just can’t get a handle on costly recycling programs
  11. Legislature to consider ferry system
  12. Trump’s EPA funds anti-GMO movement in Hawaii
  13. With Republican as President, Usual Suspects Suddenly Begin Crying about Depleted Uranium Again
  14. Na Wai Eha stream flow standards proposed
  15. Ernie Martin to Run for Congress CD1
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Saturday, December 2, 2017
December 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:07 PM :: 4446 Views
  1. Ige, Caldwell in Arizona for Rail Meetings
  2. DoH Unveils Hawaii Opioid Action Plan
  3. Congress May Seek to Limit Courts’ Nationwide Injunctions
  4. Serving the law can circumvent justice
  5. Kauai Again: This Time it's Stranded Whales--Idiot Legislators Cook up Bizarre Conspiracy Theories
  6. Zoning, Land-Use Planning, and Housing Affordability
  7. Child Molester: Petition Demands Kamehameha Schools Take Responsibility
  8. Anti-GMO Council Staffer Threatens Maui Councilmembers
  9. Gun Toting Robber Sponsors Maui Anti-Sunscreen Bill
  10. Judge won’t allow Hawaii fishing group to intervene in case
  11. Residual Tweeker Camps to be Cleared from Kakaako, Nimitz 
  12. Pension woes will affect Kauai
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Friday, December 1, 2017
December 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:25 PM :: 4448 Views
  1. Gun Surrender: AG report lists cannabis patients under "Mental incompetence/impairment"
  2. Hawaii Child Care Most Expensive in USA
  3. Visitor Spending up Another 4.4% -- $1.3 Billion in October
  4. Energy: Reduced Budget Produces Increased Efficiency
  5. HGEA Sabotage: DoTax Orders Contractor to Lie to Legislators
  6. HGEA: 90% of Our Members are registered to Vote
  7. Hawaii US Marshall Fired—Lied About Kaneshiro Escort
  8. Emotions 101: Brainwashing Hawaii School Students
  9. Monster home foes to like idea in future
  10. Honolulu Rent Unchanged—10th Highest in USA
  11. KIUC Keeps Elon Musk’s Secrets: Grossly Overpriced Battery Storage
  12. Hawaii 44% Sleepless
  13. Honolulu to Install 53,000 LED Streetlights
  14. Hawaii Supreme Court: Illegal for Police to Fly Over Your Grop-op
  15. MPD captain requests a jury trial
  16. Police Raid Harry Kim’s Homeless Tent City, Remove Two of the Tweekers
Read More..


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