This is a trailer for the movie which Islamists are using in their 9-11 celebrations as their latest excuse to do the same things that Islamists always do. The movie depicts modern Egypt as seen from the standpoint of Egypt's indigenous Coptic Christian people, followed by an algebra problem, followed by events from the Koran. The viewer is asked to solve for X. (Note: This movie is not suitable for children.)
The supremacy of US law over Islamic law is absolute. Those who attempt to appease the Islamists by offering them censorship invite further attacks by unwittingly affirming the Islamists' claim that Allah is now moving the hearts of the weak and decadent infidels to desire submission to the Muslims. This claim is at the root of Islamist terrorist recruitment among the mass of notational Muslims worldwide.
By refusing to surrender free speech to Islamist terror on 9-11-12, we are doing our part to reduce terrorist recruitment by providing evidence that Allah is not affecting us to desire submission which in turn implies that Allah does not find the terrorists to be sufficiently Islamic. The movie trailer below is in English. It can be seen in Arabic at >>> this link.
OBAMA FLASHBACK: "The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease" |