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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 13994 Views

Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour    

Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place

FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban

Aiona campaign calls on supporters to vote “yes” for appointed BoE

Christian leaders push back against smears from Abercrombie campaign

VIDEO: Cam Cavasso advert “Mountains of Debt”

Hawaii Right to Life releases candidate endorsements

Harris Poll: Obama approval rating drops to 37%

Smart Business Hawaii “Yes on appointed BoE”– plus positions on City Charter Amendments

ABC News: For Dems, 50th State Becomes Hawaii Uh-Oh

SA: Terror suspect prayed at Honolulu Mosque

The Muslim Association of Hawaii said the man taken into custody this week on terrorism-related charges came to the Islamic Center of Hawaii to worship and that the association assisted law enforcement agencies in the case.  (The FBI had been following this wanna-be Taliban for over a year when he showed up in Hawaii)

Association Chairman Hakim Ouansafi (who tricked the legislature into celebrating Islam Day) said Abdel Hameed Shehadeh was a "loner" who recently arrived from New York and was not a member of the association.

"He told us he did websites for a living. ... He did not tell us why he was here," Ouansafi said.

Ouansafi said his group does not condone terrorism and has in the past reported suspicious activities to authorities. Ouansafi said in the case of Shehadeh, the association made "great contributions" in assisting law enforcement agencies.

(And head-chopping jihadis eveywhere appreciate this warning.)

"These kinds of things are not tolerated," he said. "We do so knowing it is consistent with being a patriotic American and a devout Muslim."

(It is far more effective to trick the infidels into celebrating Islam Day on September 11th Julian than it is to go fight in Pakistan.)

FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban

MORE: Hawaii, DC Terror Arrests Seen as Part of a Wider Plot

REALITY: On the trail to Hawaii Islam Day: Saudi money, Libyan assassins, Palestinian Jihad, London bombers, Malaysian sodomy, and laughing Islamists

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Democrats complain that Lingle supported Charter Schools instead of feeding HSTA

Lingle's senior policy adviser, Linda Smith, said at the hearing that before the furlough issue came up, the administration already committed to schools that the money would be used on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs, as well as assisting charter schools.

About $9 million was allocated for charter schools, including $3.3 million for hiring qualified teachers, $3.1 million to maintain accreditation for schools and $2.3 million to restoring instructional time.

"Many of them chose not to have furloughs," Smith said. "We didn't feel it was appropriate to penalize schools who were able to work around their budget limitations by not giving them some funds to be able to meet their payroll needs."

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AP: Republican grassroots vs “two white men”  

HONOLULU (AP) — In the nation's most multicultural state, Hawaii's GOP is broadening its appeal with a gubernatorial team of a Native Hawaiian and a Filipina, while Democrats are fielding two white men for election to the state's highest office….

Republicans are tapping into the islands' multiculturalism through Aiona and his Filipina running mate for lieutenant governor, Lynn Finnegan, said campaign volunteer Carmela Minaya.

"Everywhere else in the country, grass roots campaigns are always Democrats, but over here in Hawaii, it's the exact opposite," said Minaya, a Filipino, Spanish and Chinese chemistry teacher who calls voters for the campaign. "If Republicans are going to do anything, it has to come from the people."

RELATED: The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway

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Teachers Union Gears Up Opposition To Amendment

All of that changed after Oct. 1, as if someone had flipped a switch. A few weeks after our inquiry, the union released an election pamphlet to its 13,000 members urging a "NO" vote on the ballot issue. And this latest expenditure report shows HSTA spent at least $86,000 in October on its campaign to oppose the amendment:

  • $67,830 for TV and radio advertisements
  • $12,435 for a survey on the proposed amendment
  • $6,100 on a member mailing

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Abercrombie, Schatz busted on missing federal Funds

Civil Beat first approached Schatz to see where he got his figure. It's relevant because the Abercrombie campaign has made a central part of its message that it would better tap federal dollars to help Hawaii in the face of the recession.

Right off the bat, warning lights started going off.

Schatz told Civil Beat that he was not referring to the most recent fiscal years when he said mental health services had missed out on federal money.

In an e-mail, he said, "I did not include the budget worksheets for FY 2008 and 2009 because at some point roughly two years ago the AMHD was able to get reimbursed through the Medicaid Rehab Option, so those dollars weren't lost."

