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Entries for October 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
October 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:15 PM :: 5425 Views
  1. Honolulu Council: Aiona, Fukunaga Tied at 29% Each
  2. Audio: Djou Launches New Radio Commercial
  3. Hirono Voted Against Funding Tsunami Warning System
  4. State Seeks Public Comment: New Rules for HRS 343 Environmental Review
  5. UHERO Confab: Taxes, Clean Energy and Local Food
  6. Find Your Polling Place: Walk-In Absentee Voting Open
  7. Djou hits nail on the head
  8. National Republicans Contribute $257K to Hawaii GOP
  9. Poll With 55% Democrats finds 55% Support for Hirono
  10. Tsunami Exposes Advertiser’s Political Agenda
  11. Nago Hires Election Saboteurs to Run Hawaii County Vote?
  12. HSTA Bombards Abercrombie With Videos, Open Letters
  13. Cayetano Puts TV Stations on Notice Over Attack Ads
  14. Roberts Hawaii, Environet Big Cayetano Super PAC Contributors
  15. PRP Campaign Reinforces Anti-Union Stereotypes
  16. Hawaii High Rate of Multiple Job Holders Keeps Unemployment Low, Recovery Slow
  17. Kenoi spending betters Kim nearly 10 to 1
  18. Court says Kauai Mayor can Retaliate Against police chief
  19. Obamacare Officials Lie to Big Island Seniors About Kaiser Plan
  20. Tourism Red Hot
  21. Advertiser is #25 Newspaper in USA
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:53 PM :: 5618 Views
  1. Hirono Joins HSTA Protest Against Abercrombie
  2. AKP Biofuel Scam Finds Only 20 Supporters in Survey of 300
  3. Civil Beat Poll: Cayetano 50%, Caldwell 45%
  4. Even With 60% Dems, Abercrombie Approval only 41%
  5. Poll: Hawaii Non-Democrats only 36.5% Approve of Obama
  6. Hirono’s $52B Defense cuts will hit every state, including Hawaii in January
  7. Hanabusa Voted Against Small Business Tax Relief
  8. Hawaii early-voting turnout Doubles for General Election
  9. Federal Election officer appointed in Hawaii as part of Election Day program
  10. Caldwell Outspends Cayetano 2-1 As General Election Nears
  11. New Pro-Rail Super PAC Spends $676,000
  12. Caldwell Will Push for Big Wind, Big Cable
  13. Kaneshiro Spends More Money, Raises More Money Than Takata
  14. Ward Rent-a-Poll Looks Bad for Greenwood, Regents
  15. Iwasa: Greenwood’s UH Misuses Autonomy
  16. Did HTH Reporter Hunter Bishop Attempt to Suppress $100K Gasoline Theft Investigation?
  17. HELCO Proposal Under Fire from 200 at PUC Hearing
  18. Military Responsible for Growth of AP Programs in Hawaii DoE Schools
  19. Bio-Logical Capital had interest in buying island of Lanai before Ellison’s purchase
  20. Alinsky’s ‘Radical Rules’ a way of life
  21. Couch says lot of work ahead; Kay offers real life experience
  22. Kauai Council OKs additional $15K for case of Police Commission vs. Carvalho
  23. Horizon Lines sails to profit amid higher volume in Hawaii
  24. Isle foreclosures drop by 85 percent
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Monday, October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:01 PM :: 5523 Views
  1. Ward Polls: A Laughable Embarrassment
  2. Djou: Our Polls Show us Ahead
  3. Report: Hirono, Hanabusa Tax Proposal Will Cost Hawaii $3.9B
  4. Pre-Plus: Hirono Takes Credit for Others' Innovation
  5. Study: HSTA Strongest Teachers' Union in US
  6. Molokai: Big Cable RFP Should be Delayed
  7. PRP Targets Liliha
  8. VIDEO: Djou Launches New TV Ad
  9. Ward ‘Research’, Star-Adv Claim 22 point Margin in Senate Race
  10. Poll Shows Djou 11 points Ahead of Lingle
  11. Hotel workers working to defeat House Speaker Calvin Say in 3-way Race
  12. Star-Adv: Vote ‘No’ on Honolulu Charter Amendments
  13. VIDEO: KITV Interviews Kym Pine
  14. CNN: Hawaii's homeless candidate for Congress
  15. Hearings in Hilo, Kona, Kalihi: Biofuel Scammers Demand $8.32/mo from Big Isle, Oahu Ratepayers
  16. Hawaii Youth Suicide Rate Doubles in 5 Years
  17. Parents Discover Child in 99th Percentile, Flee Hawaii
  18. Spice: Mom Campaigns Against Drug Linked to Son’s Death
  19. Burial laws should be grounded in history and present-day reality
  20. Gay Activists End Election Frantic over Possibility that Public Might Actually Get to vote on Gay ‘Marriage’
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Sunday, October 28, 2012
October 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 PM :: 5669 Views
  1. Voter Guide: Hawaii State and County Ballot Initiatives 2012
  2. NFIB: Hirono Votes 100% Against Small Business
  3. Finding the Blame for What Ails You
  4. Canada Earthquake Tsunami 4’ Wave in Hilo, 5’ at Kahului
  5. Pro-Rail Poll: Caldwell 53, Cayetano 42
  6. Pro-Rail Poll: Rail Popular 50% – 45%
  7. Hawaii Election Workers Deliberately Foul Up Election
  8. Hooser, Mizuno, Counties Line Up for PLDC Repeal
  9. Lingle Raises $206K in 17 Days, Hirono $460K
  10. Surveys Will Be Used to Justify Next Round of Bus Cuts
  11. Former SB Editor Uncomfortable With Presence of Republicans in Neighborhood
  12. Usual Assortment of Crackpots, Wierdos Running for Kauai Council
  13. Chronic 911 callers to get aid from 'community paramedics'
  14. Churches' civil unions suit dismissed in federal court
  15. Kauai: Football Players Forced to Risk Death to Save Stupid Birds
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Saturday, October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 7569 Views
