Gates: North Korea will soon have missiles capable of hitting Hawaii with A-bomb
Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted January 5-10, 2011
SPLC ties Tucson shooter to leader of Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement, 2008 Iolani Palace takeover
Shapiro: Hawaii Democrats Blatantly target Christianity for obliteration
I had to chuckle at a note in the Trib story that the (Big Island) Democrats’ weekend selection event was held at the Puna Hongwanji Mission.
I have absolutely no personal objections; it’s so Big Island and part of the island’s political charm. But I couldn’t help but imagine how the party’s increasingly vocal separation-of-church-and-state crowd would scream bloody murder if Republicans held such an event at a Hope Chapel.
It points up again how efforts of some Democrats to obliterate religion from public life blatantly targets Christianity over other faiths — a bias that will ultimately come back to bite the Democrats.
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Idiot progressives think Army Nuked Kawaihae Harbor
Here’s a nuke they want us to ignore: Gates: North Korea will soon have missiles capable of hitting Hawaii with A-bomb
HGEA, UPW benefit: Airport Officials Race To Hire 200 Workers
HONOLULU -- Hawaii airport officials Monday told lawmakers they want to hire more than 200 people, many of them to repair and clean-up Hawaii's airports.
The new airports chief, Deputy Transportation Director Ford Fuchigami, said he also wants to improve the attitude of existing workers.
Airport managers said a hiring freeze and furloughs of state workers imposed by the administration of prior Gov. Linda Lingle, put the airport way behind in repairs, maintenance and janitorial support. Passengers have complained about filthy restrooms, leaky roofs and broken equipment.
Fuchigami said he hopes to quickly fill 203 vacant positions.
Totally Related: Kalapa: Abercrombie may eliminate all vacant positions
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Same-Sex Civil Unions Supporters 'Optimistic'
But now that Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie has taken office, and he has pledged to support the bill, its opponents in the legislature say the measure should not be fast-tracked.
"Something like this should be looked at very closely so I wouldn't say to move it out that fast,” said State Rep. John Mizuno, a Democrat who voted against the civil union bill in 2010. “I would actually like to see something like go through conference, go through a very good vetting process before it passes."…
Some civil union supporters hope the governor will introduce a bill as part of his legislative package…. But Interim House Speaker Calvin Say doesn’t like that idea.
"I would rather see it come from the legislature because I would rather see it come from the legislature because we have been addressing this issue for a number of years, and the House and Senate and has taken the lead and this time around, I think the legislative branch should take the lead," Say told KITV 4 News Monday night….
Because federal law doesn't recognize civil unions and state tax law is linked to federal tax law, there will need to be changes in state laws to allow gay couples to file state tax returns jointly, Oshiro said.
"So there's a lot of those technical issues that we need to work through. But overall, the bill -- besides that -- is substantially still the same and materially still the same," Oshiro said.
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Another day, another Advertiser Puff piece: Finance director nominee Kalbert Young is praised for his brilliance
People who know Young say his traits include a brilliant understanding of economics, a fiscally conservative philosophy, tireless work ethic and friendly nature toward colleagues.
"Kalbert's one of the brightest guys I know," said Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa, who recruited Young for a Maui County economic development job in 2003 and appointed him county finance director a year later.
Young held the Maui County finance chief job for the last seven years, putting Maui on arguably the firmest financial footing among the state's counties.
(So why is SA doing a puff piece for a Republican appointee? Because he is now serving The Abercrombie, that’s why.)
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Anti-Superferry protesters upset over GOP support for Say
Lance Holter, (Anti-Superferry protester) chairman of the Maui Democratic Party, wants House Democrats to reject accepting House Republican support to break the two-month stalemate over speaker.
"Democrats should resolve their differences within the party. This means sharing power and sometimes finding compromise on ideological principles," Holter said over the weekend. "This does not mean forging an alliance with Republicans Legislators, half of whom are Tea Partiers." whines the anti-Superferry protester, Holter.
SA: House power-sharing talks are at an impasse
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Aiona nails Saiki for partisanship
from Twitter: Quote of the year (to date)! Scott Saiki "it will be difficult to govern with a bipartisan organization". So who does Scott Saiki represent the people or only Democrats? It should be noted that this position is not limited to Scott Saiki. And we wonder why there are haves and haves not with state government. See StarAdvertiser
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FULL TEXT: Jan 5 DoE Budget Briefing to Ways and Means Committee (It has 370 pages of cartoons and drawings for legislators to play with.)
CB: A/C In All Hawaii Schools: When Hell Freezes Over
Hawaii is top spender on State hospitals
Hawaii (12.3 per cent) led the states in spending on public health and hospitals as a percentage of general expenditures, followed by Connecticut (11.4 per cent) and Virginia (10.9 per cent).
