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Friday, July 27, 2012
July 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 5470 Views

UPDATE -- Hawaii Co vs Nago: Primary Voter Lists Compromised?

Ed Case Email Blast: ‘Not the First Time’ Ward Has Got it Wrong

Fact Check: Case, Hirono Claim Credit for Bills Which Did Not Pass

Lawsuit Claims Hawaii IBEW Boss Solicited Murder of Critics

As Primary Election Approaches, Governor Approves Funds to Complete Hilo International Airport Cargo Facility

Hirono Endorser: “Environmentalists are Not American”

Borreca: …one 90-second spot, which the Hirono campaign says will remain on the Internet and not be made into a TV commercial, is the most important political ad this year.

If Hirono's Democratic challenger, former Rep. Ed Case, had hoped to get elected because he was able to work with both Democrats and Republicans because he was more moderate, he has a new set of problems to solve.

He has to wonder how he rates against Hirono — who has just been endorsed by a conservative who once said, "Environmentalists are a socialist group of individuals that are the tool of the Democrat Party. I'm proud to say that they are my enemy. They are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans."

If Case has trouble, former Gov. Linda Lingle, already trailing both Hirono and Case in yesterday's Star-Advertiser/Hawaii News Now public opinion poll, is blown out of the water in her attempt to be Hawaii's bipartisan Republican….

So far Lingle has been too little, too late to move the needle of public opinion. If she wanted to prove her bipartisan bona fides, she should have acted when former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu recently attacked President Barack Obama.

Sununu told reporters during a call arranged by the Mitt Romney campaign that "I wish this president would learn how to be an American.''

(Now here’s a question that’s just too much for Borreca: If Lingle is supposed to attack Sununu for saying that, why isn’t Hirono supposed to attack Young for saying “Environmentalists are not American.”)

read … Borreca Flacks for Desperate Hirono

Doctored Absentee Ballots? Voter fraud investigation targets Hawaii County

HNN: A possible voter fraud case on the Big Island is the subject of an investigation, a law enforcement source told Hawaii News Now Thursday.

The probe focuses on allegations that some absentee ballots were improperly "doctored," the source said.

A second source, a state government employee, said Hawaii County Clerk Jamae Kawauchi spent much of Thursday afternoon meeting with a lawyer at the state Attorney General's office in Honolulu.

Further details about the allegations or about what she spent hours meeting with a deputy attorney general about were not available Thursday night.

Precisely as Predicted: Pay to Play: Will Cayetano Retaliate Against Hirono?

SA: Absentee ballots due out July 23, have not yet gone out

HTH: No Comment or retraction in July 27, 2012 Edition

read … Voter fraud investigation

Mitsunagas attack Hirono for Pay to Play

SA: (Funny, they don’t mention Hirono in the Star-Adv article. An oversight, I’m sure.) The new radio ads feature Dennis Mitsunaga, president of Mitsunaga & Associates, an architectural, engineering and construction management firm with government and private contracts, and his daughter, Lois, speaking out on behalf of Cayetano and defending themselves against what they call “personal attacks” by White and PRP.

“I have great respect for our union, but I am very disappointed by John White and the outright lies he has used to smear former Governor Ben Cayetano and myself in his recent ads,” Dennis Mitsunaga says in one ad.

PRP, an advocacy group for contractors and unionized carpenters and construction workers, has formed a political action committee, Read Ben’s Record. The PAC has been running ads and a mass-email campaign alleging Mitsunaga benefitted from the “pay to play” culture of the 1990s in which campaign donations were seen as a way to gain influence in receiving public contracts.

Mitsunaga has been a significant fundraiser for Democrats, including Cayetano, Gov. Neil Abercrombie and former Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris. He was the target of a 2004 campaign finance probe of Harris but was never charged with a crime.

The new radio ads, which began airing today and are set to run up until the Aug. 11 primary, cost $30,000 and were paid for out of Dennis Mitsunaga’s personal funds, his daughter said.

