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Friday, August 31, 2012
August 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:11 PM :: 6865 Views

Anti-Rail Candidate Sam Aiona Running for Honolulu Council Dist 6

Thirteen Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election

Six Candidates File to Run in Maui OHA Trustee Special Election

DLNR Releases State Historic Preservation Five-Year Plan

VIDEO: Dylan Nonaka Leads Pledge of Allegiance at Republican National Convention

Mitt Romney speech to GOP convention (Full Text, Video)

Native Peoples Call for Recognition, Consultation on Climate Change

Souki’s willing to replace Say if change is in order in House

MN: "It's one of the oldest reasons there is in politics," Souki said. "You have the haves and the have-nots, who want to be the haves. It comes down to power. Everybody wants to be in a certain position to make choices.

"It's not like they think the leadership is doing a terrible job. It's just that everybody thinks they can do better. That's the very nature of politics," Souki said….

The behind-the-scenes lobbying is occurring now because a couple weeks after the general election - with the Democrats likely to maintain their big majority - the speaker must reorganize the committee heads, both Souki and Say said.

On Thursday, Say, 60, said that he has no idea why these "dissidents" are trying to dump him and court the 79-year-old Souki, other than for more chairpersonships.

Souki doesn't like the term "dissidents." They are just the other side of Say's voting bloc with some different views, he said.

"I don't know who the competition is," Say said of the supposedly younger, liberal members. "I've always tried my best in finding out what their goals are. I think most of them have been chairs or in leadership roles. I don't know why they are pursuing this, unless they just want this office abstractly.

When asked why these lawmakers would want part of the old guard as their new speaker, Souki said that's because he often breaks from the party line.

"I still have a little fire in me," he said with a laugh. "Some call me the conscience of the House. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I explain to people what's really happening."

He said he's also a mentor to a lot of those "others."

read … War among Democrats

Yoshimoto, HELCO demand Independent Power Producers renegotiate contracts

HTH: County Councilman J Yoshimoto wants Hawaii Electric Light Co. to more aggressively renegotiate its power purchase agreements in order to lower rates to electric customers by delinking costs of alternative energy from the price of fossil fuel.

Yoshimoto, chairman of the council’s Committee on Agriculture, Water and Energy Sustainability, has sponsored a resolution to that effect that’s scheduled to be heard at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Hilo council chambers. The public can testify in person in Hilo, or by videoconference from the West Hawaii Civic Center or the Waimea or Pahoa council offices.

While the nonbinding resolution doesn’t carry the weight of law, Yoshimoto said he hopes public support will motivate the electric company and the various power producers to consider the public’s benefit and help bring electric rates down….

Yoshimoto points to HELCO’s application last year to purchase an additional 8 megawatts of power from Puna Geothermal Venture, bringing the total to 38 megawatts. HELCO estimated the expansion would reduce a typical residential customer’s bill by $1.67 in 2015.

When approving the deal, the Public Utilities Commission expressed its own disappointment that HELCO and PGV weren’t able to negotiate a bigger reduction.

“As a consequence, the vast majority of the annual energy procured from the existing facility would still occur at pricing that is linked to fossil fuels and thus provides no price advantage or stability benefits to HELCO’s customers. The 8 MW expansion was the opportunity to renegotiate the underlying contract terms for the existing facility, but HELCO and PGV failed to produce a better economic result for customers,” The PUC said in its Dec. 30 decision.

HELCO President Jay Ignacio said the company’s negotiations with suppliers are confidential, but he said HELCO shares the same goal.

A recent state law requires the PUC to reduce or remove linkages between the price of fossil fuel and the electric rates for nonfossil fuel generated electricity to enable utility customers to share in the savings from alternative fuels. But power purchase agreements inked before the law went into effect are grandfathered in.

Ignacio said his company doesn’t want to wait until the various contracts expire. HELCO is seeking to renegotiate contracts, he said, adding that a resolution from the County Council, while nonbinding, could help send a message.

“We certainly want to enter into negotiations as soon as possible,” Ignacio said. “We’ve invited the independent power producers to come to the table.”

read … Power Purchase Agreements

UH Manoa coaching staff supports Rockne Freitas as new AD

KHON: The coaching staff at the University of Hawaii at Manoa has sent a letter to Chancellor Tom Apple and President M.R.C. Greenwood to consider immediately appointing Rockne Freitas as athletic director.

In a letter to Apple and Greenwood, the coaches say Freitas has “gained our respect and support in the short period of time that he has been our leader. His vision, decisiveness, and positive attitude is exactly what is necessary for our department. His local and national reputation also enhances our position as we pursue our goals and dreams.”

Freitas is currently serving as interim athletic director after Jim Donovan was moved to a new position in the Chancellor’s office.

