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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for October 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:04 PM :: 4457 Views
  1. Hawaii Family Forum General Election Voter Guide
  2. Kenoi Scandal Stains Journalist, Too
  3. Astronomer Cross Examined 11 Hours at Telescope Hearing
  4. HSTA Indoctrinates Members to Hate Matayoshi
  5. Abortion Pills by Mail for Hawaii
  6. Aha Moku Advisory Council Gives DLNR a New layer of ’Advice’
  7. Big Island Short 170 Doctors
  8. Bicycle Bill Would Drive up Cost of Construction
  9. Lunatic Escapes Asylum—Nobody Notices for Hours
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Sunday, October 30, 2016
October 30, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:07 PM :: 4088 Views
  1. 55% Hike in Harbor Fees: Transportation Department Grabs for More of Your Money
  2. Do Some Benefits For State Retirees Still Make Sense?
  3. Does Hawaii Need a "Property Ownership Fairness Act"
  4. Lower Oil Prices Benefit Hawaii Most of All
  5. Obamacare 2017 Premium Hikes 25 Percent. What's Next?
  6. Judge Posner: Cab Companies Were Chumps To Rely On Govt Monopoly to Protect Them From Competition
  7. Rail: The client is in panic mode
  8. Carlisle: Ethics Comm. Can’t be Trusted to Investigate The Caldwell
  9. Star-Adv: A vote for Caldwell is a Vote for a GE Tax Hike
  10. ‘Get more, pay less’ sure works for our elected elite
  11. HMSA scrapping fee for service: New Plan Saves HMSA Money by Cutting back on Medicine, Treatments
  12. Lo: Defeat of Maui Second Hospital a Pyrrhic Victory
  13. Ige uses Board of Education to get rid of superintendent
  14. Hawaii DoE: 50% Teacher Turnover Every 5 Years
  15. Make public-private partnerships the norm
  16. Plaintiffs still await state data in Hawaiian homestead suit
  17. Hawaiians Protest DOI Rule That Would Give Them Tribal Status
  18. Not all the Standing Rock Sioux are protesting the pipeline
  19. Anti-Pesticide Hawaii County Still Debating Whether to Stop Using Herbicides
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Saturday, October 29, 2016
Letters to the Editor, October, 2016
By Letters to the Editor @ 11:10 PM :: 7690 Views
  • Rail: The client is in panic mode
  • Rail: How could such exceptional and reliable people so fail this community?
  • Exodus at OHA
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Saturday, October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:25 PM :: 5263 Views
  1. Clean Energy Fraud: Puna Geothermal Operator Settles with Feds
  2. Caldwell Duped?
  3. Rail: How could such exceptional and reliable people so fail this community?
  4. Countering Chinese Inroads into Micronesia
  5. National Disability Employment Awareness Month
  6. Visitor Spending Increased 10.4% to Record $1.2 Billion for September
  7. Kenoi will be Able to Run for Governor in 2018 After Stacked Jury Acquits Him
  8. Kenoi: ‘I’m Offended Even Being Accused’
  9. Tough on Crime: Let Judges Set Minimum Sentences
  10. The crisis is here; Panelists urge consumers to get involved in health care cost discussion
  11. Maui Windfarm: One Down, Seven to Go
  12. Economist questions Ige’s goal of doubling state’s food production
  13. Hawaii Convention Center expects first profit ever
  14. UH Athletics Losing $2.2M to $2.4M a Year
  15. DOE sees big drop in homeless students after Free Lunch Rules Change
  16. Push is on for More Childcare Subsidies
  17. Prosecutor: Homosexual Child Molesters Using Online Dating Apps to Rape Boys in Hawaii
  18. Soft on Crime: Long Rap Sheet out on the Streets Does it Again
  19. HPD Crime Mapping—Half-Truth
  20. 5% More Dopers Than 2015
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Friday, October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 4288 Views
  1. Hanabusa Flees HART, is Replaced by Contractor
  2. Kelii Akina for OHA Launches new Radio Ad
  3. Hawaii Health Insurance Premiums Growing Faster than Most States
  4. OHA is State’s 170th-Largest ‘Business’
  5. Two Finalists named for UH Manoa chancellor
  6. City acquires 24-unit apartment building to house homeless
  7. OHA Races Offer Stark Choices