AUDIO: Mitsunaga Commercials (Lois Mitsunaga ad all about Hirono)

CB: Accused of Corruption, Mitsunagas Punch Back With Radio Ads

read … Abercrombie, Cayetano and Mitsunaga

Case: We’ve Got to Curb Illegal Immigration

SA: Former U.S. Rep. Ed Case took a more assertive track tonight in the final debate with U.S. Rep. Mazie Hirono before the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, casting pointing out that Hirono as is a fringe liberal who considers the federal budget deficit an inconvenience….

Case sought to make a distinction between what he described as the “easy votes” as opposed to the “right votes.”

“Mazie believes that a budget is not important. Mazie believes that a budget is an inconvenience. I believe that you have to provide some fiscal responsibility….

Hirono, an immigrant who came to Hawaii from Japan as a young girl, asked Case whether he regretted voting for "Arizona-style legislation" such as giving state authorities the power to deport illegal immigrants.

Case at first said Hirono statement was not true, then later claimed she was cherry-picking through thousands of votes. He said he believes in legal immigration.

"The bottom line here is that we have to find reasonable ways of curbing illegal immigration. There has to be a consequence to illegal immigration," he said.

Background: Ed Case's 2006 "felony" vote: Greens vs. Illegals

KITV: U.S. Senate candidates spar over war, immigration, retirement age

read … Fringe Inconvenience

Star-Adv Endorses Hirono, Points to her 2002 Loss vs Lingle

SA: Democrats should tap Mazie Hirono as the one best suited to champion Democratic aims and the most clearly distinctive candidate to go up against former Gov. Lingle.

This race evokes a lot of historical parallels. Hirono first faced Lingle a decade ago in their gubernatorial race, in which the Democrat, then the lieutenant governor, was outmatched by the two-term Maui mayor. But that defeat, as well her successful election to Congress four years later, seems to have sharpened Hirono's game….

read … Win now, lose in November

Hirono Still Stands by Support for Acquitted Felon John Edwards for President over Obama

CB: Case tweaked Hirono several times for not directly answering questions, like whether she felt John Edwards was qualified to be president given that he voted to go to war in Iraq. She eventually said she did not regret her support of Edwards, but by then Case may have finally blunted a consistent Hirono attack about his initial support for that war….

Hirono wants a "national conversation" on gun control and gun rights. But Case suggests that maybe there should be limits on access to automatic weapons.

Case also scored against Hirono when he asked her why she didn't support the free trade agreement between the U.S. and South Korea, unlike the other members of Hawaii's delegation.

read … Not in the White House or the Big House but still has Mazie’s Support

Pro-Abortion Group $121K Gabbard Ad Buy

CB: EMILY's List, a political action committee based in Washington, D.C., this week spent $121,600 to air a commercial endorsing 2nd Congressional District candidate Tulsi Gabbard, according to Civil Beat's most recent probe into the public files.

The group's mission is to help elect pro-choice Democratic candidates to office. The PAC in May moved Gabbard from an "On the List" to a "Full Recommendation" status. Now, she's featured in the "Candidate Spotlight" section of its website.

read … Abortion

Highlights From Honolulu Mayoral Candidates’ Financial Disclosures

CB: Peter Carlisle has little extra income and no debts.

Ben Cayetano has a state pension and social security of between $100,000 and $150,000.

Kirk Caldwell is being paid $150,000 to $200,000 as a director for Territorial Savings Bank.

CB: Rail Makes Caldwell The Man In The Middle

read … Highlights From Honolulu Mayoral Candidates’ Financial Disclosures

Early Voting Opens Monday

HR: The primary election is August 11, but the city will open voting sites on Monday if you want to vote early.

On Monday, July 30, through Thursday, August 9, you can cast your vote at Honolulu Hale Courtyard, Kapolei Hale and the Pali Golf Course Banquet Hall.