  1. Audio Interview: Kona Resident--Father of Slain SEAL Killed in 9-11 Attack, Bengazi
  2. Debate: Djou Closer to the Center
  3. Mililani, Kalihi, E Oahu: Talk Story With Charles Djou
  4. Hirono and Hanabusa cut $2.1B from Hawaii Medicare Advantage and Medicare Reimbursements
  5. Hanabusa Backs Effort to Link Indian Tribes to Turkey
  6. Brookings: Honolulu 10th Largest International Airport
  7. Eradication: Who Are the Real Invasives?
  8. Save O’ahu Farmlands Alliance Announces Endorsements
  9. ML&P Faces Delisting from NY Stock Exchange
  10. Armed With Carpenter’s Statement, Democrat Primary Runner-up Sues To Stop Manabat in Ewa
  11. School Board Member Criticized over Defense of Accused Child Molester
  12. Why Linda Lingle Might Just Win
  13. Star-Advertiser Ties Hanabusa to Hated Obamacare Program
  14. HART Burns $77.4M Buying Steel Rails
  15. Libel? Cayetano Court Victory ‘Highly Unlikely’
  16. Armed With $77M, Abercrombie Health Exchange Takes Secret Bids on Secret Contracts
  17. Air Leaks, Roof Caves in at UH Bio Safety Lab
  18. Apple: Wonder Blunder Equivalent of ‘Bake Sale Gone Awry’
  19. UH President spends from lucrative donor accounts
  20. Tom Berg Opens Up
  21. Why the Plastic Bag Ban Makes No Sense
  22. Play puts new saint's acerbic side on display
  23. After Six Years, ‘Experts’ Finally Decide Killer is Crazy, No Prison for Him
  24. Lehman lost $85M on Superferry
  25. Maui County Tries to Shut Testifiers out of LUC Meeting
  26. Democrat Operatives Sponsor Ag Park
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Friday, October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 PM :: 5599 Views
  1. On the Honolulu Ballot: $5M Ward Heelers' Slush Fund
  2. Census: Hawaii Tops Nation in Multi-Generational Families
  3. Senator, 1000 Ratepayers Call for Lower Electric Bills
  4. Fitch: $71M in Maui Co Bonds Rate AA+
  5. Louise Kim McCoy To Be Named Gov’s Communications Director
  6. Debate: Djou Closer to the Center
  7. Linda Lingle: The Clear Choice
  8. Star-Adv Endorses McDermott, Reader, Butler, Fale
  9. Council hopeful aims to do job without 'drama' of incumbent
  10. Political Fight For Oahu's GET Heats Up
  11. Tax Review Commission Report Calls for More Tax Hikes
  12. BoE Mulls PLDC, 21st Century Schools and Who Owns the Land
  13. Computers: Preview of DoE, HSTA, Abercrombie Posturing over DoE Budget Buster
  14. PUC: Ewa Field Solar Scammers to Rake in Megabucks
  15. Kauai County Details Massive Waste of Electricity
  16. ML&P Threatened with NYSE Delisting
  17. 170 On Staff at Kokua Kalihi
  18. Browsing through the data on campaign money
  19. Ballot listing does not follow state law -- Presidential candidates not in alphabetical order


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Thursday, October 25, 2012
October 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:30 PM :: 8558 Views
