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Saturday, April 28, 2012
April 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:15 PM :: 21107 Views

GOP Lincoln Day Dinner Draws Hundreds

Lingle: Americans Losing Trust in TSA

Hotel Workers Sue Local 5 Over Political Use of Dues Money

Sa-i-gu: Koreans wrestle with aftermath of LA riots

Green Energy? Do The Math

After Soaking Taxpayers for $63M on Bailout, Central Pacific Financial Corp. Reports $13.5 Million Net Income

Audio: Rick Hamada Interviews Congressional Candidate Matt Di Geronimo

DHS Grabs 12% of Nursing Home ‘Provider Fees’, Hospitals Soaked for 7%

House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on a bill that would impose a provider fee on private hospitals and large nursing homes, allowing the state to draw millions in additional federal money to help cover the health care costs of the poor. Hospitals would pay about $42 million and get $77 million in payments in return. Nursing homes would pay about $11.5 million and get $21 million in return. The state would also lift a 3 percent cut in reimbursement payments to nursing homes, which would provide an additional $6 million.

The state Department of Human Services would take 7 percent of the provider fee on hospitals — or $2.8 million — and 12 percent on nursing homes — or about $1.3 million. Department officials had wanted a greater share of the provider fee on hospitals, but lawmakers sided with the hospitals.

"The hospital sustainability bill is a major victory in the effort to strengthen our hospitals and provide better care to the people of Hawaii, at the same time sending additional funds to the Department of Human Services without any additional cost to Hawaii's taxpayers," state Sen. Josh Green (D, Milo­lii-Wai­mea), an emergency room doctor, said in an email. "The governor should sign this bill into law as quickly as possible so that our hospitals can receive federal funds that will improve patient care and access statewide."

Negotiators also agreed on a bill that would authorize Hawaii Health Systems Corp. to acquire the bankrupt and shuttered Hawaii Medical Center-East in Li­liha.

Related: DHS Money Grab Threatens Hawaii Hospitals, Nursing Homes

read … DHS Money Grab

Pork: The House wanted $300M, the Senate wanted $500M so they compromised on $825M

CB: A marathon session at the Capitol that began Friday morning, ended in the wee hours of Saturday with Hawaii lawmakers finally ending a budget stalemate and unanimously agreeing to pump $825 million worth of bond-financed capital improvement projects into the economy next year.

Legislators had already agreed on an $11.2 billion operating budget, but the CIP portion held up passage of the supplemental budget for the current year that ends June 30.

House Bill 2012 passed out of conference committee at 3 a.m. It heads for a floor vote next week….

Specifics on the CIP portion of the budget weren't immediately available online. Lawmakers added in close to $430 million in general obligation bonds for projects in fiscal 2013, resulting in the $825 million total. Earlier in the day, House and Senate lawmakers were pushing two very different plans.

The House preferred a CIP budget closer to the $300 million Gov. Neil Abercrombie had proposed, while the Senate has been pushing for an additional half-billion dollars in general-obligation-bond financing for repair and maintenance projects.

You can get a sense of the operations spending from budget worksheets online, which outline the agreements and disagreements that existed as the House and Senate headed into conference committee. The general fund portion of the $11.2 billion operating budget totals a little over $5 billion….

The crowd included Abercrombie cabinet members, lobbyists, journalists and other types of criminals—truly a celebration of ‘diversity’…. close to 50 people — mostly state department and division heads — were still in the audience as the clock approached 3 a.m….

Borreca: At the End, Abercrombie gets up close, personal with Legislature

PR: HB2012 – Deadline Day

read … More Debt to Line Cronies Pockets

Senate Approves Bill Exempting State Projects from Environmental Regs, Approves Amended Hospital Deals

SA: The Senate, meanwhile, gave final approval Friday night to a bill that would exempt 11 bridge rehabilitation proj­ects from a host of environmental and land-use regulations. The exemptions, which are valid for the proj­ects through June 2017, are intended to expedite repairs at bridges that are functionally obsolete or structurally deficient.

The Sierra Club Hawaii chapter has warned of legal challenges to the bill if it becomes law, which could delay construction on all of the bridges identified. Environmentalists have said the regulatory exemptions could threaten protections for streams and native culture.

Sen. J. Kalani English (D, East Maui-Lanai-Molokai) said the regulatory exemptions are temporary and meant to reduce layers of bureaucracy.

"This body, before me, created the environmental laws. So this body also has the right to change it, alter it, move it," said English, an advocate for the Hana Highway bridge preservation plan on Maui, which is among the proj­ects on the list.

read … Corporatism

Civil Unions Mandate Passes, Deadline Extended Until Monday

CB: Just before midnight, House Speaker Calvin Say and Senate President Shan Tsutsui announced an agreement to extend that deadline until Monday morning, allowing deliberations to continue over the weekend for certain fiscal measures….

Some of the qualifying measures could include Senate Bill 2784, which would replenish unspecified amounts into the state's Hurricane Relief and Rainy Day reserves; SB 490, which would expand visa programs to attract more international visitors; and HB 2476, which would authorize $7.7 million in settlements against the state.

Some measures, those without a money component, cleared the Friday deadline.

For example, fixes to the state's civil unions law, including granting of a narrow religious exemption for some groups, managed to squeak by and now awaits full House and Senate votes early next week.

Another measure calling for regulatory exemptions for transit-oriented development passed.

read … More Debt to Line Cronies Pockets

Bill Grandfathers Pension Spiking Rights for All Existing Employees

SA: Focusing on mushrooming retirement costs for the state, legislators Friday advanced a measure that would eliminate overtime in calculating pensions for new state and county employees starting July 1.

Senate and House negotiators embraced that approach rather than a higher-profile one that would have placed a cap on the amount of overtime used in pension calculations for new and current workers.

The latter approach was designed to address a practice called pension spiking and would have excluded from calculations any increase in nonbase pay exceeding roughly 20 percent over a worker's final 10 years of employment.

Taking overtime out of the calculation for new employees could have a dramatic long-term effect on the state Employees' Retirement System, which is facing an unfunded liability of more than $8 billion.

Such a step potentially could reduce pension liabilities by hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars over the next several decades, according to ERS Administrator Wes Machida.

To help curtail excessive overtime, lawmakers Friday also advanced a measure that requires state and county employers to cover costs to the pension system for current workers who exceed the 20 percent spiking threshold upon retirement.

The extra costs will serve as an incentive to employers to better manage overtime for their workers, said Sen. Clayton Hee, (or just raise taxes more) lead Senate negotiator on the two pension bills that advanced.

House and Senate negotiators passed Senate Bill 1269 and House Bill 2487 with no objections

read … Pension Spiking to End one Day?

Last Ditch Effort for Movie Moguls to Score Megabucks from $500M Senate ‘Accelerator’ Plan?

CB: The conference committee on House Bill 2012 recessed for an eighth time this morning. Lawmakers will reconvene at 4:30 p.m.

While conferees have agreed on the operating portion of the budget — at about $11 billion — they’ve reached an impasse on the capital improvements side of the budget.

Senate Ways and Means Chair David Ige on Friday morning expanded on five investments the Senate wants to see included in the budget, calling the proposal a $500 million “economic accelerator package.”

“We’ve been working on a number of things, and we do believe that it should contain five components,” Ige said.

“The first really is about advancing R and M (repair and maintenance) to really create jobs immediately.

“The second focus is really on diversification and enhancing film and digital media credits, looking to really enhance the state’s visitor marketing through film and digital media.

“The third point really is strategic investments in our core visitor industry by expanding opportunities for international visitors as well as maximizing the synergy between tourism and film.

“And the fourth piece of it really is enhancing and accelerating the partnership (with) the car rental industry by really appropriating revenue bonds so we can accelerate that project.

“Five hundred million so we can initiate those projects as soon as possible.

“And then the fifth and most important point is really investment in our social infrastructure by providing needed funds for nonprofits and other safety net services.

DN: Hawaii’s state government is built on rapidly eroding trust


read … Tax the poor and send the Money to Democrat Movie Moguls in Hollywood


ILind: Rep. Choy credited with blocking expanded film industry tax credits

ILind: Manoa Representative Isaac Choy gets credit for shooting down HB 2869, the bill to expand available tax credits to the film industry.

The conference committee convened at 9 a.m. yesterday, then soon recessed until 1 p.m. as industry lobbyists pushed to maximize benefits for the film companies and their investors beyond current limits.

Choy, co-chair of the House conferees on the bill, reportedly agreed to extend the existing film credits, but the offer was rejected as the Senate conferees, led by Sen. Fukunaga, pushed for a bigger payoff for the industry, and sought support for a proposed conference draft. Choy refused, and the bill appeared to be dead.

