ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS: Evaluations of Flood Risk Management Projects Could Benefit from Increased Transparency
GAO-20-43: Published: Nov 26, 2019. Publicly Released: Nov 26, 2019.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studies the potential costs and benefits of flood risk management projects—such as levees, floodwalls, or building relocation—to inform decision makers about their potential economic effects.
We reviewed 8 Corps studies and found they followed many best practices. But the analyses were not always transparent. For example, only one study considered the limitations of the computer model used in a flood damage analysis. Without that information, reviewers can’t make the best decisions on which projects would be most beneficial.
We recommended the Corps strengthen its internal review process to ensure decision makers have all the information they need.
Link: Highlights
Link: Recommendations
PDF: Full Report
Background: Ala Wai? Corps of Engineers has Long History of Corruption and Cost Overruns