Here’s a proposal which could solve all the budget problems: Legislative Report: Convert HHSC to non-profit, dump civil service (full text)
Here’s what all that money is buying: Hawaii Hospitals: Not Quite Catching Up To Africa
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Lopez is not ready to lead DCCA
the January 10 Star-Advertiser ran an unusually effluent puff piece, "Lopez is ready to lead," extolling the virtues of one Kealii Lopez, Governor Abercrombie's recently-appointed director of the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA)….
Lopez has been the President and CEO of 'Olelo Community Media, "...the nonprofit that runs six public-access channels on Oceanic Cable..." which enjoys guaranteed, stable funding of US$6 million annually from Oahu's Cable Franchise Fees (4.67% of your Hawaii cable TV bill).
No one would argue that Ms. Lopez is not a very nice lady, but this appointment is the perfect example of what's politically wrong in Hawai`i. Aside from "...her ability to lead, organize, and motivate people...", and her being "...moved and excited by the momentum of the Abercrombie administration...", the good lady is simply not qualified - nor does she have the work experience to oversee (DCCA)….
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Kauai canceling furlough Friday this week, perhaps rest of the year
Among the cost-saving measures implemented by the county over the last two years were the following: deferring pay raises for the mayor and department heads; leaving funded positions vacant; deferring equipment purchases; restructuring debt; reducing travel; restricting take-home vehicles; two furlough days per month for all county employees except for members of the police and firefighters unions; and no pay raises for HGEA and UPW employees.
To bring in more revenue, the county increased motor vehicle registration fees, increased drivers licensing fees and initiated online bill-paying fees.
CB: Carlisle: Props to Kauai on Furlough Progress
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Five Hawaii County prosecutors may quit when Kimura goes
Jay Kimura the Hawaii county prosecutor himself is resigning, that according to a Hawaii Tribune Herald article this morning by John Burnett. Kimura’s resignation will be effective April 1st according to the story, not January 4th as I reported in the previous article.
There was no mention of who might be going with him, but the word in the court house the day of (marijuana) Reverend Harris’s court hearing was that 5 people were quitting, some are saying he is the only one, that would surprise me, only time will tell.
RELATED: Robert Iwamoto trust sued over Maui Ponzi scheme
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Billion Dollar Default: Grand Wailea investors give up ownership
The big Maui resort and seven others that were pledged for a huge loan have been taken over by the lenders, according to a report by Bloomberg News in New York.
The loan, originally for $1 billion, was coming due next month.
The irony of the situation with the Grand Wailea is that it is reportedly doing pretty well considering the depressed state of the visitor industry. So well, in fact, that its old owner, Morgan Stanley Real Estate, was planning a $250 million, 310-room expansion.
That expansion is being contested, and a hearing is scheduled this morning at the Maui Planning Commission. Attorney Isaac Hall, who is representing hotel expansion opponents and an appeal by Shep Gordon over a beach parking arrangement being financed by the Grand Wailea, said the takeover adds an additional complication to an already complicated situation. (Which will be $ettled with the gra$ping activi$t$.)
PBN: Lenders take back the Grand Wailea
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Buy American rule means military contract windfall for Hawaii Solar contractors
The New York Times is reporting that the the defense appropriations bill signed by President Obama on Friday includes a "Buy American" provision for DoD purchases of solar panels. The provision requires the DoD to purchase from countries that have signed the WTOs side agreement which requires free trade in government purchases. China has not signed the agreement.
This has large implications for Hawaii with the number military and public/private joint ventures that have announced photovoltaic projects for both military and dependant housing applications.
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Cashing in on “green” energy
Perry and Price, KSSK keep isle radio leads
20% of morning drive time listeners.
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Honolulu Officials At Odds With Winter White House Owner's Take on Law
More info about Obama’s illegal Winter White house.
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Study boosts defense of aquarium fish industry
Scientists followed up on field research from 2006, performing genetic and statistical analysis on nearly 1,100 juvenile and adult fish, finding evidence that some of the healthy juvenile fish were spawned from parents more than 100 miles away.
What the study doesn't mean, he added, was that the results should spur fish collectors onto increasing how many of the yellow tang they gather. (The issue is whether they will be banned.)
"The importance of the study is showing (the network of protected areas) has the potential to work," Beets said. "One management strategy is just one of several. We still need to make sure we're not overfishing unprotected areas."
ALSO: State may fine fish farm for coral damage
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Kill the First Amendment: Star-Advertiser: Beware dangerous public rhetoric
Hawaii's politics sank to a new low of hostility in last year's election campaign, but it was more genteel than many campaigns across the county and paled to the political invective that has been rampant on the Internet. Sadly, it was both shocking, yet not surprising, that a man with a past of bizarre behavior engaged in the heinous gun spree in Tucson, Ariz. (And it is neither shocking nor surprising that the Star Democrat Advertising Bulletin is using this tragedy to make political points. So predictable, so pathetic.)
