Hawaii Sunshine better than TV
Aloha Fellow Taxpayers,
Are you sick of the your whining legislators and their threats to cut essential services? Do you wonder why they always need more money? Why do they take away tax exemptions? They destroy our jobs by over taxing small businesses, our employers. Are you disgusted with the way our legislature sneaks in new taxes under the “fees” category and just can’t seem to balance a budget the way you and I must? How much do these government employees make anyway?
Well, have some BIG fun with this new website from the Grassroots Institute: http://hawaiisunshine.org See exactly what these elected officials do with all of this money. You may want to report some “pork” spending on this website yourself if you have some information to share. Perhaps you can report on the waste in our hospital system, unions, or school system. It is also worth a donation it is so entertaining in a painful way. This is much better than watching TV! Way to go, Jamie Story!!
Jan Shields
Lahaina, Maui
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Kue! Sovereignty Activists to protest Abercrombie Inauguration
ALOHA Kakou,
A "New Day Hawaii" is Upon Us. As on Dec 6, there will be a KUE at the Palace when Governor Elect Abercrombie is sworn in on the Grounds of Iolani Palace.
This KUE is a People's KUE at this point. This KUE is by People who oppose the use of the grounds of Iolani Palace being used to perpetuate the wrongs of the Invasion and Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom on January 16, 1893 by the Military Forces of the United States.
The Grounds of Iolani Palace are Sacred.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom,
o Pomaikaiokalani,
Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
LINK: http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/pono-alert-a-new-day-hawaii?xg_source=activity
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Honolulu Mayor Expects $100M Budget Shortfall, but Rail is Still On
Dear Editor:
Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle predicts the city could face a budget shortfall of more than $100 million next year so he’s making major cuts to the city's construction plan to help balance the budget. Carlisle has insisted that there be a "Careful review of overtime. Careful review of new hires. Freezing of new hires to the extent possible," so tax-payers get ready to tighten your belt even further.
It seems to me this could all be avoided if we just canceled our 5 billion dollar rail and diverted the funds, but the greedy land-developers have spoken and we all know the politicians are in their back pockets.
Speaking of politicians did you know that in last weeks' elections U.S. Rep James Oberstar (who was head of the House of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee) lost his seat. Without a Democrat as head of Transportation Committee, some have suggested that Honolulu's funding for rail transit may also be in jeopardy.
With the city in the hole a hundred million dollars and growing why are they insisting on building this monstrosity? Does anybody still think rail is a good idea? I mean it's obvious there are many out-of work construction workers, but building a rail just to create jobs seems a bit short-sighted, besides what happens when they're done, the construction workers will again be out of work.
I think it may be time for a re-vote. If you think about it rail barely passed the first time 53%-47% and this was when the economy was booming, Mayor Hannemann spent millions of dollars advertising for it, and many anti-railers felt the question on the ballot was weighted. Even if we get federal funding this still is an awfully big bill for tax-payers to foot. Rail will cost about $4,300 per person in the State of Hawaii, compared to Phoenix's $180 per person system. Is there even a question that we must stop rail now? In an economy that doesn't seem to be getting better, ask yourself is this the right decision for Honolulu?
When asked about rail funding from the federal government, Senator Inouye asserted that although the Republicans have taken control of the House and although they want to shrink the size of government, "The federal money will still be there for the Honolulu rail project," but the Senator also went on saying of fed funding, "Nothing is guaranteed."
Joseph DeMarco, Kapolei, Oahu
RELATED: Rail funding in jeopardy as key House sponsor ousted by Americans
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Slavery: Defender calls Federal Prosecutor “corrupt”
Dear Editor:
I don't understand how you can continue to smash the Sou brothers after reading "The Sting – 2010." That was not just an opinion piece. It was a thoroughly documented study with all references straight out of the court exhibits, except for the last section which was based on (Hawaii Reporter Editor) Malia (Zimmerman)'s material. I didn't write it for the public, actually. I wrote it for the judge to read and ponder.
You really need to read the court records. What you are saying just does not match up with reality. At all.
Only 4% of the federal cases each year go to trial. 96% are settled by plea agreements. Isn't that an amazing little tidbit? Why do all of those people plead guilty? There are good reasons for taking an agreement. Lawyers' fees are about $50,000 a charge. Facing eight charges like the Sous were, would have meant $400,000. Where would farmers trying to compete with mainland prices get $400,000? The plea gives the defendants a chance to present their case to the judge and let the judge decide. That's exactly what the Sous did when the judge let them eventually state what they were guilty of. Then she said what they wrote wasn't enough to have a plea agreement over, and threw out the plea agreement. You are basing your whole argument on a discredited plea agreement.
This case came unraveled when the Prosecutor finally sent the last eight 302s to the defense on September 4, two days before sentencing hearing. She is corrupt. This whole case is coming apart. And you are going to be totally discredited by the crazy things you are writing.
Try read this article in USA Today. You should find it completely fascinating. This is what is going on here. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/judicial/2010-09-22-federal-prosecutors-reform_N.htm.
Dr. Kioni Dudley, Kapolei, Oahu
RELATED: Neil Abercrombie's slavery problem
Dudley: The Sting – 2010
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