Nepotism within Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
(UPDATE August 1, 2019: The 'DHHL' letter has been removed due to loss of confidence in the source. We believe the letter, allegedly written by an anonymous "Hawaiian Home Lands Employee," and forwarded to Hawai'i Free Press and several legislators, was a fabrication designed to spread misinformation. We apologize for having been taken in. – Editor)
Agreeing on Abortion
Dear Editor, June 7, 2019
Abortion will continue to savagely divide the nation for years to come. At least until medical science finds a way to EASILY and SAFELY (for both expectant mom and the unborn) remove the fetus from the womb – and suitably nurture the fetus to adulthood.
The problem is that both opposing sides feel that they are defending something worth dying for: innocent human life or human (women) rights. In short, the basic problem is that neither side can agree on the real crux basic question of when does human life begin? Pro-lifers tend to put that date nearer to conception and Pro-women’s righters tend to put it closer to birth. So, to one side it is murder and to the other it is a woman’s right and choice and simply expunging unwanted tissue.
Surprisingly and interestingly, BOTH sides interpret the Bible as “supporting” their position! The Bible does not mention “abortion” but does have Scriptures which can be interpreted as endorsing the sanctity of life and may be interpreted as life begins in the womb (Jeremiah 1:4-5, etc.) BUT still does NOT specifically say when human life begins. The pro-women’s rights side will quote Scriptures that can be interpreted as God endorsing the killing of the unborn (Hosea 13:16, etc.).
The point is that we may be able EVENTUALLY to come to some peaceful agreement if both sides can understand that in general the other side has a valid point and is not all evil (ok, some are).
Leighton Loo
Mililani, Oahu