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Entries for October 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014
October 31, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 5006 Views
  1. Fact: Takai Voted for Pension Tax Twice
  2. No New Taxes? Ige Broke Promise
  3. Photo: Ige's Broken No New Taxes Pledge
  4. David Ige Decries The Healthcare Disaster He Helped Create
  5. ALEC: Hawaii Educational Progress Ranks 6th in USA
  6. VIDEO: Hawaii National Guard Assists in Puna
  7. Caldwell to host affordable housing town hall meeting
  8. DoE Enrollment Drops Under New Kindergarten Plan
  9. Hawaii Residents Have Coverage For Lava Flow Damage
  10. Zombies, Vampires, and the Jones Act
  11. Fact Check on Union's false education campaign claims
  12. Donors Who Gave Abercrombie $5M Only Gave Ige $330K
  13. NYT: Ige Not a Sure Thing
  14. Borreca: Pension Tax is Defining Issue of Campaign
  15. Hawaii taxpayers would spend millions on private preschools if amendment passes
  16. Kauai Council to Vote on Repeal of Failed Anti-GMO Law
  17. Billionaire Demands Peasants Be Forced to Participate in Gay Marriages
  18. Manoa Tranny Accused of Child Molestation
  19. Felony: Anti-GMO Activist Offers to Buy Votes
  20. HUD: Hawaii Homelessness up 18%
  21. Housing law protects pothead renters
  22. Who’s getting coveted school geographic exceptions?
  23. Apple Saved UH From Losing Even More Money on Basketball Payouts
  24. Garden Isle Newspaper Continues to Help Bogus 'Foodbank'
  25. FCC Rules Changes to Address Hawaii 911 Outage
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
October 30, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 3849 Views
  1. CNBC: Hawaii ranks 49th for Business Friendliness
  2. Hawaii Dead Last for ‘Pass Through’ Business Employment
  3. HECO to Build 50MW Peaker Plant to Balance Erratic Alternative Energy
  4. Waikiki Homeless Outreach Begins Nov 3
  5. Schatz Proposes 66% Tax Rate for Self-Employed
  6. Hawaii health officials: No automatic Ebola-related quarantine
  7. Abercrombie Appoints Five to Boards and Commissions
  8. 1st Annual Hawaii School Empowerment Conference
  9. Awkward Ige Gave Opening on Pension Tax
  10. Education Institute of Hawaii on School Empowerment
  11. GMO initiative would be bad law
  12. As Lava Threatens to Cut Off Geothermal Plant, HELCO Issues RFP
  13. Goldman Sachs Behind Scheme to Soak Local Investors With Subprime Green Energy Bonds
  14. Recent payouts, losses cost UH nearly $1.8 million
  15. Homeless Dude, Lawyers Working on New Loophole
  16. Kauai Bus Shelters Cost Over $50K Each
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
October 29, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 4693 Views
  1. Politically Modified Organism Makes Money Grow on Trees for Hawaii Anti-GMO Activist
  2. Video: The Truth About Abortion and Duke Aiona
  3. Ige Was For Pension Taxes Before He Was Against Them
  4. Lanai Mom Sues for Hawaiian Language Classes
  5. VIDEO: Secret Hawaii Tribe Deal Puts Roll Commissioners in Charge
  6. Waikiki Execs Don't Want Ige
  7. PBN Debunks False campaign claims made Against Aiona
  8. After Six Years of Manoa Liberal in White House, Democrats Losing Nationwide
  9. Lava expected to block access to Pahoa polling place; Thousands asked to vote elsewhere on Nov. 4
  10. PRP Warrants Criminal Investigation
  11. Omidyar, KSBE Pour Money into Private Preschool Amendment
  12. Anti-GMO Activists "Ugly, Racial"
  13. Star-Adv: GMO initiative Would Ban Marijuana Varieties
  14. CSC Complaint: Say Used $60K in Campaign Funds to Defend Residency Case
  15. USVI Refinery Reopening Under Jones Act Exemption
  16. Rail: No Humans Involved
  17. Another HPD officer charged in domestic abuse
  18. Police beating could prompt major changes for HPD unit
  19. SHPD to Solve 50 Year Old Historic Home Problem?
  20. As NCAA Closes in, UH Cashes out Mens B-Ball Coaches
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:55 PM :: 4464 Views
  1. Djou Hits Takai on Pension Tax in Latest Commercial
  2. Ige 'Education Tax' Would Hit All UH Graduates' Income
  3. Afghanistan: Hawaii Based Marine Killed by Jihadi Child Molester
  4. Hawaii Ranks 30th on Business Taxes
  5. Lava Flow: Schools Closing but Polling Stations Expected to Open
  6. Cayetano Blames One Party System for Low Turnout
  7. American Samoa--Mistaken About Faleomavaega?
  8. VIDEOS: Maui Anti-GMO Activists Steal Signs, Suffer Road Rage
  9. Source: Maui News Shutting Down Weekly
  10. US General: North Korea Now Has Nuclear Warheads for Missiles, Can Hit Hawaii
  11. Poll: Djou 45% - Takai 45%
  12. Ige Hammered on Pension Tax, GE Tax
  13. HGEA, AFSCME, National Democrats Spend $1.46M to Buy Ige 
  14. Politico: House Dems Fret Debilitating Losses
  16. NYT Online Poll: Ige 45% -Aiona 19% 
  17. HCDA Rushes Approvals to Beat New Governor
  18. Sam Aiona Distinguishes Himself in CD6 Race
  19. Caldwell's Latest Fee Hike: Make the Disabled Pay
  20. Star-Adv Supports Caldwell's Grab for DHHL affordable housing credits
  21. Abercrombie Never Recovered From October 2011 Lows
  22. Surfrider: Pro-Tourism, Anti-Agriculture
  23. Anti-GMO Group Holds Rally Ahead of November Vote
  24. Lanai mother sues state over Hawaiian language barriers
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Monday, October 27, 2014
October 27, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 4014 Views
  1. Ige's Pihana: Which Came First the Crony or the Capitalist?
  2. VIDEO: David Ige 2.0 Event Highlights Record Of Failed Policies
  3. VIDEO: Ige Voted to Approve Furlough Fridays
  4. Open Letter to Gubernatorial Candidates from Kaka'ako Coalition
  5. Hawaii Is the 3rd Least Politically Engaged State
  6. Pahoa: Lava Flow Speeds Up, Possible Evacuations Overnight
  7. Poll: Ige 40% - Aiona 34%
  8. Public hospital status quo ‘unacceptable’
  9. NYT: Hawaii Health Exchange Struggling More than Most
  10. Power bills Cut 10% Starting Nov 1 -- on Guam
  11. Lingle Talks Clean Energy, Public Policy at Cornell
  12. Cayetano wants complaint against PRP referred to prosecutor
  13. Price Fixing: Matson Subpoenaed by Justice Department
  14. Abercrombie Spent the Most Per Vote, Mufi Second
  15. New Hope’s Politics Has a Distinctly Evangelistic Flavor
  16. Hormonal Hypochondria at Root of Anti-GMO Activism
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Sunday, October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 4547 Views
  1. Goliath is Desperate
  2. Governor Requests Disaster Declaration of Pahoa Lava Flow
  3. Voters want to expel former Hawaii House speaker
  4. Ige on Defense as Campaign Enters Final 10 Days 
  5. Hawaii Federation of Independent Businesses Endorses Aiona for Governor
  6. UH Law School again tops nation as 'Best Environment for Minority Students'
  7. Hawaii Medical Association Endorses Djou
  8. What Will It Take to Grow GDP? (Part 3)
  9. UHERO State Forecast Update: Hawaii's Economy In Need of An Engine
  10. Ige: I will Keep HGEA in Control of HHSC, Here's How
  11. Aiona: Union Scare Tactics Hold HHSC Hostage
  12. HGEA Gets Failed CEO Bruce Anderson to Peddle its Line on HHSC
  13. Takai Refuses to Sign Clean Elections Pledge
  14. Borreca: Takai is candidate of the Rich
  15. Hawaii GMO Ban Would Drive Up World Food Prices
  16. 40 Stitches After Anti-GMO Mayoral Candidate Slices Guys Face Open With Broken Glass
