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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Fall-out from Hoku’s failed polysilicon project heats-up
By Selected News Articles @ 5:32 PM :: 6455 Views :: Energy, Ethics, Tax Credits

A family-owned North Carolina-based manufacturer is calling upon the US federal government and governors from five states to probe the reasons why Hoku Corporation and its major partner in the project, Tianwei have failed to pay its debts and review its investment practices into foreign owned businesses....

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Monday, September 9, 2013
‘Green’ Energy Lobbyists Rate Hawaii C-
By News Release @ 11:21 PM :: 5817 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Blue Planet Foundation first annual Energy Report Card for Hawai‘i....

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Monday, September 9, 2013
Deadline Sept 27: $30M Available For New Round of Hi-Tech Scam Companies
By News Release @ 11:03 PM :: 6134 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

We would like to invite to you apply for up to $1M....

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Monday, September 9, 2013
Big Cable at Center of New State Energy Policy
By News Release @ 10:32 PM :: 5339 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

The new policy outlines the State of Hawaii’s commitment to make long-term investments in technology to enable an integrated system based on clean energy resources....

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Sunday, September 1, 2013
Questionable Tax Breaks to Help Certain Industries
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 5:01 AM :: 4737 Views :: Tax Credits

...those lost revenues resulted in lawmakers having to raise additional revenue....

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
UHERO: Are All Tax Credits Created Equal?
By UHERO @ 6:06 AM :: 3885 Views :: Tax Credits
Recently, the Rhode Island legislature adopted a law requiring that state tax credits undergo a process of regular and rigorous evaluations....
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Thursday, July 18, 2013
Godzilla invades Waikiki, devours tax credits
By Malia Zimmerman @ 4:45 PM :: 5110 Views :: Tax Credits

As of July 1,  Hawaii has a new, expanded production tax credit, which grants motion pictures, digital media and film productions, an income tax credit of 20-25 percent....

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Sandwich Isles Communications: $12,371 per line annual subsidy
By News Release @ 2:07 PM :: 9457 Views :: DHHL, National News, Hawaii Statistics, Tax Credits
“Poster Child for Federal Waste”
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Monday, July 8, 2013
Tsutsui to Sign Six Bills While Abercrombie Enjoys Taiwan Junket
By News Release @ 11:11 PM :: 5292 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Tax Credits

Tsutsui will sign the following bills passed by the 2013 Hawaii State Legislature....

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Friday, June 28, 2013
SB1087: GEMS for Solar Scammers
By News Release @ 2:04 AM :: 5764 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits
The Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) program is an innovative financing model....
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
Needed Services Should be Paid by Users of the Service
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 6:00 AM :: 5633 Views :: Tax Credits, Taxes

The reaction to last week’s commentary could only be described as shrill....

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Sunday, June 9, 2013
Number of Special Funds Should be Curtailed
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 6:01 AM :: 6973 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Tax Credits, Taxes

Recently the Chair of the House Finance Committee announced that she will be reviewing the practice of setting up special funds....

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Thursday, June 6, 2013
No Transparency in Alternative-Energy Incentives
By NCPA @ 1:16 PM :: 4592 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Americans have no idea how much taxpayers and consumers, through higher energy bills, are spending to subsidize all of those green energy projects....

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
How the IRS Monitors Tax Credits
By NCPA @ 2:43 PM :: 6035 Views :: Health Care, Tax Credits, Taxes

...out of $668.1 million in tax credits claimed in tax year 2011, the Service disallowed only $11 million, and failed to find a single case of fraud....

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Sunday, May 26, 2013
Making the Tax System a Social Tool Creates Inefficiencies
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 6:01 AM :: 4327 Views :: Tax Credits

...lawmakers are beginning to shy away from adopting tax credits....

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Hawaii 2nd-Worst Tax System for Small Business
By News Release @ 1:11 PM :: 6547 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Tax Credits
“Business Tax Index 2013: Best to Worst State Tax Systems for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.”
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Friday, April 5, 2013
Draining the General Fund: Solar Permits up 49%
By News Release @ 1:25 PM :: 5683 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits
Year-to-date, Honolulu’s total number of residential PV permits reached 2,922, a 49.0% increase from the same period last year....
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Friday, April 5, 2013
Department of Energy Awarding Billions in Energy Subsidies Despite Sequester
By NCPA @ 12:23 PM :: 4450 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

More than $1.2 billion in cash payments has been awarded to renewable energy projects since the beginning of the year....