A (FAKE) national search is underway to find a new athletic director.

Freitas has said he does not plan on applying for the job. LOL!)

We told you so: Donovan is Fall Guy in Freitas’ Power Play, Regents Discussed Firing Greenwood, Apple, Greenwood Mafia grabs two power positions in UH system

read … Precisely as Predicted

Fontaine a class act, asset to people of South Maui

MN: He gave us a full briefing of what happened during the legislative sessions - and several thoughts as to why many things of interest did not pass.

Fontaine was thorough and knowledgeable in the content of his presentation, and extremely energetic with a reply for every question. I felt he had a ton of style and, in time, would be a tremendous asset to the people of South Maui as their state representative.

You see, George is a class act and will always be a gentleman and honor his office.

read … Class Act

President, Romney to Visit Areas Damaged By Hurricane Isaac

ABC: In a last-minute change of plans, Mitt Romney will head to visit storm-affected areas in New Orleans today, skipping a previously scheduled joint rally with running mate Paul Ryan in the battleground state of Virginia this afternoon.

A Romney aide told ABC News that Romney will “join Gov. Jindal and will meet with first responders, thank them for their work and see areas impacted by the storm in LaFitte, La.”

Jindal cancelled his plans earlier this week to attend the Republican National Convention after Hurricane Isaac moved up the Gulf Coast and wreaked damage across Louisiana. Two deaths have been reported in Louisiana as a result of the storm and widespread damage and flooding. The storm hit on the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

UKDM: Obama bounced into announcing visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana after Romney shows him up with surprise visit

read … Where’s Obama?

Hirono Buys $51K of TV Ads

CB: Mazie Hirono this week spent more than $51,000 on 170 spots that are airing this week on all the local broadcast stations, according to Civil Beat's most recent look at the public files.

Hirono is the second local candidate to buy time on local airwaves in the post-primary campaigning period. Her Republican opponent Linda Lingle was the first. As of Wednesday, Hirono had spent about $765,000 total on ad time this election season.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Lingle spent another $83,000 on 269 spots that are airing this and next week on KHON, KITV, KITV subsidiary MeTV, KGMB and KHNL.

That's in addition to the $180,000-worth of general election spots she bought over the last three weeks, when she was still the only local candidate to run TV ads.

As of Wednesday, Lingle had spent nearly $263,000 on post-primary ad time, meaning she has spent about $845,000 total this election season.

Total ad buys this week amount to about $134,000. As of Wednesday, total post-primary TV ad spending was nearly $300,100. That for the entire election season was more than $5.8 million. Non-candidate political committees have spent about 34 percent of that money, or approximately $2 million.

read … U.S. Senate Hopefuls Divvy Up Hawaii Airwaves

Shield Law: AG Louie Takes Aim at Bloggers

CB: Gerald Kato, a University of Hawaii journalism professor and Media Council Hawaii board member, said the news media needs to mobilize now for the upcoming legislative session that starts in January.

"It's a good law, as written ... one of the best in the country," he said Thursday. "It should be a permanent part of Hawaii law and not fade into the sunset."

Kato and others who have worked on the law since its inception in 2008 expect an uphill battle primarily against the state Attorney General's office. The office drafted a report last year recommending the removal of key provisions, including the protection against forced disclosure of journalists' unpublished material.

Some states' shield laws only protect journalists from disclosing their sources, while others, like Hawaii, also include their notes.

"Many of the things the current AG (David Louie) wants to do involve basically going back to square one," Kato said. "The current law is the product of compromise by both the former AG (Mark Bennet) and representatives of the media. ... To try to undo that compromise I think would be a mistake."

The Attorney General's office could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Jeff Portnoy, a prominent First Amendment attorney who helped draft the law four years ago, said Thursday that this will be a critical year for the existence of the shield law in its present form.

"If the media and public don't mobilize then a lot of mischief can get done," he said. "Unfortunately there are those out there — the AG is leading the charge — (trying) to make such big changes to the law that we'd end up better off with no law."

Louie also wants to change protection for bloggers. Some states afford bloggers no protections, while others lump them in with traditional media.

read … Hawaii Shield Law Protecting Journalists Under Fire — Again

Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation discusses legal strategy in wake of court ruling

PBN: U.S. Senate candidate Mazie Hirono is back in the political TV ad game.

The Democrat this week spent more than $51,000 on 170 spots that are airing this week on all the local broadcast stations, according to Civil Beat's most recent look at the public files.

A spot set to air Saturday during college football was her most expensive buy, costing $5,000. Hirono also paid $4,000 to air an ad that ran Monday during Hawaii Five-0.