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' "Congress on Your Corner" gatherings have been similar to the Hawaii delegations' "talk story" sessions aimed at hearing and responding to constituents' questions and concerns. The rampage in Tucson spotlights the unspeakable hazards that lurk behind such routine gatherings -- but these sessions are crucial to a democracy and this tragedy should not alter spirited debate on issues in Hawaii or elsewhere in the nation. It does, though, throw the spotlight on the increasingly angry tone across America, and this crime's political venue serves as a cautionary reminder against any irresponsible, demonizing rhetoric that incites the dangerous zealots to violence.
(And where was the response to eight years of “Bush is a fascist?” Or Michael Moore’s “Bush is worse than Bin-laden?” These people are so transparent it is barely worth responding.)
Alleged Tucson Shooter: Flag-burning Leftist, dope smoking atheist
SPLC ties Tucson shooter to leader of Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement, 2008 Iolani Palace takeover
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Kill the Second Amendment: Democrat Borreca blames Palin, conservatives for shooting
In Arizona, you can load your Glock 9 mm, strap it to your leg, slip a magazine in your AR-15, toss it over your shoulder and go to town.
Arizona is a "right-to-carry" state. It and Alaska allow you to carry a gun either concealed or in the open without a permit. Forty states according to the National Rifle Association have some sort of system to allow the public to tote a gun. Hawaii is one of the 10 that restrict the ability to legally own a gun.
As we contemplate the Tucson slaughter at a political forum, part of the discussion must be about the ability of crazy people to carry weapons that can kill.
In August 2009, a man in Phoenix, Ariz., walked outside a convention center with his pistol and AR-15 while inside, President Barack Obama addressed the annual meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "Because I can do it," the unidentified man said when asked why he was armed. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms," The Arizona Republic quoted him as saying.
REALITY: Hawaii Concealed Carry: More Guns, Less Crime
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Liberals using Tucson shooting to boost gun control in Hawaii
While it is legally possible in Hawaii to get a concealed weapons permit, it doesn't happen very often. The police chief has to personally approve any of those permit requests.
"I think Hawaii has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. They are adequate to protect the rights of people to own a firearm from those who should be a danger to the community," said Honolulu resident Stephen Wise.
RELATED: Hawaii Concealed Carry launches Firearm Permit Initiative
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Chun Oakland: Mental illness is real issue
Chun Oakland said she also wonders if the more important message in the weekend tragedy is to take better care of people with mental illness.
“Being able to take care of our people in a way that we don't' get to this point to where someone will feel compelled to do something like a shooting," she said.
Speaking of mental illness: 9th Circuit rules that Honolulu Muslim with guns, detained for 5150 mental health exam, had rights violated because someone mentioned terrorism
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How America's elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah Palin
UK Daily Mail: Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s former chief of staff and a figure compared to Labour’s Alastair Campbell, once said: ‘You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.’
And those on his side of the political divide have clearly seen the Tucson tragedy as an opportunity to score points and settle scores.
None more so than with Sarah Palin, a politician who is almost as divisive as the President. The former Republican vice-presidential contender has become a spiritual figurehead for many Tea Party supporters, but is loathed by many on the Left.
So it was that within minutes of the Tucson shooting, anti-Palin internet bloggers and Twitter users were highlighting a so-called ‘target map’ Mrs Palin had posted on her Facebook page last March….
Even the actress and activist Jane Fonda waded into the row with a succession of internet tweets blaming Mrs Palin, the Tea Party and Glenn Beck, a rabble-rousing broadcaster on Fox News, for the shooting.
The Tea Party leaders have been rushing to condemn the shooting and distance themselves from the gunman.
Whether they should really have to do so is another matter. The reality is that there is as yet no evidence that the political Right, and the Tea Party in particular, has — as its opponents say — ‘blood on its hands’ over the Tucson murders.
While some liberals have slyly implied that Loughner was a Tea Party supporter, former classmates remember him as being ‘Left-wing’ and ‘liberal’.
Another said he was ‘on his own planet’, which seems nearer the mark. No existing political organisation - including the Tea Party - comes close to championing Loughner’s deranged world view….
John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster, not because he hated Right-wingers.
Likewise, Lynette Fromme tried to shoot Gerald Ford because she revered the cult killer Charles Manson.
But those lessons from history won’t stop some Democrats exploiting the shooting of a nine-year-old girl and five others at the weekend with precisely the sort of foam-flecked over-reaction for which they love to condemn their opponents on the Right
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