  8. Star-Adv Publisher Claims He Was Listed as Caldwell Supporter by Mistake
  9. Hawaii Permanent Political Class: Democrats Prepare to Elect Son of Broken Trust Tweeker
  10. One Party State: 25 Legislators Unopposed
  11. 32% of UH Students Graduate in 4 Years
  12. Obama Vacation May Have Contributed to Deadly Marine Helo Crash
  13. Overwhelming Majority of Hep A cases Ate Scallops at Genki Sushi
  14. After Four Years State-Owned Ag Project Finally Produces Some Watermelons
  15. Hawaii Anti-GMO Activist Leaving State
  16. Hawaii's Crazy War Over Zombie Cats
  17. Top Animal Liberation Nut Tied to Hawaii, Samoa, Palau
  18. Punatic Stops Using Deodorant, Gets Writeup in ‘Elite Daily’
  19. Program for mentally ill inmates  
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:05 PM :: 4401 Views
  1. BoE Moves to Dump Matayoshi
  2. Hawaii fourth and eighth graders show improvement in science
  3. Grassroot Backs Suit Against 10% Rail Skim
  4. The People v. The Powerful - Summarized in a Caldwell Ad
  5. Ewa Homeless up 98% since 2015
  6. Homeless migrating to East Oahu
  7. Obama Admin: N Korea can Nuke Hawaii—and we should just accept that
  8. With Formby Fleeing, HART board selects interim executive director
  9. HART defends rail property purchases years ahead of construction
  10. Star-Adv: Get Rid of Brower
  11. City acquires 24-unit building on Beretania St. to house homeless
  12. Pandering to Anti-GMO Morons? Gabbard, Schatz and Hirono are Tops 
  13. Without Challengers, Money Still Rains Down upon Hawaii Congressional Candidates
  14. Former Big Isle Man Punished for Failing to Show Proper Obsequience to The Hillary
  15. Why Bill Clinton Encouraged Donald Trump to Run
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:04 PM :: 5295 Views
  1. Walk-In Early Voting Open Now
  2. How Much Does OHA Spend on Chair’s Friends?
  3. Hale Mauliola Moves 105 Homeless into Permanent Housing
  4. Homelessness—Family Matters
  5. Fewer DoE Students Require Remedial Instruction in College
  6. DoE to Tax New Housing from Kalihi to Ala Moana?
  7. Brewbaker: The Future of Agriculture on Maui
  8. U.S. Attorney Appoints Election Officer for Hawaii
  9. Star-Adv: Reelect Sam Slom Senate
  10. Kenoi Trial: Old Boys Yuk it up In Front of Stacked Jury
  11. Doomed: TMT hearing may last months with 85 witnesses
  12. Obamacare Driving Doctors out of Business—Many Become Hospital Employees
  13. Sand Island homeless complex seen as a success
  14. Caldwell Pays $287K per Unit to Buy Existing ‘Affordable’ Units
  15. Caldwell Lets Oahu Bridges Rot
  16. Anti-Dairy Activists Come up With New Trick
  17. Iao Valley Flood Seen as Opportunity to Attack Water Diversions
  18. Ancient ways of managing island water not hands-off
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
October 25, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:09 PM :: 3693 Views
  1. Walk-In Early Voting Begins Today
  2. Hawaii Obamacare Premiums Going Up 32% for 2017—Unless You Get a Tax Credit
  3. Ethics: UH Dean Fined for “Improper Use of State Resources for Campaign Purposes” in American Samoa Congressional Race
  4. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Home-Sharing
  5. Pay for Performance: Budget Busting "Incentives" in Medicare Reform
  6. Not Jammed Enough: Caldwell Publishes New Lane-Elimination Manual
  7. Gabbard Does Not Endorse Caldwell
  8. Hawaii State Senate May Soon Be All Democrats
  9. HIDOT Latest Tax Hike Trick—Hold H-1 Hostage
  10. Wealthy Enviros Pushing $3000 Smog Check for Hawaii—Real Goal is more Electric Car Tax Credits
  11. Anti-Telescope Activists: ‘We Control the Hearing Room”
  12. Kenoi Trial Will Focus on Five Felonies
  13. HPD circumvents community efforts to gain crime data
  14. Defense Bar Polluting Star-Adv Rape Kit Coverage
  15. Cat Obsessives Controlling Sierra Club Endorsements?
  16. Will Anti-Fluoridation Nuts Hold the Line in 2017?
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Monday, October 24, 2016
October 24, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:24 PM :: 3401 Views
  1. “Your Voice!” – Discover the Public's Power in the Legislative Process!
