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Entries for November 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020
November 30, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:44 PM :: 2533 Views
  1. Katherine Kea­loha sentenced to 13 years in prison
  2. Hawaii elections not yet certified
  3. Furloughs And Layoffs Are Looking More Likely
  4. Billions in private construction projects stall during pandemic
  5. Exposed: Kauai Quarantine a money-spinner designed to Trap Tourists in ‘Resort Bubble’
  6. Prosecutors flip two more who now agree to testify against Miske
  7. Unfunded Commission Wants to Make Prisons less Punitive for Criminals
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Sunday, November 29, 2020
November 29, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:53 PM :: 4435 Views
  1. Kealoha sentencing Monday: Feds Will be Leaving Soon--Crooks, Cronies can Get Back to Business
  2. After Wasting Billions to Build Rail, is it worth $160 million a year to operate?
  3. Kirk Caldwell’s career, it’s hard to avoid misses and near-misses
  4. Spinning the Numbers: Kauai’s Last best chance to Kill Off Tourism
  5. Big Island transpacific travelers must provide negative COVID test upon arrival through 2020
  6. CoC: To save Hawaii’s economy, beat COVID
  7. KFD Pension Spiking—Sparky Trailer, Rank to Rank, and Training
  8. How Many Crimes Does a Clerical Error Outweigh?
  9. Doo-Gooders bail Suspects out to they can get back to being homeless
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Saturday, November 28, 2020
November 28, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 1978 Views
  1. DoH Refuses to Disclose COVID Nursing Home Inspection Reports 
  2. Mandatory Test on Arrival for Tourists?
  3. Key document missing from records unsealed in “Painkiller” lawsuit
  4. Soft on Crime: Assault Police Get out, do it Again
  5. Hawaii Judge Blocks Police Union Attempt To Keep Cop Misconduct Secret
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Friday, November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:03 PM :: 2236 Views
  1. As Mayors Clamor for More Restrictions -- Lt. Gov. Recommends Follow Second Test Lead of Big Island
  2. Prison Outbreak Boosts Oahu COVID Numbers
  3. Hana and Lanai are part of smartphone app pilot project
  4. City council to consider allowing farming village communities on ag land
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Thursday, November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:17 PM :: 4981 Views
  1. How Blangiardi will deal with Federal Investigations
  2. What Megan Kau was doing for Michael Miske
  3. Hawaii Releases More Details On COVID-19 Vaccine Plan
  4. Statistics suggest returning residents, not visitors, more likely to bring COVID-19 into Hawaii
  5. 100,000 Arrivals This Week
  6. Kim urges evaluation of testing programs, fewer exemptions for travelers
  7. Maui: Six million pounds of food given in pandemic
  8. We need more farming, not fields covered with solar panels
  9. 36 Tiny Homes Being Built in Kalaeloa
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Thursday, November 26, 2020
Letters to the Editor November, 2020
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:26 AM :: 2524 Views
  • Hawai'i Sea Wall Regulations Unconstitutional
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020
November 25, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:28 PM :: 2857 Views
  1. Rail’s Interim Service Could Be Pushed Back A Year Amid COVID, Testing Woes
  2. Businesses will have to pay three times more in unemployment tax in 2021
  3. Some travelers frustrated with having to show negative COVID-19 test prior to departure
  4. Caldwell proposes additional testing changes for trans-Pacific travelers
  5. 13% of travelers to Hawaii tested positive for COVID-19 in November
  6. Hawaii business owners advocate for less restrictive Covid-19 guidelines
  7. Officer who cited US surgeon general under investigation for overtime abuse
  8. Two potential solutions to address Hawaii’s physician workforce shortage
  9. Honolulu Needs to deal with “service-resistant” homeless
  10. Mass testing reveals 46 new COVID cases among Waiawa prison inmates
  11. Read Katherine Kealoha’s handwritten letter to a judge ahead of her sentencing
  12. $400M Shortfall?  Make Seniors and Disabled Pay!