  1. Streaming Video: Djou v Hanabusa Debate 8pm Tonight
  2. Feds Reveal Dozens of New Violations at Hawaii Nursing Homes
  3. Duke Aiona Backs Candidates in Council, Legislative Races
  4. Humane Society Sues DLNR Over Aquarium Collectors
  5. VIDEO: Five Targets Hit Over Pacific in Largest Anti-Missile Defense Test
  6. Alaskans Push Back Against 200 mile 'Emissions Control Area' for Ships
  7. PDF: Hawaii GOP Releases Voter Guide
  8. Did sickout by election staff violate Voting Rights Act?
  9. With Akaka Gone, His Cronies Wander Aimlessly
  10. Djou Supports Free Trade in Pacific
  11. Djou Backs Balanced Budget Amendment
  12. Inouye And Hirono Skip Planned Media Interviews
  13. Star-Adv Endorses Aaron Johanson for HD31
  14. Pro-Rail Group Spending Money for Hirono
  15. Pro-Rail Doorknockers include Murderer, Drug Addicts
  16. Nimitz Flyover Cost Estimate Suggests that Rail Will Cost $7 Billion
  17. Gender wage gap narrower in Hawaii than nationally
  18. Soft on Crime: Suspected of Murder in California, Felon Seeks Deferred Acceptance in Hawaii
  19. Chinatown Police ‘Tolerant’ of Drug Dealing
  20. Hawaii details $600M plan for upgrades at Honolulu International Airport
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
October 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 5889 Views
  1. After Debate, Nearly 70% Say Djou Wins
  2. Hawaii: 3rd Fastest Growing Tax Burden
  3. Hawaii Productivity Growth Lowest in US—Only 4.76% Since 1992
  4. UH Manoa Scores 295th of 700 World Universities
  5. Hawaii-based Travel Site Upset by $700M Tax Decision
  6. ACLU: Guards Should Stop Listening to Hawaii Prisoners
  7. Brickwood Galuteria, Serial Job Killer
  8. Fitch: $890M Honolulu Bonds Rated AA+
  9. NYT: Obama Camp Begins Blaming Clinton for Defeat
  10. Pressure from lawmakers could leave UH flattened
  11. UH Regents will revisit Donovan settlement at special meeting
  12. Star-Advertiser Endorses Ching, Low
  13. Fund for Freedom Buys Lingle Ad Time
  14. Rail: Heed Warning or Face Bankruptcy
  15. Cayetano Issued 204 Pardons, Waihee Approved 72% of Pardon Requests
  16. Rail's design-build contracts put into question
  17. Shiny Objects: DoE Using Computers to Distract from Budget Buster
  18. Union Demands Hirono, Hanabusa Harass New Airline
  19. Geothermal Producer Offers to Cut Electric Bills
  20. OHA Candidates Haunani Apoliona and Cal Lee Fail to Show at Community Forums
  21. AKINA for OHA – Dinner Rally
  22. Why So Many Hawaiian, Samoan And Filipino Youth In Justice System?
  23. Budget Cuts: Army May Leave Strykers at Pohakuloa to Reduce Training Costs
  24. Queens Sues Kaiser in $4M Payment Dispute
  25. Hawaii Monitor: Patronage Games
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 6045 Views
  1. Lingle: I know We Have the Momentum to Win
  2. Hirono Refuses to Answer for Actions Harmful to Hawaii
  3. Hirono Hits Middle Class With Tax Hike
  4. Omidyar Buying Influence: Resort Developer Pierre Omidyar founder launches leadership program
  5. Omidyar Building Resorts: Protection of Lipoa Point must be a community effort
  6. HNN VIDEO: Lingle vs Hirono Final Debate
  7. KHON Survey -- Djou Leads 2-1
  8. Lingle agrees with Cayetano’s stance on Honolulu rail project
  9. Judge Slaps Down Abercrombie’s $700M Raid on Internet Travel Agencies
  10. Star-Advertiser Endorses DelaCruz, Hee, Straight Democrat Slate for Senate
  11. Cayetano’s Suit Should Be Laughed Out of Court
  12. Hirono’s vote to kick our nation’s deficit problems down the road highlights her ineffectiveness in Congress.
  13. Hirono was the only member of the Hawaii delegation to vote against funding the Department of Defense for FY 2011.
  14. Prosecutor: Takata Appeals for Pothead Vote
  15. Sierra Club, Blue Planet Foundation Admit the Problem With Gas is that it is Cheap
  16. Solar City Investigation May Snare other Solar Providers
  17. Abercrombie Relies on ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ Full of Lobbyists
  18. Maui HSTA Leader: Abercrombie Cried and Lied
  19. Dueling Videos in Pine vs Berg Race
  20. Complaint dismissed against former Maui police officer After Files ‘Go Missing’
  21. Hawaii County Bag Ban Rules Published
  22. NIMBYs Harass Charter School
  23. Garret Hashimoto Recuperating from Successful Surgery
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Monday, October 22, 2012
October 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:53 PM :: 5578 Views
  1. Charter Amendment: Honolulu Council Grabs for Control of Rail Funds
  2. House Candidate Kaniela Ing Threatened with Expulsion from UH
  3. Pollster Claims Debate Performance Boosts Hirono 3%
  4. Applicants Wanted for Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions
  5. GALLUP: R 52% 0 45%...
  6. Hawaii Tribune-Herald Endorses Lingle, Hapai
  7. Star-Adv Endorses Sam Slom
  8. Lauren Cheape is the choice for Hawaii’s future
  9. Hirono Pals Around with Barney Frank
  10. Attack on Free Speech: Cayetano to File Libel and Slander Lawsuit Against Pacific Resource Partnership, Carpenters Union
  11. Cayetano: Hannemann Learned Nothing from ‘Ass Kicking’
  12. All About the Charter Amendments on Your 2012 Hawaii Ballot
  13. Historic Preservation Division -- No Longer Just Warm Bodies?
  14. Legislative interference threatens long-term viability of UH
  15. Hawaiian Civic Club Kicks Reporters Out, Discusses Legalized Gambling, PLDC
  16. Hawaii Solar Installations Double Every Year, Orphans in Future
  17. Soft on Crime: 10 Convictions, Charged with 12 Rapes
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Sunday, October 21, 2012
October 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 6801 Views
  1. Streaming Video: Canonization of Molokai’s Mother Marianne Cope
  2. Secret Letters Show Nago Timed Attack on Hilo Election Office with Workers Planning Sickout
  3. HSTA’s Okabe ‘Extremely Pleased’ With Supreme Court Order
  4. Sierra Club Doing the Dirty Work for the Power Brokers
  5. Learn about UH Law School's accessible Part-Time/Evening Program
  6. Billionaire Resort Developer Paid Operatives to Swing Election Against Pono Chong
  7. Hirono Bill Designed to Create Chinese Bubble like Japanese Bubble
  8. PRP Goes off Deep End: Mailer Implies Cayetano is Communist Republican
  9. Feds: Rail Contingency Fund Below Acceptable Levels Before Supreme Court Shutdown
  10. Proposal Will Give Chief Justice Opportunity to Hand Pick Crony Judges for Cases
  11. Simple Solution for UH: Just Let Sen Kim Have Whatever She Wants
  12. Esther Kiaaina to Lead Charge for PLDC
  13. Pro-Rail Canvassers Work Voter List in Kahala
  14. UCLA expert weighs in on transit debate
  15. Profiteers, Suicide Lobby Sense Opportunity in Case of 98 Year Old Woman
  16. PUC Surcharge Vacuums $58.5M from Phone Customers’ Pockets
  17. After Gay Marriage, Polygamy
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Saturday, October 20, 2012
October 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 5520 Views
  1. Donalyn Dela Cruz Quits: Oshiro Claims Resignations “Have Nothing to do With Abercrombie”
  2. Pro-Rail PRP Pumps Money into Council District 6 Race
  3. Governor Releases $91.9 Million for CIPs
  4. Sierra Club, Solar, Wind Scammers Team Up to Block LNG
  5. US Chamber of Commerce $250K Ad buy for Lingle
  6. Star-Adv: Reelect Kaneshiro Prosecutor
  7. Cigarette Taxes: Government Addicted to Nicotine
  8. DoE Consultant to Present ‘unpopular’ School Bus Proposals
  9. Hirono Lying About Lingle Role in Romney Campaign
  10. PRP Hawaii Launches Pricey Political Stink Bombs at Anti-Rail Candidates
  11. City Driver Charged With Meth Trafficking Keeps His Job
  12. Honolulu Maoists, Anti-Semites Lied About Shipment to Gaza
  13. No Confirmation that Trooother Was on ‘No-Fly’ List
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Friday, October 19, 2012
October 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 5833 Views
  1. Bipartisanship: Senate Energy Committee to Move on Natural Gas?
  2. Fact Check: Hirono stumbles, shows lack of understanding of key issues
  3. Lingle v Hirono Debate: PBS Insights Live Streaming Video
  4. Obama on Comedy Central: 'If four Americans get killed, it's not OPTIMAL'
  5. REALCLEAR MAP: Romney takes first lead in electoral college...
  6. GALLUP: R 52% O 45%...
  7. Tsutsui to Introduce Bills to Repeal, Amend Act 55, Abercrombie Threatens Veto
  8. Lingle grills Hirono over possible cuts to national defense
  9. After watching the KITV/ U.S. Senate debate, which candidate will you vote for?
  10. Lingle Rejected “Greatest President” Comment Back in 2002
  11. Honolulu rail agency expects to finish archaeological digs ahead of schedule
  12. HART Pays for Rail for Entire Length of Project
  13. Cayetano Threatens Lawsuit to Silence Critics
  14. Pro-Rail Advertiser Endorses Council Candidates
  15. Manoa Voters Asked to Destroy Double Ballots
  16. UH regents hire Dobelle lawyer to help determine Greenwood's fate
  17. Regents Approve $1.4B Budget, No Decision on Greenwood Expected Today
  18. Green Energy Scammers Dream of Separating Ellison from his Money
  19. New Homeless Czar Talks About Everything EXCEPT Getting Homeless off Streets into Shelters
  20. Mayor inks deal to sell off affordable public housing
  21. Misconduct by Maui liquor control supervisors in field, suit says
  22. News From Hilo: Bisexual Rapist Croaks
  23. Star-Adv, AP, National Consultant Bungles Medicaid Story
  24. South Park Ridicules Kauai Malihini
  25. 9-11 Trooother Masquerading as Patriot Suddenly Able to Fly Again
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
October 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 7351 Views
  1. Poll: Lingle 43% - Hirono 47%
  2. Gallup: Romney 52% – Obama 45%
  3. Hawaii Among Worst States to Practice Medicine
  4. Endangered Species: Feds Grab for 18,766 Acres on Big Island
  5. Fitch Rates Honolulu Bonds AA+
  6. Court of Appeals Upholds Rail Contract Award
  7. Bateman: We Can Cut Consumers' Electric Bills
  8. Wastebook 2012: University of Hawaii Martian Food Tasting Project
  9. Legislative Rundown Looks at 12 Key Races
  10. 800 Manoa Voters Get Two Absentee Ballots Each
  11. Greenwood: Senate Investigators Putting UH Accreditation at Risk
  12. A sainted nun blessed Hawaii with her service
  13. Hawaii's 'Most Sophisticated Grassroots Attack Operation'
  14. Rail: Spending A Lot for Nothing
  15. HIPA Conspires with Abercrombie, Legislators to Defend PLDC
  16. Hawaii DoE one of only Three States Using ‘Adaptive Testing’
  17. With 364 Water main Breaks a Year, Former City Officials Say Honolulu's Board of Water Supply Needs to Boost Pipe Replacement Schedule
  18. Kauai Politicians Continue Posturing in Leadup to Prosecutor Election
  19. Hawaii sees wilting sales from its flower and nursery products sector
  20. 9-11 Trooother Masquerading as Patriot Claims to be Booted from Military Flight at Hickam
  21. Judge allows trial video coverage by the Hawaii Guerrilla Video Hui
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
October 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:56 PM :: 5329 Views
  1. Fact Check: Hirono Continues to Mislead Voters with Inaccurate Statements
  2. Change in Afghanistan, Change in Hawaii
  3. New paper details Hawaii and Hawaiians’ surprising roles in the U.S. Civil War
  4. ACLU, Alston Demand Courtroom Video Access for 'Hawaii Guerrilla Video Hui'
  5. Hawaii Zipline Operators Want Protection from Their Competition
  6. DayStar Technologies Buys Avatar Solar Hawaii Projects
  7. Honolulu Transit Megaprojects Compared
  8. Pro-Rail Legislators, Advertiser Threaten to Grab All of 0.5% GE Tax For Themselves
  9. PRP: Cayetano Tied to Birfers
  10. Abercrombie, Louie Continue to Harass Star-Advertiser over Judicial Transparency Suit
  11. Grasping DoE Bureaucrats Defy Abercrombie, Demand $75M
  12. University President To Address Unhappy Faculty?
  13. HMC Closure Causes Losses, Layoffs at Kaiser
  14. Omidyar Hassles Ellison over $250 Anchorage Fine
  15. Honolulu's Sewer Construction Projects Cost Five Times the City's Estimates
  16. Mining is Hawaii’s #1 Growth Industry: Tourism growing at slower rate than rest of Hawaii economy
  17. County Lobbying Group Could Propose Bill to Repeal PLDC
  18. Homelessness Tops Agenda at Waikiki 20/20
  19. Sovereignty Activists Admit to Crimes Against Hawaiians, Face Federal Felony Sentence
  20. Old Boy Councilmember Caught Lying About Polling Place?
  21. Want a UH Job?
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
October 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:57 PM :: 5200 Views
