Entries for December 2012
Monday, December 31, 2012 |
December 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 3965 Views
- Report: State Office of Planning to Become Super-PLDC
- $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1
- WaPo: Last Day Play by Play on ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Negotiations
- WT: Republicans have conceded
- ‘Green’ A&B Now Hawaii’s Largest ‘Renewable’ Energy Profiteer
- Fiscal Cliff, Loss of Seniority Require “Budget Re-Management”
- Rail at Risk: Abercrombie’s SHPD Set to Lose Federal Certification Due to Incompetence
- Abercrombie, not Inouye is ‘Relic of Bygone Era’
- Mainland Homosexuals Pledged $750K to Back Blake Oshiro for Senate
- Schatz accepting resumes for Washington, isles staff jobs
- Visitors broke tourism records
- Star-Adv: State must control commercial uses of public beaches
- Homeless? Federal Funding Targets Female Vets
- OHA ‘Stab in the Back’ to Poi Mill Workers
- Soft-on-Crime Policies Cause Death of Criminal
- Am Samoa Scrambles to Save US Banking Presence
- Isle soldiers prepare for Afghan mission
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Sunday, December 30, 2012 |
December 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 4438 Views
- Helping Hawaii to Help Itself
- Prosecutor: Illinois Ruling May Affect Concealed-Carry Laws in Hawaii
- Honolulu Rail Remedy - Phasers On Minimal
- Tom Berg: Farewell to Honolulu Hale
- Molokai Alt-Energy Festival
- Arakawa, Tsutsui, Souki, Machado: Inouye Was One of Us
- Hundreds pay respect to late U.S. senator in Lihu‘e
- Star-Adv: Inouye Death Proves Mayans Right
- Audits: Recycling Centers Stealing Millions from Taxpayers
- HSTA Member: Teacher evaluation not a simple matter
- Democrats sought for Central Maui Senate seat
- O‘Conner to chair Kauai Police Commission, Appeal Likely to Move Forward
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Saturday, December 29, 2012 |
December 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:18 PM :: 4365 Views
- Full Text: "Leveraging State Agency Involvement in Transit-Oriented Development"
- Mayor-elect Caldwell Announces Key Appointments
- Hawaii DOE 2012 Year in Review
- Lanai to Congress: End Wind Production Tax Credit
- Kealakekua Kayak Rentals: DLNR Bans Small Businesses From Water
- Former Kauai Prosecutor Makes List of "America's Worst Bosses"
- Governor Appoints Judge Dean Ochiai to First Circuit Court
- Counties, Controlled by Old-Boys Getting No Hearing in Legislature
- Schatz First Day: Gives Away $60 Billion
- Hirono’s Plan for the Future: “Sooner or Later Seniority Has to Begin Again”
- Is military spending vulnerable in post-Inouye Hawaii?
- Carlisle, Berg Gone, Pledge Return
- Feds Fund Honolulu’s Rail Transit But Burials Complicate Route
- Danny DeGracia: The End of the Hawaii Republican Party
- Maximizing Solar Energy Credits in the New Year
- Campaigns & Elections Magazine Names Hawaii's Top 10 Political Influencers of 2012
- Animal Liberation Nuts Pay Ringling Bros Circus $9.8M for Fraudulent Lawsuit
- HMSA Hikes Rates 8.8%
- Hawaii’s Shield law to expire in June
- Mayor Arakawa signs isle plan, ‘framework’ for future of Maui
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Friday, December 28, 2012 |
December 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:16 PM :: 5691 Views
- "Impeach Abercrombie"
- Senator Donna Mercado Kim Selected as Senate President
- Shan Tsutsui Accepts Lt Governor Position, Not Moving to Oahu
- Rail: Tashima's final ruling — now the case is eligible for appeal
- Full Text: HART Wins Favorable Rail Ruling
- FULL TEXT: Native Hawaiian Justice Task Force Report
- Souza Appointed Oahu District Family Court Judge
- Tsutsui for Governor 2014?
- Tsutsui Promotion Shakes Up PLDC Legislation?
- Star-Adv: City Hall changes are promising
- Fiscal Cliff: Health officials worry about cuts to reimbursements
- Solar Scammers Now Claim DoTax is ‘Rewriting’ Law
- Biofuel: HELCO rate hike request blasted
- With Schatz Gone, Who Will Champion LNG?
- PBN: Green Energy, Tourism Will Continue to Drive Economy in 2013
- Hawaii tourism revenue on record-breaking pace
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Thursday, December 27, 2012 |
December 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4913 Views
- Abercrombie Appoints Schatz, Mazie to be Junior Senator
- Inouye Staff Offer Dead Fish, Tell Schatz ‘Good Luck’
- Hubris Online: Abercrombie’s Head Scratcher Not Logical, Must be Personal
- Obama Skips Inouye in Memoirs
- Seniority? Hawaii is better off without it
- Matson Buying Reef Shipping
- DoE Launching College, Career Readiness Assessments
- 3 Stooges VIDEO: Biden Swears in Schatz as Reid Looks on
- Schism: Abercrombie May Have Ignited Civil War in Democratic Party
- Star-Adv: Schatz Has to Prove He’s Earned it before 2014
- LG: Tsutsui or Say?
- Fiscal Cliff to Tax All Earners
- Obama Hits Balls with Buddy Busted in Prostitution Sting
- More PV installations on Oahu this year than in past decade combined
- No Rail Decision Yet, Decision Faces Likely Appeal
- EIS needed for transit-oriented development in Kakaako
- Group has 38 ideas to reduce Hawaiians in prison
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 |
December 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 15626 Views
- Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Maui, Honolulu: Tea Party ‘Mastermind’ to Speak
- Mazie Cries: “Me, Me, Me!”
- Schatz is considered leader among 14 candidates to replace Inouye
- Obama to end Christmas vacation early
- Sequestration threat hangs over Hawaii military base where Obama landed for vacation
- County Governments to Host Services for Inouye
- Herculean Effort Needed to Buy out Turtle Bay Developers
- Link between pot, psychosis goes both ways in kids
- After 30 years on Streets, Homeless Dude Retiring to Home For Elderly
- Chicago Neighborhoods Jostle for Obama Library
- Hawaii judge Ezra coming to Alamo City
- American Samoa officials in Hawaii to look at bank options
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012 |
December 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:14 PM :: 4582 Views
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- Maui Chamber: Abercrombie Budget Short $372M
- Complete List of the Gay-Atheist Potheads Who are Selecting your next Senator
- Inouye replacement to be named Wednesday
- Combined ceremony will install Council and mayor
- Tsuji: Farmers Should be Forced to Comply with “Food Safety” Certification
- Federal workers feel unease over potential layoffs, furloughs unleashed by ‘fiscal cliff’
- Time running out on defense industry efforts to avoid sequester
- DHS Grants Hawaii Real ID Extension
- New year could be a time for revisiting possible ferry
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Monday, December 24, 2012 |
December 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 4878 Views
- Is Abercrombie Vitousek?
- Ed Case: Disagreeing With Inouye 'Cost me dearly'
- Case Applies for Senate Vacancy
- Sea Level Rise? Nonsense, Oahu is Rising From the Sea
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- Dead Fish Story at ‘Boss’ Inouye Memorial
- Star-Adv: Inouye ‘Trick’ to Pass Akaka Bill Beyond the Grave
- Kiaaina Jumps In
- 1 in 5 city towing bills inflated, invoices show
- Barking Sands: 430 Rocket Launches
- North Korea could have U.S. within missile range, says South
- Inouye: Great Friend of Israel
- Obama Gives Kuhio Park Developer $300K
- Gun Control Screeds:
- Carlisle Seeks to Build on Hands-Off Management Legacy
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Sunday, December 23, 2012 |
December 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 5572 Views
- Hawaiian Culture: "All politics was religious and all religions were political"
- Helping to Drain the State Treasury With Tax Credits
- Why Not Hunting?
- Hawaii DCCA Wins Case Against Payday Lenders
- Two Hawaii Supreme Court Cases to Watch
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- VIDEO: A Better Day with Senator Slom and Special Guest Linda Smith
- Star-Adv: Ed Case was Right, We Support Hirono against Hanabusa
- Harry Reid to Abercrombie: Ignore Hirono, Make Quick Appointment
- ILind: Forget Hanabusa, Abercrombie Would Rather Appoint a Liberal
- Star-Adv: “Smaller than expected” Crowd at Inouye Memorial
- Obama Golfing in Hawaii With Pal Arrested in Prostitution Sting
- Occupy Lawsuit Seeks Boost to Homelessness Industry
- UPW’s For Profit Prison to Boost Hilo’s Economy?