Hirono is the second local candidate to buy time on local airwaves in the post-primary campaigning period. Her Republican opponent Linda Lingle was the first. As of Wednesday, Hirono had spent about $765,000 total on ad time this election season.

KITV: Anti-rail rally held at Honolulu Hale

read … Exec Session

Honolulu rail transit board approves $7.2M change order for Kiewit

PBN: Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation board members voted unanimously Thursday to approve a $7.2 million change order for Kiewit Building Group Inc. for delays in giving the contractor a notice to proceed for design and construction of the city’s $5.16 billion rail transit project,

The notice to proceed to allow Kiewit to start work on the $60 million design and construction contract was delayed by about a year, Lorenzo Garrido, HART’s assistant project officer, said during a joint meeting of board’s Finance and Project Oversight committees.

read … Looting the Leftovers

Yoshioka: More Privatization Needed for Handi-Van

KHON: Riders told the transportation committee that they're frustrated with long rides, a delay in pickups, and the poor condition of the vans.
"The delay in pickups, the scheduling and other issues that really affect people that ride," said David Sakamoto, Handi-Van advocate.
"They wanna see results quickly," said Wayne Yoshioka, Transportation Director. "And so do we. But some of these things, because of their nature, do not lend themselves to immediate results."
The city says they are working on at least one fix such as getting more private companies to help with regularly scheduled pickup to allow the Handi-Van to be used for on-demand service.

read … Privatize 

Maui Ron Paul Delegate Shows True Colors: Plans to Vote for Obama

PR: Joe Kent, a delegate from Maui and one of the Paul supporters, said he may abstain from voting, he may write in Paul or he might vote for Obama or Romney. (Translation: He’s an Obamabot)

Asked Thursday whether he could support the ticket, Kent, in a phone interview, said: “…They’re pro-war. They’re against social issues that we’re for. You could say we agree with half of the things he says but the other half of the things we disagree with. And is that really a decent reason to vote for any candidate?”

(In other words, abandon Israel, and embrace Islam, legal drugs, and gay marriage.)

DC: Occupy RNC ends in tears, frustration (More Ron Paul Occupiers, lots of photos)

read … About a Progressive Activist trying to do to the GOP what Progressives have already done to the Dems

Rail design, engineering to continue during building halt

KHON: The rail authority board says it's moving ahead with design and engineering work while construction is on hold after a Hawaii Supreme Court ruling.
But it says a change in state rules would put its phased approach to archaeological studies back into compliance.
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation board did not go so far as to say they'd push for that change, but said the State Historic Preservation Division administrative rules are prohibitive, not state law.
At the first HART board meeting since rail construction was halted, most public testimony called for rail to keep moving full speed ahead.
“I would like to see as a taxpaying member of the public that this board takes a lot more in the way of an assertive position, rail is not dead," said Dr. Jim Anthony in public testimony.

By coincidence, the state announced Thursday it is taking public comment until Sept. 21 on a draft plan that will guide State Historic Preservation Division actions over the next five years. The plan would take effect in October.
On Thursday, Gov. Neil Abercrombie provided the state’s first response since the ruling, saying, “The state and the city made a good faith interpretation of the law. Moving forward, the state will be abiding by the supreme court's decision."

read … Keep on Payin

Florida firm in Stevie Wonder case claims tie to $13M Ponzi Scheme

ILind: In an odd twist, the Florida company involved in the disappearance of a $200,000 payment made by the University of Hawaii Athletic Department claims to be the successor to a North Carolina firm linked to a ponzi scheme in which hundreds of people lost as much as $13 million.

The website of Miami-based Epic Talent, LLC, which allegedly controlled the bank account where the missing UH funds were deposited, says the company was formerly known as BAB Productions Inc.

Over the last 15 years, Epic Talent (formally BAB Productions, NC), has grown to become a reliable (sic) consulting source for accessing big name entertainment for public concerts, corporate events and fundraisers around the world.

BAB Productions, Inc., was formed in December 1998, according to North Carolina corporation records. However, the company failed to file any required reports with the state until threatened with administrative dissolution in July 2004 after investigations of fraudulent sales of company securities were launched. The company was suspended from doing business in 2005, according to state records.

Two North Carolina men were convicted and sentenced to prison terms of 14 years and 20 years in 2009 for selling worthless promissory notes issued by BAB, which was used as a front for the Ponzi scheme, according to court records and news reports.

ILind: Hawaii lags in public access to online business registration records

read … Florida firm in Stevie Wonder case claims tie to company in earlier fraud

Lost UH supercomputing center contract worth at least $70 mill

KHON: The federal contract to run a supercomputer center on Maui that the University of Hawaii lost to a mainland defense contractor could be worth at least $70 million over the next ten years, according to a federal procurement website.

As Hawaii News Now first reported Tuesday, UH filed a protest with the U.S. Government Accountability Office over the awarding of the contract to Science Applications International Corp., known as SAIC. The UH protest was filed Aug. 15 and the federal government is required to decide protests within 100 days, a UH spokeswoman said.

On Thursday, a UH spokeswoman said a second bidder, VSE Corporation, has also filed a protest with the GAO over the Air Force's selection of SAIC.

The Maui High Performance Computing Center is one of six supercomputer centers in the country run by the Department of Defense for high-tech research. It's located at the Maui Research and Technology Park in Kihei.

The new contract is worth $27.5 million for four years, with options to extend the contract for another six years, according to a federal procurement website. At that rate, the new contract is worth at least $70 million dollars over a ten-year period.

read … Lost UH supercomputing center contract worth at least $70 mill

Hirono, Sierra Cub Play Politics as Usual

CB: “It looks like Mazie Hirono’s campaign has reached that time when they encourage surrogates to ‘say anything’ in order to win,” he said in a statement. “Recent statements by surrogates for the Hirono campaign are made with blatant disregard for the facts and for the organizations’ own history with Governor Lingle.”

He continued: “Despite the fact that these organizations have previously praised Governor Lingle’s Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative, now that it is campaign season, the groups have taken political pot shots and ignored the facts.”

“Facts are stubborn things, Mazie, and our campaign would prefer to deal in facts rather than in political posturing.”

read … Stubborn

Inouye Endorses Kenoi for Reelection

BIVN: Mayor Billy Kenoi worked as an intern in Sen. Inouye’s Washington, D.C. office in the summer of 1992 as Mayor Kenoi was working toward his degree in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Sen. Inouye was present at Mayor Kenoi’s first cabinet meeting as a newly elected mayor four years ago, held at Café 100 – the Senator’s favorite Hilo eatery, named for the 100th Battalion of which Sen. Inouye was a member.

Of course, its also election season… the meeting certainly served to illustrate how having friends in high places can be a benefit to the Big Island.

“This may be a good time to tell you,” Inouye said in closing, “I hope the Big Island sends him back again, because its a pleasure dealing with Billy.”

Another Endorsement: Malu Motta: “I need one governor so he can pardon me.”

read … A good reason to vote for Harry Kim

Pelosi to Present Tulsi Gabbard at Democrat Convention

CNN: Pelosi will speak for House Democrats and lead a presentation of House Democratic women, the convention announced.

Among those in the presentation are Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York, Rep. Nydia Velasquez of New York, Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin, Rep. Allyson Schwartz of Pennsylvania, Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland.

The presentation will also include two congressional candidates: Joyce Beatty of Ohio and Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

Related: To Stop Mufi, Mrs Abercrombie Joins the Chris Butler Cult

FP: Clinton staying as far away from Charlotte as physically possible (She will be in Cook Islands!)

read … Charlotte

The Man from HOPE

CB: Had Steven Alm not chosen a career in the judicial system, he would have made a heck of a salesman.

Related: Judge Steven Alm: Justice Reinvestment and the future of HOPE Probation

read … The Man from HOPE

Condo Owners Want Deposits back after Losing Fee Conversion Suit

PBN: According to condo owner Chris Clothier, who has owned a unit since 2002 and lived in the building since 1995, there are more than 40 owners that have paid the $1,000 deposit the City and County of Honolulu required them to pay in order to move forward with the condemnation proceedings.

Recently, the courts settled a decades-long dispute by dismissing this case.

The condo at 1221 Victoria St. by Ward Avenue sits on property owned and used by the church for its sanctuary and other space.

The decision marked the final case under the city’s 1991 Mandatory Condo Lease-to-Fee Land Conversion ordinance, which was repealed in 2005.

The city isn’t saying much about the ongoing dispute.

“[It’s] not yet resolved and [the city] can’t comment [because] details are still pending.” said Jim Fulton, a spokesman for the city.

The city law, which was modeled after Hawaii’s Land Reform Act that broke up large landholding estates, had allowed owner-occupant lessees to direct the city to condemn land that stood below their condos and allow them to buy the property for fair market value.

read … Fee Simple

Is Larry Ellison planning a new yacht harbor for Hawaiian island of Lanai?

PBN: Although new Lanai owner Larry Ellison hasn’t said a word himself on what his plans are for Hawaii’s Pineapple Isle, his associates are certainly making a presence.

A source told PBN that Ellison, the CEO of Oracle Corp. and third richest person in America, has made it known that he wants to turn one of the harbors on Lanai into a world-class yacht harbor.

The source says that Ellison’s people have recently been to Hawaii to talk about these initiatives.

read … Yacht harbor?



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