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Entries for 'Gov. Linda Lingle'

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Lingle sees “promising signs” in Council on Revenues report
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:59 PM :: 4998 Views :: Energy, Environment

“While there is reason to be optimistic, we also need to be realistic and accept the fact that actual revenues are still significantly lower than earlier projected, and it will take several years before general fund revenues return to pre-recession levels.

“For this reason, the focus of our entire state must be on job creation.  The fact is, we cannot successfully revive our economy unless our residents get back to work.  My Administration is working with the Legislature to pass laws that will help businesses create new jobs, while also ensuring that any legislation that would hinder job creation does not pass.”

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Unemployment Tax: Lingle signs $77M in tax relief, urges $497M more
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 5:51 PM :: 4547 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today signed a new law that will lower unemployment insurance (UI) taxes paid by all employers. Act 2 (HB2169 HD2) will save businesses an estimated $77 million in unemployment insurance tax payments over the next four years.

“While this law helps businesses get some tax relief as they struggle to keep their doors open and retain their employees, it falls far short of what is needed to grow our economy,” Governor Lingle said. “I urge the Legislature to take up this matter next year and pass a bill similar to the one I proposed that would have saved employers $497 million and kept close to a half billion dollars in our local economy.”

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lingle: Rail survey by vested interests “misleading”
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 11:33 PM :: 8681 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

“The vested interest shared by the People’s Pulse Survey co-sponsors Hawai‘i Business Roundtable and Pacific Resources Partnership resulted in a poorly worded and misleading survey question.

“Also, the question failed to identify the Governor’s legal obligation to review and approve the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 

“Under the law, the Governor must review the final EIS....

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Lingle hands down first veto of session
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 12:41 PM :: 5424 Views :: Energy, Environment

A permit allows a privilege conveyed to individuals or agencies to perform an activity not normally available to the general public.  A permit carries a responsibility to uphold high standards that will benefit society and protect our environment. To exempt a single State agency, in this case the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, from this obligation is inappropriate and conveys to them disproportionate powers without adequate public accountability.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lingle: “HSTA’s legacy will be that money comes first; children come second”
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 11:17 AM :: 6203 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The HSTA’s latest action proves once again that the union leaders care more about money than educating Hawai‘i’s children.  Instead of accepting the generous offer of $50 million I proposed last November that will allow the immediate return of children and teachers to the classroom, the HSTA is spending their time on frivolous complaints."

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Monday, February 22, 2010
Lingle: Rail is “most expensive transit project in the history of America”
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 11:03 PM :: 9108 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Well, I’m certainly pro-transit. I think a rail system in some configuration would be good for us; but I want to make certain we can afford it over the long-term.

I wanted to be able to look him in the eye and say, “Look, this is not politics. This is the most expensive transit project in the history of America.  Per-capita there is no system that has cost this much in such a small population base as Hawai‘i and people need to realize that. 

When I said that to him, he did not respond back or challenge that fact; and it is a fact.

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Monday, February 22, 2010
Lingle: “Current draft of Akaka Bill is not one I can support”
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:28 PM :: 10857 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“The basic problem as I see it, is that in the current version of the bill, the ‘governmental’ (non-commercial) activities of the Native Hawaiian governing entity, its employees, and its officers, will be almost completely free from State and County regulation, including free from those laws and rules that protect the health and safety of Hawai‘i's people, and protect the environment. ’Governmental’ activity is a broad undefined term that can encompass almost any non-commercial activity.

“This structure will, in my opinion, promote divisiveness and litigation, rather than negotiation and resolution. 

“I do not believe such a structure, of two completely different sets of rules – one for ‘governmental’ activities of the Native Hawaiian governing entity and its officers and employees, and one for everyone else – makes sense for Hawai‘i. 