  1. Mediscare: Mazie's $6400 Falsehood
  2. Audit Pushes Special Fund Ahead of Vote: City Loses $366K by Not Collecting Camping Fees
  3. Hawaii Teachers Halt Labor Negotiations, Escalating Conflict
  4. Treasury Dept. Fingers SolarCity in Exploration of the Dark Underbelly of Solar Leasing
  5. Honolulu Transit Megaprojects Compared
  6. KITV: Hirono, Lingle to square off in KITV/ debate
  7. Filipino Chronicle: Djou vs Hanabusa
  8. Cayetano, Legislators Begin Fight Over .5% GE Tax Revenues
  9. Borreca: Because of early voting, Hawaii's Election Day is actually 22 days long
  10. State voter registration increases by 18,000
  11. Target Greenwood: Faculty Marxists Attempting to Convene Lynch Mob Wednesday
  12. 95 Applicants for University of Hawaii Athletic Director
  13. Senator Murkowski echoes Lingle on bipartisanship
  14. After Hanabusa Loots Campaign Funds, Djou Has more cash on Hand
  15. Ali’i Gives to GOP, He’e Gives to Democrats
  16. Miss A Payment? ‘Free’ Solar Installer Could Soak You for $28K
  17. Federal Funding for BRT Requires Rail-Like System
  18. Hawaii's Elevator Safety In Free Fall?
  19. Hawaii Rarely Prosecutes for Campaign Spending Violations
  20. Raid on arcades of dubious value
  21. Hilo and Kapaa residents most stable in Hawaii in terms of residency, analysis finds
  22. W Maui Community Rallies to Stop Omidyar Development of Lipoa Point
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Monday, October 15, 2012
October 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 5721 Views
  1. Key Hirono Endorser Switches to Lingle
  2. Akana: OHA Gentry Deal Sidelines Kakaako Development
  3. Absentee Ballots Hit Mailboxes
  4. Defense Spending: Hirono, Hanabusa Voted to Launch Hawaii Over ‘Fiscal Cliff’
  5. Hirono is a Zero, but How Small and Insignificant is That?
  6. Self-Dealing Charged in OHA Purchase of Gentry Pacific Design Center
  7. Lines Drawn in Battle over Greenwood
  8. Campaigning in the Dark: New Hawaii Law Creates Extended Blackout Period
  9. New groups form to back Cayetano as ads multiply
  10. Ing Insults Police Officers, Firefighters
  11. Ing Could be Barred from Office over Campaign Spending Violations
  12. Fontaine has record of achievement for S. Maui
  13. Shimabukuro: Need to Investigate Ash Diversion to Reduce Landfill
  14. Miss Hawaii Defends Accused Priest
  15. Real ID Sparks Bump in Name Changes
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
October 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4867 Views
  1. Flexibility Lost, Tax Increases Guaranteed with Earmarking
  2. Berg: Bus Cuts May be Civil Rights Violation
  3. Dawn: Survey Shows Djou up 61-33%
  4. Rasmussen: R 49% O 47%
  5. Gallup: R 49% O 47%
  6. DM: Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released
  7. Feds: Honolulu Rail has No Capacity for Additional Cost Increases
  8. Usual Assortment of Crooks, Cronies Give to Hirono, but Lingle has most cash
  9. Lingle has long record of public service
  10. University Goes First Class in Every Way Except Accomplishment
  11. Enviros Show Forest City How to Siphon Millions from Military Families
  12. Media Ignores Guilty Pleas by Sovereignty Scammers
  13. 37,000 Pay Serious Money to Escape DoE: Private School Enrollment is down 8% since 2007
  14. Matayoshi: Charter Schools not part of DoE
  15. Jump in credit and debit card transactions shows the isles' economy is on a rebound
  16. Hawaii County hires geothermal mediator to Negotiate Payoffs for Activists
  17. Hula Mae Starts Giving Away Down payment Loans to Unqualified Borrowers
  18. Kakaako plan for 22 towers holds promise
  19. Kawaiahao: Historic preservation and burial laws would work fine if they were followed
  20. Cancellation of Maui Co Veterans Day parade is shameful
  21. After a long and frustrating journey, Molokai Veterans Center nears completion
  22. Kauai Prosecutor Beats Campaign Spending Rap
  23. Hawaii Co. Charter amendments take on land, elections, hunting
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Saturday, October 13, 2012
October 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:06 PM :: 6941 Views
  1. Apple Explains How He Put Freitas in Donovan's Place
  2. Governor Releases $17.9 Million for CIPs on Maui
  3. VIDEO: Mark Hashem, Jeremy Low, on their run for House
  4. VIDEO: Kurt Lajala, Sam Slom, on their run for senate
  5. Akaku: Maui County meet the Candidates
  6. Military contracting in Hawaii hits 5-year low, more cuts on the way
  7. Democrats: State Should Have Looted for $500M to Give to Our HSTA, DOE Cronies
  8. Survey: Micronesians Increasingly Skip Hawaii, Head for mainland
  9. Sources: Letter from Greenwood's lawyer prompted special regents' meeting
  10. Star-Adv: Regents Better Pick Someone Good to Run UHWO
  11. Panel surveys school land for possible profit
  12. PRP: Cayetano, Lingle on Same Team
  13. Cayetano’s BRT – 16 Minutes to Aloha Stadium at Rush Hour
  14. Caldwell says he might eliminate Chinatown Rail station, add bike paths
  15. Whistleblowers Fired: Former Mililani High School workers sue D.O.E.
  16. Gay Atheists: We Have Decided Gay Marriage is a Civil Right, Anybody Who Tries to Vote Will be Punished
  17. Grading our Governor: Abercrombie’s “F”
  18. Electric Rates Jump Again
  19. Immense Amount of Electricity Needed to Produce Small Amount of Hydrogen
  20. PBN Challenges Secret Lanai Windfarm Plans
  21. Cachola Resigns Effective Oct 31
  22. Two-party system needed to break up good old boys
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Friday, October 12, 2012
October 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 5297 Views
  1. Video: Biden is Laughing, Are You?
  2. Inouye Formally Endorses Caldwell
  3. Hauula: Caldwell Should Stop Using “Keep the Country, Country”
  4. Hawaii Letter Carriers Treasurer Sentenced for Embezzlement, Cover-up
  5. Hirono Votes Threaten Local Jobs
  6. Poll: Sam Aiona Tied for Lead in Council District 6
  7. Kym Pine: End Homelessness on Oahu
  8. Consumer Reports: Protect Yourself from the Latest Solar Scams
  9. Zipline Audit Report: State Cannot Improve on Industry Self-Regulation
  10. KITV: Hirono, Lingle to square off debate October 16
  11. Survey: Djou 60% Hanabusa 34%
  12. Maui News: A clear win for Lingle
  13. Ad Wars: Djou vs Hanabusa, Lingle vs Hirono
  14. Youth versus experience at Maui House forum
  15. Carpenters Union Launches new Front Group spend nearly $600K for Caldwell
  16. FEAR: Higher voter turnout could cut both ways
  17. Ward Research ‘Shocked’ by its 22% Undercount of Gabbard Vote
  18. State's new land developer to call Round 2 of public meetings
  19. Regents Split into Pro and Anti-Greenwood Factions
  20. Another $200K UH accounting error focus of new investigation
  21. Hanabusa Defends Greenwood, Apple
  22. University of Hawaii Board of Regents Aim to Silence Peers, Media, with 'Confidentiality Covenant'
  23. Transcript: Elderts Threatened to Shoot Deedy
  24. Savio Denounces City Affordable Housing Deal
  25. HTA Seeks MOU for 2M Japanese Visitors
  26. Pfluegers Seek Eviction of 82-year old Woman
  27. Elder Abuse: Don't be a victim of crime
  28. Residents sue county to enforce Kona planning law
  29. Judge: Anti-GMO Luddites Can’t Sue Landowner
  30. Gay-Atheists Eager to Attack Boy Scouts, but Organization Barred and Blacklisted Anybody Like Them
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
October 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:27 PM :: 5856 Views
