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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Save $21M per year: Gov Lingle calls for action on collective bargaining bills
By News Release @ 6:31 PM :: 5049 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Proposals that would save the State up to $21 million each year and correct flaws in the collective bargaining system are pending legislative action.  Governor Linda Lingle is urging the Legislature to promptly schedule hearings on these measures before the upcoming internal legislative deadline of February 12.

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Friday, February 5, 2010
DoE firing hundreds of Special Education skills trainers
By Andrew Walden @ 11:57 PM :: 18247 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

The Hawaii Department of Education Honolulu District is moving to replace hundreds of privately contracted paraprofessional Special Education skills trainers with newly hired and minimally trained DoE Paraprofessional tutors (PPTs) between now and March 22.

A February 4 ad on Craigslist seeks “reliable individuals” to become “Paraprofessional Turtors” (sic) in the “Honlulu (sic) District”. 

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Friday, February 5, 2010
Gambling bills to be heard by House Committee Tuesday
By News Release @ 10:11 PM :: 6982 Views :: Energy, Environment

HB 2759 would allow gaming on Hawaiian homelands.  HB 146 proposes an amendment to the Hawaii Constitution to permit gambling in our island state.  The House Judiciary committee has scheduled a hearing on these bills for Tuesday, February 9, 2010 @ 2:30 p.m. in conference room 325.

We are asking you to contact members of the House Judiciary Committee and your own Representative to tell them that you don't want gambling in Hawaii. 

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Friday, February 5, 2010
Iraq War veteran launches HD 28 campaign in Chinatown
By News Release @ 8:31 PM :: 9939 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

David Chang is a graduate of West Point, the United States Military Academy. He was selected as an East-West Center Fellow and holds a Masters of Arts in Political Science from the University of Hawaii and a Masters in Theological Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary. He is a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and currently serves in the Hawai'i Army National Guard as an Intelligence Officer. 

David is currently the CEO/President of WealthBridge Inc., a wealth management firm specializing in financial planning and business consulting. He is also the founder of PowerH2O, a premium bottled water company, and The Cabinet and Stone Factory, a remodeling and construction firm. 

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Friday, February 5, 2010
Full Text: Moody’s outlook for Hawaii shifts to “negative”
By News Release @ 7:06 PM :: 8516 Views :: Energy, Environment

What would change the rating up?

  • Rebuilding and maintenance of strong reserve levels.
  • Broader economic diversification, sustained job growth, and reduced vulnerability to the tourism industry.
  • Maintenance of structural budget balance.
  • Annual funding of pension and OPEB annual required contributions.

What would change the rating down?

  • Economic weakening leading to employment erosion.
  • Further deterioration of revenue trends leading to budget imbalance, liquidity pressure, and narrowing of financial position.
  • Increased use of non-recurring solutions to balance budget.
  • Failure to adopt a plan to cover expenditures once federal stimulus monies are no longer available
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Senate Committee considering Fiscal Stabilization Fund
By News Release @ 11:02 PM :: 5099 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The purpose of these two proposals is not to change the concept or use of the State’s Rainy Day Fund, but to ensure a steady source of revenue is available to build the fund balance for future emergencies,” said Linda Smith, senior policy advisor, in written testimony.  “We believe a constitutional amendment is the only way to safeguard against expending year-end general fund balances that in good years need to be saved rather than spent on new programs and services.”

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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hint to Hawaii: Plastic Bag Ban overturned by Calif. court -- no EIS
By Selected News Articles @ 4:07 PM :: 24034 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Hawaii Legislature's own papermill.  Built by feeeel-goood fake environmentalism.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Unemployment Insurance Tax: HB2169 to be heard Friday
By News Release @ 2:16 PM :: 5248 Views :: Energy, Environment

Although the current draft provides some tax assistance, the Chamber believes it does not go far enough to help reduce the "tax shock" and safeguard the statewide unemployment rate.  Therefore, we are asking the committee to amend the bill.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Making Djou the next Scott Brown
By Selected News Articles @ 3:47 AM :: 7442 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Meanwhile, one of Djou's consultants is actively encouraging the comparisons. In a memo released this week, web strategist Patrick Ruffini touted Djou's potential as the candidate next able to take down a Dem-held seat.

"As in Massachusetts, Charles Djou is strongly positioned to benefit from 'perfect storm' conditions that include a great candidate, message, and organization, the district's recent history of Republican voting, and Hawaii's unique special election rules," Ruffini wrote. Djou's win, Ruffini wrote, would "once again shock the political world."

