TPM vs. IRS Non-Profit Status Update
Stop The Presses: Late-Breaking, Very Important Good News
As you will recall, TEA Party Maui had been under assault from the IRS for almost two years relative to our pending tax-exempt status as a 501(c)4 entity. We were harassed with overly intrusive questionnaires that wandered very far afield from the protections of the First Amendment and we refused to buckle under to their demands.
In March we, and dozens of other TEA Party and Liberty groups across the nation, accepted the generous offer of the ACLJ to take our case and represent us on a pro bono basis. The ACLJ was to assert our qualifications for the granting of our properly-justified and requirements-meeting objectives of the IRS 501(c)4 standing.
Towards the end of June, I contacted the ACLJ and requested an update. The response I received from the attorney handling our case was music to the ear; it read:
"Bill, the IRS contacted us today regarding your 501(c)4 application and stated that they are withdrawing the additional questions that they sent to your organization. In light of their recent review, the IRS is granting your group 501(c)4 tax-exempt status. As soon as we get the confirmation letter, we will forward it to your attention. Congratulations. Miles Terry, ACLJ."
My formal thanks to the ACLJ has already been sent, but I would also be remiss if I did not thank the members of our Board of Directors who spent countless hours reviewing documents and correspondence while seeking legal and accounting advice over this past six months. They were tenacious and willing to stand their ground in this David vs. Goliath effort. Congratulations, indeed!! Mahalo for your never-wavering support.