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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hawaii’s future: LA Marijuana dispensaries outnumber Starbucks, McDonalds
By Selected News Articles @ 5:49 PM :: 12901 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Within the last two-years, over 200 cities and 14 counties in California have banned or passed a moratorium on pot shops.  And now the dopey Hawaii Legislature wants to follow California's failed experiment.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dans cling to power as upheaval convulses Senate
By Selected News Articles @ 4:19 PM :: 7762 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics is quite likely the 113th Congress that convenes in 2013 will find an even greater percentage of Senators who have yet to complete a full term than in the 112th - should at least five more senators announce their retirement or get defeated in their reelection bids.

Despite the member upheaval that the Senate has experienced over the past few election cycles, there are certainly still several state delegations with a wealth of experience in the nation's upper legislative chamber....

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Released: 2010 Census Data for Hawaii
By News Release @ 7:50 PM :: 11042 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Census 2010 Hawaii Data has been released.  See it here....

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Djou: Hawaii Politicians Detached From Reality
By Rep Charles Djou @ 2:25 PM :: 9318 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Hawaii’s elected officials are ready to tackle every issue - except job creation and the deficit.  The first major action taken by the Hawaii State Senate was to become the only legislative chamber in the United States to eliminate the invocation.  The legislature has confronted issues ranging from decriminalization of marijuana, civil unions, bingo on Hawaiian Homelands and banning the sale of toy guns. 

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hawaii Congressional Delegation How they voted Feb 22
By News Release @ 2:22 PM :: 7274 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics


  • Senate: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011
  • Senate: FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act
  • House: Continuing Resolution, FY2011
  • House: FISA Sunsets Extension Act of 2011
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    Monday, February 21, 2011
    Rasmussen: 48% Back Wisconsin Governor, 38% Side With Unions
    By News Release @ 11:12 PM :: 4368 Views :: National News, Ethics

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters agree more with the Republican governor in his dispute with union workers. Thirty-eight percent (38%) agree more with the unionized public employees, while 14% are undecided.

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    Monday, February 21, 2011
    Gallup: Over 10% of Hawaii voters abandon Democratic Party, exodus among greatest in US
    By Andrew Walden @ 10:35 PM :: 8146 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    In a survey of 1016 adults during 2010, Gallup found 50.0% lean Democratic while 30.4% lean Republican.   Every US state saw voters walking away from the Democratic Party since the 2008 election of President Barack Obama.   Hawaii Democratic numbers enjoyed the fourth largest decline.

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    Monday, February 21, 2011
    Celebrate Washington’s Birthday
    By Heritage Foundation @ 9:50 PM :: 4504 Views :: National News, Ethics

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    Sunday, February 20, 2011
    Hanabusa’s new Chief of Staff helped hide “kooky” Congressman’s mental illness
    By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 13722 Views :: Ethics, Politicians

    David Wu US Rep David Wu (D-OR)

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    Saturday, February 19, 2011
    Wisconsin Stands With Walker as Democrats flee
    By Tim Phillips @ 7:29 PM :: 6443 Views :: National News, Ethics

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    Friday, February 18, 2011
    PBS Next? House Votes To Defund ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood
    By Selected News Articles @ 4:25 PM :: 5193 Views :: National News, Ethics

    Another big winner today was Indiana Representative Mike Pence, whose amendment to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood passed 240-185. The move will cost Planned Parenthood more than $75 million per year, a shortfall it will need to make up by dramatically increasing the prices it charges to pimps for business consulting services….

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    Friday, February 18, 2011
    Videos: Planned Parenthood advises pimp on Child Sex trafficking NY-NJ-VA-DC
    By Video @ 4:09 PM :: 8635 Views :: National News, Ethics, Family, Law Enforcement

    Undercover videos from six Planned Parenthood locations in three states and DC.

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    Friday, February 18, 2011
    Newt Gingrich to speak in Honolulu tonight
    By News Release @ 3:45 PM :: 7768 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will be headlining the Hawaii GOP’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.  The Party fundraising event will be held tonight at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

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    Thursday, February 17, 2011
    Hanabusa, Hirono silent as E-W Center Funding Cut by Congress
    By News Release @ 4:49 PM :: 8087 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    "Colleen Hanabusa and Mazie Hirono are simply two of the most ineffective members of congress in our nation today.  Not only did the two of them fail to stop an amendment eliminating federal funding of the East West Center, even worse, the two of them didn't even bother to show up for work and defend the center on the House floor during debate."

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    Wednesday, February 16, 2011
    VIDEO: Instant Runoff? “I thought every vote counts”
    By Video @ 9:14 PM :: 8058 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Oakland, CA voters testify against so-called "Instant Runoff" system now being proposed for Honolulu.