But it got a reprieve when the final decking deadline with pushed out, giving time for more behind the scenes maneuvering by lobbyists and pro-industry legislators….

In an email, Representative Isaac Choy’s campaign chairman questioned why the Hawaii Venture Capital Association made an endorsement in just one legislative race.

The only House or Senate race at the State Legislature was for Kimberly Case against Rep. Isaac Choy. Isn’t it odd that the proponents of the 221 tax credit go after the one state legislator who they see as the roadblock to their cash flow? Forget the Gov’s race, these greedy folks want to suck another $100 million a year from the state for the next ten years, again.

read … Rep. Choy credited with blocking expanded film industry tax credits

Hawaii Budget Bills Getting ‘Final Touches’

CB: The three measures are:

  • House Bill 2012, the state operating and capital improvements budget
  • House Bill 1800, the Judiciary operating and CIP budget
  • House Bill 1838, a technical measure to authorize the state to issue the general obligation bonds called for the CIP budget

read … Hawaii Budget Bills Getting ‘Final Touches’

JRI: 50% Will Offend Again, so We Must Let these Criminals Out Now

We asked for your comments on our Facebook page and heard back from folks who had loved ones behind bars in Arizona, others who sympathized with family members, and others who thought, "Well, they did the crime. Now do the time".

Gina tears up when she hears the last comments, "A lot of times, our inmates are in prison for a reason that they were helping their families." She says many just don't know their situation and hopes people will be less judgmental.

"I take it to heart that, yeah, you did your crime. Do your time. Now forgive them. Get them back into the community. Give them the support that they need. Give them some kind of self-worth."

Hawaii has a 50% recidivism - repeat offender – rate, and everyone we talked to, whether it was family members, lawmakers, prosecutors, say some form of rehabilitation must be mandatory. Otherwise, they'll likely do it again. (Yup. They are likely to reoffend, so let them out early.)

read … Who Could be Fooled by this?

Rail Vacuums $8 million more out of Taxpayers’ Pockets

KITV: The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation is set to receive more General Excise and Use Tax revenue on Monday bringing the total to $858.73 million, $8 million more than expected.

This Monday, HART is set to receive $48.25 million in GET revenue for the first quarter of 2012.

The quarterly revenue is slightly less than the $49.02 million received in the previous quarter, but HART said overall revenue remains strong.

"The GET revenue continues to be good news for the rail project," said Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Executive Director and CEO Dan Grabauskas.

read … Vacuum

Grabauskas Promises Not to Tear Down One Pillar

Shapiro: And the quote of the week ... from rail transit CEO Daniel Grabauskas on the first concrete pillar poured for the rail system: "The column that you see beginning construction today is going to be there 100 years from now." And if it never carries a train, future generations can take a page from Stonehenge and tell tourists it was built by aliens.

PBN: Public meetings planned to discuss Honolulu rail transit project

read … Stonehenge

Okabe: BoE Gives Too Much Power to Governor

SA: Hawaii State Teachers Association President Wil Okabe said the board hasn't lived up to its pledges to remain independent and accessible, and that the greatest concern about moving from an elected to an appointed board — that it would give too much power to the governor — "has proven to be correct."

"Checks and balances have been lost. ‘My way or no way' has become the new way. And we believe it is the wrong way," said Okabe, who has raised issue with recent board decisions, including one aimed at moving the state closer to a performance management system for teachers.

Okabe and other teachers have also criticized the board's practice of holding meetings during the workday, saying it makes it difficult for educators and working parents to attend.

read … Power to Abercrombie

Laura Thielen Quits Carlisle Admin to Run for Senate

CB: Former Hawaii Ag Department Deputy Director Duane Okamoto is taking over as city ag liaison May 1, when Laura Thielen steps down to focus on her Senate run.

read … All in

Federal Communications Commission votes to make political TV ad spending more transparent

CB: In a nutshell, major broadcasters will be required to post documents detailing who is purchasing political ads and how much they cost, the Washington Post reports.

ABC News reports the move “will give the public a far more granular picture of where and how political money is being spent.”

“The FCC will host an online database making available information about political ads running on local affiliates of the four major TV networks in the top 50 markets, according to the FCC,” the ABC News story said.

“The new rule will require stations to digitize and upload the information, in real time, to the FCC’s website,” the story said. “Network-affiliated stations in the top 50 markets will have six months to comply. For all others, the deadline is 2014.

