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Friday, September 10, 2010
September 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:08 PM :: 13717 Views

LA Times: Djou, youthful leaders reshaping Hawaii GOP

Hanabusa: What we see...

Rep Djou job fair draws 600 job seekers

NRCC moves to preempt National Democrats’ false ad

GOP: Hanabusa videotaped campaigning inside polling place limits

Highest suicide rate in US: Hawaii DoE highschoolers

Lingle on Furloughs: “Circuit Court should never have issued the injunction”

Aiona: Lower revenue projection requires “state to spend within its means”

Cam Cavasso Senate campaign wins Okino endorsement, national attention

Djou: Relieved over release of South Korean fishermen

Honolulu Retreat: Healing the pain of abortion 

CB/Merriman Poll:  Abercrombie 48% to Hannemann 31%


This poll conducted by Merriman’s Hawaii subsidiary “Aloha Vote” (who is behind that?) is questionable because it includes 1,226 likely primary voters both Republican and Democrat, but asks them to choose between only Hannemann and Abercrombie, leaving Republican Duke Aiona out of the polling.  That methodology likely helps Hannemann by steering more Republican respondents into making a choice in the Democratic Primary.  In light of this, the poor showing for Hannemann is even more significant.     

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Transsexual BoE member gives $6000 to Abercrombie

Mr Kim Coco Iwamoto is a foster parent to the “transgender children” of “transphobic” parents.  And he wants Abercrombie to be governor.  BTW Mr Iwamoto is on the BoE ballot Sept 18.  Will he be reelected?

RELATED:  The transsexual agenda for Hawai`i schools, Board of Education: the Transsexual-Libertarian Connection, Beyond Marriage The Confession: Hawaii Gay marriage advocates let the polyamorous cat out of the bag

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ML&P, ILWU make excuses about the slavery in their midst 

Willie Kennison, Maui district director of Local 142 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which represented Maui Pine workers, said under the union labor agreement, temporary workers would have become union members after working more than 100 consecutive days. He said, however, that ILWU members had little contact with the Thais, who worked on a separate crew, and would have had a language barrier if they had met them. (uh, huh.  More likely the ILWU informally agreed to look the other way in hopes of saving ML&P pineapple operations)

Vincenty said the United Farm Workers union (in contrast to the ILWU) had helped expose the Global schemes in the western states, and the New York attorney general had won an order for back pay. She has been working on her investigation for two years.

(Kudos to Maui News reporter Harry Eager for being the ONLY reporter in Hawaii to ask the ILWU about their role in this.)

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Discovery of invasive beetle threatens Kona coffee embargo

HILO -- The discovery of an invasive coffee borer beetle could lead to the embargo of world-renown Kona coffee and devastate the Big Island's multimillion dollar coffee industry, a state lawmaker said Wednesday.

That's the worst-case scenario if the state Department of Agriculture doesn't react quickly… (they won’t)

(Coffee growers have a simple choice.  Rely on government and see the end of Kona coffee or take care of the problem themselves and save their industry.)

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Sierra Club launches

Mufi Hannemann is spending tens of thousands of dollars trying to "green" his devastating environmental record. He's banking on the hope that you have a short memory and don't remember the environmental disasters, lack of planning, and poor policy that were hallmarks of his administration.

The purpose of this site is to hold Hannemann accountable for his record. Hannemann has failed O'ahu and future generations on four main areas of island sustainability: recycling, clean energy, safe water, and smart land use planning….

ILind:  Hannemann campaign tries to disavow its actions

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Judge: Military's Ban On Gays Is Unconstitutional

LOS ANGELES -- A federal judge on Thursday declared the U.S. military's ban on openly gay service members unconstitutional and said she will issue an order to stop the government from enforcing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy nationwide.

U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips said the ban violates the First and Fifth Amendment rights of gays and lesbians. "Don't ask, don't tell" prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members but requires discharge of those who acknowledge being gay or are discovered engaging in homosexual activity, even in the privacy of their own homes off base.

In her ruling, Phillips said the policy doesn't help military readiness and instead has a "direct and deleterious effect" on the armed services.

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CB’s Chad Blair complains that Hawaii politics is not Godless

“Historically, Hawaii elections have not been totally God-free.”

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School Furlough Protesters To Be Sentenced Friday

Nine of the protesters are taking plea agreements that will convert the criminal trespass violations into non-criminal violations, but require them to perform community service, perhaps at public schools.

University of Hawaii West Oahu student Michael Doyle, 22, was also arrested. He told KITV 4 News he's taking the plea deal, because “It would probably be the safest bet. I didn’t want to take my chances with the legal ramifications.”

