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Entries for December 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 3965 Views
  1. Report: State Office of Planning to Become Super-PLDC
  2. $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1
  3. WaPo: Last Day Play by Play on ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Negotiations
  4. WT: Republicans have conceded
  5. ‘Green’ A&B Now Hawaii’s Largest ‘Renewable’ Energy Profiteer
  6. Fiscal Cliff, Loss of Seniority Require “Budget Re-Management”
  7. Rail at Risk: Abercrombie’s SHPD Set to Lose Federal Certification Due to Incompetence
  8. Abercrombie, not Inouye is ‘Relic of Bygone Era’
  9. Mainland Homosexuals Pledged $750K to Back Blake Oshiro for Senate
  10. Schatz accepting resumes for Washington, isles staff jobs
  11. Visitors broke tourism records
  12. Star-Adv: State must control commercial uses of public beaches
  13. Homeless? Federal Funding Targets Female Vets
  14. OHA ‘Stab in the Back’ to Poi Mill Workers
  15. Soft-on-Crime Policies Cause Death of Criminal
  16. Am Samoa Scrambles to Save US Banking Presence
  17. Isle soldiers prepare for Afghan mission
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Sunday, December 30, 2012
December 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 4438 Views
  1. Helping Hawaii to Help Itself
  2. Prosecutor: Illinois Ruling May Affect Concealed-Carry Laws in Hawaii
  3. Honolulu Rail Remedy - Phasers On Minimal
  4. Tom Berg: Farewell to Honolulu Hale
  5. Molokai Alt-Energy Festival
  6. Arakawa, Tsutsui, Souki, Machado: Inouye Was One of Us
  7. Hundreds pay respect to late U.S. senator in Lihu‘e
  8. Star-Adv: Inouye Death Proves Mayans Right
  9. Audits: Recycling Centers Stealing Millions from Taxpayers
  10. HSTA Member: Teacher evaluation not a simple matter
  11. Democrats sought for Central Maui Senate seat
  12. O‘Conner to chair Kauai Police Commission, Appeal Likely to Move Forward
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
December 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:18 PM :: 4365 Views
  1. Full Text: "Leveraging State Agency Involvement in Transit-Oriented Development"
  2. Mayor-elect Caldwell Announces Key Appointments
  3. Hawaii DOE 2012 Year in Review
  4. Lanai to Congress: End Wind Production Tax Credit
  5. Kealakekua Kayak Rentals: DLNR Bans Small Businesses From Water
  6. Former Kauai Prosecutor Makes List of "America's Worst Bosses"
  7. Governor Appoints Judge Dean Ochiai to First Circuit Court
  8. Counties, Controlled by Old-Boys Getting No Hearing in Legislature
  9. Schatz First Day: Gives Away $60 Billion
  10. Hirono’s Plan for the Future: “Sooner or Later Seniority Has to Begin Again”
  11. Is military spending vulnerable in post-Inouye Hawaii?
  12. Carlisle, Berg Gone, Pledge Return
  13. Feds Fund Honolulu’s Rail Transit But Burials Complicate Route
  14. Danny DeGracia: The End of the Hawaii Republican Party
  15. Maximizing Solar Energy Credits in the New Year
  16. Campaigns & Elections Magazine Names Hawaii's Top 10 Political Influencers of 2012
  17. Animal Liberation Nuts Pay Ringling Bros Circus $9.8M for Fraudulent Lawsuit
  18. HMSA Hikes Rates 8.8%
  19. Hawaii’s Shield law to expire in June
  20. Mayor Arakawa signs isle plan, ‘framework’ for future of Maui
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Friday, December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:16 PM :: 5691 Views
  1. "Impeach Abercrombie"