Meaning, that the money Schatz is talking about in the press release as having not been taken advantage of, has, in fact, been taken advantage of.

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Gay marriage activists: Strategy tied to Abercrombie

Christian activists have started distributing red "No on HB444" signs in several communities.

State House Majority Leader Blake Oshiro (D, Aiea-Halawa Valley-Aiea Heights), the bill's sponsor, has said he would introduce the bill again next session if he is re-elected.

Tambry Young, who serves on the board of Citizens for Equal Rights, said the poll results are positive. She said the future strategy for the bill is tied to whether Abercrombie or Aiona is the next governor.

"We think we're a lot closer if Neil gets in," she said. "We'll be a lot farther if Aiona gets in."

Memito Ablan, a Pearl City Realtor, with his friends recently formed the United Coalition Against HB444, the group behind the red signs. The larger and more established Hawaii Family Forum and the Hawaii Christian Coalition have done the main outreach with the religious community.

"We just decided to go for it," Ablan said. "We're just telling the public to be aware. We don't want HB444 to come up again."

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Aiona has endorsement of Hawaii Island Contractors’ Association

The endorsement was announced Sunday.

The group's legislative committee chairman, Earl Yempuku, said in a statement that Aiona and running mate for lieutenant governor, Lynn Finnegan, are committed to providing a business-friendly environment.

The association's membership includes smaller general and subcontractors, equipment and material suppliers, accountants, insurance carriers, financial institutions and utility companies.

RELATED: Japanese Chamber of Commerce endorses Aiona-Finnegan, Hawaii Island Contractors' Association Endorses Aiona-Finnegan

Panic: Abercrombie lobbies isle businesses, unions

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Saved by Lingle-Aiona administration, Kukui Gardens celebrates 40 years

After Kukui Gardens Corp. offered to sell the 857-unit, low-income apartments to upscale developers in 2006, Kukui Gardens was saved the following year through a campaign by tenants, community leaders, the Lingle administration and other elected officials to persuade San Francisco-based Carmel Partners to sell half -- or 11 acres of the land and more than 400 apartments -- for $72 million to affordable developers EAH Housing and Devine & Gong of San Francisco.

The deal ran into trouble last year when the market for a key component of the deal -- state housing tax credits -- dried up with the collapse of the nation's financial markets. But the federal stimulus provided $3.8 million to fill in much of the $5 million gap that was created by the loss.

Today, concrete is giving way to plants and dozens of palm trees that will line Vineyard Boulevard.

"It'll be lush, it'll be green" and offer a "less institutional look," Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona said.

The complex's "hard-edged, concrete character" will be replaced by "a true Kukui Gardens," Aiona said. "This is a major transformation."

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Mayor Carlisle to sign homeless sidewalk ban

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle plans to sign Bill 39 which bans tents and furniture on public sidewalks Wednesday.

The state library system and business groups support the plan to clear away homeless campers.

But the American Civil Liberties Union, doing its part for the homelessness industry, is opposed to it, and Mayor Carlisle says he expects a lawsuit.

SA: Police say 70-year-old man murdered in Manoa

REALITY: Kapiolani Park: Homelessness industry takes Hawaii tourism hostage, Defeating the "homelessness industry" before it gets a grip on Hawaii

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Condominium foreclosures could face increased scrutiny

Intense competition among law firms vying to represent cash-strapped condominium associations facing a wave of defaults has led to warnings of possible widespread violations of state law that could spell trouble ahead for condo managers and owners’ associations.

The problem stems from conflicting legal interpretations of state laws authorizing nonjudicial foreclosures. On one side are attorneys who say condominiums seeking to pursue nonjudicial foreclosures are subject to legal requirements and restrictions that make the process useless in all but uncontested cases. On the other side are attorneys who claim a brief reference in the state’s condominium law allows them to use the same, less cumbersome nonjudicial process otherwise reserved for banks and other mortgage lenders.


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Unions burn $200,000 of your dues money on Abercrombie

Hawaii labor unions have spent more than $200,000 on television advertising on behalf of former U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, the Democratic candidate for governor, including a new spot featuring former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, who lost to Abercrombie in the primary.

The coalition of unions -- which includes the Hawaii Government Employees Association, the United Public Workers, the Hawaii Carpenters Union and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union -- pooled resources for three independent ads on behalf of Abercrombie.