“In addition, under the current bill, the Native Hawaiian governing entity has almost complete sovereign immunity from lawsuits, including from ordinary tort and contract lawsuits, and I do not believe this makes sense for the people of Hawai‘i.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Reinventing Government: Task force backs future Governors’ appointment of DoE Superintendents
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:09 PM :: 5076 Views :: Energy, Environment

The proposals that I believe have particular merit include:

1.        Hold the governor accountable for public education, restructure the DOE, and increase instructional time. 

2.        Substantially improve information technology use in the State.

3.        Simplify procurement procedures so that approved projects can move forward efficiently.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lingle: FTA “understands…why I will move forward on an independent review” of Rail plan
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:20 PM :: 6905 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

We are pleased that FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff confirmed the federal government is continuing to work with the city to strengthen the financial plan and that they will evaluate a new financial plan when the city submits its application for the final design.

We are also pleased that Administrator Rogoff recognizes my role in the approval process and understands why I will move forward on an independent review to ensure the financial viability of the project.

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Monday, January 25, 2010
State of the State Address: Full Text
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:25 PM :: 7951 Views :: Energy, Environment

Full Text of Governor Lingle's 8th State of the State address -- delivered to joint session of Hawaii Legislature 10 AM Monday January 25, 2010.  Title: "Reaffirmation and Rededication".

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Monday, January 18, 2010
Feds: "City will need a stronger financial plan" before moving forward with Rail Transit
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 7:16 PM :: 5995 Views

I want to thank the American Institute of Architects – Honolulu Chapter for being willing to share their information and point of view with the broader public. The members of the AIA are pro-transit. They are pro-development. They make their living off of development. But they have some concerns about the project as it’s proposed and they wanted to present them to me and now, to the public. They have nothing to gain personally by making this presentation and I believe they have a lot to lose when it comes to future contracts with the City. I admire them for being willing to step forward in this fashion.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Obamacare, COFA, and the upcoming $350M State budget gap: Lingle vs Congressional Delegation
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:11 PM :: 9357 Views :: Energy, Environment

In Hawaii, we have some of America’s most generous Medicaid programs – especially for children. Medicaid enrollment jumped by almost 15 percent in 2009, and last spring the State Department of Human Services had to delay $43.5 million in payments for medical care because of a serious budget shortfall.

Nearly one year later, we are still unable to catch up with our Medicaid funding deficit, and it is about to get worse – a lot worse. On January 1, 2011, the boost to states for Medicaid programs from the national stimulus funding will come to an abrupt end after nine quarters. That means Hawaii will stop receiving more than $350 million in federal funds....

If Congress forces Hawaii to further increase Medicaid eligibility and benefits, we could only pay the bill by slashing other government programs or by raising taxes. Neither option is acceptable, in my opinion. 

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Lingle sets priorities for last 12 months
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 9:59 PM :: 6460 Views :: Energy, Environment

Our priorities include:

  • stimulating the economy and creating jobs,
  • reforming our public education system,
  • developing clean energy sources while achieving energy security,
  • modernizing our transportation infrastructure,
  • protecting the environment, and
  • creating brighter futures for our students through scholastic robotics and other STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education programs.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Lingle defends Chinese trade initiatives against criticism
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:39 AM :: 10219 Views :: Energy, Environment, World News, Family

“The legislative auditor’s report of DBEDT offers erroneous findings and demonstrates a lack of understanding and appreciation of the critical role Hawai‘i’s overseas offices in Beijing and Taipei play in the economic future of our state.

“Hawai‘i is one of only two states in the United States that has been granted the opportunity to have an ongoing presence in China—the world’s fastest growing economy.  The Beijing office, under the leadership of Bo Wu and the Taiwan Office under Alex Lei have both been instrumental in developing solid working relationships with Chinese business, government, academic, and cultural leaders.

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Friday, October 16, 2009
Lingle: Will agriculture survive Maui water diversion?
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:52 AM :: 13960 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment

It is the fundamental issue of whether we will enable agriculture to survive in our state by ensuring that farmers have access to adequate water to grow their crops.