A political science major, Doyle is also running for the State House as a Democrat against incumbent Sharon Har, representing Kapolei and Makakilo.

“Right now, I don’t think I could afford 30 or 60 days in jail. I’m running for office and I have school and all of that,” Doyle said.

The protesters are being represented by well-known defense attorney Eric Seitz who is not charging them for his services.

RELATED: Furloughs: How Unions and the DoE aim to co-opt protesting parents, Furloughs: Advertiser sides with “sustainability” billionaires against “Save our Sports” 

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Djou Hosts Job Fair, Says He's Seeking Work Too

HONOLULU (AP) Scores of out-of-work Honolulu residents on Thursday attended a job fair hosted by U.S. Rep. Charles Djou, who acknowledged the event could also benefit his re-election campaign.

"I'm also looking for a job. Mine just happens to be in Washington, D.C," said Djou, a Republican who won a special election in May to take over Hawaii's 1st Congressional District, a seat that had long been held by Democrat Neil Abercrombie.

KHON: Dozens attend First Congressional District Job Fair

HFP: Rep Djou job fair draws 600 job seekers

CB: Hawaii's unemployment claims drop 9.3%

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State GOP files complaint against Hanabusa

Nonaka says Hanabusa, the state Senate president, cast her vote at Honolulu Hale on Wednesday and then spoke to reporters within 200 feet of the polls. He says a news conference plainly constitutes campaigning. There was no immediate response to a request for comment from Hanabusa.

RELATED: GOP: Hanabusa videotaped campaigning inside polling place limits

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HGEA Letter Addresses Hannemann Endorsement: Union Leader Says Dissension Is Media Creation

In a letter mailed to union members, union Executive Director Randy Perreira wrote, "I realize the endorsement of Mr. Hannemann has not been universally accepted by our members."

Perreira goes on to explain why the union's political action committee and board endorsed Hannemann. Perreira said the reason for the unusual mail out was not sweeping dissent.

"I dare say that while a lot of people are suggesting dissension, I think it's media people that are suggesting," Perreira said. "I don't think there is a union in town that doesn't have members that are supporting one or the other candidates irrespective of their endorsement."

Perreira said the goal of the letter was to carefully explain the endorsement process and explain why Hannemann came out on top.

RELATED: Candidate questionnaires designed to protect union bosses against complaints about endorsements from union members

Shapiro: HGEA defends Hannemann endorsement

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Shapiro: HVCA, HCVA, VCAH: Where’s my Excedrin?

HVCA sends letter complaining about Mufi front group.


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Ad slamming Abercrombie funded by five Hawaii residents

HONOLULU (AP) - Five Honolulu residents financed a radio ad that criticized Democratic gubernatorial candidate Neil Abercrombie for not declaring a religious affiliation. The ad aired on Christian-format stations and was sponsored by a group called Island Values.

In response, Hawaii media outlets began spreading this absurdity: Hawaii media suddenly converts Abercrombie to Episcopalian

ILind: Hannemann campaign tries to disavow its actions

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A-1 A-lectrician tied to Island Values commercial

One of the interesting donors to Island Values, the Christian interest group that financed radio advertisements and a flier critical of former U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie on religion: James T. Yamada, Jr, of A-1 A-lectrician, Inc.

A-1 A-lectrician is suing the state to overturn a ban on political donations by state and county contractors.

(Until last year, the Chief Engineer of A-1 was Charity Shakedown Artist Rep Mike Magaoay, now running for Senate.)

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Outdoor Circle calls Republican signs “hideous”

Campaign banners for candidate for governor Duke Aiona and candidate for U.S. congress Charles Djou are among the handful of candidates whose signs hang from the d.Otani Produce building on Hart Street.

The building is 48 feet high and thousands of commuters see the large, vertical campaign signs from Nimtz everyday.

The campaign banners were posted with the blessing of d. Otani Produce president Dwight Otani. “The candidates came to me and asked me if we could put up a sign and I said, ‘No problem,’” Otani said.

Otani said it was his idea to create the huge, vertical banners, so drivers could easily see them. “But I was wondering if they were too big,” Otani said.

“Unfortunately, from our perspective, it appears to be legal. It’s on private property. And it’s just hideous, but legal,” said the Outdoor Circle’s Mary Steiner.

Steiner said the group has received at least one complaint about the d’Otani banners, but she also said there is nothing the Outdoor Circle can do.

(It’s called free speech and democracy.  Deal with it.)

