Paramilitary Group Takes over anti-Telescope Protest Site
Open Letter to Hawaii County Mayor, DHHL, DoT, DLNR
Aloha, August 27, 2022
The new group that has settled up at the Maunakea Access Road TMT protest site is the Occupied Forces Hawaii Army. This group was recently evicted from a property Oahu due to illegal squatting.
The state needs to action against these illegal squatters on Maunakea Access Road, especially since this paramilitary separatist group has erected a cafeteria tent up at this site.
I've written numerous e-mails urging the state to take action against the remaining individuals at this encampment. The TMT likely won't be constructed for several years, so there is no reason why these squatters should remain there.
This encampment has done severe, and permanent, environmental damage to this sensitive conservation area. It really needs an opportunity to heal, which won't happen unless these holdout squatters are evicted.
Aaron Stene
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
UPDATE Aug 29, 2022: The Occupied Forces Hawaii Army, the paramilitary sovereignty group, took down their tent and vacated the TMT protest encampment over the weekend. Someone took photos of where their tent was by Maunakea Access Road. It is no longer there. They apparently changed their flag from their OFHA flag to peace treaty forces flag before they departed. --Aaron Stene
BACKGROUND on ‘Occupied Forces Hawaii Army’: