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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for January 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 31, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 11249 Views

Hawaii's school board needs to be fixed, say three ex-governors and Hamamoto (FAKE REFORMS--HOPING TO TRICK THE ELECTORATE INTO DOING NOTHING)

Democrat Advertiser: (Not) Time for better way to pick school board   (Don’t put it on the November ballot)

'Clock is ticking' on furloughs: BOE disputes claim it's stonewalling on Lingle's proposal

SB vs HSTA: Tax hike not the solution

Say what! To close a widening budget gap, the House leader asks for an array of tax hikes, benefit cuts and even a casino  (and a health insurance tax)

Lingle: Lawmakers Hid Votes On Civil Unions

Herkes comes out against HHSC privitization

Rep. Morita reaches out online to tax your breath  (Shows what is at stake in Gubernatorial election)

Honolulu rail would be safer at ground level, AIA contends

Big isle Car, truck sales on fumes in '09

Lanaians looking for a means of survival: Economy on edge with employment limited and construction stopped

FEEL-GOOD: Hawaii County to consider new bid to ban plastic shopping bags

Oahu crime up 6%; increase mostly in property crime

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Saturday, January 30, 2010
January 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:01 PM :: 6842 Views

Hold” placed on Akaka Bill in Senate could effectively prevent passage

House Tables Civil Union Bill Indefinitely

Couple helped ignite debate: They sparked struggle for civil rights (sic) in Isles, but never saw it happen

Re-inventing Government: Five key reforms to save money (Commission backs constitutional amendment to dump BoE) 

Lawmakers Consider Casino Gaming in Waikiki (to feed the corporatist State)

Most crime in Hawaii linked to drugs, says law agency official

State audit of DBEDT critcizes use of private funds for overseas trade missions

ADV: City must pass bills on tents, carts in parks

SB: L.A.'s medical marijuana troubles hold lessons

Committee Kills Bill To Hike Soda Tax (didn’t tax enough drinks)

School board's Cochran (HSTA flunkey) to run for Maui County Council (rat jumps sinking ship)

MCC to become 4-year Maui College

State Boots Student Display From Capitol  (gay ‘families’ remain)

Senators To Vote On Kubo Nomination Next Week

Omidyar-backed sustainable-ag group takes over Maui's Kapalua Farms

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Saturday, January 30, 2010
January, 2010 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:56 AM :: 6706 Views

“Dear DIIOTS” -- from a Democrat wanna-be Legislator  

Dumb and Dangerous Legislation

Take the $ out of politic$

Pro-railers claim naysayers are small minority

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Friday, January 29, 2010
January 29, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:02 PM :: 9495 Views

Gay Civil Unions to face “indefinite postponement”?

Hanauma Dec 29: Did Mufi threaten retaliation against Obama?

Lawmakers are gambling that isle residents going to Vegas will be willing to pay a $10 fee to avoid state taxes if they win big later

Hawaii Department of Education Whistleblowers- 'Bell System Contracts' Waste School Repair Money 

Governor, mayor at odds over financing for rail

Kauai County to pay $7.5M in Ka Loko settlement

Vote on Kubo deadlocked

A&B to continue Maui sugar at least through 2010

Kenoi fights back against TAT attack

Plans call for higher commercial fees, additional restrictions next year

County Buys 151 Acres of North Kohala Coastline Property (Open Space)

Hilo club owner vs. county is on again (Dep’t of Retaliation)

Officials mull management of Kalaupapa – to DHHL?

Kaiser union workers rally over job security

Officials shut 18 voting sites on island

RNC Meeting: Steele Comes to Honolulu with Proof of Principle

Senate Committee Hearing: OHA to be audited?