See the Wall Street Journal’s take on the news.

read … Not ‘til 2014

Unions Back Loser: ILWU's endorsement of Caldwell makes him No. 1 in union support

…and yet he is #2 in the polls. Lesson: Union support in and of itself doesn’t mean as much as many think.

CB: Fire Fighters Union Hot For Hanabusa

read … ILWU

HMSA Pays for nearly 2,000 medical flights from Big Island

WHT: A report, issued by the Hawaii/Pacific Basin Area Health Education Center, says Hawaii Island could use another 152 doctors, mostly primary care physicians. That’s a 32 percent shortfall.

Rokavec said fluctuating demand makes it more difficult to quantify the shortage. She added the report’s statistic that the Big Island needs another 17 anesthesiologists doesn’t match the hospital’s experiences, which don’t include a significant lack of anesthesiologists.

“You can’t just take a point in time and look at it,” Rokavec said. “If our (operating room) was running 14 hours a day, we’d definitely need (more).”

According to the report, which looked at demand and availability in 2010, the statewide shortage is 669 doctors, a 19 percent gap.

The methodology behind the report, Hawaii Medical Service Association’s Senior Vice President Hilton Raethel said, was to take the number of particular types of doctors and determine how many of those doctors are available per 1,000 people. Researchers then applied that ratio to Hawaii’s population. The results were more of a “macro” picture than an exact calculation for the physicians needed, he said.

Rokavec, who was aware of the report but not familiar with the methodology, noted another figure that seemed to far overestimate the number of certain specialists, in this case neurology, needed. The report suggested Hawaii Island needed six additional neurologists. West Hawaii does have a new neurologist, she said. (Yep. They have ONE, count’em ONE Neurologist. But no problem here, eh?)

“The population just would not support (seven),” she said.

Rokavec said Kona Hospital and Alii Health are working with other Hawaii Health Systems Corp. hospitals, such as Maui Memorial, to (maintain their lucrative monopoly) find ways to offer enough of a population base to support some specialties the islands individually could not.

Raethel said HMSA has also stepped in over the last several years, flying HMSA members from neighbor islands to Oahu for treatment or flying doctors from Oahu to the neighbor islands. In 2010, HMSA paid for 1,200 flights from Hilo and 770 flights from Kona to Oahu. The same year, he said, the insurance provider paid for 1,200 physician flights from Oahu to neighbor islands.

read … Frequent Flyer, but nothing to see here

Mainland Realtors Score Rail Redevelopment Contract

HR: Honolulu City Council Member Tom Berg (District 1 -'Ewa, Kapolei, Waianae Coast) is outraged the city administration has issued the rights to real estate acquisitions and other real estate related work along the designated rail route to a mainland firm.

An April 23, 2012 letter to Berg from Daniel Grabauskas, CEO of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation, confirmed the deal made with the Paragon Partners Ltd, a privately held, certified woman-owned California corporation. The company, established in 1993, claims it is "one of the leading Right of Way and Real Estate consulting firms in the nation." See the letter here: April 23, 2012 HART Real Estate Acquisition letter

read … More to the Mainland

Star-Adv: Honolulu Bag Ban Gives Us 3 Years to Impose Bag Tax

SA: The better strategy was what had been proposed, but failed to gain support, in the state House: House Bill 2483. It sought a fee customers would pay for any kind of single-use bag, with the revenue split between the retailer and a watershed protection fund. This would have given consumers both the incentive to change their shopping habits and the choice to avoid the fee by using their own carrier or buy a bag in situations that suit their needs.

However, three years of preparation time was built into the Council bill, ostensibly to give retailers time to use up their bag stock. The best next step for the mayor may not be a veto but a conference with Oahu retail leaders to use some of that time to amend the plan into something more workable.

Robert Harris, executive director of Sierra Club of Hawaii, said he favors retaining the plastic bag ban but including a fee to cover the retailer expense of supplying the permitted biodegradable or recyclable bags.

The time could also be used by the retail lobby to persuade lawmakers that a statewide regulatory approach, such as what HB 2483 offered, is easier for business. But further action undoubtedly will have to wait for next session.

Strong arguments against the fee are not evident, at least not in an examination of public testimony. In other states and cities, though, proposals for plastic bag regulation have run into stiff headwinds generated by an opposing lobby. (Note: the Opposition is evident in the comments section under this SA editorial, but it is not organized. This is the key point on all anti-consumer legislation in Hawaii.)

In 2010, California lawmakers voted down what would have been the nation's first statewide ban, after a fierce fight from the plastic shopping bag manufacturing interests, especially the American Chemistry Council. That was the same lobby that had spent heavily the previous year to defeat a Seattle referendum to impose a fee on plastic bags.

read … Bag bill needs improvement

Rooftop Solar Limited to 15%, But Industrial Wind Project claims 16% of Maui’s total

MN: Reinhardt said that when Auwahi begins generating power for MECO, the utility will see around 16 percent of its power come from wind energy.

Already, MECO receives wind power from Kaheawa Wind Power, which has a 30-megawatt wind farm with 20 generators at Kaheawa pastures on a ridge above Maalaea. The company is adding 14 more turbines next to its current site, which will increase its overall capacity to 51 megawatts when all go on line.

Reinhardt said the incorporation of Auwahi Wind energy into the MECO grid will help the utility as it tries to meet a state-mandated goal of securing 40 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030.

What Auwahi Will Look Like in 2030: Lalamilo: Another Hawaii Wind Energy Junkyard, Wind Energy's Ghosts

read … Anything for the green energy scammers

Maui favored as site for smart-grid testing

SA: Maui is becoming a hotbed for smart-grid technology testing with a South Korean government agency becoming the fourth entity to set its sights on the Valley Isle for such a proj­ect.

Authorities from the Republic of Korea's Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and the country's Smart Grid Institute have been meeting with Hawaii's state Energy Office officials and expect to have a draft memorandum of understanding on the proj­ect by next week, according to Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz.

The Korean government, following in the footsteps of Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, has chosen Maui as a testing ground because the high concentration of wind and solar energy on the island make it an ideal location to test smart-grid and smart-meter technologies, which are designed in part to better manage energy use so more renewable energy can be used in electrical grids.

read … Maui favored as site for smart-grid testing

Uncovering the Truth About the Undersea Cable

CB: There are only a handful of undersea high voltage transmission lines within the U.S. All of these were installed in the last few years.

One undersea cable often cited by DBEDT is the Neptune Regional Transmission System (NeptuneRTS), a 65 mile, 660 MW, dc transmission line running between New Jersey and Long Island, New York. The Neptune system went on-line in 2007. It has had a reliability factor of 98 percent. That is, 2 percent of the time there is either a planned outage for maintenance or an unplanned outage (failure).

Another undersea cable often cited by DBEDT and HECO is the Trans Bay Cable, a 53 mile, 400 MW, dc transmission line running between the City of San Francisco and the City of Pittsburgh in the East Bay. Completed in 2010, the line failed in its first week.

read … Henry Curtis

Nearly Bankrupt, Horizon Lines Pledges to go to the Bottom With the Jones Act

CHARLOTTE, NC (April 27, 2012)--Horizon Lines, Inc. (OTCQB: HRZL) today issued the following statement from interim President and Chief Executive Officer Stephen H. Fraser:

Horizon Lines is, and always has been, a very staunch supporter of the Jones Act and all of its requirements. The Jones Act stipulates that cargo shipped between two U.S. ports must be transported on vessels that are American-made, American-flagged, at least 75% American-owned and predominantly American crewed. We fully support these requirements and steadfastly believe they are vital to American economic, merchant marine, military, national and homeland security interests. The Jones Act has provided a strong foundation for America's domestic shipping industry since 1920, and has enjoyed the long-standing support of the U.S. Navy, bi-partisan members of Congress and every president in modern history.

As one of the nation's leading domestic ocean shipping companies and as a proud member of the American Maritime Partnership, Horizon Lines understands that the history and livelihood of our company, our customers and the markets we serve are inextricably linked to the Jones Act. Fifty-six years ago this week, the converted U.S. built tanker Ideal X departed Port Newark with 58 containers bound for Port Houston. With that voyage, Sea-Land Service, our predecessor, went on to revolutionize ocean cargo transportation. Today, the associates of Horizon Lines, in partnership with our maritime and shore-side union partners, are proud of the role we play supplying the citizens of Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico with goods that are vital to their lives. The Jones Act has made this possible. It has been integral to our nation's past and it is critical to our future.

read … Down with the Ship

Endangered Birds Eat Endangered Taro

HNN: Farmers say the nene or Hawaiian Goose eats the root. And the Hawaiian Moorhen and Hawaiian Coot eat the stalk and leaf. Since last year farmers say they've lost up to half a million pounds of kalo or taro.