  13. Kahuku Community Association files appeal over Na Pua Makani wind turbines
  14. Complaints delay Hawaii’s vote certification
  15. Proud Boys Voter Intimidation in Hawaii?
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Tuesday, November 24, 2020
November 24, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 3660 Views
  1. "This kind of reversal just feeds into the anti traveler sentiment in this state”
  2. Rep Case: Unspent CARES funds won’t need to be returned
  3. Hawaii’s hotel industry is still struggling despite tourism reopening, and isn’t expected to break even in 2021
  4. Ten thousand passengers flying to Hawai'i daily
  5. More than 58,000 citations issued for violating emergency orders have been thrown out
  6. Blangiardi: Austerity Coming
  7. Copy Trump Playbook: Keoni Souza Asks Hawaii Supreme Court For Recount In OHA Race
  8. Twisting yourselves into legal pretzels to keep Trump in office
  9. "We were having a Gavin Newsom party."
  10. Bot Sites Push Acellus Story
  11. Inspection data sought on state nursing homes
  12. Hawaii Co Water power cost charge decrease proposed
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Monday, November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 2397 Views
  1. Mayor-elect Blangiardi favors more aggressive reopening of Oahu
  2. Blood Bank of Hawaii hoping more convalescent plasma donors step up ahead of the holidays
  3. Star-Adv: Safe Travels gets more burdensome
  4. Hawaii vacation turns south
  5. Pacific Islanders hardest-hit—OHA Piggybacks
  6. Expedia: Kauai’s example for monitoring illegal vacation rentals could be useful
  7. Man’s Death In Honolulu Police Custody Caused By Drugs, Shackles And A Struggle
  8. Mobile Medical Unit to Sew Stitches After Homeless Bumfights
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Sunday, November 22, 2020
November 22, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 3763 Views
  1. Time for the GOP to accept that Trump lost and move on
  2. Budget woes will trim government
  3. Hawaii Governor makes case for using CARES Act money to pay back unemployment insurance loan
  4. Big Island Food Basket Serves 85,000 People
  5. Kauai Foodbank Distributes 107,000 lbs Since September
  6. What’s that smell wafting over from Maui’s south shore?
  7. Here’s Why Hawaiian Homesteaders May Never Fully Profit From Their Own Land
  8. Roth announces more cabinet appointees
  9. SHOPO Sues All Four Counties over disclosure law
  10. Miske Case: An Insider Pleads Guilty And Is Cooperating With The Feds
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Saturday, November 21, 2020
November 21, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:04 PM :: 5437 Views
  1. Hawaii Could Get COVID-19 Vaccine As Early As December
  2. HPD suspends COVID-19 enforcement patrols after audit finds major overtime violations
  3. Robbins capitulates, public-private partnership for rail’s final leg is canceled
  4. Josh Green: “I’m not going to get in the mud with Mr. Caldwell”
  5. Honolulu mayor-elect Blangiardi seeks applicants for city's top positions
  6. Distance Learning: “We noticed a huge increase in failing grades”
  7. After 20 Years of Sierra Club Resistance, First Family Moves into Koa Ridge Subdivision
  8. Bad timing on plastics ban?
  9. Tweeker gets Probation for Two Felonies, Guess what happens next…
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Friday, November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 2326 Views
  1. The Forever Rail
  2. Budget Battle 2021: DOE Chief Outlines Plan to Make $100M Cut look as Bad as Possible
  3. Budget Battle 2021: Honolulu City Departments Plan to Make their part of $400M in Cuts look as Bad as Possible
  4. Nearly 187K visitors have arrived in Hawai'i since launch of Safe Travels program
  5. COVID-positive pre-arrival results are a blind spot for Hawaii travel program