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Sunday, March 31, 2013
Key to Tax Relief Lies in Repeal of Tax “Loopholes”
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 5:02 AM :: 5547 Views :: Tax Credits
...Here in Hawaii, local lawmakers seem to have no problem handing out tax breaks to the rich albeit in the form of tax credits....
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
USPIRG Flunks Hawaii on Tax Credit Secrecy
By Selected News Articles @ 1:57 PM :: 9408 Views :: Development, Hawaii State Government, Hawaii Statistics, Tax Credits
Not a single Failing State provides information on the public benefits of economic development subsidies broken  down by recipient or makes its tax expenditure report available....
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sunburned by Corporate Welfare
By John-David Nako @ 1:20 AM :: 7555 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

The phrase “corporate welfare” usually leads people to clench their pocketbooks a little bit tighter....

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Sunday, March 17, 2013
PPPA: PLDC Bait and Switch? Next Hearing March 19
By Andrew Walden @ 9:34 PM :: 6558 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Tax Credits

... as quickly as demands for repeal of Act 55 were heard, legislators introduced a bill establishing bills to establish a Public Private Partnership Authority ....

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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Key to Hawaii’s Future is Business Climate
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 6:11 AM :: 9695 Views :: Economy, Small Business, Tax Credits, Taxes

we, mere mortals, cannot predict what the prize industry of the future will be....

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Saturday, March 16, 2013
List of Tax Measures Moving in Legislature Totals Seven Pages
By Andrew Walden @ 12:06 AM :: 7162 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Tax Credits, Taxes

Some raise, some redistribute. Others give credit where credit may not be due....

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Green Cars: Not So Clean After All
By NCPA @ 3:32 PM :: 6557 Views :: Energy, Environment, Tax Credits

...It costs 30,000 pounds of carbon-dioxide emission to produce an electric car, equal to about 80,000 miles of travel....

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Thursday, February 28, 2013
Solar Scammers Pleased by SB623: Extends Solar Tax Credit Giveaway
By News Release @ 3:40 PM :: 6810 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

HSEA commends the Senate Ways and Means Committee for passing out SB 623 SD 1, which will close (reopen) renewable energy tax credit loopholes (that DoTax already closed)....

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
UHERO: Solar Tax Credits Could Cost $1.4B
By Selected News Articles @ 11:44 PM :: 7285 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

...state tax credit expenditures could reach $1.4 billion for residential units alone....

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Friday, February 8, 2013
HB497: Extends Solar Tax Credit Giveaway for a Few More Years
By News Release @ 2:51 PM :: 7298 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

The tax credit for photovoltaic systems will be incrementally phased down from 30 percent of the actual cost to 15 percent over the next 5 years....

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Sunday, February 3, 2013
DoTax Employees Secretly Arrested, Fired
By Andrew Walden @ 12:40 PM :: 11512 Views :: Ethics, Hawaii State Government, Law Enforcement, Tax Credits, Taxes

A number of tax department employees who were investigated in connection with the security breaches have been “arrested and relieved of their duties,” said state Rep. John Mizuno....

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Sunday, January 6, 2013
Ills Cannot be Cured With Fees and Taxes
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 5:02 AM :: 6888 Views :: Hawaii State Government, Tax Credits, Taxes

As another legislative session is about to be convened, let’s look back at some of their follies over the past few years ....

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Sunday, December 23, 2012
Helping to Drain the State Treasury With Tax Credits
By Lowell L Kalapa @ 5:39 AM :: 5595 Views :: Tax Credits

...this year the tax scramble is not so much for shifting income and deductions from one tax year to the next as much as it is about getting one’s solar energy device installed....

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Friday, December 21, 2012
The wind production tax credit still hangs in the fiscal-cliff balance
By Selected News Articles @ 5:25 PM :: 5814 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

The wind lobby is working overtime to convince Congress to pass an extension before the clock runs out on December 31st....

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Friday, December 14, 2012
UHERO: Film Subsidies Illegal Giveaway to Corporations
By News Release @ 10:34 PM :: 6998 Views :: World News, Tax Credits subsidies are beggar-thy-neighbor policies. At the end of the day, they just tend to cancel each other out and essentially transfer taxpayer money to corporations ....

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Sunday, November 11, 2012
Lawsuit: Kahuku Windfarm May Never Get its Turbines Repaired
By Andrew Walden @ 8:38 PM :: 15857 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

The importance of having Clipper continue to honor parts, service and maintenance agreements on the turbines is one of the critical concerns for First Wind....

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Saturday, November 3, 2012
PRP: Fukunaga Running to Continue Act 221 Tax Credit Scams
By Andrew Walden @ 8:29 PM :: 8813 Views :: Honolulu County, Tax Credits

Fukunaga’s ‘High-Tech’ credentials come from her decade-long advocacy of the Act 215/221 tax credits--one of the biggest taxpayer rip-offs in Hawaii history....

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Audit: State Gave Away $1B Act 221 Tax Credits Without Verification of Eligibility
By Selected News Articles @ 8:47 PM :: 12677 Views :: Tax Credits

“It’s all in [my] head.” —DoTAX returns classifying officer’s response when asked why he does not have any written policies and procedures

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hoku Loses Control of Its Own Website
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 AM :: 7482 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Hoku is so broke it doesn’t have a website anymore. Their url expired July 12 and has not been renewed....

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Saturday, July 14, 2012
Creditors Demand $160M from Hoku Corporation
By News Release @ 12:12 AM :: 7910 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Act 221's final act ....

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Thursday, July 5, 2012
NASDAQ Halts Hoku Trading
By News Release @ 2:51 PM :: 6880 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Aren't tax credits wonderful!

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Friday, June 29, 2012
Hoku Out of Cash in Nine Weeks, So Broke It Can't Write Annual Report
By News Release @ 9:16 PM :: 10119 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

 Act 221 Tax Credits paid for this mess and Hawaii media covered for this scam company all they way through .... 

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Friday, June 15, 2012
Your Act 221Tax Credit Dollars At Work: Hopeless Hoku Forms Restructuring Committee
By News Release @ 7:13 PM :: 7394 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

... a solar energy products and services company, natch ....

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hoku Corp Lays off Workers, Lienholders Move to Seize Polysilicon Plant
By News Release @ 5:00 PM :: 9919 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

...liens have been filed against the Hoku Materials polysilicon plant, and some lienholders have begun foreclosure proceedings in the Idaho courts....

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Saturday, December 17, 2011
As Delisting Looms, Material Misrepresentation by Hoku Solar?
By Andrew Walden @ 1:55 PM :: 10737 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

...there is not a single mention of delisting, crashing solar panel prices, expiring tax credits and subsidies, difficulties in completing the Pocatello plant, nor the crashing price of the polysilicon Pocatello is supposed to produce....

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Monday, October 17, 2011
Solar Credits: 1000s of Homeowners to Face Audits to Cover up DoTAX Re-write of Law
By Andrew Walden @ 12:59 AM :: 10439 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

A squad of DoTAX bureaucrats pounding on doors—desperately seeking a scapegoat.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011
Solar Tax Credits: Cash from General Fund Lines Pockets of Mainland Companies
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 AM :: 10288 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

“Free Solar” may sound like music to the ears of low-income Hawaii homeowners and non-profits, but to the General Fund it sounds more like a vacuum cleaner....

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Monday, October 3, 2011
Why Stop at $500K? DoTAX Quietly Multiplies Hawaii Solar Tax Credit
By Andrew Walden @ 12:46 AM :: 13937 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

Hawaii has the most regressive taxation structure in the nation. When the Legislature returns, they will find a big fat hole in the budget because once again the tax system is being used to redistribute wealth from the poorest to the richest.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hawaii Wind, Solar projects: Millions for Wall Street, Banks, maybe even Big Tobacco
By Andrew Walden @ 11:05 PM :: 11454 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

...federal and state tax credits behind Hawaii’s wind and solar development bubble are pushing even more money out of the pockets of Hawaii ratepayers and taxpayers and into the coffers of mainland hedge funds, banks, insurance companies, utilities, and even tobacco companies....

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Saturday, September 17, 2011
Panos: Is Sopogy Hawaii’s Solyndra?
By Panos Prevedouros PhD @ 11:25 PM :: 11294 Views :: Energy, Tax Credits

President Obama has tried to spin yet another one half billion dollar mistake but his own green friends won't let him: Solyndra bankruptcy was a disaster waiting to happen. Neil has been informed multiple times about Sopogy. What’s he going to do about it?

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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hawaii’s Future? Abandoned Solar Farms Clutter California Desert
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 24609 Views :: Energy, Environment, Tax Credits

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Thursday, May 26, 2011
After raising taxes on poor, Abercrombie announces $13M Crony Capitalist Giveaway
By News Release @ 12:40 PM :: 8267 Views :: Energy, Small Business, Tax Credits

HSDC is developing a plan to best deploy these funds for worthy businesses.

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