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    Wednesday, February 16, 2011
    High Risk: List of Missed Obamacare Deadlines Grows
    By Heritage Foundation @ 8:56 PM :: 4209 Views :: National News, Ethics

    First, HHS missed the deadline mandated by the new law to create high-risk pools for those who could not obtain health insurance due to chronic illness. Next, it didn’t create the two task forces on improving access to health care in Alaska and breast cancer education on time. The list doesn’t end there....

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    Wednesday, February 16, 2011
    YAF: Ron Paul “Blames America for 9-11”
    By News Release @ 3:18 PM :: 8081 Views :: National News, Ethics

    “Rep. Paul has strayed to the left of Obama and allied himself with the radical anti-war left by laying the blame on America for the unprovoked attacks of Sept. 11th. Additionally, Rep. Paul has not condemned the 9/11 "Truther" conspiracy theorists that support him, and he has repeatedly insisted, that the United States not bring justice to those who have murdered thousands of our civilians and soldiers at home and abroad...."

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    Tuesday, February 15, 2011
    Obama Budget Doubles Down on Deficit Spending Failure
    By Heritage Foundation @ 1:33 PM :: 4295 Views :: National News, Ethics

    ... since 2001 federal education spending has already increased by 100 percent. And going back to 1970, it has almost tripled. And what have been the results of this federal “investment” in our future?

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    Monday, February 14, 2011
    Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted Feb 7-14
    By Andrew Walden @ 8:50 PM :: 7047 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
    • House: Patriot Act Extensions
    • House: United Nations Tax Equalization Refund Act
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    Monday, February 14, 2011
    Obama’s 2012 Budget: Taxes, taxes, and more taxes—and more spending too
    By Americans for Tax Reform @ 2:52 PM :: 6377 Views :: National News, Ethics

    Add it all together, and this budget is a ten-year, $1.5 trillion tax hike over present law. 

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    Monday, February 14, 2011
    On Valentines Day, Share the Word About the Benefits of Marriage
    By Heritage Foundation @ 1:38 PM :: 3979 Views :: National News, Ethics

    Rather than continue a cycle of dependence with streams of anonymous government checks, policymakers can take steps to remove disincentives to marriage and demonstrate how healthy marital relationships can lead to self-sufficiency.

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    Monday, February 14, 2011
    Wolfson: Push past civil union to gay marriage
    By News Release @ 10:33 AM :: 7530 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    "As soon as the governor signs the final bill, Hawaii should move swiftly to finish the job by ending exclusion from marriage itself..." --Evan Wolfson, co-counsel in 1993 gay marriage case, Baehr v. Miike

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    Sunday, February 13, 2011
    Report: Lottery remains a poor bet for education funding
    By Selected News Articles @ 9:35 PM :: 8456 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

     "A study of 11 other state education lotteries showed that states are likely to decrease their growth of spending for education upon operating a lottery designated for that purpose."

    "This decrease occurs regardless of the revenue generated by the lottery," Sanders added. "Meanwhile, states without lotteries maintained and increased their education spending more than states with lotteries."

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    Sunday, February 13, 2011
    Farmers send two tons of Kona Coffee to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq
    By News Release @ 3:49 PM :: 11513 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

    During 2010 most Kona coffee went to Afghanistan , where it was very highly welcomed and appreciated.  Some also went to the P.I. and now here at the end of the year I am once again sending Kona coffee to the 25th Infantry Division folks who have recently deployed to Camp Liberty, Iraq.

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    Sunday, February 13, 2011
    Supreme Court to hear Case: Do elected officials with Conflict of Interest have a right to vote?
    By Robert Thomas @ 3:20 PM :: 6514 Views :: National News, Ethics

    The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide a case about whether state laws which require elected officials to recuse themselves from considering matters on which they appear to have conflicts of interest, impermissibly infringe upon the officials' First Amendment rights.

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    Sunday, February 13, 2011
    New Study on Bag Taxes: Economically Destructive, Job-killing
    By News Release @ 12:14 PM :: 6732 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    "We already knew that bag taxes are an annoying levy that provide no environmental benefit; now we also know that they are an economically destructive job killer thanks to this new report. Unfortunately it is also D.C.'s poorest communities that are hit hardest by the bag tax," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

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    Saturday, February 12, 2011
    VIDEO: Nerf Gun Means Jail for Seven Year Old
    By Video @ 7:01 PM :: 8541 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Super Soaker 150x150 NERF Gun Means Jail for Seven Year Old  Legislators say this is illegal!

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    Friday, February 11, 2011
    38.9%: Hawaii has most deviant Legislative Districts in Nation
    By Selected News Articles @ 3:55 AM :: 10859 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    the commission drew new maps that eliminated most of the canoe districts. The end result was that Hawaii had the largest population deviations in the country. The deviations hit 38.9 percent for the Senate....

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    Thursday, February 10, 2011
    UPDATE: Freedomnomics Author John Lott to Speak in Honolulu
    By News Release @ 6:17 PM :: 9682 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, National News, Ethics


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    Thursday, February 10, 2011
    What the Collapse of Marriage Means for Children
    By Heritage Foundation @ 3:21 PM :: 5385 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Thankfully, there are ways that individuals, community leaders, and policymakers can help alleviate childhood poverty. By encouraging marriage in low-income communities, teaching adolescents and young adults the economic and social benefits of marriage, and reducing policy disincentives to marriage, more children can avoid the pain of poverty.  

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    Wednesday, February 9, 2011
    US House to vote on blocking Obamacare funds, Senate Dems may revolt
    By Selected News Articles @ 2:25 PM :: 3623 Views :: National News, Ethics

    The U.S. House of Representatives is likely to vote to block funding for President Barack Obama's signature healthcare overhaul when it takes up a budget plan next week, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor said on Tuesday.

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    Wednesday, February 9, 2011
    Flashback: Hooser, Hanabusa predict HB444 will bring gay marriage back before Courts
    By Andrew Walden @ 12:55 AM :: 14055 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Pro-gay-marriage Senator Gary Hooser (D-Kauai), speaking on the Senate floor March 25, 2009 said:

    “…it may very well be likely that this law would be challenged in court….”

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    Tuesday, February 8, 2011
    White House: Desperation sets in over failure of Obamanomics
    By Heritage Foundation @ 10:49 PM :: 4276 Views :: National News, Ethics

    In what Politico is calling “the first whiff of the desperation inside the White House about the slowness of the economic recovery,” President Barack Obama spoke to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce yesterday, claiming: “I understand the challenges you face. I understand you are under incredible pressure to cut costs and keep your margins up. I understand the significance of your obligations to your shareholders and the pressures that are created by quarterly reports. I get it.” No. No, he doesn’t.

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    Tuesday, February 8, 2011
    Next Fight: Obama vs Inouye over Line Item Veto
    By Selected News Articles @ 3:35 PM :: 5160 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    The Hill: Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) has said he will soon distribute to senators his definition of what he considers an earmark....

    “The new pork mechanisms will depend on how Inouye has decided to define pork/earmarks,” Wheeler said. “The loopholes will be there; he and his staff know how to make them. Once the ‘definition’ is set, the workarounds will only be limited by the human imagination.”

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    Monday, February 7, 2011
    Could Djou Challenge Akaka?
    By Selected News Articles @ 11:19 PM :: 8964 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Former Rep. Charles Djou (R-Hawaii) all but swore off elective politics in his recent farewell address, but the former congressman recently penned an article that is sure to ignite speculation among the state's political observers over whether a 2012 bid against Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) is in the offing.

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    Monday, February 7, 2011
    Feb 7, 2011: How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted
    By News Release @ 3:57 PM :: 6449 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Health Care Repeal - Vote Rejected (47-51, 2 Not Voting)

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    Sunday, February 6, 2011
    Harvard Study explains how Inouye’s pork kills business
    By Selected News Articles @ 1:28 PM :: 6903 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    In the years that followed a congressman's ascendancy to the chairmanship of a powerful committee, the average firm in his state cut back capital expenditures by roughly 15 percent, according to their working paper, "Do Powerful Politicians Cause Corporate Downsizing?"

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    Sunday, February 6, 2011
    Hawaii's Governor Manipulates Birthers
    By Andrew Walden @ 1:48 AM :: 8141 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Hawaii's newly elected "DSA-er Democrat" Governor Neil "I am not a socialist" Abercrombie is the birthers' best friend -- and many commentators in Hawaii and across the nation are becoming increasingly annoyed by his antics. 

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    Saturday, February 5, 2011
    VIDEO: 100th Birthday of Ronald Reagan
    By Heritage Foundation @ 8:29 PM :: 5903 Views :: National News, Ethics

    This Sunday is President Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday.

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    Saturday, February 5, 2011
    Djou: Hawaii bets on Machine Politics for the 21st Century
    By Rep Charles Djou @ 7:50 PM :: 9755 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    The Obama-style politics and the youthful 2010 class of freshmen Republicans in the U.S. House might be a passing fad or it might become a lasting trend.  Hawaii has sent a congressional delegation that is betting the modern movement toward a much quicker internet dominated system of governing, based on transparency rather than pork, is temporary and our nation will eventually return to the 20th Century seniority centric system of quiet machine based power-dealing.  The American people will render the verdict on Hawaii’s bet in the next couple of years.