  6. Vast Majority of COVID Surveillance tests on Big Island
  7. Here’s Why The Health Department Says It Takes 36 Hours To Post COVID-19 Case Numbers
  8. 11 Honolulu police officers tested positive for COVID-19 after station outbreak
  9. Analysis: Asians in Hawaii more likely to die of COVID-19 than other ethnic groups
  10. Vigilantes block visitors from Big Island’s Waipio Valley
  11. Report: Many Homeless are Drug Addicts—50% Refuse Shelter
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Thursday, November 19, 2020
November 19, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 2393 Views
  1. City projecting a $400 million operating budget shortfall as Honolulu officials wrestle with funding rail project
  2. Enlist private sector to help trim state, county budgets
  3. Panos: Caldwell Still Underestimating Rail Costs
  4. Todd Eddins unanimously confirmed to Hawaii Supreme Court
  5. Pearl Harbor: 25% of Crew on Navy destroyer USS Michael Murphy test positive for Covid
  6. Hawaii visitors with pending coronavirus test results will no longer have chance to bypass quarantine
  7. New Honolulu Police Commissioner Pushes For More Info On Use Of Force
  8. Honolulu Police Commission Seat To Be Filled By New Mayor
  9. Roth names Cabinet members
  10. Chemophobia Caucus Comes up Short in Kauai Council Chair Contest
  11. Already struggling amid pandemic, Oahu eateries prepare for new plastics rules
  12. COVID Becomes Excuse to Deny Defendant Right to be Present in Court
  13. 1st Hawaii inmate at Saguaro Correctional Center in Arizona dies of COVID-19
  14. Homeless Spread COVID by Sharing Meth Pipes
  15. Kauai Homeless Project Moves Forward Without OHA Money
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Wednesday, November 18, 2020
November 18, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:59 AM :: 3074 Views
  1. COVID Vax Could be Distributed This Year under Emergency Authorization
  2. Oceanfront property tied to Obama granted exemption from Hawaii’s environmental laws
  3. Thrilled by 6-Day Sentence for Molester, Senators Advance Eddins Supreme Court Nomination
  4. Caldwell: Rail cost now $11B, won’t be completed until 2033
  5. DoE: 90% Online Education
  6. DOH: Reporting of new COVID-19 cases will remain two days behind, with lack of resources to blame
  7. Mainland COVID-19 surge leaves would-be Hawaii travelers scrambling to find available tests
  8. Maui Co: We Won’t be Looking too closely at COVID-Infested Scrum of Visiting Mainland Lobbyists and Politicians
  9. New Department of Health contact tracing team hopes to help protect Pacific Islanders from COVID-19
  10. ‘Remote Learning’ – Suddenly A Lot more HSTA members are Grabbing that 10K Bonus for SPED
  11. Said With Straight Face: “Survey: County employees efficient”
  12. Here’s How One Honolulu Cop Got His Job Back After He Was Fired For Misconduct
  13. Maui: Prosecutor Termination Vote Set for Dec 4
  14. Swing Vote to decide Kauai County Council Chair?
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Tuesday, November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:45 AM :: 2405 Views
  1. Hawaii Supreme Court Nominee Let Alleged Child Molester off with 6-day Sentence  
  2. Why Are Prosecutors Still Pursuing Criminal Charges Against The US Surgeon General?
  3. Factional Honolulu Councilmembers Fighting to Grab Top Job
  4. Businesses want Oahu’s plastic utensils ban delayed
  5. Kawakami proposes two new rules to shutdown tourism
  6. It's A Bad Idea For Honolulu's Next Mayor To End Homeless Sweeps
  7. Copper Thieves Strip mobile hygiene unit for homeless – How a $34,000 trailer becomes trade for two meth rocks
  8. By refusing to Feed Homeless, One Group Gets 28 Into Housing
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Monday, November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:05 PM :: 3222 Views
