Lucky to have Tom Berg as Councilman
Dear Editor, 12-30-10
We are extremely LUCKY to have Tom Berg as our new City Councilman! Tom was an active supporter of Save Ewa Field from the very beginning. He has also been a major advocate of saving places like Fort Barrette and Battery Arizona as Heritage Tourism sites.
We expect to make some real progress in 2011 when part of the battlefield where we have been having our events and commemorations, will be transferred to the City as a Regional Park.
John Bond, Save Ewa Field
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Waianae Teacher: “Many teachers are fed up with the HSTA and DOE”
To Mr. Abercrombie: 12-16-10
My name is Joseph DeMarco and I have been a school teacher at Waianae Int. for ten years. I'm sure you are aware of the many problems our school system is facing. Many teachers are fed up with the HSTA and DOE. In my opinion the DOE is extremely top heavy with administrative positions. We have people who fly over to our school or we have America's Choice who come to our school and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. They basically come over and run little workshops, then dump most of the workload onto the teachers. Meanwhile teachers have three times as much paperwork and are getting furloughed. Some of these teachers can barely afford to feed their families. That's really all Race To The Top is, putting the responsibility back on the teachers, forcing them to do more paperwork and jump through more hoops. Something has to change. I think that the DOE should force all non-classroom teachers to either go back into the classroom or retire. There has to be positions that can be cut before non-essential teachers. Most veteran teachers are fed up with always being the scapegoat for the DOE.
Joseph DeMarco, Teacher, Waianae Int.
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Hundreds sign up to Save Ewa Field
Dear Editor: Dec. 20, 2010
The "Help Save This Pearl Harbor Battle Site" Facebook CAUSE has been up for just 10 days and already 775 members SUPPORT Saving Ewa Field!
The MARINE CORPS 235th BDAY held at EWA AIR FIELD has 343 YouTube views.
The SAVE EWA AIR FIELD DEC 5, 2010; 69 YEARS LATER video has 250 YouTube views.
Please encourage your readers to take a look at the main Save Ewa Field website:
With links to photos and videos on main page and here:
John Bond
Save Ewa Field

