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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for November 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 PM :: 3852 Views
  1. ConCon: OHA Admin Pushing to Abolish OHA Board of Trustees?
  2. Hawaii Dusts Off Cold War-Era Sirens As North Korean Nuclear Shadow Looms
  3. Hawaii County Seeking Applicants for Boards and Commissions
  4. Executive Order 17-07: Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Hawaii
  5. Mauna Kea: OHA Still Hasn’t Served UH With Lawsuit
  6. Sexual harassment in Hawaii
  7. Hawaii lawmaker aims to quash ‘hush fund’ that settles sexual allegations in Congress
  8. Hawaii Windfarms Admit Killing 146 Endangered Bats and Dozens of Nene
  9. Doctors Leaving Hawaii Because of HMSA Plan
  10. Kakaako New Tweeker Camp Found
  11. Medicated: Dispensaries Sell $1.3M of Weed
  12. Woman’s suit alleges deputy assaulted her at courthouse
  13. Public sounds off on new site for OCCC
  14. Arakawa Scores $5000 Taxpayer-Funded European Vacation
  15. Naalehu: Miniscule Errors to be used to Revoke School Charter
  16. Lucky Poor Get to avoid snobbish rich people at new Kakaako Condo
  17. Could Self-Driving Cars And Buses Replace The Last Leg Of Rail?
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017
November 29, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:10 PM :: 4633 Views
  1. Hawaii: Highest Consumer Debt in USA
  2. OHA Strategic Plan? Results Not Updated since 2013
  3. Circuit Court judge dismisses all claims against city in case involving Kaka‘ako Land Company
  4. Auditor: DLIR Joins Long List of Departments Not Reporting Funds to Legislature
  5. Wrong 25 Years Ago--UH 'scientists' sign SECOND warning notice to humanity
  6. Governing Green Power: Realigning Institutions to Shovel Ratepayer Money to Elon Musk
  7. Hawaii's Best Workplace? Monsanto
  8. ACLU Child Molester: KSBE Broken Trustees Scramble to Shift Blame
  9. Homeless Drug Addicts move into Pearl City cemetery
  10. Did Honolulu Police Go Too Far In The Case Of This Man’s Death?
  11. Kauai: Idiot Legislators Try New Conspiracy Theories
  12. Ambulance Chasers latch on to Anti-Pesticide Movement
  13. With Legalization, TVRs Could Generate $60M Tax Revenue
  14. Hawaii County Garbage Tax to Soar 33%?
  15. Is Hawaii Socialist?
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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 PM :: 7570 Views