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Taxed Enough Already? TEA Party rallies February 27
By News Release @ 10:32 PM :: 9523 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

FreedomWorks is supporting grassroots Americans in an effort to re-ignite the protests against big government in 2010. The first national day of protests will be this Feb. 27th in cities across the country. If you have not heard about a protest in your community, please connect with others and organize one.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Reinventing Government: Task force backs future Governors’ appointment of DoE Superintendents
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:09 PM :: 5053 Views :: Energy, Environment

The proposals that I believe have particular merit include:

1.        Hold the governor accountable for public education, restructure the DOE, and increase instructional time. 

2.        Substantially improve information technology use in the State.

3.        Simplify procurement procedures so that approved projects can move forward efficiently.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Small Business Caucus pushes job creation bills
By News Release @ 2:46 PM :: 7286 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

The 2010 package is designed to improve the economy and reduce the state's over 7 percent unemployment by helping local small businesses operate and survive in Hawaii.  Included are solutions that help companies obtain permits and retain their workforce.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The DC: Republican Charles Djou makes a push in Obama’s Hawaii home district
By Selected News Articles @ 2:29 PM :: 9142 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“Imagine the narrative coming on the heels of Scott Brown; a Republican wins in Obama’s home congressional district,” said Dave Wasserman, House editor at the Cook Political Report. Wasserman said the open format of the special election without a primary or run-off gives Djou a shot at pulling off an upset in what until recently had been considered a  safe Democratic seat.

“The mood of the country is clearly trending away from the establishment to candidates running against the majority. I also think the dynamics of this special election work well for me,” Djou said.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lingle: FTA “understands…why I will move forward on an independent review” of Rail plan
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:20 PM :: 6886 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

We are pleased that FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff confirmed the federal government is continuing to work with the city to strengthen the financial plan and that they will evaluate a new financial plan when the city submits its application for the final design.

We are also pleased that Administrator Rogoff recognizes my role in the approval process and understands why I will move forward on an independent review to ensure the financial viability of the project.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Engaged DC: Ed Case is Democrats’ Scozzafava
By Selected News Articles @ 1:13 PM :: 8702 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

The HI-1 special can be likened to NY-23 in reverse, with Ed Case occupying the unenviable "Scozzafava" position and Hanabusa representing the base of the party. Like Scozzafava, Case has depended on crossover Republican votes to win elections in the past, support that is likely to evaporate once voters know there is a real, electable Republican candidate in the race.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
PHOTOS: Kubo for Judge Rally -- UPDATE: Senate confirms 24-1
By News Release @ 12:33 PM :: 12992 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment


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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Abercrombie, Hirono sign new letter backing socialist single-payer health system
By News Release @ 6:18 PM :: 9925 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

It is very likely that the public option could have passed the Senate, if brought up under majority-vote “budget reconciliation” rules. While there were valid reasons stated for not using reconciliation before, especially given that some important provisions of health care reform wouldn’t qualify under the reconciliation rules, those reasons no longer exist. The public option would clearly qualify as budget-related under reconciliation, and with the majority support it has garnered in the Senate, it should be included in any healthcare reform legislation that moves under reconciliation.

As Democrats forge “the path forward” on health care, we believe that passing the public option through reconciliation should be part of that path. We urge you to favorably consider our request to include a public option in the reconciliation process.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Aiona: Raising taxes is “worst thing State could do”
By Lt Gov Duke Aiona @ 5:17 PM :: 4891 Views :: Energy, Environment

During these challenging economic times, it is critical for our state to encourage reinvestment into our local economy and provide a fair tax system that does not burden our citizens, families and small businesses with tax increases.

Economic hardship has led many families and businesses to tighten their belts to save money. Our Administration has also had to find new ways to cut spending while providing essential services for Hawai‘i residents. Right now, the worst thing the State could do is take more of your money by raising taxes.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dutch Hanohano: Aiona team introduces campaign manager
By News Release @ 4:24 PM :: 8113 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Lt. Governor Duke Aiona today announced that former U.S. Marshal Mark “Dutch” Hanohano has joined his gubernatorial campaign as campaign manager. Hanohano will manage the day-to-day operations of the campaign and work closely with Duke’s senior leadership team.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hawaii Scores “D” on Citizen Initiative rights
By News Release @ 10:48 AM :: 20353 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Initiatives on the County level have included: Kauai Ohana in 2006-2007 attempting to use the initiative process to defeat high property taxes, Stop Rail activists who won the opportunity to vote on rail, and others who have used initiative for various causes on the Big Island.  Hawaii citizens do not have any statewide initiative and referendum rights. A majority of state citizens do enjoy local initiative and referendum rights. 