"I really want to apologize to the taro eating community. The farmers are trying to resolve this solution but if we don't I don't want to scare them but there is going to be some kind of adjustment," said Rodney Haraguchi, Kauai Taro Growers Association President and Hanalei Valley taro farmer on the refuge property.

That means a possible shortage and or a price spike for food like poi and laulau.

"Right now I'm feeling like the Hawaiians are endangered because those things that we are now protecting are now eating our food supply," said Haunani Pacheco, who says her family has been farming taro for 100 years.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife says the land has been a wildlife refuge since 1972. Farmers knew when they signed the permit the land is for the birds and some degradation is possible. That is also why the farmers that live on the land don't pay any rent. They pay just $25 a year per acre to use the land to plant their crops.

read … About how it will all end

U.S. Marshals arrest Maui teacher for multiple counts of sex assault of 8th Grader

HNN: A Maui man was arrested Friday morning on multiple sexual assault charges after he allegedly had a three-year sexual relationship with a student that began when the girl was in the eighth grade.

Agents from the U.S. Marshal Service arrested 40-year-old Jim Alan Balicanta at approximately 7:50 a.m. at 85 Kapi Lane in Wailuku. He is charged with 27 counts of sexual assault in the first degree and 25 counts of sexual assault in the third degree.

Balicanta was reportedly a band teacher at Iao Intermediate School in Wailuku. He is currently classified as a former Department of Education substitute teacher, and has not been employed by the D.O.E. since January 2012. It is uncertain at this time whether Balicanta quit or was fired.

read … Just Another Day in the DoE

‘Scientists’ Change Counting Technique, Find 90% Fewer Sharks

WaPo: Pacific reef shark populations have plummeted by 90 percent or more over the past several decades, according a new study by a team of American and Canadian researchers, and much of this decline stems from human fishing pressure…. (This is a bald-faced lie as demonstrated by the rest of the article.)

The scientists relied on more than 1,600 “towed-diver surveys” to reach their conclusions. This form of underwater survey, aimed at reaching a more accurate count of fast-moving, wide-ranging fish, entails having a pair of scuba divers record the number of sharks while towed behind a boat.

“Towed-diver surveys are key to our effort to quantify reef shark abundance,” said Ivor Williams, one of the study’s co-authors and the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration team which conducted the surveys.

The researchers said previous underwater surveys, in which researchers have focused on a small transect of the ocean or a stationary point, skewed results by double-counting some sharks who traversed the same area multiple times.

“These types of surveys can vastly over count numbers of large mobile fishes (such as sharks),” wrote one of the paper’s co-authors, Julia Baum, assistant professor at the University of Victoria, Canada, in an e-mail.

(This will now become the source of endless eco-hype.)

read … Something so stupid only an eco-cultist could be fooled

Rep. Marumoto address SCR 97 - Uninsured Motorists


Stand. Comm. Rep. No. 1819-12 S.C.R. No. 97, S.D. 1

Contact: Excerpt from Capitol TV:


Honolulu, Hawaii (April 27, 2012) —Goodwill Industries of Hawaii is holding a Job Fair on Monday, April 30, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Kilihau Corporate Offices location, 2610 Kilihau Street, Honolulu, HI 96819.

Immediate hiring opportunities - be interview ready!

If you are looking for a company that is growing, gives you a sense of purpose in the work you do and allows you to make a difference in people's lives, come to the Goodwill Job Fair. At Goodwill, we believe in investing in our employees. We promote opportunities for growth through many paths of career development. Our benefits package includes: medical, dental, vacation leave, and 401-K retirement plan.

Goodwill reminds the public that career positions are available and that the job opportunities are NOT JUST in retail. There is a Marketing Communications and Development position, also Human Services, Human Resources, Operations and Retail job openings. For more information, call the Human Resources Recruiter – Marie Fontaine at 808-836-0313

Goodwill Industries of Hawaii’s mission is to help people with employment barriers to reach their full potential and become self-sufficient. Supported by its retail operations and financial endeavors, its educational, employment and training programs have provided skills training, employment counseling, job placement and support services since 1959.

Visit for more information and to subscribe to the Goodwill Works! e-mail newsletter. Information is also available via 836-WORK (9675),, @GoodwillHawaii on Twitter, and Goodwill Industries of Hawaii on Facebook.


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