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Thursday, January 28, 2010
January 28, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:17 PM :: 12051 Views

Abercrombie backs renewed Obamacare push

Obama's answer for America: more of me

Republicans Hope To Claim Seats In Islands

SB: Republicans envision coup with Djou

Governor Lingle Fires Back at “bully” Mayor Hannemann

HSTA proposes increase in taxes to fund schools

Guards from Hilo jail picket UPW office

Under OHA attack: A&B board expected to make a decision on whether to keep growing sugar on Maui

Justice and safety at risk, Moon warns

Council bills are aimed at homeless in parks

Foreclosures running high

SB: Civil unions bill deserves decision now

Hawaii needs commission to attract sports events, Aiona says

Aiona defends likely County TAT cut -- Legislature backing away from more tax increases

Maui News polls Tax Increases

EBay Founder Talks To UH

County eyeing water rate increases

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
January 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:52 AM :: 10351 Views

Mufi: “I have no thoughts of resigning soon”

SB: Don't further centralize Hawaii schools

Tourism Recovery will be slow, despite an expected uptick in arrivals and spending

GOP kicking off national strategy session in Isles

Boylan: Hawaii Republican leaders “Closer to the truth than some of the Democrats like to admit"

Democrat Borreca: Lingle's political math mostly about subtraction

Democrat Borreca: National GOP aids island hopefuls

Lingle plan halves employers' tax hike

Hawaii gas prices above 'cap' level of suspended law

ADV: Clear disclosure vital in political spending

Maui Business leaders like Lingle proposals

University of Hawaii faculty approve “cost-cutting” contract with two pay increases

UPW to picket UPW in Hilo


Fewer registered vehicles on Big Isle

Strategies shared at zero waste forum

4 men accused of phone plot had conservative ties

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
January 26, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 AM :: 8814 Views

House may not have votes for civil unions

State of the State Address: Full Text

ADV: Lingle proposes business stimulation incentives

An amended shell bill (SB404) could speed up movement of rainy day funds, says state Rep. K. Mark Takai

Rail opponent Panos Prevedouros to run for mayor

Big Island lawmakers mull fall elections

Abercrombie pretends to blast furloughs

POLITICO: Hawaii (is the only place on earth) still crazy about Obama

Jim Kelly named to Advertiser editorial post

Island landlords lowering prices, offering incentives for the first time in years

Better Place raises $350 million in financing for electric car plans

Illegal concrete fill helped rare stilts

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Monday, January 25, 2010
January 25, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:48 PM :: 7498 Views

Hooser, Hanabusa predict HB444 will bring gay marriage back before Courts

State of State: Lingle to focus on Hawaii's recovery

With win behind them, Brown strategists are in demand (in Hawaii)

Democrat Bulletin: Republican gathering in Waikiki comes at a time of internal strife

Law that sank Superferry could also halt rail transit  (Blame game begins!)

2 former staffers oppose Kubo  (typical Dem bs--Kubo will not be judge)

ADV instructs Mazie Hirono to stop being such a bone-headed socialist

Former OHA trustee to head Hawaii Democrats

Hawaii needs to reform its health care system, too (by Hospital Assn Head)

CRCH Faculty: Greenwood conducted fake search for Cancer Center head 

SB: Flawed ruling intensifies push for clean (socialized) elections

Abercrombie (D-Hezbollah) out as chair of Terrorism Subcommittee

International Study nails Honolulu as least affordable US housing market (8.2 times median income)

Kalapa: Yes, even a white lie can come back to haunt

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Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 24, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:30 AM :: 8700 Views

Same-sex marriage issue has endured a long fight in Hawaii

ADV: Teachers union asking lawmakers to set aside funds to end furloughs

SB: HSTA, heed idea to improve teacher quality

Windmills a source of green power, conflict

Hirono: ‘I would vote against’ Senate health care bill

County looks to preserve its TAT share

ADV: Elevated system best deal for taxpayers

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Saturday, January 23, 2010
January 23, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:57 AM :: 6998 Views

SB: State Senate passes civil unions bill

Maui News: Lawmakers say stage set for passage

Gabbard gets court order against activist

Chief reassures public, says Waialae-Kahala beatings 'not a random act'  (no, it is a predictable consequence of soft-on-crime policies)

Tough year tests resolve to hit priorities

Political winds bode ill for future of Akaka Bill  (1820, 2010 Massachusetts saves Hawaii again)

Blocked on $250M money grab, OHA goes for $200M

GOP seeks to mandate 180 school days a year

Local Bloggers perk up on Djou campaign

Panel's ruling on Lāna'i water issue questioned

Central Oahu subdivision would create 5,000 homes

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Friday, January 22, 2010
January 22, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:28 AM :: 10029 Views

Hawaii Family Forum calls for action: Senate to hear HB444 Gay Civil Unions Friday

Hooser ‘cautiously optimistic’ Senate has the votes to pass HB444

Campaign law change could color race for Congress

State Sen. Espero considering run for Abercrombie's Congressional seat

SB: Independents gaining clout

Hold that Train (tax raid vs Mufi)

Law enforcement backs stiffer penalties for violence

Honolulu home to nation’s second-worst traffic jam

Health care is threatened by Arbitrator’s ruling on UPW furloughs

UH System asks Lawmakers for Help

UHPA members begin contract ratification vote

Total Ka Loko civil settlement amount is set at $25.4 million

Couch fined for exceeding out of state donation limits

New-car sales plunge in Hawaii

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Thursday, January 21, 2010
January 21, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 9520 Views

Boylan: Patient Aiona Ready To Lead

Djou Hopeful In Wake Of GOP Win In Mass.

GOP Senate victory boosts hope for Djou's campaign

`This is my truck'

Isles' senators stay committed to Akaka Bill

Much work ahead, Isle lawmakers say (Guard your wallet!)

Shirokiya to lay off 50 due to threat of Unemp Comp Tax hike

SB: DOE stays in the race

ADV: Schools chief should have some autonomy (against Constitutional Amendment, no surprise here)

HSTA names interim executive director

Tax dollars could help patch up private roads

Marijuana bills to be introduced

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
January 20, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:21 PM :: 9575 Views

Senate will deal with civil union bill immediately; a vote is likely Friday

Clock's ticking on Akaka bill in overloaded Congress

Independent voters are election wild card

Poll shows Carlisle with 67% to 18% lead in so-far fictional mayoral race

Money's the matter as Isle lawmakers begin 60-day session (Danger! Legislature in Session)

TAT status up for council discussion  (Kokubun: “Raise Taxes”)

Bottle fee could cut furloughs  (Danger! Legislature in Session)

Hawai‘i Chamber pushing for unemployment tax break

6th district lawmakers face tough ’10 session (J Kalani “Powdernose” English has a plan to ‘blow” your money)

Let governor appoint Hawaii schools superintendent, Lingle proposes

ADV: Race to the Top needs all hands on deck

Companies oppose school bus cuts

Crime bill would put 'halo' around schools

The Healthcare Association is asking again for the state money

Kaiser employees picket over loss of pharmacy work

Chevron to shrink refining business

2% Land fund may return to ballot

Kauai County share of Pflueger settlement to be released

Hawaii Air National Guard, Air Force crews part of Haiti relief

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:07 PM :: 12317 Views

Rally at Capitol: 15,000 against Gay Civil Unions

Feds: "City will need a stronger financial plan" before moving forward with Rail Transit

Case holds lead over Hanabusa and Djou (Case 52%-Djou 21%), (Hanabusa 43%-Djou 36%)

State's labor, fiscal woes cut Lingle's popularity

Honolulu rail forum draws opponents, supporters of planned commuter line

ADV: City rail committee didn't keep minutes: But state office says it was exempt from law requiring them

Hawaii governor says state won't fund pay raises for UH faculty

City-state effort can ease school-bus woes

Governor Linda Lingle Speaks to Improving Hawaii's Business Climate

SB: Legislators must show courage, leadership (by passing Gay Civil Unions)

Shapiro: Maui tripping (J Kalani "powdernose" English)

S., W. Maui legislators: Protect what’s already there (by raising taxes)

WHT: Legislature faces bleak budget (TAXES, TAXES, AND MORE TAXES)

Hawaiians mark key event in Hawaii history and reject Akaka Bill

Rents for office space down 3.5%

JAL to cut jobs, pensions, routes

Hawaiian Telcom vs. Oceanic Time Warner (fiber optic competition to cable tv)

Homelessness Issue hits home in Chinatown

Hawaii Coast Guard crews fly quake relief missions in Haiti (Superferry going to Haiti) 

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Monday, January 18, 2010
January 18, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:56 PM :: 8360 Views

Abercrombie 9% ahead of Aiona, Hannemann 6% ahead of Aiona

Only two Options considered for balancing state budget (you guessed it, tax increase, and raid on special funds)

Tax Increase tops Greenies' wish list for 2010 ($100/barrel tax on oil)

UH aims for sustainable education  (More brainwashing)

Ocean cleanup a critical task

Transit ex-directors support elevated rail  (Mufi tries to salvage candidacy)

MLK Day observed in Hawaii

Hilo roots help drive state's interim DOE superintendent

Kalapa: Yardstick provided by Council on Revenues

SB: A blow against slavery

For Time Warner, Isles are a gold mine

 Sen J Kalani "Powdernose" English will take aim at reforming laws for cannabis

ADV: Cooperation could yield trash solution

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Sunday, January 17, 2010
January 17, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:07 AM :: 9102 Views

Civil union debate could spur political action from all sides

Case takes early lead

'No simple answers' as lawmakers consider tapping funds, raising taxes (they're 'simply' going to raise the GET)

Search for revenue (TAX INCREASE) looms as top mission (ADV editors explain how to pitch a GET hike)

UHPA, UH administration reach tentative labor agreement

Activities honor King's memory

Young Bros. and Pasha Hawaii await a decision on whether the shipping services can compete

Timeshares weather storm: During the prolonged downturn, their occupancy levels have outpaced hotels

Kenoi wants to raise money for land purchases by selling property

Rotarians pull together to help Haiti

A new breed of paparazzi descends on placid Maui

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Saturday, January 16, 2010
January 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:00 AM :: 8922 Views

Cox: BOE rift may be irreparable

Hawaii will cut pay or furlough hospital, EMS, prison staffers

University of Hawaii faculty paychecks cut 6.7%; TRO hearing date still not set

Hawaii: Leaving Home is an Economic Indicator

Members criticize ‘ridiculous’ 50-cent fuel tax proposal

SB: State should kick its habit of raiding tobacco fund

Honolulu rail project piles up legal fees — $635,000 so far  (already preparing for enviro lawsuit)

Council kills windmill bill

Obama Security Costs HPD $250K In OT

Maui Pine may lose its listing on NYSE

Lawmakers want faster tax breaks for Haiti donations

Kauai path will be shifted from "sacred" sand

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Friday, January 15, 2010
January 15, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 9678 Views

Hanabusa suggests Case is sexist

$1.3M sought for special election

Just another union flunkey: Matayoshi claims HSTA, HGEA support RTTT and DoE had no choice on furloughs

Hawaii schools close again with no deal on furloughs

Will school reform talk bring action?

Hawaii Laborers' Union election under scrutiny (again)

Honolulu council shelves plan to rename park for Obama

Pflueger trial to remain on Kaua‘i

In tough times, Maui council aims for more affordable housing

Ka'u could get emergency evacuation shelter

Top 10 Outrageous Facts About the Hawaii State Teachers’ Association

Hawaii medical care system: Hilo Doctor Autopsies Still Living, Bleeding To Death, Patient

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Thursday, January 14, 2010
January 14, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:01 PM :: 8417 Views

Djou gets most applause at small business meet

Case: Hanabusa cannot lead the Senate while running for Congress

Case called disrespectful over use of Mink's photo: "Stop using his picture to salve your conscience"

Soetoro-Ng endorses Mehau associate Schatz

Furloughs a wild card

Lawmakers discuss priorities at town meeting

Tax increase eyed to fund homelessness industry

State Foreclosures Surge: Jump in December pushes monthly and year-end totals to their highest since 2005

Pflueger continues to face 7 manslaughter counts

Slain Hawaii toddler's drug-dealing father sues mother, accused killer, State

Actress, other women allege abuses by Hawaii's Family Court

City settles with state for $300,000 over sewage

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
January 13, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:44 PM :: 17854 Views

Democrat Borreca: Hanabusa-Case fight could be gift for GOP  (Case "untrustworthy and disloyal")

SB: Don't let cost deter special House race

State tax revenues drop 8.3% since July

SB: Bishop's call to block civil unions offends bill advocates (Rally January 17)

Still No Agreement On School Furloughs

Army needs to make case for Makua plan

Honolulu rail project architects defend plan for elevated route

Kauai: OHA Again fails to steal single family home from owner

Politics of the River Street Project

Final Co-Conspirator in Las Vegas Methamphetamine Trafficking Organization Sentenced to Life in Prison by Hawaii Federal Judge

$7.4M windfall can't offset shortfall; land sale, tax hike still on the table

Little paid, benefits questioned

Getting tough on illegal use of fireworks comes at price

No penalty for trash backlog

Clinton says U.S. is 'back in Asia,' hails diversity of Isles

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
January 12, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:04 PM :: 8298 Views

Cast Your ballot: Abercrombie nominated "2009 Porker of the Year"

Case calls Inouye's remarks incorrect

SB: Put same-sex civil unions on the table

Matayoshi Confirmed as Hawaii Department of Education Interim Superintendent

Abercrombie on Furloughs: "Minimize the bureaucratic levels" in DoE "without cutting back bureaucracy"

ADV: Time for silent majority to step up on rail  (and save Mufi's candidacy)

FOIA Release Shows Mufi fears Leg raid on Rail Fund

Kokubun: No changes seen for Senate leadership

9-11 Trooothers challenge Army's DU request

Aloun Farms owners to admit to illegally importing farm laborers

Kahala Panty Burglar gets five years

Council committee to consider bulky trash fine

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Monday, January 11, 2010
January 11, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 PM :: 9387 Views

Aiona's gubernatorial campaign stresses 'balance'

Senators expect movement on Akaka Bill

Brian Schatz joins motley crew running for lieutenant governor

Students React to UH Budget Shortfall

Clinton's Pacific itinerary criticized

Cancer center deal benefits all stakeholders

Local 5 Kaiser workers plan for a strike

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Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:03 PM :: 10825 Views

DANGER: Hawaii acting schools chief Matayoshi praised widely as good choice for permanent job

Senators boost Hanabusa: Inouye, Akaka hope to take revenge on Ed Case  (the increasingly hollow old boys' last hurrah?)

State needs $1M to hold May special election  (Mercado Kim still trying to delay election shows Hanabusa weakness)

Public worker retirement soars

SB: Don't raid hotel tax funds -- raise taxes instead

Honolulu airport car-rental hub envisioned to help visitors

Prof: UH can balance budget without gutting faculty

Wind, waste-to-energy not among plan’s $1.5B renewables -- but a 50 cent a gallon gas tax is

Castle & Cooke may use Lanai aquifer; environmentalists decry decision

Furlough Fridays raise residents' hackles

Kakaako homeless cleanup

Hawaii County joblessness down to "only" 10%

Kauai mom with 3 kids, 66 arrests gets decade in prison

Snobs snubbed: Hawaii fireworks ban not a Capitol priority

Fidell: Let's start doing more to develop local agriculture

Anti-Superferry protester: Obama as Bush

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Saturday, January 9, 2010
January 9, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:09 PM :: 11341 Views

GTMO Greenwell accuses Hawaii police of "eating children"

Lingle proposes new plan to eliminate Furlough Fridays

Hawaii governor says she doesn't want Legislature to take up bill on civil unions

Poll finds Mississippi folk most faith-centered; Hawaii below average

Lingle says Honolulu rail project needs 'adjustment' due to recession

Hotel occupancy falls in Hawaii in November

Hawaii Department of Education gets new chief information officer

Women ordered out of prison where Isle inmates complained of abuse

Hawaiian Airlines Flight Passenger Facing Federal Charges

University of Hawaii cancer center, hospitals team up (unless Leg raids Cigarette Tax Fund for feed HGEA)

Shipping our 'opala an imperfect solution

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Friday, January 8, 2010
January 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:28 AM :: 14826 Views

Senate Expect To Pass Civil Unions Bill: Opponents, Supporters Prepare To Rally On Issue

BOE chair Toguchi rejects calls for his resignation (another unaccountable board at work)

Rail may outpace funding by $322M

UH faculty union seeks injunction to halt pay cuts

Resist the urge to dismantle elections panel (another unaccountable board at work)

Housing authority chooses new leader  (another unaccountable board at work)

Top Ten Most Outrageous Findings from the 2009 DOE Procurement Audit

Hawaii House Leader Criticizing Governor on Budget Plans, But Doesn't Offer His Own Solutions

Telescope EIS faces delays

County portion of Ka Loko settlement coming?

DOH cuts Kaua‘i positions

Smuggled-in fireworks expose security flaw

Democrat Lawyer announces candidacy for Djou's City Council seat

Clinton to meet with Japanese foreign minister while in Hawaii

Governor nominates DCCA Dir Reifurth to Intermediate Court of Appeals

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Thursday, January 7, 2010
January 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 12191 Views

TAX INCREASE # 1--Lawmakers Kokubun, Mercado  urge Hawaii counties to impose new 5% sales tax (how to finish off the economy)

TAX INCREASE # 2--ADV: Tax diversion won't erase revenue woes (Adv to LEG -- raise taxes!)

TAX INCREASE # 3--Don’t take TAT – Maui mayor (1/2% GET Increase on agenda )

TAX INCREASE # 4--Energy plan calls for 50¢ gas tax

Lingle rejects union-BOE proposal

UH, faculty to resume talks

Legislature cuts 5 recess days in 2010

Hawaii Department of Education Procurement Audit, Part II, Details Insider Dealing, Waste and Alleged Corruption

Hawaii's Compulsory Health-Care System Is No Model

Hawaii Co. Council rejects resolution to decriminalize pakalolo

Isle recovery is pondered

Kenoi presents budgetary wish list to state lawmakers 

Local Police Escorts for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Cost Hawaii County More Than $21,000

Honolulu City Council Member Dela Cruz Introduces Legislation to Audit the Delay in the Shipping of Solid Waste

Snob Bulletin: Fireworks Ban Long Overdue

Hume's comments on Buddhism, Tiger Woods upset faithful

An Upheaval to Remember: 2010 is shaping up to be a rare year in American politics

Obamacare, COFA, and the upcoming $350M State budget gap: Lingle vs Congressional Delegation

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January 6, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:56 AM :: 11259 Views

Constitutional Amendment: Aiona Proposes Hawaii Elect Secretary of State

OHA to make case for (NEW) Akaka bill during live television broadcasts

Cayetano puts trust in Matayoshi: Others question whether the acting schools chief can indeed make hard decisions

SB: Welcome Hamamoto to labor talks

Kauai: Arakaki open to being state DoE superintendent

UH won't rescind faculty pay cuts

Across-the-board cuts in Hawaii budget criticized at hearing

Tax delinquencies prompt relief consideration

Fed judges: Wash. felony inmates should get vote (could set precedent for Hawaii)

Deputy sheriff arrested in child rape

Forbes ranks Bankoh as top performer of nation's largest 100 banks

Waihee's Ex-cemetery chief will get out of jail

Trash may finally be shipped to Washington next month

Court bolsters public access to beaches

Quakes, tsunami strike Solomon Islands

American pirates' Anti-whaling vessel damaged in clash with Japanese ship that it was attacking 

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:06 PM :: 14658 Views
  1. The Teamsters Production Unit: Jim Dooley connects dots thru Honolulu underworld to Obama  (Must read) 
  2. Official wants special election ASAP
  3. New Elections Chief grilled about special election
  4. Hawaii may hold a special congressional election in May
  5. Matayoshi being pitched as outsider to keep the DoE out of the next Governor's control
  6. SB: Interim schools chief to enter fray
  7. ADV: Hearings need strict environmental focus
  8. Median sale price of Honolulu homes fell by 7.9 percent in 2009
  9. UH faculty's union files class grievance against Greenwood
  10. Schools open new year with fee increases
  11. Mesa Air Group files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
  12. Kalapa on Special Funds: Yes, the state has money to pay its bills 
  13. Big Isle bovines getting waterbeds
  14. Hawaii County Plastic bag ban
  15. Iran, Cuba buying influence in Solomon Islands
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Monday, January 4, 2010
January 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:44 AM :: 5708 Views

A bureaucrat, not a leader: Hamamoto just gave up and walked away (with 4 days notice)

Acting schools superintendent, BOE chair to speak on vacancy at 3PM

Makua Valley eyed for counterinsurgency, road bomb training

Hawaii will probably hold public hearings on Honolulu rail transit  (Mufi's candidacy twists in wind)

SB: Failed anti-rail effort reveals Charter flaw

Budget cuts eliminate post moves job of HIV advocate to different department

Project HOPE boosts success of probation

Water problems keep Gartley Hall unusable

Watson: Dear Mr. President... 10 for 2010

OK, but ...

Maui News: 2000 to 2010 decade in review: Fear at center of Y2K set tone for the next 10 years

Test papayas for genetic modification

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Sunday, January 3, 2010
January 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 PM :: 5641 Views

Honolulu rail behind schedule, with construction start unclear

ADV: UH stalemate can't be left for courts to fix

Land sale may fund campus

Maui Political shakeup in makeup for ’10

Britain might withdraw 1 Mauna Kea telescope

The demand is there for locally grown food

ADV: Americans anticipating better times

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Saturday, January 2, 2010
January 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 10285 Views

Legislators to Honor The One: Celebrate Obama Day at Obama Park, or cheer for Obama High

Cayetano's DCCA boss Kathryn Matayoshi to take up reins of DoE (left behind the mess that Mark Recktenwald cleaned up)

Hamamoto still in furlough talks

Hamamoto decision 'personal'

SB: Settle UH labor dispute out of court, reasonably

Hawaii's unemployment fund forecast a bit less gloomy

Judge Hara grants UH Motion To Dismiss KAHEA’s Mauna Kea CMP Lawsuit

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Friday, January 1, 2010
January 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:52 PM :: 15256 Views

Hamamoto resigned DoE -- FIVE DAYS AGO!  (Resigned same day latest HSTA/DoE furlough offer was rejected)

Inouye confident Akaka Bill issues will be resolved

ADV: Inouye implies Abercrombie backers lying (more on Akaka bill)

Economic troubles shroud political races

TSA lapse helps gain not guilty verdicts

No rail work 'til May--then lawsuit

ADV: Reshaping government a key goal for 2010

Hawaii taxpayers on hook for $1.5M in Kaloko Dam settlement

Crime on Oahu surges 6 percent

Hawaii first in nation to require home solar water heaters (tax credit gone, replaced by mandate)

New company to take over Maui pineapple operations

Rejected amendment has no impact on Kauai County Charter, legal opinion says

Big Isle's pot pulse is sought

Hearing set for proposed Kona project

New beach land is public, court says

Snob Advertiser: Public must rally against illegal fireworks (another excuse to raise taxes)

Enviro Activist: Close UH for whole year to gauge its usefulness

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Land and Power in Hawaii

Lessons in Firearm Education

Lingle Years

Managed Care Matters -- Hawaii

Missile Defense Advocacy

MIS Veterans Hawaii

NAMI Hawaii

National Parents Org Hawaii

NFIB Hawaii

NRA-ILA Hawaii


OHA Lies

Opt Out Today

Patients Rights Council Hawaii

Practical Policy Institute of Hawaii

Pritchett Cartoons

Pro-GMO Hawaii

Rental by Owner Awareness Assn

Research Institute for Hawaii USA

Rick Hamada Show

RJ Rummel

School Choice in Hawaii

Talking Tax

Tax Foundation of Hawaii

The Real Hanabusa

Time Out Honolulu

Trustee Akina KWO Columns

West Maui Taxpayers Association

Whole Life Hawaii