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Thursday, August 19, 2010
August 19, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:28 PM :: 11327 Views

Djou working to resolve issues caused by Micronesia Compact

Full Text: Hawaii Family Forum/Hawaii Catholic Conference 2010 Voter Guide

Duke Aiona unveils jobs plan

Governor seeks public input on candidates to fill two Senate vacancies

Hawaii State Assessment: Complete school-by-school results

Human Trafficking: Hawaii a standout on “Dirty Dozen” list

Voter Registration Forms Due Today for Sept 18 Primaries

Completed forms must be sent to the state Office of Elections or city elections agencies, postmarked by Thursday.

Forms are available at satellite city halls, post offices or at

The voter registration deadline for the Nov. 2 general election is Oct. 4.

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High court upholds burial site challenges: Burial council will not have last word (Big victory for shakedown artists)

The court held that native Hawaiians can turn to the state Board of Land and Natural Resources to appeal decisions by the Oahu Island Burial Council that approve a developer's treatment plan for burial remains.

"We're quite pleased," Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. lawyer David Kimo (sic) Frankel (in this case, “Kimo” translates as “0% Hawaiian”) said of the 59-page opinion written by Chief Justice Ronald Moon. "It reinforces that native Hawaiians have a right to a contested case hearing when their cultural practices are impacted."

During its hearings, Kaleikini told the Burial Council that a key aspect of native Hawaiian practice is ensuring that remains are left undisturbed (A TRULY EMBARASSING LIE) and receive proper care and treatment. She said General Growth should have made a better attempt to redesign the project.

General Growth, however, said the project didn't leave much room for redesign and proposed to relocate the remains to an area where they would be safe.

Kaleikini asked the land board to hear her challenge of the Burial Council's decision, but Peter Young, chairman of the land board at the time, denied the request.

In its ruling, Moon wrote that the contested case hearing was required by state law. (After which, litigation follows)

(This means that activists can now kill any project simply by demanding human remains discovered on the land be preserved IN PLACE.  Unless of course, a proper “$ettlement” is agreed to.  BTW, speaking of settlements….)

Paulette Kaleikini, a native Hawaiian cultural practitioner, earlier settled (ahem) her lawsuit challenging the construction, which had been delayed after the discovery of burial sites on the property.  But the high court ruled that the case was not "moot" because decisions relating to native Hawaiian burial sites are of "great public importance."

(Wow, OHA/NHLC got to have their $ettlement and eat it too.)

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Aiona Challenges Rail Project Job Claims

Aiona said he wonders if the system will actually drain the economy. He said, “I don't believe that the contingencies that they built into it are satisfactory enough to make this an economically feasible project.”

Construction of the system is being financed by an excise tax surcharge on Oahu and federal money. Gov. Linda Lingle is holding up the environmental impact statement while she gets an independent financial review.

Aiona's ideas for job creation including streamlining permits, but not streamlined approval for the rail project.

“Until I get a satisfactory answer in regards to how are we going to maintain it I gotta question the financials of this whole project and the wisdom of going forward now during this time period with a project that big,” Aiona said.

Aiona said even if elected he probably couldn't stop the project. But its success may require state and city cooperation.

Hannemann's top opponent in the Democratic primary, Neil Abercrombie, unveiled a plan for the state Wednesday, which saves the only mention of rail for the last page, expressing concern that it develop properly.

“Any project creates jobs,” Abercrombie said. “The question is whether the jobs are connected to a rational and reasonable program.”

AP: Abercrombie proposes 'New Day' plan for Hawaii

HFP: Duke Aiona unveils jobs plan

Maui News: Hannemann talks about action plan

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Aiona calls for more business tax credits

Aiona, who met earlier this year with more than 100 small-business owners, is positioning himself as the guardian of business interests who would be more likely than his potential Democratic opponents -- former U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie and former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann -- to resist tax and fee increases as governor.

"I think all of you realize that government does not create jobs," Aiona said at a news conference with several small-business owners at his campaign headquarters on Nimitz Highway. "Government does not create jobs that fuel the economy for the long term. But rather, as governor, I think we should make it easier for those who do create the jobs for the people of Hawaii."

Several ideas in Aiona's plan were proposed by Gov. Linda Lingle and rejected by majority Democrats in the state Legislature.

Aiona did not mention Honolulu's $5.5 billion rail project as a potential source of jobs and economic growth. He expressed doubts about claims from Hannemann and others that the project would provide a boost to job creation in the short term.

HFP: Duke Aiona unveils jobs plan

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Another Hannemann Lie busted: “City Council Never Overrode a Veto” --FALSE

As it turns out, Hannemann shouldn't be making such blanket statements.

Hannemann vetoed Bill 82, Ordinance 06-50 relating to requirements for city transit stations on Dec. 1, 2006. Three weeks later, on Dec. 22, the council voted to approve the bill, "the mayor's veto to the contrary notwithstanding."

In other words, they overrode his veto.

To approve the ordinance over the mayor's veto, the council needed six "yes" votes, which they got. Those who voted in favor of the override were: Todd Apo, Romy Cachola, Donovan Dela Cruz, Charles Djou, Ann Kobayashi, and Barbara Marshall. Those voting against were Nestor Garcia, Gary Okino and Rod Tam.