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Monday, February 1, 2010
Aiona releases campaign fundraising report
By News Release @ 6:20 PM :: 5388 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Lt. Governor Duke Aiona today announced that he has raised more than $267,000 in the last six months of 2009, including nearly 950 donations of $100 or less.  Aiona has raised more than $2 million during his gubernatorial campaign.

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Monday, February 1, 2010
BoE Chair Toguchi caught lying about Furlough Negotiations
By News Release @ 6:01 PM :: 6558 Views :: Energy, Environment

Toguchi’s statement on Saturday that, “if she (the Governor) wanted to, she could take her proposal to the HSTA herself,” is inaccurate. 

Under Hawai‘i’s collective bargaining law – HRS Section 89-6(d)(3) – the Governor cannot act alone in presenting a formal proposal to the HSTA.  The Governor must have the vote of either the Board of Education or the Department of Education, or both, in order to make a formal proposal.

Similarly, Toguchi’s contention that an agreement between the HSTA, DOE and BOE is already in place is inaccurate because by the same law there can be no formal agreement without the Governor’s vote.

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Monday, February 1, 2010
Finnegan: DoE needs "real change, not fake reform"
By News Release @ 5:33 PM :: 4917 Views :: Energy, Environment

We have a great opportunity to make effective changes to our state educational system that will result in a better education for our keiki. Unfortunately, the Democrats have excluded the Lingle-Aiona proposals that best represent clear and direct accountability. We should not stand for these arrogant tactics. Given that the Democrats have control of the scheduling, our best response at this time is to push for the language from our proposals to replace the language in the bills being heard tomorrow by proposing amendments.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Lingle: BoE/DoE delays keeping children out of classroom
By News Release @ 5:09 PM :: 5361 Views :: Energy, Environment

The Governor’s plan to use $50 million from the Rainy Day Fund to re-open schools for all but three of the remaining furlough days this semester and next school year has been stalled by the unwillingness of the BOE and DOE to agree to present the plan to the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association (HSTA).  Despite a number of meetings and communications between the Lingle-Aiona Administration and the BOE and DOE to answer their questions and provide detailed financial information on how the $50 million would sufficiently allow schools to operate on furlough days, the BOE and DOE have refused to allow the plan to move forward.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hawaii Family Forum urges continued voter registration effort
By News Release @ 1:13 PM :: 8173 Views :: Energy, Environment

We ask you to stay vigilant.  Check our website www.HawaiiFamilyForum.org on a regular basis for updates. Our efforts on the iVOTE campaign are continuing . . . .

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Friday, January 29, 2010
“Hold” placed on Akaka Bill in Senate could effectively prevent passage
By News Release @ 1:28 PM :: 10953 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina agrees with many of us here in Hawaii: A bill that will have serious consequences for all of us in Hawaii, and which has been radically changed recently, should not be acted upon by the U.S. Senate until Senators can hear the results of public hearings on the current version of the bill here in Hawaii.

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Friday, January 29, 2010
RNC Meeting: Steele Comes to Honolulu with Proof of Principle
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 AM :: 12217 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The AP headline is “Republican gathering in Waikiki comes at a time of internal strife” — but the Republican National Committee is meeting in Honolulu January 27-30 in a world suddenly reshaped by Scott Brown’s paradigm-shattering victory in Massachusetts. AP’s headline writer can only dream.

For RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Brown’s victory couldn’t have come at a better time. Steele’s mission is to expand the reach of the Republican Party into districts and states generally considered Democrat strongholds. This is the opposite of the strategy of energizing the base which gave George W. Bush an exquisitely narrow victory in 2000 and a 2.4% margin of victory in 2004 — an election year which Ann Coulter and others have argued should have seen a Bush landslide.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hanauma Dec 29: Did Mufi threaten retaliation against Obama?
By Andrew Walden @ 8:40 PM :: 18318 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

A disturbing story is emerging which suggests that Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann threatened to remove city workers from Hanauma Nature Preserve when the Secret Service told him he could not join the Obama family snorkeling there during the Obamas’ vacation December 29. 

It is one thing for Mufi to stalk Obama at public events—that’s just politics as usual.  But it is another to threaten retaliation against the President and threaten non-cooperation with the President’s security detail. 

What has been publicly revealed to date?