  2. Senator Donna Mercado Kim Selected as Senate President
  3. Shan Tsutsui Accepts Lt Governor Position, Not Moving to Oahu
  4. Rail: Tashima's final ruling — now the case is eligible for appeal
  5. Full Text: HART Wins Favorable Rail Ruling
  6. FULL TEXT: Native Hawaiian Justice Task Force Report
  7. Souza Appointed Oahu District Family Court Judge
  8. Tsutsui for Governor 2014?
  9. Tsutsui Promotion Shakes Up PLDC Legislation?
  10. Star-Adv: City Hall changes are promising
  11. Fiscal Cliff: Health officials worry about cuts to reimbursements
  12. Solar Scammers Now Claim DoTax is ‘Rewriting’ Law
  13. Biofuel: HELCO rate hike request blasted
  14. With Schatz Gone, Who Will Champion LNG?
  15. PBN: Green Energy, Tourism Will Continue to Drive Economy in 2013
  16. Hawaii tourism revenue on record-breaking pace
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Thursday, December 27, 2012
December 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4913 Views
  1. Abercrombie Appoints Schatz, Mazie to be Junior Senator
  2. Inouye Staff Offer Dead Fish, Tell Schatz ‘Good Luck’
  3. Hubris Online: Abercrombie’s Head Scratcher Not Logical, Must be Personal
  4. Obama Skips Inouye in Memoirs
  5. Seniority? Hawaii is better off without it
  6. Matson Buying Reef Shipping
  7. DoE Launching College, Career Readiness Assessments
  8. 3 Stooges VIDEO: Biden Swears in Schatz as Reid Looks on
  9. Schism: Abercrombie May Have Ignited Civil War in Democratic Party
  10. Star-Adv: Schatz Has to Prove He’s Earned it before 2014
  11. LG: Tsutsui or Say?
  12. Fiscal Cliff to Tax All Earners
  13. Obama Hits Balls with Buddy Busted in Prostitution Sting
  14. More PV installations on Oahu this year than in past decade combined
  15. No Rail Decision Yet, Decision Faces Likely Appeal
  16. EIS needed for transit-oriented development in Kakaako
  17. Group has 38 ideas to reduce Hawaiians in prison
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012
December 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 15626 Views
  1. Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Maui, Honolulu: Tea Party ‘Mastermind’ to Speak
  2. Mazie Cries: “Me, Me, Me!”
  3. Schatz is considered leader among 14 candidates to replace Inouye
  4. Obama to end Christmas vacation early
  5. Sequestration threat hangs over Hawaii military base where Obama landed for vacation
  6. County Governments to Host Services for Inouye
  7. Herculean Effort Needed to Buy out Turtle Bay Developers
  8. Link between pot, psychosis goes both ways in kids
  9. After 30 years on Streets, Homeless Dude Retiring to Home For Elderly
  10. Chicago Neighborhoods Jostle for Obama Library
  11. Hawaii judge Ezra coming to Alamo City
  12. American Samoa officials in Hawaii to look at bank options
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
December 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:14 PM :: 4582 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. Maui Chamber: Abercrombie Budget Short $372M
  3. Complete List of the Gay-Atheist Potheads Who are Selecting your next Senator
  4. Inouye replacement to be named Wednesday
  5. Combined ceremony will install Council and mayor
  6. Tsuji: Farmers Should be Forced to Comply with “Food Safety” Certification
  7. Federal workers feel unease over potential layoffs, furloughs unleashed by ‘fiscal cliff’
  8. Time running out on defense industry efforts to avoid sequester
  9. DHS Grants Hawaii Real ID Extension
  10. New year could be a time for revisiting possible ferry
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Monday, December 24, 2012
December 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 4878 Views
  1. Is Abercrombie Vitousek?
  2. Ed Case: Disagreeing With Inouye 'Cost me dearly'
  3. Case Applies for Senate Vacancy
  4. Sea Level Rise? Nonsense, Oahu is Rising From the Sea
  5. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  6. Dead Fish Story at ‘Boss’ Inouye Memorial
  7. Star-Adv: Inouye ‘Trick’ to Pass Akaka Bill Beyond the Grave
  8. Kiaaina Jumps In
  9. 1 in 5 city towing bills inflated, invoices show
  10. Barking Sands: 430 Rocket Launches
  11. North Korea could have U.S. within missile range, says South
  12. Inouye: Great Friend of Israel
  13. Obama Gives Kuhio Park Developer $300K
  14. Gun Control Screeds:
  15. Carlisle Seeks to Build on Hands-Off Management Legacy
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Sunday, December 23, 2012
December 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 5572 Views
  1. Hawaiian Culture: "All politics was religious and all religions were political"
  2. Helping to Drain the State Treasury With Tax Credits
  3. Why Not Hunting?
  4. Hawaii DCCA Wins Case Against Payday Lenders
  5. Two Hawaii Supreme Court Cases to Watch
  6. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  7. VIDEO: A Better Day with Senator Slom and Special Guest Linda Smith