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Infrastructure Management Group wins rail contract

The contract includes evaluation and analysis of capital costs of building the rail, as well as determining the projected operational and maintenance costs, according to a statement from the Department of Transportation. Infrastructure Management Group is required to give its analysis for the $5.5 billion rail project within three months, but it is dependent on how accessible and available the information is from the city.

Gov. Linda Lingle has requested the City and County of Honolulu provide updated financial information for the project.

SA: State begins financial analysis of Honolulu rail project

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City scoops land for Honouliuli sewage treatment plant expansion

The City & County of Honolulu has paid $26.5 million for 48 acres of land to expand the Honouliuli wastewater treatment plant in Ewa.

The land on Fort Weaver Road adjacent to the Honouliuli facility was sold by Ewa Industrial Park LLC, which previously proposed the development of an industrial park and the potential creation of up to 2,700 jobs in the Ewa region….

"Wow, that hurts for everybody who was begging for work," said Ewa Neighborhood Board member Tom Berg. "It was going to be an open market of jobs, jobs, jobs."

Also: Kailua Sewer Plant cited again

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Survey: Hawaii has 4,881 time-share units in the works


Hawaii’s time-share inventory will continue to grow with another 4,881 units in the pipeline, showing that the concept of vacation ownership has remained resilient throughout the economic downturn. That information was part of an industry survey released Thursday by the Hawaii chapter of the American Resort Development Association.

Capital expenditures in Hawaii for the time-share industry totaled $138.7 million in 2009, and will close out this year at $64.3 million, according to the survey.

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Hawaii human trafficking guilty plea rejected

Their change in pleas came after Chief U.S. District Judge Susan Oki Mollway took the rare step of rejecting a plea deal because the Sous disputed some of the facts they had previously acknowledged in the plea agreement.

Alec Sou, the farm's president and general manager, said prosecutors and the Thai workers are trying to destroy Aloun Farms, which is a key source of (ORGANIC) vegetables (the halal food of the eco-religion) to the isolated islands' food supply.

"Their intent is just to rip the whole family and rip the business," he said following the court hearing. "We see many lies in their accusations."

The indictment claimed the Sous manipulated the Thai workers by promising at least a year's employment at pay of $9.42 an hour but instead delivered only a few months of work for little pay.

If the workers complained, they were threatened to be sent home without any way to repay recruitment fees exceeding $20,000 that they borrowed from Thai money lenders to pay for their jobs, according to federal authorities.

The violations the Sou brothers acknowledged include failing to make required payments for the workers' airfare, telling the workers they could be returned to Thailand if they didn't follow farm rules, and participating in a conspiracy with Thai labor recruiters, their attorneys said in court, before the plea deal was canceled.

But the plea agreement also included allegations the Sous dispute — that the workers' passports were taken for "enslaving" them, that their housing in mobile storage containers was inadequate and that they weren't paid, said Howard Luke, Mike Sou's attorney.

"We're going to trial," said Eric Seitz, Alec Sou's attorney…

(And Waihee, Cayetano and a bunch of other progressives are all lined up to defend them.)

SA: Prosecution boosts victim count in forced-labor case against CEO

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Military engineers to upgrade Micronesian Health Facilities

The Committee discussed a proposal from the United States regarding a project to send military engineering teams, known as ENCAP, to the FSM to undertake renovations and/or constructions of community infrastructure, primarily in the sectors of health and education. The Committee agreed to move forward on this initiative.

(Poor availability of health care such as dialysis is a primary reason for Micronesian migration to Hawaii)

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Kauai County admits to violating federal law by killing birds due to lighting at facilities

Donating $180,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in its efforts to increase the population of Newell's shearwaters on Kauai, and $30,,000 to the Kauai Humane Society for its Save Our Shearwater program.  (Shakedown/Tithing to the eco-religion)

Under the agreement, the county can work to re-establish nighttime football games "on certain days and under certain conditions." The county must establish and fund an escrow account this fall to cover any bird takings that result in death or serious injury.

KGI: County pleads guilty to violating federal seabird law

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Maui County’s high suicide rate draws action 

The average five-year suicide rate for Maui County from 2005 to 2009 was the highest in the state at 92 deaths per 100,000 residents, according to data from the state Department of Health.

RELATED: Highest suicide rate in US: Hawaii DoE highschoolers

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Federal dollars sought for isle

E. Hawaii ward heelers use your tax dollars to give themselves jobs soliciting more of your tax dollars….

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School photographer found not guilty in sex assault case

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A school photographer accused of fondling two children while taking their school photos in September was found not guilty Thursday morning.

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More candidate profiles:

Maui County Council candidate profile: Wayne Nishiki

Meet your Kauai County Council candidates


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