Make sure to get there between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

SA: Who's who in the field of candidates for top political offices in the Aug. 11 primary election

read … Early Voting

HTA sees good 2012 stretch into 2014

SA: New arrivals and spending goals set by Hawaii Tourism Authority anticipate momentum from the first six months of this year will continue well into 2014.

The HTA board approved Thursday increasing its year-end spending predictions for 2012 to $13.9 billion, a 15.4 percent gain over 2011. The board also voted to increase its arrivals goal to 7.89 million tourists, which is 6.3 percent more than 2011.

"We've had a very good half of the year. It was very strong in our arrivals and spending versus the targets that we set in September," said Daniel Nahoopii, HTA director of tourism research.

HTA's new targets are about 9 percent higher than the previous spending record of $12.8 billion reached in 2007 and about 2 percent higher than the record 7.628 million who came to Hawaii in 2006.

(The sound a bubble makes before it pops.)

read … Blow-out Top

High tech tax credit a concern, but what about the beverage container tax credit?

DN: True, our state lawmakers seem mesmerized by high tech. Or rather, they seem to swallow high-tech Kool-Aid a bit too often. I’m still waiting for the arrival of a spaceport here. And for a stock exchange. And they pass laws favoring big business with far too much secrecy.

There’s another tax that could benefit from an audit—the state beverage tax.

If an auditor would visit a recycling center, I think she’d discover that the bottles are not checked too carefully. I’ve seen them weighed. The problem is, the bag likely contains all sorts of bottles that are not qualified for the tax refund.

Weighing doesn’t work. But then the recycler gets reimbursed, from our tax money. Is it a case of just making up some numbers on a claim form? Who’s checking before writing them a check?

read … High tech tax credit a concern, but what about the beverage container tax credit?

Pro-Railers Call Police on Berg Again

KITV: Police responded Thursday afternoon, following an outburst by Councilman Tom Berg during a public hearing.

It's not the first time Berg's clashes with colleagues has escalated into a 911 call.

The people in the room say they were uncomfortable or even afraid.

Members of the Transportation Committee wanted an update from the city on the effort to condemn land and relocate families in the path of rail.

Committee Chairman Breene Harimoto acknowledged that confidential information couldn't be shared.

"I think the situation was serious. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next," said Councilman Stanley Chang, who was in the room.

"I don't know who called the police and I don't know why. I felt I was exercising due diligence under the agenda," said Berg….

"Everything I said today was to expound on today's agenda," said Berg.

Police never questioned Berg about Thursday's incident, but were standing by just in case the situation escalated.

"I hope he calms down," said Honolulu City Councilmember Anne Kobayashi.

PDF: Berg Response.

read … Set Up?

Pressure Forces more Homeless to Accept Shelter

SA: The number of homeless people living on the streets of Hono­­lulu has remained level, while more people are getting help at shelters, according to an annual count released Thursday by the city.

"One thing we are pleased to see is there has been a proportional increase in the number of homeless people who are in shelters, where they are better able to access services than they would be on the street," said Bridget Holthus, deputy director of the city Department of Community Services.

"They receive services on an individualized basis, whether it's mental health, medical care, help finding a job, help with public assistance. Shelters and other service providers are reporting to us that they are actually being successful in helping folks get into housing."

The Homeless Point-in-Time Count 2012, conducted Jan. 23, found 4,353 homeless people altogether on the island, up less than 3 percent from the previous year. Seventy percent of them, or 3,035 people, were in shelters — up from 68.7 percent or 2,912 in the previous year — while 1,318 lacked a roof over their heads. Virtually all the homeless who were part of families — 93 percent — were in shelters.

read … Keep Pushing them into the Shelters

“Grinning Attorneys” Win Fees from Bankrupt CNMI Pension Fund

MV: U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert J. Faris tentatively granted on Friday the application fees sought by lawyers regarding the failed bankruptcy Chapter 11 petition of the Retirement Fund.

He said it's the CNMI government that is not paying its obligations to the Fund.

He also disagreed with the CNMI Office of the Attorney General’s statement that Brown Rudnik reduced its fees due to “a case of consciousness of guilt.”