  8. Star-Adv: Ed Case was Right, We Support Hirono against Hanabusa
  9. Harry Reid to Abercrombie:  Ignore Hirono, Make Quick Appointment
  10. ILind: Forget Hanabusa, Abercrombie Would Rather Appoint a Liberal
  11. Star-Adv: “Smaller than expected” Crowd at Inouye Memorial
  12. Obama Golfing in Hawaii With Pal Arrested in Prostitution Sting
  13. Occupy Lawsuit Seeks Boost to Homelessness Industry
  14. UPW’s For Profit Prison to Boost Hilo’s Economy?
  15. North Korea EMP attack could destroy U.S. — now
  16. Sovereignty Activist Dies
  17. Afghanistan: Continuing the Legacy


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Saturday, December 22, 2012
December 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:42 PM :: 6143 Views
  1. House Finance Ctte to Consider Budget
  2. Committee on Energy and Environment to Discuss Invasive Species
  3. UHERO: Hawaii Personal Income Growth Slows
  4. DOE Releases Report on Farrington High School Auditorium Collapse
  5. U.S. East and Gulf Coast dock strike may threaten Islanders
  6. No Hawaii Beverage Tax
  7. Rail: Honolulu Pays $5.5B, Orlando Gets Train for Free
  8. “Battle for Control of the Democratic Party”
  9. List of Senate Wannabees to be Released Monday
  10. Today We Are Gathered … To Hear More About Me
  11. Not a Single Teacher Fired in 2010-11--Cheating Draws One Day Suspension
  12. HART completes trench work for archaeological survey ahead of schedule
  13. Surge is on to get gun registrations and permits
  14. Deedy seeking to limit later use of his testimony
  15. Foreclosures march toward levels seen before law’s overhaul
  16. City crosswalk pilot project launches
  17. $1000/day Fines for Plastic Bag Use on Big Island
  18. UH biosafety lab on Kalaeloa site gets federal OK
  19. Hawaii State Energy Office able to show location of renewable energy resources
  20. EPA Maui Water report Doesn’t Give Enviros What they Want
  21. City Raid on Occupy Nets Junk, Misses Tents
  22. Court Stays Law Barring Therapy for Boys ‘Turned’ by Predators
  23. Japan's next leader wants freer rein for military
  24. Pressure grows on Senate Democrats to act on ‘fiscal cliff’
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Friday, December 21, 2012
December 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 5710 Views
  1. Sneak Attack? Akaka Bill Placed on Senate Calendar
  2. List of Potential Senate Candidates is also List of Potential Special Election Candidates
  3. Akaka's Hatch Act Modernization Bill Passes Congress
  4. Akaka Introduces Tribal Self-Governance Bill
  5. Auditor: Keep Postsecondary Authorization Board at UH
  6. Auditor Identifies Eleven Improper Revolving Funds
  7. Abercrombie Plan: Shortchange Retirees for next 150 Years
  8. Star-Adv: Keep Giving Millions to Solar Scammers while Legislature Dithers
  9. Barrel Tax: State Energy Office Makes Grab for General Fund
  10. Iwase: State Should form Panel Mandated to Invent New Types of Taxation
  11. State urged to beef up its mental health services
  12. Cayetano to Speak on 'Ending Corruption in Hawaii'
  13. Police Cleanse Thomas Square
  14. Hawaii's population grows by 1% in past year
  15. Bad News for Solar Scammers, Electric Bills Going Down
  16. Big Cable: What Passes for Resource Planning In Hawaii
  17. Gun lines build at HPD headquarters
  18. HECO Faces: ‘Strong Regulated Growth Opportunities’
  19. Obama: Inspired by Vision of Inouye Prosecuting Nixon  
  20. Japan: Inouye Monopolized US-Japan Relations, death leaves hole
  21. North Korea’s missile launch could affect work in Hawaii
  22. Kauai Council bans Fishing at Old Hawaiian Fish Pond
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
December 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 7160 Views
  1. Update on the Federal Court Rail Project Challenge
  2. Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Hawaii Scores Near Bottom
  3. Sause Building New Barge to Service Hawaii
  4. With Hawaii Army Guard mentoring, Afghan forces take independent strides
  5. VIDEO: Inouye honored in Capitol Rotunda
  6. Hirono Fights to Block Early Hanabusa Appointment
  7. Schatz Will Apply for Senate Nomination, Inouye Cronies Threaten Abercrombie
  8. Isle delegation's power decreases to nil, Hirono not Up to the Job
  9. Star-Adv: Rail Funding Sends Signal to Judge
  10. Saddle Road completion could be in jeopardy Loss of Inouye might mean less funding
  11. Insane, Shocking: Kauai County revenues down, expenses up
  12. Planning Decision Delays Waimanalo Gulch Decision
  13. Occupy Lawsuit Could End Homeless Sweeps
  14. Hawaii Ethics Commission Sends 'Ambitious' Set of Bills to Legislature
  15. Hawaii personal income growth slows in third quarter
  16. The Atlantic: Tsunami sirens in Honolulu
  17. Suicide Doctor Plays Word Games
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
December 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4611 Views
  1. Hanabusa will apply for Senate vacancy, Case Considers Special Election Run
  2. Democrats Pretend to Open Selection Process
  3. $1.55B -- Feds Sign Full Funding Agreement for Rail
  4. Hawaii's Sudden Economic Tsunami
  5. Earmark Ban Helped Inouye Drive More Money to Hawaii
  6. Inouye Successor Will Face Election in 2014
  7. Green Energy and Rail Get an 'F'
  8. Hawaii's Future: California Solar Power Adds $1.3B to Non-Users' Costs
  9. Wonderblunder: Greenwood Thanks University for 'Patience as we Process all the Confusion'
  10. Hawaii County: In Election Cases, Time Deadlines Matter
  11. Feds set no-go zones for Obama vacation
  12. Slom: Without Inouye, Abercrombie Budget Doesn’t Balance 
  13. Inouye to be Buried Sunday
  14. Vermont Grabs Appropriations, California Judiciary, Intelligence?
  15. Transit funding ceremony 'bittersweet' two days after Inouye's death
  16. Hawaii Medical Information Exchange Reaches 50% of Providers
  17. PUC Gives Abercrombie Campaign Co-Chair Lucrative Airport Biodiesel Contract
  18. Elections Commission Investigation Into Ballot Shortage Almost Pau
  19. Sunshine Law Gives Power to Lobbyists, Bureaucrats, Staff
  20. Hawaii one of Only Two States Without Independent Oversight of Property Tax Assessments
  21. Occupy Honolulu Gets Temporary restraining order against Raids
  22. Ewa Development Plan on Agenda
  23. DoE News: School Committee Chair Convicted on Kiddie Porn Charges
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012
December 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 4738 Views
  1. Hawaii Loses One of its Three Major Industries
  2. Inouye wanted Hanabusa to succeed him in U.S. Senate
  3. Senator Daniel Inouye Dies at 88
  4. Abercrombie Submits Biennium Budget to State Legislature
  5. The Jones Act Debate in Puerto Rico: Urban Legend or a Never-Ending Story?
  6. Anti-Mafia Police Sieze More Property Tied to Hawaii Windfarm Developer
  7. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 17, 2012
  8. SA: Inouye Memorial Coverage
  9. $439M in First Year: Abercrombie Budget Boosts Spending 19%
  10. Potheads, Gay-Atheists to Select Inouye’s Replacement
  11. 33-18: Carroll, Awana Bolt to Souki Camp
  12. 20-Year HSTA Member Describes Being Worn Down by RTTT
  13. Obama expected to choose Chicago for presidential library
  14. Hawaii Among 18 States moving forward on health insurance exchanges
  15. Design flaw blamed for fall of school roof
  16. Military housing allowance in Hawaii to go up by nearly 20% for some
  17. Maluhia program best served by renewing doctor’s contract
  18. Ex-guard pleads guilty to sex assault of inmate
  19. Congresswoman:: Honolulu TSA Should go Easy on Muslims
  20. Time for Bold Action on Biofuels
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Monday, December 17, 2012
December 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:10 PM :: 4535 Views
  1. Inouye ‘Fighting Respiratory Complications’
  2. Jones Act union official calls islands “off-mainland threat”
  3. Republicans can win over Asian Voters, if they try
  4. Hawaii's Real Unemployment Rate: 13.7%
  5. SA: Close School, Open Prison!
  6. Legalize It? Legislature Might Amend Hawaii Pakalolo Laws
  7. An appointment with destiny for the GLBT Caucus?
  8. Answering Critics of U.S. Military Spending
  9. Bad checks, taxes, HR on Cost Control Commission’s annual report
  10. Flooding hassles in Hauula have hui 'looking at litigation'
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 PM :: 4418 Views
  1. Connecticut Shooting: Failure of Mental Health System
  2. Hold the Tax Increases and Cut the Spending
  3. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  4. 700 Civil Unions Disproportionately on Maui, Kauai
