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Saturday, October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:39 PM :: 10607 Views

National, International media: All eyes on Hawaii as voting begins

Democrat Pat Caddell hammers “hypocrisy” of Obama’s “naive idiots” for focus on campaign spending

A Legal Victory on the Road to Repeal

AUDIO: CD2 candidate Willoughby on Dennis Prager show

Hanabusa: “No way we’re going to be able to convince Case voters”

AP: …some Case allies say Hanabusa still hasn't done enough to capture their support.

Hanabusa faces difficulty with those who favor ideological balance in Hawaii's congressional delegation and independence from its Democratic establishment, said Bernie Bays, a senior partner at a Honolulu law firm and a major Case contributor.

Bay said those voters were key in the Sept. 18 primary election, when Peter Carlisle and Neil Abercrombie won their respective contests for Honolulu mayor and the Democratic gubernatorial nomination over rivals perceived as too close to the establishment.

"That wouldn't bode well for (Hanabusa's) ability to gain the support of voters who are seeking some independence from the Democratic power structure," he added.

Bays said he has not decided whether he will vote for Hanabusa or Djou.

"If (voters) don't recognize that, there's no way we're going to be able to convince them of the fact that I have always been independent" and have shepherded legislation that has "caused change," she said.

Djou also is attempting to coax Case voters to his side by highlighting fiscal responsibility and government accountability, the candidate said in an interview.

"My campaign is focused on one very, very simple question: Are you satisfied with Congress? Are you satisfied with the status quo?" said Djou, who also met with Case after the May election. "I think that's a message that is resonating well with Case's voters."

If nothing else, Djou has at least trumped Hanabusa in family ties he said his wife is a step-cousin to Case's spouse.

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Hanabusa-connected dirt track receives eviction notice

A year after the track was closed, the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands agreed to rent nearly 20 acres inside the former Barbers Point Naval Air Station, now Kalaeloa, to Save Oahu's Race Track, a company headed by Kapolei entrepreneurs George and Jeanette Grace, for $24,000 a year.

(George Grace was acquitted in the Aloha Stadium toilet bombing case.)

The company spent years developing the racing park and reportedly was given the go-ahead by the Home Lands department in August.  (And we, the editors of the Star-Advertiser have managed to write this editorial without mentioning John Souza or Colleen Hanabusa.  That takes skill.)

"Literally, thousands of volunteer man-hours and money as well as blood, sweat and tears have gone into this project since the closure of Hawaii Raceway Park," the company stated on its website.

Two races attended by more than 4,000 spectators have been staged since then, and the company was shocked when it received a 30-day notice of eviction by the department on Tuesday.

Although it had been $12,000 behind in rent at one point more than a year ago, the Graces wondered "if this is politically motivated or due to the constant harassment by a very small minority group of individuals."

Department spokesman Kamanao Mills said the eviction notice "was a miscommunication between the department and SORT" but could not say whether eviction still is on the table

(Fascinating.  An editorial without an accompanying news story.)

REALITY: Fireworks, dirt, and stolen trucks: Colleen Hanabusa and the Honolulu Raceway Deal

MORE REALITY: Will Hanabusa allow DHHL to revert back to the bad old days?

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Heroic teacher faces down HSTA criminals over secret ballot, appointed BoE

Waianae High School teacher Candy Suiso calls the school board election a “popularity contest." So she’s bucking her union to support an appointed board.

“I am not here to make trouble,” Suiso said. “I just feel strongly, just like a lot of other teachers, about change.”

Earlier this week, Suiso said she confronted a union representative at a faculty meeting. She said the union leader seemed to say the union has more clout the way things are with the elected board.

She said she was even more offended when the union rep asked the teachers for a show of hands on the issue.

“Its just nobody's business how you vote,” Suiso said she told the woman. She said the woman apologized and told Suiso she was doing what the union instructed her to do.

But HSTA President Wil Okabe, lying through his teeth, said the union does not tell representatives to ask teachers how they plan to cast their ballots.

“That is an isolated situation,” Okabe said reemphasizing his lie. “I believe every teacher has the right to vote the way they want to." 

At this point there was a break as Okabe, seized with a fit of the giggles, tried to regain his composure.

Okabe said said the union is not trying to protect its power by supporting the elected board. 

He then began an odd, uncontrollable bellowing laugh and the interview had to be concluded.

Poll: Majority of Voters Back Appointed Board of Education

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Abercrombie’s Gay Local 5 puts convention at risk

Brookfield, Wis.-based International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans had said it may cancel its Hawaii convention next month and pull back more than 10,000 scheduled visitors who had booked about 5,700 hotel rooms. The group is pro-union and did not want to risk having to cross a picket line.

Gov. Linda Lingle faxed a letter yesterday to top officials at the International Foundation in which she said that Eric Gill, financial secretary-treasurer of Unite Here Local 5, had given his "commitment and assurance" of no strikes, pickets or boycotts during the group's Nov. 14-17 event. BUT

Late last night, Gill said striking at the Hilton during the conference was still an option, but the union would not strike any other hotel at that time. He said the letter misrepresented the union's stance.

"I have not made assurances to the governor or the foundation that we would stand down at the Hilton," he said.

Gill said he hopes the convention would use other hotels ….

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Debate: Djou 10 – Hanabusa 0

Hanabusa showed up unprepared and it showed when Djou asked her, “Can you name a specific bill that went before the U.S. House for final passage that you would have voted ‘no’ on.”  Hanabusa, simply put, was stumped. “I don’t know of any bill, per se, at this point in time, because, quite honestly, I haven’t had the opportunity to look at it, to study it, and to be part of that process.”

If this was a Little League baseball game it would have been called early under the mercy rule.

SA: Hanabusa, Djou face off in debate

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Djou vs Hanabusa Debate video

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Aiona says focus is on small business

He said government needs to create a more business-friendly environment by relieving financial burdens, noting the recent hike in the unemployment tax as a prime example. Focusing on the creation of a more qualified work force, restoring confidence in government and tackling licensing and permitting issues are also among the biggest challenges facing businesses, he said.

If elected, Aiona said he would try to soften the impact of the unemployment tax rate hike, which will increase for some businesses by more than 100 percent next year.

He also spoke of wanting to abolish the Board of Education and transferring control to individual school campuses, and said the BOE needed a full audit and questioned how its money is being spent.

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Abercrombie flips out, says Nazis are after him

In a long Civil Beat story, Abercrombie is repeatedly quoted as comparing his opponents—including some of his fellow Democrats--to Nazis.  Good.  A Nazi is anybody who is winning an argument with a liberal.  So Abercrombie is losing and he is beginning to panic.  Does Hawaii want to be governed by someone who shouts “Nazis” every time things don’t go his way?

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Abercrombie to party with mafia in Honokaa

U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye will bring his entourage and several other politicians to Honokaa High School from 3-6 p.m. today to join North Hawaii residents in celebrating their community's "Ag Country Roots."  The event is paid for and authorized by the Democratic Party of Hawaii….

Other VIP leaders at the gathering will include Congresswoman Mazie Hirono, gubernatorial candidate Neil Abercrombie, Lt. Gov. candidate Brian Schatz, Sen. Dwight Takamine and Rep. Mark Nakashima.

The program will include free stew, rice and pupu, and entertainment by the Hamakua seniors and Waimea's Beamer-Solomon Halau o Po'ohala. Potluck desserts are welcome.

PHOTOS from last time these crooks got together: Big Island Rancher Larry Mehau Hosts Community Rally for Sen. Akaka

More PHOTOS: Larry Mehau supporting Neil Abercrombie

And don’t forget THIS: Malama Solomon’s meth connection

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Gov. candidates joust over furloughs, school board (Unlike Advertiser, AP gets it right)

the two men disagreed over a proposed constitutional amendment on the Nov. 2 ballot that would allow a governor to appoint the school board.

Aiona said he backs the measure. "This will help us expedite the change we need," he said.

Abercrombie said if elected, he'd also like to appoint board members. But he noted that Lingle vetoed a bill that would have set out the process a governor must follow.

"I'm against the proposition that's on the ballot," he said. "In the end, even if it passed, we'd still have an elected board of education likely for the four years of the term." (FALSE)

Lingle killed the measure because it would have diluted a governor's ability to choose whom he or she wants on the board, Aiona countered.

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Fair Share?  Only for the connected:  Schatz promises to block some grant applications

In paragraph after paragraph of self-serving campaign rhetoric, Schatz buries his promise to use his office to block some federal grant applications:

“The initiative will recognize that some federal grants may not work for Hawaii because they aren't relevant to the public's needs or there is a matching share that is not available.”

Can you spell R–E-T-A-L-I-A-T-I-O-N?  Brian can.

As explained: Abercrombie: Brian Schatz would control which nonprofits get federal funds

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Governor candidates to debate in Kona (Oct. 18)

Former Congressman Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Gov. James Duke Aiona have agreed to attend the only governor candidate debate on the Big Island.

The forum is 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 18, at Kealakehe High School. 

The forum will air live on LAVA 105.3 fm radio Monday evening at 6 p.m. on online,

Dave Corrigan of Big Island Video News will videotape the forum for , and Chip Begay will air the forum on

Submit questions in advance to

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PBN Interviews Djou

First District U.S. Rep. Charles Djou talked story with PBN Thursday afternoon, hitting on a range of topics from the Jones Act, stimulus spending and his campaign commercials to alternative energy, polling numbers and what he’d focus on if he gets to go back to Washington.

In a wide-ranging, hour-long conversation, the Republican congressman said a Washington firm was behind his attack ads, and he had an interesting reason for his decision to go to the Mainland.

First, he pointed out that some Honolulu ad agencies did not survive the recent recession, and the ones that did appear to be more reluctant to limit their potential client list. So, when Djou was asking Hawaii agencies if they could ensure his information would not get, in his words, “leaked to Democrats,” he said no local ad agency could make the guarantee.

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KITV: Karl Rove's Group's New Ad Slams Hanabusa

This article mentions Karl Rove in almost every paragraph.  Of course it is by KITV’s Democrat hack Denby Fawcett.

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Willoughby shows no lack of confidence

Hirono is so confident she will defeat Willoughby that she hasn’t really done any research on her opponent. When asked what she knew about him, Hirono told PBN on Thursday that she knew little, except that he was associated with the Tea Party.

During his meeting with PBN Friday afternoon, Willoughby said it’s an attitude like Hirono’s that made him want to run for office. He said Hirono is out of touch with Hawaii residents, misrepresents residents’ concerns in Congress, and is a rubberstamp for the Democratic congressional leadership.

If elected, Willoughby said he would fight to reduce the tax burden on residents and businesses, stop “reckless” government spending and work for a Hawaii exemption to the Jones Act. He said he is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, and pro-family, which he accused Hirono of not being.

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Aloun Farms Human Trafficking Case: Judge Rules That Money Set Aside for Victims’ Restitution Goes Back to Defendants

Defense attorneys Eric Seitz and Howard Luke asked for return of the money, saying the Sous now need the cash to pay their legal expenses.

Private attorney Clare Hanusz, who represents some of the Thai workers, said her clients had been within days of receiving some $8,000 each in restitution before the Judge rejected the plea agreement and the Sous then withdrew their guilty pleas.

“It’s incredibly frustrating,” Hanusz said outside court. “They’d all made plans for the money.”

Some of the workers are faced with losing family plots of land in Thailand, she said.

“We were encouraged to hear that there’s still a chance of a plea agreement,” Hanusz said, but noted that the original restitution funds may be spent while plea negotiations are under way.

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Farmer still feeling impact of vandalism

Police say they have no suspects and no new leads in what is believed to be the biggest case of agricultural vandalism on the Big Island.

"The leads we had haven't amounted to much," said Acting Lt. Reed Mahuna of the Criminal Investigation Section. The investigation continues, he said.

"It's still baffling as far as the motives," Mahuna said.

A similar incident in May at a Mililani papaya farm, in which about 400 of the 500 trees were chopped down, also remains unsolved as Honolulu police continue their investigation.

The two cases are believed to be unrelated.

Julian had harvested his first crop of genetically engineered papaya varieties called Rainbow and Sun Up on June 26, three days before the vandalism.

(Anti GMO activists?)

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State Tax Credits Expected to Boost State Coffers

Hawaii’s film and television industry is nearing the end of what has been a blockbuster year, but it may set yet another milestone.

The state Film Office says 2010 could be a year in which the state’s 15-to-20 percent tax credit moves from having a neutral affect on tax revenues to one in which its netting more taxes for the state.

“It’s been an incredible year,” said Georja Skinner, who oversees the Hawaii Film Office as head of the state Creative Industries Division.

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SA: Fees burden UH-Manoa students

The Student Activity Program Fee Board held two meetings on its proposal in September, sent out a campus wide e-mail explaining the plan and staffed an informational table inside the Campus Center to brief students.

"We reserved a table at Campus Center all day with informational sheets and fliers," Kobayashi said. "We wanted to talk to people. But pretty much nobody came up to us to say anything. There's just a lot of general apathy."

(But it was worth all kinds of space in the Star-Advertiser which meanwhile ignores far more significant stories.)

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Hawaii Co Councilman GTMO Greenwell trial rescheduled: Attorney may request change of venue

During the hearing, Greenwell's attorney, Honolulu-based Eric Seitz, also hinted at the possibility of requesting a change of venue for the trial because of Greenwell's status and media coverage, but no motion or official request was made before Ibarra Friday. 

At least that is consistent.  After all, Greenwell wanted to change alQaeda headchoppers’ “venue” from Guantanamo Bay to Hawaii County—and set them free. 

(Please pause for a moment to reflect on the glory that is the Hawaii Democratic Party.  They truly are enlightened, conscious, and progressive.  They are smarter than we are.  they are entitled to rule.)

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Kawahara: Kauai County harassment includes council

The July 22, 2009 meeting lasted from 9 a.m. until past 1 a.m., and carried on a heated debate about public documents, polarizing Asing on one side and Councilmembers Tim Bynum and Kawahara on the other.

The KPD report states that during recess Bynum told Kawahara that Asing wanted to talk to her.

When Kawahara met with Asing, he reportedly told her: “You crossed the line.” As Asing spoke, he allegedly ran his index finger across his neck. Kawahara questioned what had she done, and Asing’s answer was: “You know what you did, you crossed the line.” He allegedly repeated the gesture as he said that.

Kawahara said there was another council member present at the scene. She refused to name him, but said he asked Asing to “leave her alone.”

The police report states that Kawahara indicated that Councilman Derek Kawakami was nearby when the alleged harassment occurred.

Responding KPD officer Karen Kapua wrote in the report that “based on the information obtained the element of harassment was not met.” She told Kawahara and advised her that it would be documented as requested.

(Please pause for a moment to reflect on the glory that is the Hawaii Democratic Party.  They truly are enlightened, conscious, and progressive.  They are smarter than we are.  they are entitled to rule.)

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