Entries for October 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015 |
October 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 3601 Views
- Tulsi Gabbard, Bill Maher Agree: 'Liberals Need to go back to School on Issue of Islam'
- Charter Amendment: HART to Take Over TheBus, Handi-Van, Milk them to Cover Rail Operating Expenses
- DoE: Hawaii is ahead of President’s call to reduce testing in schools
- Star Adv: Aha to be controlled by 'Established Power Brokers'
- HART has shown the entire state what a really out of control project looks like
- Hawaii Obamacare Exchange: $300M Fiasco
- HEI Charitable Foundation grantees under pressure to support Merger
- Imagine ... a World Without Anti-GMO Activism
- Witnesses: Lesbians Are Lying
- Police: Homosexual Child Molester Stalks Kahului School
- It Begins: Marijuana Edibles Already being Sold to Kids in Hawaii
- Homeless Shelter Needed to Focus on Underage
- Maui to Get Homeless Tent Cities
- Kakaako: 67 tons of trash, more than 106 cubic yards of metals and 41 shopping carts
- Violent incidents frequent at Hawaii middle, high schools
- Rule would ban outside pay for teachers
- Police union in dispute with Kauai over officers' body cameras
- DWS Ups Ante on Red Hill Aquifer
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Friday, October 30, 2015 |
October 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 PM :: 4800 Views
- GOP: All Democrats Should Return Criminal Hee Contributions
- Bill 72: Property Tax Break for Honolulu Home Businesses
- S. Korea Bail out for Shipbuilder which Bails out US Shipbuilder
- Aha Moku Advisory Committee Hosts Public Meetings to Draft Rules
- 2015 Hawaii’s Outstanding Military Spouse Awards Program
- Ethics Comm., Stacked by Caldwell, Sets Special Meeting to Fire Totto?
- Ethics? Up to 61% of Legislative Allowances Misspent
- Transparency? OHA Lawyers try to Silence Criticism of Gentry Pacific Purchase
- Kanaiolowalu: Self-serving, misappropriating, unethical greedy people
- Blue Planet Will be Next to Endorse NextEra
- Ige edges toward doing something about homeless
- Legislator hands over Correspondence to Anti-GMO Activists
- 2 Years Later--Thompson Academy Nepotism Charges Still On Hold Pending Criminal Investigation
- After 7 Years on Welfare, State helps Waipahu family save up $30K
- UH Athletics Wants More Money for Bells and Whistles
- Health Department Resumes Posting Care Home Inspection Reports
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Thursday, October 29, 2015 |
October 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 PM :: 3993 Views
- Behind the Scenes a Maneuver to become Chief of Hawaiian 'Tribe'
- Honolulu Average Weekly Wages Below US Average
- Visitor Arrivals Reach Record High in September
- Investment Advice: Repeal the Jones Act
- Half a Million Dollars of Public Pension Money Paid to Dead People in Hawaii
- AARP and WHO accept Honolulu’s Age-Friendly City plan
- Study: Mixed Results from Pre-K Program
- Grassroot Institute Launches Maui Radio Program
- NYT: The Reign of Recycling
- State: NextEra Merger OK if a 'Sustainable B Corp'
- NextEra, Hawaiian Electric want to nix talk of LNG, utility ownership models
- Rail: Scandals, Scoundrels and Incompetence
- Feeling Anxious? Legislators want you to be Dopey Instead
- Only 6 People Show up to Protest GMO Bananas
- The untold story of biotech’s supporters on the North Shore
- State Senate schedules special session on judicial nominees
- Waipio Boy Reports Attempted Kidnapping by Homosexual Child Molester
- Latest Gay Media Frenzy: Mainland Lesbians Resist Arrest, Kick HPD Officer, Sue
- 2 ex-officers get probation for hiding colleague’s attacks
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015 |
October 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 4201 Views
- Tips From An Election Lawyer For Setting Up Private Racially-Exclusive Elections, er ... "Opinion Polls"
- Hawaii NAEP: Student Proficiency Drops Sharply
- Sabas Hovers in Background as Political Cronies, Unions, Businesses Suddenly Back NextEra-HECO Deal
- Ritte: Na'i Aupuni Election Not Pono
- OHA Launches Website to Push Fake Indian Tribe
- Charter Reforms To Boost Police Accountability?
- Will Ruling In Council Case Derail Honolulu Ethics Enforcement?
- Strive HI -- Charter Schools Slip in Rankings
- How Many People Will be Made Uninsured by Collapse of Obamacare?