Brown Rudnick, which served as the Fund's counsel, resubmitted a reduced requested legal fees from $750,937.52 to $488,822, or a 36 percent "discount."

Faris, who was in Hawaii, presided over the application fees hearing via videoconference.

He directed each applicant to submit their proposed orders, and designated Hawaii-based U.S. Trustee Curtis Ching, who participated in the videoconference, as the “clearing house.”

Faris ordered the Retirement Fund “to pay in full immediately" but denied the application submitted by retiree Jack Angello, who wanted the court to award him $378,010 in retirement share and administrative cost.

Angello said he should get the payment "before all the grinning attorneys gorge themselves with wanton and excessive fees for filing needless claims and counter claims and useless Chapter 11 bankruptcy petitions and subsequent motions to keep the litigious meter running."…

Huesman, for his part, said he agreed with Faris’s decision and added, “it’s unfortunate the Chapter 11 petition didn’t work out, but the bad actor here is the [CNMI] government,” which owes the Fund over $300 million.

But Brinbrich disagreed, saying that the administration and the Legislature are already moving forward and taking actions to ensure the welfare of the retirees.

Brown Rudnick LLP’s earlier requested for a total of $765,937.85 — $719,293.50 in fees and $46,644.32 in expenses.

The following are the fees sought by the other parties: Huesman, $11,247.00 ($9,201 in fees and $2,046 in expenses); Gelber, $65,124.61 ($64,642.71 in fees and $481.90 in expenses); creditors committee expenses, $336.90; Thompson Law Office LLC, $1,960 in fees and $382.50 in expenses; and Office of the U.S. Trustee, $14,950.

read … Marianas Variety

Hawaiian Tel Wins $771 per user subsidy for Rural Broadband Connections

SA: Hawaiian Telcom will receive $400,000 in federal funding over the next three years to subsidize the cost of providing broadband Internet service to 519 households in rural areas of the state. (Do the math. HawaiianTel can connect rural users with a $771 per user subsidy.)

To be eligible for the subsidy, Internet providers must follow oversight procedures and report how the money was spent. Hawaiian Telcom must complete two-thirds of its new broadband commitments within two years and the remainder in the third year.

Both the Universal Service Fund and the Connect America Fund are paid for by consumers through a "Universal Connectivity" fee on their telephone bills.

A recently imposed cap on what telephone companies can draw from the Universal Service Fund is having an impact on Hawaii-based Sandwich Isles Co., which provides telephone service to residents living on Hawaiian Home Lands. The cap would effectively reduce by about 70 percent the amount Sandwich Isles can draw from the fund. Sandwich Isles officials say the viability of the company could be jeopardized if the FCC does not approve its request for a waiver from the new regulations.

Related: Hee: Sandwich Isles Communications "Will Quickly Face Bankruptcy", FCC Closes in on Sandwich Isles Scam as Abercrombie Prepares to Give Al Hee $100M

read … Hawaiian Telcom to get $400K for rural Net access

Hyatt union workers join peers on mainland in contract protest

SA: Hundreds of Unite Here Local 5 union members, hotel workers and community supporters participated in a mass rally Thursday to protest work conditions at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa, where union members have worked without a contract for more than two years.

The local action, which coincided with events in 20 mainland cities, closely followed Unite Here's Monday launch of a global boycott against Hyatt Hotels.

read … Local 5

Local Companies Donate $300,000 to The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i

News Release: Businesses that supported the Corporate Council at the leadership level ($10,000+) are: Alaska Airlines, Alexander & Baldwin Foundation, Aulani-A Disney Resort & Spa, Hawaiian Electric Industries, HEI Charitable Foundation/Hawaiian Electric Company, James Campbell Company, Macy’s Foundation, Monsanto Fund, Outrigger Enterprises Group, ProService Hawaii, Skyline Eco-Adventures, and The Shidler Family Foundation.

read … Buying Favor




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