I am here to talk about achieving a meaningful, reasonable, and balanced decision by the Water Commission, and to offer caution that the decisions the Commission makes will have profound consequences for the future of Maui and our state as a whole.

The Commission will determine the allocation of stream water to meet a public trust.  Included in that deliberation is the examination of the beneficial uses for the water.  I believe because of its importance, water for agricultural operations should be given the same level of protection as that given to domestic consumption, the protection of traditional and customary Hawaiian rights, and the protection of fish and wildlife to achieve a proper ecological balance.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009
HELCO "feed-in tariff" to boost green energy
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 12:33 AM :: 5507 Views :: Energy, Environment

Through a price guarantee, or feed-in tariff, for electricity produced by sun, wind, and hydroelectric sources, Hawaiian Electric Companies will now pay a set rate for renewable energy fed into the grid. This incentive will draw additional investment into Hawai‘i’s renewable energy developments and signify to the rest of the nation and global community that Hawai'i is a model for clean energy initiatives.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lingle: "Overwhelming majority of teachers demonstrated leadership"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 6:05 PM :: 5489 Views :: Energy, Environment

“The Department of Education, Board of Education and the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association, along with the overwhelming majority of teachers who ratified this contract have demonstrated leadership in dealing with the current financial crisis.  They understand that everyone must make a shared sacrifice to help our state get through this difficult period and for State government to live within its means."

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Friday, September 11, 2009
Lingle: 5% revenue decline steeper than projections
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:47 PM :: 5814 Views :: Energy, Environment

“While the State has already reduced spending by over $2 billion over the past year, without impacting labor costs, the reality is we can no longer afford to maintain the current level of labor expenses.  I am continuing to work toward reaching a negotiated settlement with the public employee unions, rather than wait for a binding arbitration decision in December.”

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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Lingle on recovery: Politicians don’t stop and consider the ramifications
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:03 PM :: 8608 Views :: Energy, Environment

...because we have been suffering an economic decline over the past at least year-and-a-half, two years, it gives us an opportunity to prioritize our actions....  It means to put what’s most important first. And then what’s second important next, and don’t get these things mixed up....  It also gives us the chance to reflect on the fact that our actions have consequences.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Lingle before Senate Committee: "Grant opportunities will lay the foundation for a new economic base"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:13 AM :: 9865 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The economic stimulus funds build upon the five-point recovery plan my Administration launched last year and position Hawaii to re-establish the conditions for growth.  Our state Congressional delegation has supported this effort and their role is appreciated.

Finally, we believe key competitive grant opportunities will lay the foundation for a new economic base in the decades ahead.  That economic base will be built on swift, accurate communications of voice and data; clean, renewable energy that is domestically produced; harbors and transportation systems that are state-of-the-art; and a skilled, well-educated workforce that is ready to compete nationally and internationally.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009
Gov Lingle: "will likely appeal Circuit Court ruling" against furloughs
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 9:55 PM :: 5503 Views :: Energy, Environment

Because we believe that furloughs are still the best way to address the fiscal crisis, we will likely appeal the Circuit Court’s recent ruling.  We are also developing layoff procedures, which may become a necessary but undesirable reality.

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Friday, July 10, 2009
Gov. Lingle vetoes 10 bills that would increase State's budget shortfall
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:00 PM :: 6996 Views :: Energy, Environment

As a result of declining state revenues, today Governor Linda Lingle vetoed 10 bills that would have spent funds not included in the state budget and which would further widen the state’s budget shortfall.  The Governor’s vetoes highlight the fact that the state cannot afford these programs, even those that have merit, during this difficult fiscal period.

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Monday, June 1, 2009
Lingle: "Unlike the Federal government, we cannot print money"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:12 PM :: 7155 Views :: Energy, Environment

"...we now have a government that we cannot afford....

"I cannot support raising taxes because it would cause further hardship for families, businesses, and the overall economy.