  2. Meet Hawaii’s OTHER Self-Dealing Bank Director/Politician
  3. Survey: 47% of Oahu MDs Refusing New Medicare Patients
  4. Guide to 20 Honolulu Charter Amendment questions
  5. Rail Tax Hike: Will Council Take a Position?
  6. Next Session: Push is on for LTC Insurance (Again)
  7. DoE Pares Down Rubber Room
  8. Discipline the Homeless
  9. DLNR ‘Management’—35 Years of Habitat Loss
  10. Poll: 69 Percent Of Voters Want Feral Cats Removed From Hawaii
  11. Criminal gets 20 years after fleeing Maui Drug Court
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Sunday, October 23, 2016
October 23, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:53 PM :: 3155 Views
  1. Caldwell a No-Show for Olelo -- Djou Debates Empty Chair
  2. What Californians Found Out about Hollywood Credits
  3. Wind a Bigger Boondoggle than Ethanol
  4. False Dichotomy: Hanabusa Does Her Part to Force GE Tax Hike
  5. Star-Adv: A Crook Like Clinton is a Perfect Match for Hawaii’s Business and Political Elite
  6. Hazmat Suit Needed to Vote
  7. Options for primary care doctors are shrinking
  8. Amendment 7 Establishes Office for High Priest of Eco-Religion
  9. Gun Control Nuts Explore New Angle to Attack Hawaii Gun Stores
  10. Another 3rd World Politician Flaunts Fake Hawaii PhD
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Saturday, October 22, 2016
October 22, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:32 PM :: 4364 Views
  1. Ethics Complaint: Caldwell Hides Millions in Stock Options
  2. After 10 Years and Recusal of Entire Supreme Court, State Finally Wins Flexibility on Retiree Health benefits
  3. Hawaii Proves Solar Power’s Dependence on Subsidies
  4. HECO Touts Wholesale Solar Rates Higher than Mainland Retail Rates
  5. TRO, Drunk Driving, and Criminal History Divide HD41 Candidates
  6. Will Hawaii be First State to Have One-Party Senate?
  7. FBI to Investigate Attack on Kauai Hydro Dam? -- Anti-GMO Activists Implicate Themselves
  8. DUI, Hit n Run: Prosecutors Trick Helps Cop Get Off

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Friday, October 21, 2016
October 21, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:55 PM :: 4593 Views
  1. Djou Launches New Ad as Absentee Ballots Arrive in Mailboxes
  2. Professor Used UH Email System to Harass Rival
  3. New Commuting Data: Same Old Trends
  4. Video: The Town That Privatized Everything
  5. Reduce Poverty and Homelessness by Creating Wealth
  6. California Homeless Man Gets Flown to Live With Family in Hawaii
  7. Rail tax Hike Resolutions Set up Legislative Battle
  8. Precisely as Planned: Telescope Hearings Slowed by 16 Cross-Examinations Per Witness
  9. Brandt: OHA Will be Bankrupt in 10 Years
  10. Kenoi proceedings reveal slippery slope of ‘lomi-ing’
  11. Feds: Foreign Fishermen Have No Complaints Working On US Boats
  12. Constitutional Amendment—No More Tax Refunds for Taxpayers
  13. Poll Measures Support for Five Honolulu Charter Amendments
  14. Nightmare Charter Amendment Would Give Caldwell Another Term
  15. Irony: Campaign Spending Commission probes anti-Caldwell PAC
  16. Cancer Center Wants $15M
  17. Brower’s Sledgehammer Pandering Comes Back to Haunt Him Again 
  18. Due to Lack of Lunatic Asylums, 100 mentally Ill in OCCC Daily
  19. Union holds medical marijuana training and certification seminar in Waikiki
  20. MPD Explains Why So Many Rape Kits Untested
  21. HPD Officer Finds Way to Beat DUI Rap
  22. Some residents double-billed for online motor vehicle payments
  23. Kauai: Regressive Leftism Storms the Beach
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 PM :: 8472 Views
  1. Court: Caldwell’s Property Tax Scheme Illegal
  2. Republican Party: Vote ‘No’ on all 20 Honolulu Charter Amendments
  3. Hawaii Democrats Move to New HQ
  4. Transportation Department Ripping Down Campaign Signs
  5. Time-of-Use Rates Punish Evening Consumers with 55% Rate Hike on Oahu
  6. Council Committee Resolution Demands Permanent GE Tax Hike
  7. Poll: How to use False Dichotomy to Sell Tax Hike
  8. Testimony: Honolulu Star-Advertiser Reporter Handled Years-Long Coverup of Kenoi P-Card Purchases
  9. Star-Adv: Vote No on 7 “Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency”
  10. Police Commission’s newest member questions whether it would use additional authority
  11. Honolulu police working to reduce backlog of untested rape kits
  12. Corrections Officer Forgets Gun in Jail Bathroom
  13. Soft-on-Crime: Multiple Thefts on Maui gets 6 Months for Burglar from Mainland
  14. Hawaii One of Only 4 States to Charge Sales tax on Legal Fees
  15. Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center to Close Due to Harassment by Homeless?
  16. DLNR Hands Diamond Head to Homeless Drug Addicts
  17. Fishing Slavery? Legislators Still Pandering
  18. Mayor Wright Rebuild – 1,136 More Units
  19. Reptilian Candidates Produce Low Turnout 
  20. Duterte bids U.S. goodbye with embrace of China and Russia
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:54 PM :: 4332 Views
  1. Profitable: $22M Funneled to ‘Nonprofit’ Tied to OHA Chair
  2. Six More Fined for HI-5 Violations
  3. Poll: Caldwell 48%-Djou 41%
  4. Poll: Clinton 56% – Trump 25% on Oahu
  5. No on 19 – Don’t Let One Party System Control Reapportionment
  6. Kaiser Joins Plan to Begin Hiring at Maui Hospital
  7. Hawaii Will Pay a Price for Rejecting Telescope to Appease OHA
  8. As Trial begins, Kenoi Sends in Flurry of Nominations
  9. Report: 7 DOE employees placed on leave since July
  10. Former officer charged in 2014 assault of in-custody man dies ahead of change of plea
  11. Former HPD sergeant gets 60 days for accidental shooting
  12. Fight Over Papahanaumokuakea Expansion Isn’t Over
  13. Judge: Crackpot Democrat-Republican Congressional Candidate Stays on Ballot
  14. Leftists Plan ‘Hawaii Peoples Congress’
  15. Kauai Flooded with Pilgrims of the Eco Religion
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
October 18, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:57 PM :: 4245 Views
  1. Broken Trust Levinson Set up for Gay Marriage Revenge Round with SHOPO
  2. Analysis: One Party System Leaves Hawaii Voters Among Least Powerful in 2016 Election
  3. Life Changers
  4. Ige Appoints Darrel Galera to BoE
  5. Doomed: Telescope Being Drowned in Delaying Tactics and Gratuitous Charges Designed to Create Excuse for Appeal
  6. 2,100 Cracked Shims – Full Overhaul of Railbed Ordered—Who Will Pay for HART’s Idiocy? 
  7. Honolulu Can See Its Rail Line Finished Without Raising Taxes
  8. Jury Stacked: Kenoi Will Escape Justice 
  9. Maui Hospital: Ige Signs Secret Agreements with HGEA, UPW
  10. After 30 Years Hawaii High Tech Tax Credit Scammers Becoming Weary
  11. Dopers Frustration Due to State’s Antique Computers
  12. After 10 years New classroom building delayed (again) at crowded Maui school
  13. While DoE Dawdles, Volunteers install 32 AC Units at Waikiki Elem School
  14. Letters from state violate federal law
  15. HPD responds to criticism of officers' actions before Kunia shooting
  16. 13 Acre Site Could House 20% of Oahu Homeless
  17. Housing Advocates Divided On Proposed Honolulu Charter Change
  18. Get the Popcorn: Monk Seal Deaths Pit Animal Liberation Nuts Against Cat Obsessives
  19. Star-Adv Cuts Borreca Down to One Column a Week
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Monday, October 17, 2016
October 17, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:54 PM :: 4079 Views
  1. Constitutional Amendments and Honolulu Charter—Pro and Con
  2. City accepting Grants in Aid applications
  3. Complete list of 500 Medical Marijuana Dispensary Applicants Published
  4. Caldwell: Elect Me and I Will Raise Your Taxes by $1.8B
  5. OHA Trustee: We Buy Favor with Lots of Money
  6. Retaliation Nation: Will Clinton Continue to Seek Vengeance Against Tulsi Gabbard?
  7. Charter Amendment Asks Voters To Clear Up Public Records Law
  8. HPD map omits violent crimes
  9. City Spending $1 Million to Plan for Electric Buses That May Have Nowhere To Go
  10. Plan to Privatize Affordable Housing Projects
  11. Anti-GMO Activism Endangering Unborn Babies
  12. Lame Duck Anti-GMO Councilmember Makes One Last Push for Styrofoam Ban
  13. Kauai Enviros: More Hikers Must Die
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Sunday, October 16, 2016
October 16, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:15 PM :: 3123 Views
