Entries for October 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014 |
October 31, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 5024 Views
- Fact: Takai Voted for Pension Tax Twice
- No New Taxes? Ige Broke Promise
- Photo: Ige's Broken No New Taxes Pledge
- David Ige Decries The Healthcare Disaster He Helped Create
- ALEC: Hawaii Educational Progress Ranks 6th in USA
- VIDEO: Hawaii National Guard Assists in Puna
- Caldwell to host affordable housing town hall meeting
- DoE Enrollment Drops Under New Kindergarten Plan
- Hawaii Residents Have Coverage For Lava Flow Damage
- Zombies, Vampires, and the Jones Act
- Fact Check on Union's false education campaign claims
- Donors Who Gave Abercrombie $5M Only Gave Ige $330K
- NYT: Ige Not a Sure Thing
- Borreca: Pension Tax is Defining Issue of Campaign
- Hawaii taxpayers would spend millions on private preschools if amendment passes
- Kauai Council to Vote on Repeal of Failed Anti-GMO Law
- Billionaire Demands Peasants Be Forced to Participate in Gay Marriages
- Manoa Tranny Accused of Child Molestation
- Felony: Anti-GMO Activist Offers to Buy Votes
- HUD: Hawaii Homelessness up 18%
- Housing law protects pothead renters
- Who’s getting coveted school geographic exceptions?
- Apple Saved UH From Losing Even More Money on Basketball Payouts
- Garden Isle Newspaper Continues to Help Bogus 'Foodbank'
- FCC Rules Changes to Address Hawaii 911 Outage
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Thursday, October 30, 2014 |
October 30, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 3861 Views
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 |
October 29, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 4711 Views
- Politically Modified Organism Makes Money Grow on Trees for Hawaii Anti-GMO Activist
- Video: The Truth About Abortion and Duke Aiona
- Ige Was For Pension Taxes Before He Was Against Them
- Lanai Mom Sues for Hawaiian Language Classes
- VIDEO: Secret Hawaii Tribe Deal Puts Roll Commissioners in Charge
- Waikiki Execs Don't Want Ige
- PBN Debunks False campaign claims made Against Aiona
- After Six Years of Manoa Liberal in White House, Democrats Losing Nationwide
- Lava expected to block access to Pahoa polling place; Thousands asked to vote elsewhere on Nov. 4
- PRP Warrants Criminal Investigation
- Omidyar, KSBE Pour Money into Private Preschool Amendment
- Anti-GMO Activists "Ugly, Racial"
- Star-Adv: GMO initiative Would Ban Marijuana Varieties
- CSC Complaint: Say Used $60K in Campaign Funds to Defend Residency Case
- USVI Refinery Reopening Under Jones Act Exemption
- Rail: No Humans Involved
- Another HPD officer charged in domestic abuse
- Police beating could prompt major changes for HPD unit
- SHPD to Solve 50 Year Old Historic Home Problem?
- As NCAA Closes in, UH Cashes out Mens B-Ball Coaches
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014 |
October 28, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:55 PM :: 4483 Views
- Djou Hits Takai on Pension Tax in Latest Commercial
- Ige 'Education Tax' Would Hit All UH Graduates' Income
- Afghanistan: Hawaii Based Marine Killed by Jihadi Child Molester
- Hawaii Ranks 30th on Business Taxes
- Lava Flow: Schools Closing but Polling Stations Expected to Open
- Cayetano Blames One Party System for Low Turnout
- American Samoa--Mistaken About Faleomavaega?
- VIDEOS: Maui Anti-GMO Activists Steal Signs, Suffer Road Rage
- Source: Maui News Shutting Down Weekly
- US General: North Korea Now Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles, Can Hit Hawaii
- Poll: Djou 45% - Takai 45%
- Ige Hammered on Pension Tax, GE Tax
- HGEA, AFSCME, National Democrats Spend $1.46M to Buy Ige
- Politico: House Dems Fret Debilitating Losses
- NYT Online Poll: Ige 45% -Aiona 19%
- HCDA Rushes Approvals to Beat New Governor
- Sam Aiona Distinguishes Himself in CD6 Race
- Caldwell's Latest Fee Hike: Make the Disabled Pay
- Star-Adv Supports Caldwell's Grab for DHHL affordable housing credits
- Abercrombie Never Recovered From October 2011 Lows
- Surfrider: Pro-Tourism, Anti-Agriculture
- Anti-GMO Group Holds Rally Ahead of November Vote
- Lanai mother sues state over Hawaiian language barriers
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Monday, October 27, 2014 |
October 27, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 4028 Views
- Ige's Pihana: Which Came First the Crony or the Capitalist?
- VIDEO: David Ige 2.0 Event Highlights Record Of Failed Policies
- VIDEO: Ige Voted to Approve Furlough Fridays
- Open Letter to Gubernatorial Candidates from Kaka'ako Coalition
- Hawaii Is the 3rd Least Politically Engaged State
- Pahoa: Lava Flow Speeds Up, Possible Evacuations Overnight
- Poll: Ige 40% - Aiona 34%
- Public hospital status quo ‘unacceptable’
- NYT: Hawaii Health Exchange Struggling More than Most
- Power bills Cut 10% Starting Nov 1 -- on Guam
- Lingle Talks Clean Energy, Public Policy at Cornell
- Cayetano wants complaint against PRP referred to prosecutor
- Price Fixing: Matson Subpoenaed by Justice Department
- Abercrombie Spent the Most Per Vote, Mufi Second
- New Hope’s Politics Has a Distinctly Evangelistic Flavor
- Hormonal Hypochondria at Root of Anti-GMO Activism
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Sunday, October 26, 2014 |
October 26, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 4559 Views
- Goliath is Desperate
- Governor Requests Disaster Declaration of Pahoa Lava Flow
- Voters want to expel former Hawaii House speaker
- Ige on Defense as Campaign Enters Final 10 Days
- Hawaii Federation of Independent Businesses Endorses Aiona for Governor
- UH Law School again tops nation as 'Best Environment for Minority Students'
- Hawaii Medical Association Endorses Djou
- What Will It Take to Grow GDP? (Part 3)
- UHERO State Forecast Update: Hawaii's Economy In Need of An Engine
- Ige: I will Keep HGEA in Control of HHSC, Here's How
- Aiona: Union Scare Tactics Hold HHSC Hostage
- HGEA Gets Failed CEO Bruce Anderson to Peddle its Line on HHSC
- Takai Refuses to Sign Clean Elections Pledge
- Borreca: Takai is candidate of the Rich
- Hawaii GMO Ban Would Drive Up World Food Prices
- 40 Stitches After Anti-GMO Mayoral Candidate Slices Guys Face Open With Broken Glass
- Victims of Solar Contractors: Customers with 'rogue' PV links to pay even if cut off
- Solar Contractor Admits Installing Systems HECO Cannot Connect, Calls Himself Victim
- Rate Hike Coming: HEI wants a stranded cost recovery mechanism
- Puna Lava Elections: Will Nago Screw it up Again?
- ‘Packed up and ready to go’: Evacuations coming soon in Pahoa
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Saturday, October 25, 2014 |
October 25, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 4009 Views
- Takai ‘Can’t Carry the Cooler’ for Hawaii
- $40.8M Missing: Rail GE Tax Revenues Short Again
- Hawaii Welfare Pays Better Than Teaching, Military
- Bonds: Fitch Rates Hawaii's Next $1.1B 'AA'
- Hawaii tuition increases 34% in five years--#1 in USA
- Photos: Molokai Unites to Defend GMO Agriculture
- Djou $416K Cash on Hand With 20 Days to Go
- DLNR Approves Community Management of Haena Fishpond
- Democrat Poll Djou 42% - Takai 49%
- Poll: 50% Yes to public funding for private preschools--only 42% No
- Political opponents form friendship during one candidate's illness
- Star-Adv Endorses Ozawa for E Oahu Council Seat
- Hawaii High Tech Development Corp Backs Defeated “patent troll”
- Stinking Hypocrisy: Surfrider Foundation Threatens Suit to Block Farm on Behalf of Luxury Resort
- Battle brewing between BIA-Hawaii and state preservation officials over historic buildings law
- Exclusive: New, disturbing video of an attack by a Honolulu Police Officer inside a game room
- Honolulu inmate accidentally released instead of taken to jail
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Friday, October 24, 2014 |
October 24, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 4595 Views
- RGA Poll: Ige 39% - Aiona 36%
- Djou: It Will Be Close and We Can Win
- VIDEO: Takai has spent over a decade trying to raise taxes on just about everything
- Leaked Emails Show Hawaiian Civic Club Leaders Squabble Over OHA Tribe 'Consortium'
- Lower Cost of Living? Ige Proposes Higher Prices
- Hawaii investigator says state agency is shirking duties
- 20 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill on Sand Island
- Wind Power Drives Electricity Prices Up
- Community Work Day to Clean Up West Oahu Parks
- OHA Candidates Debate to be Live-Streamed
- Video: Improving Public Schools with Randy Roth
- How to Increase the Value of a Dollar? Move.
- Poll: Djou 47% - Takai 47%
- Ward Poll Shows Unholy Alliance Backing Ige
- Clowns At Star-Adv Endorse Serial Violator Awana
- Desperate Need for Election Day Workers on Big Island
- HART Incompetence: $6M for design revisions because Stations too Heavy for Rail Columns
- Council to Give Homeowners Extension to Avoid Massive Tax Hike
- Just How Bad Is Honolulu’s Housing Crisis?
- GMOs: Why I Switched Sides
- Kauai: Anti-GMO Mayoral Candidate Pushes Ebola Conspiracy Nonsense
- Attorney: Big Isle GMO Law Just as Invalid as Kauai's
- Report: Nepotism Causes Risk of Fatality at State Hospital
- Bring ID to Vote
- State Senate confirms 3 judges
- UH Athletic Department Squirms under NCAA Pressure
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Thursday, October 23, 2014 |
October 23, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:13 PM :: 5039 Views
- Judge Adjutant General Investigates Elle Cochran: Fired Staffer Because he had National Guard Duty?
- Aiona Campaign Releases Policy Roadmap
- Students Now Facing More Cuts, Higher Costs Under Ige's Budget Leadership
- Honolulu Airport 3rd Worst in N America
- S&P Downgrades Hawaii
- VIDEO: Tsutsui on Ige's Lack of Interest in Neighbor Islands
- Caldwell signs 'Best Cities for Successful Aging' Pledge
- It's a Ward Poll: Ige 47%, Aiona 35%
- Old Boys Pour Money into Ige Campaign
- Star-Adv: McDermott was Right About Pono Choices
- Superferry Comeback?
- Are PRP, Consultants Guilty of Criminal Wrongdoing?
- In Hawaii Attack Ads Work Differently for Democrats and Republicans
- HART Gives Mainland University Administrators Free Hawaii Vacation
- Telemarketer Girds for Hawaii's Next Obamacare Disaster
- State Hospital report recommends changes at troubled facility
- Solar Farm to Displace Affordable Housing
- Richardson Will Train Lawyers to Scoop 'Green' from Energy
- Electrical problems at Halawa prison Cause Cell Doors to Open at Random
- Family of dead Ewa Beach man denied justice due to Lost Paperwork by prosecutor’s office
- Senate Committee Approves 'Unqualified' Judicial Nominee
- HPD officers involved in game room beating, no longer getting paychecks
- NCAA Completes Investigation of UH Athletics, Penalties next
- Caldwell Dumps Trash into Ocean at Kapiolani Park
- Bizarre News: Matson reduces fuel surcharge
- Hawaii Highest Proportion of Equity-Rich Homeowners
- County closes Cemetery Road after lava advances 425 yards
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014 |
October 22, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 PM :: 4747 Views
- Ige on Housing? More of the Same
- S.567: Schatz Proposes Largest Tax Hike in US History
- Business Development Counselors Rank Hawaii Business Environment
- Matson to pay $1 million for Honolulu molasses spill under plea agreement
- Hawaii DoE Presents Next Biennium Budget--Unions Take $231M Bite
- BoE: Matayoshi No Longer 'Exceptional'
- Polls Show Governor's Race Within Margin of Error
- Health Connector Spent $204.3M to Distribute $4.3M Tax Credits
- Out of Control School Lunch, Transportation Programs Behind $19M Budget Request
- Counties, DHHL Duke it out over Affordable Housing Credits
- Hawaii County Council Considers More Tax Hikes
- Star-Adv Endorses Aaron Johanson for House 31
- PRP super PAC says it 'accidentally' failed to list $86,000 that paid for mailers
- Hawaii Family Advocates vs. United Public Workers
- Gay Marriage Produces No Growth in LGBT Tourism
- Former Honolulu Advertiser Owner Charged with Child Molestation
- Officer suspended after video captures game room assault
- 20 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill on Sand Island
- Hawaii Gas Prices Highest in USA, Slowest to Decline
- After Wasting 20 Years and Millions of Dollars, Legislators Want Feds to Pay for Kahoolawe
- Honolulu Airport 3rd Worst in N America
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014 |
October 21, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 4812 Views
- Walk-In Early Voting Begins TODAY
- NRA Grades Hawaii Candidates on Second Amendment
- Ige's HHSC Mess Gets Worse
- “Few Major Policy Differences” Between Ige And Abercrombie
- VIDEO: We're Worried About Brian
- The Jones Act--Backward Thinking
- Caldwell Town Halls to discuss Islandwide Housing Strategy
- Massive Debris Pile Reveals Risk of Huge Tsunamis in Hawaii
- BLNR Considers New Hunting Rules
- The Future of Farming and Rise of Biotechnology
- Hurricane? Abercrombie Didn't Show up, Doesn't Care
- Hawaii Gov Race 'Leans Democratic'--Shift from tossup
- Schatz a Backbencher for Elizabeth Warren
- Star-Adv Endorses Janet Grace for Waikiki House Dist 22
- Kauai Council Considers Massive GE Tax Hike
- CSC Looking At PRP-- Again
- Ritte: We Didn't go to Kahoolawe to Form a Nation
- Bhagowalia Scores Full Time Federal Gig, Is Abercrombie Still Pretending he is With State?
- 'Unqualified' Masunaga Wants to be 'Face of Judiciary'
- Domestic Violence on Trial: 90% Acquitted
- Hawaii Atheist Moves to Michigan, Begins Complaining of 'Long Time' Discrimination
- Hollywood Homosexual Countersues Accuser in Hawaii Court
- HPD cracks down on police abuse by CRU
- Prosecutors cannot re-file gambling case until they answer to misconduct allegations
- Seeking Stars, Finding Creationism
- Anti-Dairy farm Protester Finds 'Pristine' Water is Already Polluted
- Luxury Real Estate Behind Anti-GMO 'Movement'
- Souki: House will not take up Say residency issue
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Monday, October 20, 2014 |
October 20, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 3767 Views
- Hawaii Energy Survey Shows Public Support Inversely Proportional to Amount of Energy Produced
- Government to Ordained Ministers: Celebrate Same-Sex Wedding or Go to Jail
- Plastic Bag Ban Increases Litter
- Star-Adv Rundown of Competitive Legislative Races
- Galuteria Puts OHA Ahead of Constituents
- Gubernatorial Candidates All Have it Both Ways on Common Core
- Crony Capitalists Angered by Possibility of Lower Utility Bills
- Should Hawaii Purge More People from List of Registered Voters?
- No consequences for key politician in Kauai dam breach tragedy
- Carlisle Proposes Blood Alcohol Limits for Gun Possession
- Djou Endorsed by the Associated Building Contractors, Hawaii Chapter
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Sunday, October 19, 2014 |
October 19, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:48 PM :: 4506 Views
- Akina For OHA: Stop Nation-Building Effort
- Former Execs of Honolulu Rail Supplier Parent Company Get Two Year Prison Term
- What Will It Take to Grow GDP? (Part 2)
- UPDATE: Hurricane Ana Takes Aim at Kauai
- Star-Adv: Ige Can Lead Inouye Gang After Hanabusa Defeat
- Shapiro: Ige Campaign Devolves into Shabby Battle of Guilt by Association
- Their voters are out there, but will they go to polls?
- Did UPW Hope for Hannemann?
- Close Half of Hospitals? HHSC Hospitals Socked with $69M Bill for Retiree Health Insurance
- Mafia Windfarm Developer in Last Desperate Push for Big Cable
- Maui News: Vote ‘No’ on GMO ban
- Dude Moves to Maui, Begins Protesting GMOs
- Anti-GMO graffiti being cleaned up by seniors
- Mainland Eco-Hypesters Push for More Restrictions on Hawaii Fishermen
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Saturday, October 18, 2014 |
October 18, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 PM :: 4970 Views
- Army Officer Files IG Complaint Against Mark Takai
- Washington Post Debunks Takai Campaign Commercial
- Ige Drove Cost of Living Higher
- HPD Releases Cachola Videos, 911 Call
- Hawaii ranks worst for tax burden, report says
- Hawaii Hurricane History 1949-2014
- $64M: HMSA Medicare Advantage Premium Hikes Hit 46,000
- LNG Import Will Save Ratepayers $87M
- Complaints against Pacific Resource Partnership on tap for Campaign Spending Commission
- "If (Mufi) Doesn't Like You You're in Deep S***"
- American Action: $300K for Djou
- All 3 Public Employees Unions Now Endorse Ige
- NEA Money to Buy Ige 5th Floor?
- Regents Ease Path to Lowered Tuition
- Homeowners Beat Back Tax Hike Averaging $3795/year
- Health Department hears cesspool concerns
- Thanks to Jones Act, Guam Looks to Asia for LNG Conversion
- FEMA Again Denies Iselle Disaster Declaration
- Former DLNR Official Accused of Child Molestation
- Shocker: Child Molester Reoffends After Getting Probation
- Real Scientists Debunk UH Manoa Turtle-Tumor Hype
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Friday, October 17, 2014 |
October 17, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 4392 Views
Friday, October 17, 2014 |
Letters to the Editor, October, 2014
By Letters to the Editor @ 5:40 AM :: 4268 Views
- GMO Moratorium Shuts Down Farms for Over 2 Years
- Ohana Means Being Prepared Together
- Punatics Always Wrong
- Attorney General facilitates lack of transparency
- Let’s Rethink Our Property Tax System
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Thursday, October 16, 2014 |
October 16, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 4430 Views
- Ige: "I Did Look at Pension Tax as an Option"
- Keoki Kerr: "It Clearly Wasn't David Ige's Night"
- Health Care: Ige’s Epic Disaster
- Hawaii CON Limits Patients' Access to Life-Saving Exams
- No Long-Term Gains from Universal Preschool
- Ana: Big Island Schools Closed Friday, Governor Issues Emergency Proclamation
- GE Tax Hike: Ige, Hannemann Busted
- Djou Has More than Double the Money Takai Has
- Jones Act Money Flows to Takai
- Big Bucks Going Into Preschool Ballot Initiative
- Pflueger shows no remorse for Kauai dam breach
- Kauai Anti-GMO Tax Hike Pushed
- Hawaii agriculture needs support, not 'Plant Police'
- Electricity bills decline for most isle customers--Thanks to Fracking
- Attorney Asked Gang Leader to Write Out Witness List
- Will HPD Release Cachola Tapes, Report?
- Homeless Would Rather Risk Hurricane than Accept Shelter
- Parents to DOE: Why Aren’t We Being Told Sooner About Possible Child Abductions?
- Crazy Ideas About Drugs
- Judge to hear case against Hawaii on Pohakuloa
- State to lead pesticide study
- UberX, Lyft Rerouted to Hawaii Legislature
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014 |
October 15, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:16 PM :: 4057 Views
- Federal Akaka Tribe Decision Revealed
- Ohana Means Being Prepared Together
- The Bleeding of Aloha: Ugliness of the Anti-GMO Movement in Hawaii
- Punatics Always Wrong
- Aiona: Lower the Cost of Energy
- Ige Wants To Charge $500 For Parking In Downtown Honolulu!?
- Affordable Food? Honolulu Scores 135th
- Hawaii students get gift cards to participate in sex education program
- Are Anti-Price Gouging Policies to Blame for Shortages on the Big Island?
- Djou Campaign $626K Cash on Hand
- HHSC Cuts Will Continue Until Partnership Approved
- Abercrombie to Sign Multi-Million Dollar UHPA Contract Giveaway
- Did Lawyer Feed Witness Names to Prison Gang?
- Soft on Crime: Pflueger gets seven months and $7000 fine for dam breach
- Atheist Tweeker Scores $1.95M for Helping Keep Inmates Out of Drug Rehab
- WSJ: Honolulu Most Expensive City in USA, Hilo is 5th
- Aiona, Ige Support LNG for Hawaii
- Lawyer: 9th Circuit panel biased in same-sex marriage decision
- While Muslims Chop Heads, Obama Orders Military to Give More Money to his Green Energy Campaign Contributors
- Counties Grab for More TAT, Again
- IHS housing first contract to serve 115
- Shelter space limited as storm approaches
- After Shutting Water Bottler, Kauai County Allows Reopening
- Video shows alleged police beating inside Chinatown business
- HPD: No Policy Changes on Domestic Violence
- Hawaii students get gift cards to participate in sex education program
- Honolulu Residents 100% Honest
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014 |
October 14, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:50 PM :: 4408 Views
- NYT/CBS Poll: Ige 41%-Aiona 35%
- 2013: Ige's TAT Raid Set Up County GE Tax Hike
- Video: Manny Pacquiao endorses Duke Aiona
- Aiona: Cut taxes to make Hawaii more affordable
- Djou Launches New TV Ad
- 2013: Ige's TAT Raid Set Up County GE Tax Hike
- VIDEO: Cam Cavasso Launches TV Ads
- Colleges Refuse to Renew Institutes That Spread Chinese Government Propaganda
- UHERO: PV Growth in Hawaii?
- Absentee Ballots Hit Mailboxes
- Kaiser, HPH in partnership talks with Maui hospitals
- Maui Memorial Deficit to Quadruple, Thanks to HGEA, UPW Contracts
- Aiona, Hannemann: Abolish the LUC
- Teachers Union Drops $100K+ to Buy Ige
- GOP Voter Registration Push Does Not Materialize
- Voter Registration up 9% in Decade--Lags Population Growth
- Restaurant Assoc Endorses Djou
- Hawaii GMO case heads for court Oct 23
- Anti-GMO Activists Operating Illegal TVRs with Cesspools Caus Coral Bleaching
- Cult Members 'Rapid Response Team' Runs Interference for Tulsi Gabbard
- Pearl City merchants blame rail work for slumping sales
- Scam Alert: Two Solar Contractors Installations Up
- City pays $2.6 million to Settle HPD Abuse Suits So Far this Year
- Longtime prosecutor accused of harassment
- Extreme 'clean' eating may exclude essential nutrients
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Monday, October 13, 2014 |
October 13, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:22 PM :: 4388 Views
- Democrat Poll Shows Abortion Lies Work: Ige 45, Aiona 33, Hannemann 10
- Kakaako Developer Rushes Approval Before Abercrombie Appointees Exit HCDA
- Djou Emphasizes Critical Need for Bipartisan Congressional Delegation
- Congress to Consider Internet Sales Tax After Election
- Last Minute Dog Whistle: Takai Tags Djou with 'TEA Party' Label
- Thousands Rally for Aiona-Ahu
- Ige, Tsutsui Blocked Hanabusa Senate Control
- Rail Contractor Makes Way for Station Re-Bid
- Solar Scammers Angered by Plan to Cut Electric Rates
- If Amendment 4 Fails, Preschool Becomes 20-Year DoE Project
- Carlisle: After Abercrombie Disaster, Should Star-Adv be Endorsing Candidates?
- After Killing 8, Pflueger Sells Acreage to Facebook Billionaire
- Honolulu's construction cost increase tops the U.S.
- Muslims: Kick Military out of Hawaii to Make Way for Homeless
- Mating Season of Endangered Snail Prevents HPR Liberals from Raising Funds
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Sunday, October 12, 2014 |
October 12, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 4229 Views
- $3.6M for ‘Consortium’ Seeking Takeover of OHA’s Fake Tribe
- Hawaii Churches Join Pulpit Freedom Sunday
- What Will It Take to Grow Hawaii's GDP?
- Will Religious Voters Counterbalance Unions?
- Aiona: Cut taxes to make Hawaii more affordable
- Takai Flip Flop on Military Spending
- Abercrombie's UH Regent Nominees May be Withdrawn by New Governor
- Average Age of Hawaii Politicians Drops by 25 Years
- Waikiki Homeless Drops 60% after Sit-Lie Ban Imposed
- Anti-GMO Nonsense Would Destroy Maui's Largest Agricultural Activity
- Anti-GMO Activists Pleased With Their Disruption of Maui County Fair
- Maui United Way Demands Anti-GMO Activists 'Cease and Desist'
- ‘Seized Assets’ Prove Lucrative for Hawaii Cops
- Dope Priest: My Ego Too Big
- Assault victim's parents balk at prosecuting school janitor
- Bad episode can result in better HPD
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Saturday, October 11, 2014 |
October 11, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:38 PM :: 4619 Views
- Ige Defensive over Tax Hikes, Broken Promises
- Where Does Hawaii Rank in Rich States, Poor States?
- Mark Takai Flip-Flops on Military Cuts
- Council Hikes Fines for Illegal Dumping
- Abercrombie Appoints Two Oahu Circuit Court Judges
- GE Tax Revenue Up 8%, Hotel Tax Down 8.7%
- What’s the real trend in Hawaii tourism?
- Hawaii Has 33% More Potheads
- Homeless Loophole: BLNR Transfers Ft De Russy Beach to City for 1 Year
- UH Fails to Pay Copier Contract for 18 Months
- Post Chancellorship Gravy Train Pays $300K/year to Former UH Administrators
- Maui Anti-GMO Initiative Doomed in Court
- Latest Anti-GMO Trick: Water Grab on Kauai
- State Completes $19.8M Bailout of ML&P Pension Fund
- Puna to Get Ultra-Narrow 'Two-Lane' Evacuation Route
- Ex-guard, inmate convicted in Hawaii prison gang trial
- HPD officers under investigation for alleged beating during Chinatown Gambling raid
- Massive gambling indictment dropped, defense attorneys call for investigation
- Angry Residents Protest Cesspool Ban
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Friday, October 10, 2014 |
October 10, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 4035 Views
- Video: Djou vs Takai in CD1 Debate
- Gay Lawsuit Against Hawaii Gay Marriage Ban Ends as Moot
- Honest? Ige Once Signed 'No New Taxes' Pledge
- Djou Launches 3rd TV Ad
- Roadside animal farm may be casualty of Hawaii government
- Prosecutor: Criticism of Cachola Case 'Uninformed'
- Ban on Internet Access Taxes Could Produce Tax Cut for Hawaii
- Hawaii Counties Score ‘D’ on Administration of Property Taxes
- $55K -- Hawaii Retirees Income Tops in USA
- OHA Plays Political Game With Candidates
- Gubernatorial candidates promise to empower local educators at Hilo forum
- Grabauskas Scores Big Fat Raise--But Will Ansaldo Deliver Rail Cars?
- Puna Residents Not Impressed With Schatz, Gabbard
- PUC is one issue avoided by candidates for governor
- Hawaii Ranks #2 in Hotel Taxes
- DBEDT Still Pushing Big Cable
- Bizarre News: Solar Contractor Refuses to Install Illegal Systems
- Lawsuit Alleging Homosexual Child Molestation by Former ACLU Board Member Dismissed
- Only Elementary Schools Meet Strive HI Standards
- UH Tuition Cuts Dependent on Reducing $45M Electric Bill
- HECO Hooks Up 150 Solar Customers
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Thursday, October 9, 2014 |
October 9, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:07 PM :: 7390 Views
- Aiona Proposes HOPE for Renters to Build Equity
- The Forgiving Democratic Electorate
- Maui Monsanto Rep Cancels Speaking Engagement Over Safety Concerns
- Colorado Governor: Legalizing Pot Was ‘Reckless’
- Hawaii Ranks 4th on Income but 44th on Federal Taxes Paid
- Wind Industry Admits It Needs Handout to Compete
- Djou a 'Pragmatist’ Ready to ‘Get Things Done’ for Hawaii
- Wahiawa Hospital Spills Palafox Beans: UH owes $1M in Medicare fraud case
- Goldman Sachs Behind Hawaii Subprime GEMS
- Scott Nago: Just Another Reason not to Vote
- How Bad Is Hawaii’s Office of Elections?
- CD1: Djou Debates Opponent
- Brickwood, Lethem battle heats up in state senate dist. 12
- 31% of legislative races lack GOP candidate
- Kauai Council Enacts garbage tax
- Council Release Designed to Help Reelect Fukunaga?
- Anti-GMO Nuts Whine About PAC
- HECO Claims Rates Will Drop to $0.26 per kwh
- Solar: Demolitionists, Dreamers, and Pragmatists
- Wind Scammers Go Fly a Kite 1,100 feet above Saddle
- After Defending Police Officers, Attorney Switches Sides
- Grand jury declines charges against HPD sergeant after Kickboxer-girlfriend testifies
- Large Gambling Case Falling Apart
- City of Honolulu: 4 Years, $350K to Change a Lightbulb
- New Hawaii cesspool proposal could hurt home sales, real estate leaders say
- Proposal to reduce DoD per diem pay stirs outcry
- After Announcing Tuna Monument, Obama Pays $10K per Day to Fish Foreign Waters
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014 |
October 8, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 4503 Views
- Ige Still Has No Answers For His HHSC Fiscal Crisis
- UH Manoa Grad Students: No Confidence in Lassner, BoR
- Free Markets and Jones Act Reform at Union Meeting?
- What 20 years of research on cannabis use has taught us
- Am Samoa: Faleomavaega Coming Home 'Soon'?
- New director takes over Hawaii’s troubled Obamacare exchange
- Academics Defend HOPE Probation
- Aiona Only Candidate to Veto Gay Marriage
- 9th Circuit Forces Gay Marriage on Two More States, Hawaii Next
- Gabbard Lied About Waikiki Surfing Video
- Military Leaving Hawaii because Schatz, Hirono are Useless Weaklings
- UH-Manoa to be $31M in the red
- Civil Beat Tries, Fails to Cover Up Ige's GE Tax Hike
- Dems, Republicans View CD1 Race Very Differently
- Voter Registration Down from 2012
- Homelessness? At Last Minute Honolulu Councilmembers Chicken Out on Broader Sit-Lie Bill
- Protesters Demanding Money for OHA Disrupt Hawaii telescope groundbreaking
- $1M a Year Not Enough for OHA
- Anti-GMO Activists Admit: $85K Fine for Knowingly Growing GM Papaya in Backyard
- Public meetings can once again be constructive
- New Enviro Regs May Soak Honolulu for $3.5B
- Kauai Council Tinkers With Tax Rates After Sticking it to Homeowners
- After Closing US Fisheries, Obama Bribes Foreign Countries With $90M Tuna Payout
- Ian Lind: Jihadi Makes Sense
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014 |
October 7, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 PM :: 4432 Views
- Hawaii ERS Sticks With Troubled Bond Fund as Others Flee
- VIDEO: New Ad Hammers Ige's Health Exchange Debacle
- Cost of Living: Will Hawaii Take Heed of Warning Signs?
- Ten Gubernatorial Forums Set for October
- Abercrombie Appoints Four to Board of Regents
- Study Shows Ige's Tax Hikes Leave Hawaii Far Behind
- Supreme Court Decision Will Lead to Gay Marriage in Five States
- 15 public schools earn $230,000 for high achievement
- Gas Tax: Hawaii Ranks #4 in USA
- Hawaii Work Force Participation Down 7%
- Chertoff: Gabbard's Visa Proposal Damages Tourism
- Hawaii Atheists Move to Michigan, Begin Suing
- UH Bribes 'Pono Choices' Students With $52,200.00 in gift cards
- Ige Co-Sponsored Hawaii Health Exchange Failure
- National Democrat Attack Ads Disconnected from Reality
- Good Politics for Pro-Family Candidates to Appeal to Broader Base
- Ratepayers Angered by New $71/month HECO Charge
- Teachers Union Axed Preschool Ballot Campaign to Avoid Breaking Hawaii Law
- New Law Gives Hawaii Unions Even More Power
- Rowena Akana Claims Akaka Tribe Supporters Outnumber 'These People' 3-1
- Djou Endorsed by the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
- Maui United Way Demands Anti-GMO Morons 'Cease and Desist'
- Anti-GMO Activists Discourage Young Farmers
- Anti-GMO Councilmen Find New Way to Attack Agriculture
- UH student group votes 'no confidence' in Lassner, regents
- Town hall meeting talks Superferry resurrection
- Nobody Wants Obama Beach
- Abercrombie Plans Taiwan Junket
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Monday, October 6, 2014 |
October 6, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:58 PM :: 4781 Views
- Hawaii's 'Lost Decade' Was Historic
- Gabbard Missed Veterans Hearing to Surf Waikiki
- 5% of Oahu Population Leaving--Thanks to Congressional Delegation
- Hospitals? Ige Bought n Paid for by Unions
- Ige, Tsutsui Supported Clayton Hee Harassment of Appointee
- Excuse for Failed Politicians: Abercrombie, Hannemann Joined in Gay Marriage
- Today is Last day for Voter Registration
- We Need Police Accountability in Honolulu
- Absenteeism? Improve Health of Prison Guards
- Pro and Anti-GMO Blocs Form in Kauai Council Races
- Kauai County Trying to Finish Off Destruction of Island's Only Water Bottling Company
- Kauai County Employment Doubles, Services Decline
- New bill aims to Allow Volunteers to clean up Oahu filthy parks
- Church makes security changes after back-to-back vandalism
- Supreme Court Will not Hear Gay Marriage Case this Term
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Sunday, October 5, 2014 |
October 5, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:15 PM :: 4021 Views
- After Taxes, Housing, and Utilities, Hawaii Residents Fifth Poorest in USA
- Kakaako: How to Buy Hawaii State Senators--Legally
- Will Tom Brower ever learn?
- Ebola: Where are the Anti-GMO Protesters Now?
- Hawaii Superferry Making a Comeback?
- Falling Off the Cliff
- Marijuana: Margin of Ige's Defeat?
- House Must Act Against Cachola
- Lanai's sole school faces chronic issue of teacher turnover
- Hundreds of Homeless Purposefully Crowd Jails
- Kauai a Great Place to Send Homeless
- Star-Adv Helps Solar Scammers Whip up Battery Sales
- Hu Honua Hit Again
- Kauai Council Votes to Double Garbage Fees
- Obama Beach? $500K Bribe Leaves Some Unconvinced
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Saturday, October 4, 2014 |
October 4, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 6325 Views
- Hawaii Family Forum Publishes 2014 Voter Guide
- Health Connector Names New CEO
- A Bad Week for David Ige
- Abortion: Desperate Democrats Spend over $100K Lying About Aiona
- Nago Off Hook, Says He is Trying to Get it Right This Time
- US should reexamine Jones Act, Tesoro’s CEO recommends
- BLNR to Allow Sit-Lie Enforcement
- Candidates Struggle to Pander to Anti-GMO Morons
- Arizona Prison Sued for Interfering With Sovereignty Movement Recruitment Efforts
- Big Island candidates for state House and Senate take on cesspools, lava flow in Puna
- Seven Months after FBI Raid, DPS Employee Still Has Job
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Friday, October 3, 2014 |
October 3, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 4452 Views
- Ige's Bungling Leaves Charter School Students Sitting on Buckets
- Entrepreneurship? Hawaii has 2nd Worst Congressional Delegation
- Rich States, Poor States: Hawaii Ranks 36th
- UPW Collects Forced Dues from 1,122 Non-Members
- Hawaii will go bust by 2016, Senate minority leader says
- Hawaii House leader fined a record $50,000 for ethics violations
- Tribe? 50 Years of Mismanagement and Corruption
- Hawaii officials on alert after Ebola scare
- NRA President to Speak in Hawaii
- Another Delay: CNHA to Takeover Hawaiian Roll, Tribe?
- Aiona: Kanaiolowalu 'Does not Represent the Majority'
- HMSA Medicare Advantage Premiums to Double
- Criminal Charges for Cachola?
- Reporter snagged in ongoing city ethics probe
- Veteran council members Claim They didn't know they couldn't accept lobbyists' meals
- Arakawa: GMO initiative would be ‘impractical’
- 260 Rail Accidents: Kiewit Unsafe
- UH Uses New Computer System to Squeeze Students for Money
- Abercrombie Lets Homeless Invade Airport
- State plan addressing Hawaii cesspools receive pushback
- Experts say new domestic violence law needs clarification
- Ex-Kauai police commission member to be sentenced
- Soft on Crime: 25 Convictions Gets only 5 years for 6 cases
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Thursday, October 2, 2014 |
October 2, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 5417 Views
- Small Business Protests Ige's GE Tax Hike
- Feds: Hawaii DHS is Number 1 in Foodstamps
- DBEDT Applauds PUC’s Approval of 'Green' Subprime Loan Securitization Program
- Forum: Will Hawaii's State Government Go Bust in 2016?
- Let’s Rethink Our Property Tax System
- With Billions of Tourist Dollars at Stake, DoH Quickly Slaps Down Talk of Ebola
- HMSA Cancels 46,000 Policies as Obamacare Medicaid Advantage Cuts Kick In
- Wahiawa Hospital not paying docs, Could be forced into Bankruptcy
- Welcome effort to decentralize DOE
- What Happened to the Hawaii Teachers Union Preschool Ballot Campaign?
- Maui Anti-GMO Law: $85,000 fine & Year in Jail for One Papaya Tree
- PUC Approval of $150M Green Bank shrouded in mystery
- Schatz sits on the Senate National Parks Subcommittee, Can't Get Two Lanes for Puna
- Commission proposes tiered property taxes for million dollar homes
- Personnel shortage closes ambulance unit in Honolulu
- How to take part in Monday's drive-thru voter registration
- Developer to Court: Make Homeowners Stop Leaking Documents
- Half of Oahu Hoarding Plastic Bags
- WaPo: Hawaii Best State for Women
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 |
October 1, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 4502 Views
- Ige Again Claims He Opposed the Tax Increases He Voted For
- Faleomavaega Rips Obama, Kerry Over PRIMNM Announcement
- WESPAC: Obama Admin Did not Consult on Tuna Monument
- ERP-SURF Integrates Core Hawaii Government Functions
- Disabled? Honolulu Ranks 107th in Quality of Life
- Attorney General facilitates lack of transparency
- Djou Draws National Attention, Polling
- Debate: Ige Admits Responsibility for HHSC Mess
- Ige Burns $1.2B and Still Ends up in Debt
- Ige Struggles to Motivate Democrat Voters
- Caldwell Uses Homeless Crisis to Re-Launch Ill-Fated City Housing Office
- Star-Adv Buys Big Island Papers
- Scheme to Sucker Small Investors into Financing Industrial Solar
- Common Core Criticisms Miss the Mark
- The Problem With Being Pro-homeless
- Luxury 'Hawaii Life' Realtors Bankroll Anti-GMO Madness
- Moral Citizen Condemns Anti-GMO Movement
- Honolulu Police Chief Shows New Cachola Video
- Soft on Crime: Lifelong Criminal Refuses to Testify Against Prison Gang
- Kauai Council Debating tax relief options designed to make Tax Hike Palatable
- Hawaii Prisoners Become Issue in Arizona Election
- Enrollment declines at UH Campuses
- Punatics Still Disturbed Over About Iselle, Election
- Consumer protection and safety at risk as new transit companies enter Hawaii marketplace
- Precisely as Predicted: UH Manoa Begins Push for Polyamory
- Atheists Become Frantic as Election Approaches
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