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Entries for October 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 31, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:48 PM :: 7090 Views

VOTE Tuesday Nov 2 Find your polling place

This Democrat didn’t forget who the real Neil Abercrombie is

Abercrombie: Little to point to in the way of achievement

Hanabusa Insurance: Medicare cuts, higher prices, and denial of care

Photos: Duke and Lynn express comes to Big Island

Lingle saves Hawaii refineries from EPA

Progressives becoming “exhausted” as they are exposed by campaign ads

West Hawaii Today calls for One Party System

Aiona rejects call for One Party System

Abercrombie accused of resorting to dirty tricks

SA: Hawaii vote is referendum on Obama

Democrat Boylan: Hawaii vote is referendum on Obama

Last Minute GOP spending

Accused murderer is Homelessness Industry activist

Terror threat: Hawaii Jewish leaders inspecting incoming mail carefully

Plunking promoted

Ballot Counting System Checked ahead of Tuesday's Election

Obama care starts with free birth control

Dopers shocked, just shocked to discover themselves arrested after trying to take dope thru airport security

Man held on $1 million bail for multiple drug and fraud charges - 34 priors

Hawaii's Most Wanted: Richard Miyasato – 16 priors

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Saturday, October 30, 2010
October 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 PM :: 13109 Views

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

New Poll: GOP leads generic ballot in Hawaii, Djou up by 6%

Fact check: Superferry, Aloha, Rail, Furloughs

Attack ads "coordinated' with alleged Pay-to-Play engineering firm

Barking Sands: Japanese Missile Intercept Sends Message to North Korea

$23M Emergency funds giveaway called “blind promise”

Abercrombie’s 100% anti-life voting record

VIDEO: Aiona focuses on drug prevention for a healthier Hawaii

Humpbacks recover, but Hawaii still losing sovereignty over State waters

Hawaii HEART: Moving 4,000 people from homelessness to permanent housing

Hawaii windfarm developer “could go under”

Terror Suspect Lived In Upper Manoa: Neighbors Were Suspicious Of Young Man In Million-Dollar Home

Aiona, Finnegan make final pitch to E. Hawaii

Political radar: Rundown on competitive Senate and House races

The Election Is a Third Over

“Progressive” Ian Lind votes against Appointed BoE

Former School Administrative Services Assistant Charged with Felony Theft and Forgery

Evans, Henderson vie for District 7 seat

City Council Candidate Rich Turbin Receives Djou, Hirono Endorsements

Proposed expansion of whale sanctuary draws controversy

Judge upholds part of laws on political action committees and ads

Karr re-elected as UH Board of Regents chairman

Obama returning to Honolulu for third straight Christmas

Southwest Airlines CEO mentions possible Hawaii route

New feed-in tariff has critics even before it begins

Hawaiian Electric Co. will begin high-tech grid upgrades with higher rates

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Friday, October 29, 2010
October 29, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 12790 Views

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

Hawaii GOP: Election shaping up “just like 2002”

KoOlina and Hanabusa: Another land deal, another ex-cop, steroids, broken teeth, and Saigon Passion

Facing default, Hawaii windfarm operator cancels IPO

Barking Sands: Japanese Missile Intercept Sends Message to North Korea

Aiona: Abercrombie inconsistent, dishonest, and unwilling to make the tough decisions on Education Reform

Rep. Djou pleased by Clinton support for free trade with South Korea

Lingle authorizes another $5.2M to make up for DoE failure

Djou leads fund race

Can’t say no: Hanabusa’s Tax-raising record

Hawaiian Telcom Emerges from Chapter 11 Reorganization

Photos: Aiona-Finnegan bus tour hits Maui, Kauai

Abercrombie Will Harm Hawaii’s Relationship with Foreign Countries

Hawaii election a dead heat


Democrats divided on Civil Unions

Significant voter movement as independents decide to vote for Republicans

Pay to Play Mitsuniga funding Democrat attack ads

Dems spend big to win Hawaii seat

Lingle: Anti-Aiona ad is a smear

Schatz promises to protect DoE corruption from Audit

Cavasso undeterred by odds in campaign against Inouye

If Neil Abercrombie is Hawaii’s Next Governor …

Learning Coalition founder bankrolls appointed BoE ads

Djou says he backs advisory vote on Akaka bill 

WaPo: New slavery charges levied against Hawaii farm owners

Honolulu Weekly to get new editor

HECO and users await PUC ruling on higher rate

State is fined $100,000 for Big Isle cesspools

Judge orders release of defendant charged with killing and dismembering a Mililani man

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Thursday, October 28, 2010
October 28, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 11881 Views

Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

RCP: Hawaii Governor’s race a “toss up”

Rep Roland Sagum (D-Kauai) endorses Duke Aiona for Governor

Hawaii, DC Terror Arrests Seen as Part of a Wider Plot

Lingle: $35M spent on Robotics helped win $75M Race to the Top

Hanabusa could have saved Superferry, did nothing

Filipino community leaders join Lynn Finnegan to cast early ballots

Abercrombie voted against tougher penalties for criminals who kill unborn baby

Aiona announces Hot Water, Cool Rates solar power incentives

KHON: Hawaii Man Facing Terror Charges Worshipped in Manoa

Rep Ron Sagum endorses Aiona-Finnegan, media demands expulsion from Party

Inouye again hints he may be seeking final term

Osborne named to oversee election complaints

Justice Dept. pushes states on new law to protect military voters

Poll shows voters favor appointed school board

HSTA outspent 6-1 on Appointed BoE

HSTA, HGEA still sabotaging Race to the Top, may yet destroy it

Aiona, Abercrombie much closer in cash on hand

Hawaii Unions Donate Just $275K to Campaigns

Republicans look to Hawaii to make waves in House

Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Fontaine for state House

Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Aiona for governor

Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Arakawa for mayor

Roads, rail top Council candidate issues

Transsexual Agenda: Hawaii leaders work on ways to curb bullying

Progressive Democrat column about losing Primary

Kauai County mum on former worker accused of harassment

Army violated Makua agreement, judge says

Hillary Clinton arrives in Hawaii Wednesday afternoon, plans to ignore Abercrombie, Hirono

Hawaii to get 7 percent more air capacity

Bed bugs a challenge for paramedics

Honolulu makes the top 100 for third-quarter foreclosures

Gov. Lingle unveils new affordable housing for the elderly on Maui

Hawaii Pacific Health, HMSA announce agreement on new contract

Public Campaign Funding Pledge Fizzle

After Kaloko: DLNR proposes its rule changes for dams


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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 13993 Views

Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour    

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban

Aiona campaign calls on supporters to vote “yes” for appointed BoE

Christian leaders push back against smears from Abercrombie campaign

VIDEO: Cam Cavasso advert “Mountains of Debt”

Hawaii Right to Life releases candidate endorsements

Harris Poll: Obama approval rating drops to 37%

Smart Business Hawaii “Yes on appointed BoE”– plus positions on City Charter Amendments

ABC News: For Dems, 50th State Becomes Hawaii Uh-Oh

SA: Terror suspect prayed at Honolulu Mosque


Democrats complain that Lingle supported Charter Schools instead of feeding HSTA

AP: Republican grassroots vs “two white men”  

Teachers Union Gears Up Opposition To Amendment

Abercrombie, Schatz busted on missing federal Funds

Gay marriage activists: Strategy tied to Abercrombie

Aiona has endorsement of Hawaii Island Contractors’ Association

Saved by Lingle-Aiona administration, Kukui Gardens celebrates 40 years

Mayor Carlisle to sign homeless sidewalk ban

Condominium foreclosures could face increased scrutiny

Unions burn $200,000 of your dues money on Abercrombie

UH Manoa fails to turn out brainwashed drones

Star-Advertiser pushes publicly funded elections

Star-Advertiser endorses Seven More Democrats

District 13 candidates’ appeals are personal

Government needs to pay up to fix hot-water system now

New deal between the insurer and hospital system takes quality of care into consideration

Flash: Gov’t construction project on time, under budget

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 12267 Views

FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

Closing Argument: Djou vs Hanabusa (video)

Fund Race: Aiona-Finnegan pull in $484,158 in 30 days

Aiona unveils College Tuition Assurance Program

Future of Hawaii: Djou winning 2/3 of independents, young voters

Hawaii Family Forum: iVote to improve the future of Hawaii

Gov. Lingle releases $140M to build UH Cancer Center

Japanese Chamber of Commerce endorses Aiona-Finnegan

The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway

Progressives busted on lies about Aiona’s Religion


Rep Coffman and Democrat Buckstead could face prosecution

Voters favor an appointed school board: The proposal has broad support, but undecided residents' blank votes could prevent its passage

GOP ad attacks Hanabusa's corruption

Abercrombie Raises Twice As Much As Aiona

SA: Candidates to keep us moving

2012: Lingle vs Case or Hannemann

HD11:  Molester’s ally Bertram whines about “old news”

HD 12: Exposed by Rinaldi, Yamashita denies he’s party ‘puppet’

SD2: Incumbent Kokubun faces Hale for state Senate seat

Maui: Looser home business law sought

Kauai: County still eyeing 2% fuel tax to expand bus service

Honolulu Police Officers Charged In Overtime Abuse Case

Hawaii Medical Board Takes Action Against Three Doctors

Opportunity lost: HPR survives NPR fallout

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Monday, October 25, 2010
October, 2010 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 3:54 PM :: 7507 Views

DemsForDuke to rally in Kona Friday

Let Honolulu Petition

Kona Democrats Rally for Aiona-Finnegan

Corruption in American Samoa: A Thank You from Pago Pago

Slavery defender says Hawai`i Free Press lacks “integrity”

Scoutmaster doesn't qualify as "active civic leader"

Former Planning Commission member questions Laie development plans

Maui, 32 years later

Are YOU exporting jobs?

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Monday, October 25, 2010
October 25, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 8408 Views

The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway

Hanabusa & Jeff Stone: Coincidence or Corruption? You decide.

Aiona: Campaigns are won by those who work hardest over the last seven days

Hawaii Island Contractors' Association Endorses Aiona-Finnegan

Democrat Media Poll shows Abercrombie, Aiona approval at 61% to 60%

Aiona to hold campaign event at Radford HS tonight

Democrat Media Poll: Djou ahead 48% –45%, Hirono 77% to 16% Willoughby

Most surveyed voters dislike Lingle's performance

Hanabusa tries to convince voters she is not a pit bull

Hanabusa criticizes GOP ad suggesting corruption

Online ballots available to Hawaii overseas voters

CB: Ed Silvoso Responds to 'Aiona, God and State' Article

As bedbugs creep out NYC, tourists crawl away (Waikiki next)

SA: Re-elect legislators in city core

The lost generation in Hawai‘i politics

Maui mayoral race tight

Fontaine endorsed over incumbent Bertram

Kalapa: Hypocritical fight of 'special interest' groups

Campaign Profiles:

Lawyer works to strike down limits on independent election spending

Obama's isle judicial pick stalled

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Sunday, October 24, 2010
October 24, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 12702 Views

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

Aiona: "My opponent will cut programs or raise taxes”

Democrat media poll shows Aiona pulling 63% of Mufi Voters and 15% of Abercrombie voters

Hannemann: I’m on the taxi squad

Borreca: Leading Democrats here would be ideal job for Hannemann--except for the gays and the greens 

Abercrombie on DoE finances: Don’t ask, don’t tell 

Next governor will carry background into office 

Willoughby vs Hirono: Can’t think of anything they agree on  


NYT celebrates victory of eco-religion over football


NYT celebrates as Iwamoto and other surgically altered men run for offices nationwide

Vote for me, Schmucker says, I’m not a Democrat

Council candidates agree on fixing infrastructure

HMSA wants 14.8% boost in large employer group rates

Son's altercation leads state to evict disabled parents

'Hawaii is the guinea pig' (suckers)

Ag officials: Kona coffee facing quarantine

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Saturday, October 23, 2010
October 23, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:44 PM :: 16780 Views

Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place

KITV Debate: Abercrombie can't name a single issue on which he differs with HSTA

New Poll: Djou winning 44%-35%

Aiona encouraged by 1,400 new construction jobs, will expedite projects worth $946M

REUTERS: Hawaii wind farm operator faces default risk

Coordinated campaign: Aiona campaign calls Democrats on “distraction”

Abercrombie, Hirono tried to impose gay marriage nationwide

Momentum: Djou outraises Hanabusa by $167,000 in six weeks

Aiona continues to hammer Abercrombie over DoE Audit

Case: Only 1/3 of my voters will back Hanabusa, will not direct his supporters to vote for her

Hanabusa, Djou spar over spending, senior programs

Cataluna afraid of who Abercrombie would appoint to BoE

Djou wants to hold the line on federal taxes and regulations

Former Prosecutor Carlisle Underscores Transparent, Corruption-Free Administration

Hawaii Dems file complaint against Aiona, GOP group

W. Maui candidates showcased at forum

Kauai Candidates ‘walk the walk,’ narrowing carbon footprints to honor goddess Gaia

Trojan Horse for gay agenda?  State Rep. Mizuno introducing anti-bullying bill

BOE votes to proceed with Kihei high school

County racks up $2M in OT: Despite furloughs, employees still getting time and a half

Quarter of state's food stamp recipients live on Big Island

Improvement in the job market drops the September rate to 6.3 percent

Kauai Plastic-bag-ban bill has some ‘murky’ provisions

Solar Failure: Mayor Wright housing residents want to be in hot water

Teams Work For Kahoolawe's Rebirth

Maehara, Clinton to reaffirm importance of alliance at Hawaii talks

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Friday, October 22, 2010
October 22, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 12317 Views

Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place

Ethics Violation? UH Manoa helps Democrats build get out the vote rally

Obama’s first take pulled because Obama mispronounced Hanabusa’s name

CNN: Djou is well-positioned to keep his seat

Momentum: Djou outraises Hanabusa by $167,000 in six weeks

Abercrombie, Hirono tried to impose gay marriage nationwide

Video: Aiona highlights Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative

Cost of Hanabusa’s tax hike: $1,784 per family per year

Dan on the Record

James ‘Duke’ Aiona: ‘Fiscal discipline is with me’




KITV: Hawaii Unions Use Mainland Money to smear Djou


Case family Advertiser backs Hanabusa, touts willingness to raise taxes

Lingle: Abercrombie spreading falsehoods in whisper campaign

Hillary Clinton coming to Hawaii, plans to Ignore Hanabusa, Abercrombie

Bill Clinton endorses Hanabusa, cites “Coast of student loans”

Obama Albatross tapes commercial for Abercrombie, Hanabusa

We likely haven't seen the last of Linda Lingle

Democrats have lock on local ad agencies

Democrat media figures try to knock another GOP ad off the air

Chief’s wife, Drunk Driver headline new additions to Honolulu Prosecutor’s office

Attorney, aide seek seat on Council

Gay GOPers make Hawaii media buy

(Obama losing it in Chicago) Political Heavyweights, teachers union May Be Forming Anti-Rahm Alliance

Look out HSTA, Obama’s sister endorses “Waiting for Superman”

Freeman Guards files bankruptcy, 200 laid off

More working families getting government food aid at $59K a year

“Suitcases of cash from Honolulu” Hawaii meth supplier on trial in Sacramento

Refi mania as Hawaii mortgage rates lowest in six decades

Bubble about to burst, so First Wind announces IPO just in time

Enviros threaten lives of Kauai children to save birds

Hawaii Rejects Proposed Ban on Solar Energy

Council candidates weigh in on Apollo Kaua‘i island energy issues

Hawaii County settles Higa harassment claim


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Thursday, October 21, 2010
October 21, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 13300 Views

Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place

Aiona: “My opponent has not said whether he will cut programs, raise taxes, or fail to deliver”

Ed Case: Appointed BoE “our most important vote”

FreedomWorks endorses Cam Cavasso for Senate

Hawaii Family Forum compares candidates for General Election

Hawaii Republican endorsements for County races, initiatives

NRO: GOP congressman Charles Djou hangs on in Hawaii

CD2 candidate Willoughby signs Death Tax repeal pledge

Debate: Hanabusa promises massive tax increase

Kauai Debate: Cut programs, raise taxes, or fail?

Memo to Obama: Calling voters stupid is not a winning strategy


Inflammatory religious video is disseminated by the Abercrombie camp

WHT retracts lie about HD6 GOP Candidate Becky Leau

While most Democrats duck and cover, Abercrombie, Hanabusa embrace the Obama disaster

Is Obama taking control of Hawaii Democratic machine from Inouye?

Schatz may make a run for governor in 2018

Gov., lt. gov. candidates debate on Kaua‘i

Puna race is like no other

Calvin Say’s CRG group sending out mailers in legislative races

Only charters gain students

Unions: Education's Kryptonite?

Drunk Driver Rep Riki Karimatsu hired by new Honolulu Prosecutor

Fired Deputy City Prosecutor hired by State Attorney general

Teens pressure candidates for No. 2

Web of Lies in Neighborhood Dispute

College Hill has a vacancy: UH president Greenwood won't live in the home

Mixed grade given for Hawaii's treatment of women in prison

Kahoolawe two decades after the last bombs

55% off Groupon floods Honolulu restaurant with 800 new customers

State's retail vacancy rate rose to 5.2% in third quarter

Hawaii's auto industry is facing an uphill battle

HELLCO hikes rates on Maui, Hawaii

Feds seek input on burial plan process

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 12522 Views

Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place

Shapiro looks at Dan Inouye’s losing streak


Djou catches Hanabusa flatfooted on bipartisanship

Star Advertiser finally acknowledges that Abercrombie’s position on Appointed BoE was “inconsistent”

Star-Advertiser endorses transsexual BoE member for reelection

VIDEO: Hawaii governing philosophies clash at Kona forum

DANGER: Hooser looking for ‘opportunities to serve’ (Abercrombie’s DLNR) Chair)

Bob McDermott Declares for City Council

Conference will go on despite Abercrombie’s Hilton labor dispute

Mayor's inauguration set for Friday

Inouye: Hanabusa would win appropriations spot (no he didn’t, but the headline writer put the lie front and center anyway)

“We've had this same super majority in office for over 40 years. It's brought us the highest tax burden in the United States”

Kauai: $1 fine for attempted theft of single family home

Dole Middle School first in state to earn school distinction award

'Hawaii Five-0' traffic jam fobbed off on permit typo

$56M bond bill advances: More than half of money slated to go to West Hawaii

Vog gets thick, people get sick

ProPublica report lists Hawaii doctors getting drug company fees, resisting foreclosures, etc.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
October 19, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 13537 Views

Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place

Abercrombie becoming desperate, agitated

Kona Debate: Abercrombie flip-flops again on appointed school board

Obama has difficulty citing any Abercrombie accomplishments

Losing streak: Mufi, Kirk, Colleen, Dan?

Aiona, Abercrombie square off at Kealakehe High School


Alleged $40M Graverobber Waihee—exotic lifestyles, luxury automobiles and more

Hanabusa took pay raise while cutting DoE positions

Hawaii Democrats hope this isn't the year of 'change'

Cavasso says support is growing quickly

Illegal? BoE using DoE resources to campaign against its abolition

Djou out raises Hanabusa in September

Star-Advertiser joins Hanabusa’s whining about accurate photo

Abercrombie, Aiona to debate on Kauai TONIGHT

Hirono $368K, Willoughby $1,900

Political newcomers seek East Oahu HD 18 seat

Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle returns from D.C. after lobbying for rail funding

Maui News: Couch the pick for South Maui

Kauai Candidates debate ‘green’ priorities

Man's legal battle forces DHHL to lease ag lots

High On The Agenda:  Amend Spending Limit

Hawaii #1 “wanna move to” state for baby boomers

Democrats make pre-election pitch to bribe seniors

Abercrombie’s gay Local 5 threatens giant $40M Waikiki Convention

Bank of America to restart foreclosures in Hawaii

Teen gets life with parole for killing woman

Teacher raped, robbed at Wahiawa Elementary School

Teenager arrested for alleged assault of teacher

Movie: Gay lobby seeks to make school bullying a gay issue

Police net another ‘large-scale’ drug haul


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Monday, October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010 News read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:07 PM :: 9926 Views

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

Shock Poll: Inouye 53%, Cavasso 40%--Cavasso leads among Independents

VIDEO: Aiona pushes education reform after Abercrombie admits to opposing Audit, Appointed BoE

49 Hawaii Candidates Sign Taxpayer Protection Pledge

Hawaii Christian Coalition questions Abercrombie’s beliefs...on education and taxes

Abercrombie voted to reject 9-11 Commission Report

Roadmap to victory? Cavasso Surges, Inouye Lead shrinks by 23% in two weeks

VIDEO: Cam Cavasso’s Plan for Jobs and a 21st Century Economy

VIDEO: Hanabusa’s Spending Tsunami

DLNR seeks nominees for State Water Commission

Meet the Mad Hatter behind bogus Hawaii polls

Close Hawaii Governor’s Race biggest surprise of week 


Hawaii candidates for governor meet on Big Island


Abercrombie supporters won’t even let Mufi have a Council seat

Clean energy major issue in Hawaii gubernatorial race

Democrat candidate was part of Magaoay’s Pay for Play office

Journalists debunk National Democrats attack ads

Akaka “Optimistic” on Akaka Bill vote before Republican Wave saves Hawaii from Akaka Tribe

DoE Schools looking for kitty litter, buckets as toilet alternative 

Council Candidate Turbin hit over Vacation Rentals

Endangered native crow's population grows by 11

Utility airs plan to protect birds

Hawaii drivers will have several options when the new environmentally friendly cars arrive

Dump the Incumbent, Mr Kim Coco Iwamoto

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Sunday, October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 7603 Views

Slumping in the polls, Abercrombie now says Nazis are after him

Aiona hammers Abercrombie’s opposition to appointed BoE, Star-Advertiser lies about it

VIDEO: Djou-Hanabusa debate

VIDEO: Hanabusa’s Spending Tsunami

Your DoE at work: Federal investigators stepped in after the repeated taunting of DISABLED Waianae High student

AP: Abercrombie opposes constitutional amendment to appoint BoE

Election to decide whether Hawaii will have two-party system

Star-Advertiser posts election guide

Vili Endorses Duke Aiona, Lynn Finnegan

Djou vs. Hanabusa – Round 2

Inouye endorses Monty Richards as Honokaa mafia comes together for Abercrombie

Democrat Borreca wonders why Abercrombie isn’t attacking Lingle more

KITV: Carlisle Says Rail Construction Could Start In March

School repair list totaled up for 2010

Hawaii County Charter Amendments

Kauai Chamber of Commerce hosts council candidate forum

Enviros become “alarmed” as fishermen participate in Whale sanctuary meetings

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Saturday, October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:39 PM :: 10606 Views

National, International media: All eyes on Hawaii as voting begins

Democrat Pat Caddell hammers “hypocrisy” of Obama’s “naive idiots” for focus on campaign spending

A Legal Victory on the Road to Repeal

AUDIO: CD2 candidate Willoughby on Dennis Prager show

Hanabusa: “No way we’re going to be able to convince Case voters”  

Hanabusa-connected dirt track receives eviction notice

Heroic teacher faces down HSTA criminals over secret ballot, appointed BoE


Abercrombie’s Gay Local 5 puts convention at risk

Debate: Djou 10 – Hanabusa 0

Djou vs Hanabusa Debate video

Aiona says focus is on small business

Abercrombie flips out, says Nazis are after him

Abercrombie to party with mafia in Honokaa

Gov. candidates joust over furloughs, school board (Unlike Advertiser, AP gets it right)

Fair Share?  Only for the connected:  Schatz promises to block some grant applications

Governor candidates to debate in Kona (Oct. 18)

PBN Interviews Djou

KITV: Karl Rove's Group's New Ad Slams Hanabusa

Willoughby shows no lack of confidence

Aloun Farms Human Trafficking Case: Judge Rules That Money Set Aside for Victims’ Restitution Goes Back to Defendants

Farmer still feeling impact of vandalism

State Tax Credits Expected to Boost State Coffers

SA: Fees burden UH-Manoa students

Hawaii Co Councilman GTMO Greenwell trial rescheduled: Attorney may request change of venue

Kawahara: Kauai County harassment includes council

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Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:24 PM :: 14179 Views

Poll: Majority of Voters Back Appointed Board of Education

Abercrombie comes out against appointed BoE

Abercrombie’s missing $190 million

Rasmussen: Aiona, Abercrombie statistically tied

Abercrombie Pays Off Campaign Supporters with Taxpayers Dollars

WSJ: Aloha Republicans?

Hawaii slipping from machine’s grasp? National media highlights Djou, Aiona

Djou: The future is not going to come from a bureaucrat

KITV interviews Djou: “I am the most bipartisan and independent member of Hawaii’s Congressional delegation”

Kauai’s Baptiste family endorses Aiona-Finnegan

NTU: Two measures on Hawaii ballot will increase tax burden

Smart Business Hawaii PAC releases endorsement list

Honolulu ranks 30th of top 200 US cities in job growth

Star-Advertiser lies about Abercrombie’s opposition to appointed BoE

Aiona rips Abercrombie on need for DoE Audit

Djou, Hanabusa to Hold Third Debate

Djou: Hanabusa’s supporters have nothing good to say about her

Aiona Camp Calls The Mainland Govs Ad 'Desperate'

HGEA money pours in to aid Hanabusa

West Hawaii’s Democrat rag attacks GOP candidate over funeral expenses

Abortionists campaign against Maul Senate candidate

Maui mayoral debate: Frustration with economy in the spotlight 

School board candidates vie to block state's reforms

Absentee ballot trend complicates campaigning

Foreclosure rate 'unreal' in Hawaii

Distressed properties account for 24% of all Kaua‘i RE sales

Aloun Farms owners get $192,000 returned

$1.7M penalty placed on the city for putting concrete in a waterway is "appropriate," the Department of Health says

“Calleen Hanabusa” Obama mispronounces

Waikiki Democrat Rep Brower keeps pushing for tent city disaster

Soon to be unemployed: BoE Chair Toguchi whines about “handful of critics”

Electrical Workers Taking Strike Vote: Both HECO, Union Say Strike Is Unlikely

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Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 11434 Views

Roll Call: With Djou on Appropriations, Hawaii could have outsized influence

New RGA Advert: Neil Abercrombie says that people in Hawaii “are not interested in how politicians will balance the budget"

Punchy National Democrats: Aiona doesn't love Obama enough

Blowback: Obama attacks boost funds for pro-Djou commercials

Chamber of Commerce rebuts Obama deceit on Foreign Money and Political Spending

Accretions: Cato Institute jumps into Hawaii beach ‘takings’ case

Court declines to expand meaning of "preserve in place" in Naue burial case final disposition

Obama robo calls annoy Honolulu voters at dinner time


Hawaii congressional debate focuses on federal spending and waste

Djou being sought for a money panel

GOP: Dems' ads take quotes out of context

Hawaii Gov., US House Candidates to Debate Live

PBN: What do you want to ask Hirono, Djou?

Gary Hooser flips out, babbles about ‘revolution’, bucks for top DLNR post

Carlisle's early agenda getting all wet

New outreach center will help Army families cope with their soldiers' deaths

Sidewalk tent ban approved

Maui 'Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance' to take effect January 

Rate of empty warehouse space in state hits 4.7%

UH Manoa perfessers use your tax dollars to party with Maoists

Hawaii earns an education ‘World’s First’

Hilton Hawaiian Village Workers Strike: 1,500 Workers Plan To Picket Until Monday Morning

Hawaii ninth worst in U.S. foreclosures

Hawaii sets precedent as state regulators permit selling excess solar power

Kauai Councilwoman files harassment report

Maui Mayor issues guides for ban on bags

Story to address cutting pork from sacred cows

Campaign Spending Commission Chooses New Director

Naeole-Beason to face ethics investigation: Campaign work with county staff, office alleged

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:02 PM :: 8921 Views

Merriman Robo Poll: Abercrombie, Aiona statistically tied

Hill Poll: Djou ahead 45-41

OHA debate Fact Check: Truth vs Abercrombie

Maui Hotel & Lodging Association Endorses Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan

Navy, Hunt Corp break promises to Save Ewa Dec 7 battlefield

Aiona Finnegan campaign unveils Policy Agenda for Native Hawaiian Issues

“Gall, spin, and breathtakingly misleading information”: Hanabusa on GM bailout debts

Leader Boehner Pledges Support to Secure Appropriations Seat for Charles Djou

Marc Hodges Endorses Alan Arakawa for Maui Mayor

How the Obama Tax Hikes Affect You

After 20 years in Congress, Abercrombie suddenly claims Hawaii not getting all the federal pork

Hanabusa has no response to facts presented in latest Djou ad

Candidates Reinforce Campaign Themes Face-To-Face

Shapiro: Few votes in primary show appointed BOE is necessary

GOP leader promises Djou key money post

WaPo: Hawaii 1st District Election 2010: Rep. Charles Djou takes on Colleen Hanabusa for reelection 

POLITICO: Could Djou defy odds?

CB busts Hanabusa: GM Has Paid Off Its Bailout Debt FALSE

Abercrombie, Schatz, Hanabusa Agree on socialist health ‘care’

Dooley: UH Agrees to Settle Lawsuit Involving Cancer Research Center Contract

Jacking up your electric rates critical to cutting oil dependence

SA: Don't skip Laie planning steps

Hawaii joins nationwide effort to address practices by mortgage loan servicers

IRS: 1,700 Hawaii nonprofits yet to file 990 forms

NHLC and Hokulia attackers lead charge against Hawaiian Homelands

Public funding labeled a 'success' by candidates

Viewpoint: Maui Council Nishiki’s personal loan from Dowling is a current issue; questions about it remain

Kauai Airport Embezzlement Case Widens

Young Brothers squeeze consumers to defend monopoly: PUC ruling could hike rates, force service reductions



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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:55 PM :: 12212 Views

Abercrombie campaigns to shield DoE from Audit

Hawaii Chamber of Commerce backs Appointed BoE

Democrat Poll: Silent on Gubernatorial race, claims Djou slipping

Post primary “flood of support” for Aiona-Finnegan

Video: New Aiona-Finnegan TV commercial “Real solutions for all of Hawaii”

GLBT Democrats: “Abercrombie only candidate who will dismantle laws outlawing slavery”

Shock: former DoE Sup’t Hamamoto backs Appointed BoE

POLL: Hanabusa has slight lead over Djou

AFL-CIO targets Hawaii’s Djou

Fund Race: Aiona ahead of Abercrombie $402K to $237K

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Sponsors Live Gubernatorial Debate tonight

New Honolulu Mayor Carlisle Faces Looming Fiscal Storm

SA: Reclaim sidewalks for public

7 former inmates find hope in new program

“Secret” gambling report is no secret at all

3 months into fiscal year, Hawaii's general fund deposits down 13.9% or up 4% depending on how you look at it

Survey: Hawaii tourism continues to recover

Legislative panel begins inquiry into securities (just in time for elections)

Hawaii Airport Fire Chief is Short-Staffed

UH Students Celebrate Gay, Lesbian Coming Out Day

Last "English standard" class in Hawaii celebrates 50th high school class reunion

Geothermal holds vast potential for Hawaii

Kauai: Council to re-consider plastic bag ban

Hawaii launches RFID cold chain monitoring project

$5.67 million awarded in Maui McDonald's lawsuit

Kenoi bill headed back to ethics board

Apology to the Citizens of Manoa for Partisan Politics at Neighborhood Board

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Monday, October 11, 2010
October 11, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 9842 Views

Neil Abercrombie's slavery problem

Aiona Video: Hawaii economy doesn't need more rhetoric

Kalihi: 2000 rally for Aiona Finnegan

Djou, volunteers adopt Mililani Waena School

Transformative Change Is Needed in Board of Education

Legislators: Abercrombie’s new energy authority “unwise”

Maui News: Abercrombie’s rejection of DoE Audit “startling”

Carlisle, Kaneshiro to be sworn into office Monday

Maui Council: Couch hammers developer owned Nishiki

Enriques' claims on website called into question

Carvalho finally gets around to endorsing Abercrombie

Isle GOP hopes voters will restore balance

KITV: Human trafficking Victims blackballed, Seitz grabs for their restitution money

State tests raise bar for students to augment failure rates, rake in bucks

Local Fishermen Fear Ahi Cap Will Jeopardize Businesses

Hawaii Media council still ‘concerned’ about HNN merger

SA: Help Hawaii teens stay healthy

Democrat poll details how to manipulate abortion, apathy  

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Sunday, October 10, 2010
October 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:30 PM :: 12188 Views

Full Text: Aiona campaign releases Agenda for Justice

WaPo: Spineless Congress’ school funding boondoggle looted food stamps to boost teachers’ union

Djou running better than 1/3 of Congressional Dems

Wooley supporter Ian Lind attacks Fale over deployment

Aiona in better position than Hirono in ‘02

As LG, Finnegan would advocate for Charter Schools

AP claims continuation of tax cuts will increase debt

Carlisle will hit the ground running

SA: Keep corporate contributors at bay in Hawaii elections (but not unions and eco-lawyers)

Rigid Rules, Weak Commitment Hurt Local Farming

Fishermen concerned about ocean access

Hawaii County blows through $9M on still-unopened recycling center

Hawaiian Superferries sell for $25 million each

HMSA Cracks Down On Colonoscopy Anesthesia

SA: City weak on Waikiki planning

Kalapa: Helping the poor help themselves

Man Accused Of Human Trafficking Allowed Bail: Israeli Citizen Must Remain In Honolulu Halfway House

Advocates for sex trafficking victims call for safe house in Hawaii

Sentencing delayed in child porn case

Maui Council: Hopefuls spar on familiar themes, generate sparks

Kauai Charter amendments:  Questionable

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Saturday, October 9, 2010
October 9, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 12484 Views

Aiona: US unemployment numbers undermine availability of federal dollars

VIDEO: Gov Palin jumps into Hawaii races, endorses Henderson, Willoughby

VIDEO: Djou releases new advert, hits Hanabusa over residency

Djou: Adopt a School Mililani Waena Oct 10th

Manoa Liberals block Eagle Scout from Neighborhood Board

GOP movers insulted: Hanabusa rejects “gesture of goodwill”

Maui Chamber of Commerce Endorses Alan Arakawa for Mayor

Lingle honors top State employees

WaPo: Djou moves up 15 places

Desperate Abercrombie to HGEA: “You don’t have to like me” primary campaign "wasn't some sort of triumph over you.”

Absentee ballots mailed out

Aiona: Gov. Lingle and her committee gave too much

Oops! Willoughby forgets meeting with PBN

Judge allows contribution to issue-based campaign

Liberal hypocrites angered by prison being converted to school

Rape Victim Plans To Sue State Hospital: Suspect Was Discharged Despite Psychotic Symptoms

Naeole-Beason faces ethics charges: Puna councilwoman accused of using county staff to work on campaign

Acting mayor Caldwell leaves city hall

Bill to get homeless off sidewalks looms

KITV: Two More HPD Officers Arrested For Domestic Abuse

Alan Pflueger pleads not guilty to tax fraud Friday

US nuclear weapons have kept S Korea free for 60 years

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Thursday, October 7, 2010
October 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:52 PM :: 14184 Views

Rep Jessica Wooley admits her van involved in thefts of campaign signs, blames volunteers

Abercrombie: Brian Schatz would control which nonprofits get federal funds

WaTimes: GOP lawmaker may hold onto Hawaii seat

Nat’l Federation of Independent Business endorses Djou

Djou wins endorsement of Trust in Small Business PAC

Maui Chamber of Commerce backs Aiona-Finnegan

Mike Molina Endorses Alan Arakawa for Maui Mayor

2010 Nobel Peace Prize recipient argued with UH Manoa perfessers

Abercrombie plans to ‘add positions’, make government more powerful, says DoE isn’t broken 

Abercrombie wants No. 2 job to have more heft, in spite of being stuck with Schatz

GOP's Charles Djou Fending Off Democrat Colleen Hanabusa

Republicans Offer To Help Hanabusa Move

Two constitutional amendments on ballot

Negative political ads a risky tactic

8,000 pot heads in Hawaii, 4,665 on Big island

Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union gave Million dollar bonuses to execs

Public disclosure of rail contract poses early test for incoming Mayor Carlisle’s administration as Hokulia crowd turns to attack

 Bedbugs in Hawaii (thank an environmentalist)

Waianae School Bullying Complaint Filed With Feds

Shapiro: Vagrant rights trump safe sidewalk passage

Office of Hawaiian Affairs: Writ or Wrong

HMSA plays hardball in hospital negotiations

Attempt to reject Kula Ridge affordable housing development fails

The rezoning of Laie land pits a desire for jobs against infrastructure worries

Some Chinese Leaders Say They'll Continue Fireworks Tradition Despite Ban

Locally Caught Ahi Limit Nears (thank an environmentalist)

Where's pharma settlement money going?

How Many Print Reporters are Left in Honolulu?

Kauai Council candidates weigh in on economy, safety, transparency

Teachers create a new generation of voters

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Thursday, October 7, 2010
October 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:30 PM :: 9782 Views

Maui Gubernatorial Debate: Myth vs Fact

Djou: “Our internal polls show us with a narrow lead”

KOS Poll UPDATE: Aiona, Abercrombie statistically tied

Sol Kaho'ohalahala Endorses Alan Arakawa for Maui Mayor

Rep. Djou to name Irene Anzai as “angel in adoption”

VIDEO: Hanabusa claims she plans to leave Ko Olina for First CD

Abercrombie pledges to protect criminals at DoE from Audit

Abercrombie pledges to create ANOTHER State department, let drug criminals off easy

Restaurant Association Backs Aiona: Group Makes Its First Political Endorsement

CB: Duke Compares Plans, Neil Plans For Plan

KITV’s Denby Fawcett spins it for Hanabusa, fails

School board debate draws small crowd

Only 53% approve of Obamunism in Hawaii

Prosecutors withdraw extended sentencing request for teen who murdered neighbor

Feds Threaten To Take Over Workplace Safety

Culture clash as Honolulu's partial fireworks ban passes

BIW profiles Fred Blas Hawaii Council - Puna

Kau Councilman Guy Enriques is courting the media

State ID cards valid for flying but not after May, 2011

Sandwich Isles wins partial victory from FCC in cable dispute

Drug companies to pay $82M to settle Hawaii suits

HUD to help more struggling homeowners in Hawaii

Hawaiian Electric Co. to offer lower rates for recharging electric cars

Hero pilot of United Flight 811 dies at age 81

American Samoa signs new deal with major tuna supplier

Down to Earth promotes Non-GMO food labels

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
October 6, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 13218 Views

Abercrombie: “No new audits--people not interested in how to balance the budget”

Hanabusa's Stimulus Support Could Cost her an Election

UPDATE: Hawaii Christian Coalition compares candidates for General Election

Aiona vs Abercrombie on the Economy: Plan vs platitudes?

New Aiona-Finnegan ad: “Real solutions, not rhetoric”

Aiona Finnegan announce Coalition Team

Abercrombie supported Wall Street Bailouts with Main Street Money

Influencing our culture for life: Vatican leader to speak on Oahu, Maui

Smart Business Hawaii PAC endorses Djou

Djou: Adopt a School Oct 10th

DoE fails to comply with 180 day law -- regular schools have only 178 days

“Vindictive” Incoming Prosecutor Kaneshiro Firing 11 Veteran Lawyers in middle of trials (1988 redux)

Rep Karl Rhoads, wife tied to Andy Mirkitani kickback scheme

Abercrombie claims he can create two new State departments without raising taxes 

Dems “Hatchet Job” calls tax hike, food stamp cut “aid to schools”

Republican Party Calls Critical Ad False

Hanabusa (D-KoOlina) residency conflicts with district, history

Cashing in on health care reform: Prepaid Health Care Act in danger

Kaho‘ohalahala endorses Arakawa

Police Question Enforceability of Sidewalk Plan

Tom Gill’s brother founded Sierra Club in Hawaii

Education Poll Ranks UH 115th In Global Survey

Anti-Israel Walk Saturday at Hilo’s Kalakaua Park

Home sweet home for Hawaii's soldiers returning from Iraq

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
October 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:31 PM :: 12867 Views

KOS Poll: Aiona, Abercrombie tied with 48% of the vote

In major interview published today, Inouye ignores Abercrombie

Aiona Finnegan announce affordable housing plan (Full Text)

Aiona hits “arrogant” Abercrombie as polls tighten

Hanabusa meant only that there is no waste in STATE government

Star-Advertiser panics as Christians prepare to vote

Akaka Bill Still Alive?

Risks shroud births in isles

Roth: Appointed school board would help accountability

Retired car dealer James Pflueger pleads not guilty to tax fraud

Isles see California welfare spending

Feds: 2 Hawaii groups join reinsurance program

SA: Protect safety net from abuse

KPD: No connection between Jackson, Westside murders

Ooma hearing carries on

Samoa: Wage Delay Law Shows Faleomavaega Weakness

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Monday, October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:23 AM :: 9438 Views

Abercrombie pledges to add another State department to oversee your children

Djou opposes income all tax hikes, Hanabusa doesn’t

Leau campaigns on DOE audit promise (HD6 Kona)

Abercrombie’s tech industry boss still whining because Lingle vetoed fuel tax hike

Rich politically connected Manoa liberals avoiding property taxes

Urban Zones Proposed to Keep Sidewalks Clear of Homeless

Kauai Planning Department seeks ability to fine

Progressives obsess over flu shot

Behind lucrative deals, a disconnect

19 Charter Amendments on this year’s Hawaii County ballot

American Samoa governor off to Hawaii in bid to seal cannery deal

HELCO seeks developers for Kahe Valley “clean” energy projects

Family fights disabled son's deportation

State proposes land purchase for Kalaeloa Harbor expansion

Captive audience: A look at Hawaii’s Con Air

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Sunday, October 3, 2010
October 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:46 PM :: 7837 Views
  1. Abercrombie seems slow to get off the mark
  2. Candidates for governor in conflict on civil unions, other social issues
  3. AP: Willoughby calls Hirono a 'rubber stamp' for the Democrats
  4. Hawaii Meth Project is helping cut methamphetamine use
  5. Judge Seabright will issue partial injunction Thursday removing local firm’s campaign contribution limit
  6. Suit: County not pursuing violations in development
  7. Nurses in ample supply: The poor economy has turned a once-critical shortage into a surplus
  8. Hirakawa’s second sex harassment settlement from Kauai county worth $450,000
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Saturday, October 2, 2010
October 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 8814 Views

AFL-CIO’s false attack takes aim at Djou’s ethnicity

Djou: New Fiscal Year, Same Fiscal Irresponsibility (IBD editorial)

Health Insurance? No need: Abercrombie promises to dump Prepaid Health Care Act

Inouye says Abercrombie proposal would "shut local businesses" out of work

Hawaii Taxpayers On the Hook for $9 Billion--and Not for Rail

OHA driving Hawaiians out of Hawaii

AP: Aiona commercial played backwards says “I am the walrus.”

GOP Govs Run Negative TV Ad Against Abercrombie: Analysts Call Ad Subtle, Soft, Cute

Gov. candidates to discuss children's issues

2012: Lingle Eyes U.S. Sen. Akaka's Seat

Moon’s furlough ruling delays Carlisle's swearing in

SA vs OHA: Economics at root of 'bias'

CB: Akaka Bill Pau Already?

Appointed Board of Ed? HSTA to Teachers: "NO"

Lingle credits private sector for isles' economic rebound: The governor also cites her administration's success in keeping spending under budget

Maui: Arakawa, Tavares spar over sour economy

Kauai: Public invited to forum for County Council candidates

Health workers suing the state

HR: Business and Health Insurance Costs to Remain High Under Hawaii’s Exemption to National Healthcare Law

SA: Local-hire law needs clarification

ANOTHER American Samoa lawmaker charged with embezzlement, corruption

Pearl Harbor and Hickam merge

Call for nominations put out for University of Hawaii Board of Regents

Judge to allow disclosure of pharmaceutical settlement amounts

Veteran politico and developer sets his sights on historic Haleiwa

Obama's new chief gathers isle kudos

WaTimes: Holder is AWOL on military voting

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Friday, October 1, 2010
October 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:02 PM :: 5163 Views

Midweek: Abercrombie voted alone against anti-terrorism measures, against support for Israel

Neil Abercrombie, D-Hezbollah

Aiona: Tourism recovery reflects hard work and cooperative efforts

Djou talks to 3000 constituents in telephone talk story

Haha’ione Forum to discuss move to appointed Board of Education

HGEA endorsements: Our way or the highway on GE Tax

White van lic # NDU-549 sought in Hauula campaign sign thefts

Abercrombie plans to dump Prepaid Health care act in favor of state-run medical insurance

Shapiro: Abercrombie off target on blame for schools

Republican Governors back Aiona with ad dollars

Rep Pine pledges not to run for City Council

Visitor Industry Continues To Rebound: Total Visitor Arrivals Up 11%, Visitor Spending Up 30%

2 Sentenced In Sex Trafficking Case: Defendant Given 25 Years In Federal Prison

DoE still can’t get Mililani middle School up to 180 days, plans to seek exemptions for multi-track schools 

A part of a plan to keep Kukui Gardens affordable stalls over financing trouble

Feds check state's gas pipes: The Public Utilities Commission lobbied to end its oversight of fuel conduit safety

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