  1. Duke Kahanamoku’s nephew among 8 more suing Kamehameha over alleged sex abuse
  2. Kauai Officials Expose System Rigged to make COVID Numbers Look Good
  3. Report: HFD System Designed to Hide Overtime Fraud
  4. Raiding EUTF is deja vu all over again
  5. Only about 30% of Hawaii’s $1.2B in coronavirus relief aid has been spent so far
  6. Hawaii’s COVID numbers are climbing more slowly than the rest of the U.S.
  7. Contact tracing robust says DoH
  8. COVID-19 Data: Dashboards Galore, But Key Data Still Sparse
  9. More than 500 Hawai'i inmates test positive for COVID-19 in Arizona prison
  10. Because You Closed the Insane Asylums, a Mentally Ill Woman Lives Decades on Streets before Dying
  11. Endless Subscribers: Pro Surfers Follow a New Path to Stardom
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Sunday, November 15, 2020
November 15, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 2377 Views
  1. Hawaii’s half-billion healthcare hole
  2. Hawaii GOP needs to figure out how to parlay its increased voters into political power
  3. Candidates with compelling messages can beat Democratic Party might
  4. Column: Hawaii’s vote-by-mail works, but improvements are necessary
  5. Ahead of the holidays, lawmakers explore strengthening Hawaii’s mask mandates
  6. Some think schools should revert back to full distance learning ahead of predicted surge
  7. 24% of Kaua‘i CARES funds left
  8. Special Hawaii court for homeless violations slowly resumes, providing fresh starts (but not forcing them into housing)
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Saturday, November 14, 2020
November 14, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:04 PM :: 2446 Views
  1. You won’t be riding the rail line to Aloha Stadium anytime soon
  2. State slowly makes progress on jobless claims, but many still not getting answers
  3. Hawaii Having Hard Time Finding Ways to spend CARES Act money—But Local Politicos Want More
  4. Travel advisories in West Coast states could hit Hawaii hard
  5. Kawakami asks state to change Safe Travels
  6. Maui Police Issue 264 Citations for Mask Violations Over Two Weeks
  7. Businesses look for leeway in city’s tiered reopening system
  8. Pre-K School Choice: Federal Reserve Bank Highlights Hawaii Child Care Bill
  9. Maui: 1,599 Homeless Get Permanent Housing Since Feb—Others Refuse help, Must be Forced
  10. Farmers Get Water, Enviros Outraged
  11. Manual audit of Hawai'i elections underway statewide
  12. 16 years ago Caldwell Posed as an Advocate of Campaign Finance Reform, LOL!
  13. 1874: Kalakaua Installed by Foreign Troops
  14. Money thrown at Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor project ‘going nowhere,’ critics say
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Friday, November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:33 PM :: 3247 Views
  1. Rep Ed Case Blames Socialists as Republicans Gain Even More Seats in US House
  2. HART Board: Insubordinate Robbins Lowballing P3 Numbers
  3. DoE Hiding Failure Rate under HSTA’s Fake Remote Learning
  4. Millions in housing aid promised to Hawaii families either diverted or expected to go unspent
  5. No Hawaii hospitals have what’s needed to properly store the leading COVID-19 vaccine
  6. Obama memoir confronts role his presidency played in Republican obstructionism and Trump's rise
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Thursday, November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 2126 Views
  1. Ala Wai flood control project Gets Even More Expensive with Addition of Four Story Ala Wai Pump Station
  2. Charter school commission criticized for ‘erroneous’ rejections of new applicants
  3. SHOPO suing to stop release of names of disciplined officers
  4. Hawaii Deputy Sheriffs Finally On Track For National Accreditation
  5. Vet learns the hard way that the VA isn’t a 'trusted partner’ in pre-travel testing program
  6. Dozens rally outside Honolulu Hale, call to resume outdoor teams sports on Oahu
  7. Over Half Of Hawaii’s Workers’ Comp COVID-19 Claims Are Initially Denied
  8. DOH releases new data showing current capacity at intensive care units
  9. 340 high rise buildings have to be inspected by May 2021, HFD reports the process hasn't started in nearly half of them
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Wednesday, November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 PM :: 2511 Views