  5. Obamacare: Will HMSA/Kaiser Duopoly Block Mandated Competition?
  6. Death toll from Philippine typhoon breaches 1,000
  7. Local ties in Hawaii help storm victims in Samoa
  8. Zero Progress: Handi-Van Strangled to Pay for Rail
  9. Public input crucial about 650-foot tower
  10. Riviere: Many questions deserve answers about Turtle Bay Resort expansion
  11. City towing vendor inflated its fees
  12. Hawaii Co Council Considers Establishing Environmentalism as Official Religion
  13. As Funding is Cut, Mauna Kea telescopes Scramble
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Saturday, December 15, 2012
December 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 4687 Views
  1. UHERO: Film Subsidies Illegal Giveaway to Corporations
  2. Honolulu Neighborhood Board Candidate Filing Opens
  3. Court: Kawaiahao Subject to Burial Council
  4. Supreme Court Slaps Down Maui County Takings Claim
  5. Guam: Mayor Seizes Neighbor's Land
  6. 31-20 Rhoades Bolts to Souki Camp
  7. Hawaii to pay athletic director $293K per year
  8. Oahu property values up $4.2B
  9. Honolulu adds 5,200 private-sector jobs over 12-month period
  10. Court: Burials Law Applies to Modern Burials Too
  11. Surfing the Nations helping Central Oahu’s Wahiawa be more family-friendly
  12. Organ donors are poised to give others the gift of life
  13. New gambling-machine sweep targets Lucky Touch arcades
  14. DNA Games: Deputy Faces Sex Assault Charges
  15. Queen's finalizes purchase of HMC
  16. Keep an eye out for possible mental illness in horrific Connecticut shooting
  17. Usual Suspects Use Connecticut Shooting to Push Gun Control
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Friday, December 14, 2012
December 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 6092 Views
  1. FULL TEXT: Former HSTA President Challenges Okabe on Negotiations
  2. Hawaii Ranks 45th in Business Policy Index
  3. Cyclone Evan Pounds Samoa, Heading for Tonga, Fiji
  4. SunRun, SolarCity: Hawaii Solar Installers Subpoenaed
  5. Intensive Care? Inouye Hospitalized Indefinitely
  6. DHHL: Another Secret Resignation from Abercrombie Administration
  7. KSBE/Mafia-Connected First Wind Switching to Solar Scams
  8. Atheist: AG Louie Helped Me Kill Charity Concert
  9. Oshiro to lead Say Faction--Challenge to Dissidents
  10. Obama’s Asia team caught off guard, partying when NK rocket launched
  11. UH regents seem neutered by 'culture of deference'
  12. 27% Pay Cut for MDs: Health-care providers plan for fiscal cliff
  13. Hawaii Among Only 15 States Opting to Run Obamacare Exchanges
  14. Hawaii’s Tallest Building to be Tower of Landlord Slavery
  15. Hippie Charter Schools Approved, Serious Ones Denied
  16. Hirono, Lingle Debts Remain After Campaign
  17. Lawmakers: HCDA Should Postpone 690 Pohukaina Decision-Making
  18. Queen's finalizes acquisition of defunct Ewa hospital
  19. Donovan Accepts AD Position at CSUF
  20. Massive Property Tax Hikes on Tap for East Hawaii
  21. Turtle Bay Resort pitches new expansion plans
  22. Drug-Free Coalition in contract dispute with city
  23. More Gambling Raids, Distributor Sues HPD
  24. Mass Hypnosis: Paradise Converted to Superfund Site
  25. Undersea Cable May Run Afoul Of WWII Munitions Dump
  26. Hawaii Non-Profits Merge
  27. DUI: $1000 or One Year
  28. Anti-GMO Hypesters to Face off with Forces of Reason, Science
  29. Alaska, Korea Talk Natural Gas
  30. All 50 States Allow Concealed Carry, Hawaii, Alabama Among only 10 With ‘May-Issue’
  31. Homosexual Rapist Pleads Guilty
  32. Kauai Council Still Considering 500% Property Tax Hike for Disabled Veterans, DHHL, Nonprofits
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Thursday, December 13, 2012
December 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:10 AM :: 5667 Views
  1. Jones Act U.S.- build requirement is a sham
  2. Hearing Act 130, Relating to Charter Schools
  3. Supreme Court: Labor Board Can Slow Walk HSTA
  4. Why Stop at $500K? DoTax Secret Agreement Allows Giant Solar Scammers to Reap Multiple Tax Credits
  5. Legacy: Dan Akaka Unable to Win Passage of Akaka Bill
  6. 3x0=0: Hirono will sit on Senate energy, judiciary and veterans committees
  7. Federal judge expects ruling in Honolulu rail lawsuit ‘in short order’
  8. Weeks after election, state workers still not paid
  9. Hawaii one of only Two States With Hispanic HS Graduation Rates Above State Average
  10. Nearly 100 Schools to Protest Accountability
  11. Greedy HSTA
  12. Substitute teachers to receive tens of millions in back pay
  13. DoE 55 School Bus Contracts Expire this Month
  14. Another DoE Embezzler Heads to Prison
  15. Hawaii Lawmakers Report Receiving Twice as Much in Gifts as Last Year