"We have two options:  we can continue to tax and spend to pay for a government that we would like to have but can no longer afford, or we can take the steps necessary to create the government that we need and are able to afford.

"...delaying bills until July, instituting a statewide furlough plan, and scaling back free Medicaid benefits to low-income adults – will allow us to avoid deeper cuts in education, environmental protection, public safety, and other core services the State provides."

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Monday, May 18, 2009
July 15 deadline: Governor seeks public input on veto decisions
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 3:50 PM :: 5581 Views :: Energy, Environment

Since the legislative session ended on May 8, my Administration has been carefully analyzing the 250 bills passed by the State Legislature. As Governor, I have until July 15 to sign the bills into law, veto them or let them become law without my signature. We encourage the public to provide input on the bills that are still under consideration by e-mailing , faxing 808-586-0006 or calling 808-586-0034.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009
Governor to Veto $566 million in new taxes
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 10:42 AM :: 8684 Views :: Maui County, Energy, Environment

In just two days from now, on Friday, May 8th, the 2009 legislative session will come to a close. The budget passed by the Legislature in conference committee late last Friday evening takes $566 million out of the pockets of our visitors and residents, in an attempt to balance the budget. Last Friday, legislators also voted to extend the legislative session by two days so that they would be in a position to attempt to override my vetoes of tax increases without having to call a special session.

Tomorrow, on Thursday, May 7th at 3:30 p.m., I will follow through on my promise to veto these tax measures because they would further erode our already weakened economy, cause greater loss of jobs, and discourage visitors from coming to Hawai`i.

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Friday, May 1, 2009
Gov. Lingle seeks public input on veto decisions
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 9:26 PM :: 6456 Views :: Hawaii State Government

As Governor, I have until July 14 to sign bills into law, veto them or let them become law without my signature. I encourage you to send my office your input during this comprehensive review process at  so that we can approve legislation that boosts our economy, creates jobs and balances our budget in a way that is fair to all the people of Hawai‘i.

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Friday, April 10, 2009
Balancing the Budget Without Raising Taxes
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 4:58 PM :: 6258 Views :: Energy, Environment

Any general tax increases at this time will further damage the economy and prolong recovery. Higher taxes would be the straw that breaks the backs of many local businesses. Now is not the time to take money out of the economy.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Our HI-Way to Recovery
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 9:32 PM :: 7876 Views :: Hawaii County , Energy, National News

At the same time we have been working to close the budget gap, we have also been focused on ensuring that funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are used as effectively as possible in order to create jobs for Hawai‘i residents and boost our economy.

The White House has created a system of accountability for the distribution of federal stimulus funds to states. President Obama and his Administration decided the best way to ensure that stimulus funds are put to the best possible use, and for the intended purpose of stimulating the economy and creating jobs, was to use the nation’s governors as conduits for the funds and to hold them accountable for how these funds are used.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Governor's budget presentation to Senate Ways and Means (full text)
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:01 PM :: 7035 Views :: Energy, Environment

Your choices are not easy or pleasant, and they will not be popular, but they are yours to make....either work with me to adopt a version of the budget we have proposed, including $278 million in labor cost savings over the next two years, or resort to massive layoffs and tax increases....

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
50th Anniversary of Statehood -- Remarks by Governor Linda Lingle
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 4:25 PM :: 10521 Views :: Hawaii History

Statehood was achieved through the dedication and perseverance of these great leaders, along with the people of Hawai‘i – who in 1959 voted 17 to one in support of statehood.

They voted for basic rights and privileges of American citizenship. 

They voted to have a voice in Washington.

And, as Governor Ariyoshi said so well in his 50 Voices of Statehood piece, they voted for “control over our own destiny.”