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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Senate Committee Hearing: OHA to be audited?
By Andrew Walden @ 2:12 PM :: 8158 Views :: Energy, Environment

SB 2500 requesting a financial and management audit of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be heard Friday, January 29, at 2:45 p.m. in Room 229 by the Water Land and Hawaiian Affairs committee

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Complete List: Lingle–Aiona legislative initiatives
By News Release @ 9:33 PM :: 6557 Views :: Energy, Environment

The Lingle-Aiona Administration has submitted a comprehensive package of 110 bills and 29 resolutions to the Hawai‘i State Legislature.  The following list includes brief descriptions of each proposed measure.  The list also includes programs that do not require legislative approval that the Administration is implementing. 

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Aiona proposes Hawaii Sports Commission to boost athletics, tourism
By News Release @ 2:57 PM :: 7042 Views :: Energy, Environment

“This measure will allow our State to proactively secure both large and small sporting events throughout Hawai‘i that will help to strengthen our economy and make Hawai‘i a leader among the world’s sports destinations,” Lt. Governor Aiona said. “Hawai‘i is the home of the Pro Bowl. Over time, the game has become a tradition and our residents should not grow accustomed to seeing it played away from Aloha Stadium.”

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kaauwai backs placing DoE under control of next Governor: Union bosses against accountability
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 2:37 PM :: 5767 Views :: Energy, Environment

The problem is not our students or its teachers.  The problems lie in the political power structure within the State of Hawai'i.  Democrats, who are well known to be controlled by union money, have remained unwilling to create solutions.  Any proposed changes to an unaccountable system would mean certain electoral losses which is why our children and Hawai`i's families remain political pawns to the unions' games.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hawaii Family Forum: Gay civil unions vote is close
By News Release @ 10:48 AM :: 5628 Views :: Energy, Environment

 action is focused on the House which has to agree or disagree to the amendments made by the Senate. If they agree, then all House members will need to vote to approve. If the House disagrees to the amendment, it will then be given to a Conference Committee which will consist of members from BOTH the House and Senate.

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Monday, January 25, 2010
Chamber of Commerce: House Bill before Committee Tuesday not enough to reduce Unemployment "tax shock"
By News Release @ 3:26 PM :: 6821 Views :: Energy, Environment

A hearing has been scheduled on two unemployment insurance bills for this Tuesday, January 26 at 9:00 a.m. at the State Capitol in Room 309. Chair Rhoads did not put the Chamber’s bill on the agenda, only his and Vice Chair’s Kyle Yamashita’s bill because he probably prefers to use one of these as a vehicle.   

Although the bills provide some tax relief, the Chamber believes they do not provide enough assistance to help reduce the "tax shock" and safeguard the statewide unemployment rate.  Therefore, we are asking the committees to amend the bills. 

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Monday, January 25, 2010
State of the State: Make DoE a cabinet department; fund STEM, robotics
By News Release @ 2:46 PM :: 6287 Views :: Energy, Environment



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Monday, January 25, 2010
State of the State: Proposals to cut unemployment taxes, create jobs
By News Release @ 2:44 PM :: 6785 Views :: Energy, Environment




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Monday, January 25, 2010
Lingle: Divert 5% to create “fiscal stabilization fund”
By News Release @ 2:30 PM :: 5009 Views :: Energy, Environment

Governor Linda Lingle announced in her State of the State Address she will propose a constitutional amendment to rename and revise the State’s Rainy Day Fund to create a Fiscal Stabilization Fund.  This fund will shield Hawai‘i in future years from the need to raise taxes during periods when the economy is contracting and citizens can least afford to pay more.

The Fiscal Stabilization Fund will ensure that in years when tax revenues are growing, 5 percent of the general fund’s end of year balance will be placed in the Stabilization Fund prior to granting the currently mandated refund to taxpayers.

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Monday, January 25, 2010
State of the State Address: Full Text
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:25 PM :: 7929 Views :: Energy, Environment

Full Text of Governor Lingle's 8th State of the State address -- delivered to joint session of Hawaii Legislature 10 AM Monday January 25, 2010.  Title: "Reaffirmation and Rededication".

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Friday, January 22, 2010
Gay Civil Unions Bill passes Senate: Hawaii Family Forum re-focuses on House
By News Release @ 9:47 PM :: 9527 Views :: Energy, Environment

Action will now be focused on the House which has to agree to the amendments made by the Senate. If they agree, then all House members will need to vote to approve. If the House disagrees to the amendment, it will then be given to a Conference Committee made up of members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.

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Friday, January 22, 2010
Star-Bulletin/KITV gubernatorial, congressional polls larded with 210% more Democrats
By Andrew Walden @ 2:53 PM :: 13305 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The poll included 486 “likely Democratic primary voters”—61% of the 800 registered voters sampled.  This is 210% of the 29% of registered voters who participated in the 2008 Hawaii Democrat primary ....

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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hawaii Family Forum calls for action: Senate to hear HB444 Gay Civil Unions Friday
By News Release @ 2:58 PM :: 9527 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment




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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
POLITICO: Charles Djou – the next Scott Brown?
By Selected News Articles @ 1:43 PM :: 11242 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Here’s the next potential Scott Brown, or at least a candidate who will spark a debate over whether the national GOP should look at him that way—Charles Djou in Hawaii.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
DANGER Hawaii Legislature in Session: Tax increases, Raids on special funds, Gay Civil Unions—and 275 new bills introduced
By News Release @ 1:00 PM :: 5119 Views :: Energy, Environment

"We can't fix our economic problems by increasing the taxes on businesses. Businesses don't have more money to give to the government especially during these times. Small businesses are the engine of economic growth.  Shirokiya's recent announcement of laying off 71 employees in anticipation of the increasing unemployment insurance tax serves as powerful evidence of what businesses will and must do when taxes are increased."  -- House Minority Leader Lynn Finnegan

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
GOP: “Hawaii voters will be next”
By News Release @ 8:33 PM :: 7795 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“Sen.-elect Scott Brown’s come-from-behind victory, in a solid Democrat state like Massachusetts, clearly shows the American people want different leadership in Congress.  Like Sen.-elect Brown, I am troubled by Congress’ multi-trillion dollar budget deficit that recklessly mortgages our children’s future, a multi-billion dollar stimulus package that has done little to alter unemployment and a health care plan that is too expensive and won’t work,” stated Djou. 

"From those I've spoken to at the 4,000 doors that I've knocked on in the last two weeks, and from the 1,100 donors to my campaign, it is clear that Hawaii’s voters feel just as frustrated.  Hawaii needs a voice from outside the system to fundamentally change the status quo.”

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Monday, January 18, 2010
Rallies on Oahu, Maui, Kauai: 15,000 against Gay Civil Unions
By Andrew Walden @ 3:17 PM :: 21878 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

An estimated 15,000 Hawaii residents rallied Sunday at the Capitol against passage of House Bill 444 which would enact gay civil unions into law.  They were backed by another 500 protesters gathered at the Wailuku State Building on Maui.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010
UPDATE Oahu, Maui Protests January 17th: Gay Civil Unions HB444 poised for passage in 2010
By News Release @ 12:05 AM :: 15831 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Attend the Rally at the State Capitol on Sunday, January 17th (2:00 pm – 3:30 pm) to support traditional marriage and other pro-family policies.  AND MAUI -- Wailuku State Building, Wailuku, Maui  Sunday, January 17  2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Over $400K raised: Djou announces fundraising totals
By News Release @ 7:19 PM :: 12818 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Djou's Dec 31 fundraising figures released this afternoon (below) are more than double Ed Case's Dec. 15 figures.  Djou's Dec. 31 cash on hand is 263% of Case's Dec. 15 cash on hand.   Hanabusa is a very distant third.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Governor disappointed by arbitrator's UPW "split decision"
By News Release @ 11:31 AM :: 6575 Views :: Energy, Environment

“This is a split decision as far as I’m concerned,” said Governor Lingle.  “The arbitration panel went along with our request for pay cuts for employees of some of the most important 24/7 operations at the State Hospital, the prisons, and the youth correctional facility, but ignored the same request for others. 

“We are very disappointed that the panel chose to implement furloughs for employees of the Hawai‘i Health Systems Corporation.  A straight pay cut for these employees would be better than furloughs because the nature of the work and the people they serve requires 24/7 attention,” the Governor added.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010
Cook Political Report: Djou is "strong candidate" who has "gotten big break"
By Selected News Articles @ 6:05 PM :: 12053 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Even armed with a strong candidate, Republicans needed a big break to give them any hope of capturing President Obama's native district, which is 11 points more Democratic than the national average. They appear to have gotten one in the form of Abercrombie's early resignation to focus on a gubernatorial bid, which has set up an all-party special election that will likely take place in May. Honolulu Councilman Charles Djou, a Republican, will have the resources to seek a plurality as state Sen. Colleen Hanabusa and former Rep. Ed Case split the Democratic vote.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
UPDATE VIDEO: Case vs Hanabusa vs Djou -- first AND SECOND Congressional Debates
By Selected News Articles @ 5:48 PM :: 14745 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

VIDEO:  Watch the complete 30 minute January 12 debate from Honolulu Public Access TV here.

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