  1. How Hawaii Civil Rights Commission Covers Up Sex Harassment Reports
  2. Hawaii House Rules Prohibit Staff from Revealing "Illegal or Improper Conduct"
  3. Will Legislators Block Shutdown of All Ocean Users?
  4. Vision for Future Waianae Coast with Kelii Akina and Germaine Meyers
  5. Hawaii Least Charitable State in USA?
  6. HPD Chief Ballard Orders People With Medical Pot To Surrender Guns
  7. Hawaii v Trump: Back to the Supreme Court Again
  8. After years of silence, Kamehameha Schools/ACLU sex abuse victims speak out
  9. Dan Inouye was a Rapist
  10. Mrs Brian Schatz North Shore Shopping Plaza – Public Comments Open
  11. Hu Honua ‘Green’ Energy Plant Sued over Environmental Violations
  12. OCCC cracking down on UPW contraband
  13. HPD --  Not Enough to Change at the Top
  14. Former police officer sentenced for bribery scheme involving alleged prostitute
  15. Kealoha Trial Bumped Back to June, 2018
  16. Big raises for Hawaii Co Execs: Salary Commission approves pay hikes up to 39.7%
  17. Airports Division Owed Rent by Airport Tenants
  18. After Pretending to seek alternate landfill site, it Looks Like Waimanalo Gulch Wins Again
  19. Nine Years Later, DHHL Launches 1000 Unit Kapolei Development
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Monday, November 27, 2017
November 27, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 4944 Views
  1. Seven Deadly? Hawaii Comes up Short in Sin Index
  2. New DLIR Website Tracks Military Spending in Hawaii
  3. DLNR: Did Anti-Ratbait Activists Kill 45 Mullet?
  4. State's Hyperbaric Treatment Center to remain closed through February 
  5. Four Years After Sheep Sex Scandal--Brian Schatz in Charge of Sex Harassment Investigations
  6. Conference: How to Shut Down Protesters and Call it Democracy?
  7. Isle substance abuse fatalities on rapid rise
  8. Enviros: Global Warming Makes the Ocean Radioactive
  9. Sierra Club: People Leaving Hawaii Reduce Global Warming
  10. Star-Adv Whines About Monster Houses and Lack of Affordable Housing—Unable to see Contradiction
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Sunday, November 26, 2017
November 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:11 PM :: 5172 Views
  1. After 30 Years, Alarmists Are Still Predicting A Global Warming ‘Apocalypse’
  2. DOTAX Litigation: Are Car Rentals “Tourism Related Services”?
  3. Lawsuit: Kamehameha School allowed ACLU Child Molester to Victimize Students for Decades
  4. HGEA Threatens to Double-Down on Union Work Slow Protest at Mental Hospital
  5. Borreca: Homelessness Caused by Emptying of Insane Asylums
  6. Maui Council: Convert Kihei Park into Homeless Tent City, Junkyard
  7. Chin was picked for his expertise in blaming everything on Trump.
  8. Rep Nakamura Pitches More Tax Hikes
  9. Tax Reform Mania—Lets Terrorize Lahaina!       
  10. Lahaina is Drunkest City in Hawaii
  11. Three-Way Race for Kauai Mayor
  12. Student Loan Default? Hawaii Could Suspend License—but doesn’t
  13. HFD doesn’t need another fireboat
  14. Prof: “Food Security’ Means Nothing for Most Hawaii Agriculture
  15. Global Warming: ‘One coast is in flames, the center and south is under water, and storms crash the East Coast’
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Saturday, November 25, 2017
November 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:03 PM :: 5822 Views
  1. Project Announcement: Honolulu Rail May Be Coming To A Neighborhood Near You
  2. Hurricane Maria spurs criticism of shipping laws
  3. Survey: Military Families Overwhelmingly Favor School Choice
  4. DLNR Hearing: Should Maui Windfarm be Allowed to Kill More Nene and Bats?
  5. Navy Pacific Fleet at Breaking Point?
  6. Billionaire Stupidly Attempts to Enter Molokai Without Paying Walter Ritte
  7. HGEA Perreira Caught Lying Again
  8. Teachers: DoE Fails to Fill 1,000 Positions
  9. New teachers need 22 years to amass home down payment
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Friday, November 24, 2017
November 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:49 PM :: 4057 Views
  1. A Dozen States Back Travel Ban 3.0 At The Supreme Court
  2. Hirono on Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Scandals: ‘Let’s Move Forward’
  3. After Auditor's Report, Department of Public Safety Agrees to Close Revolving Fund
  4. Oahu Workshops: Learn to Raise Your Voice at the State Capitol
  5. Cataluna: Ige is Bush
  6. 'This is nasty': Homeless’ Piles of Trash plague Sand Island State Recreation Area
  7. Airport Corporation to be on Legislative Agenda for 2018
  8. HDOT Sitting on $550M, Won’t do much to help Rail
  9. Former Kauai PD Officer Terrorizes Neighbors?
  10. Chinese Bombers ‘Above Hawaii’
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Thursday, November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:02 PM :: 3822 Views
  1. 2018 Elections: 20% Turnover in House?
  2. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  3. Supporting Our Troops This Holiday Season
  4. Grassroot: Things to be Thankful for This Year
  5. New Claims by State in Airport Hangar Lawsuit
  6. DBEDT: 9.5M Tourists Expected in 2018
  7. Two Years Later--DLNR Still Finding Homeless Drug Addicts on Na Pali Coast       
  8. HGEA, UPW Members Selling Fake IDs to Lunatics at State Hospital?
  9. Tweekers Living in Junk cars to be Cleared out of Kakaako
  10. Help the Homeless by Giving to Those Who Accept Shelter
  11. Maui police officer busted for stealing on the job
  12. Enviros Turn on Their Own—Demand Shutdown of Tour Boat Activities
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017
November 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:14 PM :: 4568 Views