  16. City paramedics, EMTs file complaint on overtime pay
  17. Honolulu’s October unemployment rate twice as high as pre-recession level
  18. Oi: Traffic Should be Focus of Turtle Bay Opposition
  19. Dopey Advertiser: Legalize ‘Natural’ Marijuana, Criminalize Synthetic Marijuana
  20. Invasive Moth to Combat Invasive Weed
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 6170 Views
  1. Effects on a State After Loss of Senior Senator
  2. Sierra Club Sues, Demands DoTax Continue to Defy Legislature, Give Money to Solar Scammers
  3. TPL, OHA Gain Control of Galbraith Estate
  4. Economist: Visa Waivers Behind Hawaii Tourism Boom
  5. Study: Hawaii 2nd Healthiest State in USA
  6. North Korea Threatens with Successful Missile Launch
  7. North Korea Missile Launch Successful
  8. OHA installs five trustees to new four-year terms
  9. Enviros: NW Hawaiian Isles Should be Superfund Site
  10. Wooley: PLDC Repeal at top of Souki’s Agenda
  11. HSTA Walks Away from Negotiations over Evaluations
  12. Federal Judge to Review Arguments in Rail Lawsuit Today
  13. TOD: HCDA to Choose Developer for Kakaako Mega-Tower Thursday
  14. Hawaii Tech Transformation to Consume 2.4% of Budget
  15. Aloha Pacific Buys Up Another Credit Union
  16. Man Accused of Defrauding Elderly Creates "Hawaii Reported" Web Site
  17. Former clerk Kawauchi lands job in county prosecutor’s office
  18. Meet Jenn Labencki, The Navy Wife
  19. Demise of Star-Bulletin Leads to Less Recycling
  20. Convicted Thief Mike Golujuch Despoils Honolulu City Lights
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
December 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4714 Views
  1. Inouye Secretly Hospitalized Since December 6
  2. HSTA Rejects Teacher Evaluations, Turns Down State's Offer
  3. Rail: Final Federal Court Hearing This Wednesday
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 10, 2012
  5. Full Text: Green Party Sues Nago Over Botched Election
  6. Economist: Visa Waivers Behind Hawaii Tourism Boom
  7. Civil Rights Lawyer: Moanalua HS Concert Constitutional
  8. Politico: Tulsi Gabbard ‘Being Groomed for Senate’
  9. Teachers are Dull, Sleepy--Its the Parents Fault
  10. Hawaii Has Bipartisanship, Not anti-union Fervor
  11. OHA Grabs 500 Acres of Galbraith Estate
  12. AARP: Go Over the Cliff, We’ll Be Fine
  13. Hawaii Voter Turnout Drops 4.6%, Lowest in Nation
  14. The Past-and-Future Speaker has few grassroots
  15. Cancer services need restoring
  16. Fiscal Cliff: UH Submarines Grounded
  17. Native Hawaiian college enrollment increasing at University of Hawaii campuses
  18. Number of homeless remains unchanged in Hawaii
  19. Berg: Nanakuli Community Robbed
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Monday, December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 4384 Views
  1. Akaka Tribe: We Can Kick Out Anybody Anytime for Any Reason
  2. Hawaii Health Connector Signs Key Contracts
  3. Star-Adv: DoE Was Right to Obey Atheist Commands
  4. Teacher: HSTA Protests are Against RTTT
  5. FBI Drops Investigation of Hawaii School Bus Company Collusion
  6. Cost of UPW: Hawaii to Pay $52 per Inmate per Day in order to Shut School, Open Prison
  7. Big losses scar careers of once-elite politicians
  8. Traffic: Turtle Bay vs Envision Laie
  9. Ecos: Coastal Property values Will Crash Due to Global Worming
  10. Global Worming, Corals, and Excuses
  11. Illegal tobacco sales to minors in Hawaii drops to lowest rate ever
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Sunday, December 9, 2012
December 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 4464 Views
  1. Auditor: HI-5 Program is Exposed to Fraud
  2. HSTA: Contract Negotiations 'Most Productive in Months'
  3. Ben Jay of Ohio State University accepts job as Athletics Director
  4. Fights at Kealakehe HS Caused by Harassment of Micronesians
  5. Hawaii Ranks 48th in Broadband Deployment
  6. Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
  7. Tesoro: State’s Largest Refinery to Close?
  8. Now that Rail is Approved, Another Lane Is Suddenly Being Added to H-1 
  9. Tax-and-spend Legislature is ready to hand out gifts
  10. Abercrombie Half the Man he Used to Be
  11. UH Fumbles Announcement of New Athletic Director
  12. North Korea considers delaying rocket launch
  13. Hawaii Law Allows DPS to Temporarily Outlaw New Synthetic Drugs
  14. City selling vacant lots in Ewa as part of its revitalization plan
  15. Months After Priest Dies, Suit filed against Damien HS
  16. Big Isle teachers join in protest
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
December 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:25 PM :: 4310 Views
  1. Honolulu City Council to Honor December 7 Vets at Ewa Field
  2. Hire the Handicapped? Hawaii One of Only 5 States Without 'Medicaid Buy-In'
  3. Governor Appoints Joshua Wisch as Deputy Director of Taxation
  4. UHERO: Developing Countries Buoy Asian Growth
  5. House Ag Committee to Consider 'Food Safety'
  6. Earful: HECO Community Meeting Set for Molokai
  7. Japan poised to shoot down North Korean missile Monday
  8. Blowback: Concert Ticket Sales Skyrocket after Drudge Report Picks up Atheist Attack
  9. Ohio State's Ben Jay accepts UH athletics director job, according to reports
  10. Senator seeks $15M for tsunami debris
  11. Pro-Se Sideshow Fails, but Hawaii Concealed Carry Case Still Before Courts
  12. Own Roadside Property? Maui Tomorrow Wants to Take it Away
  13. Hilo Boys Re-Take Kona at $21/vote
  14. After Kealakehe Fights, ‘Marshallese Cultural Awareness’ Needed?
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Friday, December 7, 2012
December 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 4966 Views
  1. Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, and Hawaii Statehood
  2. After Atheist Attack, Charity Concert Relocated
  3. Eco Groups Testify Against New Aquarium Fish Laws
  4. Suppressed by Star-Bulletin: Pearl Harbor report published for the first time, 71 years later
  5. Attorney General Louie Refused to Defend Charity Concert
  6. Old and Wealthy dominate Hawaii voting
  7. Hawaii Legislator Salaries Going Up 25 Percent
  8. Supreme Court to hear historic same-sex marriage cases
  9. Honolulutraffic et al. & City/FTA file court papers over an injunction
  10. HART Forks Out $29.5M to Kiewit
  11. Governor Recovering from Shoulder Surgery
  12. HSTA: Contract negotiations moving forward
  13. Abuse of Micronesians Behind Kealakehe School Shutdown
  14. Caldwell, PAC Spent $5 Million In Mayoral Campaign
  15. Hanabusa Spent $1.2M, Djou $977K
  16. Pineapple PAC: Hirono Launches Political Slush Fund
  17. Activists Renew Push for Public Funding of Elections
  18. Another Big Island reporter Gets Job Working for Politician
  19. Hawaii Has Among the Lowest Unemployment
  20. State to get analysis of progress on energy goal--Many question whether HI can meet 2030 objectives
  21. Graduating senior Maria Agurto: Republican Club pres. got involved
  22. Bag ban theory Plastic sack prohibition to begin Jan. 17
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Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:23 PM :: 4175 Views