  1. Traditional Veterans Day events canceled, but some virtual stand-ins planned
  2. Spying on You: Will A New Phone App Help Hawaii Track COVID-19?
  3. State found just 18 COVID-19 positives so far out of more than 15,000 tests of travelers
  4. Does Mask Mandate Mean More Vigilantes?
  5. Maui County bill would ban Homeless Feeding Operations in County Parks—Enablers Seethe with Self-Righteousness
  6. Report: Honolulu Police Use Of Force Increased Last Year
  7. Legislative Agenda: Legalize Recreational Marijuana
  8. Hooser: 'Liars and Wimps’ Choose Kouchi, Saiki
  9. Supreme Court: “…Dubin is now disbarred from the practice of law.”
  10. Katherine Kealoha refuses to see her attorney as sentencing date nears
  11. Compromised COVID test ruins woman’s Hawaiian vacation
  12. 19 Years’ Battle Finally Gets One TVR Legalized
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020
November 10, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 2603 Views
  1. ‘No Brainers’ -- Hawaii Politicians Can’t Figure out if we Have a Mask Mandate or Not
  2. As Usual, Hawaii Elections Produce Fake ‘Firsts’ for National Media 
  3. Kahele to Push Federal ‘Reparations’ for Hawaiians
  4. Indian Affairs Again: Hawaii’s Senators See New Hope For Hawaiian Issues In Washington
  5. Traditional Veterans Day events canceled, but some virtual stand-ins planned
  6. Tourism Grows to 20% of Last Year
  7. Feds pick up the tab for county workers
  8. Sierra Club, Rich Enviro Snobs Pushing to Reduce Parking Spaces for Condos used by the Little People
  9. Response to Gary Hooser
  10. Honolulu Police Arrest Miske Witness On Gun And Drug Charges
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Monday, November 9, 2020
November 9, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:32 PM :: 2949 Views
  1. Hanabusa’s Chief of Staff to be Blangiardi’s Managing Director
  2. Hawaii Republicans ‘See Clear Path Forward’
  3. Ige Plan To Defer $1.85B In Health Fund Payments, Furloughs Still On The Table
  4. HSTA Resists Effort -- Some Hawaii public schools shift gears for students foiled by online learning
  5. Mayor-elect Rick Blangiardi to eliminate ‘compassionate disruption’ homeless approach
  6. More affordable-housing games in Kakaako
  7. Kahuku’s ‘Red Raider’ mascot soon to be a thing of the past
  8. A new disconnect in the Aloha Aina Party
  9. Victorino Touts Maui ‘Big Oil’ Suit
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Sunday, November 8, 2020
November 8, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:07 PM :: 3100 Views
  1. With Biden win, TMT may get Hawaii home
  2. This Election Cleared Out Some 'Leaders' Who Needed To Go
  3. Nine of 250 precincts statewide voted Trump
  4. Blangiardi Will Need More than his Friends to Govern
  5. Lots of finger pointing as Honolulu rail runs out of money
  6. HMSA faces a lawsuit over its status as a ‘non-profit’
  7. Disclosure of records concerning boat allegedly used in Jonathan Fraser murder moves forward
  8. Bar fight: Lawsuit claims bias in regulating Hawaii businesses
  9. Column: Help reopen Hawaii’s economy, carefully
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Saturday, November 7, 2020
November 7, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:10 PM :: 3688 Views
  1. Counting ballots not an issue for Hawaii due to election rules
  2. Senate president says special session for mask mandate highly unlikely
  3. Stay-at-home order may be lifted for Lanai
  4. Honolulu On Track To Spend All CARES Act Funds, City Says
  5. HPD spent millions in COVID-19 aid on four-wheelers, trucks and trailers
  6. Police commission wants HPD to prohibit officers from cases involving friends, family
  7. Maui Council committee votes to recommend Guzman’s removal
  8. An illegal game room operated next door to police union
  9. State PUA system telling some ‘you owe’ it all back—DLIR Blames DoTax Incompetence
  10. Glitch in Sec 8 lottery for housing subsidy waiting list gives applicants false hope
  11. Raising Oahu transit fares
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Friday, November 6, 2020
November 6, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:52 PM :: 4793 Views
  1. Republican Westside Base Builds for Andria Tupola, Augie Tulba, Donald Trump
  2. Hawaii Trump campaign chair says roving caravans ‘worked against’ the president
  3. Machado Ousted In OHA Race, Pro-Transparency Candidate Elected
  4. Political Insiders Cry a River Because They Couldn’t Stop Keli’i Akina Reelection
  5. Maui Island of Retaliation: Workers Afraid of Prosecutor, Prosecutor Afraid of Mayor
  6. Distribution of COVID-19 vaccine in Hawaii could include mobile teams, drive-thru centers
  7. Statewide mask mandate could mean immediate fines for violators
  8. Post-Flight Test: Only 17 of 12,000 Tourists COVID Positive
  9. Hawaii Slowest to Bring Students Back To The Classroom
  10. Protesters rally at Department of Labor and Industrial Relations over unemployment benefits
  11. 12% of Restaurant Cards Have Not Been Activated
  12. Back in 2021:  A Storm Water Utility?
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Thursday, November 5, 2020
November 5, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:06 PM :: 4210 Views
  1. After Election, Kahele Finally Admits he will back Federal Recognition for Native Hawaiians 
  2. Blangiardi Won Almost Ever precinct – Many by 20% Margin
  3. Honolulu Mayor-elect Rick Blangiardi’s transition team already underway
  4. A day after election, efforts to reorganize City Council are already underway
  5. Hawaii Obviously Needs More Voter Service Centers—Ratio Falls Way Behind Other Vote-by-Mail States
  6. Hotel workers Bill 80 -- before City Council reduced to resolution
  7. Honolulu appears unlikely to advance to Tier 3
  8. Honolulu Police Department to deploy COVID-19 quarantine response teams on Oahu
  9. Suicides In Hawaii Appear To Be Decreasing — Despite Pandemic
  10. Carbon tax coming back for the 2021 legislature?
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Wednesday, November 4, 2020
November 4, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:42 PM :: 3589 Views
  1. Election News  -- Honolulu, Hawaii County, Maui County, Kauai County, Statewide
  2. Steve Alm Prevails Over Miske Lawyer Megan Kau In Honolulu Prosecutor Race—First Time since 1988 Prosecutor is not associated with Miske
  3. OHA Races: Alapa Unseats Longtime Incumbent Machado In Race For Molokai Seat
  4. Voters Wait 5 or 6 Hours Because Oahu has only Two Voter Service Centers (Another Office of Elections screw-up)
  5. Post-Travel Screening Indicates Pre-Travel Testing Is Working
  6. Prosecution of the U.S. Surgeon General is an expensive embarrassment
  7. Motive for shot fired at Miske’s brother in 2013 remains unknown
  8. Local Telecom Company Emerging As Potential Successor To Sandwich Isles
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Tuesday, November 3, 2020
November 3, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:55 PM :: 3563 Views
  1. Hawaii Republican, Democratic Leaders ask for ‘aloha’ as results of the U.S. presidential election come in
  2. 513K Hawaii votes cast in one of the most anticipated elections in decades
  3. First Printout Due After 7PM—Long Lines for In-Person Voting
  4. ‘Afraid to Dismiss Case Against Surgeon General’
  5. The Hawaii Health Department Whistleblower Is Back At Work
  6. Musical Chairs in DOE Curriculum Office
  7. Fire chief summoned to Council following investigation into overtime, spending
  8. Kauai Island of Retaliation: $1.8 million settlement reached in harassment, retaliation suit against KPD
  9. After Months of Trying, 378 Hawaii inmates at Arizona prison finally get themselves infected with coronavirus
  10. Criminal Leaves Hawaii's Beneficent Jurisdiction—Actually Gets Locked up
  11. Soft on Crime: Halloween murder suspect has lengthy criminal history
  12. COVID Boosts Matson China Business and Profits
  13. Hawaii Restaurant Card – $1.15M per day
  14. Hawaii banks gird for prolonged tourism slump
  15. Rachel Vorje left Hawaii with $300 dollars before becoming business owner
  16. Hotel workers bill before City Council reduced to resolution
  17. Civil Beat: Marijuana Should be Used to Alter the Electorate’s Mood
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Monday, November 2, 2020
November 2, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:52 PM :: 2365 Views
  1. 89% of Hotels to Reopen this Month
  2. Glitches And Problems: My First Adventure With Hawaii’s New COVID-19 Travel Program
  3. Failing A Class Could Get Your Student Back To School Sooner
  4. U.S. Surgeon General, aide arraigned in Hawaii for alleged emergency order violation
  5. Easy Targets? Some Oahu Homeless Have Been Ticketed Dozens Of Times During The Pandemic
  6. Dubin request for delay in disbarment denied by Justice Elena Kagan
  7. Kauai Bets Big With CARES Money To Boost Local Beef Industry
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Sunday, November 1, 2020
November 1, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:39 PM :: 2923 Views
  1. 104,000 Arrive Since Reopening
  2. Robbins: HART Will Take Rail Plan to Feds for Approval
  3. Election Day will deliver Blangiardi or Amemiya as mayor — then real decisions on rail
  4. Many reasons to support Pohakuloa Training Area
  5. Shapiro: Surgeon General Deserves Thanks, Gets $5,000 Ticket Instead
  6. Medical Team Working To Reach Those Most At Risk For COVID-19
  7. “8,000 unemployed individuals that still need their claims looked at”
  8. CrimeStoppers Honolulu used to rely heavily on volunteers. The pandemic changed that
  9. Bars frustrated at paying liquor license when they've been closed much of the year
  10. State retirement fund abandons plan for Maui golf course redevelopment
  11. Puna Roundabouts Reduce Traffic Accidents 95%
  12. Punatics File Suits to Stop Clean Geothermal Electricity
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