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Entries for November 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013
November 30, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:24 PM :: 3823 Views
  1. DoE Suspends Homosexual Sex Ed Program
  2. Feds to Survey Housing Needs of DHHL Waitlisters
  3. UHERO: The Confusing World of PV
  4. UHERO: Water Trading to Control Hawaii Aquifers?
  5. Kaiser hikes rates 9.2%, Thanks to Obamacare
  6. Activists Recycle Already-Joined Gay Couples to Make it Look Good Dec 2
  7. After Kicking Children out of Kindergarten, Abercrombie Shortchanges Them on Preschool
  8. Reports on molasses spill in harbor remain unreleased
  9. Insurance Agent Cons Elderly, Gets Jail

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Friday, November 29, 2013
November 29, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:51 PM :: 4631 Views
  1. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  2. VIDEO: Senator Slom and former State Rep. Barbara Marumoto talk about Hawaii business
  3. Early Education: Gay Activist Seeks 'Sweet Spot' to 'Drive Parents to Send us their Children'
  4. UH Campus feels effects of legalizing same-sex marriage
  5. Mainland Homosexuals all a Flutter over Gay Marriage Lawsuit Appeal
  6. UK Guardian: Feds Should Attack Mormon Church 
  7. Star-Adv: Inouye Cronies Should Pay for Inouye Center
  8. New bipartisan caucus aims to get young voters involved
  9. Former BISAC worker sues over firing
  10. Hawaii Exporting Jet Fuel to China
  11. Hawaii Presidential Library Bid Hinges on Obama Change Foundation
  12. 2000 at Salvation Army Thanksgiving Dinner

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Thursday, November 28, 2013
November 28, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 5513 Views
  1. HECO Offers Deal to Solar Customers Caught in Limbo
  2. Hawaii a Testing Ground for Mainland Hysteria
  3. Abercrombie’s Pre-K Initiative Driven by National Agenda
  4. Hawaii among 13 ‘turkeys’ for fiscal management
  5. The Culture of Self-Dealing by Hawaii’s Officials
  6. Pig War: DLNR, Rusty Boar Battle Over 'American Jungle' TV Show
  7. Resignations Abound
  8. Rep McDermott Asks for Reconsideration of Gay Marriage Ruling
  9. EPA Regs Bring Natural Gas Flaring to Kona
  10. SJR12: Hawaiian Homes Commission Act Amendments Draw Opposition after Filibuster Vote
  11. Abercrombie Booed, Heckled at own Campaign Meeting
  12. Mayors Unanimous: We Want GE Tax Hike or TAT Share Guarantee
  13. State begins workplace violence probe at State Hospital
  14. Hawaii visitor arrivals, spending decline in October
  15. Maunawili: Police searching for missing 15-year old Transsexual
  16. State settles age, race discrimination suit
  17. Island Air, Buyer Beware!
  18. Hawaii County still lacks legislative auditor

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
November 27, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:43 PM :: 4130 Views
  1. Lessons learned from the Hawaii ‘gay marriage’ fight
  2. Am Samoa: Coverup on Rep Faleomavaega Health Questions?
  3. Shipping fees: Union-backed federal law increases transport costs tenfold
  4. Catch Shares and Implications for Hawaii Fishing Industry
  5. Delusional: Schatz Claims Obamacare Has Saved Hawaii Seniors $35M
  6. Navy League, Mayor to Recognize Outstanding Military Spouses
  7. Rail: CH2M Hill Snags $46M General Engineering Contract
  8. Legislative Working Group to Discuss Foster Family Homes
  9. Counties to Push for 25% Hike in GE Tax
  10. City street sweeper fired for theft rehired by another city department
  11. Star-Adv Saddened by 'Grim' Future of Akaka Tribe, Lowers Sights 
  12. More health care regulations mean more middlemen, fewer doctors
  13. Sam Aiona: 801 South St. project is not 'workforce housing'
  14. Contractors, Developers Payoff City for 'Making TOD Happen'
  15. Solar Contractors Cut 50% of Workforce
  16. Hawaiian Electric seeks to Stick Ratepayers With undersea cable study costs
  17. UH Teams face ax if fiscal troubles continue
  18. Pigs Run Rampant as City Bumbles Contract
  19. HCDA’s Proposal for Veterans Housing in Kalaeloa Gets a Boost from Neighborhood Board
  20. Monsanto applies for federal permit to develop new varieties of corn
  21. Head of Tuna Commission says vote may be needed at Cairns meeting
  22. 3-1-1 city complaints, is anyone listening?
  23. Most residents improperly use pesticides
  24. Building code exemption creates challenges
  25. Young Legislators Form 'Future Caucus'

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013
November 26, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:02 PM :: 3778 Views
  1. Matson Admits Rate Hikes are to Pay for Overpriced Jones Act Ships
  2. Obamacare Gives Insurance Commissioner Powerful Incentive to Raise Rates
  3. Health Connector: 'Matsuda Doesn't Have the Solution'
  4. Policies to be canceled due to Obamacare will continue at a higher price
  5. Star-Adv: Legislature Must Overhaul Health Connector
  6. LWV Wants to Health Exchange to Register Voters
  7. Kahuku Tired of Being 'Dumping Ground' for Wind Turbines
  8. Water Board Gives $3.5M Contract to Company tied to Wife of Top Exec
  9. UH puts Kobayashi building projects on ice, Shifts Money to Mitsunaga
  10. Act 221 Scammers Want More Money from Taxpayers
  11. Hawaii Loses Money as International Student Population Shrinks
  12. Video: Waikiki 'Hate Crime' Victim Debunked
  13. Colleges in Chicago, Hawaii ready proposals for Obama's presidential library
  14. Prison Food: AIDS, Hepatitis, Give Way to Diabetes & Hypertension
  15. Gay Activists Plan Political Demonstration Wedding at Sheraton
  16. High Risk Offender Gets One Year for Homosexual Child Molestation
  17. Jean King was Hawaii's liberal maverick to the end
  18. GMO OMG:  Another Debunked 'Documentary' Deployed in Hawaii

