Isle regulations pose hurdles 'to do business'
"It's not just our perception that it's expensive and challenging to do business in Hawai'i," Tollefson said. "It's validated by outside sources."
This wasn't always the case.
Hawai'i enjoyed robust economic growth and development in the decade immediately after statehood as tourism overtook agriculture and federal defense spending as the No. 1 source of revenue in the state.
According to University of Hawai'i economics professor James Mak, this boom period was initially facilitated by a hands-off approach on the part of the state government.
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Hawaii film industry not getting the 100% tax credit needed
Hawai'i can be a premier location. We have diverse climates, from rainforest to desert, to volcanic landscape, and we can emulate locations all over the world. These resources are helpful, but on balance film in Hawai'i hasn't received the support it needs.
(More ACT 215/221 agitprop.)
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Advertiser: Reflecting on our past, present and future
After decades of anti-American propaganda, "not everyone wants to celebrate."
However, Hawai'i did join the American experiment in democracy in 1959, and for most of its residents, there's ample cause for a jubilee. (In spire of our efforts to the contrary)
The Aloha State is certainly capable of marking this seminal occasion and all the great joys and privileges of statehood while acknowledging the nuances of its diverse character we who are "conscious, enlightened and progressive" continue to browbeat Americans. It's appropriate that the whole story — from those who've objected and from those who rejoice — be told (even if we have to make up lots of it from whole cloth).
More of the same: High passions, mixed feelings, 50 years on , Kumu Kahua production examines the complex issues behind Hawaii's admission ,
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Rail tax revenues fall short of target
Honolulu transit tax collections fell about 5 percent to an estimated $160.9 million in the 12 months ended June 30 as the local economy weakened.
That was $27.1 million below what the city had projected it would collect over the period.
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Honolulu's per-capita cost for rail: $4,000--over 400 times as expensive as the cheapest systems
So far, typical family in Honolulu has paid $1,000 to fund system--66% more than the next highest cost system. Some cost as little as $11 per capita.
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Hawaii government employees balk at switching medications (Union members don't like socialized health care)
About 87,000 workers, beneficiaries and non-Medicare participants in the state Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund were informed of the changes earlier this summer as part of the EUTF's efforts to cope with skyrocketing health care costs.
Complaints are piling up as InformedRx, the pharmacy benefits manager contracted by the EUTF, sends out letters alerting people of pricing for preferred and nonpreferred drugs.
Kailua resident Barbara Volheim received a letter saying she should switch her Nexium prescription to Prilosec OTC, which would carry a copayment of $5 for a one-month supply and $10 for three months.
If she chooses to continue on Nexium, a nonpreferred medication, the estimated copay would be $300 to $315 for one month, and about $500 for a three-month supply of the 40 milligram pills from the InformedRx mail-order pharmacy, InformedMail.
Another state employee, Janice Higa, was informed she should switch from a number of brand-name drugs to generics. If she doesn't, she'll face an out-of-pocket copay of $520 a month.
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Proposal would change the way Maui council elected
The Kula Community Association voted to propose a plan to divvy up the County Council districts so they're in line with the county's three state Senate districts.
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B&B permit processing ‘faster’
HAIKU - Since the new Maui County ordinance intended to clarify and speed up the bed-and-breakfast permitting system went into effect in January, 33 percent of the applicants - so far - have received licenses to open their homes and ohanas to guests, Planning Director Jeff Hunt sa
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Volunteers spruce up Kuhio Park Terrace as part of National Community Service Day
Volunteers continue to do the job that government won't.
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Sonny Kaniho dies at age 87
"In fact, on the same wait list was (then-governor-to-be) John Waihee's father," said Alan Murakami, a Honolulu attorney who has long worked on Native Hawaiian land issues. "In '52, 152 people applied for pastoral homelands in Waimea. At that time, Parker Ranch had enjoyed the use of homelands for decades, sometimes without a paper lease. They awarded 48 lots at that time, and at that time, Mr. Waihee and Mr. Kaniho were both left out."
(Democrat faction fight, Larry Mehau and Malama Solomon both got pastoral DHHL leases)
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Abercrombie wants to change capitols
Free campaign commercial written by leftist hack. Not a single tough question. Typical sentence:
"Aiming to put people in charge of their own destiny, Abercrombie called for pursuing food sustainability by having the state increase the marketing of local products."
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County Council back in Kona to rehear items
When I say everything, I mean everything," Ford said. "I think we should get everything revoted before we go before the judge."
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Hawaii Statehood Hurrah
In 1959 People who had heard the news were honking their horns and kissing each other in celebration, said Lorraine Inouye.
Kauai: Hospital celebrates statehood with kanikapila
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