  1. Energized by Debate Performance, 500 Rally for Lingle in Ewa
  2. Hirono a No-Show at Waimea Candidates’ Forum
  3. SolarCity Reveals Details Of Treasury Investigation In Pre-IPO Documents
  4. Companies Make Progress on Alaska LNG Project
  5. Alleged Big Island Child Molester Arrested: Runs Gay-Friendly Bed & Breakfast
  6. Obama Campaign: Some progressives seem to be going into primal panic mode
  7. Where Have You Gone, Neil Abercrombie?
  8. HART Reserve Nearly Gone, Delays Cost $114M to $145M--Will Start Burning $450M Line of Credit Next
  9. HART Asked to Leave Burials in Place, Undisturbed
  10. Kakaako Plan for 22 Towers, 9.3M Square Feet, 4,000 units
  11. A&B Uncovers 48 Intact Alii Burials, No Big Deal
  12. UH Athletic Supporters Bought Champagne, Fancy Dinners for Reporters
  13. Apple, Freitas, Coaches? Mercado Kim Demands Explanation of Coaches Support Letter
  14. A Year Late, KCC Instructors Finally Get their Pay Checks
  15. Consumer Reports: Protect Yourself from the Latest Solar Scams
  16. Solar Energy Industry Faces Uphill Battle Amid Politics And Scandal
  17. $90M Biomass Burner: Woodchips to Power Kauai
  18. After Rate Hikes, Water Board Overwhelmed With Customers Seeking Payment Extensions
  19. Hawaii County Ethics Board Slaps Down Nago Retaliation
  20. Law Aimed at Homeless Snares Thousands of Gays Instead
  21. State settles suit on denial of mental health services
  22. Eric Ryan Admits Campaigning on City Time


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
October 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:39 PM :: 5707 Views
  1. Rep Mica: Honolulu TSA Meltdown Confirms Systemic Problem
  2. Tax Foundation: Hawaii Business Tax Climate Drops to 37th
  3. Scizophrenic: Abercrombie Among Worst Governors in Nation
  4. Bateman: We Need Lower Cost of Living, Not Higher Taxes and Utility Bills
  5. Honolulu rail survey finds more human remains
  6. HART director Tanoue left city job 10 days ago for Rail Contractor R.M. Towill
  7. Rail's operating cost must be on table, not under it
  8. UH Admin Begins Leaking Dirt on Donovan
  9. UH West Oahu Chancellor admits ethics violation
  10. Progressives See Opportunity to Plant Two of their Kind on Ethics Commission
  11. Roommate, high school friend a bit bewildered by Pothead Obama's rise
  12. 'Critical habitat' designation threatens cattlemen
  13. Full Text: Akaka gives final speech to the Native Hawaiian Convention
  14. OHA: Apoliona Strikes Back at Akana
  15. Kaniela Ing Does Not Respect Many of Us
  16. Honua‘ula at center of lawsuit by Sierra Club and Maui Unite
  17. Last Ditch Effort to Block Privatization of Public Housing
  18. Hawaiian Front-Wahine Quits Wind Scammer Gig
  19. Gays Frantic as City shuts 24-hour restroom facilities in Waikiki
  20. FBI Believes Serial Child Molester is on Big Island
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 6668 Views
  1. Fact Check: Hirono Misleads Voters with Inaccurate Statements
  2. Paychecks Hawaii Announcers General Election Endorsements
  3. No Money Down Rooftop Solar Providers Inflate Project Value for Tax Credit
  4. Abercrombie Appoints Esther Kia'aina as DLNR Deputy Director
  5. State Historic Preservation Division on Track to Meet Federal Requirements
  6. Former Regent: Senate Grandstanding Places UH Mission at Risk
  7. Apple to Manoa: My Commitment is to You, not Regents, Greenwood
  8. Bus Routes Terminated by Rail: B, C, E, 3, 9, 11, 20, 43, 53, 73, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98A, 101, 102, 103, 201, 202
  9. Retirement Party for Rep Barbara Marumoto
  10. Debate: Lingle Prepared with Powerful Response to Hirono
  11. Obama Losing, Visualizes Sandy Beach
  12. Kona Teachers Dil-Wop Day Protest Against Abercrombie
  13. HSTA Pushes for Supreme Court Ruling Allowing Strike
  14. Statewide Rally Against Act 55
  15. Kobayashi Lawfirm #1 in Billing at UH
  16. 1,100 Honolulu Voters Tried to Vote Without ID in Primary
  17. Ethics Complaint Challenges Campaigning on County Time at County Facilities
  18. UH West Oahu chancellor to step down
  19. Lynch Mob to Hang Greenwood Friday
  20. Hannemann/Caldwell Dipped into Pension Funds to ‘Balance’ Budget
  21. Caldwell Raised Property Taxes, Zoo Fee for Keiki
  22. Rail Plaintiff files to have city pay legal fees
  23. PRP/Carpenters Union Burns Money on Hawaii County Races
  24. Public Records Logs Expected To Help The Public Access Information
  25. Crowley eyes return of sovereign Hawaii
  26. Congressmen Call on Shinseki to Fire Chief over Wasteful Conference Spending
  27. Thousands snared by law on closed parks
  28. 50% of Auto Burglaries involve Dodge Chargers
  29. H-Power Third Boiler Construction Pau
  30. IPO Hype: Solar City Prepares to Cash Out
  31. Norks: We Can Hit US Mainland
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Monday, October 8, 2012
October 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:14 PM :: 9679 Views
  1. Voter Registration Deadline: Monday, October 8
  2. Birth Of The Public Land Development Corporation – A travesty of the legislative process
  3. Djou: Voting in Afghanistan
  4. Ed Case Endorses Ben Cayetano for Mayor
  5. Gays Attack Hawaiian Culture, ‘Multi-Generational Families’ Use Feds to Pressure Hawaii DoE Bullying Programs
  6. Star-Adv: To Pay for Rail We Must Fire Lots of UPW and HGEA Members
  7. Lingle-Hirono Debate Tonight 7pm
  8. Civil Beat Salivates Over Democrat Legislative Candidates
  9. Star-Advertiser Runs Hanabusa Commercial Disguised as Article
  10. Ed Week: HSTA May Strike
  11. First-time voters must show ID at polls
  12. City, Supreme Court Justices Conspire to Seize House from 93-year old widow
  13. Green Energy Scammers Continue to Panic over Natural gas
  14. Hawaii Co. Council decides to not hire special counsel against advice of county attorneys
  15. Big Island Reporters Hound Kawauchi, One Files ‘Ethics Complaint’ After Being Blackballed
  16. ‘The religious right’s leading ghostwriter’ Escaped from Hippie Hawaii
  17. Will US Supreme Court Destroy EBay?
  18. City director of planning and permitting David Tanoue resigns
  19. HPD Seeks Privatization of Burglar Alarm Registration
  20. Custody Group Attacks Tanaka
  21. 19 year-old UH swimmer remembered by teammates
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
October 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 6186 Views
  1. PLDC Seeking ‘Chinese Bubble’ to Match 1980s ‘Japanese Bubble’
  2. Frustrating the Taxpayer’s View of Public Finances
  3. Cal Lee Refuses Debate, Declares OHA “NOT for the Public”
  4. Duke Aiona Endorses George Fontaine: Passion, Character, Values
  5. Saturday Oct 6 Last Day to Mail Voter Registration Forms
  6. Molokai Video: What is IAM?
  7. Machida Trotted out to Help Cayetano on ERS Unfunded Liability
  8. NFL, HTA Name Jim Donovan to Pro Bowl Committee
  9. Target Greenwood: “Missiles have left the silos”
  10. Shapiro: Apple Got the No Respect he Deserved
  11. Sen Kim, Sen Hee’s Wife, And other UH Politicizations
  12. Three of Four Greenwood Faction Members Named
  13. UH's Palafox linked to state, federal probe
  14. UH Hilo officials spend $126K to travel
  15. Inouye gets no deference from Cayetano, Lingle
  16. Aila: PLDC is genuine opportunity for Hawaii
  17. Rail: PRP, FACE Hire Meheula to Justify Phased Approach Disaster
  18. FACE Forces Reestablishment of Housing Department
  19. Abercrombie Super Tower: HCDA has not had very much success developing state land with private partners
  20. PLDC Will Rebuild Natatorium?
  21. More than 150 of Oahu's sirens need to be modernized
  22. Waimea windmills create eyesore to some
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Saturday, October 6, 2012
October 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:43 PM :: 6435 Views
  1. UH Regents to Discuss MRC Greenwood's Employment
  2. Apo Reveals Why It’s Time to Replace OHA Trustees
  3. Hawaii Family Forum Releases General Election Voter Guide
  4. VIDEO: Mark Hashem, Jeremy Low, on their run for House
  5. Bert Kobayashi Power Play: ‘I Have No Respect for Tom Apple’
  6. A faction has lost confidence in the university’s current leader and believes she should be fired
  7. National Republicans Help Hawaii GOP With Phone Banking
  8. Venue Shopping: HSTA Quits Federal Mediation in Favor of Supreme Court
  9. Coalition moves to stop ‘Smart Grid’ programs
  10. Legislators Plan Internet Tax Hike, Call it ‘Fairness’
  11. Maui Co Council Calls for Overturn of Act 55
  12. Child Obesity to be on Legislative Agenda
  13. Sam Slom: Army of One
  14. Business leaders are helping guide classes in public high schools that teach students real-world skills
  15. Waipio: Illegal City-Leased dumpsite being cleared, investigated
  16. Hawaii workplaces see methamphetamine use on the rise
  17. ‘Organic’ Industry Freaks Out over Study Pointing out Worthlessness of Organic Food
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Friday, October 5, 2012
October 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:17 PM :: 5909 Views
  1. How Lingle Can Turn it Around
  2. Letter: 39 Legislators Demanded Rail EIS Rush-Job
  3. Mizuno Campaigns Accused of Illegally Comingling Funds
  4. Hanabusa No-Show at HTLA Debate
  5. 15 to Finish: More UH Students on Track to Complete Degree on Time
  6. Lawyers: Hawaii Can be Sued for Slip-Falls on Public Land
  7. DHHL breaks ground for Lalamilo Waimea Homesteads
  8. Poll: Hanabusa 49 – Djou 44%
  9. Progressive Panics as Mazie Polls Lull Democrat Voters to Sleep
  10. Djou Spends $63K, Hanabusa $53K
  11. Transit to Grab 19% of city revenue, Plan for $450M Cost Overrun
  12. Ing faces new campaign finance complaint
  13. Alm: Keep Giving Money to Wind, Solar Scammers
  14. SA: Laws protecting iwi need review
  15. Hawaii county clerk, state chief elections officer confident about general election
  16. RICO: DCCA Closes off Access to Business Complaints
  17. State rolls out plan to transform business, technology
  18. With Greenwood on Ropes. Anti-Telescope Activists Squeeze Haleakala Project
  19. Suicide Activists Admit to Four Counts of Attempted Manslaughter
  20. FACE pleased with how a city housing deal has turned out
  21. Hawaii’s Greatest Political Dynasty
  22. Fired Mililani High Workers Sue DOE For Retaliation
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
October 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 5813 Views
  1. Some Key Romney debate points for Hawaii
  2. Lingle: Inouye Thinks He Should Decide Who Steps Up in Hawaii
  3. Felony Campaign Spending Violations: Second Complaint in a Month Accuses Kaniela Ing
  4. FULL TEXT: Reapportionment Plaintiffs File for Summary Judgment
  5. 54-37% -- Hirono Pollster Releases Internal Polling Numbers
  6. Rail Fail: Oahu Construction Jobs Drop as Sister Isles Job Boom tops Nation
  7. Caldwell, Cayetano press each other for transit details
  8. Outside Expert to Feds: Honolulu Rail Is Ready
  9. UH “Wonder Blunder” hearings available for online viewing
  10. One Third of Solar Projects Started by Queue Squatters
  11. Schatz: LNG Import Plan Ready by December
  12. Hawaii Co Council votes against public lands agency, Maui Next
  13. AFSCME Burns Another $56K for Hirono
  14. Inouye’s Delusional Statement on Romney-Obama Debate
  15. State takeover of Big Isle voting is short-term fix
  16. Networks, AP Cancel Exit Polls in Hawaii, 18 Other States
  17. CNN teams up with Omidyar Front Group to Look at Hawaii Voter Turnout
  18. From reigning to campaigning: Beauty Queen political candidates
  19. Mother Marianne Soon to Be ‘Saint’
  20. Kauai Prosecutor Desperately Tries to Avoid Self-Dealing Charges
  21. Drug Court Defendant Scams Retired Pastor out of $137K
  22. Early study results hint at Minimal effects from cane burns
  23. HHSC Plans New Hospital for Kona
  24. NORKS: North and South Korea 'on the verge of nuclear war'
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:27 PM :: 5863 Views
  1. Voter Registration Deadline: Monday, October 8
  2. Hawaii Survey: Ethics, Honesty, and Corruption in Government are Top Election Issues
  3. Lingle: Taiwan Visa Waivers will help Hawaii's Economy
  4. Painters' Union Burns $70K to Prop Up Hirono
  5. 51% Fail, But Six More DoE Schools Make AYP
  6. Rail: Star-Advertiser Editorial Just a Yoshioka Mouthpiece
  7. Council Honors Rail Iwi Plaintiff Paulette Kaleikini
  8. Cayetano Could Change Ewa Development Plan
  9. Hawaii Web Surfers Steal Less Music than Most
  10. Hawaii Citrus Quarantined
  11. Hirono Received Illegal Pay for Play Donations
  12. Legislature should study tax policy, not tax hikes
  13. Abercrombie is Moses, Spoke to HMSA in Burning Bush
  14. Stacked Poll Still Finds only 62% for Obama in Hawaii
  15. Wonder Blunder: Did UH Give $200K to Florida Child Molester?
  16. Wonder Blunder Update: Sheriff "surprised" was put on leave
  17. Cayetano’s BRT Plan $1.5B, not $1.1B
  18. Civil Beat/KITV Mayoral Debate on Wednesday
  19. Hawaii's Public Utilities Commission Is Not Really 'Public'
  20. Romney Supports Path to Citizenship
  21. Ellison plans to experiment on Lanai
  22. Medal of Honor Week
  23. Hawaiians gear up for Rome for Blessed Marianne Cope's canonization
  24. Isles prepare for visitors from Taiwan
  25. 1960: Campbell HS Field Soil Dug from Waipahu Cemetery
  26. Colorado Man Sues North Dakota Diocese, alleges Hawaii Abuse by Michigan Priest
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012
October 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:15 PM :: 5071 Views
  1. Hawaii State Debt Tops Nation: $83,815 per Private Sector Worker
  2. Nago Orders State Takeover of Hawaii County Elections
  3. HMSA, Queens, Healthways Take Aim at Chronic Disease Cost-Cutting
  4. Hawaii Health Exchange: HMSA Plan Selected by Board HMSA Sits On
  5. Medal of Honor Ceremony at MCAS Ewa Field
  6. Grassroot Institute Responds to Latest Version of Akaka Bill
  7. Hawaii Family Forum Announces Leadership Change
  8. Hanabusa 14th Most Partisan in Congress
  9. Lingle Campaign Debunks Civil Beat Poll
  10. Cook: Lingle Has Been an Exceptionally Good Candidate
  11. Poll: Cayetano 51-Caldwell 42
  12. Wonder Blunder: Senate to Core Apple Today
  13. Akana Slams OHA Spending on Akaka Bill
  14. Coordination? PRP, WBH Attack Cayetano with Same Video
  15. Activists: Wonderblunder ‘Just a Warmup’ for 2013 Attack on Military Research at UH
  16. Following the Trail of the University of Hawaii's Missing $200,000 - to North Carolina
  17. HSTA Mediation Not Fruitful, Asks Supreme Court Order HRLB to Issue Decision
  18. PLDC Opponents to Abercrombie: "Delineate actual projects and explain how they would be handled"
  19. Act 221 Scammers: Boost Wind, Solar, Biofool
  20. Council will vote on a deal to offer 12 affordable complexes to a private company
  21. James Pflueger Last Remaining Defendant In Federal Tax Case
  22. Kawauchi Describes Impact of Old Boy Media Assault
  23. Big Island Residents Given Chance to Comment on Bio Fuel, Rate Hikes
  24. DoE Hot Dog Prices Double, Supplier Grabs Monopoly
  25. Hawaii Up 8% as Home prices post strongest growth in 6 years
  26. Solar energy not among Hawaii’s top three renewable resources
  27. Carmel Partners plans to invest $820M real estate fund in more multifamily housing
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Monday, October 1, 2012
October 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 PM :: 5112 Views
  1. VIDEO: Hirono Collects $1M Salary, Accomplishes Nothing
  2. Pulpit Freedom Sunday: Can the Government Censor Sermons?
  3. VIDEO: Kawika Crowley for Congress
  4. Pollster off by 20 Points claims Lingle Down by 16
  5. Djou Was Hawaii's Most Moderate Congressman
  6. UH regents evaluate Greenwood in secret
  7. Senators Push For Unredacted Fact-Finder's Report From University
  8. Buffeted by opposition, Navy blinks on solar site
  9. Ono: More oversight of Solar Startups Needed
  10. Complaint dismissed against prosecutor 10 months ago
  11. Eric Ryan Finally Busted
  12. UH Manoa Perfesser Demands Affirmative Action Quota for Illegals in Hawaii
  13. 100 Gather to Plan Amnesty for 2,380 Hawaii Illegals
  14. Waikiki 20/20 Conference
  15. Sales of electric vehicles stall
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