  17. Victims of Solar Contractors: Customers with 'rogue' PV links to pay even if cut off
  18. Solar Contractor Admits Installing Systems HECO Cannot Connect, Calls Himself Victim
  19. Rate Hike Coming: HEI wants a stranded cost recovery mechanism
  20. Puna Lava Elections: Will Nago Screw it up Again?
  21. ‘Packed up and ready to go’: Evacuations coming soon in Pahoa
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Saturday, October 25, 2014
October 25, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 3992 Views
  1. Takai ‘Can’t Carry the Cooler’ for Hawaii
  2. $40.8M Missing: Rail GE Tax Revenues Short Again
  3. Hawaii Welfare Pays Better Than Teaching, Military
  4. Bonds: Fitch Rates Hawaii's Next $1.1B 'AA'
  5. Hawaii tuition increases 34% in five years--#1 in USA
  6. Photos: Molokai Unites to Defend GMO Agriculture
  7. Djou $416K Cash on Hand With 20 Days to Go
  8. DLNR Approves Community Management of Haena Fishpond
  9. Democrat Poll Djou 42% - Takai 49%
  10. Poll: 50% Yes to public funding for private preschools--only 42% No
  11. Political opponents form friendship during one candidate's illness
  12. Star-Adv Endorses Ozawa for E Oahu Council Seat
  13. Hawaii High Tech Development Corp Backs Defeated “patent troll”
  14. Stinking Hypocrisy: Surfrider Foundation Threatens Suit to Block Farm on Behalf of Luxury Resort
  15. Battle brewing between BIA-Hawaii and state preservation officials over historic buildings law
  16. Exclusive: New, disturbing video of an attack by a Honolulu Police Officer inside a game room
  17. Honolulu inmate accidentally released instead of taken to jail
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Friday, October 24, 2014
October 24, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 4581 Views
  1. RGA Poll: Ige 39% - Aiona 36%
  2. Djou: It Will Be Close and We Can Win
  3. VIDEO: Takai has spent over a decade trying to raise taxes on just about everything
  4. Leaked Emails Show Hawaiian Civic Club Leaders Squabble Over OHA Tribe 'Consortium'
  5. Lower Cost of Living? Ige Proposes Higher Prices
  6. Hawaii investigator says state agency is shirking duties
  7. 20 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill on Sand Island
  8. Wind Power Drives Electricity Prices Up
  9. Community Work Day to Clean Up West Oahu Parks
  10. OHA Candidates Debate to be Live-Streamed
  11. Video: Improving Public Schools with Randy Roth
  12. How to Increase the Value of a Dollar? Move.
  13. Poll: Djou 47% - Takai 47%
  14. Ward Poll Shows Unholy Alliance Backing Ige
  15. Clowns At Star-Adv Endorse Serial Violator Awana
  16. Desperate Need for Election Day Workers on Big Island
  17. HART Incompetence: $6M for design revisions because Stations too Heavy for Rail Columns
  18. Council to Give Homeowners Extension to Avoid Massive Tax Hike
  19. Just How Bad Is Honolulu’s Housing Crisis?
  20. GMOs: Why I Switched Sides
  21. Kauai: Anti-GMO Mayoral Candidate Pushes Ebola Conspiracy Nonsense
  22. Attorney: Big Isle GMO Law Just as Invalid as Kauai's
  23. Report:  Nepotism Causes Risk of Fatality at State Hospital
  24. Bring ID to Vote
  25. State Senate confirms 3 judges
  26. UH Athletic Department Squirms under NCAA Pressure
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Thursday, October 23, 2014
October 23, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:13 PM :: 5011 Views
  1. Judge Adjutant General Investigates Elle Cochran: Fired Staffer Because he had National Guard Duty?
  2. Aiona Campaign Releases Policy Roadmap
  3. Students Now Facing More Cuts, Higher Costs Under Ige's Budget Leadership
  4. Honolulu Airport 3rd Worst in N America
  5. S&P Downgrades Hawaii
  6. VIDEO: Tsutsui on Ige's Lack of Interest in Neighbor Islands
  7. Caldwell signs 'Best Cities for Successful Aging' Pledge
  8. It's a Ward Poll: Ige 47%, Aiona 35%
  9. Old Boys Pour Money into Ige Campaign
  10. Star-Adv: McDermott was Right About Pono Choices
  11. Superferry Comeback?
  12. Are PRP, Consultants Guilty of Criminal Wrongdoing?
  13. In Hawaii Attack Ads Work Differently for Democrats and Republicans
  14. HART Gives Mainland University Administrators Free Hawaii Vacation
  15. Telemarketer Girds for Hawaii's Next Obamacare Disaster
  16. State Hospital report recommends changes at troubled facility
  17. Solar Farm to Displace Affordable Housing
  18. Richardson Will Train Lawyers to Scoop 'Green' from Energy
  19. Electrical problems at Halawa prison Cause Cell Doors to Open at Random
  20. Family of dead Ewa Beach man denied justice due to Lost Paperwork by prosecutor’s office
  21. Senate Committee Approves 'Unqualified' Judicial Nominee
  22. HPD officers involved in game room beating, no longer getting paychecks
  23. NCAA Completes Investigation of UH Athletics, Penalties next
  24. Caldwell Dumps Trash into Ocean at Kapiolani Park
  25. Bizarre News: Matson reduces fuel surcharge
  26. Hawaii Highest Proportion of Equity-Rich Homeowners
  27. County closes Cemetery Road after lava advances 425 yards
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014
October 22, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 PM :: 4723 Views
  1. Ige on Housing? More of the Same
  2. S.567: Schatz Proposes Largest Tax Hike in US History
  3. Business Development Counselors Rank Hawaii Business Environment
  4. Matson to pay $1 million for Honolulu molasses spill under plea agreement
  5. Hawaii DoE Presents Next Biennium Budget--Unions Take $231M Bite
  6. BoE: Matayoshi No Longer 'Exceptional'
  7. Polls Show Governor's Race Within Margin of Error
  8. Health Connector Spent $204.3M to Distribute $4.3M Tax Credits
  9. Out of Control School Lunch, Transportation Programs Behind $19M Budget Request
  10. Counties, DHHL Duke it out over Affordable Housing Credits
  11. Hawaii County Council Considers More Tax Hikes
  12. Star-Adv Endorses Aaron Johanson for House 31
  13. PRP super PAC says it 'accidentally' failed to list $86,000 that paid for mailers
  14. Hawaii Family Advocates vs. United Public Workers
  15. Gay Marriage Produces No Growth in LGBT Tourism
  16. Former Honolulu Advertiser Owner Charged with Child Molestation
  17. Officer suspended after video captures game room assault
  18. 20 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill on Sand Island
  19. Hawaii Gas Prices Highest in USA, Slowest to Decline
  20. After Wasting 20 Years and Millions of Dollars, Legislators Want Feds to Pay for Kahoolawe
  21. Honolulu Airport 3rd Worst in N America
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014
October 21, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:13 PM :: 4800 Views
  1. Walk-In Early Voting Begins TODAY
  2. NRA Grades Hawaii Candidates on Second Amendment
  3. Ige's HHSC Mess Gets Worse
  4. “Few Major Policy Differences” Between Ige And Abercrombie
  5. VIDEO: We're Worried About Brian
  6. The Jones Act--Backward Thinking
  7. Caldwell Town Halls to discuss Islandwide Housing Strategy
  8. Massive Debris Pile Reveals Risk of Huge Tsunamis in Hawaii
  9. BLNR Considers New Hunting Rules
  10. The Future of Farming and Rise of Biotechnology
  11. Hurricane?  Abercrombie Didn't Show up, Doesn't Care
  12. Hawaii Gov Race 'Leans Democratic'--Shift from tossup
  13. Schatz a Backbencher for Elizabeth Warren
  14. Star-Adv Endorses Janet Grace for Waikiki House Dist 22
  15. Kauai Council Considers Massive GE Tax Hike
  16. CSC Looking At PRP-- Again
  17. Ritte: We Didn't go to Kahoolawe to Form a Nation
  18. Bhagowalia Scores Full Time Federal Gig, Is Abercrombie Still Pretending he is With State?
  19. 'Unqualified' Masunaga Wants to be 'Face of Judiciary'
  20. Domestic Violence on Trial: 90% Acquitted
  21. Hawaii Atheist Moves to Michigan, Begins Complaining of 'Long Time' Discrimination
  22. Hollywood Homosexual Countersues Accuser in Hawaii Court
  23. HPD cracks down on police abuse by CRU
  24. Prosecutors cannot re-file gambling case until they answer to misconduct allegations
  25. Seeking Stars, Finding Creationism
  26. Anti-Dairy farm Protester Finds 'Pristine' Water is Already Polluted
  27. Luxury Real Estate Behind Anti-GMO 'Movement'
  28. Souki: House will not take up Say residency issue
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Monday, October 20, 2014
October 20, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 3751 Views
  1. Hawaii Energy Survey Shows Public Support Inversely Proportional to Amount of Energy Produced
  2. Government to Ordained Ministers: Celebrate Same-Sex Wedding or Go to Jail
  3. Plastic Bag Ban Increases Litter
  4. Star-Adv Rundown of Competitive Legislative Races
  5. Galuteria Puts OHA Ahead of Constituents
  6. Gubernatorial Candidates All Have it Both Ways on Common Core
  7. Crony Capitalists Angered by Possibility of Lower Utility Bills
  8. Should Hawaii Purge More People from List of Registered Voters?
  9. No consequences for key politician in Kauai dam breach tragedy
  10. Carlisle Proposes Blood Alcohol Limits for Gun Possession
  11. Djou Endorsed by the Associated Building Contractors, Hawaii Chapter
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Sunday, October 19, 2014
October 19, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:48 PM :: 4489 Views
  1. Akina For OHA: Stop Nation-Building Effort
  2. Former Execs of Honolulu Rail Supplier Parent Company Get Two Year Prison Term
  3. What Will It Take to Grow GDP? (Part 2)
  4. UPDATE: Hurricane Ana Takes Aim at Kauai
  5. Star-Adv: Ige Can Lead Inouye Gang After Hanabusa Defeat
  6. Shapiro: Ige Campaign Devolves into Shabby Battle of Guilt by Association
  7. Their voters are out there, but will they go to polls?
  8. Did UPW Hope for Hannemann?
  9. Close Half of Hospitals? HHSC Hospitals Socked with $69M Bill for Retiree Health Insurance
  10. Mafia Windfarm Developer in Last Desperate Push for Big Cable
  11. Maui News: Vote ‘No’ on GMO ban
  12. Dude Moves to Maui, Begins Protesting GMOs
  13. Anti-GMO graffiti being cleaned up by seniors
  14. Mainland Eco-Hypesters Push for More Restrictions on Hawaii Fishermen
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Saturday, October 18, 2014
October 18, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 PM :: 4949 Views
  1. Army Officer Files IG Complaint Against Mark Takai
  2. Washington Post Debunks Takai Campaign Commercial
  3. Ige Drove Cost of Living Higher
  4. HPD Releases Cachola Videos, 911 Call
  5. Hawaii ranks worst for tax burden, report says
  6. Hawaii Hurricane History 1949-2014
  7. $64M: HMSA Medicare Advantage Premium Hikes Hit 46,000
  8. LNG Import Will Save Ratepayers $87M
  9. Complaints against Pacific Resource Partnership on tap for Campaign Spending Commission
  10. "If (Mufi) Doesn't Like You You're in Deep S***"
  11. American Action: $300K for Djou
  12. All 3 Public Employees Unions Now Endorse Ige
  13. NEA Money to Buy Ige 5th Floor?
  14. Regents Ease Path to Lowered Tuition
  15. Homeowners Beat Back Tax Hike Averaging $3795/year
  16. Health Department hears cesspool concerns
  17. Thanks to Jones Act, Guam Looks to Asia for LNG Conversion
  18. FEMA Again Denies Iselle Disaster Declaration
  19. Former DLNR Official Accused of Child Molestation
  20. Shocker: Child Molester Reoffends After Getting Probation
  21. Real Scientists Debunk UH Manoa Turtle-Tumor Hype
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Friday, October 17, 2014
October 17, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 4379 Views
  1. Hawaii Family Advocates Releases 2014 General Election Endorsements
  2. Ige Ignored Efforts For Tax Relief On Groceries
  3. ALEC Ranks Hawaii as Worst State in Three Economic Categories
  4. Hawaii Named a ‘Top 10 State for Afterschool’
  5. Budget: Does Hawaii Have a Boom, or a Bust?
  6. VIDEO: Cam Cavasso in his own Words
  7. Corporations Must Re-Register as Non-Candidate Committees
  8. UPDATE: Tropical Storm Ana Projected to Skirt South Shores of Islands
  9. GMO Moratorium Shuts Down Farms for Over 2 Years
  10. Walk-In Early Voting Begins October 21
  11. After Spending Billions, Alt Energy Produces Almost Nothing in Hawaii
  12. Cost of Living Drags Hawaii's Happiness Down
  13. UH Must Clean Up its Act, Stabilize Tuition
  14. HPD ramps up domestic violence training
  15. Homeless Would Rather Risk Hurricane Than Accept Shelter
  16. KaLoko: Pflueger Blames His Victims
  17. Anti-GMO 'Fightland' Ties Leaders to Surf Nazis
  18. Testifiers: Planned rules for cesspools Should Apply only Along Shoreline
  19. The $1,000 Pill That Will Bankrupt Us All
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Friday, October 17, 2014
Letters to the Editor, October, 2014
By Letters to the Editor @ 5:40 AM :: 4242 Views
  • GMO Moratorium Shuts Down Farms for Over 2 Years
  • Ohana Means Being Prepared Together
  • Punatics Always Wrong
  • Attorney General facilitates lack of transparency 
  • Let’s Rethink Our Property Tax System
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
October 16, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:56 PM :: 4421 Views
  1. Ige: "I Did Look at Pension Tax as an Option"
  2. Keoki Kerr: "It Clearly Wasn't David Ige's Night"
  3. Health Care: Ige’s Epic Disaster
  4. Hawaii CON Limits Patients' Access to Life-Saving Exams
  5. No Long-Term Gains from Universal Preschool
  6. Ana: Big Island Schools Closed Friday, Governor Issues Emergency Proclamation
  7. GE Tax Hike: Ige, Hannemann Busted
  8. Djou Has More than Double the Money Takai Has
  9. Jones Act Money Flows to Takai
  10. Big Bucks Going Into Preschool Ballot Initiative
  11. Pflueger shows no remorse for Kauai dam breach
  12. Kauai Anti-GMO Tax Hike Pushed
  13. Hawaii agriculture needs support, not 'Plant Police'
  14. Electricity bills decline for most isle customers--Thanks to Fracking
  15. Attorney Asked Gang Leader to Write Out Witness List
  16. Will HPD Release Cachola Tapes, Report?
  17. Homeless Would Rather Risk Hurricane than Accept Shelter
  18. Parents to DOE: Why Aren’t We Being Told Sooner About Possible Child Abductions?
  19. Crazy Ideas About Drugs
  20. Judge to hear case against Hawaii on Pohakuloa
  21. State to lead pesticide study
  22. UberX, Lyft Rerouted to Hawaii Legislature
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014
October 15, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:16 PM :: 4041 Views
  1. Federal Akaka Tribe Decision Revealed
  2. Ohana Means Being Prepared Together
  3. The Bleeding of Aloha: Ugliness of the Anti-GMO Movement in Hawaii
  4. Punatics Always Wrong
  5. Aiona: Lower the Cost of Energy
  6. Ige Wants To Charge $500 For Parking In Downtown Honolulu!?
  7. Affordable Food? Honolulu Scores 135th
  8. Hawaii students get gift cards to participate in sex education program
  9. Are Anti-Price Gouging Policies to Blame for Shortages on the Big Island?
  10. Djou Campaign $626K Cash on Hand
  11. HHSC Cuts Will Continue Until Partnership Approved
  12. Abercrombie to Sign Multi-Million Dollar UHPA Contract Giveaway
  13. Did Lawyer Feed Witness Names to Prison Gang?
  14. Soft on Crime: Pflueger gets seven months and $7000 fine for dam breach
  15. Atheist Tweeker Scores $1.95M for Helping Keep Inmates Out of Drug Rehab
  16. WSJ: Honolulu Most Expensive City in USA, Hilo is 5th
  17. Aiona, Ige Support LNG for Hawaii
  18. Lawyer: 9th Circuit panel biased in same-sex marriage decision
  19. While Muslims Chop Heads, Obama Orders Military to Give More Money to his Green Energy Campaign Contributors
  20. Counties Grab for More TAT, Again
  21. IHS housing first contract to serve 115
  22. Shelter space limited as storm approaches
  23. After Shutting Water Bottler, Kauai County Allows Reopening
  24. Video shows alleged police beating inside Chinatown business
  25. HPD: No Policy Changes on Domestic Violence
  26. Hawaii students get gift cards to participate in sex education program
  27. Honolulu Residents 100% Honest
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014
October 14, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:50 PM :: 4393 Views
  1. NYT/CBS Poll: Ige 41%-Aiona 35%
  2. 2013: Ige's TAT Raid Set Up County GE Tax Hike
  3. Video: Manny Pacquiao endorses Duke Aiona
  4. Aiona: Cut taxes to make Hawaii more affordable
  5. Djou Launches New TV Ad
  6. 2013: Ige's TAT Raid Set Up County GE Tax Hike
  7. VIDEO: Cam Cavasso Launches TV Ads
  8. Colleges Refuse to Renew Institutes That Spread Chinese Government Propaganda
  9. UHERO: PV Growth in Hawaii?
  10. Absentee Ballots Hit Mailboxes
  11. Kaiser, HPH in partnership talks with Maui hospitals
  12. Maui Memorial Deficit to Quadruple, Thanks to HGEA, UPW Contracts
  13. Aiona, Hannemann: Abolish the LUC
  14. Teachers Union Drops $100K+ to Buy Ige
  15. GOP Voter Registration Push Does Not Materialize
  16. Voter Registration up 9% in Decade--Lags Population Growth
  17. Restaurant Assoc Endorses Djou 
  18. Hawaii GMO case heads for court Oct 23
  19. Anti-GMO Activists Operating Illegal TVRs with Cesspools Caus Coral Bleaching
  20. Cult Members 'Rapid Response Team' Runs Interference for Tulsi Gabbard
  21. Pearl City merchants blame rail work for slumping sales
  22. Scam Alert: Two Solar Contractors Installations Up
  23. City pays $2.6 million to Settle HPD Abuse Suits So Far this Year
  24. Longtime prosecutor accused of harassment
  25. Extreme 'clean' eating may exclude essential nutrients
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Monday, October 13, 2014
October 13, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:22 PM :: 4375 Views
  1. Democrat Poll Shows Abortion Lies Work: Ige 45, Aiona 33, Hannemann 10
  2. Kakaako Developer Rushes Approval Before Abercrombie Appointees Exit HCDA
  3. Djou Emphasizes Critical Need for Bipartisan Congressional Delegation
  4. Congress to Consider Internet Sales Tax After Election
  5. Last Minute Dog Whistle: Takai Tags Djou with 'TEA Party' Label
  6. Thousands Rally for Aiona-Ahu
  7. Ige, Tsutsui Blocked Hanabusa Senate Control
  8. Rail Contractor Makes Way for Station Re-Bid
  9. Solar Scammers Angered by Plan to Cut Electric Rates
  10. If Amendment 4 Fails, Preschool Becomes 20-Year DoE Project
  11. Carlisle: After Abercrombie Disaster, Should Star-Adv be Endorsing Candidates?
  12. After Killing 8, Pflueger Sells Acreage to Facebook Billionaire
  13. Honolulu's construction cost increase tops the U.S.
  14. Muslims: Kick Military out of Hawaii to Make Way for Homeless
  15. Mating Season of Endangered Snail Prevents HPR Liberals from Raising Funds
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Sunday, October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 4213 Views
  1. $3.6M for ‘Consortium’ Seeking Takeover of OHA’s Fake Tribe 
  2. Hawaii Churches Join Pulpit Freedom Sunday 
  3. What Will It Take to Grow Hawaii's GDP? 
  4. Will Religious Voters Counterbalance Unions?
  5. Aiona: Cut taxes to make Hawaii more affordable 
  6. Takai Flip Flop on Military Spending
  7. Abercrombie's UH Regent Nominees May be Withdrawn by New Governor 
  8. Average Age of Hawaii Politicians Drops by 25 Years 
  9. Waikiki Homeless Drops 60% after Sit-Lie Ban Imposed
  10. Anti-GMO Nonsense Would Destroy Maui's Largest Agricultural Activity 
  11. Anti-GMO Activists Pleased With Their Disruption of Maui County Fair 
  12. Maui United Way Demands Anti-GMO Activists 'Cease and Desist' 
  13. ‘Seized Assets’ Prove Lucrative for Hawaii Cops 
  14. Dope Priest: My Ego Too Big
  15. Assault victim's parents balk at prosecuting school janitor 
  16. Bad episode can result in better HPD
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Saturday, October 11, 2014
October 11, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:38 PM :: 4606 Views
  1. Ige Defensive over Tax Hikes, Broken Promises
  2. Where Does Hawaii Rank in Rich States, Poor States?
  3. Mark Takai Flip-Flops on Military Cuts
  4. Council Hikes Fines for Illegal Dumping
  5. Abercrombie Appoints Two Oahu Circuit Court Judges
  6. GE Tax Revenue Up 8%, Hotel Tax Down 8.7%
  7. What’s the real trend in Hawaii tourism?
  8. Hawaii Has 33% More Potheads
  9. Homeless Loophole: BLNR Transfers Ft De Russy Beach to City for 1 Year 
  10. UH Fails to Pay Copier Contract for 18 Months
  11. Post Chancellorship Gravy Train Pays $300K/year to Former UH Administrators
  12. Maui Anti-GMO Initiative Doomed in Court
  13. Latest Anti-GMO Trick: Water Grab on Kauai
  14. State Completes $19.8M Bailout of ML&P Pension Fund
  15. Puna to Get Ultra-Narrow 'Two-Lane' Evacuation Route
  16. Ex-guard, inmate convicted in Hawaii prison gang trial
  17. HPD officers under investigation for alleged beating during Chinatown Gambling raid
  18. Massive gambling indictment dropped, defense attorneys call for investigation
  19. Angry Residents Protest Cesspool Ban
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Friday, October 10, 2014
October 10, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 4021 Views
  1. Video: Djou vs Takai in CD1 Debate
  2. Gay Lawsuit Against Hawaii Gay Marriage Ban Ends as Moot
  3. Honest? Ige Once Signed 'No New Taxes' Pledge
  4. Djou Launches 3rd TV Ad
  5. Roadside animal farm may be casualty of Hawaii government
  6. Prosecutor: Criticism of Cachola Case 'Uninformed'
  7. Ban on Internet Access Taxes Could Produce Tax Cut for Hawaii
  8. Hawaii Counties Score ‘D’ on Administration of Property Taxes
  9. $55K -- Hawaii Retirees Income Tops in USA
  10. OHA Plays Political Game With Candidates
  11. Gubernatorial candidates promise to empower local educators at Hilo forum
  12. Grabauskas Scores Big Fat Raise--But Will Ansaldo Deliver Rail Cars?
  13. Puna Residents Not Impressed With Schatz, Gabbard
  14. PUC is one issue avoided by candidates for governor
  15. Hawaii Ranks #2 in Hotel Taxes
  16. DBEDT Still Pushing Big Cable
  17. Bizarre News: Solar Contractor Refuses to Install Illegal Systems
  18. Lawsuit Alleging Homosexual Child Molestation by Former ACLU Board Member Dismissed
  19. Only Elementary Schools Meet Strive HI Standards
  20. UH Tuition Cuts Dependent on Reducing $45M Electric Bill
  21. HECO Hooks Up 150 Solar Customers
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
October 9, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:07 PM :: 7296 Views
  1. Aiona Proposes HOPE for Renters to Build Equity
  2. The Forgiving Democratic Electorate
  3. Maui Monsanto Rep Cancels Speaking Engagement Over Safety Concerns
  4. Colorado Governor: Legalizing Pot Was ‘Reckless’
  5. Hawaii Ranks 4th on Income but 44th on Federal Taxes Paid
  6. Wind Industry Admits It Needs Handout to Compete
  7. Djou a 'Pragmatist’ Ready to ‘Get Things Done’ for Hawaii
  8. Wahiawa Hospital Spills Palafox Beans: UH owes $1M in Medicare fraud case
  9. Goldman Sachs Behind Hawaii Subprime GEMS
  10. Scott Nago: Just Another Reason not to Vote
  11. How Bad Is Hawaii’s Office of Elections?
  12. CD1: Djou Debates Opponent
  13. Brickwood, Lethem battle heats up in state senate dist. 12
  14. 31% of legislative races lack GOP candidate
  15. Kauai Council Enacts garbage tax
  16. Council Release Designed to Help Reelect Fukunaga?
  17. Anti-GMO Nuts Whine About PAC
  18. HECO Claims Rates Will Drop to $0.26 per kwh
  19. Solar: Demolitionists, Dreamers, and Pragmatists
  20. Wind Scammers Go Fly a Kite 1,100 feet above Saddle
  21. After Defending Police Officers, Attorney Switches Sides
  22. Grand jury declines charges against HPD sergeant after Kickboxer-girlfriend testifies
  23. Large Gambling Case Falling Apart
  24. City of Honolulu: 4 Years, $350K to Change a Lightbulb
  25. New Hawaii cesspool proposal could hurt home sales, real estate leaders say
  26. Proposal to reduce DoD per diem pay stirs outcry
  27. After Announcing Tuna Monument, Obama Pays $10K per Day to Fish Foreign Waters
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Wednesday, October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 4491 Views
  1. Ige Still Has No Answers For His HHSC Fiscal Crisis
  2. UH Manoa Grad Students: No Confidence in Lassner, BoR
  3. Free Markets and Jones Act Reform at Union Meeting?
  4. What 20 years of research on cannabis use has taught us
  5. Am Samoa: Faleomavaega Coming Home 'Soon'?
  6. New director takes over Hawaii’s troubled Obamacare exchange
  7. Academics Defend HOPE Probation
  8. Aiona Only Candidate to Veto Gay Marriage
  9. 9th Circuit Forces Gay Marriage on Two More States, Hawaii Next
  10. Gabbard Lied About Waikiki Surfing Video 
  11. Military Leaving Hawaii because Schatz, Hirono are Useless Weaklings
  12. UH-Manoa to be $31M in the red
  13. Civil Beat Tries, Fails to Cover Up Ige's GE Tax Hike
  14. Dems, Republicans View CD1 Race Very Differently 
  15. Voter Registration Down from 2012
  16. Homelessness? At Last Minute Honolulu Councilmembers Chicken Out on Broader Sit-Lie Bill
  17. Protesters Demanding Money for OHA Disrupt Hawaii telescope groundbreaking
  18. $1M a Year Not Enough for OHA
  19. Anti-GMO Activists Admit: $85K Fine for Knowingly Growing GM Papaya in Backyard
  20. Public meetings can once again be constructive
  21. New Enviro Regs May Soak Honolulu for $3.5B
  22. Kauai Council Tinkers With Tax Rates After Sticking it to Homeowners
  23. After Closing US Fisheries, Obama Bribes Foreign Countries With $90M Tuna Payout
  24. Ian Lind: Jihadi Makes Sense
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014
October 7, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 PM :: 4414 Views
  1. Hawaii ERS Sticks With Troubled Bond Fund as Others Flee
  2. VIDEO: New Ad Hammers Ige's Health Exchange Debacle
  3. Cost of Living: Will Hawaii Take Heed of Warning Signs?
  4. Ten Gubernatorial Forums Set for October
  5. Abercrombie Appoints Four to Board of Regents
  6. Study Shows Ige's Tax Hikes Leave Hawaii Far Behind
  7. Supreme Court Decision Will Lead to Gay Marriage in Five States
  8. 15 public schools earn $230,000 for high achievement
  9. Gas Tax: Hawaii Ranks #4 in USA
  10. Hawaii Work Force Participation Down 7%
  11. Chertoff: Gabbard's Visa Proposal Damages Tourism
  12. Hawaii Atheists Move to Michigan, Begin Suing
  13. UH Bribes 'Pono Choices' Students With $52,200.00 in gift cards
  14. Ige Co-Sponsored Hawaii Health Exchange Failure
  15. National Democrat Attack Ads Disconnected from Reality
  16. Good Politics for Pro-Family Candidates to Appeal to Broader Base
  17. Ratepayers Angered by New $71/month HECO Charge
  18. Teachers Union Axed Preschool Ballot Campaign to Avoid Breaking Hawaii Law
  19. New Law Gives Hawaii Unions Even More Power
  20. Rowena Akana Claims Akaka Tribe Supporters Outnumber 'These People' 3-1
  21. Djou Endorsed by the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
  22. Maui United Way Demands Anti-GMO Morons 'Cease and Desist'
  23. Anti-GMO Activists Discourage Young Farmers 
  24. Anti-GMO Councilmen Find New Way to Attack Agriculture
  25. UH student group votes 'no confidence' in Lassner, regents
  26. Town hall meeting talks Superferry resurrection
  27. Nobody Wants Obama Beach
  28. Abercrombie Plans Taiwan Junket
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Monday, October 6, 2014
October 6, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:58 PM :: 4759 Views
  1. Hawaii's 'Lost Decade' Was Historic
  2. Gabbard Missed Veterans Hearing to Surf Waikiki
  3. 5% of Oahu Population Leaving--Thanks to Congressional Delegation
  4. Hospitals? Ige Bought n Paid for by Unions
  5. Ige, Tsutsui Supported Clayton Hee Harassment of Appointee
  6. Excuse for Failed Politicians: Abercrombie, Hannemann Joined in Gay Marriage
  7. Today is Last day for Voter Registration
  8. We Need Police Accountability in Honolulu
  9. Absenteeism?  Improve Health of Prison Guards
  10. Pro and Anti-GMO Blocs Form in Kauai Council Races
  11. Kauai County Trying to Finish Off Destruction of Island's Only Water Bottling Company
  12. Kauai County Employment Doubles, Services Decline
  13. New bill aims to Allow Volunteers to clean up Oahu filthy parks
  14. Church makes security changes after back-to-back vandalism
  15. Supreme Court Will not Hear Gay Marriage Case this Term
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Sunday, October 5, 2014
October 5, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:15 PM :: 4009 Views
  1. After Taxes, Housing, and Utilities, Hawaii Residents Fifth Poorest in USA
  2. Kakaako: How to Buy Hawaii State Senators--Legally
  3. Will Tom Brower ever learn?
  4. Ebola: Where are the Anti-GMO Protesters Now?
  5. Hawaii Superferry Making a Comeback?
  6. Falling Off the Cliff
  7. Marijuana: Margin of Ige's Defeat?
  8. House Must Act Against Cachola
  9. Lanai's sole school faces chronic issue of teacher turnover
  10. Hundreds of Homeless Purposefully Crowd Jails
  11. Kauai a Great Place to Send Homeless
  12. Star-Adv Helps Solar Scammers Whip up Battery Sales
  13. Hu Honua Hit Again
  14. Kauai Council Votes to Double Garbage Fees
  15. Obama Beach?  $500K Bribe Leaves Some Unconvinced
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Saturday, October 4, 2014
October 4, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 6269 Views
  1. Hawaii Family Forum Publishes 2014 Voter Guide
  2. Health Connector Names New CEO
  3. A Bad Week for David Ige
  4. Abortion: Desperate Democrats Spend over $100K Lying About Aiona
  5. Nago Off Hook, Says He is Trying to Get it Right This Time
  6. US should reexamine Jones Act, Tesoro’s CEO recommends
  7. BLNR to Allow Sit-Lie Enforcement
  8. Candidates Struggle to Pander to Anti-GMO Morons
  9. Arizona Prison Sued for Interfering With Sovereignty Movement Recruitment Efforts
  10. Big Island candidates for state House and Senate take on cesspools, lava flow in Puna
  11. Seven Months after FBI Raid, DPS Employee Still Has Job
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Friday, October 3, 2014
October 3, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 4426 Views
  1. Ige's Bungling Leaves Charter School Students Sitting on Buckets
  2. Entrepreneurship? Hawaii has 2nd Worst Congressional Delegation
  3. Rich States, Poor States: Hawaii Ranks 36th
  4. UPW Collects Forced Dues from 1,122 Non-Members
  5. Hawaii will go bust by 2016, Senate minority leader says
  6. Hawaii House leader fined a record $50,000 for ethics violations
  7. Tribe? 50 Years of Mismanagement and Corruption
  8. Hawaii officials on alert after Ebola scare
  9. NRA President to Speak in Hawaii
  10. Another Delay: CNHA to Takeover Hawaiian Roll, Tribe?
  11. Aiona: Kanaiolowalu 'Does not Represent the Majority'
  12. HMSA Medicare Advantage Premiums to Double
  13. Criminal Charges for Cachola?
  14. Reporter snagged in ongoing city ethics probe
  15. Veteran council members Claim They didn't know they couldn't accept lobbyists' meals
  16. Arakawa: GMO initiative would be ‘impractical’
  17. 260 Rail Accidents: Kiewit Unsafe
  18. UH Uses New Computer System to Squeeze Students for Money
  19. Abercrombie Lets Homeless Invade Airport
  20. State plan addressing Hawaii cesspools receive pushback
  21. Experts say new domestic violence law needs clarification
  22. Ex-Kauai police commission member to be sentenced
  23. Soft on Crime: 25 Convictions Gets only 5 years for 6 cases
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Thursday, October 2, 2014
October 2, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 5398 Views
  1. Small Business Protests Ige's GE Tax Hike
  2. Feds: Hawaii DHS is Number 1 in Foodstamps
  3. DBEDT Applauds PUC’s Approval of 'Green' Subprime Loan Securitization Program
  4. Forum: Will Hawaii's State Government Go Bust in 2016?
  5. Let’s Rethink Our Property Tax System
  6. With Billions of Tourist Dollars at Stake, DoH Quickly Slaps Down Talk of Ebola
  7. HMSA Cancels 46,000 Policies as Obamacare Medicaid Advantage Cuts Kick In
  8. Wahiawa Hospital not paying docs, Could be forced into Bankruptcy
  9. Welcome effort to decentralize DOE
  10. What Happened to the Hawaii Teachers Union Preschool Ballot Campaign?
  11. Maui Anti-GMO Law: $85,000 fine & Year in Jail for One Papaya Tree
  12. PUC Approval of $150M Green Bank shrouded in mystery
  13. Schatz sits on the Senate National Parks Subcommittee, Can't Get Two Lanes for Puna
  14. Commission proposes tiered property taxes for million dollar homes
  15. Personnel shortage closes ambulance unit in Honolulu
  16. How to take part in Monday's drive-thru voter registration
  17. Developer to Court: Make Homeowners Stop Leaking Documents
  18. Half of Oahu Hoarding Plastic Bags
  19. WaPo: Hawaii Best State for Women
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
October 1, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 4491 Views
  1. Ige Again Claims He Opposed the Tax Increases He Voted For
  2. Faleomavaega Rips Obama, Kerry Over PRIMNM Announcement
  3. WESPAC: Obama Admin Did not Consult on Tuna Monument
  4. ERP-SURF Integrates Core Hawaii Government Functions
  5. Disabled? Honolulu Ranks 107th in Quality of Life
  6. Attorney General facilitates lack of transparency
  7. Djou Draws National Attention, Polling
  8. Debate: Ige Admits Responsibility for HHSC Mess
  9. Ige Burns $1.2B and Still Ends up in Debt
  10. Ige Struggles to Motivate Democrat Voters
  11. Caldwell Uses Homeless Crisis to Re-Launch Ill-Fated City Housing Office  
  12. Star-Adv Buys Big Island Papers
  13. Scheme to Sucker Small Investors into Financing Industrial Solar
  14. Common Core Criticisms Miss the Mark
  15. The Problem With Being Pro-homeless
  16. Luxury 'Hawaii Life' Realtors Bankroll Anti-GMO Madness
  17. Moral Citizen Condemns Anti-GMO Movement
  18. Honolulu Police Chief Shows New Cachola Video
  19. Soft on Crime: Lifelong Criminal Refuses to Testify Against Prison Gang
  20. Kauai Council Debating tax relief options designed to make Tax Hike Palatable
  21. Hawaii Prisoners Become Issue in Arizona Election
  22. Enrollment declines at UH Campuses
  23. Punatics Still Disturbed Over About Iselle, Election
  24. Consumer protection and safety at risk as new transit companies enter Hawaii marketplace
  25. Precisely as Predicted: UH Manoa Begins Push for Polyamory
  26. Atheists Become Frantic as Election Approaches
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