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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Governor Lingle: No more "business as usual"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 7:17 PM :: 10945 Views :: Hawaii County , Energy, Environment, National News, World News

In an effort to make Hawai‘i’s state government as efficient and effective as possible, I have asked each state department to develop new and innovative ways of delivering critical services and upholding their responsibility to the people of Hawai‘i. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has responded with a comprehensive plan that reinvents how it cares for Hawai‘i’s land and ocean recreational spaces.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
$1.87 billion capital improvement project
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 5:33 PM :: 3126 Views

Current infrastructure funding barely maintains the status quo. This plan proposes new revenue streams, generated by increases in the liquid fuel tax, state vehicle registration fee, vehicle weight tax and rental car surcharges, that would boost the amount of available funds we have from $2 billion to $4 billion for needed highway improvements statewide.

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Monday, January 26, 2009
Full Text: Governor Lingle's State of the State Speech
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 4:35 PM :: 3086 Views

We can’t meet our responsibility by kicking the can down the road.
We must make meaningful choices now that address the reality we face today while laying the foundation for a better future.
That better future is one that transitions us from an economy over-reliant on land development to one that is innovation-driven and relies on the capacity of our people.

“A number of projects will likely be delayed, curtailed or possibly eliminated.... We will have to ask government employees, like those who work in the private sector, to accept some reduction in wages and benefits.... Some who enjoy special tax credits, exemptions and deductions will see them reduced or eliminated.”

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Thursday, January 1, 2009
$1.8 B Capital improvement initiative
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 12:01 AM :: 4671 Views
The start of the New Year offers us a chance to think about what we would like to achieve in the coming months and how we can work together. A major focus for my Administration is our collaborative capital improvement initiative.
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Monday, December 22, 2008
Governor releases proposed 2-year budget
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 8:02 PM :: 4143 Views
HONOLULU—Governor Linda Lingle submitted today to the State Legislature a biennium operating budget for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 (FY10 and FY11) of ...
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
State dedicates last homeless transitional facilities
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 9:50 PM :: 9808 Views :: Homelessness

...the final homeless transitional shelters to be developed under an emergency proclamation issued by Governor Lingle in 2006....

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Monday, December 15, 2008
Gov. Lingle announces 1,521 Hawai`i Capital Improvement Projects to Stimulate Economy, Create Jobs
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:23 AM :: 4455 Views :: Hawaii State Government

... a sweeping plan to implement $1,865,522,037 in public infrastructure improvement projects statewide ....

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Thursday, November 6, 2008
Reduce 7-year permitting process
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 11:05 PM :: 3518 Views

At the same time we embark on our focused, five-point plan to stimulate our economy, which I outlined in my previous column (visit, my Administration continues its efforts to increase our energy independence and to transform our economy over the long term.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Making Sense of Hawai`i's Economy
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 12:42 AM :: 3146 Views

As Big Island residents and businesses try to make sense of the economic news dominating the local, national and global media, it is critical to keep an objective perspective on what we need to do as a state to overcome current economic challenges.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008
Innovation moves economy forward
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:12 AM :: 3248 Views

In Forbes magazine’s annual list of best states in which to do business, released July 31, Hawai`i jumped 10 spots to 27th place, compared to 37th in 2007 and 42nd in 2006. Of the six criteria taken into account, Hawai`i ranked fourth in the nation for economic climate and 10th for labor. This is a vast improvement from March 2002, when Forbes’ infamous article said doing business in Honolulu had “become nearly equivalent to suicide.”

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Thursday, August 7, 2008
Governor’s Int’l Women’s Conference
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:45 AM :: 4432 Views

Our fifth annual conference is taking place Wednesday, September 24, 2008 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and Resort.

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Monday, July 7, 2008
Governor backs Constitutional Convention
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:47 AM :: 5063 Views

I believe convening a con con would be beneficial for the entire state by allowing residents an opportunity to be more directly involved in the decisions that govern them. For neighbor island residents, the potential benefits are even greater.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008
Lingle Seeks Input on Vetoes
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 12:10 AM :: 3769 Views

Governor Linda Lingle seeks your input on veto decisions.

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