- CDC: Most E-Cigarette Users Are Current And Ex-Smokers, Not Newbies
- Sugar Cane Burning Study Is Flawed And Misleading
- Ben Carson surges as the anti-Trump
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015 |
October 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 4492 Views
- Plaintiffs File Appeal in Lawsuit Against Unconstitutional Na’i Aupuni Election
- HR3764: Legislation Strips Interior Dep't Authority over Tribal Recognition
- DoTax Mood Swings Put Extra $8M in Rail Coffers
- DHHL to Consult Beneficiaries on Proposed Rule Changes
- Homelessness: Ige Signs Supplemental Emergency Proclamation
- DCCA: Banking and Marijuana
- Abortion Doc: Harvesting Intact Fetal Heads “Will Give Me Something to Strive For”
- Nai Aupuni: An effort to seize away Hawaiian trust resources
- OHA Cronies Desperate to Organize Tribe Before Obama Leaves Office
- Hirono, Gabbard to Return Criminal Al Hee Contributions
- Feds Sent Experts to Hawaii to Show State How to Spend Money
- Kenoi: Homeless are Welcome on Big Island--No Sweeps Here
- Experts: If all you can do is Talk, It Can Take Years to Convince One Homeless to Accept Shelter
- Maui PD Testing Body Cams
- Tonight is last public hearing for proposed NextEra-HECO deal
- Takai Diagnosed with Pancreatic Tumor
- UH Chancellor: We Haven't Learned Anything from Arnold Firing, Will do it Again and Again
- Legislators Challenge Ige on Care Home Secrecy
- More on airport maintenance issues
- Judge imposes fines related to Waimanalo Gulch landfill spill
- Honolulu: Buying 5% More Expensive Than Renting
- Anti-GMO Activists Take Aim at Banana Growers
- Latest Squawking from Anti-Aquarium Obsessives Will Likely be Ignored by legislature
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Monday, October 26, 2015 |
October 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 3149 Views
- Feds 'Reestablishing government-to-government relationship' with OHA as a Tribe
- Hawaii Health Department Vulnerable to Waste and Abuse
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 26, 2015
- Solar Industry Fights Weakening of Hawaii Law
- Voter turnout key for the Tribal 'Hawaiian' convention process
- Hawaii Sitting on 'Only' $656M Unspent Federal Highway Funds
- More UPW Positions--Just What the State Doesn't Need
- 98 percent of teachers received “effective” or “highly effective” (again)
- Study: Kauai Needs 2,900 Affordable Housing Units
- Landlords to be asked to rent to the homeless
- Message to Mainland: We Don't Need Any More Homeless
- 70% of Marijuana 'Patients' Males - 75% Have 'Chronic' ... uh ... Pain
- Your Vegetarian Hot Dog May Contain Meat ... and Human DNA
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Sunday, October 25, 2015 |
October 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 4908 Views
- Abortion Survivor to Speak at Events on Maui, Big Island
- 5 Years: Another Jones Act Shipping Exec Heading to Prison
- Jones Act Ship: Only the Price is American
- Hawaii Veterans Treatment Court Graduates Five
- Pesticide Case by Hawaii Banana Workers Revived
- Chief Justice Appoints James C. McWhinnie Oahu District Court Judge
- Applications Sought for DLNR Hawaii Island Advisory Council
- Ten Million Words and Counting
- Does PV Add Home Value?
- Aha Uncertain: Hawaiians Bitterly Spilt on Becoming Fake Indian Tribe
- Caldwell Hints Middle Street to be End of Rail Disaster
- Ernie Martin's Mickey Mouse Magic Money Plan for Rail Funding
- State sank nearly $300 million into Obamacare Exchange before bailing out
- Alleged theft from Top Auditing Firm helped fund luxe travel
- Rail? What Rail? New Lane on H-1 Will Deliver Real Traffic Relief Starting Now
- Hawaii LNG Proposal: "A Ship and a Pipeline"
- Solar Industry Doesn't Respect Worker Safety
- 31% of Big Island Homeless from mainland
- Maui film industry rolling in Taxpayer Dough
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Saturday, October 24, 2015 |
October 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 3399 Views
- Hawaii GOP: Democrats Should Return Al Hee Campaign Contributions
- Taxpayers Sue Hawaii for Rail Money Grab
- Lawyer: Police commission 'derelict' in handling police chief case
- Maui police chief praised for speaking out about officer arrests
- Volunteers Cool Laie Elementary for Less Than $20K
- UPW Bribed to Loosen Ridiculous Work Rules, Renovate Public Housing 254 Days Faster
- City Paying $154K / Month to rent Empty Office
- 'Preservation' Deal makes Turtle Bay Developer Richer
- Star-Adv: We've Sacrificed Three Telescopes, now Please Let us Build TMT
- Legislators Quietly Slipped a few more Million to High-Tech Schemers
- NM Gov. Martinez traveling to Hawaii for start of week-long trip
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Friday, October 23, 2015 |
October 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:37 PM :: 3695 Views
- Jeb Bush is First on the Ballot for Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus
- "Shame on this court"-- Shouting Erupts as Seabright Upholds Nai Aupuni Election
- Grassroot: Plaintiffs Intend to Continue Fight Against Unconstitutional Election
- Akina v Hawaii: The Documents
- Taking sides against equality and unity
- Rail Surcharge: Necessary and Proper?