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Abercrombie lifts weights to force gay marriage on Hawaii

But the most divisive issue he's tackled is that of civil unions. Abercrombie is the only major candidate that says he would sign such a bill into law giving spousal rights to same-sex couples. Many say it will weigh heavily on how they vote.

"We had about 15,000 people gathered at the state capitol all opposing civil unions so I think the sentiment is going to be for those opposed to civil unions" said Walter Yoshimitsu of the Hawaii Catholic Conference.

"I've never put my finger in the wind to see what the popular view was. I've always understood that everybody's civil rights have to be protected" said Abercrombie.

So as the showdown at the polls quickly approaches, Abercrombie is ready for a fight. After all, this is what he's been training for.

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God In Government? Mayoral Candidates Respond

But before this audience of mostly New Hope church members, what they wanted to know was where the candidates stood when it came to religion.

"You can't separate faith from your profession, your entertainment, that's all in one. So, yes, faith does have a place in government," said forum attendee Noela Andres-Nance.

The Honolulu City Council faced this issue when Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church filed a complaint over religious prayers during council meetings. The candidates were asked if they support a ban.

"No, I don't support the removal of religious prayers from any public place," said Panos Prevadouros.

"I think we do need a spiritual way in our lives everyday and we need to be reminded about that before we start our business on a daily basis," said Kirk Caldwell.

Peter Carlisle said there shouldn't be an issue with saying "God" at government events, as in the case of the Pledge of Allegiance, but it must be done legally.

"The problem is we're going to have to follow whatever the requirements are of the law," said Carlisle.

HNN: Honolulu mayoral forum heats up over Oahu rail project

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CD1 Race: National Republicans to stay off airwaves again

National Republicans helped Charles Djou with tactics and fundraising during his special election victory for Congress in May, but the National Republican Congressional Committee chose to stay off the local airwaves, investing instead in a special election in western Pennsylvania.

The NRCC has apparently chosen not to buy ad time for Djou in his likely rematch with state Senate President Colleen Hanabusa in November. But the new congressman is part of the group’s Patriot Program for vulnerable incumbents, so he will get help.

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5 vying for open seat see jobs, crime as top issues

Garner Shimizu, the only Republican in the race, is more emphatic, saying he is against the civil unions bill. He said improving current beneficiary laws is the way to meet the needs of nontraditional couples and families.

Shimizu, 51, is vice president of Master Sheet Metal Inc. He says his 25 years working as a manager for the small business and his education give him the experience needed to bring a fresh, practical perspective to the Legislature. He also says the lack of opportunities for local businesses and independent laborers is the biggest problem facing the district.

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Sheriff vs Judiciary over bailiffs, staffing?

The lieutenant of the Big Island Sheriff Division, with full support of the state Department of Public Safety, made a decision to staff the security perimeters of Big Island courthouses with more than one deputy, as opposed to the single deputy as had been the case for many years.

We realized in order to ensure safety and not shortchange the public in providing an effective law enforcement presence, changes had to be made because of an incident that occurred outside a Kailua-Kona Family Courthouse where a fight between two opposing families erupted, and only one deputy sheriff was on duty….

However, the Sheriff Division management has always tried to work with the Judiciary and has often pointed out that under "Hawaii Revised Statutes 606-14 Bailiffs," the judges may appoint a person to be known as the "court officer" or "bailiff" or "special court officer," and in the performance of their bailiff duties, "they shall have the general powers of a police officers including all of the authority, powers, and duties as set forth in Chapter 803."

This means bailiffs can be armed and provide security in the courtrooms. The Sheriff Division has also offered to train and certify all court-appointed bailiffs in the use of firearms.

We have yet to be taken up on our offer.

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Star-Advertiser vs Free Speech

State legislators seemed on the verge of limiting the size of planted signs in 2008 before they caucused in private and decided to send the bill into oblivion.

Gary Hooser, then the Senate's majority leader, explained that the bill would have applied not only to political signs but also to advertisements for chicken sales or displays of sports fan support. Hooser added that it would have interfered with county home rule.

Now, a proposal by Honolulu City Councilman Ikaika Anderson would exercise that role. Like the 2008 state bill, it would prohibit political signs larger than 2 by 4 feet, or 8 square feet.

Unlike the state bill, Anderson's proposal does not incorporate a restriction that would have limited the total area of all signs for a single residence to 16 square feet. Many yards and fences are plastered with multiple identical signs supporting the same candidate.

It also would restrict postings from 120 days before an election to no more than 30 days after the polls close, which would test the attorney general's 1996 opinion. The candidate, not the homeowner, would be subject to fines for violating the restriction, according to Anderson's bill.

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Gay atheist lobby: Hawaii anti-gay marriage campaign used as model for California Prop 8?

(The Gay-atheist lobby continues its war on Mormons)

Part detective story, part social criticism, it largely hinges on the work of a man who is familiar to readers of this paper, Fred Karger. A Republican and a former big-time campaign consultant, Karger retired a few years ago to become a full-time gay rights activist. Much of the film is based on church documents that ended up in his hands detailing efforts to prevent gay marriage in Hawaii.