  1. Lessons from the Farm
  2. OHA Candidate Forum Kapolei Middle School Monday
  3. The Health Financing Crown Wears Heavy on the Insurers’ Heads
  4. Auditor: HART, Sludge, Grants, and P-Card Investigations Sidelined
  5. DBEDT Launches Small Business Regulatory Review
  6. DBEDT: Real Estate Investment Trusts in Hawaii--Analysis and Survey Results
  7. No On 15--City Charter change would lock grip of political elites
  8. OHA Chair Supported Geothermal Scheme he now Campaigns Against
  9. Will Low Turnout Save Sam Slom?
  10. HGEA: Gimme Gimme Gimme
  11. Decades of waiting end for 44 families awarded Hawaiian homestead lots
  12. Expensive: Homeless Person Refuses Shelter but Calls Ambulance Again and Again for Ride to Queens Emergency Room to Have His Diaper Changed
  13. Ethics panel seeks public input on how best to achieve goals
  14. How Hawaii Was Used to Bring Lots of Abortions to America
  15. More Attacks on Trump Supporters in Hawaii
  16. Clinton: I’m Keeping Hawaii—Will Give China a Red State
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Saturday, October 15, 2016
October 15, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:49 PM :: 4507 Views
  1. Its Not Too Late to Register for 2016 General Election
  2. How much money are we "tipping" the government?
  3. Charter Amendment #4 on Rail – What’s Not in the Booklet
  4. DLNR: Fishing Fleet Labor Law not our Kuleana
  5. Better Off? Caldwell Mocked at Mayoral Forum
  6. Djou: Cut Property Taxes, Eliminate ‘Residential A’
  7. Here's a look at the 20 proposed charter amendments before Oahu voters
  8. Legislative Races Will be Decided by Handful of Votes
  9. State Approves Enron-Connected Windfarm for Kahuku
  10. Board rejects a petition to change fishing licensing rules
  11. Prosecutor: Another Prison Guard Nailed Selling Drugs
  12. Soft on Crime: No Additional Prison Time for Furlough Violator
  13. Hawaii ranks low in accidental shootings involving children
  14. Makua Beach closed to campers as major clean-up kicks off
  15. Sec 8: Who Applied?
  16. Legislative Candidate Charged with Child Molestation
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Friday, October 14, 2016
October 14, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 3625 Views
  1. Rep. McDermott Files a Class Action Lawsuit on behalf of Campbell HS Children
  2. Djou: My Plan To Create More Affordable Housing
  3. HD34: Jaci Agustin Recognized as a Race To Watch in 2016
  4. HIDOT Touts $548M Unspent Federal Money as 'Significant Accomplishment'
  5. Am Samoa Tuna Canneries Shutting—Again
  6. Caldwell excels in shifting blame for woes of the city
  7. HART Borrows Another $20M, City May Need to Issue Rail Bonds
  8. Plan to Kill Telescope by Creating Chaos in Hearings
  9. Thanks to Enviros, Hawaii Small Farmers Will Not Get water permits
  10. Maui Wind Turbine Disaster Photos
  11. Hawaii Farmers Daughter Testifies
  12. Media Should Ignore Drunken Parties at Secret Planning Conference
  13. Housing Homeless to Knock Down Medical Costs
  14. After Free Electricity Cut off Three Homeless Accept Shelter
  15. Harry Kim Returns Old boys to Hawaii county government
  16. Tampering With Evidence: Ex-Officer Charged in Cyclist’s Death
  17. Hillary tells Goldman Sachs: ‘Chinese said they would claim Hawaii’
  18. Hollywood Clinton Moneybags Take Aim at Gabbard
  19. Republican House Candidate, Green Energy Consultant Charged with Sex Assault
  20. UH professor sued for alleged attack on Disabled Veteran
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Thursday, October 13, 2016
October 13, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:26 PM :: 5218 Views
  1. “Your Voice!” – Discover the Public's Power in the Legislative Process!
  2. Robin Danner Seizes Control of Nai Aupuni Constitution, Seeks Millions for Fake Tribe
  3. Condescending Harry Kim Lectures Telescope Supporters
  4. Caldwell mismanaged and misspent affordable housing funds
  5. State says extra Zipper Lane shaves minutes off commute
  6. Hospitalist trend puts pressure on access to doctors
  7. ‘Only’ 226 Criminals Put Back on Streets—Soft on Crime ‘Pixies’ Very Disappointed
  8. Homeless Dude Sentenced in Bumfight Killing
  9. Medicated Dope Stores Could Open as Early as January
  10. Green Energy Schemers: If People will Stop Living and Watch TV, We’d Save Millions
  11. Hawaii agency opposes rule change for foreign fishermen
  12. Enviros in Desperate Bid to Kill off Hope for Fish Farms
  13. Residents of 5 States May be Banned from Flying to Hawaii
  14. Hillary Tried to Move Illinois Primary Date in Bid to Help Trump Win Republican Nomination
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016
October 12, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:07 PM :: 3961 Views
  1. PR Disaster: Stryker Wiener Behind New OHA Policy Gagging Trustees
  2. Hawaii Republican Party Endorses Akina for OHA
  3. Caldwell Hypocritical -- Ducks Another Debate
  4. Pension Reform? Fiscal responsibility is key to improving state's economy
  5. Hawaii Cellphone Tax 14.32%
  6. 2016 Hawaii elections: proposed amendments, part 2
  7. How not to turn a ferry system into a rail boondoggle
  8. Why did Governor Ige get an F for fiscal policy?
  9. CNHA to Adopt Nai Aupuni Constitution, Apply for Tribal Recognition?
  10. Wurdeman withdraws from TMT case after Failed Effort to Stall until January
  11. Isle charter schools do well but resources still lacking
  12. Program helps house 860 homeless veterans
  13. Onishi asks Hawaii County’s Joke Ethics Board for Permission to Begin Consulting for county right away
  14. Defense Bar Very Happy About Storage of Rape Kits
  15. Camera found in staff restroom at Kapolei Middle School
  16. UH Coddles 683 Deadbeats
  17. How much of your tax dollars keep Hawaii jails, prisons pest-free
  18. Green Energy Schemers Prepare to Wheedle Legislators for More Tax Credit Giveaways
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
October 11, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 PM :: 4903 Views
  1. Honolulu Rail: From $4.6 B to $8.6 B In Eight Years. Now What?
  2. Caldwell Lays an Egg
  3. Kapolei & Pearl City HS advance to 2017 VEX World Robotics Championship
  4. Maui Hospital: Ige Proposes Changes to Pension Formula
  5. Jury Stacking Begins in Kenoi Trial
  6. 2016: Hawaii Sets New Records for Voter Registration and Voter Apathy
  7. How easy is it to rig an election?
  8. Danner Using Homeless in Latest Scheme to Take over Hawaiian Homelands
  9. Who serves the public better, bureaucrats or entrepreneurs?
  10. How Hawaii Companies Pay To Party It Up With Public Officials
  11. Delphi Technique Used to Manipulate Kalihi Community Planning Meetings
  12. Civil Beat: Lets Flood Hawaii With Newest Opiate
  13. Report: Thousands of Hawaii runaways in danger of being trafficked
  14. Presidential Vote?  You Have Alternatives
  15. DoT Orders Falls of Clyde to be Sunk
  16. Honolulu firefighter injury report rate higher than national average and rising
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Monday, October 10, 2016
October 10, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:07 PM :: 4143 Views
  1. Do Hawaii's special-interest-controlled politicians really want a hospital on Maui?
  2. Does the Electorate Reflect the Population? Hawaii Ranks 43rd
  3. 2016’s Fastest Growing Cities—Honolulu Ranks 467th
  4. Dog Parks: Djou on Creating Livable Communities
  5. Clinton: Phony Anti-Fracking Groups are Russian Plot
  6. Maui Hospital to Be ‘Little More than Conduit to Oahu’
  7. Former Drug Dealer Billy Kenoi Trial Begins Today 
  8. Lies Make Federal Transit Administration Complicit in Rail Disaster
  9. Who gives Palikapu Dedman the right to speak for me?
  10. Cost of Living: HSTA, DOE Stake out Negotiating Positions 
  11. Hospitals sap private practices
  12. Star-Adv: Homeless Chronics Must be Forced to Accept Shelter
  13. Chumming Behind Recent Shark Attack?
  14. Pathological, Narcissistic Activism
  15. Civil Beat Attacks Fishing Industry -- Again
  16. Audit: UH Housing Branch Lets Deadbeats Walk to tune of $1.2M
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Sunday, October 9, 2016
October 9, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 5500 Views