- State, Kaiser Begin Maui Hospital Negotiations
- Obama Gift to Hawaii -- 297 Drug Dealers
- HCDA Holds up Permit for New Year's Because 100 Homeless Refuse to go to Shelter
- Brower's Alleged Attacker Still Refusing Shelter
- Homeless Male Dead, Female Injured because Liberals would not force them to accept Shelter
- Ige Has Four Emergency Homeless Shelter Locations to Choose From
- Hawaii entrepreneur seeks marijuana dispensary license
- Public Won’t See Medical-Marijuana Dispensary Rules Until January
- Maui police chief speaks after second police officer arrested for bribery
- ‘Aloha Aina’ rallies drawing crowds, but maybe not voters
- Anti-GMO Activist: "Promote isle as ecological paradise"
- Native Hawaiian Law Grows 450% Since 1991
- Lawsuit challenges Hualalai geothermal survey--Usual Suspects looking for Rent Money
- UH Should Fire Lawyers Responsible for Athletic Contract
- DOE asks for $534 million for schools repairs, heat abatement
- $15 Minimum wage dies in Maui Council
- Schatz: $2.3M in Campaign Coffers
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Thursday, October 22, 2015 |
October 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:38 PM :: 3641 Views
- Lawsuit Challenges 10% Skimmed by State from Honolulu Rail Surcharge
- CNHA: Fake Testimony for Fake Indian Tribe?
- ACLU Complaint Leads to Change in Sand Island Shelter Rules
- VIDEO: Molokai Farmers not fooled by Ashley Lukens Anti-GMO Show
- State's Grab for Private Sector Jobs is a Giant Step Backward
- Video: The Affordable Housing Business with Stanford Carr
- Hawaii Suffers due to Lack of Republicans
- Council Using Massive Rail Tax Hike to Gain Power over HART, Caldwell
- Council demands HART Cede Some Authority
- Solar Schemers file lawsuit seeking injunction on rooftop solar decision
- $3M to Be Wasted Removing World's Second Most Productive Telescope
- Honolulu Police Commission says it lacks 'evidence' to put police chief on leave
- But Chief has Already Admitted to being under investigation by FBI--according to top police sources
- Maui police officers arrested in bribery, theft cases
- Hawaii Panel to Keep Prisoners From Reoffending Does Nothing — And Never Has
- Ige nominates pair to circuit court posts
- Maui woman sues DOE for lack of deaf services for students
- Refusing Shelter, Homeless Scatter to Kewalo
- UH needs to force Ganot's hand on signing contract
- Activation of Aiea Public Library’s PV panels could take months
- Kauai Voluntary Pesticide Disclosure program to go Statewide
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015 |
October 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:02 PM :: 4248 Views
- FCC Commissioner: Disgrace that Feds Turned Blind Eye to Criminal Al Hee for So Long
- Strive HI Test Results--How Did your School Do?
- Relativity Media Issues Statement on Behalf of Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa
- Union Reverses Itself: Now Backs NextEra Merger
- "Second most scientifically productive telescope in the world" to be Shut Down to Satisfy Protesters, OHA
- Ernie Martin Proposal Would Force Legislature into Election-Year Re-Vote on Rail Tax Hike
- Council Uses 400 Empty Public Housing Units as Excuse for more money
- Judge to Rule on Na'i Aupuni Suit Friday
- Hawaii's Real Unemployment Rate 10.1%
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Your accountant, and it’s time for the company to leave Hawaii
- Police commissioners' lack of law enforcement experience a concern
- Hawaii Family Sues Police, City Over Stun Gun-Related Death
- Enviro Nuts Hope to use Coral Bleaching as latest Excuse to Attack Aquarium Fishers
- Caldwell Bike Plan Would Clog City's Busiest Roads
- UH College of Ed professors say facilities cramped, lacking key equipment
- Hawaii County Still Trying to Decide if it has any Ethics
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015 |
October 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:28 PM :: 4051 Views
- OHA Website set to Flood DoI with Pro-Indian Tribe Comments
- NYT: Missing Cargo Ship Highlights Vulnerability of Aging U.S. Fleet
- Jones Act Business Forum set for UH Manoa
- Keeping Track of Sex-Ed in DoE Classrooms
- Opposition from Hawaiians hampers Tribal election effort--Judge to Rule Friday on Lawsuit
- Silence grows ominous as Kealoha probes continue
- Ernie Martin Proposes $1.6B Tax Hike--But only gives $900M to Rail
- Hilo Hospital to Ask Legislature for Partnership Authorization
- HSTA Operative: Ige Should Cede Control of Labor Negotiations to Tsutsui
- Settlement with union over private-sector contracts could cost millions
- Hawaii Loses 8,100 Jobs in September, but Unemployment Drops
- Jeb Bush top Recipient of Soft Money from Hawaii
- Hawaii Attorneys Allowed to Help Medical Marijuana Industry
- Utility Regulators urged to focus on Marijuana
- PUC Commissioner Applies for Rooftop Solar Days Before PUC Cut the Credits