That effort in Hawaii in the 1990s provided that blueprint, on a much smaller scale, for what happened a decade later in California, Karger contends. In Hawaii, the church started out with polling that found that the Mormon church wasn’t exactly popular with voters. So, starting with overtures to the Catholic Church, the Mormons created a coalition of religious groups in which no one church was singled out in media coverage.

But when the Church became the primary proponent of the most expensive proposition effort ever in the nation’s most populous state, attention was unavoidable. When the smoke cleared, the initiative’s opponents were able to trace 71 percent of the donations to Mormons, who make up a mere 2 percent of California’s population. The conflicting campaign statements from the Church and the resulting FPPC complaint are also well known around Sacramento. So are complaints of harassment against Yes on 8 donors.

How the gay-atheist lobby shakes down Prop 8 contributors: LINK 

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Shapiro: Muzzle Republicans, Build Mosque

(Not a word about Hawaii Islam Day in this column.)

Some of the most incendiary rhetoric has intelligent points have come from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has said among other things: ”There should be no mosque near ground zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. … America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization.”

Is he seriously suggesting that we should live under the rules of the Saudi constitution rather than the U.S. Constitution and that it’s going to destroy our civilization to practice the religious freedom our country was founded on? (No.  And that’s not even a good try.  If the US is going to show goodwill, there has to be actual reform in exchange.  The secular humanists, obsessed with their own sense of superiority, cannot conceive of the US demanding reform since their religion, like Islam, tells them that the US is at fault in everything, everywhere.)

If the Republicans say it’s an issue of sensitivity, why not apply that to what comes out of their mouths?  (Freedom for Mosque, not for Republicans.  BTW this is right out of Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance.”  These progressives haven’t learned any new tricks in 40 years.)

For a cool-headed look at some of issues in the mosque controversy some more slick anti-American talking points, see this AP fact check.  (Just for fun, debunk each one.  It’s like doing a crossword puzzle.)

TOTALLY RELATED: Great news: Rep. Lyla Berg still taking grief for “Islam Day”

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City considers Kailua-Kaneohe sewage tunnel

"I don't want to write it off completely . ... but it's such a pipe dream -- sorry for the bad pun -- at this stage," said Robert Harris, director of the Sierra Club Hawaii Chapter. (What an airhead.)

The city says large tunnels for transportation, sewers and other infrastructure are common in many cities, and that there are already sewer pipes under Honolulu Harbor and Pearl Harbor.

"It's not uncommon," said Jack Pobuk, capital improvement projects program coordinator for the city's Department of Environmental Services.

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Council Postpones Vote On Fireworks Ban

But after nearly three hours of testimony and debate, five council members agreed to postpone the vote for a month to allow more time for discussion….

Opponents said a ban would discriminate against Chinese cultural uses of fireworks.

Roland Louie, a Kalihi resident, said, "Today I am asking you do not ban our culture and religious fireworks."

Gerald Chang of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, warned council members, "You have to be very careful about impacting the free excise of religion."

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Big Island Dopers March Held For Jailed Marijuana Activist

Upset because they can’t get their dope, a crowd of about 200 gathered at Mooheau bandstand in Hilo Wednesday and marched on the federal building to protest the court’s decision to deny bail for Christie.

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911 transcripts: GTMO Greenwell arrest

Here are snippets:

Caller 1: "One of your police officers has a guy pulled over and they're fighting like hell and you should send another car over."

Caller 2: "There's a police man who seems to need help…and he's like wrestling a guy."

That 'guy' turned out to be Greenwell, booked on charges of resisting arrest after a July 17th traffic stop near the Kona Police Substation turned into a brawl.

One 911 caller says Greenwell started it.

Caller: "There was an officer giving a person a ticket and the guy started beating the officer up."

Dispatch: "The guy started beating the officer up?"

Caller: Yeah, they're fighting.

Police say it all started with a speeding ticket for going 51 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour zone.

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911 Taxes Don’t Fund 911 Service

Below are the states that used 911 taxes to fund excess general fund or administrative spending:

Hawaii: $16 million to General Fund

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Satellite Firms Get Broadband Stimulus Funds to serve Hawaii

Spacenet got an $8 million award, which will allow Spacenet to offer satellite broadband service to rural residential subscribers in Alaska and Hawaii.

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Hawaii TEA Party joins Arpaio, others at border rally

In the three years is department have investigated and detained 40,000 illegal immigrants, the sheriff said, a comment that brought out loud cheers from the crowd.

After he spoke, a woman from Hawaii, who volunteered to help provide security at the rally, went on stage and presented the sheriff with a floral lei.

Annie Rupp and her husband, Tom came to the event from the farthest western part of the nation. There were a number of other people from outside Arizona, including those from the east coast, like North Carolina.

As for giving the sheriff the lei, she said she heard about the rally from the Tea Party Nation and had to attend.

Praising Arpaio, the woman from Maui said, "He's in the front line, putting his life in jeopardy and all should appreciate what he has been doing."

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