  1. Hawaii 2013: State, Federal Taxes to Top 50%
  2. Fiscal Cliff: $480M from Hawaii Kupuna
  3. Hawaii Collects $186M/year from Big Tobacco
  4. HSTA Claims 'Work to Rule' Protests Legal
  5. Is Opposition to Genetic Engineering Moral?
  6. Reapportionment Case to be Considered Jan 14
  7. Honolulu Prosecutor: Recidivism is Going to Go Up Because of Abercrombie
  8. Council vote allows city to tap $1.55B for rail
  9. Martin Reelected Council Chair
  10. The teachers union and state resumed negotiations Wednesday
  11. DoE: Procurement Changes, IT, Bell Schedules tied to Bus Audit
  12. Schatz to be Acting Governor
  13. Report: North Korea Could Launch Rocket By Next Week
  14. Obama gives Akaka "props" at tribal nations conference
  15. Ohio State official seen as top candidate for UH athletic director
  16. Greenwood Puts Her name on Cancer Center
  17. HELCO to Convert Generator to BioMess?
  18. Eco-Faddists Launch Campaign to ban Spear Fishing
  19. Wailuku Main Street won’t comply with subpoena
  20. CommPac Adds Fale
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012
December 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 5023 Views
  1. Greenwood to Kim: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
  2. Over 200 Hawaii Teams in Blaisdell Robotics Tourney
  3. Hawaii Medicaid Spends Least on Long Term Care
  4. Atheist Threat Shuts Down Charity Concert
  5. Mainland Lawyer in Hawaii Conspiring to Impose Gay Marriage
  6. Wind Scammers Blame Fire Department for Kahuku Fire, Same Technology Now Used on Maui
  7. Shapiro: Return Election Control to LG
  8. Akaka Bill backers trying to make end run around Congress
  9. Progressives: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ is an Opportunity to Trash Military
  10. Hawaii Medical Association Opposes Physician-Assisted Suicide
  11. Souki Snags Two More Dems, Still Needs GOP
  12. BoE: ‘Rules’ Say Teachers Work More Than Seven Hours
  13. Board Members Want More Answers From Consultant's Bus Study
  14. Now that Rail is Approved, State Suddenly Acts to Reduce Traffic Jams
  15. Gov: Hawaii taking cautious view on fiscal cliff
  16. Audio of Abercrombie Threatening Greenwood
  17. Former Gov. Ben Cayetano hospitalized overnight
  18. DLNR to Waste $100K on ‘Large Yellow Object’?
  19. Mayor Mafiaboi Sets off Fireworks
  20. Hawaii Business BOSS Survey - December 2012
  21. Federal Lawsuit Claims Jones Act Violates the U.S. Constitution
  22. Global Worming: More Doom and Gloom from the Gore Cult
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
December 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:58 PM :: 4563 Views
  1. Rail: The Final Vote
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 3, 2012
  3. Hawaii: 78% of Teens not Working
  4. Hawaii: 3rd Lowest Foreclosure Rate in Nation
  5. Yap: Seabees Pitch in on Canoe Project
  6. ICA Mandates 'Contested Case' for Water Disputes
  7. Play by Play: Opening Day of Hoopili Litigation
  8. Thielen: Cable Could Cost $16B, Kahuku Adds to Mass of Unused Turbines Littering the Land 
  9. Rail audit finds some flaws
  10. Rail Injunction Hearing Looms
  11. Souki announces new House leadership team
  12. Cut spending or raise taxes is the choice at Legislature
  13. Billionaire Movie Moguls Get Slap on the Wrist for Bribing legislators
  14. Who Will Lead If Inouye and Abercrombie Leave Office?
  15. Hawaii Senator Leaving Office With Akaka Bill In Limbo
  16. Star-Adv: Go Easy on Molesters
  17. Kihei Charter School’s 12-Year Success
  18. 8 other schools so far that share Collapsed Roof truss construction
  19. BoE to Discuss School Bus Report Today
  20. HECO’s Smart Meter Hoax
  21. New Kauai prosecutor vows to rebuild relationships
  22. Latest Trick: Blame Fishermen for Shark Attacks
  23. Pot Growing HPD officer's sentencing postponed until January
  24. $300K For Legal Help in HPD Discrimination Case
  25. Patient satisfaction up at HMC
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Monday, December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 4941 Views
  1. Workshops Maui, Big Isle: 'We the Powerful'
  2. New Aquarium Fish Rules to Maintain Sustainability
  3. Hawaii Humane Society: Our Opponent is Evil, We are Good
  4. ACLU: Hawaii Law Unfair to Young Rapists and Sex Tourist Pedophiles
  5. Hawaii ACLU Whines Because Pedophiles are Ostracized
  6. Akaka Retiring: Plenty Aloha, But What About Accomplishments?
  7. Unions Don’t Trust State Push for IT
  8. Star-Adv: Lets Burn $5M on Rail Station ‘Art’ 
  9. Maui Fresh Fish files for bankruptcy after building a hatchery but hitting opposition
  10. A ban on smoking at beaches would enhance Hawaii's reputation
  11. Big Island: Feds Aim to Grab 29,573 Acres
  12. Turtle Bay Resort developers deserve some credit but still coming up short
  13. Council empowers commission to pursue Papa‘a Bay access
  14. ‘Change’ to be Focus of Pearl Harbor Commemoration 
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
December 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 5172 Views
  1. County and State Boards and Commissions--How You Can Get Involved
  2. Health Care Cost to Rise with Federal Mandate
  3. Hawaii Number of Uninsured Children Jumps 55%
  4. Supreme Court DHHL Ruling … Paves Way for Casino at Convention Center?
  5. In Response to Teacher Protest, DoE Defends RTTT Teacher Evaluations
  6. Public Rejects HSTA Protests 60-40%
  7. Star-Adv: 'Casual hire' policy at DOE is too casual
  8. Star-Adv Explains How Homosexual Child Molesters ‘Turn’ Youth
  9. 39 Sex Offenders Doing ‘Volunteer Work’, State Keeps their Secrets
  10. Rep. Gilbert Keith-Agaran Reluctant to Expose Child Molesters
  11. Larry Flynt: Porn Shoots in Hawaii Should be Ignored, Accepted
  12. Welfare Caseload up 23%, Foodstamps up 88%
  13. Nago Proves Screwing up is the Surest Path to Job Security
  14. AUDIO: Abercrombie’s Voice Mail Pressuring Greenwood
  15. County says new state law leaves it in the dark on geothermal decisions
  16. HHSC Tries to Cut MD’s Hours, Eliminate his Health Coverage
  17. LA Times: Hawaii finds success with tough-love approach to repeat offenders
  18. Norks Prepare Ballistic Missile Launch
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
December 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:19 PM :: 4344 Views
  1. DoE School Bus Report: "Every Aspect Needs Systemic Change"
  2. NOAA Proposes Listing 66 Coral Species as Endangered
  3. AG Louie Opposes 'National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act'
  4. First, Third Circuit Judges Petition for Retention
  5. JSC Nominates Five to First Circuit
  6. Only 17% Support Jones Act
  7. Higa Going to be Hard to Replace
  8. $19 Million More In Honolulu Rail Contracts Signed
  9. Man accused in UH concert scam pleads not guilty
  10. Deedy not Drunk says Lawyer
  11. Your Tax Dollars at Work: Big Island Carbon officers paid nearly $500K
  12. Suit blames Plaza for negligent care
  13. Mainland strike may impact Hawaii shipping
  14. Appeals Court Orders Contested Case in East Maui Water Dispute
  15. Back On His Feet After Losing His Legs
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