- IBEW Union says it now supports NextEra purchase of HEI
- Fixing Hawaii homeless problem more than a 60-day emergency, IHS exec says
- With Kakaako Gone, Martin Wants Nine New Homeless Tent Cities
- Maui County Council Legislative Package
- Hawaii among five states that see graduation rates drop
- Common Core testing in Hawaii schools yields mixed results
- Council Pushes Back Against Social Engineering--Bill Slows Bike Lane Constriction
- Soft on Crime: Five Priors, out on the Street, Gets 11 more
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Monday, October 19, 2015 |
October 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:58 PM :: 3258 Views
- Marijuana Dispensaries backed by Police Raids on Competition
- Lahaina: 5,000 March to Defend Tourism Industry from Assaults by Farmers and Astronomers
- DHHL Money Dispute Before State Court
- Bums say Hawaii Welfare Attracts Them Here: 500 Mainland Homeless Flew to Maui last year
- State to again let people seek Section 8 housing vouchers
- Hawaii fourth in the nation for millionaires per capita
- Usual Suspects Pour Money into Gabbard, Takai Coffers
- Consultant Latest to Attempt to Write Business Plan for Cancer Center
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Sunday, October 18, 2015 |
October 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:42 PM :: 3541 Views
- Am Samoa: Faleomavaega May Try Congress By Proxy
- Taxpayers Also on the Hook for VW Diesel Dupe
- If Ige wants to stick around, he needs to prepare now
- Hawaii Politicians Accept the 'Unacceptable' Until they Want to Pose
- Feds may soon Foreclose on Criminal Al Hee's Sandwich Isles Scam Company
- One Shelter Houses 104 Homeless Arrivals from mainland Since July 1
- Lassner: Common Core Reduces need for Remedial Work at UH
- Assisted Suicide to be Pushed in Legislature Again--'Several Thousand' Could be Killed off Cheaply Every Year
- NEM Gone, Co-op Solar Farms, Time of Use Charges are Next Big Thing
- Bizarre News: Gabbard Hires a Non-Cult Staffer
- Anti--Cane Activists Seek SMA Control over Agriculture
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Saturday, October 17, 2015 |
October 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 4750 Views
- Schatz, Abercrombie Secretly Organized NextEra Merger Proposal
- OHA Lawyer Represents Contractor Accused of Using Political Influence to Rip-off State
- To Beat NIMBYS, Ige Takes a Page from Lingle Playbook--Signs Homelessness Emergency Proclamation
- Fiber optic cables were maliciously cut on Mauna Kea this Summer
- IRS Report Reveals Average Property Tax Deductions in Hawaii
- Labor Market Effects: Obamacare vs Hawaii Prepaid Health Care
- City now accepting Grants in Aid applications
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Rep McKelvey--$33,000 Missing Campaign Funds
- Double-standard allows Chief Kealoha to continue while under FBI Investigation
- New Rail Projections Include $299M Federally Approved Slush Fund
- Student Sex to be Banned for UH Faculty, Admin--But Union Members Won't be Fired
- After Arnold Mess, UH Promises to Clean up its Act (Again)
- End to Net Metering Hits Solar Leasing Schemes Hard
- Don’t shoot test-score messenger
- First look at Hale Mauliola’s temporary modular housing
- DLNR Unable to Staff Harbors, Public-Private Partnership to be Sought in Legislature
- Hawaii: Where Not To Die In 2016
- Pounded by Gabbard, National Democrats Prepare to Capitulate
- How many ways can you tell a Kauai County Councilman to piss off?
- Federal Whistleblower Investigator Fired After Blowing the Whistle on His Own Agency
- Maui police officer accused of trying to bribe witness against him in Theft Case
- Former Honolulu police officer sentenced to 30 months in prison for Game Room Assault
- Police want to demote sergeant accused of giving fellow officer special treatment
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Friday, October 16, 2015 |
October 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 3354 Views
- VIDEO: US Has Given a lot to Hawaii
- Video: A Visit with Duke Aiona
- Honolulu Repaves 202 Lane-Miles of Roads
- Federal Report: Hawaii Obamacare Exchange has Returned no Unspent Money
- Kauai Overtime Expenditures Out of Taxpayer’s Pockets
- Hawaii Tax Foundation to file lawsuit over state’s ‘administrative’ take on rail tax--Alternative to Tax Hike
- Star-Adv: Back-room dealing and secrecy on Rail Votes
- Feds Push Council for Rail Tax Hike
- Council Sets Rail Tax Hike Vote, Public Hearings
- Secretly Recorded Conversation Opens Window on Movie Mogul's Relations With Maui County Government
- Ige Promises to Keep on Sweeping
- Saddened over the Loss of their Precious Kakaako, Espero, Brower Want to Hand Aloha Stadium Over to Homeless
- DoH Policy Creates Pent-up Demand for Cronies' Medicated Marijuana
- Civil Beat: Is Gabbard Really a Democrat?
- SunRun Considers Legal Action Against PUC's Net Energy Metering Ruling
- Gov. Ige still opposes NextEra Energy-Hawaiian Electric sale
- Shameless: UH Regents Demand $16M from Legislature, Give Arnold $700K
- NCAA panel hears UH basketball case
- HPD Officer Still on Payroll After Pleading No Contest to Attempted Break-in of Woman's Home
- Is Police Misconduct a Secret in Hawaii?
- Hawaii health providers create cost estimation tools
- 'Organic' Stores Smell Profit During GMO-Free Month
- Hip bicycle lanes are not the answer on King Street
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Thursday, October 15, 2015 |
October 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 4805 Views
- How to Tell the DOI 'No' Today
- Obama Cabinet Member to Meet with OHA 'Entrepreneurs' at Pelatron
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: The Democrat that Republicans love
- Does Subsidized Housing Reduce Homelessness?
- Students at 37 Hawaii public high schools earn Advanced Placement Awards
- Ethics Commission Obeys Hanabusa, Secretly Dismisses Ethics complaints, Saves Council from Rail Re-votes
- Doomed: Kealoha in Crosshairs of Federal Prosecutor who Brought Down San Diego Mayor
- Peter Apo: Federal Recognition Opponents cannot claim to be Hawaiian--But Haoles Can
- Ritte Quits Nai Aupuni Election--"Federal Recognition is Predetermined Outcome"
- Hawaiians divided again over Na‘i Aupuni election
- OHA Lawyer Represents Contractor Accused of Using Political Influence to Rip-off State
- More Than 50% of Kakaako Homeless Have Been Forced into Shelters
- Carbone: Diabolical E-Cigs Making Less People Smoke Tobacco, Ruining Cancer Center
- Source: Arnold to Get 'Biggest Settlement Ever' from UH
- Does Mayor or Commission Have Authority to Dismiss Police Chief?--Supreme Court to Decide
- Supreme Court Orders Anti-GMO Lawyer Suspended from Bar
- Anti-GMO Activists Target DeCoite in HD13
- SBA Loans up in Hawaii
- Hawaii Fishery Reopens After Buying Part of Marianas Island Quota
- Liberals: Asians are Failures in America and we're 'Troubled' by any Talk to the Contrary
- Russia’s Pacific Paradise
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015 |
October 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:28 PM :: 4299 Views
- Party's Over: PUC Ends Solar NEM Effective Immediately
- DLNR: Camping on Mauna Kea Continues to be Prohibited
- State to Dopers: Follow the Rules or the Police Will Get You
- Starting with Kealoha, Feds expand inquiry to Department-wide police corruption
- Broken Trustee Jervis’ law license suspended only 6 months for Looting Trust
- UH Maintenance Backlog Caused by Raids on Maintenance Funds
- Two More Days to Haul Trash out of Kakaako
- Micronesians Looking for Medical Care end up in Homeless Camp
- Half of uninsured in state can get Medicaid
- UPW Upset because CCA Horning in on its Prison Business
- Maui Planning Commission Rejects Latest Anti-Cane Burning Scheme
- Study says LNG use helps cut air pollution
- FBI investigating yet another Maui mortgage scam
- Democrats could kill Obamacare by repealing ‘Cadillac tax’
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015 |
October 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 3488 Views
- 'God bless the military' sign to stay at Marine base in Hawaii
- City Returning to Kakaako to Remove 'Tremendous Volume of Trash'
- American President Challenges Matson's Guam Monopoly
- Victory for Local Food: Hawaii’s $100M Longline Fishery Reopens
- Moody's -- Hawaii outlook positive
- Gallup: Hawaii Leads U.S. in Financial Well-Being
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 13, 2015
- Why GMO?
- IT Upgrades Could Save Hawaii $101M -- Report
- Fortunately for Maui, Tsutsui was Kept out of Hospital Discussions
- Espero: Chief Should Step Aside until FBI Finishes with Him
- Morita: Hawaii Energy Policy Driven by Birthers
- Choy: UH Needs to Be Downsized
- Hawaii DoE Among Top States Suing Parents of SPED Kids
- Project Immediately Halted Because Group of Usual Suspects oppose geothermal survey on Hualalai
- Sam Slom on Making the GOP Relevant in Hawaii
- Everybody Wants to talk About Trump
- Cane Burning Study Co-Authored by Chemtrails Activist
- Kauai Paper Finally Gets Around to Visiting a Seed Farm
- Hawaii County prosecutor to dismiss 20 cases involving Mauna Kea arrests
- Drug Addicts Camped Along Ala Wai Canal Refuse Shelter
- City Proposes Waianae Housing for 75 Homeless
- New Civil Beat Editor: I Just Got Here and I want to Help Keep the Homeless on the Streets
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Monday, October 12, 2015 |
October 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:56 PM :: 5054 Views
- Tulsi Gabbard ‘Disinvited’ from Democrat Presidential Debate
- FULL TEXT: Report reveals details of AG investigation of Rep James Tokioka
- Rail Tax Hike Will Cost Family of Four $4000
- HART: Ansaldo Understaffing of Rail project "unacceptable and inappropriate"
- Ige: Secret Meetings, No Public Events for Weeks on End
- Tsutsui: Ige Foolish to Ignore Me--I want to control Collective Bargaining
- Nai Aupuni Faces Oct 20 Court Showdown
- Star-Adv: We Must Pay Lawyers to go through motions of pretending to Consider Rusting Offshore Wind Junk Farms for Waikiki
- Europeans, Mainlanders Demand Hawaii Legislature Let Doctors Kill off Expensive Patients
- Independent Audit of State IT Wasteland Needed
- Hawaii Island Electric Coop Rebuts NextEra Testimony
- Homeless Moving West--Camp in Kalihi valley
- 120 Airline Tickets to Fly Maui Homeless back to mainland
- Quota troubles for Hawaii’s longline fisherman impacts ahi prices
- Another sad tale of airport maintenance woes
- State completely drought-free for First time since 2008
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Sunday, October 11, 2015 |
October 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 5536 Views
- Taking a Homeowner’s Exemption for a Home You Can’t Live In
- Recall: Disgusting Organic Cheese Infested with Listeria
- Abercrombie: Fake Indian Tribe will be my Revenge on Hawaii
- Abercrombie in Congress: How would you like to have 1.8M Acres of Land in Hawaii?
- While Feds Circle Overhead, DHHL Fights State for More Funding
- Star-Adv Pushes Rail Tax Hike
- Obamacare Health insurance rate hikes will hit middle class hardest
- Students are put off by mounting costs of UH Tuition
- Homeless Don't Want to be Helped--But its not up to them to decide
- Kauai Police Chief: “Most of these individuals who do mass shootings have mental health issues"
- State Ag Report Proves Anti-GMO Nuts Wrong on Kauai Pesticides
- Movie Mogul Kavanaugh Gave a Lot to Maui Mayor
- Religious sign at Marine base is staying put--Atheist Group to Sue on Behalf of 'Church of Satan'
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Saturday, October 10, 2015 |
October 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 3973 Views
- Gabbard: Obama arming al-Qaeda, ISIS
- FBI moving against HPD chief, wife--Special Prosecutor Appointed
- List of Honolulu Neighborhood Board Vacancies
- Court Slaps Down Federal Grab for Control of State Waters
- VIDEO: Albert Einstein and Neil Armstrong Discuss Honolulu's Rail
- Kakaako Sweep Forces 48 More Homeless to Finally Accept Shelter
- Hawaii public school enrollment dips
- #5 in USA: Hawaii Collects $4361 Taxes Per Capita
- Hungry? Hawaii Bigeye Tuna Industry Reels Two Months after Being Shut Down by Quotas
- "North Korea will present a very real threat to Hawaii"
- Judge grants motion invalidating Mauna Kea emergency rule
- UH-Hilo to buy new teaching telescope; Hoku Kea replacement won’t go on Mauna Kea
- OHA Lawyer: Rowena Akana is Stupid
- Record-setting trash prompts extension of homeless sweep
- HPD wants to fire sergeant caught fighting on video
- Ethics: Hawaii County Council Protects Double Dipping, Self Dealing
- UH Regents to discuss 'Hefty' settlement deal with former basketball coach Gib Arnold
- Hawaii State Bar Association convention to focus on medical marijuana dispensaries
- Hawaii to Expand Voluntary Pesticide Reporting--But only by Big Ag Companies
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Friday, October 9, 2015 |
October 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 5698 Views
- Cost of Illegal Immigration in Hawaii
- Public Sector Unions: Bastions of white-collar Privilege
- Fitch: Hawaii debt levels are high
- WSJ: Hawaii Pacific University Piles on the 'Other' College Debt
- Hawaii Organic Farm Crops Worth $13.9M
- Hee Crony Resigns as KSBE Trustee After Being Rejected for New Term
- Full Text: Chief Kealoha Files Anonymous Suit to Shut Down Ethics Investigation
- Hanabusa Slams HART: "I am the Only Person there not to just sit there and vote yes"
- Lawsuit over possible ethics lapses has city revisiting bond measure to finance rail
- Borreca: Ige's Mauna Kea Stalemate 'The best he can do'
- Governing: Ige Bogged Down in Details
- Hawaii Suffers under 'Unaffordable Care Act"
- 100 Crimes Reported at Kakaako Homeless Cam Since Late August
- Trash volume delays Kakaako cleanup
- 19 More Homeless Finally Agree to Accept Shelter
- AP Suckered by Phony United Nations Deputy Ambassador Watching Honolulu Homeless Camp Clearing
- Caldwell's Ala Moana sewage spill much larger than reported
- Millions of dollars sat unused as UH College of Education classrooms were allowed to deteriorate
- Anti-GMO Activists Funded by “fortunes derived from big oil, big industry, big pharma and big banks.”
- Star-Adv: NextEra Not Serious
- Green Energy: New Schofield Biofuel Generator frees Campbell Generator to Burn Diesel
- DoT Airport Division Making Hawaiian Airlines Late
- Army prepares for removal of isle’s Stryker vehicles
- While Cronies Line up for Licenses, Police Raid Ordinary Dopers to Eliminate Competition
- Alleged Child Molester Allegedly Grabs Makaha Boy
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Thursday, October 8, 2015 |
October 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:05 PM :: 3201 Views
- Full Text: Hawaii Business Groups Slam Police Refusal to Enforce Law on Mauna Kea
- OHA Trustee Says Na'i Aupuni is Fake Tribe
- Akana: Ultra-Secret OHA Slush Funds, Strange Cartoons, and World Travel
- Hulu Lindsey: Nai Aupuni Exclusionary, Anti-Democratic, Violates Kapu Aloha
- FULL TEXT: Whistleblower Suit Claims Ansaldo Padding Rail Contract
- Activists Claim GMOs Cause Homosexuality
- Hawaii Abortion Laws and How They Differ From Other States
- Factors that Explain Honolulu's High Pedestrian Accident Rate
- Taiwanese Animators' Bermuda Triangle mystery: El Faro missing ship still on the water after 40 years
- Martin: "I don't know if Rail Tax can get out of Committee"
- Hee Crony Booted from KSBE Trusteeship
- Ige Admin Against Revised NextEra Proposal
- Dr. Akina Discusses the Proposed DOI Rule on Hawaii Public Radio
- Eight Homeless Go To Shelter: City Clears 126 Tons of Trash and 128 Hypodermic Needles
- Sweeps Force Homeless Person to Move into a House
- Desperate to get Homeless Back into Waikiki, Civil Beat Lies About Federal Rules
- Review Hiring Polices for Hawaii’s Special Education Positions
- HCDA to request millions of the Legislature for Kalaeloa infrastructure
- No food service in Honolulu Community College cafeteria for 13 months
- Ozawa wants bike lanes to receive City Council approval
- Kauai County Charter Changes Coming?
- Try a little introspection, investigate what’s behind opinions that differ with yours
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015 |
October 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 4120 Views
- Why was 40-Year Old Ship Sent into Path of Hurricane?
- Hawaii: Child Care Costs More than College Tuition
- ‘Know GMO’ documentary challenges anti-GM scare campaign
- Oct 15 Last Day to Register for 'Hawaiian' Tribal Election
- Video: Free Market Solutions to Homelessness with Victor Geminiani
- New Assisted Suicide Law Could Especially Hurt the Poor
- Corporations Buying Influence? Native Hawaiian Election Throws Out All the Rules
- Full sovereignty: It's just a daydream
- Lawsuit: Ansaldo Padding Rail Contract
- High Tech Tax credits: State Gave Away $1.7B to Rich Scammers
- Taxpayers will pay more as 'Arbitration' Forces more UPW Make-Work Jobs
- OHA Pohakuloa Suit Faces October 16 Deadline
- Hawaii Board of Education set to vote on new school calendar
- Hawaiian Electric’s Big Island utility may be worth $727M, expert says
- Drug use down, use of synthetic urine up in Hawaii workplaces
- UH students going to class in unsafe, unsanitary College of Education buildings
- Strengthening families leads to lifelong success
- Hawaii Judge Spent Decades Re-Ordering Family Structures
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015 |
October 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 3874 Views
- Obamacare Rate Hikes Approved: 27% HMSA, 34% Kaiser
- DNC Disarray: Gabbard Undercuts Wasserman Schultz Over Debate Schedule (VIDEO)
- NBC News Pumps Petition to Strip McKinley HS of Name
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted October 5, 2015
- Delegate candidates "Well-Connected to Agencies Spearheading Federal Recognition Process"
- Hawaiian constitutional convention election process is flawed
- Pro-business groups ask Ige to move forward on TMT construction
- Rail transit project would make City and County of Honolulu top energy consumer in Hawaii
- City prepares for last two homeless sweeps in Kakaako
- Shelters Have Plenty of Space but Kakaako Homeless Don't Want to go
- Honolulu is the worst US city for drivers
- Anti-GMO Franken-Activists Seek 'Every Email'
- Dumping Ground for Anti-GMO Obsessives Goes Unfulfilled under Ige
- State regulators ask Hawaiian Telcom about phone outages that lasted weeks
- Hawaii Among Top States for Mortgage 'Defects'
- School trips can meet ethics rules
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Monday, October 5, 2015 |
October 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 4421 Views
- Memo Outlines Reasons The Akaka Tribe Might be Very Disappointed with Interior Department
- Standard-Setting Deal on Pacific Trade Ironed Out After Six Years
- “Time to repeal the Jones Act”
- US Scores Near Bottom in International Tax Competitiveness
- Some well-known names look to score pot licenses
- Big Shots: High Cost of Electricity Makes Marijuana Unprofitable, So Don't Bother Competing With Us
- HECO President Says Cheap Electricity Is a 'Pipe Dream' in Hawaii
- Kaiser Permanente’s vision for Maui Hospitals
- Anti-GMO Lobbyists Refuse to Reveal Funding Sources
- Council Enacts TOD Zoning
- Homeless Person Owns Four, Count'em Four Tablet Devices and a Laptop
- DoE Teacher Tries to Blame Parents for SPED Downfalls
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Sunday, October 4, 2015 |
October 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 4207 Views
- Ways to Own a Utility
- These Democrats Who Voted For Obamacare Are Now Desperate To Change It
- Meet the New Sovereign: Interior Department Controls Voting Process After 'Aha
- State may be out $1.7B in taxes--thanks to High Tech Tax Credit Scammers
- Rail: How much more can we afford?
- Hawaii Be bold, Utah homeless reform expert urges
- Sweeps Should be Celebrated
- Schatz uses false urgency to nag people into donating
- Power-generation paradigm must change
- LNG to save the Islands more than $2 billion
- Maui County Will Appeal Injection Well Ruling
- Soft on Crime: 12 Priors, out on Probation, Does it Again
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Saturday, October 3, 2015 |
October 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 3290 Views
- Hawaiian Electric Companies propose new community based renewable energy program
- Rusting Wind Junk Coming to Waikiki--Second floating wind farm planned
- 'I told you so' -- Now Rail Proponents Should Apologize
- Health Department Racks up Overtime While Failing to Spend Federal Money
- PUC Approves HECO Plan to Build Another Diesel Plant, Calls it Green
- Aha: Elect No Politicians
- Hawaii Scores 60% on gender parity
- City removes nearly 9 tons of trash as Kakaako enforcement continue
- Maui police officer arrested in felony theft investigation
- DV Survivor says law enforcement failed to pursue case
- Teacher accused of touching student inappropriately; Parents want DOE investigation details released
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Friday, October 2, 2015 |
October 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:11 PM :: 4275 Views
- EPA, State, Navy Agree to upgrade Red Hill storage tanks
- AG Charges Third Waianae Homeless Shelter Employee With Embezzlement
- U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii Voter Registration Drive
- ‘Smart Growth’ Drives up Housing Costs
- New Hawaii Endangered Species Listings Set Stage for Federal Ecosystem Control
- Interior Department Tribal Shakedown Grabs for Rail Project Money
- Caldwell: Council Must Approve $1.8B Rail Tax Hike Before Legislature Reconvenes
- Hawaii has feds’ attention, and that’s not a good thing
- Who Should Own Hawaiian Electric?
- Regressively Progressive
- Outside Audit of IT Incompetence Demonstrates OIMT's Incompetence
- Department of Public Safety names new state sheriff
- Hawaii Gun Ownership Soars, Gun Crimes Drop
- Homeless: More Murder and Mayhem
- So-Called 'Innocence' Project will help Even More Guilty People Than Before
- Schatz Committee Assignment Means Campaign Cash will flow from High Tech Schemers
- UH Plans $16M 'Ask' From Legislature
- UH Cancer Center Deadlock
- 100s of Oahu Parks Abandoned by Caldwell Administration
- Man who embezzled funds from nonprofit nets 2-year prison term
- Police department internal investigations lead to 5 suspensions
- Transsexual Bullying Aims at DoE
- Invest $2,000 in Solar Farm, Cut Your Electric Bill
- Dumbest 'Clean' Energy Scheme Ever Coming to Big Island--Still not Approved by FAA
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Thursday, October 1, 2015 |
October 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 3691 Views
- 'Aha Candidates--Legislators, Trustee Violate Resign to Run Law
- Fresh off Obamacare Disaster, Obama Orders Hawaii Legislators to Impose Family Leave Mandate on Employers
- Senate Puerto Rico Package to Include Jones Act Exemption?
- Hawaii Rejects Fake Indian Tribe nearly 2-1
- Nobody Fooled any more--Aha is All About Federal Recognition
- Usual Suspects Running to Control Fake Hawaiian Indian Tribe
- Their purpose? To position themselves to be the biggest feeders at the money trough
- Criminal Hee: Further up state Democratic political ladder
- State IT Contacts are "Rail #2" “dilapidated and decentralized” "$100Ms" "Contracts we may not even know about"
- NextEra--Its One and Done
- 115 Homeless Flown Back to Mainland
- Kohala Parents Demand Local Control--no Marijuana Stores
- Pereira Complains About Attacks on Principals
- Stupid Atheists Propose Kaneohe Sign Invoke Specific Gods
- Public Gets Chance to See Plan for Giant Wall Surrounding Ala Wai Canal
- How Did the City Get It So Wrong on Waikiki Tower Proposal?
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