The first two, which aired earlier this month, were critical of Aiona and countered the "Rise and Shine" theme used by the Republican Governors Association for Aiona. The third ad features Hannemann.

The $200,000 figure is based on state campaign finance reports and estimates from one of the unions involved. The union spending, combined with $224,000 in ads sponsored by the Democratic Governors Association

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UH Manoa fails to turn out brainwashed drones

A sparsely attended "get out the vote" rally at the University of Hawaii's Manoa campus Tuesday said it all.

A few students and professors huddled in a rain- swept tent, listening to a series of speakers begging them to vote.

Prototype Cecilia Durocher, 19, was at the rally and said she will be voting for the first time this year.  "I am super excited. I have been waiting for this for years," said Durocher.

Durocher said a key issue for her is equality. "I am pro choice. I am pro civil unions, rights for gays. I just feel everyone should have the right to make their own choices, and do what they feel is best," said Durocher.

But if you walk through the University of Hawaii Campus Center, it is difficult to find many as enthusiastic as Durocher.

Nathan Nishida, a student from Kaneohe, said he was not going to vote this year. "I don't think I have enough time right now and I am not sure I know enough about the politics to select a candidate," said Nishida.

RELATED: Ethics Violation? UH Manoa helps Democrats build get out the vote rally

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Star-Advertiser pushes publicly funded elections

Guy Enriques took down the Kau Preservation Inc gang and their agent Bob Jacobson.  So Hawaii progressives voted $37,795 in taxpayer funding for his opponent.

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Star-Advertiser endorses Seven More Democrats

In Hawaii the Legislature IS the problem.  And the Star-Advertiser is trying to keep it that way.

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District 13 candidates’ appeals are personal

Akuna is a supporter of local school boards and, like Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona, the Republican candidate for governor, she believes an audit of the state Department of Education is needed.

"Where is all the excess going? I want to know," Akuna said. "We could help get the budget going if we see what is being spent."

Akuna said she differs from Carroll on legislation that would allow civil unions between gay and heterosexual couples. Akuna opposes the measure that Gov. Linda Lingle vetoed earlier this year.

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Government needs to pay up to fix hot-water system now

Residents protested at the state Capitol to draw attention to their concern that 70 percent of the 364 units are without hot water, with no relief in sight for most. They waved signs that said, "Hot Water for Our Babies Please!" and "We Are Human Beings."

The Hawaii Public Housing Authority says it has only $250,000 for a Rube Goldberg fix for some of the units and would need another $600,000 from the Legislature to repair all of the 35 buildings.

Since when is hot water optional? It's disgraceful for the state to play slumlord and leave its tenants living without basic sanitation….

It's a dodge to say we don't have the money. Budget crunch or not, we're still among the highest-taxed states in the country, and the state is still spending $10 billion a year.

The problem isn't a lack of money. The problem is a lack of conscience among elected officials who think infrastructure maintenance is discretionary -- especially for the poor -- and public money is better spent currying political favor from the influential.

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New deal between the insurer and hospital system takes quality of care into consideration

The public dispute comes as the industry begins to shift the way reimbursements are calculated to a model that focuses on quality outcomes rather than volume.

"It's all about money and nothing other than money," said Chuck Sted, HPH president and chief executive officer. "The good thing ... is we've come to an agreement on how to measure quality."

HMSA has offered to pay HPH an 85 percent base rate, with a 15 percent bonus if providers can demonstrate that they've improved the quality of patient care with measures that include decreasing hospital re-admission rates, as well as reducing unnecessary emergency visits and tests.

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Flash: Gov’t construction project on time, under budget

Lyman said part of the reason the project has remained within budget and on schedule is because it is being constructed by contractor Maryl Group via the design-build model instead of the traditional design-bid-build system. A design-build model allows a contractor to make some changes, with county approval, during the construction process. A building constructed via the traditional design-bid-build system must be built to specifications contained in a project's design, he said.
"It saved at least of a minimum of two to three years," Lyman said. "With the design-build (model), the whole idea is to give and take along the way so in the end what we're projecting (budget-wise) is met."

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KGI: Meet your candidates for Governor

Maui News:


  • W. Maui council candidates say there’s more to them than labels
  • Tavares still leads in funds raised for campaign


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