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013
November 2013 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:55 AM :: 4096 Views
  • Governor to Workforce: Tell Your Kids to go Play in the Street
  • Christians Must Vote
  • Listen closely and you will hear it: “Remember November, Remember November.”
  • Hawaii Health Connector stories -- thank you!!
  • Marriage: Family Beat Herd Long Ago
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Monday, November 25, 2013
November 25, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:14 PM :: 3463 Views
  1. The Extraordinary Pierre Omidyar
  2. Hawaii gets good grades for its state health system for low income populations
  3. Hawaii Health Connector director steps down after health exchange’s failure
  4. HART Audit Reveals $83M Transfer of Federal Funds Kept off Books
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 25, 2013
  6. Panos: Senator Schatz is Wrong about Wind Energy
  7. Non-Profits: Grants in Aid Deadline December 19
  8. Political Ads & Local TV News The Honolulu Case
  9. Kauai: Majority Rejects Anti-GMO Protesters, Hoosier Could Lose Votes
  10. Common Cause Hawaii dismisses public interest in special session
  11. Hypocrisy Shines Through in Witch Hunt of Joe Moore, Mike Perry
  12. Hawaii Gay Marriage? Ten, Count 'em Ten, New Bookings
  13. HECO, Solar Scammers Fight over how to Charge Consumers More
  14. Matson to increase shipping rates by 5.5%
  15. Poetic Justice: Sovereignty Mortgage Scammer Loses Home to Foreclosure
  16. Civil Beat Helps Kauai County Formulate New Public Records Policy which is an 'Obstacle to Transparency'
  17. NPR: Hawaii Hope: A new probation program beats the statistics
  18. Hawaii's 'Final Solution' for Owls and Egrets
  19. Duckworth Backs Fellow Veteran, Rep. Takai, in His Bid for Congress

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Sunday, November 24, 2013
November 24, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 3782 Views
  1. Ethics complaint: HCDA Falsifies Kakaako Workforce Housing Affordability Formulas
  2. Wind Farms: If you thought your bill was going to drop, you're Disappointed
  3. Some Employer Requirements of Obamacare
  4. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  5. Souki: GMOs to Be Focus of Coming Legislative Session
  6. Schatz, Hirono: Alaska-Hawaii Partnership Less Important than Serving Eco Religion
  7. As HECO Hikes Rates to Feed Green Energy Scammers, Major Landowners Opt out of Electric Grid
  8. Shaprio: Tom Brower Cuckoo
  9. Jones Act Unions Back Schatz
  10. New York, Honolulu firms hired to design Inouye center
  11. 185,000 get emergency food
  12. How Kaimuki principal turning things around
  13. 10 finalists picked in “Letter to My Parents” contest in Hawaii
  14. Castle Foundation Phase Two

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Saturday, November 23, 2013
November 23, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 5313 Views
  1. Talking Turkey about Hawaii’s Spending
  2. Jeffrey Portnoy appointed to UH Board of Regents
  3. UH task force on veterans affairs formed
  4. DHHL Updates Legislature on Audit, Loan Delinquencies
  5. HHC Approves Pilot Program for Delinquent Leaseholders
  6. Informational Briefing to Consider UH Budget
  7. While Ripping Off Ratepayers, Water Board Gives $1.5M to Former Exec
  8. State Takeover?  Bailout?  $10M Mansha Contract Saved Hawaii from Incompetent CGI?
  9. Insurance Company Bailout: Another ACA hidden gem
  10. Sandwich Isles Communications: State Gives Hee Family Permission to Continue Stealing
  11. 20 Years after Apology: Akaka Gang Remains Frustrated, Uncertain of Path
  12. Hawaii State Hospital, No Guards, Patients can Refuse Treatment
  13. Key witness in ex-police major's case released from prison -- Served less than 1 year
  14. Wind Farm Operator Pleads Guilty to Killing Eagles, Other Protected Birds
  15. Stray Bullet Leads to Changes at Koko Head

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Friday, November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 4130 Views

  1. Obamacare Fail: Hawaii Health Connector Exec Quits
  2. Assaults at Hawaii hospital for criminally insane prompts Senate investigation
  3. Update: Halawa Guard Allegedly Organized Vicious USO Family Gang Assault
  4. FBI: Hawaii Data Sharing Failure Allows Mentally Ill to Buy Guns
  5. A Decade of Harassment: Bottled Water Battle Goes to Hawaii Supreme Court
  6. Mitsunaga's Abercrombie Releases $83.9M for UH Maintenance Projects
  7. Honolulu Councilman Stanley Chang Introduces Anti-Gun Resolution
  8. Fort Shafter Project Labor Agreement Survey Due Dec. 2
  9. Student Rally to Protest UH Funding Cuts, Tuition Hikes
  10. Criminal charge for hangar golf cart? DoT Aviation Div. Harasses Pilots
  11. HUD Counts 6,335 Homeless in Hawaii--1,180 Chronic
  12. Hawaii: Foodstamp Allotment Jumps 3.4% for 190,000
  13. Honolulu welcomes new Medical Examiner Dr. Christopher Happy
  14. The Christmas Candle Now Playing in Hawaii
  15. Hee:  "Some people will be injured who voted for Senate Bill 1"
  16. Borreca: Supreme Court needs A Crook
  17. Star-Adv: OCCC Should be Moved to make Way for Transit-Oriented Development
  18. Insurance Exec: Access to Health Care Going to Get Worse
  19. Geistling to MDs: Don't Like Health Reform?  Tough
  20. How Many Laws did Brower Break?
  21. Analysts: Mainland Democrats block Hanabusa, Funnel Money to Schatz
  22. 100 Homeless Students at Hilo Charter School
  23. Solar Lease a Bad Deal for Home sellers
  24. UH Scientist Exposes Dishonesty of Anti-GMO Arguments
  25. Parole Board Trims 85 Years off Killer Cop's Mandatory Minimum: Out in 2020
  26. Former Prison Guard sentenced to 25 Years
  27. Kapolei Neighborhood Board to Hear Mokulele Proposal for Kalaeloa Flights
  28. HART Parsons Brinckerhoff Contract up for Re-Bid
  29. Hawaii Illustrated Civil Rights Vision for JFK

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Thursday, November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:26 PM :: 4514 Views
  1. Did Matson and Horizon Lines defraud the United States?
  2. Lawsuit: Guard Organized Vicious Halawa Prison Assault
  3. Lloyds of London Lawsuit Reveals Story Behind Kahuku Windfarm Fires
  4. Maui Mayor Signs MOU with Monsanto Requiring Disclosure of Pesticide Use
  5. Abercrombie Appoints Sarah Allen to Head State Procurement Office
  6. Locked Up and Shipped Away: Interstate Prisoner Transfer and the Private Prison Industry
  7. UHERO: Solar Tax Credits Boost Profitability of Investment for Rich
  8. New Survey Shows 96% Support for Solar Energy in Hawaii
  9. After Years of Talk, Temporary Barriers to be Tested at Laniakea Beach
  10. Grassroot Institute Goes to China
  11. Abercrombie Admin Encourages Kenoi to Veto Anti-GMO Bill
  12. GMOs: Nishihara Slams Abercrombie for Failure of Leadership
  13. HECO close to solving solar installation delays
  14. Honolulu Council Moving to Hike Property Taxes
  15. Senate to Question UPW, HGEA Failure to Represent Mental health Workers
  16. Blind-Deaf school Homosexual Rape Gang Victims Have until Nov 30 to claim share of $5.75M settlement
  17. Retaliation? Hawaiian Activists Decide to Oust Director of State Foundation on Culture and the Arts 
  18. Hilo Charter School: No Shoes, No Chairs, No Rooms
  19. City, State Move to Open Data -- Will Caldwell Sign?
  20. Hawaii County Raises Tobacco Age to 21, Marijuana Still Available at Age 18
  21. Kaiser employees hold one-day work stoppage
  22. Sexual harassment suit filed against DLNR
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:57 PM :: 5666 Views
  1. Hawaii Co Council Sends GMO Ban to Mayor 6-3
  2. Petition: Support Hawaii Farmers Now!
  3. Task Force: Both Hawaii Refineries May be Closed in Seven Years
  4. New medical codes for injuries from duck bites, drone strikes create headaches for doctors
  5. Matson's New Jones Act Ships Deemed an “Expensive Luxury”
  6. Ft Shafter Troops Mobilize for Philippine Typhoon Relief
  7. Hawaii, Illinois Last of the ‘Easy Targets’ for Gay Marriage
  8. Judge Sam King: A Memoir
  9. Cam Cavasso Launches Senate Campaign
  10. Secret New Firefighters Contract Behind Caldwell Admin Claims of $156M Shortfall?
  11. Willie: My Anti-GMO Delusions Trump Your Agricultural Reality
  12. Council Drops Sidewalk Ban: Big Win For Homelessness Industry on Heels of Tom Brower Antics
  13. Star-Adv: Outrigger Models 'Compassionate Disruption' Of Homelessness
  14. Maui: More than 1/3 of Homeless Never Seek Shelter
  15. Common Cause: Restriction of Sister Island Public Testimony is Justified
  16. Hawaii Procurement Institute Joins Call for Health Connector Transparency
  17. Defending Hawaii by Failing?
  18. Four Hawaii companies Among Hundreds Competing for $5.3B in Defense Gold
  19. State investigates charter school's teacher, staff pay
  20. Fired charter school head, under investigation for theft, found new executive job
  21. Colorado Voters Reject Abercrombie's Soda Tax
  22. Civil Beat Reporter Describes Conspiring With Gay Activists in Military

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
November 19, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:42 PM :: 4402 Views
  1. Abercrombie Administration Solicits Plans for Seven New Prisons
  2. "If I vote no on SB1 Ewa Beach will be toast." - Rep. Rida Cabanilla
  3. Hickam POW/MIA lab, slow to ID human remains, has time to shoot Bradley Cooper movie
  4. Haseko Proposes Resort Zoning for Ewa Beach Development
  5. UPDATE: Audit of HART Propaganda Machine to be Released in December
  6. Honolulu Council Update: Water Bills, Data, HSAC, and Helmets
  7. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 18, 2013
  8. EEOC: Del Monte Hawaii Settles Thai Farm Workers Case
  9. Honolulu: Window Open for Grants in Aid Proposals
  10. Kailua Makes World News, Tells HTA Stop Promoting Illegal Visitor Lodging
  11. Fitch: Hawaii Insulated from Impact of Federal Cuts
  12. Hawaii Health Exchange Sign Ups Cost Taxpayers $778K each
  13. Low Income People Blocked from Using Hawaii Health Exchange
  14. McDermott to Appeal Gay Marriage Ruling
  15. Jackson v Abercrombie: Gays Hold 9th Circuit in Pocket as Insurance
  16. Anti-GMO Bill 2491 -- Legal options’ next step
  17. Star-Adv: Abercrombie Falling Short on Leadership in GMOs Pesticide Battle
  18. Djou Expected to Announce After Holidays
  19. Cayetano: ‘Quite A Few People Who are Close to Abercrombie’ Ready to Dump Him
  20. Abercrombie Agriculture Director Leaving to Work for Hanabusa Campaign
  21. Duckworth to Campaign for Takai
  22. Ethics Complaint Remains Outstanding Against Cabanilla
  23. Caldwell Admin Uses Ethic Comm to Push Tax Hikes
  24. Will “open primary” lawsuit end up damaging the Democratic Party?
  25. Bill 113 shortsighted, bad for farmers
  26. Learning Hilo — School's In
  27. Lawyer Sues Citizen For Holding Down Escaping Criminal until Police Arrive

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Monday, November 18, 2013
November 18, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:13 PM :: 4787 Views
  1. Open Letter: 80% of Hawaii Ag Reject Anti-GMO Bill 113
  2. UHERO: Biofuel Scheme Enriches Landowners, Soaks Consumers
  3. Ethics Commission: Caldwell Stonewalling Corruption Investigations
  4. Lunatic Legislator on Waikiki Rampage -- Smashes 20 Shopping Carts
  5. Sidewalk Sleeping Ban Bill Back Tuesday
  6. Insurer sues over fire at Kahuku wind energy farm
  7. Why Rich People are Against GMOs
  8. Learning Hilo — The Turnaround
  9. H-1 zipper lane gets second look from Indecisive DOT
  10. Gay Marriage & Religious Freedom: Laycock speaks out
  11. Gay Churches Demand Other Churches Debate Homo Marriage
  12. What fires tell us about housing for the poor
  13. Faleomavaega Moved from Tripler to the U.S.
  14. But Ethanol sounded like such a great idea, didn’t it?
  15. Rule changes threaten Waikiki beachboy businesses
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Sunday, November 17, 2013
November 17, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 4967 Views
  1. Forbes: Kaua’i goes rogue, anti-GMO bill passes, legal fight looms
  2. Sometimes Aspects of Property Tax Can Be Confusing
  3. Fukumoto: 'Our Democracy needs Your Voice'
  4. Abercrombie loses support of former ally Cayetano
  5. Mainland Homosexuals Demand 'Immediate' Changes to Hawaii School Curriculum
  6. DoE Gay Sex Education to Be Assessed Soon
  7. Abercrombie Fails to Save Agriculture: Dying 2491 revived by new council member, voted into law
  8. Star-Adv Panics over Obamacare Miserable Failure, Has no Solution
  9. Shapiro: Hawaii Should Adopt Jungle Primary
  10. Lassner's UH 'Maintenance' Scheme Designed to Shift Contract from Inouye/Kobayashi to Abercrombie/Mitsunaga 
  11. Abercrombie Cashes in on Fort Street Money
  12. Abercrombie Begs Gays not to Primary His Jo Jordan
  13. 183 Bike Stations: Plans for neighborhoods around Oahu rail stations unveiled
  14. Lecturer: Elimination of Grades, Tests Is Key to Educational Success
  15. Typhoon Relief

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Saturday, November 16, 2013
November 16, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:50 PM :: 4981 Views
  1. Obamacare Hawaii: 170,000 Policies Cancelled, 257 people sign up
  2. HMSA: We Won't Cancel Policies Until After the Election
  3. Forbes: Kaua’i goes rogue, anti-GMO bill set for passage, legal fight looms
  4. HI lawmakers critical of developer that created health-care, tax websites
  5. Who Can Afford Kakaako Workforce Housing?
  6. Kona Comedy Festival to Benefit Wounded Warrior Project
  7. Christians Must Vote
  8. Gay Marriage vs GMOs -- Who the Legislature Listens To
  9. VIDEO: Cabanilla Hammered for Refusal to Defend Marriage
  10. Campaign Spending: Cabanilla Fined $500 for False Reports
  11. More Commentary on Hawaii Gay Marriage:
  12. Only 1,000 People Working on Honolulu Rail Construction, HART Says
  13. Former Councilmember Has Yet to Serve Sentence for Resisting Arrest
  14. California, Idaho Primary Suits were 'As Applied' Cases
  15. Judge approves $14 million for Partial Settlement of substitute teachers' back pay
  16. EEOC settles Thai workers suit with 5 Hawaii farms
  17. Lack of Flood Prevention Costs Honolulu $2.7 M
  18. City Did not Act on Code Violations--28 People Lived at Site of Deadly Fire
  19. Not enough emergency shelter in Hawaii
  20. USO Prison Gang Leader gets 25 years ... in Prison
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Friday, November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:29 PM :: 4915 Views
  1. Hawaii Family Advocates: This is not Over
  2. Judge Rejects Dems Closed Primary Suit: Door Remains Open to 'As Applied' Challenge
  3. FULL TEXT: Judge Upholds Hawaii Open Primary, Rules Against Democrats
  4. Hawaii GOP: What's Next
  5. Feds tell Hawaii Insurance Commissioner HMSA and Kaiser Can Extend Cancelled Insurance Plans -- If They Want To
  6. VIDEO: Can Puerto Rico Change the Jones Act?
  7. Smart Meters: KIUC Members to Vote on Proposal to Tax Conspiracy Theorists
  8. For USA, Honolulu, LA, SF, Seattle Among World's 20 Worst Traffic Cities
  9. Health Dept: 60% of Hawaii Teens' Drinking is Less Sugary
  10. Hawaii Government IT Transformation: What to Expect from 2014 Legislature
  11. Making TOD Happen: City Launches 'I Wish' Photo Campaign
  12. CAC Presents Nominees for Board of Regents
  13. Special Session: $684M Payout to Unions
  14. Insurance Cancelled?  Hanabusa, Gabbard Vote to Keep it That Way
  15. Hawaii Health Connector: Man 'Furthest Along' Hasn't Been Able to Buy Insurance
  16. As 23,000 Face Cancellation, Kaiser, HMSA Conspire With State
  17. Kahuku Residents Reject New Windfarm Proposal
  18. Hanabusa Challenges Schatz to Debates
  19. Luddites Scheme to Stack Council After Veto Override falls 1 Vote Short
  20. School bus safety: Who is behind the wheel?
  21. 'Obama effect’ has ruined our secluded Hawaii beach resort, say locals
  22. Sakamoto Outlines How 1998 Voters Were Tricked by their Gay Lords
  23. More Gay Marriage Commentary:
  24. Joe Moore, Michael Perry Break Ranks With Gay Media Monopoly
  25. Retaliation? DHS Announces Investigation of Homeless Shelter tied to Rep Jo Jordan
  26. Piles of trash mar Keehi island; state vows to clean it up again
  27. Child Molester Faked Mental Illness once, Will he get Away with Murder?
  28. Update grading of restaurants

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Thursday, November 14, 2013
November 14, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 5010 Views
  1. Gay Marriage Signing Ceremony: "Imagine There's No Religion"
  2. Broken Trust Gang finally Imposes Gay Unions on Hawaii
  3. Hawaii legalizes gay marriage, but opponents promise challenge to law
  4. Abercrombie Signs Bill Creating New Type of Family Unit
  5. Health Connector Still Refuses to Say How Many Bought Insurance
  6. Hanabusa Camp Hits Schatz 'Divisive appeal to Single Ideological Group'
  7. Honolulu Muslim Eye-Gouge Attacker Tied to Staten Island Jihadi
  8. Pesticides: State Launches 'Agricultural Good Neighbor Program' for Kauai
  9. State Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Geothermal Rights Case
  10. Informational Briefings to Review Audits Critical of DHHL, OHA
  11. Medicaid Buy-In Task Force to Meet
  12. Informational Hearing to Consider Foster Care, Adult Residential Care
  13. Feds Propose Plan to Kill Hawaii Owls, Egrets
  14. A Revolution May be Coming
  15. Abercrombie Thanks Sen Chumbley for Tricking Voters Back in '98
  16. Lawsuit to stop same-sex marriage returning to court, TRO Rejected
  17. Gay Marriage Commentary:
  18. Hawaii Health Connector one of three states without enrollment data
  19. Gay Marriage in Hawaii: Why I'm Not Celebrating — Yet
  20. Only 3200 Gay Marriages Expected
  21. State pension record gains do not change unfunded liability
  22. Ethics board: Ford had no papaya conflict
  23. City Council approves Koa Ridge development plan
  24. Military spending in peril, hui says
  25. Honolulu Passes Open Data Bill
  26. Female cadets in Hawaii Guard youth academy lodge sexual misconduct complaints

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
November 13, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:10 PM :: 5682 Views
  1. Lim on Health Connector: Wrong Managers Hired Wrong Vendor
  2. How They Voted: Senate Passes Gay Marriage 19-4 
  3. IHN: Hours of UnTelevised Video From Special Session
  4. Free Tickets: Ethics Commission Rebukes UH Regents
  5. FULL TEXT: Homeless Service Utilization Report Hawai‘i 2013
  6. It Begins: Same-sex education headed for 30 Hawaii schools
  7. Gay-Atheists Overreach, Wake Sleeping Giant
  8. How Gay Atheists Stacked House Judiciary Committee
  9. Gays Insult Hawaiians One More Time
  10. Gays: Kamehameha Was a Homo
  11. Miscellaneous Gay Marriage Articles
  12. Changes to GMO bill nixed, Luddite Mob Targets Papayas, Landscaping
  13. Private help for public hospitals
  14. Government inflexibility leads to IT nightmares
  15. Consumer Advocate or Corporate Advocate?
  16. Fujiyama claims rigging of bids in Naniloa Sale
  17. Wife of ex-Oahu prison guard found guilty of fraud
  18. Kahoolawe 2026 Plan to Shake Loose More Money
  19. Koa Ridge Rezoning is up for final test today
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
November 12, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:27 PM :: 3854 Views
  1. Nisei WW2 Vets Honored at Missouri Memorial
  2. More Opportunities to Raise Your Voice--Let the People Decide
  3. Limbaugh: Hawaii Republicans Have to be Their Own Version of Liberal
  4. Analysis: Hawaii Health Connector Signs up only 2% of Projections
  5. Study: When it Comes to Climate Change, Hawaii Talks More than Most
  6. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 11, 2013
  7. Abercrombie May Sign Gay Marriage Bill Wednesday
  8. Ing:  Bible is Wrong, Sign me up for Gay Lifestyle
  9. Mainland Homosexuals Target Jo Jordan in Primary
  10. 49-States: Study of Obamacare Exchanges Can Find Rates Everywhere Except Hawaii
  11. Hawaii EBT Cards: Millions Spent in Las Vegas
  12. 50 Cheerleaders Suspended in Bullying Investigation
  13. UH Sticks Student Veterans With the Bill
  14. State Hospital employees Threatened with Termination for Talking to Media
  15. Solar Farm Surprise? HECO Won't Say Where It's Putting New Huge Energy Projects
  16. Conspiracists Demand Vote on Smart Meters
  17. Sierra Club Seeks Delay on Koa Ridge--Uses Rail as Justification
  18. 24 violate DHHL rules, review finds
  19. Study Claims Homeless problem 'not worsening'
  20. Gabbard Gets More Contributors from Florida than Hawaii
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Monday, November 11, 2013
November 11, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 3523 Views
  1. NYT to Hawaiians: We Tell You What Your Culture is
  2. KIUC Gets Solar 37% Cheaper than HECO
  3. The Implosion of the PV Industry
  4. Back and Forth with Grants-in-Aid
  5. Veterans Day
  6. DoE Buys 6,700 Laptops, 75% go Unused
  7. Ethics Comm. Assembling Target List of Pro-Family Groups
  8. Hawaii same-sex marriage and small business
  9. Gay Inc Begins Scheduling Weddings
  10. HPD wants extra funds to go to recruits
  11. Author to lecture on Finnish education
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
November 10, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 4540 Views
  1. Gay Marriage Opponents to Rally at Capitol TODAY
  2. VIDEO: 10,000 Dead as Typhoon Haiyan Blasts Tacloban City, Leyte
  3. Slowing Growth of Government Only Way to Avoid Another Shutdown
  4. Ahu: Church Looks forward to Building Bridges with GLBT
  5. Adios to Aloha?
  6. Hee, Rhoads admit Testimony Forced Concessions on Religious Freedom
  7. SB1HD1 Pre-Planned with Senate
  8. Courtroom will become next venue in fight over matrimony
  9. State wasting cash but no one accepts blame
  10. Koa Ridge gains would include hospital
  11. With Solar Scammers Profits on the Line, Eco-Lawyers Suddenly get interested in consumer costs
  12. Jury adds $1M to Sheehan property value After County Seizes Boatyard

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Saturday, November 9, 2013
November 9, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 4594 Views
  1. Rep Har Floor Speech: Point by Point Debunk of SB1HD1
  2. Proposed Kahuku Windfarm Would Kill Endangered Birds, Bats
  3. New Federal Rule Mandates Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Insurance Plans
  4. Excerpts from House GOP Floor Speeches
  5. VIDEO: 1000 Dead as Typhoon Haiyan Blasts Tacloban City, Leyte
  6. Veterans Day Events salute service of isle military
  7. Puerto Rico Legislature to Study Impact of Jones Act
  8. NYT to Hawaiians: We Tell You What Your Culture is
  9. Gay-Atheists Announce Plan to Target Kawaiahao, Waioli, Kroc Center
  10. Rep. Jo Jordan:  We don’t need a lot of Mainlanders coming and telling us what we gotta do
  11. Churches Embrace Rep Jo Jordan
  12. Rep Ing Still Using Matt Shepard as Martyr
  13. Everybody Knew What Lifelong Criminal Was About to do
  14. Geothermal is a Red-Hot Topic
  15. Family Gets Closure Decades After Woman Disappears in Hawaii
  16. Hawaii Land Use Commission Puts Off Voting on Turtle Bay Land
  17. Hawaii Species Protected Under Ecosystem Plan
  18. Kailua Downtown Sale: Beneficiary Sues, Asserts Insider Trading
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Friday, November 8, 2013
November 8, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 3937 Views
  1. Child molester back at work at Hawaii Legislature (Again)
  2. House Security Announces Rules for Friday's Gay Marriage Rallies
  3. Heritage: Hawaiian Citizens Testify in Support of Marriage
  4. Chang: Democrats Disrespect People, Republicans are Listening
  5. Judge: 1998 Voters May Have Thought they were Banning Gay Marriage
  6. Hawaii: Where agendized people go to live out their dreams
  7. Hawaii tax department under scrutiny for waste, mismanagement
  8. Res 13-216: Stop Unfair Water Billing
  9. House Vote to be Livestreamed on Olelo
  10. Senators: Conference Committee Debate May 'Spiral out of Control'
  11. Ige's campaign to succeed Abercrombie not so quixotic
  12. Cabanilla to be Fined for Campaign Spending Violations
  13. Hawaii Least Politically Engaged State, but Some Believe Gay Marriage Debate Could Turn the Tide
  14. Lawsuit: Disabled Girl Raped in Same-Sex bathrooms at Waianae School
  15. Hawaii DOE to Charter Schools: Figure Out Your Own Food
  16. DoE Anti-Bullying Policy in the News
  17. Elder abuse squad getting slammed with cases
  18. Modern-day slavery alleged in fishing fleet
  19. Ethics agency needs more autonomy
  20. Civil Beat Files Lawsuit In Effort to Free Up Police Misconduct Records
  21. No Sleeping on Sidewalk Bill Coming Back for Another Try
  22. Many People Move to Hawaii and Many Others Leave
  23. Obama 'Sorry' He Cost You Your Insurance
  24. Kauai Council to consider overriding mayor's veto of pesticide, GMO bill
  25. Farmers Vilified by Organic Activists
  26. Energy Excelerator Gives Away $5M to Phony Tech Companies
  27. Lifelong Criminal Out on Parole Gets 15 new Felony Charges

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Thursday, November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:33 PM :: 3982 Views
  1. How They Voted: Gay Marriage Passes Second Read 30-18
  2. VIDEO: Shouts of ‘Let the People Vote’ Fill House Chambers
  3. No Blackout: RevoluSun Exposed
  4. Hawaii Health Connector stories -- thank you!!
  5. Labor Unions May Get Health Law Tax Relief
  6. TomTom: Honolulu 6th Worst Traffic in N. America
  7. Realtors Assn: Honolulu 3rd Most Expensive Real Estate
  8. Survey: Kailua 20th Most Unaffordable Real Estate in USA
  9. Hosjijo Outlines Plan to Force Gay Government Marriage on Churches, Individuals
  10. SA: We Prefer the Original SB1 Version
  11. SB1HD1 Passes 30-18 2nd Read After Motions to Amend Fail
  12. Lesbian Rep Jo Jordan Endorses Gay Marriage Then Votes 'No' to Keep Position of Power over Waianae
  13. Public school test scores above average
  14. Hoku: "One of Idaho's Greatest failures" -- Hawaii's Too!
  15. Hawaii Legislators Pressure UH Trustees to be More Involved
  16. State tax department questioned on contracts
  17. Kauai County to heighten security at meeting on pesticide bill
  18. UH Prof: 'GMO's Are Safe'
  19. Trucker in sludge controversy drew earlier allegations of illegal dumping
  20. Stabbing suspect is hospital escapee
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013
November 6, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 8880 Views
  1. How They Voted: House Committees Amend, Pass Gay Marriage Bill
  2. Full Text SB1HD1: House Gay Marriage Bill as Amended
  3. Live Testimony on same-sex 'marriage' runs 895 - 137 against
  4. Kauai anti-GMO ‘Witch Trials’ continue, as Mayor faces death threats for bill veto
  5. Gary Hooser Rigs Star-Adv Poll the Pono Way
  6. Hawaii Health Connector Still Refusing to Reveal Sign-up Numbers
  7. HI-5 Program Loses $28M: Audit Points to Fraud and Abuse (for the 4th time)
  8. HECO Pushes 9 Secret Solar Projects at Whopping 15.8 Cents Per KWH
  9. Molokai Ranch Reveals Alt-Energy Plan
  10. City Awards $175M Kaneohe-Kailua Sewer Contract
  11. Senate President Kim announces run for Congress
  12. Mele Carroll Slams Gays on Arrogance, Threats -- Reverses Vote
  13. Religious Freedom Protections: 'Weak and Wobbly'
  14. Slom: Will Protesters, Testifiers Stay Active?
  15. CGI Bungled DoTax Project 14 Years Ago, Hired Again for Health Connector
  16. Study finds Only 29,000 in Hawaii eligible for health-insurance tax credits
  17. Hawaii County Stalls Anti-GMO Bill 113, Waiting on State
  18. Crooked Solar Contractors Laying Off, Lying
  19. Electricians' Union Demands Control of Solar Installer Jobs
  20. TOD: Mayor Wright Residents 'Freedoms Restricted' -- 'Afraid to Speak Up' as Rail Inspired Redevelopment Looms
  21. HCDA Holding Public Hearing on Another Kakaako Project Today
  22. Senate gives financial boost to 2 rural hospitals on Kauai
  23. A Century of Looting Ends for Galbraith Trust Heirs
  24. Suit seeks to block evictions at Kahuku Village
  25. University wants telescope leases extended

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013
November 5, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 3533 Views
  1. SB1 Hearing Continues 10:30AM Tuesday
  2. SHOPO Pres: “You would have to kill me to impose this law upon my children”
  3. Testimony on same-sex 'marriage' running 10 -1 against
  4. Hooser and Bynum’s Land of No Aloha Activists
  5. Ag Department Backs Kauai Mayor’s Veto, Developing Pesticide Regs
  6. Study: Hawaii Child Care Among Least Affordable in USA
  7. Honolulu Charter Amendment: Seize Land Within 90 Days of Council Vote
  8. Panos: Fighting Boondoggles--Honolulu Rail Transit
  9. State: Geothermal Rights Case 'is no minor land dispute'
  10. Slom: There Are Always Other Options
  11. DLNR Announces New State Historic Preservation Administrator
  12. Hawaiians Stall Gay Marriage Hearing, Plan Rally Thursday
  13. Thanks to Atheists, Exercise classes, Scout troops face big rental hikes at public schools
  14. Gay Agenda: Hawaii BoE Hasn’t Addressed Gay Marriage Issue Specifically
  15. Is Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell Trying to Weaken the Ethics Commission?
  16. Phony Sea Level Rise Used to Justify Jump in Flood Insurance Premiums
  17. Court Gives Jimmy Pflueger Big Break
  18. Number of solar PV permits issued on Oahu declines for sixth straight month
  19. Police investigating sludge controversy

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Monday, November 4, 2013
November 4, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:37 PM :: 3847 Views
  1. In Push to Close Hearings Hawaii Legislature Changes Testimony Procedures
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted November 4, 2013
  3. Animal Farm: George Orwell Looks at Gay Marriage
  4. -- Sign Up to be Reminded How Your Sen. and Rep. Voted on Gay Marriage
  5. Forcing Gay Marriage on Churches is Second Overthrow of Hawaiian Kingdom
  6. Machado Expected to Make Full Recovery
  7. Lawsuit Exposes Conditions at HHSC Hospitals
  8. Star-Adv: Abercrombie Should Impose Kauai Anti-GMO Bill Statewide
  9. Micromanagement Blamed as Castagnetti Suddenly Quits Punchbowl Post
  10. Hawaii DOT 'Never Got Around' To Telling Matson Its Pipe Was Still Leaking
  11. PV installation needs electricians, union says
  12. The $10 Billion Question: How Much Does D.C. Really Give Hawaii?

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Sunday, November 3, 2013
November 3, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 5553 Views
  1. Gay Marriage: Public Hearing to Continue Monday
  2. OHA Chair Machado Hospitalized: Suffers Stroke After Gay Marriage Hearing
  3. Asset-Rich People Now Eligible for Hawaii Medicaid--But Can't Log on the Website
  4. Share Loss of TAT Could Spell Increased GET
  5. Opposition to Gay Marriage from Native Hawaiians Boosts Push for Religious Freedom 
  6. Health Connector Refuses to Release Obamacare Enrollment Figures, but Profitable Nonprofits Cash In
  7. Group asks court to stop governor from signing bill
  8. NYT: Why do Hawaiians Resist our Mainland Gay 'Missionaries'?
  9. Kauai Mayor Needs to Flip One Vote to Block Veto Override
  10. Hawaii County GMO showdown Tuesday
  11. Anti-GMO Protesters Set to Destroy Hawaii's Largest Dairy
  12. TFA: DoE Making Progress under STRIVE HI
  13. Sewer woes raise doubts for Kakaako
  14. Mayor Wright Homes residents "stepped up to the plate," a top housing official says

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Saturday, November 2, 2013
November 2, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 3801 Views
  1. Anti-GMO Crowd ‘Unable to Control their Emotions’ -- Kauai PD Investigate Threats Against Mayor
  2. VIDEO: Dangerous Situation as Kauai Mayor Attempts to Address Anti-GMO Crowd After Veto
  3. Hearing Continues Saturday, 80% Testify Against Changing Family Structure
  4. Special Session Update: All registered testifiers can still be heard, but should be ready
  5. Testimony & Invocations: Sakamoto, Thielen, Cheape, Lees, Hochberg
  6. Obama Sticks Abercrombie on 'Climate Preparedness' Taskforce
  7. CANCELLED: Oversight Hearing to Evaluate Foster Homes, Adult Residential Care Homes
  8. LINK: 15,000 Testify on Gay Marriage
  9. Levinson Won’t Bet on Legality of Religious Freedom Clauses in SB1
  10. House Leaders Plan to Amend SB1 based on Connecticut Law
  11. 1990: Lesbians Together only 6mos when they Decided to Sue for 'Marriage'
  12. Star-Adv: State owes city millions from rail surcharge
  13. State buying frozen as oversight chief exits
  14. Board Manipulating Selection of Chief Procurement Officer
  15. Flood Insurance Jumps 850%—$23,000 Premium
  16. Protestor chains himself to HELCO’s doors (again)
  17. The Lack of Science Behind Hawaii Island GMO Bill 113
  18. Anti-GMO Luddites Still Crying About Kauai Mayor's Veto
  19. Youth groups report lower enrollment because of new DOE policy
  20. Koa Ridge poised for final Council vote
  21. Counties may put a lid on Sunshine Law
  22. Emergency funds for Kauai health system clear committee hurdle
  23. Kona: State Debunks Federal Water Grab
  24. Accused man asks to be charged with Illegal gambling, compares Prosecutor to mob boss

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Friday, November 1, 2013
November 1, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 4054 Views
  1. Hearings Expose SB1 'Not Ready for Prime Time'
  2. Marriage: ‘People’s Filibuster’ Continues into Second Day
  3. Anti-GMO Bill Vetoed, Kauai Mayor Wants County to Work With State on Pesticides
  4. After Six Years Improvement, Hawaii Scores 'C' on Premature Birth
  5. Study detailing Hawaii’s hidden retirement liabilities should haunt taxpayers
  6. Kiplinger: Hawaii Among Least Tax-Friendly States
  7. HTA: Visitor Arrivals Drop 1% After 2 Years Growth
  8. FCC Announces $1M for Hawaiian Tel Rural Broadband on Big Island
  9. KITV: 82% Say Let the Voters Decide on Gay Marriage
  10. Rush of same-sex marriage bill testifiers sign-up before midnight deadline
  11. Were You Skipped Over?  Come Back at the End to Testify
  12. Ex-Lesbian Leads Charge Against Gay Marriage
  13. Legislators Question SB1, Brower Pushes for Polyamory
  14. Testimony Hearing Gives Reps Time for Negotiations
  15. House Committees Have Votes for Gay Marriage
  16. Website link to submit same-sex marriage testimony Vanishes
  17. Legal Aid, HCRC: Feds Made Us Do It
  18. HHSC Coding, Billing problems Cause of $7.5M Shortfall?
  19. Interim Board of Education officials OK'd by Senate panel
  20. Planner sees need for affordable rental housing around rail stations
  21. Honolulu considers selling property to pay for downtown revitalization
  22. Tighten prison furlough policy
  23. Hawaii 10th Highest Alcohol Taxes

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