  1. DHHL: Can’t Spend $60M, Asks for $500M
  2. Ideological Diversity? Honolulu Ranks 295th
  3. As Kenoi Heads for Trial, Mafia Murderer Malu Motta Suddenly Demands Pardon
  4. Bank Job Makes Caldwell #1 in Corruption
  5. Democrats Decide not to Throw out HD44 Candidate
  6. Can you stand it? So much drama on Kauai Council
  7. Dopers Still Working on Getting Marijuana into Candy
  8. New policy would bank $680M in state rainy day fund
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Saturday, October 8, 2016
October 8, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 4815 Views
  1. Exodus at OHA
  2. OHA Chair’s Charter School Gets Seven Times More Than All Other Charters Combined
  3. No, the Bee-Pocalypse Isn’t Here Yet
  4. Can a feasibility study make or break the inter-island ferry?
  5. Today is Deadline to Mail-In Voter Registration
  6. Djou Happy to Debate Again
  7. Kaneshiro Going Down With Kealoha in Ticket fixing scandal?
  8. City, veterans group launch $2M-plus Housing First program
  9. UH--Next Golden Parachute Packed & Ready to Deploy
  10. Maui Council Ideas for Affordable Housing
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Friday, October 7, 2016
October 7, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 4344 Views
  1. ‘Incredible’ 35% HMSA Hawaii Obamacare Rate Hike for 2017
  2. OHA Illegally Contributing to Lindsey Campaign?
  3. Police Release Rape Kit Test Info
  4. 2016 Hawaii elections: proposed amendments, part 1
  5. Victory: Hawaii Supreme Court Approves Haleakala Solar Telescope
  6. Outside OHA, Interior Rule Has Little Native Hawaiian Support
  7. Hospital: Arakawa ‘Fed up’ With Ige
  8. Caldwell, Djou should debate
  9. Ticket Fixing? -- High-ranking HPD officials go before federal grand jury
  10. Firefighters union calls on chief to step down over safety issues
  11. Kenoi trial requires massive jury pool
  12. Thanks to Fracking and Pipelines residential electricity prices decline
  13. Gigantic Oil Company Grabs for Hawaii Offshore Waters Lease
  14. UH-Manoa sees spike in drug-related violations on campus
  15. What do Aloha Stadium and OCCC Have in Common?
  16. EPA: Red Hill Leak Unlikely to Affect Water Supply
  17. Food Babe Whines About Failure of Hawaii anti-GMO activists
  18. Hawaii has fallen behind on ways to identify doctors who overprescribe as well as patients who shop around for opioid pain pills
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Thursday, October 6, 2016
October 6, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 4195 Views
  1. Hawaii House Leaders Agree—No Fake Indian Tribe Needed
  2. OHA to Silence Dissident Trustees?
  3. Does OHA Need a Watchdog?
  4. DoE HS Absenteeism 19% -- only 39% of 11th Grade Students Meet Benchmark
  5. CATO: Excessive Spending Earns Ige an ‘F’
  6. Indiana Seed Producer Buys Kauai Seed Farm from BASF
  7. Politicians In Un-Contested Races Get More Contributions
  8. Supreme Court Hearing Hanalei Boatyard Case Today
  9. HIDOT: Mileage-based fee equivalent to 213% Fuel Tax Hike
  10. Feds Offer Hawaiians Far Less Than an Indian Tribe
  11. New Regs: Anti-Telescope Activists Must Get Permit to Make Pile of Rocks
  12. Kaiser Massive Medicare Advantage Rate Hikes
  13. HECO Signs Contracts with Companies Run by Former Executives
  14. Police commission grills HPD as 1,375 sex assault kits remain untested
  15. DoE Employee Charged with Homosexual Child Molestation
  16. Hawaii News Media Convinces Feds To Open ‘Fishing Slavery’ Meetings
  17. Locks on Cells at Halawa Prison Will Not Be Fixed until December, 2017—Kat Brady Admits Prisoners Prefer Arizona
  18. It’s So Hard To Find Serious Candidates For City Prosecutor
  19. Colorado Tourist Reminisces about Waikiki Homeless
  20. Homeless Tap into Utility Lines to Charge Their Cellphones, Tablets, and Laptops
  21. Anti-GMO Realtors Profit from Celebrutards
  22. Anti-Pesticide County Still Uses Pesticides Itself
  23. Papahanaumokuakea: Environmental Cleanup Makes a Mess
  24. New Russian Division: Tu-95 and Tu-22M3 Bombers to Patrol Airspace Between Hawaii, Guam, and Japan
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016
October 5, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:38 PM :: 3986 Views
  1. Caldwell Campaign "Volunteer" Paid With Your Tax Money
  2. DoE Touts Improvement in ‘Smarter Balanced’ Test Results
  3. Draft rules for Maunakea lands moving towards formal public hearing process
  4. International Sex-Trafficking Bust Reaches into Hawaii
  5. 10,000 Acres on Mauna Kea?  Ige mum on land transfer
  6. Open Season for Corruption: City Ethics Commission struggles to meet mandate after Caldwell Leaves them without an investigator
  7. Mayoral Election: Keep the Crook  who got us into this Mess?
  8. Maui Windfarm Shut After Turbine Self-Destructs
  9. Clear TOD housing rules must be set
  10. LWV: We do not support Electronic Voting
  11. Oahu Registered Vehicles Down 60K—Nobody Notices
  12. Kaiser's Medicare plan changes prompt seniors to look for other options
  13. Soft On Crime: 10-Time Convicted Felon Gets 40 months
  14. Guam: Alleged Homosexual Child Molester Used Political Power to Block Lawsuits
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016
October 4, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:35 PM :: 4198 Views
  1. Instead of Submitting Plan, HART begs Feds for Another Extension
  2. HR3764 is on the Move—Bill Blocks Recognition of Indian Tribes Without Congressional Vote
  3. Inclusion for the Disabled: Hawaii Ranks 5th
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 3, 2016
  5. Hawaii Department of Transportation to study isle ferry services
  6. Sclerotic State: Elections Will Leave Legislature Virtually Unchanged
  7. HART ‘Interim Plan’ Just a Rehash of Caldwell’s Tax Hike Demands
  8. Contracts: Homelessness Profitable for Top Caldwell Aide
  9. New rule will help Native Hawaiians achieve political self-determination
  10. DHHL seeks to lower blood quantum requirement for homestead successors
  11. Waimanalo Homeless Tent City Cleared out after 17 Years
  12. Promoter pleads guilty in university concert scam in Hawaii
  13. Another DoE Employee Accused of Child Molestation
  14. Most Hawaii Organic ‘Farmers’ Don’t Want to Talk About Their Use of Slave Labor
  15. The Oahu commuter ferry con is on again
  16. Taxpayers, Ratepayers Fork out More Money to Political Insiders for Unproven Energy Storage Scheme
  17. Suboxone: Pushing the Next Oxycontin on Hawaii
  18. Duterte tells Obama ‘you can go to hell,’ warns of breakup
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Monday, October 3, 2016
October 3, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:05 PM :: 3390 Views
  1. HIDOT Fails to Answer -- $78K Administrative Cost Per Mile
  2. Hawaii Insurance Commissioner one of only Two With Secret Financial ‘Disclosures’
  3. Under Hawaii’s Starriest Skies, a Fight Over Rent Money for OHA
  4. Vote to enhance powers of Honolulu Police Commission
  5. Repeal Rail Tax!
  6. Some Upset Kenoi Video not Censored
  7. Charter schools might skirt panel
  8. Shelters Moving Homeless Families into Permanent Housing
  9. Honolulu Drops out of Top 10 Highest Rent Cities
  10. Federal funds will help state conduct study on new ferries
  11. Paniolo Power: A Grab for Energy Storage Resources?
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Sunday, October 2, 2016
October 2, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:29 PM :: 6018 Views
  1. Fuel for Thought
  2. HART Board Heads for the Exits: Rail guideway cracking, snapping, and crumbling
  3. Charter Questions 4 & 15: Voters Asked to Give Caldwell a Third Term and Control of Rail Operations?
  4. Honolulu Mayoral Debate: Do you believe the city is better off than it was four years ago?
  5. No More Mayoral Debates Set
  6. Kenoi Criminal Trial Set for Oct 10
  7. Hawaii seeks path from Obamacare Disaster back to Prepaid
  8. Maui: A broken, costly school system
  9. Big Island Schools: 2,433 Class A and Class B offenses
  10. Kaiser: 510% Rate Hike for ‘Basic’ Medicare Advantage
  11. DHHL Lessee to be Evicted – Not Hawaiian Enough
  12. Nonprofits learn how to gauge if efforts are paying off
  13. Water, funding issues delay Oahu farmland cultivation
  14. Hawaii Organic Farms Rely on Slave Labor
  15. Flood coverage rates expected to keep rising
  16. Federal OK paves way for redevelopment of Aloha Stadium site
  17. Bail Bondsmen Welch on Debts When Suspects Escape
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Saturday, October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:33 PM :: 4523 Views
  1. Voter Registration Deadline October 10 (sort of)
  2. As Rail Collapses, Caldwell Laughs All The Way to the Bank
  3. Hawaii's 2017 ranking for Business Tax Climate includes a lesson for the legislature
  4. Hawaii Roads are the Worst -- AND the Most Expensive
  5. More Regulation Won’t Make Housing Affordable
  6. US Census Report on Housing Affordability
  7. UHERO: Hawaii Growth Downshifting, Building Cycle Approaches Peak
  8. Tourism Hits New Record: 19 Consecutive Months of Growth in Arrivals
  9. DoH: Hawaii has highest rate of tooth decay among kids
  10. 9AM Virtual town hall forum between Caldwell, Djou
  11. PUC Refuses to Recertify Criminal Al Hee’s Scam Company
  12. Homeless vets connect with help over a cup of coffee
  13. Dopers Tell us Who They Are
  14. Lawsuit: Kauai County Secret Cat Meetings
  15. Soft on Crime: Out on Bail Does it Again
  16. Sailor’s Death Began with DOBOR Bureaucracy
  17. Drone Testing: What’s Not Happening in Hawaii
Read More..


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