Hawai‘i COVID-19 Cases
News Release from Hawaii DoH, July 12, 2020
On 7/12/2020, the Hawai‘i Department of Health reported 21 new positive cases. One case is on Hawai‘i Island, 1 case is on Maui, and 19 cases are on O‘ahu for a cumulative total of 1,220 cases statewide (reported since 2/28/2020). A previous case was removed due to updated lab information.
A total of 95,170 individuals have been tested in the state. (1,250 new tests)
Detailed information and data about COVID-19 cases in Hawai‘i is available at:
Latest Cases in Hawai'i | Current Situation in Hawai'i | COVID-19 Data Dashboard
Total cases:1220* (21 newly reported)
Hawai’i County:101
Honolulu County:923
Kaua’i County:43
Maui County:134†
Residents diagnosed outside of Hawai‘i:19
Required Hospitalization:125‡ (no new hospitalizations)
Hawaii deaths:19 (no new deaths)
Released from Isolation:890§ (18 released)
Cumulative totals as of 12:00pm, July 12, 2020
†One case is a Lanai resident whose exposure is on Maui Island and who will be remaining on Maui Island for the interim.
‡Includes Hawaii residents hospitalized out of state.
§Includes cases that meet isolation release criteria (Isolation should be maintained until at least 3 days (72 hours) after resolution of fever and myalgia without the use of antipyretics OR at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset, whichever is longer). (The cases that have died and one case that has left the jurisdiction have been removed from these counts).
Positive cases include presumptive and confirmed cases, and Hawaii residents and non-residents; data are preliminary and subject to change. Note that CDC provides case counts according to states of residence.