The "Equality" Act Hits Rewind on the Rights of Women
From Hawai’i Family Forum, May 13, 2019
This week Congress will vote on H.R. 5, the Equality Act, sweeping legislation that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the definition of sex throughout federal law.
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The designers of the Equality Act claim that this legislation protects people from discrimination. In reality, the Equality Act retracts religious freedom, endangers privacy, regulates speech, hinders quality health care, and threatens charitable organizations and those whom they serve. Although we, as Christians, promote justice and human dignity, and are opposed to unjust discrimination. But the Equality Act does not offer meaningful protections for individuals. In fact, its definitions remove women and girls from protected legal existence.
This under thought policy would wreak havoc on American Society. Here are some of the ways the legislation is problematic: (to read more in-depth articles on these and other issues)
- Women and Girls - would lose out in athletics and be physically endangered.
- Employers and Workers - Business with 15 or more employees would face more regulations and future litigation.
- Parents - Parental rights would be critically undermined.
- Medical Professionals - nationwide, medical professionals would be required to administer gender identity affirmation treatments.
- Non-Profit Charities - even those based on religious affiliations, face closure and litigation.
ACTION: Contact your Representative today and urge them to oppose the Equality Act!
>>View a simple-to-understand video about the Equality Act here.<<
We have a bunch of resources to help you understand why we need you to raise your voice today:
The Daily Citizen, from Focus on the Family, has several articles explaining the disastrous consequences of this legislation: