Entries for January 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015 |
January 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:59 PM :: 4724 Views
- Forbes: Hawaii Deal Allows NextEra to Build Big Cable Without Federal Regulation
- Slom to Feds: Investigate Criminal Hawaii Health Connector
- Okino, Djou: End the State Skim on Rail Funds
- Hawaiian Electric Launches Online Tracker for Solar, Wind Approvals
- Former charity director indicted for theft
- 340 Candidates file for Neighborhood Board Elections
- HSTA Cashes in, Demands Contract Reopener After Electing Ige Governor
- Rape Hype: California-based Shake Down Operation Targets UH-Manoa Admissions
- HB576: Hawaii Lawmakers Consider Request for Obamacare Exemption
- Close Half of Hawaii Health Systems Corp. Hospitals? Not Enough to Balance Budget
- Trying to Create Excuses for tax Hike, Council members heading to DC as rail costs escalate
- Kauai GMO Panel Infested with Anti-GMO Whackjobs
- "The people of Puna wanted Scott Nago fired"
- Grandmother testifies in trial against prosecutor
- Former officer acquitted of assault charge
- Level 1--Severe Breach of Contract: NCAA delivers ‘notice of violations’ to University of Hawaii
- Sun Edison, First Wind close $2.4 billion deal--Plan 100s of Acres of Solar Farms
- Shield law for media should be reinstated
- Bill Would Force landlords to Accept Section 8 Tenants
- American Samoa: Food shortages after US port dispute
- Senate passes Keystone XL bill without McCain's Jones Act amendment
- Gov Tech Sums up Ige Tech Agenda
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Friday, January 30, 2015 |
January 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 5641 Views
- NextEra, HECO Formally Request PUC Approval of Merger
- Clayton Hee's Wife Quits Cush Job at UH, Leaves State
- 2014: Record Visitors, Record Expenditures
- OHA sets community meetings on Kaka‘ako Makai Master Plan
- Shakedown: Politicians Demand NextEra Contribute to Democrats Only, NextEra Agrees
- At Least $1.25B Has Been Spent on Rail So Far, But Where Has All the Money Gone?
- Resolution calls for removal of U.S. bus funds from rail money plan
- Bait and Switch: HART Approves Another $4.4M in Cost Overruns
- Chances high Legislature will sidetrack rail issue
- Audit: Health Connector Funneled $21.9M to 'Mansha Consulting' Without Board Oversight
- Legislature to debate issuing bonds for Hawaii Health Connector
- SB795: HHSC -- Adapt or be Left Behind
- DoE Demands $13M Due to Failure of Corrupt Solar Contract
- HB326: Calvin Say Pushes State-Run Bank for Subprime Lending
- Youth Suicide and Anti-Bullying Programs
- HB92 Gambling at Any 'International Terminal'
- Keep Hawaii’s Heroes to hold community meetings
- Mentally Ill Mainland Homeless Invades Home, Stabs Kailua Woman
- Doctor Shortage to Lead to More Urgent Care Canters
- Hawaii solar groups want HECO's new rooftop solar plan to be rejected
- Members Selected for Kauai GMO Study Group
- Kona police sergeant charged with domestic abuse
- Trash workers’ payment system racks up major overtime
- Darwin Laughs as Gay Gene Theory Peddled (again)
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Thursday, January 29, 2015 |
January 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:25 PM :: 7292 Views
- Procurement Violations: Feds May Demand Hawaii Health Connector Repay Grant
- Legislative Ambulance Chasers Dig In To Taxpayers' Deep Pockets
- Repealing the Jones Act: Good for Energy, Great for America
- DLNR Report Shows Major Increase in Aquarium Fish Populations
- Developer to Head DLNR? Ige's Dumb Move
- The Jones Act Risks Lives (again)
- Chief Justice Delivers State of the Judiciary Address
- House GOP: "Keep Hawaii's Heroes"
- HB416: Retail Wheeling to Cut Electric Bills
- Hawaii Ranks 50th in Payroll from Sole Proprietors, S-Corps, LLCs
- Report: Hawaii Last Place for American Dream
- Only Rep Kaniela Ing Supports Cutting Troop Levels in Hawaii
- Wahiawa Community Speaks out on Military Cuts
- Panos: No Point Fighting Rail, Focus on Traffic
- Maui Memorial Medical Center Faces Public/Private Partnership Or Bust
- Dope Doctor: I Don't Want to See my 'Patients'
- NextEra: Jury Out on Big Cable--15 Years to Lower Rates 20%
- Council's widened sit-lie ban sent to the mayor for signing
- Kauai Court Releases Mental Patient, 2 Dead, Three Wounded
- Pineapple lands could be traded for OCCC prison site
- City of Honolulu Hiring Practices: Not Everyone Gets a Fair Shot
- Climate of Corruption in Hawaii Prisons
- HPD officer’s sex assault case dropped
- CSC Proposes Two Bills
- Ka Leo: Obama's Community college proposal shortsighted
- Bill would create UH Athletics Board of Governors
- Temp Injunction in UPW lawsuit over trash collection
- After 18 Years, Hawaii Co Division Chief Finally Going to Lose $1 million/year Side-Business
- Jones Act Strangles Puerto Rico
- ExxonMobil Against Jones Act
- McCain Helps Guam on Military Buildup, Jones Act
- Mazie Hirono Co-sponsors Rand Paul 'Audit the Fed' Bill
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 |
January, 2015 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:26 PM :: 3404 Views
HB416: Retail Wheeling to Cut Electric Bills
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015 |
January 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 4673 Views
- LNG for Hawaii? Russian Oil Money Funds Sierra Club anti-Fracking Campaign
- Thanks to Obamacare, ILWU Contract Maybe Short-Lived
- 300 Candidates file for Neighborhood Board Elections
- City to hold second Airport Area TOD community meeting
- Inequality State: Top 1% Grab 71% of Income Growth
- Tax Foundation: Hawaii Failing Small Businesses on Depreciation
- 'Red Hot Construction Market' is Old Excuse Mufi Used
- Bleak Prospects for HHSC With Ige's Disappointing, Wishy-Washy Leadership
- Schofield, Shafter, Wheeler? State Has Not Made Good Use of Barbers Point
- Star-Adv: Support DoE Laptops for Students
- Sierra Club: Land Use Commission an agency that has worked
- Rep Lee: NextEra Must Limit Political Contributions (LOL!)
- Iwase: NextEra Must Follow State Policy
- Test: HECO Can Boost Rooftop Solar 1000%
- Kealoha Reverse Mortgage was Just a Ripoff
- Lawsuits: Prison Guards Sex Assault, Medical Failure Costs taxpayers $1.4M
- OIP Under DAGS Control?
- Hawaii Rents Up More Than 10 Percent Since 2012
- Bills Seek to Ban Ivory
- Bills could impact PGV drilling
- Obamacare Funds Behind Push for Pono Choices
- Who Can Afford to Retire in the Islands?
- Surgeon general: ‘Desperate need of clarity’ on e-cigarettes
- Gays: Hawaii GOP Must Bow to Gay Agenda
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015 |
January 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:23 PM :: 5624 Views
- State of the State Fails To Endorse Robust Economic Reform
- Full Text: State of the State Address
- Rail Fail: Hawaii Ranks 49th--Lost 4.5% of Construction Jobs in Last 12 mos
- Duke Aiona's 808 State Update
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted January 26, 2015
- Electric Co-op for Big Island?
- Pat Saiki Reports on Republican National Committee Meeting
- $100M Penalty? Federal Court Again Finds Maui County in Violation of Clean Water Act
- Hawaii 'Deep Ecology' Activist Joins White Supremacists
- Caldwell Still Can't Keep His Rail Tax Lies Straight
- City Blew Chance for GE Tax Hike in 2009
- Dreaming of 0.5%, Maui mayor contemplates rail, envisions more Disneyland than Honolulu
- No Mention of Tax Hikes in Ige Speech
- Star-Adv: Ige’s goals show caution to a fault
- SB795: Ige’s comments perceived as letting legislators take the lead on hospitals
- Ige stands by DLNR chair nomination despite strong opposition
- NextEra Merger: Is Ige Asking Iwase to Violate Law?
- Ige Appoints Kim to Be Special Adviser to the Governor
- Hawaii Lawmakers Intent on Making Police More Accountable
- SB715: Orders 100% 'Renewable' Energy
- Pro-Life Rally at Hawaii Capitol
- Nursing Grievances is Bad for your Health
- Judge Orders City to Pay $750K to Victims of Mufi Hannemann
- What ever happened to the “Wonder Blunder” criminal charges?
- Smoke: Anti-GMO Activists Aim for Ban on Imu Cooking
- Gabbard: No Electric Stall? Fine $20,000
- UH Billed $500 After B-Ball Players Smoke Weed in Non-Smoking Hotel Rooms
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Monday, January 26, 2015 |
January 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:06 PM :: 3602 Views
- HB92: Terminal Patients 'Right to Try' Legislation Introduced in Hawaii
- Is $5 a Gallon Gas on Its Way? This Expert Thinks So
- Extending the GET for rail shouldn't even be an option
- Ige State of the State Address Today
- Hospitals Will Suffer because Health Connector Fails to Sign Up Micronesians
- Star-Adv Admits Obamacare Driving Shortage of MDs
- McCain's Jones Act Reform Effort 'Dead for Now'
- Lower Oil Prices Mean Kauai Electric Co-op Savings
- DoE Uses Laptops as Excuse to Scrounge for $30.8M More
- Hoopili, DR Horton Pay Civil Beat to Write Article Promoting Mobile Home Parks
- Kunia Farm Lots Await Historic Preservation Plans
- Hanabusa to Moderate UH Wymyns Studies Panel on the Joy of Abortion
- Maui Republican caucus meetings Saturday
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Sunday, January 25, 2015 |
January 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 4120 Views
- OHA Hides Secret Budget from Legislators: $2.3M for 'Consortium' to Push Fake Indian Tribe
- Protest Rail Tax Hike Monday Jan 26
- 286 Candidates file for Neighborhood Board Elections
- Revised Central Oahu Plan available for review and comment
- Chamber of Commerce Hawaii: State of the Economy Presentation
- How Progressive Is Our System?
- Tax Hike Hype: Caldwell Can't Back up His Rail Debt Figures
- Ige quietly plods away as Caldwell slams panic button
- Will there really be any cross-examination of the Ige administration?
- Star-Adv: State 'skim' of rail tax must stop
- Kauai Councilmembers Not on Board with GE Tax Hike
- On the Agenda This Week at the legislature
- Environmentalists Criticize Hawaii Gov. Ige’s Land Board Nominee
- Kauai County Must Cut Programs to Pay for Union Contracts
- Kato: Saiki Bill Worse than No Journalist 'shield law'
- Hawaiian Electric and HawaiiGas jockey for position to become the state's principal supplier of liquified natural gas
- Bisexual Child Molester Cries 'Discrimination', Bullies DHS into Giving Him More Boys to Rape
- Michigan Organizes to Expel 'Dirtbag' Mitch Kahle
- Regents Fill Another $230K Plus Tenure Administrative Position
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Saturday, January 24, 2015 |
January 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 7463 Views
- Ige Nominates Developer Carlton Ching to Chair DLNR--Petition Calls for Senate to Reject
- CNHA Hijacks Civic Clubs to Push for Fake Indian Tribe
- Indian Eco-Goddess Vandana Shiva, charging $40,000 a speech, takes anti-GMO crusade to Hawaii
- VIDEO: House Resolution Opposes Army Force Reduction
- Rep Thielen: HB1, 2, 3 Take Aim at NextEra Merger
- DLNR Imposes 3% Gross Receipts Fee on Ocean Recreation Vendors
- Bridge Aina Lea: 9th Circuit Affirms State Supreme Court Ruling (sort of)
- Hawaii Union Membership Slips to 21.8% -- 3rd in USA
- UHM Chancellor: We Administrators Have Got it Tough, Just like Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders
- $40M Japanese Wedding Chapel to be Built in Ala Moana Park
- Lingle Heads to Illinois for 4 Years to Fix Democrat mess even Worse than Hawaii
- Keep the Voters Doped Up: Nearly Half of Hawaii House Backs Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
- Real Estate Tax Hike to be Passed on to Renters, Consumers
- Chun Oakland: $15M for Micro-Units, Shipping Containers
- House Majority Leader Looks to Revive Shield Law in Hawaii
- Bill would give mayors power to fire police chief
- Slot machines proposed at Honolulu International Airport
- Birth Certificates: Rep Chris Lee, Tranny Teacher Push for Gender to be Matter of Opinion
- Seeking Bogus Rape Complaints, UH Administrators to Regulate Student Sex
- UH Admits Sex Rules Designed to Make University Look Good to Feds
- DLNR Commercial Activity Regs Already Failing
- Hawaii Court Forces HHSC to Hire Meth Dealer
- Soft on Crime: Murder suspect found unfit
- Kenoi pulls plug on incinerator plan
- Omidyar Network Pairs Grants With Investments To Make Money
- Obama Busted Selling Health Info to Spammers
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Friday, January 23, 2015 |
January 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 4361 Views
- VIDEO: McCain Rips Matson's Overpriced Ships on Senate Floor
- Mainland Homosexuals Plan to Use Anti-Bullying Campaign to Penetrate Hawaii Schools
- Troop Reductions? Army to hold community listening sessions Jan. 27, 28
- New Illinois Governor Appoints Linda Lingle as COO
- AARP Hawaii Supports Caregiver Bill
- VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard on Fox News, Slams Obama Refusal to Identify Enemy as Islamic Extremism
- Improve Health Care Competition by Repealing State Laws
- Affordable Housing and Car Sharing on Council Agenda
- Up to $1.2 Billion Electricity Savings for Hawaii After Oil Prices Plummet
- Ethics probe could render rail votes Null and Void
- Fraudsters Happy: Senators to Push Mandatory Vote by Mail System
- Usual Democrat Hacks Thrilled by Lingle's Move
- Study shows UH brings in bucks to local economy
- Big Island's physician shortage worsened in 2014
- Some prison guards earning more than double their salaries in OT
- $144M DHS Kolea Medicaid Eligibility Software problems demand scrutiny
- Management Claims Progress on Clearing Backlog at Ports
- Saiki: Little Support for Marijuana Decriminalization
- 18 Pimps Presented to Prosecutors in Four Years
- Pro Life Rally on Kauai
- Maui Police Report Details 5 Suspensions in December
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Thursday, January 22, 2015 |
January 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:49 PM :: 4946 Views
- Prince Kuhio’s Fight to Americanize Hawaii
- VIDEO: Unsettling Moment During Senator Slom’s Minority Speech
- Hawaii Shippers Council Discusses Port Slowdown, Jones Act Reform on Guam Radio
- Opening Day: Speaker Souki Calls on House to Tackle Unfinished Business
- 2015 Senate Majority Legislative Program
- Survey: Hawaii Millionaire Lead Slipping
- Honolulu Bed Bugs Crawl Up to 42nd Place
- Hawaiians Don't Trust OHA to Re-Start Native Hawaiian Convention
- Creating Fake Crisis to Push Real Tax Hike, Caldwell Drops Fake Bus Funds Raid, Moves on to Fake Road Building Funds Raid
- Hawaii Senate 'Will Consider' Calls for 12.5% Hike in GE Tax -- Statewide
- Kim to Counties: You Crack Down on TVRs, We Will Abolish LUC, Give You More TAT
- Six-year plan shows spending is greater than revenues
- Departments Request 1,000 New Positions Since Dec 1
- The Army in Hawaii: Fight to Save It, Prepare to Lose It
- Souki, Ige: Lets Keep the Public Drugged so they don't Notice
- Chief's Wife Made Early Payment on Mercedes Because She Was Trading it in for Maserati
- Guam Governor Backs Jones Act Reform
- Hawaii short 890 doctors
- Usual Suspects Hype Pesticides, GMOs
- Monsanto wants to build sustainable agriculture in Hawaii
- Kenoi's Retaliation: Incinerator foe loses county contract
- Rep. Gabbard Cites Obama's Failure to Say 'Islamic Extremism'
- Shop owners say bike lane is cutting into sales
- Maui: Homeless Shelters Used as Affordable Housing
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015 |
January 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4565 Views
- MIT: KIUC Buys Batteries from Company Behind Kahuku Windfarm Fire and Surprisingly it is a Disaster
- Accountability for Big Infrastructure Projects?
- 263 Candidates file for Neighborhood Board Elections
- Anti-GMO Activists Stack Hearing: Why Bad Lawmaking Reigns in Hawaii Politics
- Vaccination Refusal: Study Documents Rise of Ignorance in 'Progressive' Communities
- Full Text: State of the Union Address
- Full Text of Joni Ernst’s Republican Response to 2015 State of the Union
- CNHA, Civic Clubs Team up to Lead Push for Fake Indian Tribe
- US Senate Votes Unanimously to Recognize January 25-31 as National School Choice Week
- Testimony: Felon Gives $70K Cash to Police Chief's Wife in Brown Paper Bag
- Ige: I want to see Kakaako Redevelopment Continue
- Rail: Four Counties Plan GE Tax Hike Testimony for Big Day at Ways and Means
- HART Claims it was Banking on Bus Fund Raid, Rail Deficit Now $910M
- DoE: Corrupt Solar Contract is a Big Disappointment
- Takai Appointed to Natural Resources Ctte, No Mention of Akaka Bill
- Ige's DLIR Pick Withdrawn as Unconstitutional
- Hawaii Police Killed At Least 36 People in 20 Years
- HHSC Reform Tops West Hawaii Lawmakers' Agenda
- Legislators want power to sway HECO decision
- Puna Reps Target Office of Elections after Nago's Latest Disaster
- Maui News: Hospitals Must be Protected from Liability in Home Care Training
- Bills to watch: Creating retail dispensaries for medical marijuana in Hawaii
- New Sex Trafficking Legislation for 2015
- Buffer Zone Bill for Pesticides?
- Hoopili, DR Horton Plant Article in Civil Beat
- Punatic Screams for 45 Minutes Straight at Public Meeting
- Kauai: Uncertified Judge Hears Cases for a Week before Anybody Notices
- 27% of Oahu Restaurants Get Yellow Placard--DOH Inspections Slowed by Incompetent Tech Vendor
- UH Manoa Energy Efficiency Saves Campus $3.4M/year
- Honolulu JPAC whistleblower suit headed to trial
- Tulsi Gabbard only Member of Hawaii Delegation to Join 'No Labels' Campaign at SOTU
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015 |
January 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:06 PM :: 4823 Views
- McCain challenges Jones Act build and ownership requirements
- Duke Aiona Appointed Executive Director of Hawaii Family Advocates
- Republican Statewide Caucuses to Elect Leaders
- Kelii Akina Interviews Danny Kaleikini, Ambassador of Aloha
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted January 20, 2015
- Smoking is a Million Dollar Habit--and Hawaii is More Expensive than Most
- Parker Ranch sells rights to NextEra to Build Giant Windfarm
- Representative Mele Carroll to resign from State House
- HECO Plan Rewards Solar Contractors, Cuts Payments to Solar Consumers
- Hawaii Doctor shortage grows 20% in One Year thanks to Obamacare, EMRs
- Nishihara to Push GE Tax Hike for Rail
- Souki: Council and Mayor Must Both Ask Legislature for Tax Hike
- Saiki: We Expect Unions' Cooperation on HHSC Reform
- Mufi: Time to act now on what is right for Maui Memorial Medical Center
- Hawaii Gov. David Ige wants ratepayers to benefit from $4.3B NextEra-HECO deal
- Ige Admin Talks up NextEra, Windfarms and Big Cable
- HECO plans to reduce customer solar credits
- LNG Will Save Ratepayers $111M/year
- Anti-Pesticide Hype Set to Open Legislature
- Sledgehammer Tom Brower says 'Don't worry about bad publicity' from Homeless' Attack on Golfer
- Trial starts for HPD chief's wife family squabble
- UH in limbo as it waits to hear from NCAA
- Star-Adv Runs Old-News Hit Piece on Sam Slom
- First Wind's assets in Hawai`i to be Sold
- Canada's role in building world's largest telescope in jeopardy
- Usual Suspects Again Challenge Renewal of TV Licenses
- A Look at Civil Forfeiture in Hawaii
- Honolulu Liquor commission email controversy
- 'Everybody who's got an issue' Joins MLK Day Parade
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Monday, January 19, 2015 |
January 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:48 AM :: 3838 Views
- 1959: Martin Luther King Jr Salutes Hawaii Statehood
- OHA Introduces Legislative Package
- 254 Candidates file for Neighborhood Board Elections
- Hawaii Escrow Companies: Federal 'Kickback' Rules Mean Realtors must do the Paperwork
- Could SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage be a chance for Hawaii opponents?
- Hawaii Kolea Medicaid Eligibility System $144M for Years of Failure
- Star-Adv: GE Tax, HHSC top Legislative Agenda for 2015
- Rep Tokioka: Some Believe Kauai Should Close Hospital
- Maui Council: Dope Up the People, Loosen Sunshine Law Requirements
- Calvin Say’s seat still in play—challengers ask for House review
- Back to class for Hawaii's blended Home-schools
- Black Eye for Hawaii: Pro Golfer Robbed by Two Homeless Dudes
- IHS: Mainland people looking to be homeless in Hawaii
- Friends, patients, colleagues turn out in support of embattled doctor
- Industry warns of crippling impact of work stoppage at US ports
- Hawaii One of 11 States With no Judicial Elections
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Sunday, January 18, 2015 |
January 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:48 PM :: 3824 Views
- OHA Chair Lindsey: Rescind CEO’s Authority, Let Staff Know Who is Boss
- Senator McCain’s Jones Act Amendment: Good for America
- New Medicaid Enrollees: Many Need Addiction Treatment
- The Ten Percent Solution
- Spending cuts take priority in Desperate Drive to Fund Union Contracts
- Ige Budget: No Increases for State Programs
- Caldwell Hopes You Don't Notice 12.5% Tax Hike
- Bills advance as Beach is used as excuse for 61% tax hike on Waikiki Businesses
- Sequestration will force tough choices for Army in Hawaii
- Hawaii Congressional Delegates Pretend they're Influential
- Commission rejects Senators' proposal to appoint co-chiefs for HPD
- UH is ill-positioned to take its time seeking a new AD
- Star-Adv: Good ideas for housing finally in mix
- Hawaii Has Highest Proportion of State Employees Per Capita
- Schatz Fishes for Federal Workers Votes With Fake Wage Hike Bill
- Oahu Dems Agree to Let Aaron Johanson into Democratic party
- Chicago No Longer Seems a Lock to Host Obama’s Library
- Former Larry Mehau Property Sells for $5M
- Lava comes closest to Highway 130 since start of flow
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Saturday, January 17, 2015 |
January 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:05 PM :: 5429 Views
- A New Opportunity for Jones Act Reform in Washington, DC
- Pro-Life? Hawaii Ranks 45th
- Dropping Oil Prices Boost Hawaii's Economy
- Ige Names Doug Chin AG, Randy Iwase PUC Chair
- Report: Low Income Students a Majority in Hawaii Public Schools
- Empower Windward: Neighborhood Board Election 2015 Workshop
- Morita Opposes NextEra Merger, Gets Boot
- Morita Doubts NextEra Can Follow Local Business Practices
- Doug Chin was Ige's 7th Pick for AG
- Williamson Chang Claims 65% of DoI Testimony Supported Fake Indian Tribe
- Tulsi Gabbard to Challenge Hirono, Josh Green to Run for ... ?
- AG Opinion: State Senate has Failed to Confirm Deputy Directors (ooops)
- Hirono Opposes McCain Amendment to Jones Act
- Incompetent UH: Royalties 700 times Smaller than Similar-Size Schools
- Thirty Meter Telescope opponents file appeal
- Hawaii lawmaker hopes to protect your digital assets
- Don't create special fund for city park
- Foster Child Recruiter Pleads Guilty to Child Molestation
- Matson's Million Dollar Molasses Fine Illegal, Renamed 'Restitution'
- Hawaiian Airlines Has No Intention of Passing Fuel Savings on to Customers
- ILWU Slowdowns Affecting Hawaii Produce Aisles
- Tulsi Gabbard: Obama Refuses to Recognize Who the Enemy Is
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Friday, January 16, 2015 |
January 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:44 PM :: 4815 Views
- Pono Choices: Proposed Keiki Caucus Bills Would Undermine Parental Rights
- UH Board of Regents Nominees Sent to Ige
- Staff of Bankrupt, Nepotistic Charter School to be Paid Thru End of Month
- Hawaii Defense Foundation Urges Supreme Court to Take Up San Francisco Gun Control Case
- OHA Hires Design Team to Develop Kakaako Makai Plan
- Leeward Coast Third in Homelessness
- Hawaii Obamacare exchange projected to be financially viable — in 2022
- Hawaii state-owned hospitals request $267M for next two years
- Hospital Partnership: Hard to Buy HGEA Lies
- New PUC Docket to Examine Deferring HECO-NextEra Buyout
- OHA, State Officials Discussing Kakaako Makai Land Swap
- AP, NYT, Drudge Suddenly Feature OHA's Push for Fake Indian Tribe
- OHA trains its board members on ethics and on the Sunshine Law
- Kidani: Massive Tax Hike to Fund DoE Should be Considered
- Cancer Center Will Be Out of Money in Two Years Unless Alternative to Tobacco Tax Revenues is Found
- Hotel tax revenue is County Councils' 'top priority'
- GMO faces likely stalemate in state Legislature thanks to Idiot Ruderman
- Sex Trafficking Measures To Be Proposed This Session
- Health Department Flouts Law Calling for Online Access to Care Home Reports
- Electrocution Hazard: Solar Panels Slow Firefighters Down
- Fire union says city breaking contract, wasting tax money
- Homosexual Prostitute Tells His Story
- Snowden to return to Hawaii — via video link
- Traces of pesticides found in water systems
- State proposes 473% rent hike at Kalaeloa Airport
- DLNR Socks Boaters With New Insurance Requirements
- Molokai Group Seeks Control of Fishing Grounds
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Thursday, January 15, 2015 |
January 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 4343 Views
- 1959: Martin Luther King Jr Salutes Hawaii Statehood
- Hawaii Senate Minority announces legislative agenda for 2015
- Sen McCain Introduces Amendment to Repeal Jones Act
- Hawaii Second Highest Taxes on the Poor
- Best Cities for STEM Professionals: Honolulu Ranks 79th
- 241 Candidates File for Neighborhood Board Elections
- Litigation Update: the Affordable Care Act
- You're Paying Double for Sugar
- 2nd Annual Saint Marianne Cope Charity Walk
- "'Integral Yoga' Group and Swami Hope to Find Their Inner Balance in Federal Court"
- Sovereignty Activists Call on OHA to Restart Native Hawaiian Convention
- Richard Epstein to Discuss 'Environmental Deregulation' at UH Richardson Law School
- DCCA Website Compares Car and Homeowner Insurance Rates
- Insurance Risk to Drivers: Hawaii Ranks 20th
- Going forward and looking back at the Honolulu City Council
- Hawaii PUC chairwoman resigns powerful position
- Deferred: Council Saves City Taxpayers from Responsibility for HART Debt
- Tax Cuts proposed for Low Income Hawaii Residents
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation Bets Everything on Stopping Military Cuts in Hawaii
- Legislative Democrats Hint at priorities, say nothing
- MECO: If You Don't Ask for Lower Rates, We Won't Ask for Higher Rates
- Big Wind, Big Cable Coming Back? Friends of Lanai, I Aloha Molokai Request Deferral of HECO-Nextera Merger
- Lock in our Alt-Energy Schemes plan before sale to NextEra, Lobbyists say
- Milner: We Destroyed Working Class Families, now we can Impose Universal Pre-K
- Poor Leaders Like Showoffs Ritte, Hooser Hurt Their Own Protests
- Kauai Anti-Dust Bill Aims at Attacking Seed Growers (Again)
- Civil Beat: Time to End Marijuana Prohibition
- Attorney: Honolulu Police Chief’s Stolen Mailbox ‘An FBI Matter’
- Former HPD cop will spend almost 3 years in federal prison for extortion
- Mental Health Shifting to Civil Service Positions
- UPW: Privatizing Garbage Collection is Unconstitutional
- Hawaiian Airlines CFO Suddenly Gone
- King St Bike Lane: Cyclist Crashes onto Hood of Car, No Fatalities Yet
- Bribery for the People: Restaurants Would Go out of Business under Obama's Latest Freebie
- Japanese Government Demands Censorship of Textbook Written by UH Manoa Prof
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 |
January 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 7376 Views
- No More Neutrality: OHA "prioritizes federal recognition"
- Kalihi: Caldwell to Cut 50% of Lanes from Kam IV Road
- HECO Rolling Blackouts Caused by Lack of Wind
- Star-Adv: Ige Must Seize chance to reform public hospitals
- 63 Homeless Moved into Housing Thanks to New Laws
- Caldwell: May Cost $6B--Gimme $350M or Rail is Pau
- Draft EIS: Transit development in Kakaako could add Hotels, 30,000 new residents
- Kauai HHSC Wipes out Debt With Layoffs, $9M Legislative Appropriation
- FBI Meets Lawyer Today to Hear Evidence Against Chief of Police
- Ethics Violations? Abercrombie's Chief of Staff Says 'Trust Me'
- Nepotistic Charter School Appeals Closure
- Prosecutors mull alleged case of voter fraud
- Alt Energy Lobbyists Top List of 7 possible candidates who could be Hawaii PUC's next chair
- Hawaii DC Democrats Firmly in the Congressional Minority--Votes in Vain
- Takai Hires More Hanabusa Staffers
- Tech lobbyist joins staff of Sen. Schatz
- Commissaries airlifting produce, dairy to Pacific
- Big Island Mayor Signs E-Cig Ban Bill
- Kauai Prosecutor Debunks Smoke Ban Bill
- Hawaii Among Largest Pay Gaps for Disabled
- Hawaii Hepatitis Outbreak: Will DOJ Prosecute USPlabs?
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015 |
January 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:22 PM :: 4724 Views
- Mina Morita Out as PUC Chair
- DoE: "We Expect Lower Test Scores"
- Study: Obamacare Drives Up Medical Costs, But Hawaii Prepaid Protects State
- Sen Jeff Flake to Headline Hawaii Lincoln Day Dinner
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted January 12, 2015
- Management: No Takeaways in Proposed Contract, but ILWU Rejects
- Omidyar's Pay Pal Refuses Service to Gun Stores
- HGEA Boss Admits Private Sector Unions Give Hospital Workers Better Contract than HGEA
- Rail Ends at Ala Moana, But Will Tax Go on Forever?
- Danger: Legislature, governor seem to get along
- Aaron Johanson to Beg Oahu Democrats' Permission to Join Up
- Two State Board Members Fight Release of Financial Disclosure Statements
- Loan Turned to Grant: Now Non-profits Want Same Deal ORI Got
- HPD Learned How to Milk Presidential Overtime Early
- Bag Ban Allows Thicker Plastic Bags -- Prohibits Biodegradable Bags
- Appointed AG: Hawaii Alone and Undemocratic as Yet Another State Goes for Elections
- Forbes: Alt Energy Pressure Drives Utility Mergers
- Sen Green Proposes 30% E-Cig Tax
- Rep Evans: HHSC May Request $120-$220M
- 50 percent of young victims of fatal crashes in 9 US states used alcohol or marijuana
- Medicaid reimbursement for pediatric dental services not keeping up with inflation
- UH nursing, dental hygiene student fees could double next year
- Debunking Anti-GMO Ignorance
- Kauai Counter-Protesters: "I choose a pig and a cow over a haole any day"
- Anti-Agriculture? Hooser Pushes Bill Banning Smoke, Dust
- Sen Ruderman 'Excited' About Pie in the Sky Blimp for Puna
- Filthy Biomess Plant is Top 'Clean' Energy Project in Hawaii
- California, Michigan Companies are only Hawaii Energy Excelerator to Receive Funding
- Push is on to Make Hospitals Responsible for Home Caregivers
- Manoa burglary victim questions why officer didn't stop suspects
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Monday, January 12, 2015 |
January 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:04 PM :: 5388 Views
- IHS: New Laws Pushing Homeless to Accept Shelter
- Which States Receive the Most Federal Aid? -- Hawaii is 47th
- NextEra Merger Timeline: Interest in Hawaiian Electric Began in 2011 With Big Cable
- Danner Sisters Upset Because Ige Won't Let Them Take over Hawaiian Homelands and Turn it into Indian Tribe
- Oahu Begins Idiotic Plastic Bag ban July 1
- HART Shouldn't Suck Blood Bank Dry
- Hawaii Reporter’s Malia Zimmerman Bids Aloha
- State exchanges: Process smoother second time around, but problems persist
- Trask: HECO Strung My Geothermal Scheme Along While Pursuing Merger
- A key driver of our cost of living is the high price of land
- Soft on Crime: Murderer Gets Parole, Allegedly Molests Girl
- Inside Higher Ed: UHWO Prof Sues for Tenure Track
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Sunday, January 11, 2015 |
January 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:07 PM :: 4036 Views
- HGEA Boss: Borreca is an Anti-Union Parrot
- 215 Candidates File for Neighborhood Board Elections
- 2015 Legislative Calendar: A Guide to the Deadlines
- Earned Income Tax Credit – A Solution to Poverty?
- Rail: Cynical City Officials Spinning, Ducking, Dodging and Finger-pointing--Few Believe Them Anymore
- Caldwell: I'm Not Hiding Behind Grabauskas Skirts, Really
- Caldwell: Raise Taxes or I Won't Finish Rail Project
- Borreca: Don't believe predictions of construction job growth
- Taxpayers will likely pay for charter school’s 'Psychic Healer' debt
- New prison key part of broad reform
- Ian Lind Edges into Cartoon Controversy
- Sour Poi for Abercrombie?
- Dope Doctor 'Happy' With Marijuana Dispensary Proposal
- Sanford Dole Led Union Cavalry During Civil War
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Saturday, January 10, 2015 |
January 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 4521 Views
- Last Chance? Maui Memorial Proposes Partnership with Straub, Pali Momi--HGEA Rejects
- Hawaii to Fill Medicaid Fee Shortfall for Six Months
- Video: Will Rail Be De-Railed? - Panos Prevedouros
- Obama’s Hawaii vacation is over, now it’s time for taxpayers to pay tab
- Charlie Hebdo: Liberal Societies Are Not Doing a Very Good Job Defending Their Liberal Values
- Why Free Community College Is Anything But Free
- Hawaii concealed carry law could change
- Omidyar & Civil Beat Spin Conspiracy Theories About Muslim Terror Attacks in France
- Lawyer to meet with FBI on "False and Manufactured Evidence' in chief's case
- Meth-Dealing Cop Gets Sentence Reduced
- General: Downsizing Army Would Reverse Momentum in Pacific
- Hawaiian Electric shareholders to vote on NextEra Energy merger this spring
- Star Adv: State should not appeal court ruling in Child Abuse case
- Economist: Affordable housing change will benefit county
- HI Tech Crowd Revitalizes UH OTTED to Line Pockets
- Tax Cut for Hawaii? House Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Ban Internet Taxes Forever
- Takai Appointed to House Armed Services Committee
- UH seeks new Mauna Kea ‘master lease’
- UH on board with Obama’s community college plan
- Monitoring is vital to stop prescription drug abuse
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Friday, January 9, 2015 |
January 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:41 PM :: 4969 Views
- Hawaii Supreme Court to Review Haleakala Telescope Case
- Students behind the UH Hilo free speech case speak out for the first time
- Budget Leaves State Cash Reserves Dangerously Low
- Would better funding for OIP improve transparency?
- City Files Lien Against Hawaii Kai Sludge Dumper in Waianae
- Top Abercrombie Aide Joins Lobbying Firm Behind Abercrombie's Cabinet
- True Story: Hawaii County Hires Psychologist to Study anti-Geothermal Punatics
- Recycling glass feels good but it's costing Hawaii a lot
- Tranny's School's Charter May be First to be Revoked
- Medicaid Cuts off Hilo's Welfare Doctor, Prosecutes Him
- Kaiser Makes no Offer for MMMC
- Attorneys Question Hawaii PUC’s Approval of Wind Farm
- NextEra: Merger Discussion Began Last May
- HECO Approves Only 6 of 2,749 Solar Systems on Overloaded Circuits
- Campaign to save Hawaii troops hits 10,000 signatures
- Family and friends say goodbye to YWAM Missionary lost at sea
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to be married in April, Groom not Named
- Turnabout: Criminal Cuts Fence, Breaks In to Prison--PSD Still Doesn't Notice
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Thursday, January 8, 2015 |
January 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:08 PM :: 4170 Views
- Malia Zimmerman to work for Fox News Los Angeles
- OHA Trustee "Dump Kanaiolowalu"
- Full Text: Senators Propose Kealoha Hand Control of HPD to 'Co-Chiefs'
- American Cancer Society Hawaii: 6,730 New Cases of Cancer Expected in 2015
- HHSC Maui and HPH -- Solutions for Hospitals' Longevity
- PV in Hawaii 2014: The Roller Coaster Ride
- Star-Adv Editors: Right to Ridicule Islam must be Defended
- Kealoha: I don't need any help from Senators or Co-Chiefs
- SHOPO: Body Cams 'Need to be Negotiated'
- TOD: Vampire Rail Attacks Hawaii Blood Bank, Forces Relocation
- Green: E-Cig Regs to be Top Priority
- Musubi-Gate: 5 Years Later Calvin Say Gives up on Retaliating Against REIT
- Conflict-of-interest clause doesn’t apply to legislators
- Rep Mele Carroll Resigns as Chair of House Human Services Ctte
- Hawaii Co Council votes to settle panhandler civil rights case
- Kauai Council Rejects Pay Hikes
- Inspector General Questions $7.4M Hawaii Homeland Security Spending
- Hawaii Film Office Harasses Photographers
- Gabbard: Solar Tax Credits Will Stay
- Former Kalaheo HS teacher guilty of 'harassment' of Underage Student, Gets $500 Fine
- State to pay $134,000 in death of child
- Hawaii Atheist Wins First Victory in Michigan
- Former Bank of Hawaii CEO Landon's time on Fed board could be short
- Feds Mandate Hawaii Ag Wage $12.98/hr
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Wednesday, January 7, 2015 |
January 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:46 PM :: 4930 Views
- Charlie Hebdo: Martyrs for the Truth
- Ige's Entry into Politics "Approved by President of Hawaiian Tel"
- Rail Tax: Caldwell Hides behind Grabauskas' Skirts
- Thanks to Drop in Oil Prices, There's $55M More in State Revenue Forecast
- The High Price of Wind Energy in Breezy Hawaii
- Usual Suspects Push $38M Sugar Soda Tax -- $2.40 tax for a 6 pak
- HGEA Too Busy to Answer Phones at DLIR Unemployment Office
- Army seeking community reactions to potential cuts
- Tulsi Gabbard Helps Businesses Avoid Obamacare by Hiring Vets
- ILWU Slowdown Means Empty commissary shelves at Hickam
- SHOPO Should Learn from Kauai Experience with Body Cams
- HHSC Tops Kauai Legislators Agenda
- Public Utilities Commission ruling on wind proposal raises questions
- Minimum wage hike draws mixed reaction
- Maui News: Stay away from legal gambling
- Maui: 1,000 Illegal TVRs
- Obamas’ holiday vacation costs more than $277K in police overtime
- Kauai Garden Island Prints More Anti-Dairy Propaganda
- Hawaii looking out for human trafficking on the open sea
- Accountants Disciplined over 'Grossly Negligent' Audit of North Hawaii Community Hospital
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015 |
January 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 5900 Views
- Special Funds Allow State to Dodge Balanced Budget Requirement
- POLITICO: A Bizarre Trip Through the Jones Act Bank
- Big Cable is NextEra's 'Biggest Proposal'
- Help Repeal Kanaiolowalu and Act 195
- Full Text: Health Connector Releases Annual Report
- The "Big Eyes" Have It: Hawaii Courts Again In The Hollywood Spotlight
- Duke Aiona's 808 State Update Hits Airwaves
- Ige Appoints DLIR, Communications
- ILWU Agrees to Federal Mediation of West Coast Port Dispute
- Six Boats Run Aground Due to Winter Storm, One Sailor Missing
- Mufi: HART Crying Wolf When there is no Crisis
- $1000/day for 20 Years: State Paying Millions to Lease Empty Lot
- Ige Renegotiating HGEA-HHSC Contracts
- HGEA Will Stall, Talk, then Block Ige
- Health Connector Will Hemorrhage Money for Next Eight Years, Demands $28M
- Bumbling Hawaii Health Connector Can't Handle its own job, Makes HMSA do it
- Ige's Budget Shortchanges OIP
- Takai Touts Brokerage, Consultancy as 'Small Business'
- Kahuku ‘Is Going To Be Surrounded by Wind Turbines’
- PV in Hawaii 2014: The Roller Coaster Ride
- Anti-Dairy Protesters Are a Bunch of Hypocrites
- Airport 'Wants to get rid of' Lei Vendors
- ACLU May Use Hawaii Co Case to Overturn Panhandling Ban
- Hawaii lawmakers considering more regulation on dentists
- UPW Suing City over Trash Hauling Privatization
- Accreditation at Risk: Honolulu Zoo director quits; 4th in 5 years
- Sex Offender Finally Gets Some Real Time
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Monday, January 5, 2015 |
January 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 3882 Views
- Lawsuit: OHA Uses Corporations to Sidestep Open Meetings Law, Loot Assets, Line Cronies' Pockets
- Hawaii Election 2014: Public Sector Unions Defeat Private Sector Unions
- No Health Benefit from Cigarette Tax Hikes
- Kelii Akina: 2014 Business Year in Review with Kam Napier
- Kelii Akina Interviews Kalbert Young on Hawaii Government Financial Condition
- Ige: Abercrombie's Labor Agreements Cost More than State Revenues
- UH special funds due for overhaul
- Waikiki Beach Erosion Latest Excuse for Tax Hikes
- Mother seeks more oversight on dental safety a year after Finley Boyle's death
- Pedestrian Run Over by Kauai Police
- DLNR Bungling Shuts Down Dive Tour Operators Unnecessarily
- Another Welfare Cheat Busted
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Sunday, January 4, 2015 |
January 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:10 PM :: 4235 Views
- Lottery as the Most Practical Path to Wealth?
- Fraud, Extravagant Expenditures: OHA Sued over Makaweli Poi Mill
- Theilen: Hawaii Republican Caucus has grown socially conservative
- Teachers Speak up for Common Core
- Oahu's pedestrian fatality rate climbed last year despite safety efforts
- Great minds offer advice to isle leaders for new year
- Small business group lost its tax-exemption prior to disbanding
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Saturday, January 3, 2015 |
January 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 4538 Views
- Aiona: Johanson Defection Solidifies Imbalance of State Government
- 168 Candidates File for Neighborhood Board Elections
- Auditor: State Policies Create Barrier to Glass Recycling
- DHS Gives Medicaid Doctors Six-Month Reprieve from 48% Pay Cut
- West Coast Port Slowdowns Worsen: ILWU, PMA Blame Each Other
- Councilmembers Scheme to Extend GE Tax Override
- 6% of Hawaii Will Owe Tax Fine for Not Buying Insurance
- Oil Price Drops 50%, MECO oh-so-generously Decides not to Hike Rates
- Maui County energy commissioner steps down, may take job as NextEra consultant
- California firm's $90M North Shore Oahu wind farm approved
- Puna Evacuation Could be Used to Pave Way for Mobil Home Parks in Hawaii
- Maui Council Elect New Committees, Leadership
- Honolulu Council to Tackle TVRs
- Marijuana Doctor Faces Corruption Charges, Loses License--Gets Free Ride from KITV
- Kauai Anti-Diary Activists Invoke Public Trust Doctrine? Really?
- Some lawmakers disagree with complete fireworks ban
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Friday, January 2, 2015 |
January 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 3592 Views
- Chinese Consortium Makes Binding Offer to Buy Parent Company of Honolulu Rail Contractor
- Big Wind: NextEra, Sierra Club Team up for Corporate Welfare
- Full Text: Stockholder Suit Challenges HECO-NextEra Merger
- Legislative Budget Hearings Set
- NextEra Planning Offshore Windfarms for Hawaii?
- TAT Revenues on Track for Another Record Year
- A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole With Milk Price Controls
- Mainland Enviros Continue to Whine About Hawaii Longline Fisheries
- Not too Late to Convert Rail to Busway
- Department of Health: More contamination likely along rail route
- Settlement over Kauai police shooting death
- Kauai Council 2015 priority: Get Over GMOs
- Disgusting Organic Cheese Infected with Listeria
- State Official: Hawaii Needs Easier Access to Marijuana
- CO, WA Officials: We Must do More to Drive Customers into Pot Shops
- Beyond Gay Marriage: Trannies Being Pushed into Military, Schools, Sports
- Inequality: Collapse of Nuclear Family Drags Down Working Class, not Educated Elite
- Lava Flow: Puna Push for Harbor, Airstrip
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Thursday, January 1, 2015 |
January 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 3865 Views
- Newly-Elected OHA Trustee Calls for Repeal of Act 195
- House Republican Caucus announces new leadership for 2015
- Can You Say 'Train Wreck'?
- SHOPO Sues City to Block Release of Police Disciplinary Records
- Ige Announces Seven New Appointments
- Star-Adv: HART, DoTax Bungling Puts GE Tax Hike on Agenda for 2015
- Nothing Solved: 2014 Problems Carry over to 2015
- Anti-GMO Activists Take Aim at Legislature
- Media treating police chief’s wife with kid gloves?
- Obama Library Would Cost UH Millions
- Kauai Rally Demands Water for Golf Course, not for Dairy Farm
- Anti-Smart Meter Activist Runs Kauai TVR
- Defender of downsizing slams city effort
- City employee alleges drinking at workplace
- DLNR Employees' tribute to Aila
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