- North Korea EMP attack could destroy U.S. — now
- Sovereignty Activist Dies
- Afghanistan: Continuing the Legacy
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Saturday, December 22, 2012 |
December 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:42 PM :: 6143 Views
- House Finance Ctte to Consider Budget
- Committee on Energy and Environment to Discuss Invasive Species
- UHERO: Hawaii Personal Income Growth Slows
- DOE Releases Report on Farrington High School Auditorium Collapse
- U.S. East and Gulf Coast dock strike may threaten Islanders
- No Hawaii Beverage Tax
- Rail: Honolulu Pays $5.5B, Orlando Gets Train for Free
- “Battle for Control of the Democratic Party”
- List of Senate Wannabees to be Released Monday
- Today We Are Gathered … To Hear More About Me
- Not a Single Teacher Fired in 2010-11--Cheating Draws One Day Suspension
- HART completes trench work for archaeological survey ahead of schedule
- Surge is on to get gun registrations and permits
- Deedy seeking to limit later use of his testimony
- Foreclosures march toward levels seen before law’s overhaul
- City crosswalk pilot project launches
- $1000/day Fines for Plastic Bag Use on Big Island
- UH biosafety lab on Kalaeloa site gets federal OK
- Hawaii State Energy Office able to show location of renewable energy resources
- EPA Maui Water report Doesn’t Give Enviros What they Want
- City Raid on Occupy Nets Junk, Misses Tents
- Court Stays Law Barring Therapy for Boys ‘Turned’ by Predators
- Japan's next leader wants freer rein for military
- Pressure grows on Senate Democrats to act on ‘fiscal cliff’
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Friday, December 21, 2012 |
December 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 5710 Views
- Sneak Attack? Akaka Bill Placed on Senate Calendar
- List of Potential Senate Candidates is also List of Potential Special Election Candidates
- Akaka's Hatch Act Modernization Bill Passes Congress
- Akaka Introduces Tribal Self-Governance Bill
- Auditor: Keep Postsecondary Authorization Board at UH
- Auditor Identifies Eleven Improper Revolving Funds
- Abercrombie Plan: Shortchange Retirees for next 150 Years
- Star-Adv: Keep Giving Millions to Solar Scammers while Legislature Dithers
- Barrel Tax: State Energy Office Makes Grab for General Fund
- Iwase: State Should form Panel Mandated to Invent New Types of Taxation
- State urged to beef up its mental health services
- Cayetano to Speak on 'Ending Corruption in Hawaii'
- Police Cleanse Thomas Square
- Hawaii's population grows by 1% in past year
- Bad News for Solar Scammers, Electric Bills Going Down
- Big Cable: What Passes for Resource Planning In Hawaii
- Gun lines build at HPD headquarters
- HECO Faces: ‘Strong Regulated Growth Opportunities’
- Obama: Inspired by Vision of Inouye Prosecuting Nixon
- Japan: Inouye Monopolized US-Japan Relations, death leaves hole
- North Korea’s missile launch could affect work in Hawaii
- Kauai Council bans Fishing at Old Hawaiian Fish Pond
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Thursday, December 20, 2012 |
December 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 7160 Views
- Update on the Federal Court Rail Project Challenge
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Hawaii Scores Near Bottom
- Sause Building New Barge to Service Hawaii
- With Hawaii Army Guard mentoring, Afghan forces take independent strides
- VIDEO: Inouye honored in Capitol Rotunda
- Hirono Fights to Block Early Hanabusa Appointment
- Schatz Will Apply for Senate Nomination, Inouye Cronies Threaten Abercrombie
- Isle delegation's power decreases to nil, Hirono not Up to the Job
- Star-Adv: Rail Funding Sends Signal to Judge
- Saddle Road completion could be in jeopardy Loss of Inouye might mean less funding
- Insane, Shocking: Kauai County revenues down, expenses up
- Planning Decision Delays Waimanalo Gulch Decision
- Occupy Lawsuit Could End Homeless Sweeps
- Hawaii Ethics Commission Sends 'Ambitious' Set of Bills to Legislature
- Hawaii personal income growth slows in third quarter
- The Atlantic: Tsunami sirens in Honolulu
- Suicide Doctor Plays Word Games
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 |
December 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4611 Views
- Hanabusa will apply for Senate vacancy, Case Considers Special Election Run
- Democrats Pretend to Open Selection Process
- $1.55B -- Feds Sign Full Funding Agreement for Rail
- Hawaii's Sudden Economic Tsunami
- Earmark Ban Helped Inouye Drive More Money to Hawaii
- Inouye Successor Will Face Election in 2014
- Green Energy and Rail Get an 'F'
- Hawaii's Future: California Solar Power Adds $1.3B to Non-Users' Costs
- Wonderblunder: Greenwood Thanks University for 'Patience as we Process all the Confusion'
- Hawaii County: In Election Cases, Time Deadlines Matter
- Feds set no-go zones for Obama vacation
- Slom: Without Inouye, Abercrombie Budget Doesn’t Balance
- Inouye to be Buried Sunday
- Vermont Grabs Appropriations, California Judiciary, Intelligence?
- Transit funding ceremony 'bittersweet' two days after Inouye's death
- Hawaii Medical Information Exchange Reaches 50% of Providers
- PUC Gives Abercrombie Campaign Co-Chair Lucrative Airport Biodiesel Contract
- Elections Commission Investigation Into Ballot Shortage Almost Pau
- Sunshine Law Gives Power to Lobbyists, Bureaucrats, Staff
- Hawaii one of Only Two States Without Independent Oversight of Property Tax Assessments
- Occupy Honolulu Gets Temporary restraining order against Raids
- Ewa Development Plan on Agenda
- DoE News: School Committee Chair Convicted on Kiddie Porn Charges
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012 |
December 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 4738 Views
- Hawaii Loses One of its Three Major Industries
- Inouye wanted Hanabusa to succeed him in U.S. Senate
- Senator Daniel Inouye Dies at 88
- Abercrombie Submits Biennium Budget to State Legislature
- The Jones Act Debate in Puerto Rico: Urban Legend or a Never-Ending Story?
- Anti-Mafia Police Sieze More Property Tied to Hawaii Windfarm Developer
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 17, 2012
- SA: Inouye Memorial Coverage
- $439M in First Year: Abercrombie Budget Boosts Spending 19%
- Potheads, Gay-Atheists to Select Inouye’s Replacement
- 33-18: Carroll, Awana Bolt to Souki Camp
- 20-Year HSTA Member Describes Being Worn Down by RTTT
- Obama expected to choose Chicago for presidential library
- Hawaii Among 18 States moving forward on health insurance exchanges
- Design flaw blamed for fall of school roof
- Military housing allowance in Hawaii to go up by nearly 20% for some
- Maluhia program best served by renewing doctor’s contract
- Ex-guard pleads guilty to sex assault of inmate
- Congresswoman:: Honolulu TSA Should go Easy on Muslims
- Time for Bold Action on Biofuels
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Monday, December 17, 2012 |
December 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:10 PM :: 4535 Views
- Inouye ‘Fighting Respiratory Complications’
- Jones Act union official calls islands “off-mainland threat”
- Republicans can win over Asian Voters, if they try
- Hawaii's Real Unemployment Rate: 13.7%
- SA: Close School, Open Prison!
- Legalize It? Legislature Might Amend Hawaii Pakalolo Laws
- An appointment with destiny for the GLBT Caucus?
- Answering Critics of U.S. Military Spending
- Bad checks, taxes, HR on Cost Control Commission’s annual report
- Flooding hassles in Hauula have hui 'looking at litigation'
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Sunday, December 16, 2012 |
December 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 PM :: 4418 Views
- Connecticut Shooting: Failure of Mental Health System
- Hold the Tax Increases and Cut the Spending
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- 700 Civil Unions Disproportionately on Maui, Kauai
- Obamacare: Will HMSA/Kaiser Duopoly Block Mandated Competition?
- Death toll from Philippine typhoon breaches 1,000
- Local ties in Hawaii help storm victims in Samoa
- Zero Progress: Handi-Van Strangled to Pay for Rail
- Public input crucial about 650-foot tower
- Riviere: Many questions deserve answers about Turtle Bay Resort expansion
- City towing vendor inflated its fees
- Hawaii Co Council Considers Establishing Environmentalism as Official Religion
- As Funding is Cut, Mauna Kea telescopes Scramble
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Saturday, December 15, 2012 |
December 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 4687 Views
- UHERO: Film Subsidies Illegal Giveaway to Corporations
- Honolulu Neighborhood Board Candidate Filing Opens
- Court: Kawaiahao Subject to Burial Council
- Supreme Court Slaps Down Maui County Takings Claim
- Guam: Mayor Seizes Neighbor's Land
- 31-20 Rhoades Bolts to Souki Camp
- Hawaii to pay athletic director $293K per year
- Oahu property values up $4.2B
- Honolulu adds 5,200 private-sector jobs over 12-month period
- Court: Burials Law Applies to Modern Burials Too
- Surfing the Nations helping Central Oahu’s Wahiawa be more family-friendly
- Organ donors are poised to give others the gift of life
- New gambling-machine sweep targets Lucky Touch arcades
- DNA Games: Deputy Faces Sex Assault Charges
- Queen's finalizes purchase of HMC
- Keep an eye out for possible mental illness in horrific Connecticut shooting
- Usual Suspects Use Connecticut Shooting to Push Gun Control
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Friday, December 14, 2012 |
December 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 6092 Views
- FULL TEXT: Former HSTA President Challenges Okabe on Negotiations
- Hawaii Ranks 45th in Business Policy Index
- Cyclone Evan Pounds Samoa, Heading for Tonga, Fiji
- SunRun, SolarCity: Hawaii Solar Installers Subpoenaed
- Intensive Care? Inouye Hospitalized Indefinitely
- DHHL: Another Secret Resignation from Abercrombie Administration
- KSBE/Mafia-Connected First Wind Switching to Solar Scams
- Atheist: AG Louie Helped Me Kill Charity Concert
- Oshiro to lead Say Faction--Challenge to Dissidents
- Obama’s Asia team caught off guard, partying when NK rocket launched
- UH regents seem neutered by 'culture of deference'
- 27% Pay Cut for MDs: Health-care providers plan for fiscal cliff
- Hawaii Among Only 15 States Opting to Run Obamacare Exchanges
- Hawaii’s Tallest Building to be Tower of Landlord Slavery
- Hippie Charter Schools Approved, Serious Ones Denied
- Hirono, Lingle Debts Remain After Campaign
- Lawmakers: HCDA Should Postpone 690 Pohukaina Decision-Making
- Queen's finalizes acquisition of defunct Ewa hospital
- Donovan Accepts AD Position at CSUF
- Massive Property Tax Hikes on Tap for East Hawaii
- Turtle Bay Resort pitches new expansion plans
- Drug-Free Coalition in contract dispute with city
- More Gambling Raids, Distributor Sues HPD
- Mass Hypnosis: Paradise Converted to Superfund Site
- Undersea Cable May Run Afoul Of WWII Munitions Dump
- Hawaii Non-Profits Merge
- DUI: $1000 or One Year
- Anti-GMO Hypesters to Face off with Forces of Reason, Science
- Alaska, Korea Talk Natural Gas
- All 50 States Allow Concealed Carry, Hawaii, Alabama Among only 10 With ‘May-Issue’
- Homosexual Rapist Pleads Guilty
- Kauai Council Still Considering 500% Property Tax Hike for Disabled Veterans, DHHL, Nonprofits
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Thursday, December 13, 2012 |
December 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:10 AM :: 5667 Views
- Jones Act U.S.- build requirement is a sham
- Hearing Act 130, Relating to Charter Schools
- Supreme Court: Labor Board Can Slow Walk HSTA
- Why Stop at $500K? DoTax Secret Agreement Allows Giant Solar Scammers to Reap Multiple Tax Credits
- Legacy: Dan Akaka Unable to Win Passage of Akaka Bill
- 3x0=0: Hirono will sit on Senate energy, judiciary and veterans committees
- Federal judge expects ruling in Honolulu rail lawsuit ‘in short order’
- Weeks after election, state workers still not paid
- Hawaii one of only Two States With Hispanic HS Graduation Rates Above State Average
- Nearly 100 Schools to Protest Accountability
- Greedy HSTA
- Substitute teachers to receive tens of millions in back pay
- DoE 55 School Bus Contracts Expire this Month
- Another DoE Embezzler Heads to Prison
- Hawaii Lawmakers Report Receiving Twice as Much in Gifts as Last Year
- City paramedics, EMTs file complaint on overtime pay
- Honolulu’s October unemployment rate twice as high as pre-recession level
- Oi: Traffic Should be Focus of Turtle Bay Opposition
- Dopey Advertiser: Legalize ‘Natural’ Marijuana, Criminalize Synthetic Marijuana
- Invasive Moth to Combat Invasive Weed
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012 |
December 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 6170 Views
- Effects on a State After Loss of Senior Senator
- Sierra Club Sues, Demands DoTax Continue to Defy Legislature, Give Money to Solar Scammers
- TPL, OHA Gain Control of Galbraith Estate
- Economist: Visa Waivers Behind Hawaii Tourism Boom
- Study: Hawaii 2nd Healthiest State in USA
- North Korea Threatens with Successful Missile Launch
- North Korea Missile Launch Successful
- OHA installs five trustees to new four-year terms
- Enviros: NW Hawaiian Isles Should be Superfund Site
- Wooley: PLDC Repeal at top of Souki’s Agenda
- HSTA Walks Away from Negotiations over Evaluations
- Federal Judge to Review Arguments in Rail Lawsuit Today
- TOD: HCDA to Choose Developer for Kakaako Mega-Tower Thursday
- Hawaii Tech Transformation to Consume 2.4% of Budget
- Aloha Pacific Buys Up Another Credit Union
- Man Accused of Defrauding Elderly Creates "Hawaii Reported" Web Site
- Former clerk Kawauchi lands job in county prosecutor’s office
- Meet Jenn Labencki, The Navy Wife
- Demise of Star-Bulletin Leads to Less Recycling
- Convicted Thief Mike Golujuch Despoils Honolulu City Lights
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012 |
December 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4714 Views
- Inouye Secretly Hospitalized Since December 6
- HSTA Rejects Teacher Evaluations, Turns Down State's Offer
- Rail: Final Federal Court Hearing This Wednesday
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 10, 2012
- Full Text: Green Party Sues Nago Over Botched Election
- Economist: Visa Waivers Behind Hawaii Tourism Boom
- Civil Rights Lawyer: Moanalua HS Concert Constitutional
- Politico: Tulsi Gabbard ‘Being Groomed for Senate’
- Teachers are Dull, Sleepy--Its the Parents Fault
- Hawaii Has Bipartisanship, Not anti-union Fervor
- OHA Grabs 500 Acres of Galbraith Estate
- AARP: Go Over the Cliff, We’ll Be Fine
- Hawaii Voter Turnout Drops 4.6%, Lowest in Nation
- The Past-and-Future Speaker has few grassroots
- Cancer services need restoring
- Fiscal Cliff: UH Submarines Grounded
- Native Hawaiian college enrollment increasing at University of Hawaii campuses
- Number of homeless remains unchanged in Hawaii
- Berg: Nanakuli Community Robbed
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Monday, December 10, 2012 |
December 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 4384 Views
- Akaka Tribe: We Can Kick Out Anybody Anytime for Any Reason
- Hawaii Health Connector Signs Key Contracts
- Star-Adv: DoE Was Right to Obey Atheist Commands
- Teacher: HSTA Protests are Against RTTT
- FBI Drops Investigation of Hawaii School Bus Company Collusion
- Cost of UPW: Hawaii to Pay $52 per Inmate per Day in order to Shut School, Open Prison
- Big losses scar careers of once-elite politicians
- Traffic: Turtle Bay vs Envision Laie
- Ecos: Coastal Property values Will Crash Due to Global Worming
- Global Worming, Corals, and Excuses
- Illegal tobacco sales to minors in Hawaii drops to lowest rate ever
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Sunday, December 9, 2012 |
December 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 4464 Views
- Auditor: HI-5 Program is Exposed to Fraud
- HSTA: Contract Negotiations 'Most Productive in Months'
- Ben Jay of Ohio State University accepts job as Athletics Director
- Fights at Kealakehe HS Caused by Harassment of Micronesians
- Hawaii Ranks 48th in Broadband Deployment
- Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
- Tesoro: State’s Largest Refinery to Close?
- Now that Rail is Approved, Another Lane Is Suddenly Being Added to H-1
- Tax-and-spend Legislature is ready to hand out gifts
- Abercrombie Half the Man he Used to Be
- UH Fumbles Announcement of New Athletic Director
- North Korea considers delaying rocket launch
- Hawaii Law Allows DPS to Temporarily Outlaw New Synthetic Drugs
- City selling vacant lots in Ewa as part of its revitalization plan
- Months After Priest Dies, Suit filed against Damien HS
- Big Isle teachers join in protest
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Saturday, December 8, 2012 |
December 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:25 PM :: 4310 Views
- Honolulu City Council to Honor December 7 Vets at Ewa Field
- Hire the Handicapped? Hawaii One of Only 5 States Without 'Medicaid Buy-In'
- Governor Appoints Joshua Wisch as Deputy Director of Taxation
- UHERO: Developing Countries Buoy Asian Growth
- House Ag Committee to Consider 'Food Safety'
- Earful: HECO Community Meeting Set for Molokai
- Japan poised to shoot down North Korean missile Monday
- Blowback: Concert Ticket Sales Skyrocket after Drudge Report Picks up Atheist Attack
- Ohio State's Ben Jay accepts UH athletics director job, according to reports
- Senator seeks $15M for tsunami debris
- Pro-Se Sideshow Fails, but Hawaii Concealed Carry Case Still Before Courts
- Own Roadside Property? Maui Tomorrow Wants to Take it Away
- Hilo Boys Re-Take Kona at $21/vote
- After Kealakehe Fights, ‘Marshallese Cultural Awareness’ Needed?