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    Saturday, February 5, 2011
    Sen Schumer Demands Investigation: Reusable Bags Contain Harmful Chemicals and Harbor Bacteria
    By News Release @ 10:33 AM :: 17315 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Senator Charles Schumer and other congressional leaders have called on government safety agencies to investigate why such elevated levels of lead are coming into contact with our food and leaching into the environment. Perhaps even more alarming, a University of Arizona study found fecal coliform bacteria and E. coli in some of the bags.

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    Saturday, February 5, 2011
    KTA, Safeway, Walgreens: Excessive Amounts of Lead Found in Reusable Grocery Bags
    By News Release @ 10:29 AM :: 20415 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    EPA standard for lead in packaging materials is 100ppm.  Safeway tests 6.72 times the EPA limit.  Walgreens is 2.98 times, KTA Superstores 2.85 times, and Defense Comissary Agency tests 2.35 times the EPA standard. 

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    Saturday, February 5, 2011
    U.S. Supreme Court Requests a Response from Hawaii in Nader Ballot Access Case
    By Selected News Articles @ 1:28 AM :: 6910 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    When the U.S. Supreme Court asks for a response from the side that had won the case in the lower court, that is a sign that the Court is thinking that it might possibly take the case. The response from Hawaii is due March 2.

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    Friday, February 4, 2011
    Inouye introduces Felony Fishing Bill
    By Heritage Foundation @ 10:10 PM :: 7374 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Certain violations of S. 52 would subject a person to up to five years in prison, a fine of $500,000, or both.

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    Thursday, February 3, 2011
    CAGW warns Inouye against “Phonemarking or other underhanded techniques”
    By News Release @ 9:11 PM :: 6935 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    Hopefully, every member of Congress will recognize by then that earmarks are a wasteful, unnecessary part of the budget process that should never be restored. CAGW will also be monitoring how members of Congress may attempt to circumvent the moratorium, through ‘phonemarking’ or other underhanded techniques.”

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    Thursday, February 3, 2011
    A Medicaid Rebellion? How states can work together to force changes in the program
    By Selected News Articles @ 8:47 PM :: 5372 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    What would you call a health-insurance program that has worse health outcomes for cancer and heart disease than Medicare or private insurance, that pays doctors and specialists so little that they often refuse to see patients, and that’s driving state budgets into bankruptcy? If you’re the Obama administration, apparently, you call it a success and make it the cornerstone of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act....

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    Thursday, February 3, 2011
    Obamacare: Will Obama obey Federal Court ruling?
    By Heritage Foundation @ 11:38 AM :: 5527 Views :: National News, Ethics

    According to Heritage legal expert Robert Alt, Judge Vinson’s declaratory judgment binds the parties to the suit, which includes 26 states, the National Federation of Independent Business and the federal government. This means that, absent a court-issued stay, Obamacare cannot be further implemented as it pertains to these 26 states. So the White House now faces a simple choice: Will President Obama abide by a valid decision by a federal district court, or will he unilaterally ignore the rule of law? If the past is any indicator, the rule of law is in for a continued beating.

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    Wednesday, February 2, 2011
    US Senate repeals part of Obamacare: Inouye, Akaka left out in cold among 17 bitter-enders
    By Andrew Walden @ 10:42 PM :: 8296 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    The US Senate voted 81-17 to repeal the Obamacare "1099-MISC" tax hike and information reporting requirement.  Hawaii Senators Dan Akaka and Dan Inouye were among a rump group of 17 Obamacare bitter-enders.

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    Wednesday, February 2, 2011
    Roll Call: Akaka offers no indication he will run in 2012
    By Selected News Articles @ 10:09 PM :: 7128 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

    …others on retirement watch, including Sens. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Jim Webb (D-Va.), offered no indication they will run again in 2012.

    Akaka, 86, raised less than $2,000 in the fourth quarter and had just $66,000 in the bank as of Dec. 31....

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    Wednesday, February 2, 2011
    Obama, Not Egypt, is Biggest Threat to U.S. Energy Prices
    By Heritage Foundation @ 11:22 AM :: 6897 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

    Energy Secretary Steven Chu responded to a question about the situation in Egypt, saying: "Certainly any disruption in the Middle East means a partial disruption in the oil we import. It’s a world market and [a disruption] could actually have real harm of the price. The best way America can protect itself against these incidents is to decrease our dependency on foreign oil, in fact to diversify our supply." This is a nice sentiment. Unfortunately, everything the Obama Administration is doing is only increasing our dependence on foreign sources of oil.

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