  1. Video: Why OHA's Mauna Kea Lawsuit is a Scam
  2. Rep Andria Tupola to Announce Gubernatorial Run
  3. 4M lbs of Trash Removed from Nimitz Homeless Camp
  4. HUD Reviews Honolulu Section 8 Program
  5. DoE: 5-Year Teacher Retention 54%
  6. Hawaii Launches Investigation Into EA Over Gambling Concerns
  7. Reason: Why Does Hawaii Hate American Workers?
  8. Shakedown: HGEA Ties Lunatic Escape to OT Protest--‘You’re Lucky Our Members Haven’t Done Anything Worse’
  9. Fire 150 HGEA and UPW Members -- Hawaii State Hospital worker speaks out about killer's escape
  10. Knife-Wielding Schizophrenic Escapes Asylum—Nobody Notices for Two Months
  11. New Clause in Firefighters Union Contract Boosts Overtime 50%
  12. Hawaii Has Fewer Certified Teachers This Year
  13. Waikiki Pimps Selling Homeless Boys to Child Molesters
  14. Anti-GMO Hooser Takes Another Step Towards Mandatory EIS for Farmers
  15. HART Can’t Pay for Rail Plan but Grabs for More
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017
November 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 4745 Views
  1. To Help Campaign Contributors, Hanabusa Blocks Missile Defense for Hawaii for 6 Years
  2. Justice Department goes back to Supreme Court over Hawaii judge's block of Trump's travel ban
  3. Honolulu 3rd-Worst City to Live In When You’re Struggling to Pay Off Debt
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 20, 2017
  5. DCCA Report: Changing Patterns of Hawaii Air Cargo Traffic
  6. Video: Hawaii Farmer Fighting Stigma of GMOs
  7. Rate Hike Coming: UH, HECO Conspire to Establish 'Green Tariff'
  8. Is cult tied to Congresswoman Gabbard launching cyberattacks?
  9. Honolulu Magazine Joins the Cult
  10. Wahiawa HD46 Vacancy: Democrats Send Ige Three Nominees
  11. City asks governor to hold off on Airbnb tax deal
  12. HART Pretends to Care About $18M Rail Cost Overrun
  13. Star-Adv: Hike Taxes on E Cigs
  14. Republicans Announce 2018 Legislative Agenda
  15. Deportation Next: Muslim Gets Time Served for Practicing His Religion
  16. Hawaii, which leads the nation in prevalence of multigenerational homes.
  17. Will State Renew Free Money Giveaway to people Claiming Eviction?
  18. Hawaii County Bus Ridership Declines Sharply After Free Rides Abolished
  19. Crackpot Congressional Candidate accused of harassing interracial teen couple
  20. WHT reporter to be celebrated Dec. 9 for work cracking pCard case
  21. Red Hill Tanks Critical to National Military Strategy
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Monday, November 20, 2017
November 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:05 PM :: 6373 Views
  1. What's in the Secret Air BnB Agreement?
  2. DDOS Attack on Hawai’i Free Press tied to Gabbard’s Cult?
  3. Hawaii Low Unemployment Caused by Exodus to mainland
  4. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  5. Anti-Dairy Activist: “Tourism industry will get hurt”
  6. Nearly 60 percent of Honolulu renters spend at least 30 percent of their incomes on housing
  7. Windfarms Drive Maui Electric Bills -- Up 18% in Two Months
  8. Don’t let Airbnb hinder efforts to curb illegal rentals
  9. New Idea for Affordable Housing – Build Apartments Above ‘Low Risk’ Juvenile Jail
  10. Legal assisted suicide open to abuse
  11. Sherry Campagna Announces CD2 Campaign vs Gabbard
  12. KPD's assistant chief placed on leave after complaint
  13. Biofuels: Will State Supreme Court Order PUC to Consider so-called greenhouse gasses?
  14. UH Prof: Asians are ‘Tools of White Supremacy’
  15. Disabled Job Seekers Left In Limbo By Agency’s Cash Crunch
  16. Analysts, competitors cast doubt on prospects for third shipper to isles
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Sunday, November 19, 2017
November 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 5299 Views
  1. DoTax: No End to Litigation, Part 2
  2. Hawaii Among Top Bitcoin Spending States
  3. State Senate Accepting Applications for 2018 Session
  4. Sex, Drugs and Insanity: Employee Spills Beans on Mental Hospital
  5. State Hospital escape shows unacceptable acceptance by legislators
  6. DoTax: HGEA Sabotaging Yet Another Tech Upgrade
  7. Rail: Murthy Scores $32K Bonus after snagging $2.5B
  8. State’s new role over city’s bloated rail project amounts to huge hill of bean(counter)s
  9. Study on state ferry awaited
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Saturday, November 18, 2017
November 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:59 PM :: 3727 Views
  1. Understanding the Congressional tax bill
  2. SHOPO Raises Total 17%
  3. Condos mean rail expansion to Manoa, Waikiki would be impossible — at least on current route
  4. Legislative Agenda: UH Grubs for More Money
  5. Saito: I Care About the HGEA Members That Were Doing Me
  6. Suspect in Two Child sex assaults arrested after illicit trip to Mexico
  7. Police officer accused of DUI, false reporting appears in court
  8. Counties to Develop ‘Climate Change Resiliency Plans
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Friday, November 17, 2017
November 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:23 PM :: 6336 Views
  1. UH English Department Backs out of ANTIFA Endorsement
  2. UHERO: 25 Years Later we still don't know what Sustainable Tourism is
  3. Hawaii Democratic Party Chair is ‘Socialist’, Wants ‘Revolution’         
  4. Killer Saito admits ‘relationships’ with Several Hospital Staff
  5. Child Molester Escapes Mental Hospital for Four Years, Commits Murder
  6. Mo Radke has a lot of Questions About State Hospital Security—but HGEA isn’t Talking
  7. SHOPO Contract: 8.25% Raise
  8. FBI charges former Maui police officer with civil rights violations
  9. Parents claim students reprimanded for speaking up after bleach attack
  10. High-profile thefts, crippled fleet among problems plaguing troubled transit division
  11. Want Affordable Housing?  Strip Government of Discretion to Say No
  12. Supporters:  ‘Monster’ Homes are Affordable Housing
  13. Oahu Homeless Court to Expand Island-wide
  14. A plantation-style village for homeless families begins to take shape
  15. LG Race: What has Carvalho Done?
  16. Honolulu Council Defers Styrofoam Ban Bill
  17. HPU Prof Kills Himself after Kiddie Porn Raid
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Thursday, November 16, 2017
November 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 PM :: 5160 Views
  1. Hospital Reform? Randy Perreira Says "F*** You"
  2. Hawai’i State Hospital Employees Game Overtime System
  3. Hospital Crisis: How to Use Union Work Rules for Fun and Profit
  4. HGEA Hospital Debacle: DOH Places Seven On Leave for 30 Days
  5. Another Day in the Nei: Three Inmates Charged with Escape
  6. Welfare Fraud Charges: Years Before Anybody Noticed
  7. Tupola: FTA review of HART recovery plan finished 'early 2018'
  8. 2017 Survey: Home Health Care Costs Increase in Hawaii
  9. Pension pinches profligacy
  10. With Tax Increase in Hand, HART Begins Planning to Run Rail to UH Manoa
  11. By Escaping, Saito may have Shortened his Incarceration
  12. Meet the Corrupt Hawaii Judge Who Let Saito go to Mental hospital instead of Prison
  13. Some HGEA Hospital workers to be put on unpaid leave in escape’s aftermath
  14. Saito Received Two Visitors Before HGEA Allowed Him to Walk Away
  15. After Hospital Debacle, DPS Decides it Might Finally be Able to Prohibit Some, but not all, UPW Members From Bringing Contraband into Prisons
  16. HPD: Body Cams, Dash Cams on Chief’s Agenda
  17. Recidivist Criminal from Hawaii Killed by Police in Vegas
  18. Wind: Will Price of Electricity be a larger factor?
  19. Air BnB is What It Really Takes To Survive In Hawaii
  20. Housing First is making a dent in homelessness
  21. Kauai County Wrongness: Give Free Stuff to Homeless Tweekers, Considering Tent City
  22. Council Panel Votes To Prohibit Lying Down At Honolulu Bus Stops
  23. Lack of applicants for Fire Department battalion chief posts becomes excuse for yet another raise
  24. Anti-Sunscreen Dog n Pony Show Comes to Kona
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 4600 Views
  1. State Capitol Signs up for Non-Existent Seawater Air Conditioning Scheme
  2. Senate Holding Special Session to Confirm Judicial Appointments
  3. HECO Biofuel Contract—$7.69 per gallon
  4. ‘Psychopathic’ escapee from Hawaii arrested in Stockton
  5. FBI Investigating How HGEA Allowed Lunatic to Escape
  6. Lunatic Escape ‘An Inside Job’?
  7. Escapee married HGEA hospital worker 
  8. Documents: Hospital escapee had sexual relations with at least 3 staff
  9. Housing? Only 900 units Built on Oahu
  10. All Sister Isle Mayor Planning to Establish Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities
  11. Biofuel Questioned
  12. HECO Biofuel Contract—$7.69 per gallon
  13. Honolulu Council to Vote on Styrofoam Ban
  14. Sunscreen, Styrofoam and Dairies: The State of Regressive leftism in Hawaii
  15. Kauai Dairy: Tourism Industry Strikes Another Blow Against Agriculture
  16. Two Local Attorneys Assigned to Represent Kealohas
  17. Electrician’s speeding ticket zapped after working for Kealohas
  18. Ex-guard gets 10-year prison sentence for sexual assault
  19. New Council Proposal Cuts Back Fire Sprinkler Requirements
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017
November 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:53 PM :: 4429 Views
  1. US Supreme Court agrees to weigh in on law that forces pro-life centers to promote abortion
  2. $1.8B Special Fund Audit: DHRD Refuses to Report to Legislature
  3. Auditor: DoTax Funds ‘Do not meet Criteria’
  4. State Ethics Commission 2018 Legislative Agenda
  5. Honolulu Ethics Commission to Discuss Strategic Plan
  6. Jones Act? What's That? Democratic Congressmen Rip Trump Admin Official on Puerto Rico Recovery
  7. Hospital Employee: We Don’t Care About Escaped Lunatics 
  8. AirBnB Plan – Taxation without Legalization
  9. Secret Deal With Airbnb?
  10. How good intentions and misguided attitudes can hinder the goal of getting homeless people off the streets
  11. Stretched thin: The average Oahu paramedic responds to 15 calls a day
  12. As patients fight for spots at dialysis centers, 2 new facilities sit virtually idle
  13. Sunscreen Hysterics: Will Idiots on Maui Council be First to Unleash Wave of Stupidity?
  14. Anti-Prison Activists Find Something else to Chatter About
  15. Panos: How to Make Recycling More Efficient
  16. Hawaiian Electric Company for Sale?
  17. Truck terrorism: It could happen in Hawaii
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Monday, November 13, 2017
November 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 5353 Views
  1. Republican Tax Cut Plan Would Give $3174 to Average Hawaii Household
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 13, 2017
  3. What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender
  4. Ninth Circuit Partly Lifts Trump Travel Ban Blockade
  5. Telescope Protesters: Gon Must go because he is Asian
  6. Homeless: Hawaii Avoids Massive West Coast Increase by Focusing on Housing First
  7. DHHL Lost Nearly 1,000 Applications
  8. Ige, Hirono Love Trump’s Border Protection Nominee
  9. Billionaire Could Pull the Plug on Civil Beat at any Moment
  10. Enviros Try to Convince you that Recycling into electricity is not really Recycling
  11. A&B Water: Enviros Try to Trick Public With Picture of Overflowing Ditch
  12. Hawaii Tax Credits at Work: Tesla a ‘hotbed for racist behavior’
  13. It’s the Last Stop on the Light-Rail Gravy Train
  14. HPD ‘1 or 2 dozen hits’ from backlog of sexual assault kits
  15. UH Cancer Center projects an end to budget deficit
  16. Incompetent HGEA Members Let Murdering Lunatic Escape Hospital
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Sunday, November 12, 2017
November 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 3250 Views
  1. Island Air: Did the Airports Division bamboozle Fitch Ratings?
  2. Department of Taxation Customer Service – Don’t’ Be a Victim
  3. Hawaii Professionals -- more licensing, fewer requirements
  4. Immigration: Only 300 Dreamers in Hawaii
  5. Democrats’ Shaky Coalition without a viable leader or a rallying point
  6. Republicans hurting after election day? It’s worse in Hawaii
  7. Blaisdell: More Financial Doubletalk from Caldwell
  8. Kealoha’s Defense May Cost Taxpayers $2M
  9. First Amendment right to record video of police officers at work at the center of a court case
  10. Couch considering a run for state House Dist 11
  11. Maunakea: After a Decade of Posturing, Interest Groups Finally Get Down to the Squabble over Baksheesh
  12. GOP tax plan would force Democrat Voters to Suffer the Consequences of their Actions
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Saturday, November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:53 PM :: 4217 Views
  1. Queen Sues: Feds Took Our Crown Lands
  2. Counties stuck with bailing out pension debt
  3. November is National Adoption Month
  4. Caldwell--HART Board is Illegal, But Planning to build Rail to UH Manoa Anyway
  5. Bleaching Does Not Kill Corals
  6. At a unique development, homeless vets get apartments — and help to stay in them
  7. So-Called ‘Affordable’ Apartments Sit Vacant
  8. Hawaii: Case study in the Silver Switcharoo
  9. Attorney and community advocate Maile Lu'uwai officially enters Lieutenant Governor race
  10. Veterans Day
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Friday, November 10, 2017
November 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:11 PM :: 3143 Views
  1. Civil Beat: Banks and Developers ‘help to fund a lot of stories’
  2. Rail: Tupola to Confer with Federal Transit Administration
  3. HART Wastes Rail Money on Kam Hwy Repave that Could be Funded by HDOT
  4. More Traffic Jams Coming--Creation of Oahu’s First Pedestrian Plan underway
  5. A Veterans Day Salute
  6. OHA manage Mauna Kea better? Not!
  7. Kauai Court Ruling: One more step towards mandatory EIS for Farmers 
  8. BLNR: A&B Can Divert Water for Another Year
  9. Kealohas to get court-appointed attorneys in public corruption case
  10. Despite high-profile sweep, parts of Nimitz Viaduct still overrun with Tweekers
  11. Homeless Person Lucky to be Arrested
  12. HCDA: Five Years of Homeless Failures
  13. ‘Good’ roads not DOT’s goal statewide
  14. Hawaii Regulates Manicurists And Bartenders — Why Not Midwives?
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Thursday, November 9, 2017
November 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 6438 Views
  1. Hawaii doesn’t need ‘certificate of need’ laws
  2. Animal Quarantine Station is Preferred Site for New Jail
  3. Arakawa Quits Lt Gov Race
  4. The Curse of Abundance  
  5. Legacy Pension Costs--Hawaii Scores D-             
  6. Abandonment Plan Set as Hawaii Windfarms Begin to Rust Out
  7. HR4239: Offshore Wind Schemes for Hawaii?
  8. Klein: Include OHA in Mauna Kea Management Structure
  9. Why Gov. Ige’s Secret Talks With Airbnb Have Hotels and Unions Upset
  10. Saiki: Caldwell Should Drop $700M Blaisdell Plan, Focus on Rail
  11. OCCC Cost Estimated at $525M (for now)
  12. Children’s Discovery Center—Five Years Under Siege by Homeless Drug Addicts
  13. Cost of living a factor in ‘monster homes’
  14. Panel proposes to retrofit 150 older buildings with automatic fire sprinklers
  15. Judge To Kealohas: Show Me Your Finances
  16. Tulsi Gabbard named chairperson of World Hindu Congress 2018
  17. Honolulu Would be 4th Hardest-Hit by End of Home Mortgage Deduction
  18. Photos: Lost Sailor Was Underemployed Dominatrix—Wrecked Previous Boat on Magic Island
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Wednesday, November 8, 2017
November 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:30 PM :: 5712 Views
  1. 100 Years of Communism: Death and Deprivation 
  2. Lawsuit: OHA Grabs for Control of Mauna Kea
  3. $150M Rate Hike Plan--BWS Accepting Comments
  4. Honolulu--4th Highest Veteran Homelessness in USA
  5. Fattest States? Hawaii Ranks 48th
  6. Professional License--DCCA Launches Online Application Status Search
  7. DoE Puts 'Performance Indicators' Online
  8. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 7, 2017
  9. Sen Donna Mercado Kim Announces Congressional Campaign
  10. Maui budget crisis has begun—52% Pension Spike Coming
  11. Homeschooling is declining nationally, but not in Hawaii
  12. Feds: Kealoha Pressured Witnesses to Cover-up Theft from Orphans
  13. Attorneys for Kealohas ask to be removed from case—Argue All Hawaii Attorneys Have Conflict of Interest
  14. Prosecutors: There are 230,000 pieces of evidence against the Kealohas
  15. Attorney says DNA evidence doesn’t prove police officer was driving drunk
  16. Attorneys: ACLU Homosexual Child Molester May Have 100s of Kamehameha Student Victims
  17. Solar Industry Lawyers to be Sanction for Abusive Unprofessional Conduct?
  18. Navy expands zone limiting sonar testing around Maui county
  19. Hooser: I couldn’t Refute Pro-GMO Arguments, so I reverted to Politics
  20. Bus ridership way down on Hawaii's Big Island, experts say
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Tuesday, November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 4458 Views
  1. Hawaii--The Worst State for Middle-Class Income Earners
  2. Bottleneckers in Hawaii: How licensing laws make it harder to get a job
  3. City to hold final public workshop on $500M Blaisdell Center Master Plan
  4. Schatz Responds to Texas Church Shooting by Suggesting Law That Already Exists
  5. Maui News: Will Ing Resign Legislature?
  6. Fukumoto to Quit Legislature?
  7. LG Fund Race: Tranny Brings up the Rear
  8. Defense attorneys in Kealoha corruption probe face heat over questionable practices
  9. Criminal Case Against Kealohas Puts Brakes On Uncle’s Suit
  10. Honolulu Police Officers Begin Testing Body Cameras
  11. Testing Reveals Leading Oahu Democrat Grows Dirty Weed Full of Mold & Mildew
  12. Solar Scammers Seek Path to Higher Electric Rates
  13. King Tides  UH Calls on Global Cooling Deniers to take more Propaganda Photos for use on ‘Decision makers’
  14. Billionaire’s Website Promotes Waimanalo as Haven for Homeless
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Monday, November 6, 2017
November 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 4707 Views
  1. New Yorker Expose -- Tulsi Gabbard Krishna Cult
  2. WaPo Runs Bizarre Article on Robin Danner’s Search for $2.5M to Fund Fake Indian Tribe
  3. Companies could be civilly liable in ARC non-profit embezzlement case
  4. Study links treated sewage to reef degradation
  5. Mr Kim Coco Iwamoto announces bid for Lieutenant Governor—Campaign to Focus on Muslims
  6. Protecting Defense Lawyers?  Kealoha Story Censored at Star-Adv
  7. HPD officers’ wide support for new chief signals hope
  8. Hospitals ‘Make a little money’ on Unnecessary ER Visits
  9. Racketeering: Obamacare Scheme Transfers $20M Costs to Hawaii Ratepayers
  10. State Hires Contractors Because HGEA Just Can’t Get the Job Done
  11. Hana Drivers Ed Closed for 9 Months While DoE Buys a Car Battery
  12. DOE: 1,000 students live on streets or in homeless shelters
  13. Missing School Has Become A Huge Problem in Hawaii
  14. Waianae: Construction Cuts off Water Supply Used by 200 Tweekers
  15. Eco-Meeting Provides New Opportunity to Shut Down US Navy
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Sunday, November 5, 2017
November 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 4266 Views
  1. Fake Data Behind Coral Bleaching Report
  2. Petition: Protect Short Term Rentals on Hawaii Island
  3. Akina--Let's Work Together for Hawaiian Charter Schools
  4. A DOTax Nightmare: No End to Litigation
  5. Photos: Supporters Greet President Trump in Hawaii
  6. Ward to Ige: Speed Up Nuclear Drills for DOE
  7. Trump Admin Names Hawaii Farm Service Agency and Rural Development State Directors
  8. Albatross: Caldwell quietly backing Ige’s bid for re-election
  9. Trump, Ige, Caldwell Meet--Conspiring to Build Rail
  10. Hawaii County Vacation house rules in works: Regulating ‘unhosted’ rentals seen as way to preserve housing for residents
  11. Majority of TVRs would be Illegal under Hawaii County Model
  12. Virginia Woman Flies to Kauai to be Homeless—But Still Buys Lots of Computers
  13. Star-Adv: Single Family Homes Should Not be Built 
  14. Insurers make billions off Medicaid Expansion
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Saturday, November 4, 2017
November 4, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:56 PM :: 4855 Views
  1. Maui Rep Kaniela Ing Forms Urban Honolulu Congressional Campaign Committee
  2. The Importance of Accurate Testimony
  3. New DoH Website Reports Beach Water Quality
  4. Feds Move to Disqualify Kealoha attorneys – Say Defense Lawyers in on Schemes 
  5. Men attacked by former HPD officer agree to settle lawsuit for large payout
  6. Telescope: Kim, Ige Push Peace Monument While UH Renegotiates Master Lease
  7. Maui Property tax hike bills move forward
  8. Demanding More Tate Hikes and Taxpayer Money, Green Lawyer Becomes Abusive to State Employee
  9. The Atlantic: Laid-Back Hawaii's Strict Approach to Marijuana
  10. Oahu Greets Ing: ‘Aloha Means Goodbye’
  11. Chin: Possible run for office
  12. Veterans Day Parades
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Friday, November 3, 2017
November 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:35 PM :: 3248 Views
  1. Donna Brazile: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC
  2. GOP Tax Plan Will End Federal Subsidy for Unaffordable Housing and High Tax Localities
  3. Scheming to Jam up Traffic Even More, Caldwell Sets Community Meetings
  4. Ige: I have Aloha for Donald Trump
  5. Ige, Other Governors to meet Trump in HNL
  6. DLNR Plots Legislative Agenda—Control of Recreational Fishermen
  7. 2018 -- Hawaii Budget and Policy Center?
  8. Regulatory review board member wants more engagement from Hawaii's small business community
  9. Tsutsui, Abercrombie Still Pushing for Sports Authority, Stadium Boondoggle
  10. Kauai County Wants legislators to Break Humane Society Monopoly
  11. Cat 4 Hurricane? Hawaii Has Zero Shelters
  13. Murder: 30 Year Old Secret Haunts HPD
  14. Feds: Kealohas Got Over $4.2M from Schemes
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Thursday, November 2, 2017
November 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:44 PM :: 4805 Views
  1. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  2. Video: ERS not out of woods yet
  3. Four Judges Appointed to Oahu Courts
  4. New HDoT Website Maps Pavement Conditions, Traffic Counts, Fatal Crashes
  5. Aid for tenants, landlords program expands to Kauai
  6. Ponzi Scheme Blues?  Fukumoto will not run for Reelection—Claims to be Considering Run for Congress
  7. Telescope permit decision appealed to Hawaii Supreme Court
  8. Privacy claim shouldn’t block disclosure of Airbnb contract
  9. Lawsuit: Ballard Altered Test Scores at Police Academy
  10. It Turns Out We Owe Chuck Totto A Big Thank-You
  11. Judge Dismisses Suit Challenging Secret Meetings About Police Chief
  12. Council Confirms Two New Honolulu Police Commission Members
  13. Trump Visit: Caldwell Senses Opportunity for Chaos in Waikiki, 10,000 HGEA members given day off
  14. State Finds no Sites for Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities
  15. Matson Hawaii Shipments Drop 6% as Construction Boom Ends
  16. $7M Stolen from ARC—Nobody Noticed for 20 Years
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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
November 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:46 PM :: 5034 Views
  1. Obamacare: Ins Div Approves Yet Another Round of Massive Rate Hikes
  2. Hirono Kidney Cancer Spreads to Thyroid
  3. Former Charter School Principal Charged with Theft
  4. VIDEO: Education as the Pathway for Hawaiian Advancement
  5. What Can Hawaii Learn From Google
  6. NY Muslim Attacks and Hawaii Moral Narcissism
  7. Monster Homes are Affordable Housing Solution
  8. Ige $30M AirBnB Deal—Taxation Without Legalization
  9. Ballard: Make HPD Great Again
  10. Activists Bummed: Tweekers Vanish into Thin Air After Nimitz Sweep
  11. Lawsuit is Latest Trick to Shut Down Hawaii Fishing Fleet
  12. Database of Hawaii Police Misconduct
  13. Kakaako Highrises Built Over Collapsing Storm Drains
  14. STDs: Hawaii Drops to 28th Place
  15. Native Hawaiian Health Task Force Legislative Agenda
  16. Gabbard: Take Hawaii Green Energy Scams Nationwide
  17. Hawaii state office building reopens after 14-years of Ignorance, Stupidity
  18. MeToo Hypocrisy: Dan Inouye, 1992
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