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Friday, December 7, 2012 |
December 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:32 PM :: 4966 Views
- Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, and Hawaii Statehood
- After Atheist Attack, Charity Concert Relocated
- Eco Groups Testify Against New Aquarium Fish Laws
- Suppressed by Star-Bulletin: Pearl Harbor report published for the first time, 71 years later
- Attorney General Louie Refused to Defend Charity Concert
- Old and Wealthy dominate Hawaii voting
- Hawaii Legislator Salaries Going Up 25 Percent
- Supreme Court to hear historic same-sex marriage cases
- Honolulutraffic et al. & City/FTA file court papers over an injunction
- HART Forks Out $29.5M to Kiewit
- Governor Recovering from Shoulder Surgery
- HSTA: Contract negotiations moving forward
- Abuse of Micronesians Behind Kealakehe School Shutdown
- Caldwell, PAC Spent $5 Million In Mayoral Campaign
- Hanabusa Spent $1.2M, Djou $977K
- Pineapple PAC: Hirono Launches Political Slush Fund
- Activists Renew Push for Public Funding of Elections
- Another Big Island reporter Gets Job Working for Politician
- Hawaii Has Among the Lowest Unemployment
- State to get analysis of progress on energy goal--Many question whether HI can meet 2030 objectives
- Graduating senior Maria Agurto: Republican Club pres. got involved
- Bag ban theory Plastic sack prohibition to begin Jan. 17
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Thursday, December 6, 2012 |
December 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:23 PM :: 4175 Views
- Hawaii 2013: State, Federal Taxes to Top 50%
- Fiscal Cliff: $480M from Hawaii Kupuna
- Hawaii Collects $186M/year from Big Tobacco
- HSTA Claims 'Work to Rule' Protests Legal
- Is Opposition to Genetic Engineering Moral?
- Reapportionment Case to be Considered Jan 14
- Honolulu Prosecutor: Recidivism is Going to Go Up Because of Abercrombie
- Council vote allows city to tap $1.55B for rail
- Martin Reelected Council Chair
- The teachers union and state resumed negotiations Wednesday
- DoE: Procurement Changes, IT, Bell Schedules tied to Bus Audit
- Schatz to be Acting Governor
- Report: North Korea Could Launch Rocket By Next Week
- Obama gives Akaka "props" at tribal nations conference
- Ohio State official seen as top candidate for UH athletic director
- Greenwood Puts Her name on Cancer Center
- HELCO to Convert Generator to BioMess?
- Eco-Faddists Launch Campaign to ban Spear Fishing
- Wailuku Main Street won’t comply with subpoena
- CommPac Adds Fale
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012 |
December 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 5023 Views
- Greenwood to Kim: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
- Over 200 Hawaii Teams in Blaisdell Robotics Tourney
- Hawaii Medicaid Spends Least on Long Term Care
- Atheist Threat Shuts Down Charity Concert
- Mainland Lawyer in Hawaii Conspiring to Impose Gay Marriage
- Wind Scammers Blame Fire Department for Kahuku Fire, Same Technology Now Used on Maui
- Shapiro: Return Election Control to LG
- Akaka Bill backers trying to make end run around Congress
- Progressives: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ is an Opportunity to Trash Military
- Hawaii Medical Association Opposes Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Souki Snags Two More Dems, Still Needs GOP
- BoE: ‘Rules’ Say Teachers Work More Than Seven Hours
- Board Members Want More Answers From Consultant's Bus Study
- Now that Rail is Approved, State Suddenly Acts to Reduce Traffic Jams
- Gov: Hawaii taking cautious view on fiscal cliff
- Audio of Abercrombie Threatening Greenwood
- Former Gov. Ben Cayetano hospitalized overnight
- DLNR to Waste $100K on ‘Large Yellow Object’?
- Mayor Mafiaboi Sets off Fireworks
- Hawaii Business BOSS Survey - December 2012
- Federal Lawsuit Claims Jones Act Violates the U.S. Constitution
- Global Worming: More Doom and Gloom from the Gore Cult
More.. |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 |
December 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:58 PM :: 4563 Views
- Rail: The Final Vote
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 3, 2012
- Hawaii: 78% of Teens not Working
- Hawaii: 3rd Lowest Foreclosure Rate in Nation
- Yap: Seabees Pitch in on Canoe Project
- ICA Mandates 'Contested Case' for Water Disputes
- Play by Play: Opening Day of Hoopili Litigation
- Thielen: Cable Could Cost $16B, Kahuku Adds to Mass of Unused Turbines Littering the Land
- Rail audit finds some flaws
- Rail Injunction Hearing Looms
- Souki announces new House leadership team
- Cut spending or raise taxes is the choice at Legislature
- Billionaire Movie Moguls Get Slap on the Wrist for Bribing legislators
- Who Will Lead If Inouye and Abercrombie Leave Office?
- Hawaii Senator Leaving Office With Akaka Bill In Limbo
- Star-Adv: Go Easy on Molesters
- Kihei Charter School’s 12-Year Success
- 8 other schools so far that share Collapsed Roof truss construction
- BoE to Discuss School Bus Report Today
- HECO’s Smart Meter Hoax
- New Kauai prosecutor vows to rebuild relationships
- Latest Trick: Blame Fishermen for Shark Attacks
- Pot Growing HPD officer's sentencing postponed until January
- $300K For Legal Help in HPD Discrimination Case
- Patient satisfaction up at HMC
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Monday, December 3, 2012 |
December 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 4941 Views
- Workshops Maui, Big Isle: 'We the Powerful'
- New Aquarium Fish Rules to Maintain Sustainability
- Hawaii Humane Society: Our Opponent is Evil, We are Good
- ACLU: Hawaii Law Unfair to Young Rapists and Sex Tourist Pedophiles
- Hawaii ACLU Whines Because Pedophiles are Ostracized
- Akaka Retiring: Plenty Aloha, But What About Accomplishments?
- Unions Don’t Trust State Push for IT
- Star-Adv: Lets Burn $5M on Rail Station ‘Art’
- Maui Fresh Fish files for bankruptcy after building a hatchery but hitting opposition
- A ban on smoking at beaches would enhance Hawaii's reputation
- Big Island: Feds Aim to Grab 29,573 Acres
- Turtle Bay Resort developers deserve some credit but still coming up short
- Council empowers commission to pursue Papa‘a Bay access
- ‘Change’ to be Focus of Pearl Harbor Commemoration
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Sunday, December 2, 2012 |
December 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 5172 Views
- County and State Boards and Commissions--How You Can Get Involved
- Health Care Cost to Rise with Federal Mandate
- Hawaii Number of Uninsured Children Jumps 55%
- Supreme Court DHHL Ruling … Paves Way for Casino at Convention Center?
- In Response to Teacher Protest, DoE Defends RTTT Teacher Evaluations
- Public Rejects HSTA Protests 60-40%
- Star-Adv: 'Casual hire' policy at DOE is too casual
- Star-Adv Explains How Homosexual Child Molesters ‘Turn’ Youth
- 39 Sex Offenders Doing ‘Volunteer Work’, State Keeps their Secrets
- Rep. Gilbert Keith-Agaran Reluctant to Expose Child Molesters
- Larry Flynt: Porn Shoots in Hawaii Should be Ignored, Accepted
- Welfare Caseload up 23%, Foodstamps up 88%
- Nago Proves Screwing up is the Surest Path to Job Security
- AUDIO: Abercrombie’s Voice Mail Pressuring Greenwood
- County says new state law leaves it in the dark on geothermal decisions
- HHSC Tries to Cut MD’s Hours, Eliminate his Health Coverage
- LA Times: Hawaii finds success with tough-love approach to repeat offenders
- Norks Prepare Ballistic Missile Launch
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Saturday, December 1, 2012 |
December 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:19 PM :: 4344 Views
- DoE School Bus Report: "Every Aspect Needs Systemic Change"
- NOAA Proposes Listing 66 Coral Species as Endangered
- AG Louie Opposes 'National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act'
- First, Third Circuit Judges Petition for Retention
- JSC Nominates Five to First Circuit
- Only 17% Support Jones Act
- Higa Going to be Hard to Replace
- $19 Million More In Honolulu Rail Contracts Signed
- Man accused in UH concert scam pleads not guilty
- Deedy not Drunk says Lawyer
- Your Tax Dollars at Work: Big Island Carbon officers paid nearly $500K
- Suit blames Plaza for negligent care
- Mainland strike may impact Hawaii shipping
- Appeals Court Orders Contested Case in East Maui Water Dispute
- Back On His Feet After Losing His Legs
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